The names of Allah are the wish-fulfiller. Names of Allah with detailed commentary. You can post this news on your social network






Praise be to Allah Almighty, who gives

life - and may He bless us with

noble thoughts and good deeds!

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in

family life. Together with the joy of the birth of a new

a person's parents have a responsibility to

Almighty, associated with caring for the baby and his


According to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad 1, immediately after

birth of a child, the adhan should be read in his right ear, and in

for Divine and sacred words must come first,

which will reach the baby's ears. They are the ones

symbolize the greatness of the Almighty Creator, contain

the basic formula of monotheism, the recognition of which makes

a Muslim person. From this moment on, the words of the adhan

and iqamata must accompany the child throughout

life, helping him and illuminating his path. According to

Muslim tradition, the sounds of adhan drive out Satan, with

eagerly awaiting the birth of each new

person in order to negatively influence him.

One of the issues that requires special attention from




newborn This book will be very useful when choosing

a beautiful Muslim name. Young and inexperienced

parents often name their child without thinking about it

meaning, correct

pronunciation or spelling without even thinking about it

euphony. Only once in a lifetime can a child receive a name,

It is therefore necessary that all parents think seriously and

were guided by Muslim tradition.

Abu Dawud narrates from Abu ad-Darda:

The Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, on the Day

On the resurrection you will be called by your names and

the names of your fathers. So name your children

beautiful names!

The following words are reported from Ibn Umar:

May Allah grant him blessings and peace! These words are spoken and written when the Prophet is mentioned


The Prophet said: “Verily, the most beloved names

before the Lord - "Abd Allah (slave of God) and "Abd ar-

Rahman (servant of the Merciful)” (collection of kh. Imam Muslim).

It should be noted that the preferred ones include all those

names containing the word "abd(slave) or "amat

(slave), combined with one of the beautiful names of the Almighty:

Abd ar-Razzaq (slave of the Giver of food), Abd al-Malik (slave

Lords), Amat Allah (slave of Allah).

One of the hadiths stipulates the preference

naming children after prophets and angels. Last name

Messenger of Muhammad

especially revered. Prophet


said: “Name your children by your names

prophets"; “Call me by my name...” One of the most

common names in the Muslim world became the name


In Arabic, the names Muhammad are related to the names Ahmad,

Mahmud, Hamid, since they have a single three-letter

root Hamida

. The name Mustafa (the chosen one) is also

one of the honorary names of the Prophet

Imam Malik said:

“I heard from the people of Medina that every house

where the name Muhammad is, he is endowed with a special destiny"




adilyatuh: In 11 vol. T. 4, p. 2752).

It is important to remember that the person entrusted with

responsibility for the child, must also ensure that

he was not given a name that offended his dignity and which

may be a source of ridicule.

At-Tirmidhi from “Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!) reports

the story that the Prophet

changed dissonant names.

It is reported from Ibn Umar that Umar’s daughter’s name was “Asiya”

(rebellious, disobedient), and the Prophet named her Jamila


It is forbidden to give names that are unique to the Almighty

To the creator, for example, al-Ahad(The One), al-Khaliq (the Creator) and

The Last Messenger of the Creator

“On the Day of Judgment, the one who will most arouse the wrath of the Almighty is

a person who is named after Malikul-Amlak (the lord of all

possessions). There is no Lord except the Supreme Lord.”

In Islam it is forbidden to give names that express

submission to anyone or anything other than the Almighty.

Giving more than one name is possible, but it's better to do it as usual

Prophet Muhammad did it

Limit yourself to one.

Of course, when choosing a name in each specific case

it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a given language and a given culture.


met the requirements of religion. *

To clarify the exact meaning of Muslim names, we


May the Almighty grant us blessings in this and the future

life! May Allah's mercy and His favor be upon you

over all of us.

We hope that our book will be as interesting as

Muslims and non-Muslims alike, who will find in it for

yourself a lot of useful and interesting things.

May Allah forgive us possible omissions, for only He

The Lord is Merciful and Forgiving.

