Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: The Ugly Duckling. The mother hen accepted the ducklings as her chicks. What did the hen teach the duckling?

We have heard more than once about animals adopting other people's babies, but now here is the story of a hen raising ducklings as if they were her own chicks. And it seems that she turned out to be a very caring mother.

A caring hen named Hilda with her unusual offspring

On one of the farms in the county of Dorset in the UK, a hen named Hilda, having discovered a nest with eggs abandoned by some unzealous duck, began to hatch it, completely succumbing to the natural maternal instinct.

After just 28 days, ducklings were born and now follow the mother hen literally everywhere. The little ducklings perceive her as their own mother. But only in the moments when her newly-made children happily jump into the water, you can understand the difference between the hen and her babies. It is clear that Hilda treats water with complete indifference.

According to the story of 45-year-old farm owner Philip Palmer, it becomes clear why such a situation arose: “Our chickens and ducks live together and so when I saw that Hilda was sitting on eggs, I could not even think that she sits on someone else's nest. She looked completely natural and patiently hatched the eggs for the entire 28 days. Imagine my surprise when I saw her walking with little ducklings!

According to the Daily Mail, the ducklings do not leave Hilda's side and constantly circle around her, only in moments of danger they hide under her wings. And it doesn’t seem to bother her at all that her cubs are not at all like the chicks of ordinary chickens like her.

And, despite the fact that Hilda is a chicken and not a duck, she is a rather caring mother, raising and caring for her offspring well.

