Pedagogical project “Healthy children are happy children!” Campaign “Green light for health!”

The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health. The health status of the younger generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and the state, reflecting not only the current situation, but also giving an accurate forecast for the future. The significant deterioration in the health of the Russian population, especially children, observed in recent years has become a national problem.

Today, preserving and strengthening the health of the population is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. It is regulated and ensured by such normative - legal documents, such as the Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”; as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation”, “On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation”, etc.

“Health is a peak that everyone must conquer themselves,” says Eastern wisdom. To live in our world, a person must have control over himself: over his body, soul, mind.

In order to attract public attention to the issues of preserving and promoting health, the preventive action “Green light for health!” It takes place annually in many regions of Russia. The symbol of the promotion is a green ribbon. It is generally accepted that green is the color of health, life, growth, the color of harmony with nature and fertility, a symbol of freedom, joy, hope, and rebirth. According to the terms of the action, volunteers tie a ribbon symbolizing health on the wrist of a passerby.

Location of the event: Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Krasnoturinsk.

Target group of the action: teenagers (13–17 years old), city residents.

Promotion duration: 60 minutes

The purpose of the action: to attract the younger generation to propaganda and preventive activities that promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Objectives of the action:

  • develop positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle;
  • implement new forms of prevention of PVA use and illegal behavior;
  • develop positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle;
  • attract the largest number of citizens to participate in socially significant matters.

Progress of the action

Preventive campaign “Green light for health!” took place in 2 stages.

Stage 1 – preparatory:

  • interactive game “Health is the main wealth”;
  • viewing and discussion of thematic videos “Take care of yourself”;
  • filling out the questionnaire “My attitude to health”;
  • making a symbol of the action - a green ribbon.

Stage 2 – main:

  • campaign “Green light for health!”

Promotion results

Health gives joy, health gives well-being, health gives good mood! It was with these wonderful words that the “Green light to health!” campaign began and ended. The event was attended by 12 teenagers from the Almaz club and 35 citizens. Of these, passersby: aged 8-10 years - 2 people (boy and girl), 20-30 years old - 10 people (women), 30-40 years old - 10 people (women), 50-70 years old - 13 people ( 1 man and 12 women).

All participants received a great charge of cheerfulness and joy, gained a lot of positive emotions, remembered their health and realized that no one will take care of it better than themselves.

In order to identify the demand among the city population for this event, a survey was conducted, where the townspeople showed their attitude towards it.

Such events should be held annually, with the involvement of a larger number of participants.

Interactive game “Health is the main wealth”

Goal: promotion of healthy lifestyle.

  • expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the harmful effects of nicotine, alcohol, and drugs on the body;
  • systematize knowledge about personal hygiene, the rules of healthy eating, and the influence of physical education on human health;
  • to form trends and attitudes towards healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: cards with numbers and names of sectors.

Received from nature a gift -
Not a ball or a balloon.
Not a globe is not a watermelon - health.
Very fragile cargo!
To live a happy life,
Health must be preserved!

Hello! When meeting, people usually say this good, kind word, wishing each other health. What is health? Until 1940, it was believed that health was the absence of disease. Do you agree with this? Here’s an example: a person doesn’t have any pain, but he has a bad memory. Or another example: a drunk person who also doesn’t have any pain. Can such people be considered healthy? So what is health?

Health is not just the absence of disease, it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. It is no coincidence that I started talking about health. The topic of our meeting today is a healthy lifestyle. Guys, tell me why our health depends on you and me?

That's right, this includes an active lifestyle (physical education and sports), hardening, daily routine, good mood, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs. Tell me, where do these habits come from? A person is not born with them. They appear from people’s incorrect and irresponsible attitude towards their health.

And now, guys, we will play the game “Health is the main wealth.” We will test and consolidate your knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. The game is played according to the principle of the television game “Clever Men and Wise Girls”. The game consists of questions that are divided into sectors: red sector – “Bad habits”, yellow – “Good habits”, green – “Proper nutrition”, pink – “Personal safety”, blue – “Physical health”, orange – “My organism."

Each sector has 5 questions. The number of the question corresponds to the number of points for this question. For example, the first one is 1 point, the fifth one is 5 points.

