Name days in January, Orthodox holidays in January. Saints names for boys in January: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in January according to the church calendar - complete list of girls’ birthdays in February

The birth of a new organism is the most exciting event in the life of all parents. How much needs to be done for the comfortable existence of a newborn.

Have you ever thought about how a name can affect a person's destiny? Incredible, but it's a fact. The correct name given to a child can radically change his destiny at any stage of life. One of the options to give a name to a girl or boy who was born in February 2018 is according to the Holy Fathers.

How to decide on a name for a boy or girl according to the Saints: recommendations

If you have firmly decided that your child has been awarded a patron from the Orthodox faith, who will indirectly help him in life, then you need to give the name of the Saint who is listed in the church calendar on your child’s birthday.

But even if you don’t like the name of the Saint on your child’s birthday, the church advises choosing Saint’s Day 7 or 40. This will also give your child the opportunity to be protected by God. For obvious reasons, choosing a girl's name is more difficult. It doesn't matter, you can always name a girl by converting a male name. For example: Valentin to Valentina, Alexander to Alexandra. Some call the newborn a favorite, ordinary name, and when baptized, they give a second name - a church name.

Calendar of names for February 2018

We give a name to a child born in February 2018

The meaning of a male name for those born in 2018, in the month of February.

  • Anatoly - superior;
  • Klim - apple tree branch;
  • Gennady - majestic;
  • Denis is Deonis’s ward;
  • Timothy - devout;
  • Osip - rich in soul;
  • Jacob is a hunter from God;
  • Georgy is a peasant;
  • Maxim is an aristocrat;
  • Elijah is the messenger of God;
  • Ivan is the fortress of God;
  • Eugene - great nobility;
  • Zahar - Divine memory;
  • Lavrentiy - natural beauty;
  • Peter - flint;
  • Efim - kind;
  • Nicholas - victorious;
  • Mark - God's fortress;
  • Anton is controversial.

The meaning of a female name for those born in 2018, in the month of February.

Parents think in advance about what name to give their baby at birth. There are a lot of options for choosing a name for boys and therefore making the best choice can be difficult. Moreover, each name has its own special energy.

A person will bear the name all his life, which means his selection should be taken very responsibly and carefully. A name for a boy should not just be beautiful or rare, but also have the right meaning. Therefore, we will allow ourselves to give some tips on what to name a boy in 2020.

From this article you will learn what character traits a boy born in the year of the White Metal Rat will have, what to pay special attention to when choosing a name for a baby, and what names are suitable for boys according to the horoscope and in accordance with the church calendar of names.

The main rules for choosing a male name

When choosing a name for their son, parents should first of all pay attention to what time of year the child was born. In addition, you need to take into account what month and what day the baby was born. All these factors largely determine the character of the baby.

It is very important that the chosen name be combined with the child’s surname and patronymic. This combination should be euphonious, not harsh.

Alternatively, when choosing a name for a boy, you can look at the Orthodox calendar of male names for 2020 and choose a name in accordance with the Saints. A name chosen for a child according to the Orthodox calendar has a very important advantage. The fact is that a child bearing such a name will be under the protection of the Saint, who will protect him and protect him from troubles all his life.

If you have determined for yourself what kind of person your son should grow up to be, and what character traits he should have, then in this case you can give him a fateful name.

When choosing names for boys, many parents follow fashion trends. Many parents still call their sons by foreign names or the names of characters from films and books. According to astrology, this is quite acceptable.

Character traits of boys born in 2020

In 2020, the year of the White Metal Rat will see the birth of boys who will be distinguished by their ability to get along with others and increased sociability. They will have many friends and acquaintances, as well as an amazing ability to unite people around them to achieve common goals. Boys who are born in the year of the Rat will gain the ability to attract others and arouse sympathy on their part.

From childhood, boys will love mobility in everything, from games to any serious activities, which will give them superiority in mental and psychological development over their peers. Their curiosity, which is the key to their high intelligence, will play a significant role in this. Rat boys begin to read, count and talk very early.

A love of sports is another key feature of boys born in the year of the Rat. Many famous athletes will emerge from them, because character traits such as willpower, determination and hard work are in their blood.

Those boys who are more interested in mental activity will find application for their intellect in teaching. High mental abilities and unsurpassed intuition will become excellent assistants in any chosen professional field.

It is important that Rat boys will be very caring towards their parents and loved ones. Home and family will always be meaningful and important to them. They will also be respectful of elders.

Thus, boys born in the year of the White Metal Rat 2020 will be endowed with the following positive character traits:

  • easy adaptation in difficult conditions;
  • ability to self-criticize;
  • craving for everything new and interesting;
  • increased responsibility;
  • bravery;
  • strength of mind;
  • good organizing skills;
  • leadership skills;
  • communication skills;
  • kindness;
  • the desire for justice in everything;
  • commitment to fulfilling promises.

As you know, every person has flaws, because no one is perfect. Rat boys have the following negative character traits:

  • tendency to suspiciousness;
  • rancor;
  • aggressiveness;
  • vulnerability.

Such negative character traits can develop under the influence of improper upbringing or the boy’s social circle in childhood.

Names for boys in 2020 according to the horoscope

Fire Release:


For boys who were born under the sign of Aries, the following names are ideal: Adolf, Valery, August, Georgy, Arseny, Rostislav, Alexey, Savely, Oleg, Yaroslav, Arkady, Yan, Egor, Yuri.

Temperamental Leos should be named: Avenir, Arthur, Daniel, Albert, German, Leo, Robert, Leonid, Ruslan, David, Rodion, Anatoly, August, Aron, Roman, Kirill, Ilya, Nikolai, Mark.


It is best to give purposeful Sagittarius the following name: Aristarkh, Zakhar, Vyacheslav, Joseph, Rustam, Svyatoslav, Felix, Hilarion, Miron, Stanislav, Afanasy, Georgy, Bulat, Yaroslav.

Earth Element:


Hardworking Taurus can be called by the following names: Anisim, Borislav, Makar, Akim, Timur, Vasily, Daniil, Matvey, Taras, Bogdan, Mikhail, Peter, Fedor, Boris, Anton, Pavel, Nikita, Ilya.


The following names are suitable for pedantic Virgos: Innocent, Heinrich, Klim, Gleb, Modest, Demyan, Igor, Agathon, Vsevolod, Arkhip, Gerasim, Demid, Prokhor, Timofey, Denis, Valentin, Gordey, Marat.


