White tiger in World of Tanks. White tiger in World of Tanks White tiger medal in world of tanks

Most recently, the premiere of Karen Shakhnazarov's film "White Tiger" took place. The developers informed the players a lot about this. The film itself tells about a legend or myth from the time of the Great Patriotic War. The legend says that allegedly in the rear Soviet troops the ghost of the "Tiger" appeared, which appeared from nowhere and disappeared into nowhere, destroying everything in its path. Well, by "all" I mean Soviet tanks. Here, in a nutshell, is the plot of the film.

Each of the tankers must understand that the "World of Tanks" is not some kind of WoW for you, and the presence of all sorts of big bosses and other yummy things here, by definition, cannot be. We do not play as elves or orcs, we do not cut right and left with a magical sword. Our heroes are tanks. But our dear and dear developers decided to make us happy and introduced some kind of big boss into the game. And he became the "White Tiger". So they decided to support the work of Karen Shakhnazarov. And so, friends, throughout the month of May, you have the opportunity to touch the legend, to hunt for the "protagonist of the film."

Balances "Der Weisse Tiger" wot-version with a crowd of T-34-85 and only on the map "Robin". He is alone against them all. Externally, the "legend" is similar to Tiger P. But this is only externally. There is a paragraph inside. The very amount of HP will surprise anyone: as much as 14960 hit points!!! It's just a monster! How will the poor T-34-85s kill him? I won't put my mind to it. The damage of the weapon of this miracle of the evil German genius is already 750 HP. You don't need to be a mathematical genius to understand that he is one-shotting the T-34-85 lightly. True, the developers took pity on us and the wot-version of the "White Tiger" has the same armor as its game prototype - Tiger P. At least we're lucky here, you say. But the Soviet ST inflicts rather little damage on the "ghost" and it is quite difficult to disassemble this monster. But, as it turns out, it is possible. The developers even approved a special medal for the victory over "Der Weisse Tiger". True, they have not yet come up with a description, but this, I think, awaits us in the near future. The hunting tactics are quite simple: you need to drive the German beast into the crossfire and keep it on the harp all the time, otherwise the scoundrel will run away. And he runs fast, not at all like his prototype. The developers threw him some horses for greater confidence, so that the Soviet "wolves" would not catch up. I think it's also worth mentioning that for killing the "White Tiger" you will receive not only a medal, but also approximately 1,000 experience and 50,000 credits.

This is the event that the Wargaming.net team came up with for their favorite players. I think it's not worth reminding that this is the first experience of an in-game quest in World of Tanks. And let's face it - quite unexpected, but quite successful. So, look for the legend of the "White Tiger" World of Tanks in the game and good luck in the battle with him.

Most recently, the premiere of Karen Shakhnazarov's film "White Tiger" took place. The developers informed the players a lot about this. Actually the film tells about the legend or myth of the Great Patriotic War. The legend says that allegedly in the rear of the Soviet troops appeared the ghost of the "Tiger", which appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into nowhere, destroying everything in its path. Well, by "all" I mean Soviet tanks. Here, in a nutshell, is the plot of the film.

Each of the tankers must understand that the "World of Tanks" is not some kind of WoW for you, and the presence of all sorts of big bosses and other yummy things here, by definition, cannot be. We do not play as elves or orcs, we do not cut right and left with a magical sword. Our heroes are tanks. But our dear and dear developers decided to make us happy and introduced some kind of big boss into the game. And he became the "White Tiger". So they decided to support the work of Karen Shakhnazarov. And so, friends, throughout the month of May, you have the opportunity to touch the legend, to hunt for the "protagonist of the film."

Balances "Der Weisse Tiger" wot-version with a crowd of T-34-85 and only on the map "Robin". He is alone against them all. Externally, the "legend" is similar to Tiger P. But this is only externally. There is a paragraph inside. The very amount of HP will surprise anyone: as much as 14960 hit points!!! It's just a monster! How will the poor T-34-85s kill him? I won't put my mind to it. The damage of the weapon of this miracle of the evil German genius is already 750 HP. You don't need to be a mathematical genius to understand that he is one-shotting the T-34-85 lightly. True, the developers took pity on us and the wot-version of the "White Tiger" has the same armor as its game prototype - Tiger P. At least we're lucky here, you say. But the Soviet ST inflicts rather little damage on the "ghost" and it is quite difficult to disassemble this monster. But, as it turns out, it is possible. The developers even approved a special medal for the victory over "Der Weisse Tiger". True, they have not yet come up with a description, but this, I think, awaits us in the near future. The hunting tactics are quite simple: you need to drive the German beast into the crossfire and keep it on the harp all the time, otherwise the scoundrel will run away. And he runs fast, not at all like his prototype. The developers threw him some horses for greater confidence, so that the Soviet "wolves" would not catch up. I think it's also worth mentioning that for killing the "White Tiger" you will receive not only a medal, but also approximately 1,000 experience and 50,000 credits.

This is the event that the Wargaming.net team came up with for their favorite players. I think it's not worth reminding that this is the first experience of an in-game quest in World of Tanks. And let's face it - quite unexpected, but quite successful. So, look for the legend of the "White Tiger" World of Tanks in the game and good luck in the battle with him.

Hello dear readers. The developers and not only them have already buzzed our ears about the film "White Tiger". The creators of World of Tanks could not miss such a moment in any way, and therefore the appearance of an uber tank is planned in the game, yes, yes, called the White Tiger. Finally, the essence of the event becomes clear "White Tiger" in World of Tanks, you can read the details under the cut.

Promotion "White Tiger" in World of Tanks

You are already familiar with the Victorious May promotion, one of the conditions of the promotion is a double profitability on T-34-85 tanks. Everyone thought that the developers had become kinder because May 9 was just around the corner, they bought tanks for themselves and went farming loans. There were a lot of such “wise men” in the game, whole crowds. But it wasn’t there, the whole thing was different, at the premiere of the film “White Tiger”. The principle of the new competition is very simple. On the server, one team (fifteen players) T-34-85 is chosen and our white monster with 15,000 lives and a powerful cannon from the E-100 is thrown against them! And the breakdown begins.

If you manage to win, then the one who killed the white tiger receives a medal , with the following description: Awarded for destroying the White Tiger ghost tank».

But more often this happens:

It will look like a Porsche tiger, with a slightly modified tank model.

I revealed all the secrets, I can safely go to sleep. Good luck to you.

Video of the fight with the White Tiger

The flash shows a video of the battle with the monster, which was sent to him by one of the clan members, very interesting.