Spell for long eyelashes. Everything about fashion, trends and the latest news. Magic beliefs and rules about hair

Every girl dreams of having gorgeous hair, making it thick, voluminous and long. This is not to say that men do not have the issue of baldness and possible hair strengthening. The use of various cosmetics does not always give a positive result, and most often the resulting effect does not last long. What can be done to ensure that hair and eyelashes are a clear adornment of both sexes? There are two options here: seek help from a hospital, while regularly using creams and other cosmetics, or turn to folk wisdom and witchcraft.

The latter is a more specific approach to problems, but conspiracies to make your hair look are always more effective - this time. And secondly, they do not require huge financial investments.

If you decide to use a spell on your hair, you must understand that you should also take care of it properly. It won’t happen that you read it and forget about leaving. Having hair like Rapunzel, you need to have all the means at hand to keep it clean and comb it properly. There are rules in everything and always. Let's look at them:

  1. After performing the ritual, the hair should not be thrown out or washed down the pipes. Anything that has been combed out must be kept safe at home.
  2. If you turn to hairdressing specialists, then it is advisable to take your cut ends home and add them to those you already have.
  3. It doesn’t matter what was read: a spell for rapid hair growth or spells for beauty and volume, for eyelash growth, etc., make sure that all the words are pronounced correctly and clearly.
  4. When plotting a comb, keep in mind that now only you and no one else can use it. Otherwise, the power of the ritual will be lost.
  5. A conspiracy to grow hair on the head is carried out regularly, but not more than once every six months.

Why are there such rules? There are a number of beliefs and evidence that human strength is hidden in hair. Their health is closely related to the body of any person. By improving the growth and quality of curls, a person increases his strength and power. Why is it not recommended to leave your hair anywhere? There is also an answer: it is impossible not to notice that they have become better, stronger and more luxurious, therefore, thanks to even one charmed hair, it is possible to take away not only beauty, but also your life. Let's not go far, but let's remember the story of Samson, from whom all his strength was taken away by cutting off the length of his hair.

Popular spells for hair growth

Well, now, knowing the rules and causes of many health problems, you can begin to get acquainted with rituals and conspiracies. Before you start, be mentally prepared to the fact that everything will go without a hitch, and the spell will work on the beauty of your hair.

  1. If your hair is quite long, but you need to improve it, you can use a comb. It is not prohibited to use it every day. The effect will be visible within a few days:

“My comb, my friend, help me! Help me grow my hair. Let your hair be thick so that the curls become fluffy.” This plot will also affect hair growth. But not as much as with individual texts.
For the ritual, it is better to buy a new wooden comb. This will strengthen the words of the text. It is necessary to comb the first seven days for five minutes in different directions. Remember that there are four sides: left, right, forward and backward.

  1. The following plot text will help you grow your hair like the most famous princess in the world. Use it every time to a certain result, but no more than seven times while washing your hair:

“The hair grew like a forest, slowly. Now, like grass, let them grow, become stronger, and reach for the light. Every hair will be strong, filled with the power of water, lengthened like a ray of daylight, and this will be a joy for me, and the envy of others. Key. Language. Lock".
The conspiracy can be carried out monthly, but only on the waxing moon.

  1. On Monday, when the new moon appears (it must be in your field of vision), sit in front of the window, take a comb (massage hair brushes are excluded) and, combing it, say three times the words: “The moon is shining in the window, on my hair.” looks. You are a golden month, well done blond. Help me lengthen my hair. Give light and strength to my hair. I seal my word, and you seal it.” Once will be enough, but after doing this, be sure to place a glass of water on the windowsill so that the month could reflect.
  2. For rapid hair growth, you can make a decoction of nettles. It will be for rinsing. While you brew it, say the following spell three times: “Give the herb your strength, help strengthen it, grow it. So that hair to hair, and curl to curl. It will be a shock of hair, to my delight, to the surprise of others.” By using this rinse regularly, you can be sure that once thin hair will grow into thick, long curls.
  3. The last method is probably the most unusual. It was taken from the customs of the gypsies. Because gypsy beauty is hair. Everyone notices them. Think about it, have you ever met someone from this ethnic group with weak hair? No. They always have the most voluminous hair, and the length is amazing. To carry out this ritual we need a fresh chicken egg. Please note, this is not store-bought, but chicken. Read the following words on it: “The woman walked, came to the river, stood with her back to me, boasting of her beauty. I won’t take it from her, I’ll buy mine. You glorify life, you praise yourself. Help me, the servant of God (insert name), to be praised by my beauty, to be glorified by my hair.” Add this egg to shampoo and rub your hair well. Then rinse and comb. The ritual takes place after sunset.

