Choosing tea in a store: expert advice. The best black teas according to customer reviews Which brand of tea bags is better

Most of us drink tea every day. This drink not only wins hearts, but becomes a symbol of family comfort and hospitality. We drink tea simply out of boredom, in breaks between work and after a delicious meal, as a dessert, at home and away, alone and with company. Doctors warn that the abuse of caffeine-containing drinks poses a health threat, but this stops few people. Every day, about two billion cups of tea are drunk around the world.

Today, the pace of life has accelerated incredibly, so people began to save time on everything. This also affected tea. To prepare a really tasty drink, you need to disinfect the teapot, pour a small amount of boiling water over the leaves and let it simmer. After 10 minutes, you can add water according to the norm and enjoy the rich taste.

But there is not always time for this. Therefore, manufacturers began to produce tea bags. This is very convenient, especially at work. I had a few free minutes - I poured boiling water from the cooler, threw in a bag, and the tea was ready. But how does such a reduction in ceremony affect our health? Today we want to talk about this in more detail, as well as find the best tea bags.

Not for true connoisseurs

Those who love tea for its rich taste and aroma, and do not just swallow a mug of warm contents without looking at it at work, will never agree to even the best tea bags. The logic here is simple. Usually the latter option is cheaper than large-leaf, high-quality tea.

But if we assume that this particular raw material is packaged in bags, then the cost should increase significantly, since the production process is complicated by the apparatus for grinding and packaging each portion. In addition, material is consumed for tea filter bags. Why does this happen?


Only it can be recognized as meeting quality standards. Below we will talk about specific brands. Everyone else packs the dust that remains from the main production into bags. The most unscrupulous manufacturers go even further, adding ordinary grass, dried and crushed, for volume. Color is achieved through dyes, which also do not add any nutritional value. Sometimes a normal sheet is used as a raw material, but with an expired shelf life.

But the contents of the bags are only one side of the coin. Filter bags for tea also do not add usefulness. In the original these should be silk bags. In our case, paper of unknown quality is usually used. A thread attached with glue is also brewed together with it. Agree, a dubious composition. Of course, in bags it is very different from the cheapest segment, so you should always pay attention to the brand.

Fruit, berry and floral

They are more popular than classic varieties. Typically, flavored drinks do not sit on shelves. It is especially loved by women who want to lose weight and exclude sweets from their diet. In this case, the fruity taste somewhat replaces the candy.

It should be noted that these varieties are mostly harmful. Again, with the exception of the most expensive brands, where dried fruits and berries are used as flavoring. Otherwise, the bright taste is achieved solely through chemical components. It is essentially a slow poison that must be avoided at all costs. very often cause allergies, increase stomach acidity, and reduce immunity. So if you want to be healthy, avoid them if possible.

Chemical analysis

In addition to the fact that lovers of this drink evaluate it by its taste, there are also special studies that are carried out in laboratories. Today, there are many works that describe the work carried out, or rather a comparative analysis of the quality of tea of ​​certain brands. They allow you to accurately assess what tea bags are, the benefits and harm that the body receives.

Analyzing the conclusions, we can say that almost all prototypes contained large amounts of fluorine. If consumed regularly, such a drink will lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and bone tissue, as well as joints. This is especially dangerous for older people and pregnant women. Even a healthy person should not consume such express drinks more than three times a week.

Choose a drink to taste

Each popular brand has a fairly wide range of products. The standard set is classic, green, and several types with flavoring additives. Let's tell you in a few words who should choose black tea. Opinions on this issue differ greatly from each other, but the harm and benefits to the body depend solely on the quality of the brewed raw materials and the amount drunk per day. The caffeine contained in the drink has a tonic effect and gives us strength for a busy day. Its benefits for the prevention of viral infections are known.

Antioxidants protect against colds and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The tannin contained in the product improves immunity, and the presence of fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel. An excess of it is harmful, but a couple of cups a day will provide the body with the necessary amount. If consumed in reasonable quantities, tea eliminates disturbances in the genitourinary system and stimulates brain activity.

But, of course, few people think about this. First of all, black tea in bags is consumed for its unforgettable taste and aroma, rich and rich. It goes especially well with milk.