Now you will divide into two teams, come up with names for your teams and write the names on the cards on the tables.

So, introduce yourself team “...”. For each correct answer, teams will receive points. If a team finds it difficult to answer, then the right to vote passes to the opposing team. At the end, we will sum up the results, calculate the number of points and choose the winner.

The teams' work will be assessed by a jury consisting of...

Do you understand the task? Begin. The “...” command selects a sector.

Red sector “Bad habits”

1. A liquid that has a negative effect on all vital organs and systems? (Alcohol.)

2. Where did tobacco come to Europe from? Who brought him? (Tobacco was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus from America.)

3. Is the statement true: “Most drugs do not pose a serious threat to health if taken in moderation”? (No. Even in small doses, drug addiction occurs, causing harm to oneself and others.)

4. Is it true that beer is less harmful to our health than other alcoholic drinks? (No. 0.5 liters of beer contains up to 100 grams of vodka. And modern young people drink up to 3 liters per evening. This means 400 grams of strong alcohol.)

5. What diseases can be caused by smoking? (chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, cancer of the lip, tongue, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver; gastritis and stomach ulcers, endarteritis (damage to the blood vessels of the lower extremities), cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, angina, heart attack myocardium), allergies, decreased resistance to various infections.)

Yellow sector “Good habits”

1.How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

2. What does it take to wash your hands properly? (Soap, water and a clean towel.)

3. A set of physical exercises in the morning? (Charger.)

4. Do you eat at the same time? (Mode.)

5. What saying teaches us the correct diet? (Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy)

Green sector “Proper nutrition”

1. What vitamins give a person. (Help growth and development. Vitamins improve vision.)

2. List foods that strengthen bones (Dairy products, fish.)

3. List foods that improve brain activity? (Fish, meat, cottage cheese, cereals, chocolate.)

4.Why can canned foods be dangerous to health? (You can be poisoned by botulinum.)

5. Among everyday foods, which are the most dangerous for health? (Salt and sugar.)

Pink sector “Personal safety”

1.Can I give my comb to other people? (No, because you can get lice and skin diseases.)

2.How can you put out a small fire? (Fire extinguisher, water, sand, blanket.)

3. A piece of fabric in the form of a long ribbon for dressing wounds. (Bandage)

4. How should a cyclist inform other road users of his intention to stop? (Raise your hand up).

5. You spilled hot tea on yourself, what should you do first? (Put the burned area under running cold water.)

Blue sector “Physical health”

1. What sports should you do to improve your posture? (Swimming, gymnastics, athletics.)

2. What kind of people are called walruses? (Swimming in an ice hole in winter.)

3. What is the most popular sports game in the world? (Football.)

4.What are the winter sports? (Figure skating, luge, ski jumping, biathlon, hockey.)

5. When and where will the next Olympic Games be held? (Winter 2018, in South Korea.)

Orange sector “My body”

1. With the help of which organ do you distinguish sweet from bitter, salty from sour foods? (Language.)

2. Why do you need to breathe through your nose? (To prevent germs and cold air from entering the body.)

3. How are fat and sweat released in the human body? (Through skin pores, sweat glands.)

4. The substance that covers the outside of the dental crown (Enamel.)

5. Skin damage caused by heat or chemicals. substance (Burn.)

Game over. And now the floor is given to our distinguished jury. Which team is better versed in healthy lifestyle issues?

And so the team “....!” won. Well done!

Remember, guys, that health is the main value of a person. You can't buy it for any money. Let's take care of our health! And no one will take care of him better than you. Be healthy!

Guys, today our club starts the “Green light for health!” The promotion symbol is a green ribbon. The purpose of the action: to attract the attention of passers-by to their health. Your task is to tie a green ribbon symbolizing health on the wrist of a passerby.


1. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Prevention of bad habits. Author's scripts for extracurricular activities for grades 5-11. LLC “Planeta”, 20011.

2. Naumenko Yu.V. Prevention of drug addiction in educational institutions: system of work, methodological recommendations, development of measures. Globus LLC, 2009.

Internet resources.

1. allforchildren. ru kidfun/riddles sport.php

09.03.2017 06:27

The birth of a child is a happy moment in the life of parents. And with this everything changes. Now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of a small child. The most important desire of parents is for their child to grow up healthy and strong. And for this you need to make a lot of effort and learn a huge amount of information about the development of the child, his treatment and much more.