* Alyautdinov Sh. The path to faith and perfection, 3rd ed., p. 301- 10.1. Section “On the birth of a child and related

Proper name – “Allah”
Neither in Arabic nor in any other language is it possible to find words that fully correspond to the Name of the Lord - “Allah”, which could replace it. And in thisScientists have come to a consensus on this issue. For the word “Allah” is a proper name, and proper names cannot be translated into other languages. Another word, even if it is of Arabic origin, cannot replace it. However, in the Holy Quran, when mentioning Allah, Names such as “Ilah” (God), “Mawla” (Lord), “Rabb” (Lord) are used. Therefore, words such as “Hoda”, “Yazdan”, used in the Farsi language, and “Tanry”, “Chalab”, used in the Turkish language, are not able to replace the proper name “Allah”. And such Names as “Ilyah”, “Mawla” and “Rabb”, mentioned in the verses and hadiths, can be used along with it as other Names of Allah.

The Greatest Name of Allah (Ism Azam)
Some Islamic scholars, without highlighting any of the Names
Allah, declared that all these Names are excellent and great. Another group of scholars, taking hadiths as a guide, is of the opinion that some
of the Names of Allah are more majestic and sublime. Representatives of this group began to hold different points of view regarding which of the Names of Allah sounds more majestic. Some of them said that the following Name of Allah sounds more majestic:
“Al-Hayyu’l-Qayyum”, which means “The Ever-Living, Existing One, who does not need anything, but Himself supports the life and existence of all His creatures.” Others argued that the following Name is much more majestic: “Dhu’l-Jalali wa’l-Ikram,” which means “The Possessor of true Greatness and Honor.”

The Most Beautiful Names of Allah (Asmau'l-Husna)
All “nouns” and “adjectives” with which Allah Almighty refers to Himself are called “Asmau’l-Husna” or “The Most Beautiful Names of Allah.”
Allah has the most beautiful Names. For He is the Region
the giver of all virtues and perfections. His Names are
Sacred words expressing greatness of the highest degree and
absolute perfection.

"Allah! - There is no God but Him. He has the most
beautiful names."
(Sura “Ta ha” 20/8).
“He is Allah, the Creator, the Creator, the Giver of the Image.
He has the most beautiful Names..."
(Surah Al-Hashr 59/24).
A very significant number of His Names are mentioned in the Holy Quran and authentic hadiths. The servant of God, getting acquainted with these names, comes to know Allah. Almighty
The Lord commands in the Holy Qur'an that we turn
to Him with your prayers, using His most beautiful
Names. Surah Al-Araf 7/180 says the following:

“Allah has beautiful Names. So please contact me
to Him, calling Him by these Names".
The presence of a large number of beautiful Names does not mean the presence of a large number of their owners. All of them testify to the existence of only one Creator.
Surah Al-Isra 17/110 states the following:

“Say: Call on Allah, calling Him Allah
or Ar-Rahman. Whatever Name you call Him -
this is a wonderful Name. After all, the most beautiful Names belong to Him!”

Our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) in one of
He spoke his hadiths: “Verily, Allah Almighty has
99 Names Who will learn them, having learned their meaning, and will often
repeat, he will enter Paradise. There is no doubt that Allah is
One and loves Uniqueness".Al-Bukhari “Daawat”, 68; Muslim "Dhikr", 2.

The list of Beautiful Names is not limited to 99 Names. He has other Names mentioned in hadiths and verses. These are simply the most widespread, well-known Names of Allah. They are also called “counted Names”. In one hadith, which was recounted by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, each of the 99 Names of Allah was listed and counted. These are the following Names: “Allah”, “Ar-Rahman” (Merciful in this world to everyone), “Ar-Rahim” (Merciful in the next world only to Muslim believers), “Al-Malik” (Lord of everything), “ Al-Quddus" (Free from defects), "As-Salam"
(Giving peace and security to his creatures), “AlMu`min” (Giving reliability and security to his faithful slaves), “Al-Muhaymin” (The Subjugating One), “Al-Aziz” (The Great, Invincible), “Al-Jabbar "(Possessing Power, Managing everything according to His Will), "Al-Mutaqabbir" (The Only Possessor of True Greatness), "Al-Khaliq" (Creator), "Al-Bari'" (Creator without flaws), "Al-Musawwir" (Giving form to everything), “Al-Ghaffar” (Forgiving and hiding sins), “Al-Kahhar” (Destroying the disobedient), “Al-Wahhab” (Giving freely), “Ar-Razzaq” (Giving blessings and food), “Al -Fattah" (Opening the gates of goodness and blessings), Al-'Alim (All-Knowing), Al-Kabid (Taking away souls), Al-Basit (Increasing livelihood and prolonging life), Al-Hafid "(Humiliating the disbelievers), "Ar-Rafi'" (Exalting the believers), "Al-Mu'iz" (Exalting), "Al-Muzill" (Humiliating the one he wants, depriving him of power
and victories), “As-Sami‘” (All-Hearing), “Al-Basir”
(All-Seeing), "Al-Hakam" (Supreme Judge, Separating