For stubborn Capricorns, the following names would be suitable: Kirill, Nikolai, Rudolf, Arthur, Vladlen, Ephraim, Peter, Ignat, Dmitry, Abram, Vadim, Oleg, Ian, Alexander, Bogdan, Georgy, David.

Air Element:


Sociable Geminis can be given the following names: Apollo, Gennady, Mark, Heinrich, Alexey, Makar, Sergey, Evgeny, Klim, Georgy, Felix, Konstantin, Nikita, Ignat, Arkady.


The following names are suitable for active Libra: Arnold, Evdokim, Vilen, Boleslav, Plato, Alfred, Mikhail, Julius, Pavel, Philip, Yakov, Demyan, Vitaly, Akim, Leonid, Oleg, Timur, Anatoly.


Friendly Aquarians can get the following names: Gury, Ernest, Hilarion, Vsevolod, Eremey, Adam, Ruslan, Yuri, Valery, Arkady, Avenir, Andrey, Svyatoslav, Gennady, Evgeny, Gleb.

Water Element:

Sensitive Cancers will be comfortable with one of the following names: Anisim, Vasily, Denis, Mstislav, Efim, Vyacheslav, Timofey, Joseph, Valentin, Ilya, Maxim, Yuliy, Lev, Andrey, Dmitry, Semyon.


Strong-willed Scorpios will like the following names: Azary, Eduard, Taras, Zakhar, Averyan, Savely, Prokhor, Artem, Fedor, Yakov, Ruslan, Yaroslav, Efim, Rodion, Afanasy, Anisim.


The following names are suitable for melancholic Pisces: Daniil, Vladislav, Anton, Vadim, Philip, Roman, Vyacheslav, Maxim, Eremey, Borislav, Eduard, Valentin, Fedor, Yuri, Alfred, Ivan.

The influence of a name on character traits and choice of profession

In the life of every boy, and subsequently a man, a career plays an important role. Let's find out what to name a boy in 2020 from the point of view of the influence of the name on the character and inclination of various activities. In the table below we have collected some male names and their meanings and compared them with character traits and their corresponding professions:







Curiosity; high mental abilities; enormous willpower; susceptible to flattery.

Will reach the top in such professions as doctor, industrialist, judge.



Has many positive qualities. Among them: peacefulness; activity; energy; modesty; the desire to be the soul of any company.

All professions that are, in one way or another, related to creativity.


"devoted to the service of God"

Differs in versatility of character: compromise; lack of composure; punctuality; enterprise; pragmatism; discipline; practicallycsome inclinations.

Will achieve success in all areas related to business and entrepreneurship.



A person with a rich inner world; huge fantasy; activity; optimistic attitude.

Suitable work as an actor, director, writer.



Diligence; stubbornness; hard work; meticulous attention to detail; practicality.

Will be ideal as an entrepreneur or head of an organization.



Good nature; gentleness of character; energy; friendliness; agreeableness.

Will achieve significant success in creative work.


"favorite of the gods"

Independence; determination; determination; the ability to convince others that you are right.

Any field of activity where leadership skills are required is suitable. But it is better to give preference to a rare profession.


"famous for peace"

Positive attitude; equilibrium; creative inclinations; friendliness; energy.

He will make a wonderful artist, actor, singer or dancer.


"noble shine"

Determination; skepticism; secrecy in the manifestation of real traits; attention to details; reverent attitude towards family and home.

Professions that will appeal to you: financial analyst, doctor, architect or jeweler.


"happy son"

Romance; softness; kindness; daydreaming; pragmatism; compliance.

He will feel great in the role of a poet, artist or sculptor.



Stubbornness; mind; many talents; lack of determination; your view of things; activity;

Will be in demand in any industry and profession where you do not need to lead.


"earth", "red"

Imbalance (in childhood); vulnerability; friendliness; love for sports.

Will be able to achieve great success in sports.


"fair man"

Decency; hard work; mind; prudence; slowness; good nature; love for family and home.

Will do an excellent job as an architect, engineer, entrepreneur, and researcher.



Persistence in achieving goals; generosity; softness; good nature; great inner strength.

Most often they are successors to the family business.



Sensitivity; spiritual strength; altruism; desire for independence; idealism.

A job that will be connected with people (in the social sphere) is suitable.


"God is salvation"

Rich fantasy; subtle mental organization; craving for beauty, especially in music and art.

Realizes his talents as a musician, composer or poet.


"given by God"

Closedness; tendency to narcissism; diligence; tends to be lazy; determination.

Serious male professions are suitable - miner or steelmaker.


« hammer"

Opinionated; patience; sociability; friendliness; self-control; good manners.

Will perform well in any professional field.


"from Rome"

Frivolity; does not complete the work started; curiosity; energy; love for everything new.

Will be able to apply his knowledge in advertising, management or art.



Wit; sociability; harshness in statements; impetuosity in actions; selfishness.

Born careerists who can achieve success in any business.



Diligence; desire for leadership; the ability to set goals and achieve them; hard work.

He will be able to realize his potential both in the field of medicine and in business or politics.

Beautiful and popular male names of 2020

Over the past years, ancient names for boys have been trending - Veniamin, Zakhar, Plato, Tikhon, Gleb, Fedor, Elisha, Nikita, Egor, Artemy, Bogdan, Demid, Innocent and some others. A similar trend will continue in 2020.

It is expected that among the already familiar male names, the following will become popular for boys: Vladislav, Konstantin, Maxim and Artem. In addition, the following will be among the top popular and fashionable names: Dobrynya, Svyatoslav, Alexey and Ivan.

Some parents want to give their child an unusual name. In 2020, the following foreign names for boys will come into fashion: Leonardo, Oscar, Christian, Askold, Martin, Dominic, Patrick, Walter, Dorian, Stephen and Marcel.

Rare male names that will be popular in 2020

If you want your child to grow up with certain character traits, then you need to give him an appropriate name. Here are specific examples of rare and beautiful names:

  • Nazar (“far-sighted”);
  • Herman (“real”)
  • Vlas (“whispering”);
  • Azarius (“help of God”);
  • Matvey (“God’s gift”);
  • Vsevolod (“omnipotence”).

