Aphorisms, quotes, statements of great people on the topic of error. Statuses about mistakes He was the mistakes of my life quotes

Life is so long that you can make a lot of mistakes. And so short that it would correct them.

A strong person tries to correct his mistakes, while a weak person tries to justify them.

Yes. I make a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, is without instructions.

A mistake is a step towards perfection.

And let this be my biggest mistake in life, but I want it!

To change your life, you don’t have to go somewhere, but it’s important to get moving.

Always honestly admit your mistakes, this will dull the vigilance of your superiors and allow you to make new ones.

Some mistakes in life are typos, which are subsequently imprinted in the memory forever.

You shouldn’t regret mistakes that you want to repeat more than once.

We often write down what life dictates to us with errors.

And my mother always said that it’s not scary to make mistakes, it’s scary to sit on your ass all your life.

Bad... good. But the line is thin, and the circumstances are different, and life is long.

Sometimes mistakes are useful, they are like vaccinations against further mistakes. We get “vaccinations” so as not to “get sick.”

There are mistakes for which you are ashamed even in front of yourself.

... you can’t make two mistakes in life: in choosing a profession and in choosing a life partner...

Life is a task that no one has yet SOLVED WITHOUT ERROR.

Sometimes it is better to remove than to add.

The older a person is, the more things in his life that cannot be corrected.

Experience is what everyone calls their mistakes.

Life is short. It’s barely enough to make enough mistakes, and repeating them is an unacceptable luxury!

Mistakes happen in life. Some even have names...

It’s a pity that a person is not given an eraser at birth to erase mistakes and unnecessary things in his life.

It doesn't matter when you make a mistake in life. The trouble is when a mistake becomes life!

Making mistakes on the path of life, in spite of all adversity, I believe in the best that awaits me ahead)

The most terrible glitches are not glitches of technology, these are glitches of people!

Mistakes are the beginning of experience, and experience is the beginning of wisdom.

Most people plan their vacation more carefully than they plan their entire lives.

One of our most disastrous mistakes is to spoil a good deed by poorly implementing it.

If you can’t cope with a mistake, create conditions under which it becomes the only correct solution.

You cannot change your life without understanding the reason for the mistakes you made.

Life experience can be gained not only through your bumps and concussions. Look around, there are a lot of people around who also stumble and fall.

There is no need to skimp on mistakes. There are enough mistakes for our age and there will be more for our descendants.

In life, I am a very diligent girl: I complete my homework, learn my lessons, and I DON’T REPEAT ANY MORE mistakes!

A mistake is a typo in a book called life, but it can well be imprinted on your soul.

Statuses about mistakes in life

Topics of the issue: experience and mistakes, quotes and aphorisms:

  • A man who does not make mistakes receives orders from those who do. Herbert Procnow
  • Unlike men, women would admit their mistakes immediately if they made mistakes. Robert Lembke
  • A person must learn to forgive his mistakes. Arthur Davison Fick
  • All people make mistakes, and that's not the point. The point is what experience they gain. Oleg Roy “Hug to survive”
  • Learn from other people's mistakes - you can't live long enough to make them all yourself. Martin Vanby
  • Always honestly admit your mistakes, this will dull the vigilance of your superiors and allow you to make new ones. Mark Twain
  • Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. George Santayana
  • Even the youngest of us make mistakes sometimes. Benjamin False
  • To make mistakes is to spare your enemies; to behave impeccably means to have the right not to be afraid of them. A. Latour-Chambly
  • If I had to live my life over again, I would dare to make more mistakes. Nadine Histry
  • The surest way to make mistakes is to consider yourself infallible. P. Buast
  • If you erase mistakes from your life, only one signature may remain. G. Malkin
  • The biggest mistake is that a person considers himself absolutely flawless in everything. T. Carlyle