All parents sooner or later have to learn the basics of medicine, the signs of childhood diseases and their prevention. However, it should be remembered that self-treatment of a child is far from the best option. It is better to seek help from professionals in their field, from experienced doctors. One of such centers for specialized medical care for children is the Baby-Med clinic. Here you can get a full range of medical services for the whole family. You can make an appointment with such specialists as:

  • pediatrician
  • neurologist
  • speech therapist-defectologist
  • medical psychologist
  • gastroenterologist
  • allergist-immunologist
  • ENT and other doctors

You can also get tested and vaccinate your children. There is also a comfortable and modern ultrasound room at your service.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

Ultrasound is one of the most effective and safe ways to diagnose diseases of the body. It is absolutely harmless and painless and it will be very easy for the child to undergo it. In addition, it is a very informative method and allows you to dynamically monitor the state of the child’s body. You can get a free consultation and do an ultrasound using modern and efficient equipment at

Vaccinations for children

Vaccination of a person against various diseases usually begins from the first days of his life. These could be vitamins for better development of the body or vaccines against various infections that a person can get.

Usually, the very first vaccination of a healthy child is BCG or BCG-M for premature babies. This injection causes the body to develop immunity to tuberculosis. There are no guarantees that a person will never get sick, but the immunity developed after vaccination can provide protection upon contact with tuberculosis patients, and protection during primary infection. The vaccination is repeated at seven and fourteen years of age, with a negative P-Mantoux test.

R-Mantoux is a subcutaneous vaccination, a kind of immunity test. Tuberculin is administered to determine the presence of tuberculosis infection in the body. It is carried out annually until the age of 14; if the child has diabetes, it is carried out twice a year until the age of 18.

Hepatitis B - vaccination is given three times during the first year of life; an adult can be vaccinated at any time.

DTP (pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus adsorbed) - is aimed at developing immunity against the above diseases. Three vaccinations are carried out, and three revaccinations up to 14 years of age, after which, for an adult, they are repeated every 10 years.

Poliomyelitis is often carried out together with DTP. The effect of the drug is aimed at developing immunity against such a dangerous disease as polio. Like DTP - three vaccinations, three revaccinations up to 14 years of age. The first three, IPV injections are killed viruses, revaccination is a live virus in liquid form or pills. There is no treatment for polio other than gymnastics and massages; antibiotics and antiviral drugs are not effective. Doctors insist on timely vaccination, since at this time this is the only way to protect yourself from the disease.

Mumps, rubella, measles - a three-component vaccine, since it contains three weakened viruses, is more preferable since one injection is given instead of three, which minimizes the child’s stress. Done at the age of 12 months. Revaccination at 6 years of age, after which it is recommended to repeat every 10 years, or as needed.

The above vaccinations are the main ones from the list of all possible ones, since for these diseases there is either no effective treatment, or it is very complex and fraught with consequences. Viral infections are not uncommon in the environment; they are transmitted through airborne droplets and poor personal hygiene, so one person can infect the masses. Developing a child’s immunity with the help of vaccines makes it possible to protect him from diseases, or to ensure the fight against the virus in the initial stages of the disease.

Of course, each person reserves the right to choose whether to vaccinate their child or not; some believe that the likelihood of infection is low and the side effects from vaccines are not worth it. The main thing is not to forget that the health of children is the most important thing and it is better to prevent and prevent the disease than to later deal with the consequences of the disease and the risk of various complications and harm to the child’s body.

Lyubov Molokanova

1. Introduction

1.1 Abstract_ 3

1.2. Rationale project_3-4

1.3. Type project_ 5

1.4. Problem _5

1.5. Target project_5

1.6. Tasks project_5

1.7. Methods project_ 5

1.7. Expected result -6

2.1. Stage I – preparatory_7


2.3. Stage III – final_ 7

3. Results project activities

3.1. Product project activities. _ 8

3.2. Product design project activities. _ 8

3.3. Conclusion. _ 9

3.4. Development prospects project_ 9



"Care about health This is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

1. Introduction.

1.1. Annotation.

Pedagogical (creative) project«» provides for valeological education of children of senior preschool age and their parents: development of ideas about the importance of motor culture, about health and means of strengthening it, about healthy lifestyle. This information becomes an important component of the personal culture and social security of a preschooler.