Light option

It is generally accepted that green tea is more beneficial for the body. It is recommended for women to use during a diet, and also as a tonic drink that can be consumed throughout the day. Few people know that in this case the source of raw materials is the same tea bush from which black, red and yellow tea is made.

That is, it’s all just a matter of processing the sheet. Therefore, the properties do not differ as radically as it might seem at first glance. In particular, the caffeine content in it is also very high. However, the taste is very different. This drink invigorates and refreshes, perfectly tones and is therefore extremely suitable for the summer season. It is especially good with a slice of lemon, honey or fruit.

Best black tea bags

Thanks to numerous surveys and studies, it is possible to identify undoubted leaders who produce a really good product. This is high-quality tea in bags, the benefits and harms of which will be determined only by the amount you drink. It should not be abused, primarily because of the caffeine included in the composition. However, let's move directly to the varieties:

  1. Greenfield Magic Yunnan is the winner of numerous thematic exhibitions, which evaluate contenders for victory based on a variety of criteria. This is the packaging itself, its safety and reliability, as well as its contents. This is a black long tea variety called “bouquet”. The result of brewing is a dark, rich drink with a ruby ​​hue. The aroma is rich, “smoky” and tastes of prunes. Judging by the reviews, this brews perfectly, is very aromatic, but a little tart, and is not for everyone. Each sachet is individually packaged.
  2. Ahmad Breakfast is another great tea bag. Which one is better is up to you to decide. It differs from number one in its more affordable price. In individual bags, small, black tea. This is a blend of strong Ceylon, Assamese and Kenyan varieties. How do consumers see it? Judging by the reviews, this drink is very tasty, rich, bright and slightly tart. The taste is classic, the bags are well made and do not tear when brewing.
  3. Brooke Bond - the highest category is indicated on the packaging, although, according to laboratory tests, it is classified as first grade. This is a blend of Indian and gives a strong infusion with an amber color. The tea is neatly packed, there is no visible dust in the bags. It has a deep taste and beautiful color. These are top sellers that have the best consumer reviews.

Green tea bags

Unlocks the Greenfield Japanese Sencha rating. These are the Sencha varieties. It is with this variety that it is recommended to start getting acquainted with green teas. The main advantages are the classic taste without bitterness. The drink turns out to be a soft olive color. The aroma is very subtle, invigorating and discreet. The packaging is sealed, very good, does not tear or become limp.

In second place according to the survey results is Lipton Classic Green. It brews within a few minutes. The drink has a delicate aroma and a golden hue. The taste is light, medium rich and astringent. There is no bitterness at all, which pleases most consumers.

In third place is Ahmad Green Tea in bags. This is a Chinese tea with an amazing aroma. One bag is enough for one teapot, that is, about two cups. It's nice to drink it with lemon or honey.

Chamomile tea bags

In fact, this trade name is not entirely correct. This is no longer tea, but a herbal drink. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, and is also very healthy. However, there is one caveat. By buying chamomile tea in bags, you risk greatly deteriorating the taste and healthfulness of the drink. Paper packaging and glue are unlikely to add anything to this noble plant. Therefore, it is better to buy dried herbs at a pharmacy. An exception would be Greenfield chamomile, which is of high quality.

Consumer rating

Large shopping centers often organize product tastings, during which visitors are invited to try several types of tea and determine the best one. We will give one example of such a competition, in which “May Tea”, “Akhmad”, “Greenfield”, “Dilma”, “Nuri”, “Conversation”, “Brooke Bond”, “Lipton” took part. Visitors were asked to try each of the drinks and rate it from 1 to 10.

As a result, it was not the most expensive Lipton that unexpectedly received the highest ratings. "Brooke Bond" was placed in second place. Then everything proceeded in accordance with the previous study. Third place was shared by “Akhmad” and “Greenfield”. The “Beseda” tea turned out to be the lowest quality; visitors did not like its taste. But the inexpensive Nuri tea in bags turned out to be a worthy competitor to elite varieties and took fourth place in the ranking.

It should be noted that laboratory tests agree with consumer ratings. The only difference of opinion is “May Tea”. Customer ratings turned out to be weak, while the quality of the products according to laboratory results is very high.