You should not be afraid of any spells for hair growth. They have been used for centuries, and are becoming popular and widely used today. They are in no way related to black magic. And this fact can be verified. Pay attention to the spoken words: there is no appeal to otherworldly forces in them, there is no request to take the power of hair from someone and give it to you. This is the main indicator that white and good forces are at work.

Can eyelashes be helped?

Hair is not only on the head, it is all over the body. Eyelashes are also hairs, which means they can also be helped. Only simple conspiracies do not work on them. There is a certain conspiracy for eyelash growth. For it you will need to create a mixture and use it every day until the result appears. Just don't overdo it, otherwise they will fall off.

Twist the parsley into a paste (you can use plantain) and add olive oil to it. All ingredients fit together. Read the following words over the mixture: “Not weeds, not a clearing, but eyelashes like a thick green bed. They grow, become prettier, become curly, and parsley (plantain) helps them become famous, Amen.” Use regularly before bed.
Please note that all conspiracies and rituals, as well as the use of mixtures and decoctions, are possible only on the waxing moon.

Read the article on the topic: recommend a spell for eyelash growth on the love spell guru website.

Perform a spell to grow eyelashes using ordinary mascara. You won't believe it, but they will visually become longer. And this is the beauty and attractiveness of a woman.

Sometimes you look at a girl and it seems like nothing, but something is sure to let her down.

There is no ideal appearance, no matter how you look at it.

Either the eyebrows are sparse or the eyelashes are short.

Let us perform a simple ritual.

Right now.

Don't go to an Orthodox Church to buy candles.

At midnight, lock yourself in the bathroom.

If you don't use mascara, now is the time to buy it.

Standing in front of the mirror (it is assumed that it hangs on the door on the back side), look closely at your eyelashes.

Write down its text from our website on a white sheet of paper.

I smear, I smear, I make you look beautiful, I conquer all men. Your eyelashes will grow, become longer, and your eyes will be cuter. If this conspiracy is to be realized, what I have planned will happen soon. I’ll hide my mascara and lock my tongue, let the Devil or God help me. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Repeat the words 13 times in a row.

Do not tell anyone about the secretly performed ritual.

It is advisable to repeat it at least every other day.

Health and beauty to you!

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Every girl dreams of having gorgeous hair, making it thick, voluminous and long. This is not to say that men do not have the issue of baldness and possible hair strengthening. The use of various cosmetics does not always give a positive result, and most often the resulting effect does not last long. What can be done to ensure that hair and eyelashes are a clear adornment of both sexes? There are two options here: seek help from a hospital, while regularly using creams and other cosmetics, or turn to folk wisdom and witchcraft.

Every girl dreams of having gorgeous hair.

The latter is a more specific approach to problems, but conspiracies to make your hair look are always more effective - this time. And secondly, they do not require huge financial investments.

If you decide to use a spell on your hair, you must understand that you should also take care of it properly. It won’t happen that you read it and forget about leaving. Having hair like Rapunzel, you need to have all the means at hand to keep it clean and comb it properly. There are rules in everything and always. Let's look at them:

  1. After performing the ritual, the hair should not be thrown out or washed down the pipes. Anything that has been combed out must be kept safe at home.
  2. If you turn to hairdressing specialists, then it is advisable to take your cut ends home and add them to those you already have.
  3. It doesn’t matter what was read: a spell for rapid hair growth or spells for beauty and volume, for eyelash growth, etc., make sure that all the words are pronounced correctly and clearly.
  4. All rituals and conspiracies should be read only on the waxing moon.
  5. When plotting a comb, keep in mind that now only you and no one else can use it. Otherwise, the power of the ritual will be lost.
  6. A conspiracy to grow hair on the head is carried out regularly, but not more than once every six months.