Project reveals new effective forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families to develop the needs of pupils for healthy lifestyle, which are based on forms of joint activity of children and parents. It assumes the active participation of children, parents, teachers and, in its accessibility and effectiveness, project can be used in preschool institutions of any type.

1.2. Rationale project.

In modern conditions of social development, the problem health children is more relevant than ever before, due to the trend towards deterioration in the physical fitness of preschoolers.

Achieving the required level of intellectual and cognitive development can only be achieved by healthy child. Children's development and improvement health in the process of education and training in preschool educational institutions - one of the urgent tasks of modern pedagogy.

It is generally accepted that the foundation health The child is laid in the family. Despite the fact that many parents recognize the importance of physical education, but according to a survey of parents in questions health saving low competence in this element of family education is noted.

And achieve success in strengthening health and the full physical development of children, increasing their physical activity is possible only with uniform approaches to physical education in kindergarten and at home.

Teachers are unable to solve the problem of strengthening health children without the help of specialists, medical workers, parents child.

One of the means that effectively promotes the formation health preschoolers and developing the right habits is a specially organized leisure activity that involves the unification of adults and children who are passionate about common interests, based on the children’s free choice. Various physical education activities help children develop agility, endurance, courage, the ability to live in a team, increase interest in physical exercise, physical activity, introduce them to sports and healthy lifestyle. At leisure and on holidays, children improve the skills acquired in classes and expand their horizons in the field of sports in an interesting and exciting way. Parents, in the process of joint activities, receive the necessary recommendations for developing in children healthy lifestyle.

Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain their working capacity, health, a full and joyful life. But first it would be nice to acquire basic knowledge that would help us choose the most rational path to health taking into account personal physiological capabilities, involve all participants in the educational process in solving the problem, paying special attention to interaction with parents. To achieve this goal it serves project« A healthy child is a happy child


According to the dominant activity project: practice-oriented.

Participants project: children of a general developmental group from 4 to 7 years old, head of physical education, group teachers, psychologist, parents.

By time: 3 months.

By the nature of contacts: within the preschool educational institution.

1.4. PROBLEM - search by participants in the educational process for effective ways to strengthen health child and introducing him to healthy lifestyle.


Raising in children an emotionally positive attitude towards physical education as a natural component of universal human culture;

Introducing children and their parents to healthy lifestyle.


Propaganda healthy lifestyle;

Creating conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening health of preschool children, introducing the child to healthy lifestyle;

Development of physical qualities: strength, agility, flexibility, spatial orientation, coordination of movements, speed, balance, motor creativity;

Increasing the interest of parents of pupils in participating in physical education and health activities with children.


1. Thematic physical education classes;

2. Holidays, leisure, entertainment with the involvement of parents;

3. Monitoring procedures (questionnaire).


1. The social experience of preschoolers will be enriched and their horizons will expand.

2. Children’s interest in physical education and sports will increase.

3. Children will form ideas about healthy lifestyle.

4. Parents will form ideas about creating a favorable emotional and socio-psychological climate for the full development of the child. Parents will be involved in a single space "family - kindergarten".


1. Study concepts related to the topic project;

2. Study of modern regulatory documents regulating activities in health care;

3. Questioning of parents;

4. Development of a long-term plan for organizing physical education and leisure activities and a cycle of thematic physical education classes with the inclusion of a valeological component;


1. Conducting a cycle of thematic physical education classes with the inclusion of a valeology component.

2. Conducting a series of thematic conversations.

3. Carrying out hiking trips together with parents.

4. Carrying out physical education holidays, leisure and entertainment with parents.

5. Organization of targeted educational and advisory activities with parents and teachers on the formation of habits in children healthy lifestyle, organizing active recreation in the family.

6. Design of photo newspapers "My sports family"

7. Preparation of an exhibition of children's drawings

8. Creating an album of children's stories "I like sport".


1. Spending the week health with teachers and children.

2. Sports festival in a fairy tale with health. 3. Study of the effectiveness of work activities based on analysis monitoring:

4. Product design project.

5. Multimedia presentation of innovative experience.

3. Implementation results project.

3.1. Product project activities:

Product of pedagogical (creative) project« A healthy child is a happy child» are methodological developments (Annex 1).

