How to set up Internet access from your phone. Internet on the phone via a computer: connection steps. Creating a new connection

Internet - always and everywhere. At work, at home, at the dacha in the car and on a walk, we should always be up to date with the news. The Internet on our phone, which is always at hand, helps us with this.


In order to connect to the Internet on a mobile phone, the tariff must support mobile Internet. As a rule, all tariffs of mobile operators support this function by default.

If you have not activated the service unlimited Internet, then you will be charged for Internet access.

Find out if your mobile phone supports parameters such as GPRS or WAP, i.e. Does the manufacturer provide for the possibility of using this cell phone model to connect to the Internet? To do this, read the instructions included with the phone or find it in the menu of the device itself.

Connecting to the Internet on a phone with the Android operating system

In order to access the Internet through a mobile operator:

  • further section “Network”
  • go to “Advanced settings”
  • check the box “Mobile data enable access to data via mobile network”

You will see an icon at the top indicating an Internet connection. After that, go to the browser and use the Internet service.

There is another way, but it will work when you are within range of a Wi-Fi network:

  • select the “Settings” section
  • open the “Network” item
  • in the Wi-Fi icon, move the slider to the right

Beeline Internet settings

To configure an access point:

  • then click “More”
  • find the “Mobile networks” section
  • open the “Access points (APN)” tab

The names of menu items differ on different phone models. You find the ones that make sense.

You need to fill out 4 points:

  1. Name. In this paragraph, enter: beeline. Click “Ok”.
  2. APN. Register your access point:
  3. Username. Specify: beeline
  4. Password. Write: beeline

You can get automatic Internet settings by typing the USSD command *110*181# and pressing the “call” key. Next, simply save the configuration settings.

Internet setup Megafon

If you connected the Internet from Megafon, but for some reason the automatic settings did not arrive, you can make them manually:

  • go to the “Settings” menu item
  • open the “Wireless Connections and Networks” section
  • then click “More”
  • select the “Mobile networks” tab
  • open the sub-item “Access points (APN)

If the list is empty, click the “+” icon in the upper right corner. Next you need to fill out 4 points:

  1. Name. Specify: megafon
  2. APN. Access point: internet
  3. Username. Enter: gdata
  4. Password: gdata

You can get automatic settings if you dial the USSD command *105*360# and challenge. And also through your Personal Account on the company website.

Setting up Internet Tele 2

If you have connected the Internet from the Tele 2 company, all you have to do is make the settings on your phone:

  • open the “Settings” menu item
  • then click “More”
  • go to the “Mobile networks” section
  • select “Access Point”
  • from the context menu select “Create access point”

The parameters of the new access point open. You only need to enter 2 points:

  1. Name. Write: Tele2 internet
  2. APN. Specify:

Important! The “Username” and “Password” items remain empty.

To order automatic settings online, dial the number 679. Save and use the Internet service from Tele 2.

Setting up Internet Yota

If you use a SIM card from Yota and you need the Internet, then make the following settings for the access point:

  1. Name: yota
  2. APN you specify: (in some cases: internet.yota)

Setting up mobile Internet on a smartphone with two SIM cards

The question often arises: how to set up mobile Internet on a Duos smartphone? It happens that the mobile Internet is connected, but there is no Internet access. You need to do the following:

  • go to “Settings”
  • select “SIM Card Manager”
  • open “Data Network”

The settings may be specified, but the SIM card is simply not selected and, accordingly, the Internet does not work. Choose the SIM card through which you plan to access the Internet. You can change the SIM card to access the Internet at any time.

Internet booster for Android

To increase the speed on your Android smartphone, you need to use the Internet speed master program. This application works both for devices that have super user rights (Root rights) and for those devices that do not have Root rights.

Consider a smartphone that has Root rights. Download the application via Google Play (the application is free):

  • launch the Internet Speed ​​Master application
  • confirm the application's access to Root rights
  • press the “APPLY PATH” button
  • reboot your smartphone

After rebooting, the Internet connection speed will increase.