Having appeared in America at the beginning of the last century, bagged tea quickly spread among consumers in almost all countries of the world. It is impossible to say unequivocally which tea bags are better or worse, everyone has their own taste needs, but it is possible to systematize the basic rules of how to choose good quality tea.

Like any product, packaged tea has its own.


  • Does not require a teapot. It can be filled with water directly in the cup.
  • No tea leaves or leaves in the glass or sink.
  • Optimal dosage. One sachet is enough to prepare a drink of rich color and taste.
  • Quick brewing due to the use of crushed leaves.
  • Ease of transportation.
  • If people gathered around the table prefer tea with different flavors, tea bags provide an opportunity to meet everyone's individual needs.


  • Higher cost compared to an identical loose version of the same brand.
  • The bags allow air to pass through. Because of this, over time, raw materials lose their original smell and taste.
  • Possible presence of artificial additives and plant debris. They can be toxic and cause various diseases, including cancer.
  • Crushed leaves tend to oxidize quickly.
  • Cheap products of unknown brands often have a high fluoride content. Regular use can lead to darkening of tooth enamel and brittle bones.

Types of packaging

One of the indicators of tea quality is the container in which it is packaged. Let us dwell in more detail on its main distinctive features.

Tea bags are made from various materials:

  • corn starch;
  • artificial silk;
  • nylon;
  • paper.

Paper packaging is considered unsuccessful, since it not only does not allow water to pass through well, but can also change the taste of the drink for the worse. In addition, the strength of the paper is given by synthetic resin, which is dissolved in alcohol or acetone. As a rule, tea of ​​not the best quality is placed in such containers.

There are also different shapes of bags:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • pyramid.

The quality of brewing depends on the form of packaging. In pyramids with a large volume, the leaves move freely. At the same time, their aroma and taste are revealed to the maximum. It must be said that tea of ​​selected varieties is sold only in pyramids.

The bags also differ in the way the thread is attached.

  • The best taste can be obtained from packaging with sewn thread.
  • If the thread is secured with a metal bracket, then, by oxidizing, it will ruin the pleasure of the drink.
  • The adhesive, dissolved in hot water, enters the body, which can have a negative impact on health.

Packaging contents

The quality of the drink depends on what raw materials were put into the packaging. It can be of three types.

  1. Good quality whole leaves are the best option. They are used by manufacturers of famous brands.
  2. Specially crushed raw materials called “fannings”.
  3. Tea dust. It has virtually no taste or smell of its own. It is to this “tea” that various flavor enhancers and dyes are added, as well as crushed herbs and leaves of various plants.

Important indicators

When choosing tea, you should pay attention to a number of factors that clearly indicate its quality.

  1. See how the box is packed. It should have a tightly sealed transparent film.
  2. After opening the package, find out what material the bags are made of.
  3. Partially remove the bags from the box and inspect its bottom. If it is heavily covered with tea dust, such a product is unlikely to make a tasty drink.
  4. Tea bags of expensive varieties should be placed in individual packaging made of food foil. It protects the contents from moisture, drying and sunlight.
  5. Pay attention to the method of attaching the thread.
  6. Read the ingredients. If the components contain “identical to natural” flavors, it is better to refrain from purchasing.

How to determine the quality of tea

Tea lovers certainly want to enjoy a drink made from a natural and fresh product. But, unfortunately, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality. Often, even expensive tea bags contain artificial additives (flavors and colorings), and may not be of the first freshness.

To make sure that the tea you buy is natural, you need to conduct a simple experiment.

To check black tea:

Place the bag in a glass and fill it with cold water. Let the tea steep for two hours. Assess the quality of the resulting infusion:

  • If the water remains clear or only slightly colored, it means you bought a good product.
  • If you get a strong drink with a rich color, in addition to tea, the bag contains dyes and additives that can adversely affect your health.

To test green tea:

Place the bag in a cup with transparent walls and pour hot, but not boiling, water. After 10 minutes, evaluate the resulting drink:

  • A transparent infusion of a beautiful shade is an indicator of natural raw materials.
  • Cloudiness and faded color indicate that a product of poor quality was purchased. Dip a piece of lemon into a glass and after a few minutes look at the color of the tea:
  • If the infusion becomes lighter, it is made from natural leaves.
  • If the color has not changed, the packaging contains dyes.