It was a warm sunny morning. The fluffy red duckling, trying not to make any noise, opened the door of his house and went out into the street. He happily splashed his wide red paws on the lush green grass. The kid wanted to go as quickly as possible, because he had set off on an important matter, but he just awkwardly swayed from side to side and said with annoyance: “Quack, quack”...
When the duckling passed the last house in their village, a tiny chicken ran out of the grass to meet him, completely yellow-faced and fluffy, like the dandelions that grew around. Quack noticed the scarf covering the chicken's head and decided that it was a girl. The baby was clearly frightened by something, she quickly moved her thin legs, and when she caught up with the duckling, she stopped and took a hard breath.
- Tell me, who are you and what is the name of this village? – the baby asked anxiously.
The duckling looked carefully at the stranger and answered with dignity:
“I’m a duckling, Kryak, and the village is called Kryakvino.” Why are you shaking? – in turn, he asked a question.
– I lost my mother chicken, dear Coco. Maybe you saw her?
- No, I haven’t met your mother. Listen, let's go to the village to see my mother! She probably knows where yours is. By the way what is your name?
“I’m Tsypa,” she said and thought.
- What should I do? - Tsypa thought out loud. - How to find mom?! She’ll scold me,” Tsypa was about to cry, but immediately changed her mind. She was not afraid next to the duckling.
- Quack, are you also lost?
- No. If you can keep secrets, I'll tell you.
- Of course I can. “I love different secrets,” Tsypa looked at him with curiosity, waiting to hear the secret.
“I’m going to the lake,” Quack whispered, “I want to learn how to swim.” All my brothers and sisters do it perfectly, but I just can’t do it. Last night my mother was unhappy with me. She said that I was incompetent and a coward. I was so ashamed... And this morning I decided to prove that I am a real duckling, and just as brave as everyone else. He left the house quietly and didn’t say anything to anyone. Do you want to go to the lake with me?
Chick was delighted: finally she was not alone! She jumped up on her short legs and shouted:
- Yes, yes, let's run!
“I can’t run fast...” Quack sighed.
- What are you talking about, it’s so simple!
“You, Chick, have thin legs and you quickly rearrange them.” And mine are wide, they look like flippers. It’s hard to walk on these.
- Okay, I’ll walk next to you. “You swing so funny from side to side,” Tsypa laughed.
– Don’t laugh... You and I are friends now. They don’t laugh at their friends, but help them in everything,” Quack was offended.
“Come on,” Tsypa waved her wing in a conciliatory manner and walked alongside.
For a while she tried to walk slowly, but soon she got tired of plodding and she pulled ahead again, leaving her new friend behind. And when the lake appeared, Chicken screamed:
- Hooray! Here is the lake!
The little girl rushed headlong to the shore and, without hesitation, splashed into the cool blue water...
- Oh, I'm drowning! Help! – Tsypa desperately beat her wings.
The duckling heard a frightened voice and rushed to help, but it was impossible to run quickly. Quack tripped and rolled down the steep slope towards the lake. Once in the water, he plunged headlong, his paws moved by themselves, and he swam to Tsypa. At that moment, the duckling forgot that he could not swim and was not afraid of drowning. He approached his girlfriend, and she was already completely exhausted, her yellow head kept plunging into the water, her beak silently opened, greedily gasping for air.
- Hold on to me! - shouted Quack.
Chick grabbed the duckling's wing and climbed onto his back. Soon both were already on the shore. The chick jumped onto the grass and began comically shaking off her wet wings, exposing one or the other to the rays of the bright sun. A tired duckling lay down on the grass.
- Why aren’t you wet? - Chicken suddenly asked.
- Ducks are never wet. Water rolls off our feathers because they are greased.
“Look there,” said Tsypa, who was straightening her stuck down fluff with her beak, surprised.
-Why did you jump into the lake? – the duckling was perplexed. - You could have drowned. If you can't swim, don't get in the water. And we ducklings have to do this almost from birth.
- So what! “I’ll learn too,” Tsypa answered arrogantly.
- Chickens don't swim. Although it turns out to be so simple! But you can run fast.
Chick happily stretched out on the grass, exposing her tummy to the sun, and had absolutely no intention of thanking her friend for saving her. Quack stood up and exclaimed:
- Chick! But I did it... I learned to swim!
“You see how I helped you,” Tsypa said proudly.
-You didn't help me. I swam myself and, by the way, saved you.
“If I hadn’t drowned, you never would have learned,” Tsypa continued arrogantly.
The duckling was offended and did not answer anything, he just tucked his paws and turned from his side to his belly.
“It’s boring with you, Quack,” Tsypa rose from the grass. “You can’t even play catch-up.”
She jumped up and began to run and jump around the duckling. At this time, a chicken and a duck appeared nearby, hurrying towards them.
- Our mothers are coming! - Chicken shouted.
Quack jumped up and happily hobbled towards him. When he approached his mother, he immediately quacked guiltily.
“Mommy, forgive me, I won’t go so far alone again,” Quack asked for forgiveness.
At this time, the chicken Coco fluffed her feathers and, spreading her wings wide, headed towards her naughty child. Chicky backed away cautiously.
– Mom, don’t scold me! I almost drowned!
-Who saved you? – Coco asked her daughter and looked at her incredulously.
- Quack!
The chicken stopped and approached Quack.
- Thank you, Quack, for not letting my daughter drown. I wouldn't survive this...
Mother Duck smiled proudly and stroked Quack's head with her wing.
– What a blessing that everything ended well! I worried so much. I forgive you, son. You have done a noble deed. But don't leave home without permission anymore. And you, dear Coco, come and visit us. You have a lot of chickens, and we have a lot of ducklings. Let the children play together. Let's be friends.
- Hooray! - Quack and Chicken shouted.
“Thank you for your son and for the invitation,” Coco replied.
They went to their villages, promising that they would definitely meet tomorrow.

Target: expand children's understanding of a group of birds based on familiarity with chicken and duck.


Cultivate a positive attitude towards poultry

Introduce children to the names of poultry: chicken and duck.

Give basic information about their structure, nutrition, lifestyle

Reinforce and repeat the concepts of wintering and migratory birds

Continue to develop coherent oral speech

Develop logical thinking by solving riddles

Continue to introduce new concepts into the dictionary

To consolidate children's knowledge of determining the time of year using mnemonic cards, using color standards.


1. Organizational moment

2. Speech therapy work

3. Repetition

4. learning new material

5. Physical exercise using logorhythmics

6. Practical part

7. Generalization, summary.

Preliminary work: Telling V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Chicken and Duckling”, looking at pictures of birds, D/i “4th extra”, cut-out pictures.

Equipment: Pictures of home and wild birds, story picture “Poultry Farm”, chicken templates, pictures (poultry house, drinking bowl), pencils, mnemonic cards for each child (season).

Progress of the lesson:

1. Hello, guys, look at the cards on the tables, pick up those whose cards indicate winter, and now those who have summer, etc. (summer is red, autumn is yellow, winter is blue, spring is green).

2. Now we will do a little gymnastics for our tongues. (articulation and breathing exercises are performed)

Let's clatter like horses. Like this! (showing) Oh, now show me how the clock ticks. Why do we need watches?