Let's consider an element of how this application works with devices that do not have Root rights:

  • press the “IMPROVE INTERNET CONNECTION” button
  • A message window appears in which you click “OK”

The strong impact of this application on Internet speed may not always be noticeable. There is another way you can use to speed up the loading of pages in your browser. One of the most popular browsers on Android is Chrome:

  • launch the browser
  • click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Select “Settings” from the list
  • open the “Traffic Saving” icon
  • move the slider to the “On” state

Mobile Internet: useful about pleasant things

A smartphone with mobile Internet is a sheer pleasure, and 4 will help you extend it simple advice about how to simply and efficiently use the mobile Internet:

  1. Tip 1. Control the life of your smartphone. Mobile applications downloaded to your smartphone may periodically request updates. In order to manage the update, in the “Settings” menu, check the “Manual update” option. Thus, you choose for yourself what you need and what you don’t.
  2. Tip 2. Watch Internet videos - also look at the traffic. While watching the video, you left and paused it. Even when paused, the video file is cached, i.e. saved to a buffer. Accordingly, Internet traffic is consumed throughout the entire video download
  3. Tip 3. A free application can eat traffic. Often, advertisements are broadcast along with the download of some applications. Your traffic may be consumed by it
  4. Tip 4. Choosing a method to access the Internet is easy. If you travel abroad and want to use the Internet, just connect Wi-Fi. And if you want to hide from civilization, then turn off data reception and transmission on your smartphone. Including disabling the e-mail client and other programs that access the Internet automatically

Video: How to set up the Internet?

Internet via a mobile phone or smartphone that supports 2G and/or 3G communication technology can be configured on the user’s computer.

Let's look at all the available ways to configure this.

Connect your PC to the Internet via a smartphone (Wi Fi hotspot)

If you use your PC and urgently need access to the Internet, but you don’t have a cable or router at hand, you can set up your smartphone as an access point.

It will work like a router and you can connect to it from your computer.

Follow the instructions below to connect your laptop or PC to your smartphone with mobile internet:

  • Enable the wireless network in your computer's settings;
  • Now go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet;
  • Select the wireless network menu and then "access point". In earlier versions of Android, click on “Modem and router mode”;
  • In the window that opens, click on router settings;

  • In the window that opens, create a name for the access point (any) and a password (minimum 8 characters). Click save and then move the slider that turns on the hotspot;
  • Now from your PC, connect to your mobile router just like you would to any other wifi router.

Connecting a smartphone to a computer as a modem

To connect, you must have a USB cable (to connect your smartphone to your PC).

Follow the instructions:

  • Immediately after connecting the smartphone, a dialog box appears on its screen asking you to select a connection mode. Ignore this window and close it;
  • Go to the main menu of the device and then go to the phone settings;
  • Open the USB modem setup window and set it to “Enabled” mode, as shown in the figure;

  • After enabling modem mode on your smartphone, the computer will automatically begin installing the necessary driver software. Several dialog boxes will appear during the driver installation process.
    The user must check permission for subsequent connections to the modem, and also indicate the desired type of connection network);
  • After installing the driver, the PC will be connected to the network. A network connection icon will appear in the notification area of ​​your operating system.

Note! Computers with older versions of the operating system, for example,WindowsXP/Vista cannot automatically start installing the necessary drivers. In this case, you need to download the software from the official website of the smartphone manufacturer.

To make your Internet connection faster, select 3G connection technology in your smartphone’s mobile Internet settings.

Internet access from a computer via a regular cell phone

You can go online from your computer by connecting to it the most common cell phone.

There are several requirements for a mobile phone:

  • it must support 3G, GPRS or EDGE connection technology,
  • presence of a phone driver installed on the PC,
  • SIM card with configured Internet and funds in the account,
  • You also need a USB cable to connect your cell phone to your PC.

Follow the instructions to find out how to connect the Internet on your computer via your mobile phone:

  • Install the modem driver on your personal computer. You can download it from the website of the mobile device manufacturer;
  • After installing the driver, you need to initialize the modem. To do this, connect your mobile to your PC and open the device manager;

  • In the tab with modems, select a cell phone, right-click on it and open the properties tab, then find the field for additional initialization parameters and write the following line in this field: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","active". Click OK;

  • Now you need to create a connection. Open the network and sharing management window and select creating a new network, as shown in the figure below;

  • Enter the dial-up number in the window that opens (usually *9**#, the number must be checked with your mobile operator);
  • Enter the information you received from the operator in the window shown in the screenshot below and click on the Create button.

This article discusses the stages of using a mobile communicator as a modem in order to connect a computer or laptop with Windows OS to the Network. Attention is also paid to the issue of how to set up the Internet on a Chinese phone.

