PC device. What parts does a computer consist of? Computer device. What does computer consist of? What elements does a computer consist of?

I planned to write a series of useful articles for beginners on how to choose and purchase a computer of the desired configuration (as well as a tablet) and for solving certain tasks: work, study, games, working with graphics. Before directly touching on the choice of a home computer or laptop to solve your problems, it would be more correct to first explain to beginners what a computer consists of... Therefore, in this article I will talk about the main components of a typical home (stationary) computer so that you have an idea of ​​how it is structured, what this or that component looks like, what characteristics it has and what it is responsible for. All this information can be useful to simple novice users when choosing and buying a computer... By “Basic” I meant those components (components) that can be removed and can be easily replaced. Simply put, I won't go too far and go into great detail about how a computer works, explaining every element on the circuit boards and the internals of every component. This blog is read by a lot of beginners, and I believe that talking about all the complex processes and terms at once is not good and will simply cause confusion in the head :)

So, let's move on to considering the components of any one using the example of a regular home computer. In laptops and netbooks you can find everything the same, just in a much smaller version.

What are the main components of a computer?

    CPU. This is the brain of the computer. It is the main component and performs all calculations in the computer, controls all operations and processes. It is also one of the most expensive components, and the price of a very good modern processor can exceed 50,000 rubles.

    There are processors from Intel and AMD. Here, whoever likes what, but Intel heats up less and consumes less electricity. With all this, AMD has better graphics processing, i.e. would be more suitable for gaming computers and those where work will be carried out with powerful image editors, 3D graphics, and video. In my opinion, this difference between processors is not so significant and noticeable...

    The main characteristic is the processor frequency (measured in Hertz. For example, 2.5GHz), as well as the connector for connecting to the motherboard (socket. For example, LGA 1150).

    This is what the processor looks like (the company and model are indicated at the top):

    Motherboard (system) board. This is the largest board in the computer, which is the link between all other components. All other devices, including peripherals, are connected to the motherboard. There are many motherboard manufacturers, and ASUS and Gigabyte are at the top, as the most reliable and at the same time expensive, respectively. The main characteristics are: the type of supported processor (socket), the type of supported RAM (DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), the form factor (determines which case you can place this board in), as well as the types of connectors for connecting other computer components. For example, modern hard drives (HDD) and SSD drives are connected via SATA3 connectors, and video adapters are connected via PCI-E x16 3.0 connectors.

    This is what the motherboard looks like:

    Memory. Here we will divide it into 2 main types, which will be important to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. Video card(video adapter or “vidyukha”, as more or less advanced computer users call it). This device is responsible for generating and displaying images on the screen of a monitor or any other similar connected device. Video cards can be built-in (integrated) or external (discrete). Today, the vast majority of motherboards have a built-in video card, and visually we see only its output - a connector for connecting a monitor. An external video card is connected to the board separately in the form of another board with its own cooling system (radiator or fan).

    What's the difference between them, you ask? The difference is that the built-in video card is not designed to run resource-intensive games or work in professional image and video editors. It simply does not have enough power to process such graphics and everything will be very slow. The built-in video card today can be used more as a temporary backup option. For everything else, you need at least some kind of simple external video card, and which one depends on your preferences for using the computer: for Internet surfing, working with documents, or for games.

    The main characteristics of a video card are: the connector for connecting to the board, the frequency of the graphics processor (the higher it is, the better), the amount and type of video memory, the bit width of the video memory bus.

    This is what the video card looks like:

    Sound adapter. Each computer has at least a built-in sound card and is responsible, accordingly, for processing and outputting sound. Very often it is the built-in one, and not everyone buys a discrete sound card that connects to the motherboard. Personally, for example, the built-in one is quite enough for me and, in principle, I don’t pay attention to this component of the computer at all. A discrete sound card will produce much better sound and is indispensable if you make music or work in any music processing programs. And if you’re not into anything like that, then you can safely use the built-in one and not think about this component when purchasing.

    This is what a discrete sound card looks like:

    Network adapter. Used to connect the computer to the internal network and the Internet. Just like a sound adapter, it can very often be built-in, which is enough for many. Those. in this case, you will not see an additional network adapter card in the computer. The main characteristic is throughput, measured in Mbit/sec. If the motherboard has a built-in network adapter, and the vast majority of motherboards usually have one, then there is no need to buy a new one for your home. You can determine its presence on the board by the connector for connecting an Internet cable (twisted pair). If there is such a connector, then the board has a built-in network adapter, respectively.

    This is what a discrete network card looks like:

    Power supply (PSU). A very important computer component. It is connected to the mains and serves to supply direct current to all other computer components, converting the mains voltage to the required values. And computer devices operate at voltages: +3.3V, +5V, +12V. Negative voltages are practically never used. The main characteristic of a power supply is its power and is measured, accordingly, in Watts. A power supply with such power is installed in the computer that it is enough to power all components of the computer. The video adapter will consume the most (the power it consumes will be indicated in the documentation), so you need to focus on it and just take it with a small margin. Also, the power supply must have all the necessary connectors for connecting to all existing computer components: motherboard, processor, HDD and SSD drives, video adapter, disk drive.

    This is what the power supply looks like:

    Disk drive (drive). This is an additional device, which, in principle, you can do without. Serves, respectively, for reading CD/DVD/Blu-Ray discs. If you plan to read or write any discs on your computer, then, of course, such a device is necessary. Among the characteristics, we can only note the ability of the drive to read and write various types of disks, as well as the connector for connecting to the board, which today is almost always SATA.

    This is what the drive looks like:

Everything listed above is basic, which, as a rule, no computer can do without. In laptops everything is similar, only there may often be no disk drive, but this depends on which model you choose and whether you need this disk drive at all. There may also be other components that will also connect to the motherboard, for example: Wi-Fi adapter, TV tuner, video capture devices. There may be other additional components that are not at all mandatory, so we will not dwell on them for now. Nowadays, almost every laptop has a Wi-Fi adapter for connecting to the Internet via a wireless network, and there is also a built-in TV tuner. In stationary home computers, all this is usually purchased separately!

Computer case

All those major components I listed above need to be located somewhere and not just lying around on the floor, right? :) All computer components are placed in a special case (system unit) in order to exclude external influences on them, protect them from damage and maintain the desired temperature inside the case due to the fans present in it. You also start your computer using a button on the case, so you can’t do without the case :)

Cases come in different sizes and the smallest case, of course, will not fit, for example, a standard motherboard. Therefore, the main characteristic of the case is the form factor of the supported motherboards. If the largest cases (Full Tower) are able to accommodate boards of any size and any components so that it is also more or less free and, if necessary, to remove any of the components, there will be no inconvenience.

This is what the computer case looks like:


Also, outside the case, another important device will be located - a monitor. The monitor is connected by wire to the motherboard and without it, you, therefore, will not see everything you do on the computer :) The main parameters of the monitor are:

    Screen diagonal in inches;

    Supported screen resolution, for example 1920x1080. The larger it is, the better;

    Viewing angle. Affects how the image will be seen if you look at the monitor from the side or slightly higher / lower. The wider the viewing angle, the better.

    Brightness and contrast. Brightness is measured in cd/m2 and in good models lies beyond 300, and contrast should be at least 1:1000 for good display.

This is what the monitor looks like:

In addition to the main computer components listed above, there are also peripheral devices. Peripherals are various additional and auxiliary devices that allow you to expand the capabilities of your computer. This includes many devices, for example: computer mouse, keyboard, headphones, microphone, printer, scanner, copier, graphics tablet, joystick, web camera.

It will be convenient to discuss all these devices in separate topics, since each of them has its own characteristics and features. The keyboard and mouse are the easiest to choose, the main thing is that the connection to the computer is via USB or even via a radio channel without a wire, and all other parameters are selected individually and the main thing here is that it is simply convenient.

Read about choosing the most basic peripheral devices in the article:

This concludes the analysis of computer components. I hope that such an article will be to some extent useful for beginners and that those who did not understand at all what is in the computer and what is needed for, can now more or less imagine :) Also, this information, I think, will be useful for choosing a computer, and even more so, subsequent articles will be about choosing and buying a home computer.

Have a nice day, everyone! Bye;)

In this note I want to tell novice users what is inside the computer (what the computer consists of). Knowing what is inside the system unit is useful; if something suddenly breaks, you can replace the failed part yourself. Also, if you want to improve something on your computer, you won’t have to ask for outside help. Moreover, there is nothing complicated inside.

We will study the most ordinary computer, which consists of a system unit, a monitor and a keyboard with a mouse. Everything is clear with the monitor and all sorts of mice and keyboards, but the system unit deserves more attention. This is where your computer is located.

So, what does a computer consist of, what’s inside. (Your appearance may differ from what is shown in the pictures, but it roughly looks like this. In most cases it is:

1. The motherboard (system board) is the main part of the computer; it connects all the parts of the computer with each other.

2. The processor, the brain of the computer, counts and calculates. True, you won’t see it; it’s covered with a fan on top.

3. RAM. Fast but short-lived memory.

4. Video card, responsible for displaying images on the screen.

5. Hard drive, the main device for storing data, the operating system is installed on it.

6. Sound card, responsible for sound.

7. DVD drive, the place where you insert discs with games and movies.

This is the so-called minimum set of components for a computer. You can exclude the sound card from it; it is often built into the motherboard. There may also be a separate network card, but usually now it is also built into the motherboard. There is also a power supply, it usually comes with the case. When assembled it all looks something like this

All parts are attached directly or through wires to the motherboard. In principle, everything is done in the computer in such a way that it will not be possible to stick a part into the wrong place. You can be fooled by the mounting space if there are several of them, for example, for RAM there are usually 2-6 connectors (slots) for fastening; the instructions for the motherboard contain a description of how to correctly insert memory strips (modules). If there is one bracket, then in the first slot, if there are two, and the motherboard supports the so-called “Dual” mode, then usually these are slots 1 and 3. Most often they are painted in different colors. For normal operation of RAM, it is desirable that all modules are identical. I will not describe the RAM in detail, if suddenly you want to increase the amount of RAM in your computer, it is best to disassemble the system unit, remove the memory stick and go to the store with it. There is nothing complicated about this, and sellers will easily select the memory you need.