1. Long-term plan for the organization of physical education and leisure activities and a cycle of thematic physical education classes with the inclusion of a valeology component;

2. Questionnaire for parents “We are growing healthy» .

3. A cycle of thematic physical education classes with the inclusion of valeology component: "To country Health» , "Visiting grandma"- middle group; "What do we know about health» , “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”- senior group; “We are friendly with physical education, we are not afraid of illnesses”, “The skeleton is the support of our body”- preparatory group.

4. Thematic conversations: “I love vitamins - to be healthy I want» - senior group; "Strengthening children's health» - preparatory group; "Personal hygiene"- middle group.

5. Hiking trips: "Visiting the Leshy", "Vitaminada"

6. Development of scenarios for physical education holidays, leisure and entertainment with parents: "Cruise", "My funny ringing ball"- middle group, "Queen Snowflake Visiting", “Maslenitsa – Pancake Eater”- senior group; "Ford Boyard", "Spring (with elements of psycho-gymnastics)" - preparatory group.

7. Educational and advisory activities with parents and teachers: a series of consultations for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

8.. Self-massage card index B.A.T.

9. Thematic plan for the Week health


3.2. Product design project: (Appendix 2)

1. Exhibition of children's drawings “We are strong friends with sports”.

2. Photo newspaper competition "My sports family".

3. Album of crossword puzzles for children and parents.

4. Creative album of joint stories of parents and children "I like sport".

5. Didactic game with non-standard equipment "Funny Ball".

6. Multimedia presentation of innovative experience.

3.3. Conclusion.

Due to the implementation project Preschoolers have developed a stable motivation for systematic physical education and sports. They are focused on healthy lifestyle, have solid knowledge about health preservation, means of strengthening health, about the needs and capabilities of the body.

The participation of parents in joint activities filled it with new content, made it possible to use the personal example of adults in the physical education of preschoolers, study the positive experience of family education and promote it among other parents. Hiking trips, physical education activities and joint activities with parents contributed to the hardening and strengthening children's health; increased motor activity and endurance of the body; had a positive impact on the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the child. The active parental position in the need of preschoolers for movement in the fresh air has increased, providing healthy child's life activity. In general, parents think that health This is not the absence of disease, but a way of life. According to the survey data obtained on the subject of parental satisfaction in the use of non-traditional forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the families of pupils to create the need for healthy lifestyle, the kindergarten has a high rating.

3.4. Development prospects project.

The project can be used by other teachers, both in full and partially at different levels of the educational system.

Considering the effectiveness of the result project, further prospects for its continuation and development are expected with the involvement of younger preschoolers and their parents.

For further implementation project is necessary:

Develop a methodological basis for children 3-4 years old (a series of physical education classes together with parents, sets of exercises in a child-parent pair, leisure scenarios);

Purchase the necessary equipment for the sports ground;

Enrich your hiking trips with practical equipment (tent, backpack, folding chair, mosquito hats).


1. Alyamovskaya V. G. How to educate healthy child. M., 1983.

2. Antonov Yu. E., Kuznetsova M. N. Healthy preschooler: Social 21st century health technology. M., ARKTI, 2001.

3. Goddess T. L. Security health children in preschool institutions. Toolkit. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005.

4. Beresneva Z. I. Healthy baby. Program improving the health of children in preschool educational institutions. M.: creative center SPHERE, 2005.

5. Danilina T. A. Interaction of preschool educational institutions with society. M.:ARKTI, 2004.

6. Preschool education No. 9, 1997, Kuznetsova M. N. Non-traditional methods in education and health improvement. Senior preschool age.

7. Morgunova O. N. Physical education recreational work in preschool educational institutions. IN 2007.

8. Management of preschool educational institution No. 5, 2003 // Krotova T. V. Assessment of the level of interaction between preschool educational institution and family.

9. Management of preschool educational institution No. 1, 2004 // Evdokimova E. S. Design as a health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions.

10. Management of preschool educational institution No. 5, 2004 // Lukina L. I. Work with parents in preschool educational institution.

11. Management of preschool educational institution No. 3, 2004 // Ryleeva E. V., Barsukova L. S. Learning to cooperate with parents.