  • There are people who have received nothing but experience. Don Herold
  • An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them. Leonardo da Vinci
  • The desire to avoid a mistake draws you into another. Horace
  • Admitting a mistake is the second mistake. Gene Kerr
  • Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you are going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day. Will Durant
  • Mistakes do not fulfill their mission in helping a person who blames other people for his mistakes. Henry S. Haskins
  • Everyone is convinced that others are mistaken when they judge him, and that he is not mistaken when he judges others. A. Maurois
  • The mistakes of people of strong minds are terrible precisely because they are made by the thoughts of many other people. N. Chernyshevsky
  • He who makes mistakes quickly corrects his mistake quickly. Francis Bacon
  • Mistakes are a science that helps us move forward. W. Channing
  • It’s easier to do it right yourself than to explain what someone else’s mistakes are. G. Longfellow
  • A mistake gives you the opportunity to start all over again, only more intelligently. Henry Ford
  • Many years of experience, often sad, led me to the conclusion that it is impossible to come to any conclusions. Vita Sackville-West
  • The experience of older people is a longer chain of mistakes compared to the experience of young people. Inna Goff
  • We are more willing to admit our mistakes in behavior than in thinking. I. Goethe
  • Experience has produced more timid people than smart ones. Henry Wheeler Shaw
  • Only he is not mistaken. who does nothing; but his whole life is one big mistake. Cardinal Mercier

  • Experience allows us to make mistakes much more confidently. Derwood Fincher
  • The only mistakes that are unforgivable are those we no longer love. M. Scuderi
  • Experience is a school in which a person learns what a fool he was before. G. Shaw
  • Unhappy are those who are never wrong; they are never right. S. Lin
  • Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. O. Wilde
  • Experience is a useful gift that is never used. J. Renard
  • Experience is an expensive school, but what to do if there is no other school for fools. B. Franklin
  • Experience is a good thing as long as you don't overpay for it. Thomas Fuller
  • Experience is a good teacher, but it creates too many bills to pay. M. Antrim
  • Experience is the comb that gives us life when we have already lost our hair. L. Stern
  • Experience is the best teacher, but the cost of teaching is too high. T. Carlyle
  • Experience is the name that most people give to the stupid things they've done or the troubles they've had. A. Musset
  • He who does nothing never makes mistakes. Theodore Roosevelt
  • Experience is the sum of mistakes made, as well as mistakes that, alas, were not possible to make. Francoise Sagan
  • Often, a smart solution to a problem is only possible after a series of serious mistakes. V. Zubkov
  • Experience follows a person - in vain. The man is faster. Robert Lembke
  • You should not be timid for fear of making mistakes; the biggest mistake is to deprive yourself of experience. Luc Vauvenargues
  • Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it. Franklin Jones

  • They learn from their own mistakes, and teach from others. Gennady Malkin
  • Experience turns a fool into an experienced fool. Tsal Melamed
  • We easily forget our mistakes if no one but us knows them. F. La Rochefoucauld
  • To err is human; and admitting mistakes is only for a superman. Doug Larson
  • The best of men, if the mistakes he had made were written on his forehead, would have to pull his hat over his eyes. T. Gray
  • Mistakes are a common bridge between experience and wisdom. Phyllis Theros
  • He who longs to accomplish great things must take risks and make mistakes without losing heart because of this and without fear of being discovered; a person who knows his weaknesses can try to turn them to his advantage, but this is not often possible. L. Vauvenargues
  • The mistakes of fools are sometimes so striking, they are so difficult to foresee, that they baffle the wise and are useful only to those who make them. J. Labruyère
  • When you don't make mistakes, you stop improving. George Martin. "A Feast for Crows"
  • The mistakes of young people are an inexhaustible source of experience for those who are older. Wieslaw Brudzinski
  • Everyone has the right to make a mistake, and so that everyone can take advantage of this right, elections are held. E. Mackenzie
  • Show me a person who has never made a mistake in his life, and I will show you a person who has achieved nothing. Joan Collins
  • Life is very interesting if you make mistakes. Georges Carpentier
  • Delay is better than a mistake. Thomas Jefferson
  • It's a pity that you can't stop time and go back to correct previous mistakes. Life doesn't give you second chances. Therefore, live from your heart. Trust your heart. Do everything to achieve your goal. Never give up. Heath Ledger
  • The biggest mistake is trying to be more pleasant than you really are. W. Bagejot
  • If you look back at your life, I bet you will regret eighty percent of your actions. But life is all about mistakes. Sylvester Stallone
  • The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be constantly afraid of making a mistake. Elbert Hubbard
  • If everyone is wrong, then everyone is right. P. Lachausse
  • The greatest minds make the biggest mistakes. K. Helvetius
  • For most of us, experience is the stern lights of a ship, which illuminate only the path traveled. Samuel Collridge
  • By putting people first, you will never make mistakes, even in matters of making money. Michael Marks