Church Orthodox calendar of male names 2020 with meanings


Anatoly "dawn", Adrian "Adriatic", Arkhip “master of horses”, Andrey - “courageous”, Arkady - “happy”, Alexey “protective”, Arseny “mature”, Anton - “entering into battle”, Alexander - “defender”, Vsevolod - “owner of everything”, Vasily - “king”, Valery - “strong”, Grigory - “awake”, Gennady "noble", Gabriel "God's Warrior", George "farmer", Daniel "God's Judgment", Egor "plowman", Zakhar "Memory of the Lord", Innocent "immaculate", Ivan "the grace of God", Clement "merciful", Kirill "lord", Leo "king of beasts", Mikhail “like God”, Mitrofan “revealed by the mother”, Mark - “hammer”, Makar "blessed", Maxim "messenger of God", Nikolai "conqueror of nations", Orestes "highlander", Peter "rock", Pavel "baby", Roman "Roman", Stepan "crown", Fedor "given by God", Thomas "twin", Yuri "highly revered", Yaroslav "strong".


Athanasius - “immortal”, Adam "earthen", Artem "unharmed", Anton "entering into battle", Benjamin "happy son", Vasily “king”, Valentin – “healthy”, Gregory "awake", George "farmer", Daniel "God's Judgment", Efim “compassionate”, Elizar “God helped”, Emelyan “flattering”, Egor "farmer", Ignat “unknown”, Ivan - “grace of God”, Ilya "the power of God", Kirill "lord", Constantine "constancy", Clement "merciful", Maxim "messenger of God", Michael "like God", Mark "hammer", Naum "comforter", Nikolai "conqueror of nations", Niphon "reasonable", Nikita "winner", Nikanor “who saw the victories”, Pavel - “baby”, Prokop - “prosperity”, Peter "rock", Proclus "happy messenger", Prokhor "leader of the round dances", Semyon “God heard”, Stepan - “crown”, Sebastian "sacred", Sergei "servant of God", Seraphim "fiery", Savva “sage”, Trofim - “breadwinner”, Timofey “honoring God”, Theodosius - “given by God”, Philip “loving horses”, Fadey “praising”, Fedor - “gifted by God”, Yuri - “highly revered”, Yakov "next on the heels."


Arseny "mature", Alexander "Defender", Arkady "happy", Anton “entering the battle”, Alexey “protective”, Akim "educated", Victor “winner”, Valentin – “healthy”, Veniamin “happy son”, Vsevolod - “owner of everything”, Vasily "king", Vlas “clumsy”, Vitaly “life-giving”, Gennady - “noble”, Gregory “awake”, Gabriel - “God’s warrior”, Herman "half-blooded", Dmitry "belonging to Demeter", David "beloved", Ephraim “prolific”, Egor "plowman", Eugene "noble", Efim "compassionate", Zakhar "Memory of the Lord", Ignatius "unknown", Hippolytus “unharnesser of horses”, Innocent "immaculate", Clement "merciful", Konstantin “constancy”, Kirill - “lord”, Leonty - “lion”, Maxim "messenger of God", Makar "blessed", Nikifor "victorious", Nikolai "Conqueror of Nations", Prokhor "leader of the round dances", Pavel "Baby", Peter "Rock", Roman "Roman", Semyon “God heard”, Savva "sage", Stepan "crown", Timofey "God-honoring", Fedor "given by God", Philip “loving horses”, Felix - “happy”, Yuri "highly revered", Julian "belonging to the Julius family", Jacob "next on the heels."


Alexey - “protective”, Alexander - “protector”, Arseny - “mature”, Anton - “entering into battle”, Afanasy - “immortal”, Arkady - “happy”, Benedict - “blessed”, Vyacheslav - “most glorious”, Victor - “winner”, Vasily - “king”, Valery - “strong”, George - “farmer”, Gregory - “awake”, Gerasim - “respected”, Denis - “belonging to Dionysus”, David - “beloved”, Daniel - “God’s court”, Egor - “farmer”, Efim - “compassionate”, Eugene - “noble”, Ilya - “power of God”, Irakli - “glory of Hera”, Ivan - “grace of God”, Kirill - “lord” , Kuzma - “peace”, Konstantin - “constancy”, Leo - “king of beasts”, Leonty - “lion-like”, Leonid - “like a lion”, Makar - “blessed”, Mark - “hammer”, Mikhail - “like God ", Maxim - "messenger of God", Nikander - "who saw victory", Nikifor - "victorious", Pavel - "baby", Roman - "Roman", Rostislav - "growing glory", Savva - "sage", Sebastian - " sacred”, Stepan - “crown”, Semyon - “God heard”, Timofey - “who worships God”, Taras - “restless”, Trofim - “breadwinner”, Philip - “loving horses”, Fedot - “God-given”, Fyodor - “given by God”, Julian - “belonging to the Yuliev family”, Yuri - “highly revered”, Yakov - “following on the heels”.


Artem - “unharmed”, Alexander - “defender”, Antip - “persistent”, Anton - “entering into battle”, Aristarchus - “best leader”, Andrey - “courageous”, Artemon - “top sail”, Veniamin - “happy” son”, Vadim - “having attractiveness”, Vasily - “king”, Victor - “winner”, George - “farmer”, Gabriel - “God’s warrior”, Daniel - “God’s court”, David - “beloved”, Efim - “compassionate”, Yegor - “farmer”, Zakhar - “Memory of the Lord”, Ipaty - “highest”, Innokenty - “immaculate”, Ivan - “grace of God”, Kondrat - “broad-shouldered”, Kirill - “lord”, Leonid - “like a lion”, Mstislav - “defending the glory of the Lord”, Mark - “hammer”, Martin - “warlike”, Makar - “blessed”, Maxim - “messenger of God”, Nikita - “winner”, Nikon - “conquering” Niphon - “reasonable”, Plato - “broad-shouldered”, Peter - “rock”, Polycarp - “fruitful”, Rodion - “hero”, Sergei - “servant of God”, Savva - “sage”, Sophron - “sane”, Stepan - “crown”, Samson - “sunny”, Semyon - “God heard”, Tikhon - “successful”, Trofim - “breadwinner”, Terenty - “shabby”, Thomas - “twin”, Khariton - “generous”, Yuri - "highly respected"