An indicator of the freshness of tea, first of all, is the foam. If it appears on the surface after adding water to the cup, then the raw materials were collected recently. The absence of foam indicates that at least 2 years have passed since the leaves were collected.

In addition, after drinking tea, you should pay attention to the walls of the cup. If there is a brown coating left on them, then the selected product is not of the best quality or is expired.

To make tea drinking as beneficial as possible, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Pregnant women and people suffering from serious illnesses should not brew more than three tea bags per day. Healthy people can increase this number to 5, but no more.
  • Under no circumstances should you pour boiling water into a plastic glass. Under the influence of hot water, it begins to melt, and a lot of harmful substances are released from it.
  • Use each package only once. The re-brewed drink will have no taste. In addition, toxic substances may be released from it.
  • The contents of the cup should be drunk within half an hour after preparation. After this time, most of the beneficial substances disappear.
  • After drinking tea, if possible, you should brush your teeth to avoid dark plaque on the enamel.
  • You should not drink tea bags on an empty stomach. This can be fraught with stomach diseases.
  • Choose products only from trusted brands.

By following these recommendations, you can easily choose high-quality, delicious, aromatic tea bags. The main thing is to purchase tea in specialized stores or supermarkets, in places where quality control of products is carried out and correct storage conditions are ensured.

So which tea is the most delicious? You can read more about brands and recommendations.

photo:, svetas, amenic181

How nice it is to pamper yourself with a cup of delicious, hot, aromatic, freshly brewed tea! But due to modern circumstances, people have practically no time for the long process of preparing the drink. That's why more and more tea drinkers are choosing tea bags. This product is preferred because it brews easier and faster, and annoying tea leaves won’t float in the mug. This drink is convenient to take with you and drink on the way to work. When going on a trip, you can also take tea bags and a thermos with hot water with you and savor hot and sweet tea along the way. But there are endless debates surrounding bagged and loose tea: which product is better and healthier. Let's try to understand this issue.

History of tea

Before humanity invented it, he had to get acquainted with tea in general and find out in more detail what kind of product it was. In ancient Chinese manuscripts dating back to 2700 BC, this extraordinary drink was first mentioned. That is why many scientists are of the opinion that China is the origin of the product is shrouded in many legends, and it is unknown which of them is true and which is fiction.

One of the legends tells how the scholar-monk Tsai-ye cut off his eyelids while working on very valuable manuscripts. He tried to make sure his eyes didn't droop and he could spend more time working. It was from the monk’s eyelids that the tea leaves, resembling eyelashes, grew. Then people learned to brew and drink the drink.

Another legend associated with its origin also relates to China. One day, Chinese Emperor Shen Long was very tired and decided to boil water over a fire so he could drink something. But he did not notice how several leaves fell into the liquid from some tree. So a certain drink was prepared, which the monarch drank. After he drank the decoction, he felt that warmth spread throughout his body, he became more alert and had increased strength. At that moment, the emperor realized that he had become the discoverer of a new drink, and therefore decided to study its properties. As a result of the discovery, the Chinese began to carefully examine tea leaves, grow them and drink different teas.

The history of bagged tea

Well, now we’ll find out how good tea bags appeared. It was first tried by residents of America. It was there that the smart entrepreneur Thomas Sullivan, trying to sell as much product as possible, came up with one brilliant idea: he poured some types of tea into silk bags with laces. He offered such samples to his potential clients. Some of them really liked this idea, since they could simply dip the bag into boiling water. Thus, some consumers began to use only packaged tea, and Mr. Sullivan put the production of such a product on stream.

But it was only during the Second World War that good tea bags became widespread. The British army ordered the production of packaged drinks from local manufacturers to make it more convenient for soldiers to use. Thus, during battles, the military could save time on preparing tea and at the same time not deprive themselves of the pleasure of enjoying delicious nectar. After the end of the war, tea in bags was introduced to the public.