You can also miss when connecting a hard drive or DVD drive. They are usually attached to the same connectors. Now, this is the so-called SATA, the wire looks like this

If you are connecting one hard drive, then you need to connect it to the connector on the motherboard, which is usually labeled SATA 0.

Not long ago, hard drives and DVD drives mostly had an IDE connector, it looks like this

If you have an old computer and you want to buy a new hard drive or DVD drive for it, then be sure to check if you have a SATA connector on the motherboard. Because now all drives mostly come with this connector.

Modern video cards, almost all of them, now come with a PCI Express connector. Previously, the main one was the AGP connector. The difference can be seen in the picture.

If you have an AGP video card and you want to change it, then it’s better not to look for a modern video card with such a connector, firstly, it will be more expensive than its PCI Express counterpart, and secondly, you won’t be able to attach it anywhere.

With the processor the matter is more complicated. There are also several different connectors (sockets) for different types of processors. There are motherboards for Intel and AMD processors. Connectors (sockets) are numerically designated by the number of legs on the processor, for example 1155, 775 or 478. If you have a motherboard designated Socket 775, then you need to buy a processor that matches this socket. Or vice versa, if you have your eye on a modern processor, you will have to buy a new motherboard for it, unless of course it has a different processor socket.

How to decrypt the motherboard. Usually in stores there is a brief description of the motherboard, it looks something like this:


This means the following:

ASUS is the manufacturer.

RAMPAGE EXTREME – name of the motherboard.

Socket775 is a type of processor socket.

X48 – (marking) type of chipset on the motherboard, also called chipset.

DDR3 – type of supported RAM.

FSB1600 – system bus frequency. The system bus connects the chipset to the processor (X48 with Socket775)

PCI-E is a type of video card connector.

LAN1000 – type of built-in network card.

ATX – motherboard form factor, in other words, size.

Additionally, there may be the following inscriptions: SOUND and VIDEO, which will mean that a sound card and a video card are built into the motherboard. Sound is now mostly not indicated, because it is built in almost everywhere, but video is indicated, although you can find out about the presence of built-in video from the marking, in the example it is X48, without video, and if it were, for example, G35 means with video.

Buying a motherboard with a built-in video card is only worth it if you are not going to play games.

You can see what parts you have inside the system unit without opening it; general information can be obtained on the “Hardware” tab in the computer properties.

You can also use special programs, for example CPU-Z, which can be downloaded from the developers’ website.

Well, that's all in a nutshell.

The article used materials from the site http://luzerblog.ru/


Computer device. What does computer consist of

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to imagine your life without a personal computer. He has penetrated into every corner of our existence. To the point that some users spend days on it.

Five years ago it would have been impossible to imagine what opportunities a personal computer would bring into our everyday lives. Now you no longer need to go to the Bank in order to make any payment. I think it will get to the point where you won’t even have to go to the store. We will order everything online. I think that against this background, every non-advanced user should know the structure of his computer, so in this article I will tell you what it consists of.

I won’t go too deep; for the average user, knowing the main device will be enough. A deeper study requires separate larger articles. If you don’t know anything yet and have no idea what components your PC consists of, then this article is just for you, and then decide for yourself whether you need deeper knowledge about its structure or will make do with what you learn from this article.

So, the first thing that needs to be said about the structure of a personal computer (I think everyone already knows this, but for the sake of completeness of the article, we still need to talk about it).

First, this is the system unit

And the first mistake of an inexperienced user is that they call him “Processor” (I don’t know why). A processor is a completely different thing, and after reading the article to the end you will understand that the system unit is not a processor.

Second, this is the monitor

I don’t think there’s any need to explain what a monitor is, everyone already knows that.

Third, it's a mouse

It is used to perform almost all manipulations in the operating system. The expression even fits it - Without a mouse it’s like without hands.

If anyone else doesn’t know (which I highly doubt), there are two types of mice - wired and wireless. Both types of mice have their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of wireless mice is that they do not have a wire, but the disadvantage is that you often have to change the batteries very often (depending on their quality). With wired mice everything is exactly the opposite.

Fourth, this is the keyboard

With the keyboard everything is exactly the same as with the mouse, one might say they are inseparable friends and complement each other very well.

So, these were the main components of a personal computer without which working on it would not have been possible. There are also additional components, such as printers, scanners, webcams and other gadgets that, in principle, are not so important for the functioning of the PC and are installed as needed.

Now let's look at the structure of the system unit. The main element of a computer.

To find out what the system unit consists of, you need to look inside it, which inexperienced users are often afraid to do.

Main parts of the system unit

The first thing we see when opening the side cover of the PC is the motherboard

Main parts of the motherboard:

1. Connector where the processor with cooler is installed.

2. Connector for video card.

3. Connector for RAM.

4. SATA connectors for connecting a hard drive or DVD ROM.

5. Connector for connecting the power supply.

Secondly, this is the power side. This is what it looks like

It is responsible for powering all devices of the computer system unit.

Third, this is the video card. This is what she looks like

this is what a more modern video card looks like

The video card is responsible for outputting the image to the monitor. The more powerful your video card, the faster the video performance will be, especially for computer games.

Fourth, this is the hard drive

The hard drive is responsible for storing information. This is a kind of warehouse for your photographs, films, music, etc. etc.. In general, everything that you have on your computer is stored on your hard drive. (To make it completely clear, I’ll give an analogy - the principle of a hard drive, like for example a video cassette, you record something on it, so it will remain on it until you erase it)

Well, fifth, this is a DVD-ROM

I think there is no need to explain anything here. Everyone knows what a DVD-ROM is and what it is needed for.

And this is what the assembled system unit looks like.

1. The power supply is located here.

2. There is a cooler here that cools the processor. Actually, the processor is located under it.

3. This is a video card

4 and 5. The hard drive is located here

6. The DVD-ROM is usually located here

This, in principle, is the main device of a personal computer, which, in my opinion, every non-advanced user should know. At least to have at least some idea of ​​what it works on.


Functions of the main and peripheral devices of a computer

The computer structure looks complex, but we will describe it in simple language. The computer hardware consists of a system unit and peripheral devices. System unit (the box into which discs are inserted and headphones are connected). It is the main component of a personal computer; work without it is impossible. Computer peripherals - all devices connected to the system unit: keyboard, printer, mouse, monitor, etc.

The main processes responsible for the operation of the PC occur in the system unit (system unit). Other devices only display the result of these processes or perform the actions specified by them.

Having removed the side wall of the system unit (by unscrewing the screws from the back), you can see a bunch of incomprehensible boards and components. The device looks complicated, but it is easier to understand than it might seem. Below are all the main devices that are located in the system unit.


This board organizes the correct algorithm for the operation of all PC elements connected to it. The design of the computer motherboard allows all of its components to work as one mechanism.


Often the entire system unit is called a processor. In fact, the central processing unit is a chip (microcircuit) located on the motherboard. It is similar to the human brain: it is responsible for receiving, processing, transmitting information specified by the user and is one of the main parts of the computer. The performance of the PC directly depends on it. The higher the bit depth and clock speed of the processor, the more operations it can perform.

Intel products are considered the most reliable microprocessors.

They support work with all programs, as well as peripheral devices, and have low heat generation. When working with graphics and in gameplay, processors from AMD perform better, but they are not as reliable. The installed processor is covered with thermal paste and a radiator made of metal with good heat dissipation is attached to it through it. This is done to improve heat dissipation, making it easier to cool the CPU using a cooler.

Cooler - fan for cooling the processor

This part is placed in close proximity to the CPU. Its job is to cool the processor, protecting it from rising temperatures that could interfere with proper operation. They also install additional coolers near the hard drives: when processing data, they heat up, which reduces the speed of operations. Installing a small cooler over your hard drive will increase its service life and speed up your computer. If you have a powerful video card, you also need to take care of its cooling system, if there is space for installation in the system unit case.

Hard drive or hard drive

It is difficult to consider the device of a personal computer without this detail - it is responsible for storing information. It contains the operating system and user files: photos, videos, programs, etc.

The amount of space available for storage and the speed of the system depend on the size of the hard drive and its class.

The higher the class of hard drive, the faster the processor can record data and retrieve it. The speed directly depends on the rotation speed. The hard drive is connected to the motherboard via an ATA or IDE interface.

Video card or video controller

This device in the computer system unit is installed to speed up the processing and playback of video data. The clarity of details when watching a video or during gameplay depends on it. An average video card should be enough for normal use, but for “gamers” or for professional programs that work with graphics files, you need to buy a stronger video card.

RAM - Random access memory

This part is required to perform CPU operations. RAM is the internal memory of the PC. When processing data, the central processor temporarily writes information into RAM and begins to work with it. The more RAM, the more complex processes a computer can perform. The speed at which data is written to the RAM is also important. At a low recording speed, even a strong processor will slow down. It's like accelerating a Ferrari on a futsal field: there's power, but there's nowhere to go.

ROM - Read Only Memory

The BIOS is stored in ROM. This component of the computer is necessary for management in the absence of an operating system.

power unit

It ensures the functionality of the PC: it receives electricity from the network, distributes it between components, delivering the required power to each.

Audio card or audio controller

This part of the computer is responsible for processing sound files and outputting the received information to the speakers. The sound card is connected to the motherboard and is initially built into it. Less common are PCs with external sound cards that can be replaced.

LAN card

Often a built-in component. Sometimes there is space on the motherboard for installing an additional network card (it is necessary to create a simple local network, without using the main network card).