Why are there such rules? There are a number of beliefs and evidence that human strength is hidden in hair. Their health is closely related to the body of any person. By improving the growth and quality of curls, a person increases his strength and power. Why is it not recommended to leave your hair anywhere? There is also an answer: it is impossible not to notice that they have become better, stronger and more luxurious, therefore, thanks to even one charmed hair, it is possible to take away not only beauty, but also your life. Let's not go far, but let's remember the story of Samson, from whom all his strength was taken away by cutting off the length of his hair.

Popular spells for hair growth

Well, now, knowing the rules and causes of many health problems, you can begin to get acquainted with rituals and conspiracies. Before you start, be mentally prepared to the fact that everything will go without a hitch, and the spell will work on the beauty of your hair.

  1. If your hair is quite long, but you need to improve it, you can use a comb. It is not prohibited to use it every day. The effect will be visible within a few days:

“My comb, my friend, help me! Help me grow my hair. Let your hair be thick so that the curls become fluffy.” This plot will also affect hair growth. But not as much as with individual texts.
For the ritual, it is better to buy a new wooden comb. This will strengthen the words of the text. It is necessary to comb the first seven days for five minutes in different directions. Remember that there are four sides: left, right, forward and backward.

  1. The following plot text will help you grow your hair like the most famous princess in the world. Use it every time to a certain result, but no more than seven times while washing your hair:

“The hair grew like a forest, slowly. Now, like grass, let them grow, become stronger, and reach for the light. Every hair will be strong, filled with the power of water, lengthened like a ray of daylight, and this will be a joy for me, and the envy of others. Key. Language. Lock".
The conspiracy can be carried out monthly, but only on the waxing moon.

Before you start, be sure that the plot will work.

  1. On Monday, when the new moon appears (it must be in your field of vision), sit in front of the window, take a comb (massage hair brushes are excluded) and, combing it, say three times the words: “The moon is shining in the window, on my hair.” looks. You are a golden month, well done blond. Help me lengthen my hair. Give light and strength to my hair. I seal my word, and you seal it.” Once will be enough, but after doing this, be sure to place a glass of water on the windowsill so that the month could reflect.
  2. For rapid hair growth, you can make a decoction of nettles. It will be for rinsing. While you brew it, say the following spell three times: “Give the herb your strength, help strengthen it, grow it. So that hair to hair, and curl to curl. It will be a shock of hair, to my delight, to the surprise of others.” By using this rinse regularly, you can be sure that once thin hair will grow into thick, long curls.
  3. The last method is probably the most unusual. It was taken from the customs of the gypsies. Because gypsy beauty is hair. Everyone notices them. Think about it, have you ever met someone from this ethnic group with weak hair? No. They always have the most voluminous hair, and the length is amazing. To carry out this ritual we need a fresh chicken egg. Please note, this is not store-bought, but chicken. Read the following words on it: “The woman walked, came to the river, stood with her back to me, boasting of her beauty. I won’t take it from her, I’ll buy mine. You glorify life, you praise yourself. Help me, the servant of God (insert name), to be praised by my beauty, to be glorified by my hair.” Add this egg to shampoo and rub your hair well. Then rinse and comb. The ritual takes place after sunset.

You should not be afraid of any spells for hair growth. They have been used for centuries, and are becoming popular and widely used today. They are in no way related to black magic. And this fact can be verified. Pay attention to the spoken words: there is no appeal to otherworldly forces in them, there is no request to take the power of hair from someone and give it to you. This is the main indicator that white and good forces are at work.

Can eyelashes be helped?

Hair is not only on the head, it is all over the body. Eyelashes are also hairs, which means they can also be helped. Only simple conspiracies do not work on them. There is a certain conspiracy for eyelash growth. For it you will need to create a mixture and use it every day until the result appears. Just don't overdo it, otherwise they will fall off.