Anton - “entering the battle”, Anatoly - “dawn”, Artem - “unharmed”, Alexander - “defender”, Andrey - “courageous”, Alexey - “protecting”, Arseny - “mature”, Boris - “struggling” Valentin - “healthy”, Vsevolod - “owner of everything”, Vitaly - “life-giving”, Victor - “winner”, Vasily - “king”, Gleb - “favorite of the Gods”, Georgy - “farmer”, German - “half-blooded”, Gabriel - “God’s warrior”, Gregory - “awake”, David - “beloved”, Denis - “belonging to Dionysus”, Dmitry - “belonging to Demeter”, Efim - “compassionate”, Eremey - “holy name”, Egor - “farmer” ”, Ivan - “the grace of God”, Heraclius - “the glory of Hera”, Joseph - “May God multiply”, Ignat - “unknown”, Kasyan - “empty”, Konstantin - “constancy”, Cyril - “lord”, Clement - “merciful”, Kuzma - “peace”, Lavrentiy - “glorified”, Leonty - “lion”, Mark - “hammer”, Makar - “blessed”, Modest - “modest”, Maxim - “messenger of God”, Nicodemus - “ victorious people”, Nikita - “winner”, Nikolai - “victor of nations”, Pavel - “baby”, Pakhom - “broad-shouldered”, Peter - “rock”, Roman - “Roman”, Stepan - “crown”, Severin - “strict”, Savva - “sage”, Semyon - “God heard”, Timofey - “who reveres God”, Fyodor - “gifted by God”, Fedot - “God-given”, Yuri - “highly revered”.


Andrey - “courageous”, Anton - “entering into battle”, Arseny - “mature”, Alexander - “defender”, Alexey - “protecting”, Valery - “strong”, Vasily - “king”, Vladimir - “ruling the world” , Gennady - “noble”, Gabriel - “God’s warrior”, George - “farmer”, Gregory - “awake”, Dmitry - “belonging to Demeter”, Denis - “belonging to Dionysus”, Elisha - “saved by God”, Egor - “farmer”, Ignat - “unknown”, Ignatius - “unknown”, Igor - “warlike”, Ivan - “grace of God”, Innocent - “immaculate”, Kirill - “lord”, Karp - “fruit”, Konstantin - “constancy”, Leonty - “lion-like”, Leonid - “like a lion”, Mikhail - “like God”, Mstislav - “defending the glory of the Lord”, Makar - “blessed”, Nikita - “winner”, Peter - “rock” , Pavel - “baby”, Roman - “Roman”, Semyon - “God heard”, Sergei - “servant of God”, Stepan - “crown”, Savely - “asked from God”, Savva - “sage”, Sylvester - “ wooded”, Timofey - “who honors God”, Fedot - “God-given”, Fyodor - “gifted by God”, Khariton - “generous”, Christian - “Christian”, Julian - “belonging to the Yuliev family”, Yuri - “highly revered”.


Alexander - “protector”, Alexey - “protecting”, Anton - “entering into battle”, Anatoly - “dawn”, Andrey - “courageous”, Arseny - “mature”, Artem - “unharmed”, Valentin - “healthy”, Vladimir - “owner of the world”, Vasily - “king”, Gury - “lion cub”, Herman - “half-blooded”, Galaktion - “milk”, Gleb - “favorite of the Gods”, Daniel - “God’s court”, Demyan - “conquering”, David - “beloved”, Demid- “thought of Zeus”, Denis - “belonging to Dionysus”, Efim - “compassionate”, Yevsey - “pious”, Emelyan - “flattering”, Innokenty - “immaculate”, Ivan - “the grace of God”, Ipaty - “highest”, Kuzma - “peace”, Constantine - “constancy”, Cyril - “lord”, Leonid - “like a lion”, Leonty - “lion-like”, Maxim - “messenger of God”, Mark - “hammer”, Matvey - “man of God”, Mikhail - “like God” ", Pavel - “baby”, Peter - “rock”, Roman - “Roman”, Stepan - “crown”, Samson - “sunny”, Stanislav - “most glorious”, Sergei - “servant of God”, Svyatoslav - “illuminated by glory God”, Terenty - “shabby”, Tikhon - “successful”, Thomas - “twin”, Fedot - “God-given”, Philip - “loving horses”, Fyodor - “gifted by God”, Julian - “belonging to the Yuliev family”, Julius - “flame of God”, Yakov - “following on the heels”.


Alexander - “protector”, Alexey - “protecting”, Anton - “entering into battle”, Boris - “fighting”, Vasily - “king”, George - “farmer”, German - “half-blooded”, Gleb - “favorite of the Gods” , Gregory - “awake”, Denis - “belonging to Dionysus”, Dmitry - “belonging to Demeter”, David - “beloved”, Evdokim - “glorious”, Egor - “farmer”, Ivan - “the grace of God”, Ilya - “strength” God’s”, Konstantin - “constancy”, Kuzma - “peace”, Leonty - “lion-like”, Leonid - “like a lion”, Maxim - “messenger of God”, Matvey - “man of God”, Makar - “blessed”, Mikhail - “like God”, Nicholas - “conqueror of nations”, Nikanor - “who saw the victory”, Pavel - “baby”, Peter - “rock”, Roman - “Roman”, Stepan - “crown”, Semyon - “God heard” Savva - “sage”, Philip - “loving horses”, Frol - “blooming”, Fedor - “gifted by God”, Yuri - “highly revered”, Julian - “belonging to the Yuliev family”.


Akim - “educated”, Andrey - “courageous”, Afanasy - “immortal”, Alexander - “defender”, Arseny - “mature”, Arkady - “happy”, Andriyan - “brave”, Anton - “entering into battle” Arkhip - “chief of the cavalry”, Valery - “strong”, Victor - “winner”, Veniamin - “happy son”, Gregory - “awake”, Georgy - “farmer”, Gleb - “favorite of the Gods”, German - “half-blooded” , Gennady - “noble”, Daniel - “God’s court”, David - “beloved”, Dmitry - “belonging to Demeter”, Efim - “compassionate”, Zakhar - “Memory of the Lord”, Ilya - “the power of God”, Ivan - “the grace of God”, Kirill - “lord”, Kondrat - “broad-shouldered” ", Clement - "merciful", Lukyan - "light", Leonty - "lion", Maxim - "messenger of God", Mikhail - "like God", Makar - "blessed", Nikolai - "conqueror of nations", Nikita - " winner”, Nikander - “who saw the victory”, Porfiry - “purple”, Peter - “rock”, Pimen - “shepherd”, Pavel - “baby”, Semyon - “God heard”, Savva - “sage”, Stepan - “ crown”, Sergei - “servant of God”, Timofey - “who honors God”, Fedot - “given by God”, Fyodor - “given by God”, Fadey - “praising”, Thomas - “twin”, Christopher - “confessing the faith of Christ”, Khariton - “generous”, Julian - “belonging to the Yuliev family”, Yakov - “following on the heels”.