12. Management of preschool educational institution No. 8, 2006 // Gordeeva V. A. Innovative approaches to physical education health work in preschool educational institutions.

13. Management of preschool educational institution No. 1, 2006 // Zuikova M. B. Regime - the path to health.

14. Management of preschool educational institution No. 7, 2006 // Lukina L. I. The path to health the child lies through the family.

15. Solodyankina O. V. Cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families, M., 2004.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Balakhonikha kindergarten


"Healthy children are happy children."

(senior group)



1. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

2. An attitude towards working together with the aim of joint activities to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

3. Providing parents with practical recommendations, reminders, consultations on strengthening and maintaining health.

Preparatory work.


1. Prepare instructions for parents and place them in parent corners and in the newspaper so that parents can familiarize themselves with the contents before the meeting


Disease prevention,

Children's menu recipes,

Raising a healthy lifestyle in preschool children,

The role of the family in promoting the health of preschool children.

2. Provide parents with questionnaires

3. Prepare visual propaganda (memos for parents)

Hardening acupressure zones,

Food products that will help your child become healthier.

4. Write posters:

- “Health is the head of everything”

- “I lost money - I lost nothing, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - I lost everything.”

- “Even a golden bed will not help a sick person”

- “A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king”

- “The price of health is felt after illness”

5. Make invitations for parents.

6. Decorate the hall

Progress of the meeting:

The preschool period of childhood is the most important stage in the formation of children's health, ensures the unity of physical, mental, spiritual, moral and aesthetic development and determines the child's ability to cope with all the demands placed on him by living conditions at the next stages of education. The health of preschool children depends on many factors, such as:

Ø heredity and health of parents,

Ø environment,

Ø ecology,

Ø living conditions and raising a child in the family,

Ø organization of physical education and health activities in kindergarten

Ø and other factors.


The child is constantly sick.

The mother is in panic, in tears: both fear and sadness.

After all, I always try to keep him warm from the cradle.

The apartment has windows even in summer

He’s afraid to open it in case there’s a draft,

The number of medications cannot be counted.

Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.

That's how we are sometimes from children

Growing a greenhouse creature

And not fighters - heroes.

Ø How to improve the health of our children and avoid numerous diseases? These questions concern both you, parents, and us, teachers, because we all want our children not to get sick, to become healthier and stronger from year to year, to grow up and enter a big life not only knowledgeable and educated, but also healthy and seasoned.

Are there any keys to solving this problem?

Medicine has long come to the conclusion: prevention is needed for healthy people. What is it?

A nurse talks about the statistics of diseases of children in the nursery

Presenter: My children and I carry out various types of preventive measures in the preschool

Ventilation regime is observed

Group rooms are being quartzed

Daily hardening activities, which will be discussed at today's meeting.

Aftercare for children physiotherapeutic office on KUF, UHF devices.

Massage (health, acupressure, therapeutic as prescribed by a doctor)

C-vitaminization of 3 dishes,

Balanced diet.

Educator: If you want to see your child healthy, you must constantly devote time to hardening procedures.

The “minimum” of hardening includes the mandatory use of non-overheating clothing, air and water procedures.

If it's warm outside,

The sun is hot from the sky

And it won’t rain, it seems -

Dress for the weather!

Let's put the fur-lined jacket aside!

You don't need a cloak either!

You will run and play

And come to the sun!

Everyone should always try

Dress according to the weather.

For colds, acupressure is effective, as it activates the body's immune function.

Massage is especially effective in the first stages of a cold. First, use two fingers (index and middle) to slowly and smoothly make circular movements. We gradually increase the impact on the massaged area. Then we ease the pressure again, alternating intense pressure with gentle pressure. For colds, massage 3 times a day is effective. Usually 10 procedures per course of treatment are enough.

Acupressure can also be used to prevent diseases during the off-season. ( Next, a demonstration of self-massage of biologically active points is carried out with poetic accompaniment.)

Ø Rub the wings of your nose - one, two, three, one, two, three,

And wipe it under your nose - one, two, three

Eyebrows need to be combed - one, two, three, four, five

Now wipe the sweat from your forehead - one, two, one, two,

Put earrings on your ears, if you have them.