There is a certain conspiracy for eyelash growth

Twist the parsley into a paste (you can use plantain) and add olive oil to it. All ingredients fit together. Read the following words over the mixture: “Not weeds, not a clearing, but eyelashes like a thick green bed. They grow, become prettier, become curly, and parsley (plantain) helps them become famous, Amen.” Use regularly before bed.
Please note that all conspiracies and rituals, as well as the use of mixtures and decoctions, are possible only on the waxing moon.

How I got rid of herpes using lipstick

Hi all! Previously, I suffered from herpes for 6 years. I had rashes every month. From experience in dealing with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs initially help quite well, but then the effect of treatment disappears. She was observed at a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment turned out to be ineffective. A lot of money was spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick for herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used it for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now there is no hint of herpes!

I have such sparse eyelashes that I’m even embarrassed to paint them with mascara. You get individual black bristles, like dolls! They are also short, so the look is expressionless. How to make eyelashes thicker?

Mix 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley with 1 tsp. olive oil. Lay down, close your eyes, apply the mixture to your eyelashes. Leave for 3 minutes. and repeat all this time:

Then wipe off the remaining mixture with a cotton swab and rinse your eyelashes with warm water. The ritual must be carried out within 1.5 months. I advise you to grow your own parsley on a windowsill or garden bed. Then the greens can be saturated with your positive energy, and you will notice the results from using the magic mask much earlier.

Previously, appearance was primarily taken care of using magical techniques rather than cosmetics. And the conspiracy for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows has been preserved, which today’s beauties can take into service.

The ritual is performed only on the waxing moon. Maximum – full moon phase. If you do the work at a loss, the result will be the opposite of what you wanted: eyebrows and eyelashes will begin to grow even worse than before. You need to wash your face three times with plain water and, looking at yourself in the mirror, say seven times:

“In a deep dungeon sat a red maiden - in a satin outfit, with a long braid, in rings and bracelets, in royal shoes, embroidered with gold, covered with silver. The red maiden sat - but she didn’t get bored, didn’t cry, didn’t sing songs, didn’t shed tears, didn’t burst into laughter, but looked in the mirror, and that magic mirror: whatever you say, she’ll do, whatever you say, she’ll do. That girl said, I don’t want to be a queen, I don’t want expensive clothes, I don’t want a handsome husband, but I want eyelashes that are blacker than the night, that are longer than the tall grass, but I want eyebrows that are sweeter than the sun, that are thicker than the wheat in the field. The mirror obediently listens and answers the girl’s words: “You will have a handsome husband, a royal throne, and expensive clothes, and most of all, you will show off your eyelashes and long and thick eyebrows, so that all the girls and young women will be envy.” So my (your name) eyelashes and eyebrows will grow tirelessly, be enchanted on my face, give me beauty, decorate my face - to the envy of people and to my joy.”

It is recommended to repeat the spell for eyebrow and eyelash growth every night. The result will be noticeable in about a month. The ritual is safe and does not require any magical preparation.

Irina 2016-03-27

The next time my daughter went on a date with false eyelashes, her boyfriend gave her one. Sorry, but, he says, you look like a cow with your eyes. The daughter, of course, was offended... You can’t explain to a guy that your eyelashes are sparse and invisible, but you want to be beautiful.

Of course, my daughter refused false eyelashes after that incident, but the hope of having her own, good and fluffy ones, never left her. And then we decided to fight her problem together. A ritual for thick eyelashes helped us: take castor oil, add 3 dried chamomile flowers to a bottle and repeat three times:

“Chamomile oil will take away all the benefits, chamomile will reserve benefits for the girl - it will decorate her eyelashes. The oil will continue to be stored, and my eyelashes will continue to thicken.”

Apply this oil every evening (for a month) to the eyelashes with a clean brush and wait until it is absorbed.

After a month, my eyelashes became so lush! The guy started complimenting his daughter that she had the most beautiful eyes in the world!

Tell your friends about what you read!

Our dear young ladies, before we begin to outline the rituals and spells with which you can improve the quality and growth of your own hair, I would like to say a few words about hair as such. You have probably read more than once, or perhaps heard, that hair is a kind of sacred substance, thanks to which energy accumulates in the human body. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a woman or a man. It was not for nothing that in the old days our Ancestors wore beards. A beard is “wealth of the family,” yes, that’s exactly how this word is translated, or more correctly interpreted.