It also connects to the motherboard, but not directly, but using cables. You can do without a disk drive. Now the greatest benefit from it is the ability to install an operating system from a disk.

Ports and connectors

They are responsible for connecting peripheral devices to the computer:

  1. PS/2 for connecting a mouse and keyboard.
  2. D-sub (VGA) for transmitting video data to external devices. Before the advent of a more modern interface, it was the standard for connecting a monitor.
  3. DVI-I is an improved connector responsible for connecting a monitor to a PC with modern motherboards. Usually located next to the standard VGA - if it is not there, then the package should include an adapter from DVI to VGA.
  4. MiniJack - connectors painted in different colors: red is responsible for connecting a microphone, green - headphones and speakers, blue - recording sound from an external device, yellow - a subwoofer, black - side, and gray - rear speakers of a stereo system.
  5. LAN is designed for receiving and transmitting data over the Internet or local network.
  6. The USB port allows you to connect many peripheral devices to your PC. We won’t list everything, but the more such ports, the better.

Card reader

The device is designed to read information from flash and smart cards. In older PC models, instead of a card reader, a disk drive was installed to work with small magnetic disks. The capacity of these disks was 1.44 MB, which eventually made their use impractical.


Its task is to protect the components placed in it from dust and mechanical damage, and to securely fix all parts, the number of which depends on the type of case. The value of the case may seem small, but it is not: it determines how many parts can fit into the system unit and the way they are arranged.

We have sorted out what the computer system unit consists of, now let’s look at external devices.


Peripheral devices can conditionally include everything that is not located in the system unit. They are designed to transmit information, display the results of its processing and perform tasks assigned by the CPU (printing documents, etc.). Simply put, input, output and storage devices.

Computer input devices

  • Flatbed scanner. Designed for entering the received graphic information from sheets into a PC. Data is read using a beam of light, the reflection of which is captured by special devices (designed in the form of a ruler) and sent for processing to the CPU.
  • Handheld scanner. The principle of its operation is similar to the tablet one, but the movement of the “Ruler” with catching devices is carried out manually.
  • Drum scanner. A sheet of paper is attached to a special cylinder, which rotates at high speeds when scanning. This technology produces the highest quality scanned images.
  • Barcode scanner. This type of scanner is designed to read information in the form of a barcode. Used exclusively for commercial purposes.
  • Graphics tablet. Allows you to transfer information to a PC using movements that are captured by a special pen. Used by artists and illustrators.
  • Keyboard. Included in the main devices of the computer. Used to enter text and transmit user commands.
  • Mouse. A device that simplifies computer management.

Output device

  • Matrix printer. The simplest device for printing data on paper by striking a cylindrical rod.
  • Laser printer. The image is applied to paper using a dot method, which allows achieving high quality printing.
  • Jet printer. The picture on paper is formed by applying drops of paint.
  • Monitor. An important piece of computer hardware that displays graphic data transmitted by the video card, or, in its absence, by the motherboard.
  • Columns. Responsible for outputting data processed by the sound card.
  • Webcam. It is necessary to transfer the user's image to the computer. Used for video conversations.

Storage devices

The need for additional data storage space arises when it is necessary to store files that do not fit on the main drive, or when these files are of great value. Most popular additional storage devices:

  • USB drive. This is the so-called Flash Drive. It can hold up to 128 GB. They are compact, but have a number of disadvantages: high cost, unreliability and a small amount of space for recording data.
  • External hard drive. Allows you to store up to 2 TB of information, providing high recording speed and data security.

We described what a computer consists of, its main parts. For a more in-depth study, you need to read special literature.

Everything about the computer and the Internet for beginners

In this article we will look in detail at what elements a personal computer consists of, what it all looks like, and what function it performs. This article is more suitable for novice users, but more experienced users will certainly be able to find something for themselves.

First of all, let's define a computer:

Personal computer, PC (from the English personal computer, PC) or PC (personal electronic computer) is a desktop microcomputer that has the operational characteristics of a household appliance and universal functionality.

The computer was originally created as a computing machine, but the PC is also used for other purposes - as a means of accessing information networks and as a platform for multimedia and computer games.

An ordinary personal computer that is in your home or work consists of the following parts:

  • System unit;
  • Monitor;
  • Information input devices;
  • Additional or peripheral devices (printer, scanner, webcam, etc.);

System unit

The main component of any computer is the system unit. System units come in different types, both in design and size. Horizontal and vertical.

The system unit contains all the components of a modern computer, which is what makes the computer work.

Main elements of the system unit:

  • Frame;
  • Power unit;
  • Motherboard;
  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • Video card;
  • Sound card;
  • HDD;
  • Disk drive (optical drive);
  • Cooling system;

All elements are closely connected to each other and work as a whole.

Let's look at each element in more detail.


The system unit case is the outer shell of the system unit of a personal computer, which protects the internal elements from physical impact. The case is of great importance for the stable operation of the computer. For example, a well-designed cooling system inside the case is the key to stable operation of the computer and a guarantee against overheating.

power unit

In order for all the elements of the system unit to work, we need a power supply. As the name implies, the power supply supplies electricity to all components of the system unit. At the moment, the most popular power supplies in terms of power are: 450, 500 and 600 W. More powerful power supplies are installed on powerful computers, which include gaming ones.


The motherboard is a complex multi-layer printed circuit board and the largest board of the system unit. The main task of the motherboard is to connect all the elements into one computing system.


The processor, on the motherboard, is responsible for performing all computing operations and processing information. No matter how trivial it may sound, the better and newer (and therefore more expensive) the processor, the faster and more volume of operations it will perform. However, the most powerful processor does not guarantee fast computer operation, while the remaining components of the system unit are very outdated.


Random access memory or RAM is a random access memory device. It is designed for temporary and quickly accessible data storage for transmission to the processor for processing. For example, running programs in the background or hidden, clipboard, etc. The more RAM installed on your computer, the faster you can expect it to work.

Video card

A video card, just like a motherboard, is a complex multi-layer printed circuit board that is inserted into a connector on the motherboard. The video card can be either built-in (integrated) or external, in the form of a separate board. The main function of a video card is to generate and display an image on a computer screen. The power of an integrated video card is often only enough to use office applications and surf the Internet.

Sound card

Sound card – processing and outputting sound to computer speakers. There are times when the built-in sound card fails or the user is not satisfied with the sound quality of the compositions, then an external sound card is installed.


A hard drive or hard disk drive is a storage device designed to store information. It is on the hard drive that all your data is stored and the Windows (Linux) operating system is installed. Currently, SSD drives are gaining popularity.


Nowadays, disks are becoming less and less popular; they have been replaced by USB flash drives. But there are times when a disk drive or, as it is also called, an “optical drive” is simply necessary. When you need to read something from a disk, install Windows or drivers on your computer.

Cooling system

The cooling system is a system of fans that serves to remove warm air from the components of the system unit and supply cool air from the external environment.

Continuation of the article:

Computer device. What does computer consist of. Part 2. Peripherals.


What does computer consist of

What a simple question, you say. But, believe me, for many it is not so simple, because many people want to buy a computer, but they don’t even know what goes into it. For some reason, most people think that a computer is what stands on the table, “that same screen.” Apparently, the influence of Hollywood had an effect - in action films they often like to destroy information in computers by shooting monitors on tables

A computer is an amazing device in which any part of it can be replaced with another. But still, the standard set is always the same; if something is missing, then nothing will work. Let's look at the most important parts that make up a computer.

System unit

This is the same “box” that usually stands under the table and makes noise with a fan. Previously, there were desktop options on which monitors were placed on top, but now these are no longer found. This is the system unit, which is, in fact, a computer, although some do not suspect it.

This “box” contains all the main parts of the computer, and everything else is connected to it through many connectors on the back wall. The most important part of any computer, the processor, is also located in the system unit, which is why it is sometimes called “processor”. This microcircuit is the most important part of the computer, its “brain”, because it is the processor that runs all programs and controls the rest of the computer’s devices.

If you open the system unit and look inside, you can see not much there - a power supply, a CD/DVD drive, a small metal box - a hard drive, and one large board at the bottom.

This board is called the motherboard, and it serves to create ideal operating conditions for the processor and connect it with other devices. The processor itself is located under a large radiator with a fan - it gets very hot during operation, so it requires good cooling.

On the motherboard you can see several large narrow connectors for connecting various additional cards. In one of these connectors there is usually already one such board to which the monitor is connected - this is a video card that is responsible for the image on the screen and, in general, for all the graphics that can be seen on the monitor.

One or more small cards next to the processor are RAM. It can also be replaced with another one or added to free slots. Without any RAM, the computer will not work.

That, in principle, is the entire main structure of the system unit. Its individual blocks, of course, are not so simple, but you can’t talk about them in one article.


This is one of the most important devices on a computer, although not vital. Without a monitor, the computer will also turn on successfully and work, but you won’t see anything, so you still need a monitor.

Nowadays, flat-panel LCD monitors are common, and every year the screen size is becoming larger. Screen size is measured in inches diagonally - 1 inch is equal to 2.5 centimeters. The most popular are 17-19 inches, although if you need to work with graphics, it is better to buy a monitor with a large screen - 21 or even 23 inches.

These days are no longer the same times as they were at the beginning of the century, when monitor manufacturers were very diverse and their quality was very different. Today there are only a few major manufacturers left on the market, and the quality of their monitors is quite high. So the choice is more about convenience for work, and you don’t need to delve too deeply into the technical characteristics of the monitor.


These primarily include the keyboard and mouse. Without them, it will be simply impossible to do anything on a computer. They come in a variety of types, colors and shapes - this is not particularly important, the main thing is that they are comfortable. But by type of connection there are wired and wireless. Wireless ones require additional power - batteries.

A system unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse are essential parts of any computer kit. They can be very different, but they should always be. But there are still additional devices that you can easily do without.

Speakers - they are needed for a home computer to listen to music, watch movies or hear what is happening in games. You can use headphones with the same success. But for an office computer at work, speakers are not necessary.