good from bad), “Al-‘Adl” (The Just), “Al-Latyf” (Showing mercy to slaves), “Al-Khabir”
(The Omniscient), “Al-Halim” (The Compassionate), “Al-
‘Azym” (The Greatest), “Al-Ghafur” (Forgiving Much),
"Ash-Shakur" (Rewarding more than what is deserved),
“Al-‘Aliy” (Exalted, Exalted), “Al-Kabir”
(The Great One, the One before whom everything is insignificant), “Al-Hafiz” (The Protector), “Al-Mukit” (The Creator of Goods), “Al-Khasib”
(The Taker of the Report), "Al-Jalil" (The Possessor of the Greatest
Attributes), “Al-Kyarim” (The Most Generous), “Ar-Raqib” (The Observer), “Al-Mujib” (The Receiver of Prayers
and requests), "Al-Wasi'" (Owner of unlimited
Grace and Knowledge), "Al-Hakim" (Possessor of Wisdom),
“Al-Wadud” (Loving His believing slaves), “Al-Majid” (The Most Honorable), “Al-Ba‘is” (Resurrectionist)
after death and sending down prophets), "Ash-Shahid"
(Witness to everything), Al-Haqq (The True One), Al-Wakil
(Patron), "Al-Qawiy" (The All-Powerful), "Al-Mateen"
(Possessor of Great Power, Mighty), “AlWaliy” (Helping Believers), “Al-Hamid” (Worthy
praise), “Al-Muhsiy” (Counting everything), “Al-Mubdi`”
(Creator), "Al-Mu'id" (Having killed, reviving again),
“Al-Mukhyi” (the Resurrectionist, the Giver of Life), “Al-Mumit” (the Killer), “Al-Hay” (the Ever-Living), “Al-Qayyum” (the Giver of Existence to everything created), “Al-Wajid” (the Doer of Whatever He Wills), "Al-Maajid" (The One Whose Generosity and Greatness are Great), "Al-Wahid" (The One), "As-Samad" (Needless), "Al-Qadir" (the Almighty), "Al-Muqtadir" ( The Mighty One, Who Arranges Everything in the Best Way), “Al-Muqaddim”
(The One Who Pushes Forward Whoever He Wills), “Al-Muahhir” (The One Who Pushes Back), “Al-Awwal” (The Beginningless One),
“Al-Akhir” (Endless), “Az-Zahir” (Explicit, One Whose existence is obvious), “Al-Batin” (Hidden, One Who is invisible in this world), “Al-Waliy” (Ruling, Dominant over everything), Al-Muta'ali" (The Highest, Free from shortcomings), "Al-Barr" (The Blessed One, Whose mercy is great), "At-Tawwab" (The Acceptor of Repentance), "Al-Muntaqim" (The Rewarder rebellious), "Al Afuww"
(The Forgiving), “Ar-Rauf” (The Forgiving), “Al-Maliku’l-mulk” (The True Lord of all things), “Dhu’l Jalali wa’l-Ikram” (The Possessor of True Greatness and Generosity), “Al-Muksit "(The Just), "Al-Jami'"
(Balancing Contradictions), “Al-Ghaniy” (The Rich One,
not needing anyone), “Al-Mughni” (Enriching), “Al-Mani‘” (Retaining, Prohibiting), “Ad-Darr”
(Depriving His blessings to those whom He desires), “An-Nafi'” (Bringing much benefit to those whom He desires), “AnNur” (Giving the light of faith), “Al-Hadi” (Guiding to the path of truth the one He wishes), Al-Badi'" (Creating in the best way), "Al-Baqi" (Endless), "Al-Waris" (True inheritor), "Ar-Rashid" (Guiding to the right path), "As-Sabur" (Patient ). In addition to the Names of Allah Almighty mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadith, there are also Names that are in secret knowledge and which He can communicate to some of His chosen slaves.
Our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said the following in one of his hadiths: “Oh, my Allah! I conjure and ask You, I turn to You with every Name that belongs to You. This is the Name with which You called Yourself or communicated it in the Book You sent down. Either this is the Name that You communicated to one of Your creatures, or this is the Name that only You know through Your knowledge of the unseen.” Ahmad bin Hanbal "Musnad", I, 391