But not only men preferred to wear a long beard; girls and women in Rus' were also famous for their long and thick braids. Any Knowing Mother (in common parlance - a witch) had long hair, and the longer it was, the more power she possessed. Long hair is always a wonderful intuition and power that can be used as the witch pleases.

In the old days in Rus', women covered their heads with a scarf. This was no accident. On the one hand, they protected their hair, on the other, they conserved energy, not wanting to flaunt their wealth. If the girl was unmarried, she braided and wore one braid, which was located along the spinal column. Through the braid (including) the girl received energy. When a girl got married, she braided two braids. Thus, her energy seemed to be divided into two parts: for herself and for her children.

Our ancestors knew that the braid needed to be combed every day. This is best done with a wooden or bone comb. When her braid was combed, the girl looked at herself in the mirror, straight into her eyes, thinking about how beautiful she was and imagining how her beauty intensified with every movement of the comb. These practices are very effective, despite their simplicity. Such actions contain a deep sacred meaning.

But what is a braid? Why is it woven from the same strands? It's simple. Each of the strands is a symbol of the worlds: the world of Reveal (this is our manifested world with you in which we live), the world of Navi (this is the world where our deceased ancestors went) and the world of Rule (this is the world in which our Slavic gods live). The braid itself, going down along the spine, is a symbol of the Tree of the World or the World Tree.

Our great-great-great-grandmothers knew many secrets, the existence of which you and I are not even aware of. Meanwhile, many of the secrets are simple. How, for example, can you concentrate very quickly? Very simple! You need to gather your hair into a tight bun at the back of your head. It is hair collected in this way that increases concentration. But loose hair, hair flying in the wind - this is nothing more than a loss of energy. Elementary splashing of it left and right. If you often walk around with your hair down, you are not surprised that you get tired very quickly, that some knowledge is difficult for you.

Surely you have come across information more than once that in ancient times young people who loved each other could exchange their locks of hair, which they then wore in a medallion around their necks. On the one hand, this step is a manifestation of great trust, on the other hand, it is a huge risk. After all, with the help of hair, you can do anything with its (or her) owner, even from a distance.

Having someone's hair on your hands can easily make a volt, which is often used in magic. It is important to understand that with the help of volts you can not only perform a destructive ritual aimed at destruction, but also cure or protect.

Our ancestors knew that we could ask for help and protection, for example, from trees. To do this, it was necessary, on the night of the waxing Moon, to go to any tree (for women these are “female” trees: birch, apple tree, cherry, and for men - male trees: ash, poplar, etc.) and, tying three of your hairs on three knots on a tree branch, ask him for protection. Such a ritual is, on the one hand, a request for help, and on the other, an offering of gifts to the tree (you bring your hair as a gift).

If a person fell ill, then on any day when the Moon waned, he had to cut the ends of his hair. The disease seemed to be cut off. The hair was then burned, and the disease itself was burned along with it. It was impossible to cut hair during times when the moon was full. After all, such an action could deprive a person of his strength. At the same time, during the period of the full moon, our ancestors performed a lot of rituals that had a beneficial effect on their braids. We will talk about them below.

To summarize all of the above, you need to understand one thing - hair is not just dyeing, not just something that grows on the head, something that needs to be washed, maybe dyed and something that has to be taken care of. Hair is a very serious sacred substance, with which you can both harm (yourself or others) and heal (yourself and others).

In order to create this very simple, but very effective ritual, you need to go to the willow tree on the day called “Palm Sunday”, bowing to the ground, and say the following words:

As soon as the conspiracy is pronounced, you need to bow to the willow three times to the ground, without looking back, and leave.

Dandruff plot

This plot must be read before every hair wash. It is important to understand that the spell is read over a basin of water; it is in this water that you need to wash your hair afterwards. If you do not have such an opportunity, then the spell should be read using water collected, for example, in a glass of water. As soon as your hair is washed, you need to pour the said water on your head. There is no need to rub your hair hard. Just pat them dry with a towel to prevent water from running out. Let the rest be absorbed. This ritual must be repeated until the dandruff goes away (usually five to seven procedures are enough).