A printer is also needed only if there is a need to print something on paper. This device, on the contrary, is often purchased for work computers; it is not always needed for home computers. The same can be said about a scanner - it is not always needed. Although now more often a printer and a scanner are combined in one device, and then you get a full-fledged copier - a useful device, if necessary.

All devices are connected to the system unit - on the back wall there are all the necessary connectors, which are difficult to get confused because they are all different.

That's all, now you know what a computer consists of, and which parts are the most important and which are not so important. By the way, laptops are no different in design from large desktop computers, they just have a system unit, monitor and keyboard in one common case, and secondary devices can be connected to it in the same way.

Friends, if you benefited from this article, write a comment.

Best regards, Yuri Dolgov.

A computer consists of a system unit and peripheral devices (monitor, mouse, keyboard). In this post, I would like to disassemble the computer in detail down to every bolt, consider the structure of the computer as a whole, what it contains and what each part is needed for.

System unit

The system unit is the computer itself. The system unit contains: PSU (power supply), HDD (hard drive), motherboard, RAM, processor, sound card, video card, network card, disk drive and other components that are necessary to expand capabilities. Let's now take a closer look at each device and find out what function it performs.

System unit case

Cases come in different types: compact, transparent, backlit, but its main task is to fit all the computer devices. Of course, you could do without it, hang the motherboard on the wall, and put everything else on the table next to it, but this is stupid, inconvenient and dangerous.

While the system unit is turned on, under no circumstances should you touch its components. High voltage passes inside, which can even kill. This is why the case is always used, it is convenient and safe.

PSU – Power supply

Almost all the wires in the computer come from the power supply. It provides each device in the system unit with electricity, without which nothing will work. The power supply weighs about a kilogram, and is approximately the size of .

The power supply produces: 3.3v, 5v and 12v. Each device has a separate voltage. Also, to prevent the power supply from overheating, it is equipped with a radiator and a cooling fan. This is where the sound of a working computer comes from.


The main task of the motherboard is to connect ALL devices of the computer. It literally combines everything: mouse, keyboard, monitor, USB drives, HDD, processor, video card and everything else. For more information on the holes/connectors and ports of the motherboard, see the picture above.

CPU - computer's central processing unit

The processor powers and calculates all operations on the computer. When compared to human organs, a computer processor can be compared to the brain. The more powerful the chip (CPU), the more calculations it can do, in other words: the computer will run faster. But this is only one of the main devices responsible for the speed of your computer.

RAM - random access memory

RAM is a random access memory device. Also called RAM, random access memory and random access memory. This small board is needed to store temporary data. When you copy something, this information is temporarily stored in RAM, and it also stores information from system files, programs and games. The more tasks you assign to your computer, the more RAM it will need. For example, at the same time the PC will download something, play an audio file and the game will be launched, then there will be a large load on the RAM.

The more RAM, the better and faster the computer works (as is the case with the processor).

Video card (video adapter)

A video card, also called a video adapter, is necessary to transfer images from a computer to a screen/monitor. As mentioned above, it is inserted into the mat. board into its connector.

In general, the computer is designed in such a way that each device has its own hole, and even with brute force it is impossible to insert something into the wrong place.

The more complex the image (HD video, game, graphical shell and editor), the more memory the graphics card should have. For example, 4k. The video will not play properly on a weak video card. The video will slow down, and you may think that the Internet is weak.

A modern video card also contains a small cooler (cooling fan), both for power supply and CPU cooling. Under the cooler is a small graphics processor that works like a central processor.

HDD (hard disk) Hard Disk Drive

HDD – aka: hard disk, hard drive, hard drive, screw, drive. No matter what people call him, he has one task. It stores all information and files. Including OS (operating system), programs, browsers, photos, music, etc. In other words, this is computer memory (like a flash drive in a phone).

There is also SSD. The essence and principle are the same, but an SSD works many times faster and costs an order of magnitude more. If you use an SSD as a system drive for the OS, then your computer will run much faster.


If you need to view/copy information from a disk, then you need a disk drive. Nowadays, you rarely see this device in new computers; the drive has been replaced by USB drives (flash drives). They take up much less space than disks, are easier to use, and are reusable. Nevertheless, disk drives are still used, and I couldn’t help but write about it.

Sound card

A computer needs a sound card to play audio files. Without it, there will be no sound on the computer. If you go back to the "motherboard" section for a second, you will see that it is already built into every motherboard.

As you can see in the photo above, there are additional sound cards. They are necessary for connecting more powerful speaker systems and provide better sound in contrast to integrated (built-in) ones.

If you use ordinary small speakers, then the difference will not even be noticeable. If you have a subwoofer or home theater, then of course you need to install a decent sound card.

Additional computer devices

Everything I said above necessary for the operation of the system unit, and now let's look at additional computer devices that expand its capabilities and add functionality.

External hard drive

Unlike an HDD, an external hard drive is portable. If the HDD and SSD need to be installed in the case and secured there, then the external one is connected with just one USB cable. This is very convenient for all occasions that there is no point in describing. An external HDD is like a flash drive, only with more memory.

Uninterruptable power source

Absolutely every computer is afraid of voltage surges, I would even say more than any other equipment. An uninterruptible power supply will provide stable voltage and protect your power supply from surges.

Voltage can jump for various reasons, and it is not always noticeable. For example, if you have weak wiring, then when you turn on other equipment in the house, the voltage may jump. Or maybe the neighbors have something powerful... In general, I strongly recommend that everyone use a power supply.

TV tuner

A TV tuner is a special chip that allows you to watch TV on a computer. Here, rather, as in the case of the disk drive, it still works, but is no longer relevant. To watch TV on a computer, you don’t have to insert special boards; we now have it and on my blog there is a whole section dedicated to this topic.

Computer peripherals

As Wikipedia says:

Peripherals are hardware that allows information to be entered into or output from a computer. Peripheral devices are optional for system operation and can be disconnected from the computer.

But, I don't agree with her. For example, we don’t even need a computer without a monitor, and without a keyboard, not everyone can turn on a computer, only the most experienced users can do without a mouse, and without speakers you can’t watch or listen to anything. These are not all devices yet, so let's look at each of them separately.

Personal computer monitor

Let me repeat a little - we don’t need a computer without a monitor, otherwise we won’t see what’s going on there. Perhaps in the future they will come up with some kind of hologram or special glasses, but for now this is just my sick fantasy).

The monitor is connected to the video card with a special cable, of which there are 2 types: VGA (obsolete connector) and HDMI. HDMI provides a better image and also transmits sound parallel to the image. So, if your monitor has built-in speakers and is high resolution, you definitely need to use an HDMI cable.


The keyboard is needed to enter information, call commands and perform actions. There are different types of keyboards: regular, silent, multimedia and gaming.

  1. Regular - the simplest keyboard with only standard buttons.
  2. Silent – ​​rubber/silicone keyboards, when working with which not a single sound is heard.
  3. Multimedia. In addition to the standard buttons, the keyboard has additional keys for controlling audio/video files, volume, touchpad (possibly), and more.
  4. Gaming – Additional buttons for different games, the main buttons for the game have a different color and other goodies.


The main task of a computer mouse is to control/move the cursor on the screen. You can also select and open files/folders and call the menu with the right button.

Now there are many different mice for computers. There are wireless, small, large, with additional buttons for convenience, but its main function remains the same after decades.

Acoustic system

As mentioned above, the speaker system is connected to the sound card. The signal is transmitted through the sound to the speakers, and you hear what they say in the video and sing in the song. Acoustics can be different, but without any, a computer with all its capabilities becomes an ordinary working tool, in front of which it is boring to spend time.

MFP - Multifunction devices

An MFP is more necessary for office and study. Typically contains: scanner, printer, copier. Although these are all in one device, they perform completely different tasks:

  1. Scanner – makes an exact copy of a photograph/document in electronic form.
  2. Printer – prints an electronic version of a document, photographs, pictures onto paper.
  3. Xerox – Makes an exact copy from one paper to another.

Gamepad or joystick

A gamepad is also a joystick in the past. Only needed for comfort in some games. There are wireless ones and vice versa. Usually they contain no more than 15 buttons, and there is no point in using them in non-games.

Every PC user knows perfectly well that a computer consists of a monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers and a system unit. But it is clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is, so to speak, just one side of the coin. If we look inside the system unit and other components of the computer, we will find a huge number of details thanks to which, in fact, it works.

The most basic, of course, is system unit.

In general, it is directly a computer that performs hundreds of thousands of operations. If we replace the monitor, keyboard or mouse, it will simply become more convenient for us to watch movies, listen to music, type texts, etc., but the PC parameters will remain the same. Everything that is displayed on the monitor and heard in the speakers depends on what is inside. The internal details of the system unit determine the capabilities of the system as a whole.

The computer system unit consists of: video card, hard drive, RAM modules, coolers, processor, motherboard and many other parts. Let's look at the important parts and their functions in more detail.

Motherboard - This is the basis of the entire system unit.

This is the board to which all the other parts of the mechanism are attached: video card, processor, hard drive, etc. Because of this, its name is appropriate. It ensures the vital functions of other parts. The main function of the motherboard is to connect the other parts so that they work as one. If you open the cover of the system unit, you will immediately notice it.

CPU - This is the so-called heart of the computer.

It is the processor that executes all the commands that the PC user sets. The speed and capabilities of a computer depend on how powerful the processor is. The processor is located on the motherboard in a special connector, which is called the “Central Processor Connector” or “socket”.

Cooler. This part is located immediately above the processor.

A cooler is a small heatsink with a fan that dissipates heat and thus cools the processor. This is a very important detail, because if the processor overheats, the computer will shut down. And this will quickly lead to PC failure.

Winchester or hard drive is a device on which all the information on your PC is stored.