The names of Allah can be classified as follows:
1. Names indicating the existence of the Essence of Allah:
“Say (O Prophet!) : “Which evidence is the most reliable?” And answer yourself: “Allah” . (Surah Al-An'am 6/19).
“...You know everything about my essence, but I know nothing about Your Essence.” (Surah Al-Maida 5/116).
2. Names indicating a special “obligatory”
existence" of the Essence of Allah Almighty, such as:“Al-Kadim” (Beginless), “Al-Azali” (Eternal), “Al-Abadi” (Eternal, Unchangeable), “Al-Baqi” (Endless), “Ad-Daim” (Endless).
3.Names are literal, such as:"'Al-'Alim"
(The All-Knowing), “Al-Qadir” (the Almighty), “Al-Hay” (the Ever-Living), “As-Sami’ (the All-Hearing), “Al-Basir” (the All-Seeing).
4.Names are metaphorical, for example: "Al-Awwal"
(The First), "Al-Akhir" (The Last), "Az-Zahir" (The One Whose
existence is obvious), “Al-Batin” (The One whose Essence
5. Names of Allah that testify to His Perfection and deny what is unworthy of His Essence, such as:"Al-Quddus" (Having no faults), "As-Salam"
(Immaculate, Perfect).
6. Names that do not indicate the Essence of Allahand His Divine Acts describing him, such as, for example:"Al-Khaliq" (The Creator), "Ar-Razzaq" (The Giver)
benefits and food).
The issue regarding limiting the number of Names of Allah is controversial. Some Mu'tazili theologians said that Allah can be given new names if they are logical and permissible. According to their point of view, it is permissible to use and even call Allah by the name, using both the word itself and a synonym for this word from another language. Therefore, Allah can be called by Names not mentioned in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, such as
"Wajibu'l-Wujud" - The One whose existence is necessary, "Wujudi Mutlaq" - The One whose existence is absolutely perfect, "Wajib Ta'ala" - the Almighty, whose existence is necessary. Initially, Sunni theologians were of the opinion that the number of Names of Allah is limited
no. They believed that Allah has only names mentioned in sacred verses and authentic hadiths, and it is not permissible to call Allah by a name based on the prompting of reason or formed by analogy, as well as to give Allah names that are not mentioned in the text of the Koran. However, over time, Sunni theologians came to an agreement (ijma) on permission to call Allah by such Names that are not mentioned in the Quran, such as “Al-Mawjud” (the Present), “Al-Kadim” (the Preceding), “ Al-Wajib" (Necessary).
It is necessary to have a very cautious approach to the issue regarding the limitation of the Divine Names (“Asmau Ilyahiya”).

Names of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

ASIM - protector

ABADI - eternal, never-ending

ABAN - that was the name of the companion of Imam Jafar Sadiq

ABAY, ABAKAR (Abu Bakr) - older relative

ABDULAD - fair

ABDULAZIZ - mighty


ABDULBASIR - all-seeing

ABDULVAHID - the only one, unique


ABDUDGAFUR - all-forgiving

ABDUJALIL - powerful


ABDULCARIM - generous


ABDULMADJID - glorious

ABDULMUMIN - faithful

ABDURAZZAK - giver of benefits

AVDURAKHIM - merciful

ABDURAKHMAN - merciful

ABDURASHID - righteous

ABDUSSALAM - peaceful


ABDULHABIR - knowledgeable



ABDULHAMID - praiseworthy

ABID - worshiper

ABBAD - worshiper of God

ABASH - paternal uncle

ABBAS - stern, that was the name of the Prophet's uncle

ABDULLAH - servant of Allah

ABRAR - God-fearing person, innocent, sinless

ABRARETDIN - God-fearing believer

ABSATTAR - a servant of Allah asking for forgiveness

ABU-ABUL - a name forming a component, usually used to designate a parent, after the birth of the first child, father, father of the child, parent

ABUAYYUB - this was the name of the companion of the Prophet MUHAMMAD, (peace and blessings be upon him) who was awarded the honor of GIVING HIM hospitality when he moved to Medina

ABUBAKAR - father of Bakar, source of purity. The name of the closest companion and father-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and the first of the four righteous caliphs, a wealthy Meccan merchant, the first of the men to convert to Islam, who provided constant financial support to the Muslim community.