Who can tell me who a painter is? (children's answers). Let's work as painters. The teeth are our fence, and we will paint the tongue. Let's paint the fence.

How many of you went to the zoo? Everyone saw the tiger. They roared like tigers. Where is the tongue? Well done!

3. Guess the riddle

Not an animal

Can fly

There are wings, beak and tail

That's right, well done!

Look who came to visit us? Karkusha (from good night)

Hello guys! Do you know which show I'm from? I came to you for a reason! I would love to hear about my feathered friends with you!

4. Pictures of migratory and wintering birds are hung on the board.

Guys, what birds do you know? Why are they called migratory? How do wintering birds differ from migratory birds? What do they eat? What else do we call them? (wild) What domestic birds do you know? Do you know why they are called pets?

5. Teacher’s story, vocabulary work on words: tame, domesticate.

The bird was tamed by humans about 5 thousand years ago, that was a very long time ago. Of the wide variety of birds, only a few species have been domesticated or tamed. These include (I show the children pictures) - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys.

Everyone repeats in unison the words domesticate, tame.

Now guess the riddles.

I. Pied screamer

Catches frogs

Waddles around

Stumble (duck)

Who is this? How did you guess? What is a waddle? What is a tripping stick?

II. Clucking, clucking, calling the children,

Will gather everyone under his wings

Who is this? Why is it chicken? It clucks, or you can say it cackles.

Pictures of ducks and chickens are hung on the board. Work is in progress based on pictures.

See how they are similar? They have a head, a body and a neck (the teacher shows) How many legs does a duck have? What about the chicken? How many together? What is their body covered with? What color is the plumage? What color are ducks? What color are chickens? What's on their body? (wings)

Similar analysis of the head.

Why are they not alike? Pay attention to the neck, the beak of chickens and the beak of ducks. Are their paws similar? Where do chickens and ducks live? There are also special factories and farms where chickens and ducks are raised.

Look at the picture. This is a POULTRY FARM. (work based on a plot picture).

What do you see? Who knows what this profession is called? (bird girl) What else did you see in the picture? (feeds the chickens) Let's repeat it all together: The poultry worker feeds the chickens. What are they fed? (wheat, oats, etc.) What benefits do poultry bring?


Everyone got up, now let's go to our clearing, riddles and answers, using gymnastics

I. Appeared in a yellow fur coat

Goodbye two shells


II. Fluffy sailor

Spout with a spatula

On short legs

Red boots

The children will now recite a poem with me (speech with movements).

The duck swam into the sea

The duck called the chicken

Quack-quack-quack swim here!

Where's her corydalis going?

She walked proudly towards the house

I turned around: there was not enough space.

Did the chicken really not go because there was not enough space? And why? (children's answers: because a chicken cannot swim like a duck.) Because a duck lives in water, a chicken does not.

Well done, let's turn into children and sit down at the tables.

6. Children, today we talked a lot about chicken and duck. And now I will give you chicken templates, you will trace them and color them. (execution at the tables)

7. What body parts does a duck have? What body parts does a chicken have? What is the difference between chicken and duck? What benefits do these birds bring?

Children answer the teacher's questions

Vanechka, tell me, what is a baby chicken called? What about the ducks? Dasha, name the body parts of a duck? Will Kolya name the chicken? Maya, what do they eat? What new words did you meet?

Guys, Karkusha really liked how we played, drew, and told stories, but it’s time for him to fly away. (Children say goodbye)

8. Well done, today everyone answered questions well and solved riddles.

Everyone got up beautifully. Class is over, you can be free.

2nd grade students

The chicken learns about the world around it. And amazing miracles happen to him, which teach him how to live.





Nimble chicken Rex

Long lived Rex the chicken. He was small, but very smart.

One day Rex sneaked away from his mother.

He went to the pond. There Rex saw

ducks who were fishing in the pond. Rex

I decided to try it too. He ran away

jumped into the water and... glug - glug - glug...

They pulled Rex's ducks ashore and

fed him fish.

From then on, Rex began to always obey

Mom and never ran away from home alone again.