It goes without saying that the larger the hard drive, the more information the computer can hold. The location of the hard drive in modern computers is slightly different from older ones. Now they are connected using an interface. As a rule, hard drives also often overheat, and therefore, for a longer computer life, install another small cooler near the hard drive, which will be enough to avoid repairs.

Video card– part of the computer responsible for the speed of processing video information.

In modern computers, the video card is installed on the motherboard via a PCI-Express connector. There are also motherboards that have several PCI-Express slots, this naturally improves the picture and makes the graphics subsystem more powerful overall. But basically, a regular video card is enough for the average user. Powerful video cards are necessary for those who directly work with graphics or simply who like to play games with a clearer picture in order to feel the whole atmosphere of the game. Each computer also has a sound and network card. Their names themselves speak for their functions in the PC.

RAM modules– this is RAM in other words.

RAM temporarily stores data that the processor needs to perform an operation. At the end of such processes, for example, after closing a particular operation, the data from the RAM is immediately deleted. The speed of RAM, or more precisely access to it, is much higher than the speed of access to the hard drive. This helps you get virtually instant access to the information you need. There are different models of RAM, and therefore the connectors for them on the motherboard are also different.

These, of course, are not all the parts that make up a computer. In order to expand the capabilities of your PC, various TV tuners, modems, etc. are also installed. It depends on the desires of the user.

And, of course, in order for all this to function, you need power unit, which will give life to all this “hardware”.

Do you want to learn how to understand computer components without the help of specialists and improve your computer yourself? To do this, you will need basic knowledge of the internal structure of a PC, which you will gain by reading this article.

In the era of the 90s, when the personal computer market in Russia was just beginning to emerge, the few companies that sold computer equipment mainly offered customers already assembled system units. For the most part, they were assembled there in the office, on the knees, to the buyer’s order from components that God sent, and the quality of this very notorious assembly directly depended on the direct hands of the assembler. But did anyone pay attention to this at that time? There were practically no branded solutions on the market, and even such a homemade version of a home computer was rare and very expensive.

At the turn of the century, the situation in the computer industry changed dramatically. The active development of IT technologies has led to rapid growth of high-tech production in Asia. A large flow of all kinds of components and peripherals poured into the market, creating conditions for healthy competition, which led to a significant reduction in prices for computer hardware, and this in turn gave a powerful impetus to the mass distribution of PCs. Computer stores began to multiply like mushrooms, attracting customers with ever new types of services, among which one of the most popular was custom PC assembly. Its essence was that the buyer himself chose the components for his future computer and after an hour, an hour and a half, he picked it up from the store in assembled form.

The most advanced users have gone even further. It was during this period that assembling a system unit with one’s own hands began to be actively practiced, fortunately there were enough all kinds of publications related to this topic. This way to get the coveted home computer was significantly cheaper than buying a ready-made solution (at least you didn’t have to pay for assembly). Another advantage of “self-assembly” is the ability to select components of a certain manufacturer and quality, without being tied to the assortment of one store. Having assembled the computer yourself, in the future you could easily upgrade it (improve it) or simply replace/add any components without fear of losing the warranty, since in this case it was for each part separately. But when purchasing a ready-made “system unit”, all the components inside it were sealed with stickers, the tearing of which, as a rule, was a reason for refusing to fulfill your warranty obligations in the event of any malfunctions.

Recently, the issue of assembling a computer with your own hands has somehow faded into the background. Firstly, part of the reason for this is the mass distribution of laptops, netbooks and all-in-one PCs, the mobility of which in the eyes of many users is preferable to bulky desktops. And secondly, at the present time, ready-made solutions along with a pre-installed operating system are now often cheaper than “self-assembly” and a separate box with the OS. This is especially true for the most popular, lower and middle segments of the market.

So does a modern user of computer technology even need knowledge of its internals? In order to answer this question, I will give several situations in which knowledge of a PC, in my opinion, would be very useful to you:

- Buying a new computer yourself. I think there is no need to explain that this is a rather important moment. And if you don’t want to be deceived or at least disappointed with your future purchase, then at least a superficial knowledge of the computer’s hardware is strongly recommended. Remember that the phrase: “I need a computer for the Internet, watching movies, listening to music and sometimes playing” is clearly not enough for the seller to be able to choose the optimal solution for you. As a rule, such requirements will be satisfied by a sufficiently large number of offers and you will choose from them; in this case, it turns out that it will be the sales consultant, not you. And if so, you run a great risk of purchasing something that will not at all meet your expectations.

Surely, before purchasing, you will want to study the current prices for computer equipment in order to at least approximately understand what costs await you. Having previously studied the range of ready-made solutions in the store, on price tags, in price lists or online catalogs, the name of certain devices will most likely be presented to you, for example, in the following form:

SystemblockCore i5-2310/S1155/H61/4Gb DDR3-1333/1024Mb HD6770/HDD 500Gb-7200-16Mb/DVD+-RW/Sound 7.1/GLAN/ATX 450W


If you are not yet familiar with the internal structure of a computer, then I am almost sure that you have understood absolutely nothing in these names, which contain the most important characteristics of devices. After reading this article to the end, you can calmly understand what this abracadabra means.

Independent upgrade and purchase of components (improving a computer by adding or partially replacing computer parts). This feature is fully applicable only to system units, since in mobile devices the upgrade capabilities are limited to only two subsystems: RAM and hard drive. Therefore, when purchasing laptops, netbooks or all-in-one computers, you must immediately clearly determine the performance of the device you require, which is almost impossible to do without knowledge of the internal structure. On desktops, you can replace or add something at any time if you wish, and sell old hardware at some online auction. In general, purchasing components yourself in stores, as well as selling and exchanging them through various “hardware” flea markets on the Internet, can significantly reduce your costs aimed at upgrading your computer. But there are pitfalls here too.

The wrong choice of components when purchasing a new system unit can lead to the fact that modifying your computer will be almost impossible. And if it is possible, then only by replacing almost all components, which, as you understand, cannot be called an upgrade. And the names of components, as well as finished computers, are no less confusing and difficult for an ignorant buyer to understand.

- Do-it-yourself minor repairs. Here, as in the case of an upgrade, knowledge of the internal structure of a PC will be fully useful only to owners of desktop computers. For example, there is a power surge at your home, which is not that uncommon. The consequence of this event is often a partial failure of your computer. In order to save money, your nerves, time and effort, with certain knowledge, you can easily replace burnt components right at home. Moreover, in such cases, it is practically useless to take your computer for warranty service, since this kind of damage is not covered by the warranty. Even if your knowledge is not enough to replace failed parts, at least you can estimate their value on the market and buy it yourself at a better price than they will offer you at the service center. In this way, it is possible not only to reduce repair costs, but also to avoid unauthorized installation of used parts passed off as new.


We will begin our familiarization process with the PC device with a description of its main components. There are seven of them in modern desktop computers and laptops:

  • Motherboard
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • Video card
  • HDD
  • Optical drive
  • Power supply and case

We will talk about each of them in detail, and at the end of the description we will consider examples of real names of components from the catalogs of computer hardware sellers. Thus, we will immediately learn to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. At the end of the review, for the sake of completeness, we will briefly consider additional devices installed in mobile and desktop PCs to expand their functionality.

CPU(CPU or central processing unit CPU) is the main piece of computer hardware and its computing center. Essentially, it is a machine instruction executor and is designed to execute complex computer programs. A CPU has several main characteristics, but for the average person, only two are important - clock speed and number of cores. The first mass-produced multi-core processors for desktop PCs were released in early 2006 and have now almost completely replaced single-core processors.

To significantly speed up computing, any modern processor is equipped with built-in very fast access memory, which is designed to store data that is most likely to be requested by the processor. This buffer is called a cache and can be of the first (L1), second (L2) or third (L3) level. The fastest memory and, in fact, an integral part of the processor, is the first level cache, the volume of which is very small and amounts to 128 KB (64x2). Most modern CPUs cannot function without an L1 cache. The second fastest is the L2 cache and its volume can reach 1-12 MB. Well, the slowest, but also the most impressive in size (can be more than 24 MB) is the third level cache and not all processors have it.

Another important point is the concept of a processor socket or processor socket, called a socket, into which this processor is installed. Different generations or families of CPUs, as a rule, are installed in their own unique sockets, and this fact must be taken into account when selecting a motherboard - processor combination.

Due to the complexity and high-tech production, the highest requirements for product quality, there are not so many competitive companies producing central processors, and for the desktop PC market there are only two - Intel and AMD. Their long-standing rivalry began in the early 90s, although over these 20 years the share of processors sold by AMD has always been significantly lower than the share of Intel. However, Advanced Micro Devices products have always had an attractive performance/price ratio with a fairly affordable retail price for its products, which gives it the opportunity to confidently maintain its market share of about 19% of the global share.

For ease of positioning in the market, each manufacturer divides its products into different families, depending on the capabilities and performance of processors. In this article, we will get acquainted only with those lines of companies that are currently relevant and are in retail sale.

  • Sempron- the lowest-cost processor for desktop PCs and mobile devices and a direct competitor to Intel's Celeron processors. The main niche of this processor is simple applications for everyday work.
  • PhenomII- a multi-core family of high-performance processors designed to solve any problem. It is the flagship line for desktop computers and contains processors with a number of cores from 2 to 6.
  • Athlon II- a multi-core processor family designed as a very low-cost alternative to the more expensive Phenom II series processors. Designed to solve everyday problems and is aimed as an option for “budget” gaming systems and PCs with very decent performance.
  • A-Series- The latest quad-core processor family, which is currently the latest development from AMD to go on sale. A distinctive feature of this series is the Radeon graphics card built into the processor core.
  • Celeron - a large family of low-cost processors designed for use in entry-level home and office computers.
  • PentiumDual-Core - an outdated family of budget dual-core processors for low-cost home and office systems. Despite the fact that processors in this series are still sold everywhere, most users nowadays opt for the more current and cost-effective Core i3.
  • Core i3 - a new generation of dual-core processors at entry-level and mid-range price and performance levels. Designed to replace the obsolete Pentium Dual-Core based on the architecture of the old generation Intel Core 2. They have a built-in graphics processor and a built-in memory controller.
  • Core i5 - a family of processors of mid-range price and performance. CPUs in this series can contain 2 or 4 cores and most of them have an integrated graphics card. An excellent solution for gaming and multimedia systems. They support TurboBoost technology, which automatically overclocks the processor under load.
  • Core i7 - flagship line of processors from Intel. Installed in high-performance systems designed to solve problems of any complexity. Supports Turbo Boost, with which the processor automatically increases performance when needed.