How to choose tea bags

Choosing tea bags is a simple matter. Here you need to pay attention to many nuances so that the purchase turns out to be truly tasty and healthy. So, a high-quality product must be in equally high-quality packaging. It must be a box made of paper or metal, and its edges must be smooth. Ideally, each tea bag should be additionally packed in foil.

The packaging of a prestigious drink must contain information about where the tea leaves are collected, their weight and calorie content. Also, if the product contains additives, they must be indicated on the label. On it you also need to find the date of manufacture of the product, its expiration date and the number of tea bags contained in the total package.

You should also pay attention to the language in which the information on the pack is written. No matter how expensive the product, all inscriptions on the packaging must be made in the language of the country in which it is sold.

Now take a closer look at the contents of the bags: the color of good dry tea should be dark brown, almost black. If your purchase is light brown in color and has straws of light colors added to it, then you were sold a cheap and low-quality product.

Best Brands of Black Tea Bags

Choosing a quality packaged drink is not so difficult, especially if you use our recommendations. But many consumers would probably like to know specifically which black tea bags are the best. Greenfield Magic Yunnan is recognized as one of the most prestigious products. This is a long black product belonging to the “bouquet” variety. The result of preparation is a rich infusion with a ruby ​​color. The tea has a prune flavor and a smoky aroma.

Ahmad Breakfast is another tonic elixir that deserves the attention of gourmets. The product belongs to the middle price category. The product is a blend of strong varieties of Kenyan, Ceylon and Assam tea. This drink brews very quickly and well.

The most prestigious brands of green tea in bags

Many people love black tea, but many also like the green variety. Therefore, it is also worth knowing which green tea bags are the best. Thus, Lipton Classic Green is worthy of respect - a classic green tea with a slightly tart, soft taste and a light, pleasant aroma. This drink will be ideal for everyday use both at work and at home.

Greenfield Japanese Sencha, a drink with a regular taste, is also considered an excellent option, so it is recommended to start getting acquainted with green teas with this product.

In any case, no matter what kind of tea you like - green or black, the best one will be the one that is packaged in silk or nylon bags. Nylon bags are chosen only by the most prestigious and reputable companies - manufacturers of tea products. That is why such a packaged product is considered the best of the best.

And if the tea bag is made of paper, then such a product will already be of low quality.

Tea art with Greenfield

One of the most popular tonic drinks in our country is Greenfield tea. This product is such a success among Russians that it seems as if it is a hundred years old. But in fact, the domestic company Orimi Trade began producing the drink only in 2003. The founders of the brand bought an office in the capital of Great Britain and named their product with an English word. This served as a great marketing move.

The new tea very quickly found its admirers, since several types of it were immediately offered to customers. Today there are more than 30 varieties of Greenfield tea, so tea drinkers have plenty to choose from.

The most popular types of Greenfield

There is Greenfield black tea, green, white, herbal, fruit and milk oolong (oolong). The most widely represented are black teas, among which I would like to highlight:

Among the green varieties, Jasmine Dream tea deserves attention - a drink with the addition of jasmine.

The Greenfield series of white teas is represented by White Bloom with honey aroma and Mango Delight. This is a Chinese white drink with the addition of tropical mango and apple.

Rating of black and green tea bags

You can find out what the best tea bags are (we provide the rating for you) below:

  • First place goes to Greenfield Magic Yunnan.
  • In second place is Ahmad Tea English Breakfast.
  • And third place went to

The ranking of green bagged teas is as follows: the most popular product is Greenfield Japanese Sencha, followed by Lipton Classic Green, and the third position is occupied by a drink called Ahmad Green Tea.

Loose versus bagged

And yet, consumers continue to be tormented by the question of which tea is better: tea bags or loose tea. Experts say that loose is definitely better than bagged. And the main difference between the products is the size of the leaves. Tea leaves contain many essential oils and chemicals that form the basis of the drink's unsurpassed aroma. When the leaves are crushed, the oils can evaporate and the chemical elements can disperse, causing the tea to become less aromatic and more tasteless. In tea bags, tea leaves look more like dust. Very small pieces of broken leaves are packed into bags. But loose teas contain only whole leaves or large pieces of them.

