Illusion 100 skyrim. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Magic Illusion. Illusion Expert

Destruction spells are the main means of dealing damage by mage characters of the school of magic. With this skill, it is permissible to use ice, electric and fire spells. They differ depending on the damage dealt and additional effects:

1. Fire - the most inexpensive, the flight of the charge has an average speed. Allows you to set the target on fire, which increases the damage dealt from subsequent fire spells.
2. Ice - medium cost, charge flight speed is slow. On hit, slows the target, dealing damage to health and stamina.
3. Electricity - the most expensive, the fastest charge flight speed. The damage dealt is related to the enemy's health and magic.

Accordingly, effects are added to each destruction: paralysis, disintegration and fear. These destructions are divided into 5 levels of power, and differ in power and magic cost. Illusion spells in Skyrim are about changing the perception of the surrounding world. For example, fear and invisibility belong to this skill. Talents provide an opportunity to enhance the action. All of them are also divided into 5 levels of strength:

1. beginner: courage, clairvoyance, frenzy;
2. student: calm, fear, muffled steps;
3. adept: rage, encouragement;
4. expert: invisibility, pacification, flight;
5. master: call to arms, harmony, hysteria, rout.

Alteration Spells - Specialize in transforming things, modifying things, and using the laws of physics to your advantage. With the help of talents, you can increase the duration of the action, or strengthen it, as well as increase your defense against the effects of enemy magic. They are divided into 5 levels, differing in strength:

1. beginner: candle, oak skin, balance;
2. apprentice: magical light, stone skin;
3. adept: life detection, iron skin, telekinesis, underwater breathing, transmutation;
4. expert: undead detection, ebony skin, paralysis;
5. master: dragon skin, mass paralysis.

Sorcery is designed to summon various creatures and create magical weapons. Talents make it possible to increase the power of magic weapons, increase the duration of the call and the number of creatures that appear. Like everyone else, they are divided into 5 levels, differing in strength. Consider full list sorcery spells:

1. novice: sword, summon pet, raise zombie;
2. Apprentice: Battle Axe, Raise Zombie, Soul Trap, Summon Fire Pet, Summon Arnel's Shadow;
3. adept: banishing deidra, bow, frost atronach, revenant;
4. Expert: Deidra Control, Daedra Lord, Storm Atronach, Terrifying Zombie, Deidra Removal;
5. Master: Dead Thrall, Flame Thrall, Ice Thrall, Storm Thrall.

Where can I find spell books? And what are they for? The first opening of any book teaches you the skill it contains. Most spells are available to players (except for the starting spells), which are learned in the process of reading the Tomes. For example, books intended for beginners and apprentices can be purchased from any magic merchant. Higher-level tomes are already available to purchase only from mages at the College of Winterhold. And Master spells can only be purchased once, as ritual spells for each of the magical schools after . Almost all volumes can be found randomly during the game. Only certain books and spells of the Master cannot be bought or found by chance. The appearance of random tomes in various chests depends on your general level and is not related to your skill in the school of magic. Each spell in Skyrim has its own ID. For example, "Summoned Sword" has ID 000211eb.

In Skyrim, the character builds his destiny after an unexpected release from captivity for an unknown crime. The fifth part of TES invites the player to explore the snowy reality of the game, go down to the Nordic catacombs for magical artifacts, defeat various opponents - dragons, humans and atronachs. You can almost take a task from the first citizen you meet. Quests can also be obtained from the heads of guilds. One of the factions that issue tasks to the protagonist is the College of Winterhold.

Getting the quest "Illusion Spell"

This quest can be completed by a protagonist of the sixth level and above, but only on condition that his “Illusions” skill has already reached 100. The quest is issued by the College teacher Drevis Neloren, a Dunmer illusionist who also sells tomes with spells from his school.

To find Drevis in the college building, it will be useful to know his schedule.

From eleven in the evening until eight in the morning he rests in his room. From eight to ten in the morning, the teacher is in the Support Hall, where he uses the magical devices in the room, shares rumors with colleagues, eats, or meditates on the nature of magic. From ten to three, Drevis studies in the premises of the Arcaneum, and from three until the evening he can be practically anywhere in the College, with the exception of Midden, the entire Hall of Achievements and the personal quarters of the archmage.
To get a ritual illusion spell in Skyrim, you will have to focus on pumping the Illusion skill. Upgrading a skill is made difficult by the fact that in order to increase skill, the spell cast by the character must successfully cast the final effect.

The Fear spell should not be cast on creatures that are immune to fear, and Invisibility should be cast while out of sight of the NPC. You also need to take into account the fact that the spells of the Illusion school cast on enemies have a limit on the maximum level of the opponent, at which they can apply an effect.

Passage "Spell of Illusion"

After talking with Drevis Neloren, the character receives the spell needed to complete the quest called Eyesight. The essence of the mission lies in the fact that in the building of the College of Winterhold you need to find four cleverly hidden volumes of the Mastery of Illusion.

To find books, the protagonist will have to use a special spell received from the quest giver, otherwise the items they are looking for will not be visible.