Table of the main characteristics of desktop processor families from Intel and AMD

Concluding this topic, finally, let's look at the price list of any computer company and try to understand some item from the processor catalog, applying the knowledge we have just gained. For example, let's decipher a record like:

“Processor Socket 1155 Intel Core i5 G620 (2.6GHz, L3 3Mb) BOX.”

  • Socket 1155 - the processor is installed in an LGA 1155 type socket
  • Intel Core i5 - the processor belongs to the Core i5 family and is manufactured by Intel
  • G620 - processor model
  • 2.6GHz - processor clock frequency (the higher it is, the faster the processor)
  • L3 3Mb - the processor has a third level cache, which is equal to 3 megabytes
  • BOX - means that the processor comes complete with a fan and has a proprietary three-year warranty (OEM - without a fan and a 1-year warranty)

RAM(random access memory RAM) - the most important part of the system, responsible for temporary storage of data and commands necessary for the processor to perform various operations. The main characteristics of memory are its clock frequency, which determines its bandwidth and capacity.

An equally important indicator for memory is the generation to which it belongs. Naturally, memory of different generations has completely different characteristics (supply voltage, power consumption, clock frequency, bandwidth, latency, etc.). As part of this review, we will not dwell on this in detail, the only thing you need to remember is that the connectors for installing memory modules are different for different generations, and this must be taken into account when choosing a RAM-motherboard combination.

Today's desktop and mobile PCs primarily use DIMM (Dual Data Rate Memory) or DDR (Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access) memory from three different generations. The generation number is always reflected in the name of the memory module. It should be noted that at the moment, first-generation DDR memory is already very outdated and can only be found in computers four or five years old, and second-generation DDR2 RAM is currently being actively replaced by DDR3.

Now let's see what the name of a memory module looks like in a real computer company catalog and try to figure it out. For example :

“RAM 4Gb PC3-10600 1333MHz DDR3 DIMM”.

  • 4Gb - memory module capacity
  • PC3 - 10600 - maximum memory bandwidth (peak amount of data that RAM can exchange with the processor per second). In this case, it is equal to 10667 Mb/sec.
  • 1333MHz - memory clock frequency
  • DDR3 - memory generation
  • DIMM form factor of the RAM module

Sometimes RAM is sold in sets of 2 or 3 modules, for example: "RAM 4Gb (2x2Gb) PC3-10600 1333MHz DDR3 DIMM." Why is this being done? The fact is that modern computers use a dual-channel (much less often a three-channel) memory operating mode, which in practice increases the memory throughput mode by up to 70%, which undoubtedly increases the overall system performance. For this mode to be enabled, RAM modules must be installed in pairs (triples) on the computer, and this pair (triple) must have the same characteristics.

Dual channel mode Three channel mode

That is why manufacturers already select memory modules in pairs (three) at the factory and test them for error-free operation. Modules that pass the test are packaged together and sold as a set. But this does not mean that modules sold separately will not work well together. It’s just that the possibility of any errors still exists, although it is very small. Always try to use multi-channel memory mode to improve performance by installing modules only in pairs (triples). Remember this.

VIDEO CARD(graphics adapter, graphics card, video adapter) - a device that generates a graphic image and displays it on the monitor screen. In the era of the birth of desktop PCs, graphics adapters performed only the function of displaying an image already generated by the processor on the screen. The current generation of graphics cards not only displays images, but also generates them independently.

Modern video adapters can be built-in (integrated) into the computer’s motherboard or be an expansion card that is inserted into a special slot for PCI-Express video cards (previously this slot was AGP, which is now obsolete) on the motherboard. The first group of adapters, as a rule, is used in budget solutions for working with office applications, where we are not talking about the formation of complex three-dimensional images and in general the requirements for the graphic component are small. And although many integrated solutions have recently allowed users to watch high-definition (HD) video and enjoy entry-level three-dimensional (3D) graphics, their capabilities cannot be compared with the capabilities of video cards that are released as stand-alone solutions.

Essentially, a video adapter, which is an independent expansion card, is another computer in your computer. It has its own graphics processor (GPU) or even two, video memory (GDDR), cooling system, power system, video controller and digital-to-analog converter. Such a complex video card design is due to the very high requirements for computing resources to create a realistic and dynamic three-dimensional image in real time. Therefore, in order to fully enjoy the beauty of modern 3D games, it is necessary that your computer be equipped with a graphics card of the highest level.

The main characteristics of a video card are the clock frequencies of the video processor and video memory, the number of working execution units inside the graphics processor, the width of the video memory bus (affects the amount of data transferred by the memory per clock cycle) and the amount of video memory. As a rule, modern graphics adapters have several outputs with the same or different graphic interfaces for connecting a variety of monitors and TVs. Now the most common are the analog VGA and digital interfaces: DVI, HDMI (miniHDMI), DisplayPort (miniDP). The last two, in addition to video, also transmit sound.

Quite a lot of companies are currently engaged in the production of video card boards, but strangely enough, the entire graphics adapter market is divided into only two main competing camps. The fact is that the graphics processor determines almost all the main characteristics of the card, on which its performance depends and is its key component. Well, in the design and production of graphics chips, as in the case of central processors, since the mid-90s, two irreconcilable rivals have been fiercely fighting for consumers - the Canadian company ATI, purchased and now owned by AMD, and the Californian NVIDIA. It is worth noting that over all these years, none of them have managed to tip the scales in their favor, and today their shares in the video processor market can be estimated as 50 to 50. All video cards for widespread use (for home PCs) manufactured by those based on graphics chips from ATI (AMD) are called Radeon, and those released on NVIDIA logic are called GeForce. These companies also have professional solutions for workstations. These lines are called Quadro from NVIDIA and FireGL from ATI (AMD).

Today on the shelves of computer stores you can find video adapters built on graphics chips of two generations at once, and in some cases even three. NVIDIA has the GeForce GT 2XX, GT 4XX families (morally outdated lines and now mostly only budget models remain on sale), GTX 5XX and GTX 6XX, and AMD (ATI) Radeon HD 5XXX, HD 6XXX and HD 7XXX. The principle of forming a model range of graphic cards for both companies is similar. As a rule, models in the series differ in the clock frequencies of the video chip and memory, the different number of disabled execution units and the width of the memory bus. Depending on the combinations of the above characteristics, the overall performance of the video card and its cost are determined. I think there is no need to explain that the higher the performance and capabilities of the video adapter, the higher its price. Below is a summary table of the most popular GPUs and their budget positioning in the market.

Budget positioning of GPUs

Next, it is worth mentioning such important technologies as SLI (3-Way SLI) from NVIDIA and CrossFire (CrossFire X) from AMD (ATI), which allow you to combine the computing power of two, three or even four video cards installed in one computer. The simultaneous use of several video cards in one system can be interesting in cases where it is necessary to obtain a super-efficient video system that exceeds the power of any existing single video card. There are also cases when installing two mid-range (performance) class video adapters is more economically profitable than installing one video card of the same performance. To implement these technologies, it is necessary to have two or more slots for PCI-Express video cards on the motherboard, as well as support for these same technologies by the motherboard chipset.

In order to make life easier for developers of games and multimedia applications, Microsoft came up with an independent DirectX software package, which saves them from writing programs for each individual video card and gives them the opportunity to use ready-made solutions from this library. In turn, video cards, for their part, must also support one or another version of the DirectX library, which affects the ability of the adapter to perform a certain set of functions at the hardware level. The later the version of DirectX the video card supports, the larger the set of functions and, accordingly, the wider its capabilities for creating special effects. If the game was created using a new version of DirectX, and the video card does not support it, you will not be able to fully enjoy all the video effects provided by the developers.
Modern video cards support version 11. But you need to take into account that DirectX 11 only works under Windows Vista or Windows 7; if you have Windows XP, you will have to limit yourself to version 9.0c.

And finally, let's look at a couple of examples of video card names from a real computer catalog and break them down:

Example 1: "Video card 1536MbGTX580,PCI-E, 2xDVI,HDMIDisplayPortOEM"

  • 1536Mb - amount of video memory installed on the video card in megabytes
  • GTX580 is a type of graphics processor of a video card, by which the manufacturer of this processor itself can be easily determined (in this case it is NVIDIA)
  • 2xDVI, HDMI, DisplayPort - has two DVI outputs, one HDMI and one DisplayPort for connecting various output devices (monitors, LCD TVs, plasma)
  • OEM - video card sold without box

Example 2: " Video card 2048Mb HD6950, PCI-E,VGA, DVI, HDMI, 2xmini DP Retail»

  • 2048Mb - amount of video memory installed on the video card in megabytes
  • HD6950 is a type of video card GPU, in this case manufactured by AMD (ATI)
  • PCI-E is the type of connector in which the video card is installed
  • VGA, DVI, HDMI, 2xminiDP - listing of available outputs on the video card
  • Retail - the video card is sold in colorful packaging

HDD(HDD) is a data storage device based on the principles of magnetic recording. The main device in your computer on which all information is located, from the installed operating system to your personal files.

The main characteristics of this device are:

Capacity- the amount of data that can be stored on the drive. Until recently, the entire range of hard drives fell into the range from 80 to 1000 Gigabytes. But even now modern drives, thanks to perpendicular recording technology, have sizes of 3 Terabytes (3000 GB).