Mistakes are a common bridge between experience and wisdom. Phyllis Theros

A man who does not make mistakes receives orders from those who do. Herbert Procnow

Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. George Santayana

If you look back at your life, I bet you will regret eighty percent of your actions. But life is all about mistakes. Sylvester Stallone

Life is very interesting if you make mistakes. Georges Carpentier

He who does nothing never makes mistakes. Theodore Roosevelt

When you don't make mistakes, you stop improving. George Martin. "A Feast for Crows"

By putting people first, you will never make mistakes, even in matters of making money. Michael Marks

The best of men, if the mistakes he had made were written on his forehead, would have to pull his hat over his eyes. T. Gray

Just as many twisted strings form a rope, often a huge stupidity is just the sum of small stupidities. Unravel the rope, line by line, consider, each separately, the smallest decisive reasons that led to great stupidity, and you will easily understand everything. “And that’s all,” you say. But twist them, tie them again - and you will see how scary it is. Victor Hugo. "Les Miserables"

He who longs to accomplish great things must take risks and make mistakes without losing heart because of this and without fear of being discovered; a person who knows his weaknesses can try to turn them to his advantage, but this is not often possible. L. Vauvenargues

A person makes fatal mistakes not because he behaves recklessly (the moments when a person is reckless can bring him the greatest success in life) but precisely because of excessive rationality. This is the main reason for stupid actions. Oscar Wilde

The one who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher. The one who correctly marks my right actions is my friend. Anyone who flatters me is my enemy. Xiang Tzu

The great dignity of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and constantly make a new man out of himself. Wang Yang-Ming.

Mistakes do not fulfill their mission in helping a person who blames other people for his mistakes. Henry S. Haskins.

The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be constantly afraid of making a mistake. Elbert Hubbard.

A mistake gives you the opportunity to start all over again, only more intelligently. Henry Ford.

A person must learn to forgive his mistakes. Arthur Davison Fick.

Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you are going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day. Will Durant

If I had to live my life over again, I would dare to make more mistakes. Nadine Histry.

It's a pity that you can't stop time and go back to correct previous mistakes. Life doesn't give you second chances. Therefore, live from your heart. Trust your heart. Do everything to achieve your goal. Never give up. Heath Ledger

Learn from other people's mistakes - you can't live long enough to make them all yourself. Martin Vanby.

The article includes quotes about mistakes in life for reflection and development. And here is the first expression: When you see a successful business, it means that someone once made a bold decision. Peter Drucker

Dreams come true, I fell in love with you so much!

Strive to give more than is expected of you. Be more friendly than expected of you. Serve people better than what is expected of you. Surprise people by treating them better than they expect from you.

The goal that a person pursues is always hidden. A girl who dreams of marriage dreams of something completely unknown to her. A young man who craves fame does not know what fame is. What gives meaning to our actions is always something completely unknown to us. Kundera M.

Platonic love is a pure idea that arises from the contemplation of a dress and a smile. Brothers Goncourt

There are many ways to kill time and none to resurrect it.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. G. Leibniz.