Anton - “entering into battle”, Andrey - “courageous”, Aristarchus - “the best leader”, Alexey - “protecting”, Alexander - “defender”, Vladislav - “possessing glory”, Vyacheslav - “most glorious”, Vladimir - “possessing world”, Gregory - “awake”, Denis - “belonging to Dionysus”, Demyan - “conquering”, David - “beloved”, Dmitry - “belonging to Demeter”, Erofey - “sacred”, Ivan - “the grace of God”, Ignat - “unknown”, Igor - “warlike”, Konstantin - “constancy”, Maxim - “messenger of God”, Mikhail - “like God”, Makar - “blessed”, Mark - “hammer”, Matvey - “man of God”, Nikita - “winner”, Oleg - “sacred”, Peter - “rock”, Pavel - “baby”, Roman - “Roman”, Rodion - “hero”, Sergei - “servant of God”, Stepan - “crown”, Trofim - “breadwinner”, Thomas - “twin”, Philip - “loving horses”, Fyodor - “gifted by God”, Khariton - “generous”, Julian - “belonging to the Yuliev family”.


Arseny - “mature”, Artem - “unharmed”, Anton - “entering into battle”, Alexander - “defender”, Andrey - “courageous”, Victor - “winner”, Vikenty - “victorious”, Valery - “strong” Vsevolod - “owner of everything”, Gregory - “awake”, German - “half-blooded”, Georgy - “farmer”, Dmitry - “belonging to Demeter”, Denis - “belonging to Dionysus”, Eugene - “noble”, Egor - “farmer” , Zinovy ​​- “living godly”, Hilarion - “joyful”, Ivan - “the grace of God”, Heraclius - “the glory of Hera”, Ignat - “unknown”, Cyril - “lord”, Konstantin - “constancy”, Mark - “hammer” ", Mikhail - “like God”, Maxim - “messenger of God”, Matvey - “man of God”, Nikifor - “victorious”, Nikander - “who saw the victory”, Osip - “God will increase”, Pavel - “baby”, Paramon - “reliable”, Rodion - “hero”, Stepan - “crown”, Taras - “restless”, Philip - “loving horses”, Fedot - “God-given”, Fedor - “gifted by God”, Julian - “belonging to the Yuliev family” , Yuri - “highly respected”, Yakov - “next on the heels”.

As you know, a person’s name is important throughout life, having a direct impact not only on character, but also on fate. It is believed that a name can both enhance and reduce the prevailing character traits that are characteristic of a person in accordance with his genes, upbringing and horoscope.

For this reason, many parents strive to give their child a name that will not only be beautiful and harmonize with the trends of society, but also will allow the baby to be in harmony with himself and the environment.

In our article today you will find a lot of interesting information about how to name a girl in 2020, what to consider when choosing a name, as well as a list of popular, fashionable and unusual female names, a calendar of names by month and by horoscope.

What to look for when choosing a name for a girl?

The process of choosing a name for a girl has its own characteristics, so to make the task easier, we suggest taking into account the following points:

1. Prevalence of the name.

For many parents, it is very important that their girl be named something special. None of the parents, as a rule, want their baby to get lost among the most common names, and they try to give the girl a more original and not so often used name.

2. Compatibility with surname and patronymic.

Almost all parents, when choosing a name for their child, begin to try on the options they like for the middle name and surname, so that the combination turns out organic and at the same time harmonious. In addition, it is worth considering a shortened name for the girl.

3. Interpretation.

One of the most important points when choosing a name is its meaning. Not all names have a deep meaning. But, for example, Svetlana means “bright,” and Christina means “dedicated to Christ” (“in the name of Christ”).

4. Internationality of the name.

Nowadays, many parents want to name their children names that correspond to their nationality. But it often happens that parents belong to different nationalities and, in order not to offend anyone, they choose an international name for the girl, for example:

  • Violetta - “violet”;
  • Alexandra - “protector of people”;
  • Tatiana - “founder”;
  • Diana - “messenger of goodness and health”;
  • Milana - “fashionista”;
  • Sophia - “wise”;
  • Julia - “fluffy”, “wavy”.

5. Traditionality.

Very often, out of respect for family traditions, fathers and mothers name a girl after her grandmother or great-grandmother or some other relative.

6. Name days (Saints).

One of the popular ways to give a child a name. Parents open the Orthodox calendar and select the appropriate name from it. The disadvantage of this method is that the list of names will be limited.

7. Month and year of birth.

When choosing a name, many parents resort to the help of astrology and base their choice on a combination of the symbol of the year of birth and the child’s zodiac sign. Next, we will look at how to name a girl in 2020 Rat in more detail.

Character traits of girls born in 2020 Year of the Rat

When deciding what to name a girl in 2020, it would be a good idea to take into account those character traits that are predetermined by the symbol of the year of birth.

Girls who will be born in 2020 of the White Metal Rat will be distinguished by their responsiveness and kindness. The Rat endows its charges not only with a vivid imagination and love of art, but also with musical talents. Girls born this year will likely have creative inclinations, such as a love of dancing.

At the same time, we should not forget that they can be very touchy and prone to overthinking and exaggerating. Despite this, girls who were born in the year of the Rat “move away” quite quickly and become open and sociable again.

The Rat gives people born this year a heightened sense of justice, honesty, and unpretentiousness. You can safely turn to such a person for help or advice - he will never leave you in trouble, will not betray you, and will make every effort to help a friend or loved one.

Names for girls of different zodiac signs 2020 of the Rat

Rat +

Character traits




“+”: Excellent organizational skills; frankness; leadership skills; independence; initiative; enthusiasm.

“-”: Uncompromising; hot temper.












"+": Consistency; desire for financial stability; love for comfort and a cozy environment; pragmatism.

“-”: Strong developed sense of ownership; stubbornness.







Chosen One



“+”: Sociability; communication skills; activity; excellent intuition; determination; inner strength; love attention to themselves.

“-”: Very changeable; emotional in decision making; fickle.






The best


“+”: Romanticism; tenderness; attachment to family;

“-”: Conflicts are difficult to bear; everyone takes it to heart.