There is also a space factor in this matter. In order for tea leaves to unfold and swell, they need a lot of space. Excellent circulation of liquid around the tea leaves is of great importance. But if the product is packaged in a small and tight bag, then this will not happen.

People's opinions

Good tea bags get excellent reviews. Consumers love the fact that the drink takes only a few minutes to prepare. They say that sometimes the taste of a packaged product is not as good as a loose product, but if a person is in a hurry, then he does not pay much attention to this. And if the product is expensive and of high quality, then its taste will not be affected by the “wrong” packaging.

People also like the fact that bagged tea is easy to store: it does not spill out of the jar. The bag is easily removed from the packaging and conveniently placed into the cup.


Tea has always been and remains one of the most popular and widely known drinks. And what are the traditions and rituals of tea drinking in different countries of the world?
Tea is a cultivated evergreen plant whose dried and specially processed leaves, which when brewed produce an aromatic tonic drink. The tea drink is a complex combination of substances that has a multifaceted and generally beneficial effect on the human body. The total number of chemical compounds included in its composition is... about 300, although the exact data on the chemistry of tea still remains a mystery.

Recently, with the change in the rhythm of life, tea drinking traditions have also changed. Bagged tea began to occupy a strong niche in the general tea market. In Europe, the share of bagged tea is about 77%, and in England, known for its rich tea traditions, currently up to 90% of consumption comes from bagged tea. Bags are used in inexpensive catering establishments and have become almost a standard for office tea drinking in Europe and America. Their consumption is also increasing in families.

Over time, the consumption of bagged tea has found both its supporters and real opponents. It is convenient to throw away used tea bags, which can be important when drinking tea in an office environment, where it is not always convenient to get rid of the tea leaves and wash the brewing accessories.
Proponents of this method of brewing tea argue that bagged tea has the only distinctive feature compared to loose leaf tea - this is the degree of leaf grinding. A special type of tea – fannings – is packaged in tea bags. It is finer than the regular loose leaf tea traditionally used for teapot brewing. Small tea leaves, collected in a bag, due to the larger surface that interacts with water, give it more substances in a shorter period of time than a large leaf. This is why the tea bag brews faster and more efficiently
With all this, there are also visible disadvantages of the tea drink; many believe that for the production of bagged tea they use low-quality small-leaf tea or the so-called category D leaf (from the English dust - dust - waste left over from the production of loose leaf tea), often making up for the shortcomings of aroma and taste of raw materials with flavorings and flavoring additives. It is difficult to say something definite about the quality of such teas - among them there are both acceptable and downright bad. This is what got us interested. In addition, tea lovers often consider the very fact of drinking tea bags to be a sign of low culture.

Differences in the points of view of tea drink drinkers were the relevance of our research. Since black tea still predominates in the traditions of Russian tea drinking, it was he who was analyzed in determining which bagged teas are most acceptable for consumption.

Purpose of the study:

conduct a comparative analysis of bagged black tea according to various indicators.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:
1. study the literature and define the concept of “tea”;
2. consider the chemical composition of tea and the characteristics of its effect on the human body;
3. determine the quality characteristics of the tea drink;
4. highlight the main types of teas;
5. identify the features of tea bags;
6. consider the mechanical composition of bagged tea samples;
7. describe the organoleptic properties of the selected samples
8. compare the pH of tea drinks;
9. identify the presence of dyes in samples;
10. determine the content of vitamin C;
11. detect the presence of caffeine and tannin in tea;
12. consider the effect of tea on the processes of decay.

The practical significance of the study is that the material proposed in the work allows for a rational approach to the consumption of tea drink.

Samples for analysis

Bagged black teas presented on the Omsk market were selected as samples for comparative analysis:

The information indicated on the packaging of bagged tea is incomplete; there are no letter designations, which does not allow us to judge the quality of the tea, its origin, the form of leaf processing, or the category of tea. The weight of the tea, excluding the weight of the single bag itself, is net.