Physical size. Drives with a width of 3.5 inches (rarely 2.5 inches) are used in desktop computers, and 2.5 or 1.8 inches are used in mobile devices (laptops or netbooks).

Spindle speed. An important characteristic on which access time and average data transfer speed depend. The higher the rotation speed, the faster the hard drive. It is measured in revolutions per minute and generally has the following values: 5400 rpm (mainly laptops or high-capacity 3.5-inch wide drives), 7200 rpm (desktop PCs, less often laptops), 10000 and 15000 rpm (high-performance PCs or servers). Lovers of silence should remember that the noise level of the drive increases significantly at high speeds and when assembling a quiet system, choosing a drive with a speed above 7200 rpm is not recommended.

Connection interface - the type of connector and bus used to connect and exchange data with the hard drive. For a long time, the most common interface in desktop and mobile computers was Parallel ATA (aka IDE, ATA, Ultra ATA, UDMA 133) with a maximum throughput of 133 MB/sec, which used the principle of parallel data transfer. Because of this, the connection connector was quite wide and had 40 pins, and bulky 80-wire connection cables always got in the way in the case and interfered with normal cooling. And although many modern motherboards are still equipped with an IDE connector, the days of this interface are numbered, and it has long been replaced by a new standard - Serial ATA (SATA), which uses a serial data transfer interface. The throughput of the modern 3rd revision of SATA III is 600 MB/sec and exceeds the capabilities of PATA by 4.5 times. Moreover, SATA uses a miniature 7-pin connector and, accordingly, a much smaller cable area than IDE, which reduces the resistance to air blowing across computer components and simplifies wiring inside the system unit.

Random access time- the average time during which the read/write head is positioned on an arbitrary section of the magnetic disk. As a rule, for disks intended for installation in desktop and laptop computers, it ranges from 8 to 16 milliseconds and is the main brake on the speed of a magnetic drive. For comparison, for new-fangled solid-state drives (SSDs) it is 1 ms.

Buffer- intermediate memory (cache), designed to smooth out differences in read/write speed and transfer speed over the interface. In modern media it varies from 8 to 64 MB.

For curious users, in detailed descriptions of hard drives you can find additional parameters, such as: noise level, reliability, energy consumption, standby time, shock resistance and data transfer speed from the internal and external zones of the disk.

More recently, in the modern magnetic storage market, all products were represented by four manufacturers: the world's largest Western Digital (WD) and Seagate, as well as Hitachi and Samsung. But in 2011, the situation changed, WD acquired Hitachi's hard drive division, and Seagate bought Samsung's division. Thus, to two segments of the computer market (production of central and graphic processors), a third has been added (production of hard drives), where only two competing companies are engaged in the development and production of products.

Finishing the description of hard drives, we, as usual, will look at an example of a drive name from a computer catalog and try to understand what is written there.

Hard drive 3.5" 1 Tb 7200rpm 64Mb cache Western Digital Caviar Black SATA III (6Gb/ s)

  • 3.5” - the hard drive is 3.5 inches wide and is designed for installation in a desktop PC
  • 1 Tb is the capacity of the hard drive, which in this case is 1 terabyte (1000 Gigabytes)
  • 7200rpm - spindle rotation speed, in this case 7200 rpm
  • 64Mb cache - buffer size in megabytes (here it is maximum)
  • Western Digital - manufacturer
  • Caviar Black is the family to which the hard drive belongs. Black - WD's family of the most productive drives
  • SATA III - hard drive connection interface
  • 6Gb/s - maximum interface throughput, in this case equal to 6 Gbit/s (600 MB/s).

I hope everything is clear here and we can move on.

OPTICAL DRIVE- a device designed for reading, writing and rewriting information from optical storage media in the form of a plastic disk (CD, DVD, BD).

In the early 90s, the most common optical media was the compact disc (CD), which could store 700 MB of various data. That is why the first optical drives could only read and only CDs and were called CD-ROM. The next actively developing format was and is now the most common DVD. Disks of this standard could already record 4.7 GB of information, which is almost 7 times more than on a CD. Computer drives designed to play DVDs were called DVD-ROMs, while the ability to read regular CDs on this device was preserved. At the same time, the first CD recording devices began to appear on the market, which were called CD-RW. Then combined optical drives (ComboDrive or “combine”) appeared, which could read CDs and DVDs, but only write CDs. Progress, of course, did not stop there, and the next logical step was the appearance on the market of DVD recording drives that could read and write any disc. True, initially they were very expensive and for quite a long time the most popular optical device installed in home computers was the combo drive due to its affordability. But over time, DVD-RW drives have become cheaper, and this class of optical devices is still the most common on all types of computers.

Today, the maximum capacity of a DVD disc is 8.5 GB (double-layer disc). But with the advent of high-definition (HD) multimedia content, this volume was not enough for its storage and distribution, and therefore in the spring of 2006 a new optical media format appeared on the market - Blu-Ray. A single-layer Blu-Ray disc can store 25 GB of digital data, including high-definition video and audio, a double-layer can hold 50 GB, a triple-layer 100 GB, and a quad-layer 128 GB (BDXL). Modern Blu-Ray optical drives (BD-ROM) can read, write and rewrite not only new format discs (BD), but also previous ones - DVD and CD.

The main characteristics of optical drives are the speed of reading, writing and rewriting data in various formats. Previously, they were indicated directly in the drive name itself, but due to increased support for various disk formats, they are now indicated only in the detailed description of the device. A pleasant bonus may be the presence of marking technology for specially prepared disks, which allows you to obtain an image on its reverse surface. Like hard drives, optical drives can have two connection interfaces, the legacy IDE and the modern SATA.

An example of an optical drive name looks quite laconic and contains a minimum of information: Blu-ray drive Pioneer BDR-206DBK, Black, SATA, OEM

  • Blu-ray drive supports all existing optical media formats, including the latest Blu-Ray
  • Pioneer - optical drive manufacturer
  • BDR-206DBK - drive model
  • Black - drive color
  • SATA - drive connection interface
  • OEM drive is sold without paint box and additional accessories (fastening screws and connection cable)

As you can see, everything is simple here, but at the same time, to understand all the capabilities of the drive, you need to study its detailed description.

Now, having become acquainted with the main components that make up a computer, it’s time to look at the part that unites it all into a single whole.

MOTHERBOARD(motherboard, mother, main board, motherboard) is a complex multi-layer printed circuit board on which the main components of a personal computer are installed (central processor, RAM controller and RAM itself, graphics adapter, controllers for connecting hard drives and optical drives, basic interface controllers I/O, sound and network card). As a rule, the motherboard also contains connectors (slots) for connecting additional cards and devices via USB, PCI and PCI-Express buses.

In this material, to simplify perception, we will consider only motherboards for desktop PCs, without bothering ourselves with products for mobile computers. Moreover, for a general understanding of the issue this will be quite enough.

Main motherboard components

The key component of the motherboard is the chipset (system logic set) - a set of chips that connects the CPU to RAM, graphics controller and peripheral controllers. It is the set of system logic that determines all the key features of the motherboard, what devices can be connected to it and, in fact, all the future capabilities of your computer.

All motherboards can be divided into two main camps - motherboards for Intel processors and motherboards for AMD processors. Accordingly, they also produce system logic sets for their processors. Within these two main groups, further division is conveniently carried out along processor connectors (sockets). Today, motherboards with four types of sockets are available for Intel processors, and three for AMD. For each socket, developers have several sets of system logic, aimed at different budget segments of the market.

As can be seen from the block diagram, there are quite a lot of varieties of chipsets, and therefore motherboards built on them and their modifications. Let's see what basic characteristics of a computer can be affected by one or another chipset modification and what you should pay attention to first:

  • CPU type
  • Type of RAM (DDR, DDR-II, DDR-III), its bandwidth and possible maximum capacity
  • The presence or absence of a built-in video adapter, and if present, a possible connection interface (VGA, DVI, HDMI)
  • Possibility of installing multiple video cards to enable SLI and CrossFire technologies
  • Number and revision of SATA connectors for connecting hard drives and optical drives
  • The presence or absence of support for RAID technology (the ability to create an array of several hard drives perceived by the system as a single whole)
  • Number and revision of USB connectors for connecting peripheral devices
  • Type of sound card (2, 5 or 7 channels) and the presence of its digital outputs
  • Number of network interfaces
  • Availability of additional outputs (e-SATA, FireWire) for connecting digital peripheral devices
  • Number and types of connectors for connecting expansion cards (sound and network cards, modems, TV tuners, analog and digital video capture cards, etc.)
  • Availability of outdated connectors and corresponding FDD and LPT interfaces

Finally, it is worth mentioning another important characteristic of the motherboard - the form factor. This is a standard that determines its dimensions, attachment points to the computer case and its entire wiring (location of interfaces, ports, slots and types of connectors for power connections). The modern and most common standards are ATX (the dominant format), micro-ATX and mini-ITX.