Goncharov Matvey

Capricious son

The chicken had a mother goose. One day she

I went fishing for my chicken. But

The chicken didn't like fish, so he started

Squeak loudly. Then mom went looking


Ivanov Kirill

Unexpected gift

One day a chicken was walking next to

pond. Ducks swam slowly in the pond, but

sometimes they suddenly disappeared into the water and through

appeared on the surface for a few seconds

with a fish in its beak.

Noticing a chicken on the shore, one of the ducks came out of the water and treated it to a fish.

The happy chicken went home with the gift. For dinner, the mother hen prepared delicious fish for her chickens.

Ushakova Elizaveta

Chicken and duck

One day a chicken and a duck met. Duck in

Fish and chicken. Geese approached them from behind.

They also wanted fish. But after thinking, they decided that one fish would not be enough for everyone. In order not to quarrel, the geese went to the pond and caught their own fish.

Kasatkina Ksenia

Mom is a duck

Once upon a time there lived a chicken. He had a waiting room

Mother duck. While the chick was sleeping his waiting room

Mom was looking for food. Mother duck loved it very much

your son. And the chicken is also very strong

loved his adoptive mother. And while the chicken grew, the mother duck did not

She left him, fed him and protected him.

Posazhennikova Anna

Chicken and duck

One day a duck caught in a pond

fish and brought it to the chicken. He was

I'm surprised because I've never tried fish.

The chicken ate only bread and grains.

Just as he decided to try the fish, the duck took it away from the chicken. The chicken was very upset that he did not get to try the fish.

Zykov Pavel

Duckling and his mother

Once upon a time there was a chicken and his name was Vaska. Was at

Vaska's mother. One day a mother and her son went to

River. When mom met her friends there,

Then they suggested they go fishing. Later

After some time, the mother approached her son and said,

So that he can try the fish. My son tried the fish and really liked it. So our fairy tale ends.

Stremousova Alina


Once upon a time there lived a mother chicken. She had a son


One day they were walking and suddenly

the fox crept up. She grabbed the chicken and dragged it away

in the forest. The chicken was left alone. He began to cry.

Then a duck came up to him and said: “Don’t cry, baby. Here's a fish for you. Eat and stay with us." The chicken stopped crying and went home with the duck.

The mother duck accepted the chick as her son.

Zakharov Andrey


The duck had an adopted chicken.

Mom took care of him.

She caught fish for him. All the ducks

laughed at her. She taught him to quack,

and he squeaked. When the chicken grew up, she

brought him to the poultry yard. The chickens accepted it.

After this, the chicken often came to the pond to see its foster mother.

Butorin Makar

Mother duck's little chick

The duck offered the chicken a fish for his

She considered him a son. The duck thought, wondered,

What should I name my son now? But with time

The chicken grew up and became a rooster. Mom is a duck

I got tired of carrying fish for my son, and said

Mother Duck: “Go to the river yourself, fish there yourself.”

Catch it!” The mother duck is dozing on the sand, and her son, the cockerel, is catching fish near the banks.

Pupysheva Marina

Mom is a duck

In one barnyard there lived

duck. And a family of chickens lived nearby. I liked it

one duck and chicken. She began to feed

his fish. Walked with him around the yard, protected him

From attacks from other inhabitants of the barnyard.

They went swimming in the pond. Chicken is terrible

was afraid of water. The duck sat him on her back and they swam together. That's how a duck became the chick's mother, not a chicken.

Kostylev Ilya

good duck

There lived a duck with ducklings on the pond. Once

The duck was walking with the ducklings by the pond. She saw

Lonely chicken. He was hungry and

Frightened. Mother duck jumped into the pond and

I got him a fish. She adopted the chicken into her family. The duck looked after him as well as her ducklings.

The duck family has a new tenant.

Suntsov Alexey

Lost Chick

My neighbor Aunt Tamara had a chicken

with chickens. One day the hen led the chicks

to the neighboring yard. The road went through the lake. When they

returning back one chicken Chick lagged behind.

And he became scared, but the ducks who lived

they sheltered and fed him on the lake. Chick lived there

three days. Played with ducklings, slept under the wing of a mother duck. Once

Aunt Tamara came to the lake to get duckweed for the chickens and saw Chick. Chick

I was glad to meet you.

Aunt Tamara thanked the duck family for their kindness and took Chick home.

Mashkovtseva Arina

Adopted duck son

The duck was swimming alone, heard the cry of a baby chicken,

That kid got lost

And now the duck has adopted the chick as a son

They began to live together amicably, like mother and son

He grew up as a sweet, very modest, very affectionate chicken.