What you need to have to connect

You must have a mobile phone with a built-in 3G, EDGE or GPRS modem. Any model of a Samsung, Nokia, Sony or other brand communicator may also be suitable. You need a USB cable to connect your phone to your computer. The wire can be replaced with a Bluetooth device. It is clear that in this option, the computer and phone must have appropriate adapters. It is necessary to have a modem driver or program for synchronization with the communicator. The software is most often supplied on disk along with the phone, and there is also the opportunity to freely download everything you need on the manufacturer’s website. You must have a SIM card from a valid mobile operator with a positive account balance. It is necessary that the data service is active for the SIM card. You can find out this from the operator, and, when the opportunity is not available, make a request to connect it. You also need to determine a tariff plan and set up unlimited Internet on your phone. You should find out at the service center or on the website of the mobile operator how to initialize and dial the number for the communicator. They will need to be noted in the modem settings, as well as during connection creation. Particular attention must be paid to choosing a service provider, since the quality and speed of the Internet connection between different providers can vary significantly. These parameters also depend on the region of residence and time of day.

How to connect

Setting up a connection when you need Internet on your phone via a computer is carried out in several stages. Install the driver and connect the phone to the PC or laptop. First of all, you need to install a synchronization program on your computer, and then connect your phone to it using a cord or via Bluetooth. When there is no application for combining, but you need Internet on your phone through a computer, and there is only a folder containing driver files, first of all you need to connect the communicator to the PC. When the system starts installing new equipment, mark the path to this directory inside the desired window.

Carrying out setup

Open access to the device manager of the operating system. In the "Modems" section, find your phone model and click "Properties". In the new window, go to the tab with additional communication parameters and enter the initialization string in the commands column. Next, click the consent button. As mentioned earlier, all the necessary data, if you need Internet on your phone via a computer, you need to find out at the service center. The initialization string will certainly determine which service can be used. As a rule, each tariff plan has its own parameter.

How to create a connection

The procedure for gaining access to the Internet on your phone via a computer at this stage depends on the version of Windows. In the “Start” menu, follow the path: “Control Panel”, then “Network and Internet Connections”. In the next step, double-click on the “Wizards” icon. In the first window, click “Next”. In the “Network connection type” check the box “To the Internet”. Click "Next". At the next stage, select “Manual connection settings”. Next, we will consider the procedure for setting up the Internet on a Chinese communicator. We will describe the necessary actions using the example of the MegaFon network and a copy of the iPhone smartphone from the Celestial Empire. The setup procedure is typical for all major telecom operators. You need to order automatic settings using a special number, and then save them. Thus, it does not matter which manufacturer's phone you use. If you are a MegaFon subscriber, you can always call the subscriber service at 0500 to get settings for your communicator. Provide the operator with the required information. Following the conversation, you will receive a message on your phone with the necessary settings.

In this article we will look at the simplest ways Internet access settings via phone.

Nowadays, setting up your phone to access the Internet is very simple. All Big Three operators have come up with a variety of automatic setup methods for accessing the Internet via phone.

We will consider both general methods and specifically for MTS subscribers.

The easiest way to automatically configure Internet access via your phone is to call MTS mobile phone to number 0876 (free call). All you need to do is just call this number, listen to the auto-informer and hang up. In response, in 2-10 minutes you will receive automatic settings for accessing the Internet via your phone and automatic settings for using the MMS service from MTS.

It is important to understand that there are two types of Internet access:

  2. Internet GPRS

Internet access via WAP GPRS is ten times more expensive than Internet GPRS. Many JAVA applications will not even work with WAP GPRS for the reason that it will be very expensive, so these applications are specifically limited for WAP GPRS.

To access the Internet comfortably via phone, they usually use the most popular mobile browser mini Opera. Also, many people use the application Jimm for ICQ. Both of these applications will only work via Internet GPRS

The method of automatically configuring your phone to access the Internet through the number 0876 indicated above will allow you to configure your phone via WAP GPRS. Therefore, it is not suitable for everyone.

To automatically configure your phone via Internet GPRS, you need to send an SMS message with the word internet to a toll-free number 1234 . After that, in 2-10 minutes you will receive automatic settings Internet GPRS provided your phone supports automatic setup. Most modern models support this method of setting up your phone to access the Internet.