The words of the conspiracy are:

“Water, water, affectionate sister!
I need to talk to you, I need to be treated by you.
Wash it off my head
Everything that is superfluous, everything that has died,
Clear my head of dandruff.
Let it be so!".

Lunar spell for hair growth

Spell for fast hair growth

Well, who hasn’t dreamed of gorgeous hair? Who hasn’t dreamed of a braid that would be tight and reach all the way to the heels? Any girl or woman dreams of something like this. Of course, a lot depends on genetics (our heredity), a lot depends on care (proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and all kinds of care procedures related directly to the hair itself). But that is not all. Do not forget about all sorts of esoteric practices, for example, conspiracies, which our ancestors have served for centuries. Now they serve us too.

Here are some of the most powerful time-tested conspiracies. In order to create it, you need to collect some water in a container (basin, large ladle or bowl), and place a new mirror at the bottom of the container. Looking at yourself in that mirror, you need to read the spell three times while combing your hair.

Text of the plot and detailed instructions:

As soon as the plot is read, you need to rinse your hair with water. Don’t forget that this ritual is performed on Women’s Day on the waxing Moon.

A spell to make hair grow faster and thicker

Even if you cannot complain about the condition of your hair today, it does not mean that tomorrow everything will be exactly the same. It is not for nothing that they say that the sleigh is prepared in the summer, and the cart in the winter. Same with hair. You need to take care of their beauty not when they start falling out in bunches, but in advance, trying to prevent negative scenarios.

This ritual will help not only keep your hair healthy and beautiful for life, but also restore order to your head if problems have already appeared. So, to perform this ritual you will need a new wooden comb, which you need to purchase on the first day of the waxing moon. Before going to bed, you need to comb your hair while looking at the Moon and read the spell. This plot is read from the first day of the new moon until the full moon. Then you need to take a break until the Meadows begin to grow again. And repeat this three times.

You can't miss a single day. The conspiracy is very strong and effective. Here are his words:

“Like grains in bins,
Like grains of sand on the seashores,
Like stars in the night sky -
Seen, but not counted, seen, but countless,
So let there be a hair on my head
Seen, but not counted, seen, but not measured by anyone!
My word is strong and moldable.
As it was said, it came true!

Plot for severe hair loss

There are quite difficult situations in which it is necessary not only to resort to the help of spells in treating the scalp and hair itself, but also to use all kinds of hair masks to prevent hair loss. This ritual consists of two parts. On the one hand, you are preparing a decoction, the recipe for which we will give you, on the other hand, a plot is read on the already prepared decoction. This decoction will have incredible power. The power of those herbs that are included in the composition, and the power of your word, supported by your will.

So, for the decoction you will need nettle and birch leaves (in equal parts). You need to take about a tablespoon of each of these leaves (they are already dried), but if the leaves are fresh, then you need to take ten birch leaves, about the same amount of fresh nettle. The leaves need to be boiled. As soon as the decoction is ready, you need to wait for it to infuse, usually a couple of hours is enough, you need to read the spell for it. Next, you will need to rinse your hair with this infusion. It is important that the infusion reaches the hair roots. You can also rub this infusion into the roots of your hair, this will also have a beneficial effect on your hair.

The words of the conspiracy are:

“Curly birch, stinging nettle!
My dear mothers, I ask you, I am turning to you!
Give me your strength,
Give me your beauty and freshness!
I will admire my hair,
I will thank you from dawn to evening,
From evening to morning.
Let the strength enter me through you,
Along the length of the hair, it will reach the roots,
It will remain there.
So be it! There are tacos! It will be like this!

A brewed mug (if you wipe the roots) should last you two to three days. Then you will need to make a new infusion. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the spell for the finished infusion must be recited every day. For example, yesterday you prepared herbs, brewed everything, then read the spell, smeared the roots. Close the tincture and put it in a dark place. The next day, you need to read the plot again, after which you can use it.

Morning plot to strengthen hair follicles

In general, we can say that almost all hair rituals are simple. They do not require any special knowledge or special training.