The chicken didn't know how to swim because it was small.

Mother duck taught the baby to swim.

And the chicken reached the heights, he learned to swim,

Because I valued my mother and respected her care,

He listened and did everything carefully.

And now mom lets one go without fear,

Wash and swim in the lake, in the river!

Ponomareva Elizaveta


One spring, in the poultry yard, a duck laid eggs and began diligently hatching her ducklings. But one day the duck was called on important business, and during her absence a gust of wind rolled towards her nest. egg. When the duck returned, she thought her egg had rolled out, so she put it back.

It's time to hatch. Yellow, fluffy babies were born. Not noticing the change, the mother duck took them for a swim.

All the ducklings did great

Swim, only one ran around the pond

And he squeaked in fear... The time has come

Lunch. Mother duck gave the ducklings a treat

Small fish and strange

She also offered “duckling”, but he


The baby began to dig the ground with his paws, pulling out worms and larvae with his beak.

And when the children began to grow up, even the mother duck noticed a small red comb on her head! The chick's paws had no membranes, and the beak was thin and sharp. And this baby didn’t know how to swim or quack! And then all

the poultry yard recognized the foundling as a chicken!

The whole poultry yard went wild, everyone started looking for

chicken's real mother! And then from the crowd

the mother hen ran out and, clucking loudly,

hugged her baby: “How long have I been looking for you,


Now the duck and chicken are friends, and their children,

like siblings, always together.

This is the story that happened on

poultry yard.

Vakhrusheva Anna

Poultry farming brings good income, which can be significantly increased by raising several types of birds, such as chickens and ducks. In a small homestead area, the question arises about the lack of space for separate poultry houses. In this article we will consider the possibility of keeping different families together.

Difficulties you may encounter when keeping birds together

The main problem of keeping them together is the love of waterfowl for humidity, while at the same time, for chicken stock, excessive humidity is fraught with disease. Ducks have a habit of drinking food from their beaks.

Naturally, part of the food flying out of the beak gets into the drinking bowl, and the birds splash water on the bedding. The chicken squad, in turn, likes to rake grain out of the feeder, and in the end it all remains on the litter.

This brings up problem number two: frequent cleaning. To avoid constant humidity, it is better to arrange separate drinking bowls and feed your pets at different times.

Did you know? IN Ancient Greece The rooster was associated with Persephone, the goddess of fertility and the wife of Hades, ruler of the kingdom of the dead. According to the myth, the goddess spent six months in the kingdom of her husband, six months on Olympus, and the herald of her return to the world of the living was a rooster.

A spirit of competition can also arise in a bird hostel; aggression will lead to loss of appetite, stress and a drop in productivity as a result.

Features of joint housing in a poultry house

There are many differences between chickens and ducks, but there are also similarities in living conditions and needs, let’s take a closer look.

Common positions of chickens and ducks

So what's in common:

  • both types need a warm room, without drafts;
  • both families need to be protected from rodents and wild birds, as from possible pests and carriers of diseases;
  • poultry houses must be cleaned and regularly disinfected;
  • ducks and chickens need longer daylight hours in winter;
  • individuals need a thoughtful and balanced diet, the availability of fresh water, vaccination against diseases;
  • Until one month of age, there are no differences in caring for chicks.

Opposite positions

When arranging a poultry house, it should be taken into account that ducks are adapted to living on litter. Chickens prefer to rest at a height, with their paws wrapped around a perch pole approximately 50–70 cm high. In this case, you need to correctly calculate the population density per square meter: chickens - up to 5 individuals, ducks - no more than 3.

There is a difference in the preferences of laying hens: ducks prefer twilight when hatching eggs, chickens need lighting. In addition, the hen will calmly mistake someone else’s egg for her own and hatch the lining; the duck will most likely abandon the clutch.

Ducks must be provided with a pond while walking; chickens do not like water, moreover, humidity is destructive for them. Even in winter, ducks need somewhere to clean their feathers; they need a container with water. The chicken family also needs baths, but with ash.

Ducks are fed up to 4–5 times a day, chicken stock - no more than 3 times, the amount of food per day also varies. The drinking bowls must be placed separately: for chickens - at eye level (nipple), for ducks the drinking bowl is placed on the floor.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Colocation

Perhaps the only advantage of such a tandem is the space saving in a small garden area. To some extent, maintaining cleanliness in the poultry house is simplified: it is easier to clean one room than to carry out the same procedures twice.