It is worth noting that not all models support Internet access via , many older models, as well as some budget models can only access the Internet via WAP GPRS. There are models that allow you to access the Internet via Internet GPRS, but do not support automatic settings.

In the future, there are plans to publish here detailed manual settings for phones to access the Internet via phone. Perhaps this will be done at the request of our readers.

If you are faced with the fact that you cannot configure Internet GPRS on your phone, then write about it in the comments.

We need to know:

  1. Your region
  2. Your phone model (if you don’t know, you can usually see the phone model under the phone’s battery)

The second way to set up Internet access via Internet GPRS for free is through a special form.
This method of accessing the Internet via telephone is suitable for both subscribers MTS so for Beeline, Megaphone and other mobile operators.

Just select your operator, phone model, enter your phone number and click receive settings via SMS. The settings will come and all you have to do is save them.

How to understand what settings you have by default: Internet GPRS or WAP GPRS. This can be viewed in your profile settings. Of course, this is done differently on each phone model. Therefore, if you don’t understand how this can be done, then you can try to launch the mini Opera or Jimm application, if it doesn’t start, then the WAP GPRS settings, and if it works, then you definitely have Internet GPRS configured - there is no other option.

This post will be updated. Write any other questions you have about setting up your phone to access the Internet.

Manual settings for accessing the Internet via a mobile phone:

  • Sony Ericsson: For example

Important! These instructions are about Android devices, that is, methods for connecting your phone to the Internet via a computer via a USB cable on another OS do not work.

A problem often arises - there is no Internet on the phone and there is no way to use Wi-Fi, but there is a computer with a working network. This article describes a simple solution - connecting via wire.

All you need is a USB cable and a wire to charge the device. No programs or complications.

Unfortunately, iPhone and Windows Phone do not have a feature aimed at connecting to the World Wide Web. Of course, there are some programs aimed at creating a bridge between computers and devices running the above operating systems. However, this method does not affect this.

Connect the phone using a wire. It is worth making sure that the laptop recognizes the smartphone. If everything is in order, then upon contact the PC will make a characteristic sound, and the device will be displayed in the disk folder.

If the computer “does not see” Android, although the device shows a successful connection, then you need to install the driver. This program helps the PC interact with the gadget. Be sure to look for a driver for your model; others most likely will not work.

After installation, the phone will be displayed, but if this does not happen, then you should check the serviceability of the cable and the USB connector of the PC.

How to connect your phone to the Internet via a computer via a USB cable

Go to the settings of your Android gadget. In the first group of settings you need to select the “more” tab. Among the proposed items, you will need the USB internet item. Sometimes the name of the tab is different, but the meaning is the same. This item needs to be enabled.

Next will be manipulations with the computer. First, it is important to enter the Network and Sharing Center. You can go there by right-clicking on the web connections icon in the taskbar, usually on the right. If you can’t find the button, there is an alternative option:

  • Start.
  • Control Panel.
  • Categories.
  • Net.

Then click on Network and Sharing Center. In addition to the main block of hyperlinks, there are several on the left side of the menu. Among them, you need to go directly to “Changing adapter parameters”.

The open dialog box shows the active connections to the servers. The list of names also contains the Internet through which the PC itself operates. It is not difficult to find it, whether it is wired or wireless. In addition, there is a web created by the Android device. It's better to rename it.

Right-click on the connection icon related to the PC and go to the “Access” panel. Next, enable the “Allow other users to connect to this computer” option.

If your PC has three or more active networks, it will be necessary to indicate specifically to whom access is granted. It is important to select from the list of networks the one created by the smartphone and exit by selecting save.

Go to the network properties of your smartphone and in the window, without going to other tabs, double-click on “Internet Protocol Version 4”. The default fields will contain the established addresses. The first line will have to be changed to

Most likely the address is different. In this case, first check the box next to “automatically obtain IP” and exit and save. Then return to properties, to the same protocol tab and enter the numbers indicated above in the first field.

Now, when you click on the second line, a different address is entered. If this does not happen, you need to press the Tab key. Next, you need to close the window and save the changes.

After all operations, the phone will be successfully connected to the server. If you need to disconnect the cable and reconnect it, you will need to partially repeat the procedure. But considering that it takes half a minute, it won’t be anything complicated.