New Moon



a lion

“+”: Ingenuity; talent; activity; leadership skills; determination; inner strength.

“-”: They react painfully to criticism.








Scarlet color


“+”: Attention to detail; strong logical thinking; intuition; equilibrium; calmness.

“-”: Detachment.










“+”: Charm; friendliness; friendliness; altruism.

“-”: hard to bear loneliness; careless about money.





Father's Joy



bright flower


“+”: Excellent leadership qualities; bravery; leadership traits; wisdom.

"-": Easily wounded; excessive emotionality.








“+”: Nobility; willingness to sacrifice oneself; optimism; curiosity.










“+”: Ambitiousness; pragmatism; good business qualities.

“-”: They love power very much




"My God is the Judge"

Possessing fame



“+”: Self-confidence; not prone to prejudice; independence; love of freedom; unselfishness.

“-”: Often confuses the real world with the fictional one.








“+”: Femininity; sensuality; speed; shyness; kindness; tenderness; obedience; non-conflict.

“-”: Extreme vulnerability and intolerance to conflicts.







Fashionable and popular names for girls in 2020

In recent years, parents have preferred to give girls old Russian names, such as Pelageya or Avdotya. Foreign names like Gabriella or Eloise are becoming less and less common. More and more fathers and mothers are giving girls such familiar names as Elena, Yulia or Natalya.

However, in 2020, beautiful familiar names will be in fashion. We have selected for you the Top 30 names for girls that will be popular this year:
























"belonging to Apollo"










"dedicated to Christ"






"looking forward"










"bringer of victory"











Rare and foreign names for girls in 2020

In order to emphasize the individuality of the child, parents often call their daughters beautiful and rare names. Good examples in this case would be names such as: Nicoletta, Blanca, Aurora, Emily, Leia, Cleopatra and Malvina.

Among mothers and fathers, the tendency to name girls with memorable foreign names will continue, as before. And this is not surprising, because English has the status of an international language. The following foreign female names will be popular in 2020: Camilla, Patricia, Stefania, Caroline, Monica, Jessica, Vanessa and Grace.

Names from movie books and non-standard names

Many parents are connoisseurs of cinema or foreign literature, and therefore call girls the same as the heroines of their favorite TV series, films or books. For example, a girl can be given the name Ginevra, Gladys, Airy, Manni, Ebba or Daisy.

Those who want to be completely original may be interested in such unusual names for girls as: Byzantium, Oceana, Chelsea, Luna or Legend.

Calendar of names for girls 2020

Before giving a name to the girl, you can compare the option you choose with the time of year when the child was born. Let us note that it is the time of year that gives the girl certain dominant character traits, namely:

  • summer– activity, temper and increased emotionality;
  • autumn– dreaminess and creative inclinations;
  • winter– stubborn and strong character;
  • spring– softness and vulnerability.

What to name a girl born in winter 2020

December: Anna, Augusta, Anfisa, Aliya, Agata, Angelina, Alicia, Amina, Vladislava, Violetta, Varvara, Daniela, Yesenia, Evdokia, Zarina, Zoya, Lilia, Leila, Maryana, Marta, Nina, Pelageya, Cecilia.

January: Agafya, Aglaya, Anastasia, Arina, Alice, Appolinaria, Angelina, Eileen, Vera, Valeria, Vasilisa, Darina, Evgenia, Eva, Irina, Melania, Nicole, Olivia, Polina, Taisiya, Feodora, Felitsata.

February: Agnia, Alena, Aksinya, Alina, Valentina, Veronica, Diana, Elena, Efrosinia, Zlata, Inna, Ksenia, Camilla, Mia, Milana, Margarita, Maria, Nadezhda, Nika, Olga, Rimma, Svetlana, Ulyana, Elina, Yaroslava .

What to name a girl born in the spring of 2020

March: Adelina, Antonina, Aurora, Ariana, Galina, Iraida, Kira, Lydia, Leya, Mila, Marina, Maya, Milena, Miroslava, Marianna, Mira, Natalya, Regina, Rayana, Stefania, Serafima, Elina.

April: Alexandra, Alla, Akulina, Amelia, Daria, Claudia, Kira, Larisa, Marfa, Matryona, Praskovya, Suzanna, Sofia, Tamara, Feodosia, Yana.

May: Anfisa, Anisia, Agrafena, Glikeria, Glafira, Dominica, Elizaveta, Christina, Lyubov, Lukerya, Maria, Muse, Safiya, Faina, Julia, Emilia.

What to name a girl born in the summer of 2020

June: Alena, Akulina, Amina, Agata, Valeria, Efrosinya, Evgenia, Irina, Inna, Kira, Kaleria, Carolina, Lilia, Lada, Miroslava, Malika, Nellie, Olesya, Feodora, Evelina.

July: Agrippina, Anna, Angelina, Arina, Alevtina, Amelia, Amira, Albina, Valentina, Darina, Elena, Efimiya, Evangelina, Zhanna, Zlata, Christina, Marta, Margarita, Natalya, Olga, Rimma, Sabina, Sarah, Julianna.

August: Anita, Anisia, Alice, Vera, Daria, Dana, Eva, Evdokia, Ksenia, Concordia, Maya, Marina, Magdalena, Milena, Nonna, Nina, Olympiada, Olivia, Pelageya, Svetlana, Susanna, Ulyana, Christina.

What to name a girl born in the fall of 2020

September: Anfisa, Alina, Ariana, Adelina, Adele, Alicia, Vasilisa, Vassa, Veronica, Violetta, Domna, Elizaveta, Karina, Kira, Lyudmila, Maryam, Melissa, Madina, Nadezhda, Raisa, Rufina, Sofia, Yasmina.

October: Aisha, Ayana, Aliya, Amina, Asia, Ariadna, Vladislava, Vera, Virineya, Diana, Jonah, Evlampia, Zinaida, Camilla, Lilia, Mila, Marianna, Mira, Rayana, Tatyana, Ustinya, Fekla, Fatima, Yaroslava, Emma .

November: Amelia, Amira, Aurora, Angelina, Anna, Anastasia, Varvara, Valentina, Glikeria, Elena, Zinovia, Zoya, Claudia, Capitolina, Cleopatra, Lukerya, Miroslava, Matryona, Nellie, Neonila, Praskovya, Stefania, Tamara, Eliza, Theodora .