This plot should be done on Women's Day, on the days when the Moon is waxing. It is best to do the ritual in the morning, at dawn, at the very moment when the sun rises. The ritual is done on the street, or near an open window. Looking at the sunrise, you need to read the spell and comb your hair with a wooden comb or comb:

Hair growth spell

This spell, like the ritual itself, is very suitable if your hair begins to fall out very badly. Of course, there can be many reasons for this. But if you have been checked, and everything is fine with your thyroid gland, like a woman, everything is fine with your hormonal levels, but your hair is still growing, then you need to carry out such a ritual.

On the waning moon, cleanse with a candle. You've probably already read it, and if you haven't, be sure to read our materials related to cleaning. The primal elements are our everything, in every sense! So, as soon as the cleaning with Fire has been carried out, you need to do a similar cleaning with Water and Salt. You can do them in a simple way. Turning to the Primary Elements (Water, Earth (often salt is used instead of Earth), Wind, Fire) you need to ask them to cleanse you of all negativity. You can ask in your own words, the main thing is that they come from the heart. After you have asked, do the cleaning. For example, you light a candle and move it over your head; if this is not possible or you are simply not very comfortable, then you can put the candle on the floor and walk around it several times in a clockwise direction. After completing work in Fire, He must be thanked. We work with Water in the same way: we ask It to cleanse you. This procedure can be carried out even while you are taking a shower. It's the same with salt. You can turn to it, then stand on it, and try to listen to what is happening inside you. It often happens that a person can feel something coming out of him. Let it sit for a while, then thank the salt and wash it off with water, or throw it away to a place where no one goes.

This is the first part of the ritual. The second part is performed on Women's Day, when the Moon begins to grow. With your hands on your head, standing on the threshold, with your back to the exit, you need to say the following spell three times:

“Like a new month was born at night,
So new hair appeared on my head,
Strong and moldable,
They have power, they make me happy!
My word is strong, its power is great!
So be it!

Our dear ladies, at the end of our spells, we decided to list the basic safety rules that will help you keep your hair beautiful and thick for a long time.

  • - Remember that your hair is always the subject of envy. If you haven’t been able to style them over the last couple of weeks, something is going wrong with them, it means someone has already envied your curls. We need to remove the evil eye and clean it. In order not to accumulate negativity in the future, in the form of black envy, try not to let your hair down, especially in those cases when you go somewhere in public.
  • - Remember that in places where there are large crowds of people, it is best to collect your hair either in a bump, or completely hide it under a headscarf, hat or scarf.
  • - To make your hair grow faster and thicker, never cut it on the waning moon.
  • - Even if you are tired of caring for your own “mane,” do not rush to get rid of it. Remember that your hair is your strength, it is your intuition, it is your vital energy!
  • - Do not scatter your hair anywhere so that it does not fall into the hands of your ill-wishers. After all, having your biological material in your hands, any harm can be caused to you.
  • - If you constantly have to go to the hairdresser, then always pay attention to how you and your hair feel after such a visit. It's no secret that sometimes hairdressers have “heavy” hands. He will cut it, and then the hair may not grow for months. If this happens, then urgently change this unfortunate master.
  • - As for hairdressers, there is another secret, the essence of which is this: the master should not be much older than his client. Ideally, younger. There is no need to go to old ladies who, along with your hair, will cut off a lot of everything for you that you didn’t even ask them for.
  • - Every morning and every evening you need to do the same procedure: comb your hair. About fifty movements, in different directions. This will have a very positive effect on both hair growth and its thickness. After all, by stimulating the scalp, you are doing everything to ensure that blood flows to the hair follicles, and therefore the hair roots will be enriched with oxygen, will be thicker and stronger.
  • - If you do not have the opportunity to dispose of your hair: burn it, then before throwing it away, wet it with water. This recommendation is very easy to implement. The water will break the energetic connection that exists between you and the hair that you just lost, and accordingly, it will be difficult for an ill-wisher to harm you in any way.

It happens that without any apparent reason, human health fails.