One of the volumes lies on a table in the Winterhold Library - Arcaneum in the leftmost (if you enter from the main entrance) part of the room. The hero will find the second book in a small room on the second floor, completely filled with boxes and barrels, which can be accessed from the Support Hall. The next volume is located on floor number two of the Winterhold Hall of Achievement, to the right of the stairs leading to the floor, on the floor near the shop standing here. The last volume must be sought on the table in the Atronach Forge, which is located in Midden, stretched under the College of Mages tunnels. All four volumes of illusions should be returned to Drevis Neloren.

The teacher of the Dragonborn will reward the book "Hysteria". This spell of the Illusion school puts opponents (humans and creatures) to flight. In Skyrim, the ritual illusion spell "Hysteria" must be cast with two hands, as a lot of mana and time are wasted.

The spell allows you to drive away enemies up to level 25 for 60 seconds, and the maximum development of the sorcery of the Illusions school will allow you to flee people up to level 47 and creatures (including Daedra, undead and mechanisms) up to 45 also for 60 seconds.

Pertaining to magical specialization. Illusion spells manipulate the minds of creatures, infuriating them or causing them to flee in fear. Experienced illusionists are able to influence the outcome of the battle, cheering up allies or completely stopping the course of the battle for a while. Also, the illusion allows you to covertly move, muffling steps or merging the caster with the environment, making him invisible. The growth of this skill is affected by touching the Stones of the Mage and Lover.


To advance in the mastery of this skill, casting spells must have a successful end effect. For example, there will be no progress in learning if the Invisibility spell is cast in full view of other characters, or if the Fear spell is used against an enemy that is immune to it. If the target's level is higher than the ability of the spell cast, there will also be no success. Most of the illusion abilities will help overcome the main limitation of this school: the level of opponents that the spell can affect.


The School of Illusion has six powers that its students can learn:


Fury clouds the minds of creatures, causing them to attack anyone they meet. Allows you to sow panic and discord in the ranks of the enemy. For the use of such spells on civilians, the guard will impose a fine on the caster. Fury can be applied to a single target or a group, depending on skill proficiency and spell level.

Suppresses the will of the enemy and makes him flee from the magician. While the spell effect is in effect, the target will not engage in combat and will try to hide from the caster. good remedy to even the odds in an unequal battle. For the use of such spells on civilians, the guard will impose a fine on the caster.


Allows you to disappear from the field of view of most creatures by creating a special aura around the body that bends light. Greatly increases the chance of stealth penetration, but the effect disappears when interacting with objects in the world. If the enemy has already noticed an invisible character, then it will be much more difficult to hide from him again. It must be remembered that it is extremely difficult to hide from dragons due to the visibility available to them in flight, and the Falmer are generally blind by nature. You should also know that the sound of spell reloading attracts the attention of opponents, even if you are under the influence of a spell or invisibility potion. This can be avoided by having the Silent Spells ability.


Soothing charms captivate the minds and hearts of many creatures, causing them to leave the dispute and return to peace. oh life for a while. Opponents can rush into battle again if they are attacked. It is also necessary to remember that this spell acts differently on all creatures. For example, it will not be possible to calm troll Apprentice level spell.

The power of these spells raises the morale of creatures, increases their health and stamina. More advanced spells are able to improve the knowledge of combat skills for a short period of time.


The forces of silence command the sound and resonance of matter. They suppress the sounds made by the caster, allowing them to move almost silently. To a greater extent, energy is concentrated on the feet, reducing the noise emitted when walking or running, and allows you to sneak behind the backs of opponents, quietly sneak up on the victim and not give yourself away with the noise of armor at the same time.

This guide is intended for beginners, but if you read an avid professional, you will suddenly like it.
ATTENTION: I advise you to collect only items from 30 septims, and these are: All breastplates, and the imperial set, otherwise there will not be enough for spells later. (Before you reach the first merchant).

  • Immediately after your hands are untied
get to the guys who will beat the "Torture Master" and his partner. After you kill these "masters" take things from the bag that will lie on the table and open the cage in which the magician lies with a master key, take his clothes and a book. Read the book and put on your clothes, then just go and beat everyone in a row.
  • After you left the fortress
turn towards the north and reach the mine, turn left and go along the road towards the stones.
(There you will find 3 standing stones). Activate the mage stone
Then go back to the mine, kill that unpleasant uncle who does not let you in and boldly go in.
In the mine, lower the bridge and go further, you will see a pantry on the right side (I don’t know what to call it) with a chest and a book lying on the table. To enter this closet, you need to go a little further, kill the man and take the key from him. You can also find a book there. light armor
go to the forge and sell everything there except the most necessary, and this is: a set of a magician, and any weapon that you have (I usually leave a dagger).
You can also learn the basics of blacksmithing from (Forge) Alvor.
And again, you can steal everything that is on the counter from Alvor, it is advisable to do this at night.
Having done all the things in Riverwood, follow the main quest to Whiterun.
Reaching the gate a guard will come up to you and say that entry is prohibited. In response, tell him
"I have news of a dragon attack"
  • After you enter the castle
Turn into the room to the magician (located on the right side) and talk to him. Buy spells from him: sedation And Mute footsteps.
Calming will save you from unpleasant situations in the form of your death, and muffled steps will quickly raise your level of illusion. After the illusion level becomes 65+, you can safely go to the college of winterhold and buy an invisibility spell from Drevis Neloren.

How to level up
You can level up by using the spell regularly. footsteps muffled The main thing is not to wait until your mana is charged, just rest on the t button.