Families planning to have a child in 2018 will be pleasantly surprised by what wonderful qualities this year’s patron, the yellow earth Dog, will endow the newborn with.

A girl born at this time will turn into a real charmer, kind and sympathetic, winning the hearts of the opposite sex. It is possible that a girl will grow up in love with some kind of art: dancing, singing or drawing. But every character trait that a Dog can pass on to a child will appeal to everyone. Let's find out what kind of character a girl born in 2018 will have.

Character of girls born in 2018 Year of the Dog

Girls born in the year of the Dog grow up to be sweet, kind and sympathetic girls. They have a good memory and a vivid imagination, and are often interested in art, writing music, drawing or dancing well. They are confident and quickly get along with other people. It will always be a pleasure to be friends with such a person. Representatives of the fair sex, who were born, know how to imagine themselves in the place of another person, easily get into the situation and help in trouble. However, they are very touchy and often overthink things, which can put them in an unpleasant situation. They sincerely believe in self-invented fears and often exaggerate the tragedy of the situation. Such girls are offended for quite a long time, but they move away and again turn into pleasant interlocutors and faithful friends.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the church calendar

The most common and time-tested way to choose a name for your baby is according to the church calendar or according to the Saints. If parents decide to prefer this method of choosing a name for their child, then they should go to church and talk to a clergyman who will help them decide on a suitable name. According to Saints, the name for a girl is chosen according to the date of birth. The Orthodox Church offers quite a lot of names for girls, but at the same time, it is also allowed to remake male names, for example: Alexander - Alexandra, Evgeniy - Evgenia, Valentin - Valentina, Oles - Olesya, etc.

Orthodox calendar of names for 2018 by month

Beautiful female names

Milana (“sweetheart”), Pelageya (“sea”), Vasilisa (“queen”), Elizabeth (“God’s oath”), Alice (“baby”), Praskovya (“Friday”), Elena (“bright”), Margarita (“pearl”), Olesya (“special”).

Popular names in 2018 for girls in Russia

Natalya (“native”), Diana (“divine”), Eva (“life”), Victoria (“victory”), Marina (“sea”), Ruslana (“lioness”), Veronica (“faith in victory”) .

Rare female names

Beatrice (“bringing happiness”), Alla (“column of light”), Larisa (“pleasant”), Zlata (“golden”), Clara (“bright”), Lada (“sweetheart”).

Also see: detailed by year of birth.

Every parent knows how responsibly they need to approach choosing a name for their future baby, since it is no secret that a name can have a direct impact on the fate of a little person. Therefore, it is not surprising that as the date of birth of a little miracle approaches, families are vying with each other about whose name is most suitable for the child.

Some are based on a harmonious combination with a surname and patronymic, while others, on the contrary, believe that an unusual and rare name will help a child achieve success in adulthood. Still others choose a name based on family history - often babies are named after outstanding representatives of the family, known for their achievements, character or good fortune. And still others simply follow the lead of their relatives and name the child a name that they like.

To avoid quarrels and dissatisfaction on the part of loved ones, many turn to the church calendar of names, which greatly facilitates the complex process of choice - you just need to take the calendar and see which names are relevant for a particular month of birth.

As a rule, choosing a name using the church calendar is quite simple: the child is given the name of the saint on whose memory he was born. If parents do not like this name (and it also happens that the baby himself begins to react poorly to the sound of the chosen name), then you can give the baby one of the recommended names on the eighth and fortieth day of birth.

The main thing that parents should remember is that when choosing a saint who will patronize a future person, they should not name their children in honor of the great martyrs, since there is a high probability that the child will repeat his fate

Name for a girl

Girls born in 2018 will have a high level of optimism, balance and calmness.

As a rule, future parents are most sensitive to maiden names, since the character of the girl will largely depend on the name. On the one hand, the name should be beautiful and rare, on the other hand, it should carry a good meaning.

Therefore, the church calendar can serve parents well by giving the future girl exactly the name that suits her best and which she will proudly wear all her life.


Girls born this month will be distinguished by good health, a logical mindset and a rational attitude towards life. In order to emphasize all the best character traits, the church calendar recommends such names as Irina, Eva, Tatyana, Natalya, Ulyana, Alexandra, Ksenia, Polina, Maria and Valentina.


Those born in the last month of winter will have a persistent and purposeful character. Often, February girls have a penchant for creativity in general and art in particular, and their ambitious nature will help them achieve success in any business they choose. The most suitable names are Anna, Valeria, Ekaterina, Natalya, Anastasia, Christina and Olga.


In the first month of spring, as a rule, very kind and bright people are born, who charge everyone around them with their energy. Very often they have organizational skills and know how to find a way out of any situation. It is recommended to call March girls by the following names: Valentina, Camilla, Marianna, Varvara, Praskovya, Elizaveta, Irina or Victoria.


Girls born in April are usually cheerful and very sociable girls who are drawn to others. However, at the same time, they are quite stubborn and proud, therefore, in order to soften these character traits, you need to choose names with appropriate meanings, for example, Sophia (wise), Alexandra (protector), Vaselina (cheerful), Polina (sunny), Anna (blessing ).


May girls are distinguished by their pragmatic character and possess mercantile values. They look at the world without rose-colored glasses and do not like to rely on other people. However, despite all the difficulties of character, they are quite constant and faithful to their choice. Suitable names for such girls are Louise, Irma, Valeria, Olesya, Victoria, Taisiya, Anastasia, Inessa, Ulyana and Arina.


Girls born in June have a penchant for needlework, have high intelligence and good wit. An integral feature of their character is kindness, responsiveness, some frivolity and the ability to quickly adapt to life circumstances. It is recommended to name such girls by the names Elena, Angela, Paulina, Ilona, ​​Emma, ​​Diana, Maria, Karina and Antonina.


Girls born in the middle of summer are born guardians of the hearth and family comfort, so it is not surprising that the main traits of their character are the ability to support in difficult times, the ability to care and the desire to give warmth to loved ones. It is recommended to name such people as Angelina, Vasilisa, Inna, Alina, Ulyana, Christina, Olga, Pelageya, Marfa, Olesya and Angelika.


In August, girls are usually born with a strong and fighting disposition, self-confident and possessing feminine charisma, in fact, born leaders. At the same time, they are very straightforward and ambitious. To help your daughter in the future and emphasize her bright individuality, you should choose from such names as Anna, Milena, Iraida, Evdokia, Anfisa, Anastasia, Raisa, Agnia and Yulia.