Mechanical composition of tea

Appearance of the contents of the tea bag:

As a result of examining the contents of tea bags, it was revealed that the externally heterogeneous composition is determined in samples No. 1, 5, 6, especially No. 3.
When studying the mechanical composition under a microscope, it was revealed that in samples No. 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 there are only parts of leaves that are quite uniform in appearance, in samples No. 5, 8 there are parts of crushed stems, a lot of stem in samples No. 6, 9, golden hairs of plant origin are present in sample No. 3. In sample No. 8, fibers of artificial origin are found; colorless crystals are clearly visible on the surface of the leaves in samples No. 6, 7.

Organoleptic properties

Method: tea is brewed for 5 minutes, then the bag is removed and the aroma of tea in pairs, taste characteristics, degree of astringency and the presence of foreign flavors are compared.

Indicators of organoleptic properties are quite subjective, but tea is, first of all, a taste product and organoleptic indicators are important in determining its quality. Samples that most correspond to tea drinking traditions in taste and aroma are No. 2, 3, 8, 10, samples No. 4, 5, 6 have the lowest organoleptic characteristics.

Availability of dyes

A change in the color of water at room temperature indicates that a dye was most likely added to the bagged tea, in greater quantities in sample No. 8, in smaller quantities in samples No. 2 and 10, as evidenced by the intensity of the coloring of distilled water.

Lemon reacts with the coloring substances of the tea itself, according to this we can judge that the more discoloration of the tea has occurred compared to the original color, the more likely it is that tea as such is still present in the bag. Samples No. 5, 7,9 were the most subject to discoloration compared to the initial characteristics. Within 20 minutes after removing the lemon from the tea, almost all teas, except for Nos. 2 and 4, became cloudy.

Determination of vitamin C

The determination method is based on iodometric analysis.

Caffeine detection

During this experiment, caffeine was found in small quantities in the samples, with the exception of samples No. 6, 9, only traces were found in samples No. 5, 7, 8.

Tannin detection

When carrying out this experiment, it was revealed that the highest tannin content was in samples No. 1, 2, 8, the lowest – No. 4, 5, 6, 7.


1. The information indicated on the packaging of bagged tea is incomplete; there are no letter designations, which does not allow us to judge the quality of the tea, its origin, the form of leaf processing, or the category of tea. The weight of the tea, excluding the weight of the single bag itself, is net. Externally, the heterogeneity of the composition is determined in samples No. 1, 5, 6, especially No. 3. When studying the mechanical composition under a microscope, it was revealed that in samples No. 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 there are only parts of leaves that are quite uniform in appearance, samples No. 5, 8 have parts of crushed stems, a lot of stems in samples No. 6, 9, golden hairs of plant origin are present in sample No. 3. In sample No. 8 there are fibers of artificial origin, on the surface of the leaves in samples No. 6, 7 there are clearly colorless crystals are visible.

2. Samples that most correspond to tea drinking traditions in taste and aroma are No. 2, 3, 8, 10, samples No. 4, 5, 6 have the lowest organoleptic characteristics.

3. Tea drinks showed a neutral pH environment.

4. Most likely, a dye was added to the bagged tea, in greater quantities in sample No. 8, and in smaller quantities in samples No. 2 and 10, as evidenced by the intensity of the coloration of distilled water. Samples No. 5, 7, and 9 were the most susceptible to discoloration by lemon compared to the original characteristics, which indicates better quality of tea.

5. A higher content of vitamin C, compared to other samples, is observed in samples No. 2, 4, 3, 7, the lowest – in samples No. 9, 8, 1.

6. Caffeine was found in small quantities in samples, with the exception of samples No. 6, 9, only traces were found in samples No. 5, 7, 8. The highest tannin content was in samples No. 1, 2, 8, the lowest - No. 4, 5, 6, 7.

A summary table of indicators is presented in the table:

Based on the results obtained, the most acceptable for consumption are tea bags No. 2 (Greenfield Indian black tea) and 10 (Riston classic black tea), the least acceptable is No. 5 (T. m. Lenta black Ceylon long tea) and 6 (“Lisma” black long tea).

The work was completed by:
Drobysh Maria Andreevna
Kolosova Yulia Andreevna
9a grade students of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 127”

Shamanina Natalya Sergeevna
Chemistry teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 127”
Leninsky administrative district of Omsk