If you want to collect honey, don’t destroy the hive. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie

Don't be sad, don't cry, everything in life is for the better. And if people have turned their backs on you, don’t you think that life is just getting rid of garbage?

Without an idea, nothing great can happen! Without the great there can be nothing beautiful. Gustave Flaubert

Never be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic.

All people who fall in love swear about many things, but do not even do what they could!

Sincerity and loyalty are the basis of a long relationship.

Some people love the person in themselves, some love themselves in the person, and some are perverts and both.

We may love those we support more than those who support us. Our vanity sometimes carries more weight for us than personal interests. Eric Hoffer

Everyone can love, but not everyone can build long-term relationships!

If you want to change people, start with yourself. This is both healthier and safer. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie

There are no people who, having stopped loving, would not begin to be ashamed of their past love. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Being good wears out a person! Mark Twain

It's easy to play with a girl's heart when she loves, but this is the most vile baseness.

Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.

To love means to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes

Do what you are afraid to do, and do it until you achieve a number of successes in it.

I dream about you every day, I think about you at night!

Silence and smile are two powerful weapons. A smile is a way to solve many problems, while silence helps to avoid them.

Love calms and pleasantly expands the heart, revitalizes it, while hatred painfully constrains and worries it. He who hates others torments, tyrannizes himself, is the stupidest of all fools, and he who loves is blessed, always calm, cheerful and wise.

Love must be in actions. And in words you can take over France!

Never argue with idiots. You will sink to their level, where they will crush you with their experience. Mark Twain

Women simultaneously desire the greatest and the most insignificant. They demand love and courtesy - a million for pins. Ludwig Börne

Love and be loved…

I only look for the good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not consider myself to have the right to focus on the mistakes of others. Mahatma Gandhi

People complain about their memory, but for some reason they don’t complain about their intelligence...

Blessed is life as long as you live without thoughts. Sophocles

If love puts pressure on you, it is not love.

The most enjoyable thing is to do what people think you will never do. Arabic proverb

Only participation in the existence of other living beings reveals the meaning and basis of one’s own existence. Buber M.

Love is the delusion that one man or woman is better or worse than others

We should not be offended by people because they did not live up to our hopes. It is our own fault that we expected more from them than we should have.

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Take action! Action will describe and define you. Thomas Jefferson

Happiness is a ball that we chase while it is rolling and which we push with our foot when it stops. P. Buast

True wisdom does not bow its head. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Most men ask for proof of love, which, in their opinion, dispels all doubts; For women, unfortunately, no such evidence exists. Stendhal

Stupid things happen by accident, and then become the best moments in life.

The chastity belt does not affect the possibility of betrayal, but only the method. J. Stebo.

Judging by the covers of countless women's magazines, two subjects are of particular interest to women: 1) why men are such pigs; 2) how to attract men. Dave Barry

Love hurts everyone.

Marriage is a sea of ​​responsibility in which you can only stay afloat by holding hands tightly.

Love is weakness, but it is forgivable if it does not remain unanswered.

To make mistakes is the property of man, to forgive is the property of God.

Every woman's mistake is a man's fault.

He who does nothing never makes mistakes.

He who has stopped loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive.

Our main mistake is not that we believe that women love us, but that we believe that we love them.

We easily forget our mistakes when they are known only to us.

All people make mistakes, but great people admit to mistakes.

When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up convinced that his father is usually wrong. If you don't learn from your mistakes, there's no point in making them.

Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.

Witty sayings about error

An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them.

A truly thinking person draws as much knowledge from his mistakes as from his successes.

Witty catchphrases and sayings about error

You can always forgive yourself for mistakes if you only have the courage to admit them.

Experience is the sum of mistakes made, as well as mistakes that, alas, were not possible to make.

It doesn’t take much to notice mistakes: giving something better is what befits a worthy person.

The biggest mistake is trying to be nicer than you are.

We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had.

Do you think I'm an idiot? - No, but I could be wrong.