Girls who were born in September can be impulsive, but quite non-conflicting. Their naturally phlegmatic character makes them organized, punctual and efficient, so it is best to emphasize these qualities with the names Adeline, Tatyana, Varvara, Kira, Seraphima, Praskovya, Ksenia and Vasilisa.


Girls born in mid-autumn are very kind and sociable, quickly get along with strangers, and never get into trouble, as they know how to defend their position with arguments. At the same time, they are quite susceptible to the influence of others, which means that they require additional protection. Therefore, the church calendar recommends choosing from the following names: Arina, Sofia, Agnia, Vladislava, Ustinya, Akulina, Juliana, Olesya, Polina and Vera.


In November, as a rule, girls are born who are purposeful, stubborn, ambitious, proud, and also very sociable, using which they can find a common language with almost any person who meets them on the path of life. To soften a tough and strong-willed character, names should be given based on the recommendations of the calendar - Elizabeth, Ilona, ​​Agatha, Anna, Elena, Renata, Evdokia, Victoria, Margarita and Inessa.


December girls are distinguished by strong emotionality and hot temper; they often have a rather explosive choleric character and a high desire for social activities. Such girls are born leaders, very ambitious and interested in self-development.

At the same time, it cannot be said that they are proud and ambitious, far from it - they are extremely responsible, and are very respectful of the people around them. The names that suit them best are Polina, Ada, Varvara, Ekaterina, Angelina, Valentina, Alice, Victoria, Sofia, Yana and Evdokia.

Name for a boy according to the church calendar

Parents of boys, as a rule, face the same problem as parents of girls - the name of the future man should not only sound beautiful, but also have a noble meaning that will influence the fate of the child.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of Old Russian names. Thus, such names as Ratibor, Yaroslav, Yaropolk and Mstislav began to enjoy particular popularity.


Boys born in the first month of the year become polite and responsible young men who know what they want to get out of life. They are distinguished by high intelligence and good health. To enhance these characteristics, the church calendar recommends choosing from the names Victor, Gregory, Daniel, Jacob, Constantine, Prokhor and George.


In February, boys are usually born who are energetic, active and with developed leadership qualities. Most often they take the position of a “gray eminence”, as they prefer to remain in the shadow of ongoing events and observe. The most suitable names for such children are Arseny, Makar, Peter, Nikolai, Fedor, Alexander, Lev, Victor and Dmitry.


Boys born on the first day of spring can hardly be called fighters and hard workers. Moderately lazy and absent-minded, they nevertheless have an analytical mind and strong logic, which helps them achieve success in many endeavors. It is recommended to choose a name for such a boy from the following - Ilya, Felix, Roman, Nikolai, Arkhip, Evgeniy, Yaroslav, Klim, Arseniy, Vyacheslav and Pavel.


But boys who were born in April can be called ambitious stubborn people who think only about their desires. Quite hot-tempered and arrogant, they often misjudge the situation and act rashly. To soften character traits and add stability to him, the church calendar recommends the names Innocent, Miron, Plato, Zakhar, Ilya, Cyril, Veniamin, Egor, Tikhon, Nikita and Gregory.


Boys who were born in the last month of spring undoubtedly claim to be the most stubborn children, and it is often pointless to argue with them. Unlike the April ones, they are quite calm and balanced, and never do stupid things. They prefer to achieve their goals consistently, without rushing and without compromising their principles, so the best names are Anton, Victor, Alexander, Maxim, Alexey, Vitaly, Ivan, Nikolay, Mikhail, Pavel, and Roman.


In the first month of summer, kind and energetic children are usually born, distinguished by a high level of intelligence, self-sufficiency, and determination. It cannot be said that they have pronounced leadership qualities, but they are always in the center of attention - they love noisy companies and intimate conversations. It is best to name those born in July by the names Timofey, Vasily, Alexey, Nikita, Mikhail, Fedor, Ivan, Peter, Zakhar, Mark and Konstantin.


Boys born in midsummer grow up to be balanced young men. Such children will not cause any special problems, but will be support and support for their parents. A distinctive feature of July is extreme emotionality, a tendency to worry and deeply analyze their actions. Most suitable names for them are Vladimir, Peter, Philip, Semyon, Lev, Arkady, Sergey, Dmitry, Savva, Andrey, Bogdan and Stepan.


A boy born in August will experience success in life and will relate to any endeavor. A persistent, ambitious and purposeful young man will be distinguished by his amazing capacity for work and hard work, which is why he is simply doomed to achieve his goals. Character flaws that you need to be prepared for include touchiness, unreasonable outbursts of anger, and being sensitive to criticism. The most suitable names are Vitaly, Valery, Boris, Makar, Klim, Ivan, Maxim, Nikolai, Alexander and Ostap.


Boys born in the first month of autumn have a calm, balanced character and the ability to stand up for themselves and others. They are distinguished by a sharp mind, perseverance, determination and a creative approach to life. The church calendar recommends naming such children Matvey, Ivan, Vadim, Pavel, Vladimir, Fedor, Nazar, Makar, Gennady and Ignat.


Those born in October have a developed intellect and a thirst for knowledge. Friendly and sociable, they are more drawn to books than to others, but at the same time they manage to be the life of the party. Disadvantages in the character of such boys include inconsistency of actions and the optionality of fulfilling promises, therefore, in order to smooth out negative traits, it is recommended to give names such as Nikolai, Feoktist, Dmitry, Eduard, Gregory, Leonid, Zakhar, Prokhor and Veniamin.


Boys born in mid-autumn are endowed with a tough and unyielding character, and are practically unable to compromise. They will not be stopped even by the fact that everyone around them will be against them - they will still continue to stick to their line and defend their position. Parents are strongly recommended to choose softer-sounding names in order to neutralize negative traits - Arseny, Elisha, Ivan, Anton, Emelyan, Felix, Peter, Evgeny and Alexey.


Like girls born in the last month of the year, boys are characterized by an extreme degree of emotionality and temper. Finding a common language with such children is difficult, but possible - despite their difficult nature, December children easily make contact. They are freedom-loving, energetic and straightforward. In order to emphasize strengths and brighten up character flaws, the church calendar advises choosing soft but sonorous names, for example, Yakov, Boris, Gleb, Oleg, Yuri, Andrey, Egor, Arthur, Makar, Mark and Ostap.