Pin your hair together - one, two, three

Find the button on the back and fasten it

Beads need to be tried on, try them on and put them on.

And here we’ll hang a brooch, a multi-colored nesting doll.

And here are bracelets, beautiful cuffs.

Girls and boys, get your fingers ready.

That's how nice they worked and dressed up beautifully.

All we have to do is rub our feet and we won’t get sick!

Educator: Winter has already arrived, and this is the time of colds, let's talk about their prevention.

Eat onions, garlic, make lemon tincture,

Eat currants and rose hips,

Drink a “protection drink” - carrot juice,

Dress according to the weather

Spend more time outdoors and for a walk.

Educator: And now we will talk about walks. About the beneficial effects of walking in the fresh air

Fresh air for kids

Needed and useful!

We have a lot of fun walking!

And no diseases!...

Daily walks for preschool children can and should be an effective method of hardening, since the growing body's need for oxygen is more than 2 times higher than that of adults. Under the influence of air baths, the tone of the nervous and digestive systems increases, and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood increases. It’s great if a walk is combined with sports and outdoor games. Children should go for walks at least twice a day. 4 hours in the fresh air is necessary for the health of a growing organism; in the summer, spending time in the fresh air is unlimited.



Often, going for a walk with a child for parents means sitting on a bench while the baby spins around next to them. Meanwhile, a walk is a wonderful occasion for communication, some joint activities, including physical exercise. And for this you need little: a tracksuit and a ball.

Ball games are not only interesting entertainment, they are very useful for the child, as they contribute to the development of coordination of movements, and this is also useful when learning to write, draw, and design.

The pleasure of joint activities, muscle load, and the resulting throw or hit of the ball - all these are the joys of childhood. Add to this the pride in parents who “can do everything.”

These exercises are suitable for fans of all sports games (football, volleyball, basketball), as they teach the child the ability to handle the ball, throw and catch it in a variety of positions and in different ways. The exercises are intended for use with children aged 3-6 years. Depending on the degree of physical development, the preparedness of the child and the skills of the parents, you can select the necessary exercises, their number, duration of classes, weight and size of the ball. In addition, the exercises can be complicated or simplified.

First, explain to your child the essence of the exercise, better figuratively: “hands like a ladle,” “bunny jump,” and the like. It helps to successfully master the movement by pronouncing it during the execution: “I squat - I straighten up - I throw.”

Children willingly imitate adults, so don’t be lazy to show the elements more often. For example, this is how landmarks are selected: “above the clouds”, “beyond the bush”.

To acquire skills in ball games, repeated exercises are required, but, as a rule, after 8 - 10 repetitions, the baby loses interest, and without it, what kind of training? In this case, introduce “animating elements”: clapping your hands, turning, hitting the ball on the floor, changing direction or target for throwing. If the exercise is not clear, you can do it together with your child: “hold it together, let it go together.”

You should not insist on doing exercises with the ball that your child does not like. And vice versa – you need to use and gradually complicate the elements you like. Don’t be afraid of overload, but don’t insist on continuing classes if the child complains of fatigue or is capricious. As little compulsion as possible, as much pleasure and joy as possible!

Be patient. Don't get angry when you fail. Avoid comments: “What an incompetent you are,” “Clumsy.” You emphasize everything positive: “Today is much better than last time...”, “You did great! Let's do it one more time..."

Dear parents, remember, the health of the child is in your hands, because it has long been noted: in those families where adults get sick little, children, as a rule, are healthy.

It's good to be healthy!

You need to drink more juices!

Throw the hamburger into the trash can,

And swim in the stormy sea!!!

Temper, pour,

Play different sports!

And not afraid of illnesses,

Without hiding in a warm house,

Walk freely on the earth,

Marveling at the natural beauty!!!

Then you will begin to live!

It's great to be healthy!!!

Parent meeting decision:

1. Let the cult of health dominate in every family.

2. Acupressure is worthy of attention in the morning and evening on weekdays, weekends and even on holidays.

3. Let children spend most of their time on walks in movement: with active games we will improve the children’s health and rejuvenate ourselves.

4. Make and use massagers to prevent flat feet.

5. Teach our children from an early age to value, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then we can hope that our future generation will be healthier and more developed not only physically, but also personally, intellectually, spiritually .