As you would expect, the names of motherboards in price lists look very cumbersome and are the most difficult to understand, since they include quite a lot of device characteristics. Let's look at one of them using an example: Motherboard ASUS P8P67 DELUXE (B3), Socket 1155, Intel P67, 4xDDR3, 3xPCI-E 16x, 2xPCI-E 1x, 2xPCI, 4xSATA II+4xSATA III, RAID0/1/5/10, 7.1 Sound, Glan, USB3. 0, ATX, Retail

  • ASUS P8P67 DELUXE (B3) - manufacturer, model and revision (infrequently indicated)
  • Socket 1155 - type of socket for installing a central processor
  • Intel P67 - chipset name
  • 4xDDR3 - the board has 4 connectors (slots) for installing third generation RAM modules
  • 3xPCI-E 16x - the board has as many as three connectors for video cards, which means it is possible to use SLI (3-WaySLI) technologies from NVIDIA and CrossFire (CrossFireX) from AMD (ATI)
  • 2xPCI-E 1x - the board has two PCI-EX1 type connectors for installing additional expansion cards (sound and network cards, modems, TV tuners, etc.)
  • 2xPCI - the board has two PCI slots for installing additional expansion cards (sound and network cards, modems, TV tuners, etc.)
  • 4xSATA II+4xSATA III - the board has 4 SATA interface connectors of the second revision and four thirds for connecting hard drives and optical drives.
  • RAID0/1/5/10 - the motherboard supports the technology of combining multiple hard drives and makes it possible to create arrays of the 0th, 1st, 5th and 10th levels
  • 7.1 Sound - has a built-in 7-channel sound card
  • Glan - there is a gigabit network card on the motherboard
  • USB 3.0 - the board has connectors of the new USB3.0 standard
  • ATX - motherboard form factor
  • Retail-motherboard is sold in a box and equipped with connecting cables, software and installation instructions

So, the hardest part is over and we are reaching the finish line.


power unit(BP) - designed to supply computer components with direct current electrical energy, as well as convert the mains voltage to the required values. To some extent, the power supply can perform the functions of stabilizing and protecting computer components from minor voltage surges.

The main characteristic of a power supply is its power, which in modern products varies from 300 to 1500W (Watt). As a rule, a power of 400 - 450 W is sufficient for an office computer, but for advanced gaming systems with several video cards installed, a very powerful power supply may be required, since at peak load the power consumption of such a system can reach from 700 - 1000 W.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that it is worth choosing the power of the power supply with a margin of the calculated peak load, because in this case it will heat up less, which means that its cooling system will work more quietly. A gentle regime will also have a beneficial effect on service life. Do not forget that over time, due to various facts, the power ratings of the power supply may drop by 15-20% of the nominal.

As a rule, the more powerful the power supply, the more connectors and their modifications for powering various computer components it contains. True, in most cases the number of these same connectors is excessive, and in order to compactly lay a large volume of wires in the case, you have to spend a lot of effort. That is why many manufacturers produce power supplies with detachable cables, where you can connect only the connectors you need.

Beware of buying cheap low-quality power supplies from unknown manufacturers. All computer components are powered by low voltage (+3, + 5 and +12 V) and in order to damage any board, a discharge of static electricity from an electrified sweater is sufficient. What can we say if the power supply allows even a slight voltage surge to pass through itself or produces abnormal values. The consumer qualities of these devices are not high either. As practice shows, the real power value of such products is much lower than what is stated on the labels, and their service life is short.

As a rule, in component catalogs the names of power supplies are some of the most capacious and short, for example: Power supply ATX 1000W OCZ Z1000M-UN

  • ATX is a motherboard power connector standard that is the main one for desktop PCs
  • 1000W - power supply power
  • OCZ - power supply manufacturer
  • Z1000M-UN - power supply model

It's as simple as that, but don't think that choosing a power source is a trivial task. Quite the contrary, this is the case when the name contains practically no useful information and it is necessary to study its detailed description, where you can find out about the number of different power connectors, its efficiency (efficiency), the presence of overvoltage protection, overload protection and much more. The right choice of a good power source is the key to long and uninterrupted operation of the hardware components of your computer.

Let's say a few words about power supplies for laptops. They are usually used to charge batteries, as well as to provide the laptop with power bypassing the battery. By type of design, the laptop's power supply is an external unit. Power supplies for mobile devices are produced for a specific model (series), they have different characteristics and power connectors, and therefore there is no single standard for them, and the power supplies themselves are usually not interchangeable. When purchasing a new unit for a laptop, you have no options other than to purchase exactly the power supply that is designed for your model of mobile device.

Frame(system unit) - protects the internal elements of the computer from external influences and mechanical damage, maintains internal temperature conditions and shields electromagnetic radiation. The main characteristics are its type (vertical Tower or horizontal Desktop) and size (small Mini, medium Midi, large Big). The most common format is Midi Tower, because such cases are designed to install motherboards of the most popular form factor - ATX. Also, when choosing a case, you should take into account the number and location of external USB ports, audio outputs, the presence of FireWire outputs on the external panel, the number of internal fans and their size.

Cases and power supplies for desktop PCs can be sold either separately or together as a set. As a rule, for office solutions, the entry-level and mid-range segment of home computers, it is more profitable to buy a kit. True, then you will most likely have to put up with a mediocre case design and an average power supply. Well, if you decide to assemble a powerful system or a computer with a unique design, then you only need to select these components separately, in accordance with the appetites of the selected hardware and your tastes.


So we looked at all the main components that make up a desktop computer. Of course, this is an incomplete list of components that can be located inside the system unit, but only those that are required to be installed in any computer. To complete the picture, let's still touch on the remaining components, but only briefly:

Floppy drive(FDD) - floppy disk drive with a physical size of 3.5 inches. With the advent of flash drives, these media have almost completely lost their relevance, and the drives themselves can only be found on very old computers.

Card reader- a device for reading all kinds of memory cards used in digital and mobile devices. As a rule, in modern computers it is installed instead of a floppy drive.

TV tuner- a device designed for receiving, playing and recording a television signal on a home computer. Most modern tuners can also receive signals from FM radio stations. According to the method of connection to the computer, they are divided into internal (for desktop PCs, connection via PCI and PCI-Ex1 connectors, for laptops via the CardBus connector) and external (USB and FireWire).

Controllers- boards that expand the interface capabilities of the motherboard. If necessary, using the controller card you can add additional USB, SATA, FireWire, IDE and LPT interfaces (connectors). They are usually installed in PCI and PCI-Ex1 slots.

Sound card- additional equipment for a personal computer that allows you to process and output sound. Provide the user with additional capabilities and quality compared to integrated solutions. They can be either internal devices (installed in PCI and PCI-Ex1 slots) or external (connected to USB, and for laptops PCMCIA).

Network adapter- a device that allows a computer to communicate with other devices on the network. Can be wired (Ethernet) or wireless (Wi-Fi). Based on the method of connecting to a computer, they are also divided into external and internal. On all modern motherboards, a wired network adapter is already built-in and therefore is practically no longer used as additional equipment.


Now let's go back to the beginning of the article, where as an example the real names of computer equipment (system unit and laptop) that you can encounter in any computer store were given. Definitely, without basic knowledge of PC devices, it is almost impossible to understand at least something about them. But if you carefully read the previous material, then now understanding these abbreviations will not be difficult. Let's check it out. Let's start with a description of the system unit:

System unitCorei5-2310/S1155/H61/4GbDDR3-1333/1024MbHD6770/HDD 500Gb-7200-16Mb/DVD+-RW/Sound 7.1/GLAN/ATX 450W

If you look carefully at this inscription, you can guess that the various components of the system unit are indicated through a slash; try to determine which ones yourself first, and then you can check our answer.

  • Core i5-2310 - Processor from Intel of the Corei5 family. By its model number (2310), you can find out that its clock frequency is 2.9 GHz.
  • S1155 - processor socket on a Socket 1155 type motherboard
  • H61 is a motherboard chipset from Intel.
  • 4Gb DDR3-1333 - the amount of installed third-generation RAM is 4 GB. Memory clock frequency 1333 MHz.
  • 1024Mb HD6770 - Radeon video card from AMD/ATI (clear from the HD index) with a video memory capacity of 1024 MB. The index 6770 tells us that the graphics adapter belongs to the middle class.
  • HDD 500Gb-7200-16Mb - the hard drive has a capacity of 500 GB, a spindle speed of 7200 rpm and a 16 MB buffer.
  • DVD+-RW - the computer has an optical drive with the ability to read, write and rewrite CDs and DVDs.
  • Sound 7.1 - has a built-in seven-channel sound card
  • GLAN - there is a wired built-in network card with a data transfer speed of 1 Gbit.
  • ATX 450W - a case designed to install an ATX form factor motherboard and a power supply with a power of 450 Watts.

See how much information about a product can be gleaned from its name with a certain knowledge of computer hardware. Now, to consolidate the material, let's decipher the typical name of a laptop. And although its name has some meanings that may not be clear to you, after our decoding you will be fully armed.

Laptop 15.6”/i7-2630QM(2.00)/4Gb/GTX460M-1Gb/750Gb/DVD-RW/Wi-Fi/BT/Cam/W7HP64

  • 15.6” is the diagonal size of the laptop screen.
  • i7-2630QM(2.00) - This entry should already be clear to you. Processor from Intel of the Corei7 family with a clock frequency of 2 GHz (indicated in parentheses). True, the clock frequency and other characteristics of the processor can always be determined by knowing its model, which is always indicated after the family. In our case it is 2630QM.
  • 4Gb - amount of RAM. As you can see, it is listed here without any details about the type of memory and its bandwidth.
  • GTX460M-1Gb is a GeForce video card with an nVidia graphics processor (this can be understood by the abbreviation GTX) and 1 GB video memory. Based on the GPU model (GTX460), we see that this graphics adapter belongs to the class of performance solutions. The letter “M” in the name of the video chip indicates that it was produced for mobile devices.
  • 750Gb - hard drive with a capacity of 750 GB.
  • DVD-RW - the laptop has an optical drive with the ability to read, write and rewrite CDs and DVDs.
  • Wi-Fi - the laptop has a wireless network adapter installed.
  • BT - the laptop is equipped with BlueTooth wireless technology (Bluetooth), which is now used mainly for connecting peripheral devices (mice, headphones, etc.) and mobile phones.
  • Cam-laptop has a built-in webcam - a digital video and photo camera capable of capturing images in real time for further transmission over the network.
  • W7HP64 - as a rule, at the end of the laptop configuration, the operating system preinstalled on it is indicated. In this case, it is Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

With this, let me finish our educational program on the internal structure of personal computers. I hope this material will be not only educational for you, but also a good help if you independently purchase a new computer and components or upgrade your home PC.