Read the spell for hair growth on the head during baldness on the waxing moon and on the full moon with a mirror

The body begins to fall ill for unknown reasons, strange symptoms appear, and often all this is reflected in a completely healthy appearance. The first thing that begins to be affected is the hairline.

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For some strange reason, hair growth on the head stops, and worse, hair loss begins to progress. Traditional medicine cannot always come to the rescue in such cases. Often a person is forced to turn to higher powers in order to avoid actual baldness.

It is recommended to read the plot against hair loss on a waxing moon, since the very appeal of a person suffering from baldness to the moon, which has just begun to grow, has a symbolic meaning. To do this, you should take a few hairs that fell out before, wait until midnight and go out onto the porch.

There is information that retribution for a love spell is inherited in the form of a family curse.

The entire clan of the customer suffers, down to the seventh generation.

A love spell is a terrible thing.

In essence, it is damage that cripples the victim, his health and his entire life in general.

You won’t envy the one who committed this black crime - the consequences of the love spell for the customer will be terrible.

— Consequences of a love spell

If this is not possible, then you can go to an open window. Holding strands of hair in your hands, you need to look at the new moon and say three times:

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

“As the new month grows and becomes stronger, so let my hair grow and become stronger! Just as the stars in the sky grow larger, let my hair multiply and not fall out! Amen".

After honoring the prayer, you need to blow the hairs that are in your hand into the air. This ritual is effective, so positive results will not take long to arrive.

Ancient natural magic helped our ancestors maintain beautiful thick hair into old age. It is still recommended to use ancient customs and spells so that hair does not thin and always looks neat, healthy and attractive. The magic in these conspiracies is based on the action of natural substances and energies that are attracted at a special time.

An ancient spell to make hair grow quickly

If the curls do not want to grow and split, then you can use the following plot. He is told to take a herbal decoction. Usually nettle is taken (preferably fresh, if possible). But you can also make a decoction from burdock or chamomile roots.

When you prepare the decoction, read these words:

“The sun and dew, the forces of the earth, the heavens - everything feeds the grass! Grass into water, water into hair! Just as the blades of grass are strong, so is my hair: thick, silky, alive with the warmth and moisture of nature! Let everything that is in the grass go into your hair! So that everyone can admire them, admire the thickness of the hair of the Servant of God (name)! Amen!"

Pour the broth over your head after washing. You need to do this every time you go to the bathhouse (or swim). In a month you won’t recognize your own hair. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll have to go to the hairdresser every week or have your hair braided!

A spell to stop hair loss

If your hairstyle begins to rapidly thin out, then you need to correct this matter. There is a special ritual for this. Take the comb you use most often. And on the waxing Moon, read the following words on it seven times in a row:

“Bird to grain, Moon to Sun, Blade of grass to root, Hair to hair. Amen!"

It is recommended to read the plot on Monday. Leave the comb so that the moon shines on it. Start using it in the morning. When combing your hair, imagine how the moonlight is absorbed into it, coming from the teeth of the combing device. Hair loss will stop. And after a while new hairs will appear.

Morning spell to strengthen hair

This short spell should be practiced every day in the morning. Before combing your hair, raise your hands above your head, clasp them together and say (out loud):

“The moon is born every night! So the hair of the Servant of God (name) increases! There are countless stars in the sky! So there is a hair on my head! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Now comb your hair. Just keep in mind that you don’t just need to run a comb through your hair a couple of times, but thoroughly comb each curl. In the old days, girls were forced to scratch a hundred times on each side. But if you don’t have time for such a long combing, then at least get to twenty. Here, magic will be present and an ordinary head massage, which will contribute to the restoration of hair.

Evening ritual for beautiful hair

And in the evening, complement your magical effect on your hair with the following ritual. Just before you go to bed, comb your hair and say:

“Grow waist-length curls without losing hair! Grow up to your toes, hair to hair - in a row! Grow the braid of the Servant of God (name) strong to be stylish! Let the hairs in a row surprise everyone! Amen!"

And don’t forget that your hair will become strong not only from magic, but also from care. You need to comb and massage your head regularly, setting aside special time for this! Try not to scatter lost hairs, especially in unfamiliar places, because they are not uncommon. And its effect is very difficult to remove.