There are relatively more disadvantages:

  • waterfowl can create an increased humidity atmosphere, which will lead to diseases in chickens;
  • cleaning will have to be done more often, especially when it comes to bedding and washing poultry dishes;
  • you need to think carefully about the organization of feeding - separate drinking bowls and feeders;
  • take into account preferences for conditions for resting and laying eggs;
  • constantly monitor possible manifestations of aggression;
  • think over a lighting system separate for different families.

Poorly organized housing for any type of bird can affect productivity: due to stress, egg production may decrease, appetite may disappear, and with it, weight gain.

Did you know? The oldest duck to survive its 25th birthday, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is a drake from Great Britain named Will-Kwak-Kwak.

Features of feeding

The daily dose of feed in a chicken diet is approximately 130–135 grams, this includes:

  • grain (wheat, barley, corn) - 70 g;
  • bone meal - 2 g;
  • salt - 0.5 g;
  • greens and vegetables - 30 g;
  • bran - 20 g;
  • additives (minerals, vitamins) – 10 g.

In the warm season, there is enough greenery on the range; vegetables can be added to wet food. The feeding regimen is usually divided into three times: in the morning and evening - dry food, in the afternoon -.

Adults should receive an average of 380 grams of food per day. The diet includes:

  • grain - 200 g;
  • greens - 100 g;
  • bran - 80 g;
  • vitamins and minerals - 3–5 g.

In the warm season, the amount of greenery consumed increases: ducks, provided there is a live reservoir, collect duckweed. During this period, there is no need to add fish oil to the food.

The diet for both types of birds is calculated more accurately depending on the direction of the breed (meat or egg), as well as the season.

Features of raising chicks

Up to one month of age fundamental differences There is no care for chicks.

Important! Mash for both representatives of birds is prepared immediately before eating, since wet foods quickly sour.

Conditions for keeping chickens and ducklings:

  • temperature. Up to one week of age - 30 °C, the second week - 26 °C, then gradually reduced to 18 °C;
  • lighting. The first days of daylight are 20 hours, gradually reduced to 12 hours;
  • litter It must be dry for up to a month of life, the health of chicks, ducklings, including, depends on this;
  • Fresh water must be available. Both chickens and ducklings need it in large quantities around the clock.

The diet and diet for babies are the same:

  • first day of life - boiled egg;
  • before three days- low-fat cottage cheese, porridge;
  • up to ten days - crushed steamed grain, mash, chopped greens, fish oil and other vitamins;
  • Twice a week the chicks are watered with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Babies need to be fed at the same time so as not to create stressful conditions. You should not place drinking bowls near feeders; ducklings quickly pollute the water, trying to immediately wash down the food. If the drinking bowl is located far away, the chick will have time to swallow the food and the drinking bowl will remain clean.

Ducklings are released into a pond with adults at three weeks of age, and if they are brooded by a hen and it is warm outside - at a week of age.

Breed selection. The correctly selected breed of both species will help to avoid conflicts; the more calm and peaceful the birds have, the easier it is for them to get along together.

Room. The best option- divided into two zones. Arrange one section based on the needs of chickens, the other - taking into account the interests of waterfowl. Perches for chickens are located at a height of 50–70 cm from the floor, for ducks - floor housing with deep litter.

Nutrition. First of all, they feed the larger and more voracious ones, that is, ducks. Placing drinking bowls away from feeders will help avoid dirt and humidity. Scattering of food will be prevented by a mesh fence with large cells so that the bird can only stick its head through (10 cm).

Important! Keeping chicks and ducklings together from the first days of life significantly reduces the risk of conflicts between adults.

Lighting. When breeding laying hens of both families, you should consider separate lighting for chicken nests that does not disturb ducks, which prefer semi-darkness. It should be noted that laying hens are more aggressive in nature than meat breeds, so nests should be located at a distance from each other.

Walk. If the walking area is small, it is better to divide it into two sections: with a pond for ducks, with a trough filled with ash and a mandatory canopy from rain and heat for chickens.

To summarize: by studying the needs and habits of each of the poultry families, it is possible to ensure problem-free coexistence of species in the same territory. In this way, you can increase your household income and rationally use a small area of ​​the site.