Shyness may be appropriate everywhere, but not in admitting one’s mistakes.

Anyone who thinks that he can do without others is greatly mistaken; but he who thinks that others cannot do without him is even more mistaken.

A successful person is a person who makes others pay for his own mistakes.

Dictate unintelligibly so that you reserve the right to decide who made a mistake.

If it is true that humanity learns from its mistakes, a bright future awaits us.

Would you give your life for your beliefs? - Of course no. After all, I could be wrong.

Philosophy studies the erroneous views of people, and history studies their erroneous actions.

People's mistakes in their calculations of gratitude for services rendered occur because the pride of the giver and the pride of the recipient cannot agree on the price of the benefit.

Witty catchphrases and sayings about error

To avoid mistakes and disappointments, always consult with your wife before starting an affair.

Archery teaches us how to seek the truth. When a shooter misses, he does not blame others, but looks for the blame in himself.

The mistake is from God. So don't try to fix the mistake. On the contrary, try to understand it, penetrate its meaning, and get used to it. And liberation will come.

Never be afraid to make mistakes - you don’t have to be afraid of hobbies or disappointments. Disappointment is a payment for something previously received, sometimes it may be disproportionate, but be generous. Just be careful not to generalize your disappointment and don’t color everything else with it. Then you will gain the strength to resist the evils of life and correctly appreciate its good sides.

The human race is a mistake. Without him, the universe would be infinitely more beautiful.

A reprehensible mistake is made by those who do not take into account their own and strive for conquest at any cost.

In most disputes one can notice one mistake: while the truth lies between the two views defended, each of the latter moves further away from it, the more passionately it argues.

Making a mistake and realizing it is wisdom. Realizing a mistake and not hiding it is what it is.

The mistake of one is a lesson for another.

Many would rather consider it a virtue to repent of mistakes than to try to avoid them.

Getting angry means taking out the mistakes of another on yourself.

Witty opinions and statements about error

What a pity that we do not live long enough to benefit from the lessons of our mistakes.

We dye our hair a different color each time so as not to make the same mistake twice.

Blessed are those who forget, for they do not remember their own mistakes.

There is only one innate error - this is the belief that we are born for happiness.

How clearly people understand their mistakes is evident from the fact that, when talking about their behavior, they always know how to present it in a noble light.

Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth.

When the mind gives way to impulse or anger and blind rage insults a friend by action or word, then later neither tears nor sighs are able to correct the mistakes.

There is no shame in admitting to a person your mistake.

Our greatest mistake today is that we always confuse two opposite positions with one another and consider them to be one position. One of them is science, and the other is faith.

Each person has his own special way of making mistakes, especially since mistakes often lie in misunderstood accuracy.

It is not correcting a mistake, but persisting in it that brings down the honor of any person or organization of people.

The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.

Witty Intentions and Statements of Error

Just a few years ago she still complained about herself, was still capable of heroic deeds, but now she has learned to adapt to her own mistakes. She knew that the same thing happens to other people: they get used to their mistakes and mistakes to such an extent that they gradually begin to confuse them with their merits. And then it’s too late to change anything in your life.

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Anyone who deeply examines his soul catches himself making mistakes so often that he inevitably becomes modest. He is no longer proud of his enlightenment, he does not consider himself superior to others.

A great man is judged only by his main deeds, and not by his mistakes.

The greatest mistake that is usually made in education is not teaching youth to think independently.

Almost all of our mistakes are essentially of a linguistic nature. We create difficulties for ourselves by inaccurately describing the facts. So, for example, we call different things the same and, conversely, we give different definitions to the same thing.

Perhaps two errors fighting each other are more fruitful than one truth reigning supreme.

One of our most disastrous mistakes is to spoil a good deed by poorly implementing it.

If two mistakes do not bring results, try the third.

Are we not making the mistake of a child who hits the chair he bumps into when driving around a murderer?

It's better to make mistakes with everyone than to be smart alone.