ABUD-BASHAR - "Father of Humanity". Epithet of "Adam", who was also the first prophet.

ABULGAZI - warrior for faith, winner

ABUMUSLIM was the name of the military leader who contributed to the accession of the Abbasid dynasty in 750.

ABUSALAM - calm, calm

ABuzarr - source of light, the name of one of the companions of the prophet Muhammad Abuzarr al-Ghifari, known for his rejection of a luxurious lifestyle

ABULAES - father of the lion, a brave man; the name of one of the fuqaha scholars and theologians who founded his school, Abulaes al-Samarkandi

ABUTALIP (B) - Talib's father; the name of the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad and the father of the fourth righteous caliph Ali bin Abu Talib

ABUKHANIFA was the name of the great Muslim scientist, the founder of the Hanafi madhhab.

AVAN - kind, sincere

Agil - smart, knowledgeable

AGLIULLA - the dearest, best man of Allah

AGLYAMETDIN - best versed in religion

AGLAMULLA - the one who knows the greatness of Allah best of all

AGRAF - sublime, high; from the name of one of the surahs of the Koran al-Agraf

AGFAR - forgiving

ADAM - progenitor, name of the first man prophet Adam

ADIL - faithful, fair

ADEL - righteous

ADHAM - dark man, black horse, dense garden; the name of one of the Sufi sheikhs Ibrahim Benadham

ADHAT - happy

AJMEGUL is a very handsome person

AZHMULLA - a very beautiful man of God

AZAM - determined

AZIZ - great, dear

AZIM - a hero who foresees

AZKHAR - white-faced, very beautiful, flowery

AYMURZA - handsome son of the emir

AYMUHAMMET - Saint Muhammad

AIRAT - dear, beloved

AYYUB - the name of the prophet

AYSULTAN - lunar sultan

ALI is the outstanding, great fourth caliph, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. The name Ali is associated with the origin of the Shiite movement in Islam.

ALIABAR – Ali the Great

ALDAN – firstborn

ALIASGAR - “Ali the Younger”: this was the name of one of the sons of Imam Hussein

ALIM – “knowledgeable, learned, knowledgeable”

ALIF – the name of the first letter of the Arabic alphabet 2 “friend, comrade”

ALLAMURAT - wishes of Allah

ALLAYAR - belonging to Allah


ALMASKHAN - immortal khan

ALMAKHAN - grateful khan

ALPAN - brave man

ALKHAN - great khan

ALHAS – special

ALYAUDDIN - nobility of religion

AMAN – safety, protection

AMANAT – security, pledge

AMAL - hope, expectation

AMJAD - the most important

AMMAR - prosperous

AMIN - faithful, reliable, honest

AMIR - ruler, prince, prince

AMIRALI – Amir + Ali

AMIRKHAN – chief, leader

AMRULLAH - Allah's command

ANAM - sons, people of Adam, world of people, peoples, humanity

ANAS – joy, fun. Name of the companion of the Prophet Muhammad

ANVAR – very light, very bright

ANWARULLA – ray of Allah

ANVARKHAN - a bright, good person

ANZOR - the most caring

ANIS - close friend, comrade, anise

ANSAR - companions; assistants. Residents of Medina from the Aws and Khazraj tribes, who in 622 entered into an agreement with Muhammad, recognizing him as their supreme leader and religious teacher

ANSAF - fair

ANCHIZ - the executor

ANFAS - very beautiful, expensive, precious

ARAN - seasoned; cold-blooded

ARAFAT is the name of a mountain near Mecca, a gathering place for pilgrims “The Holy Mountain”.

AREF - smart, wise

ARZUKHAN - desired boy

ARIF - scientist, wise, Sufi

ARMAN - perfect; hope

ARSEN - brave, fearless

ARSLAN - lion

ARSLANBEK - strong like a lion

ARSLANGAZI - struggling, on the true path, winner

ARSLANALI - great lion

ARTHUR is a strong, large man

ARUP (ARIF) - scientist, wise

ARSHAD - very correct, taking the straight path; the smartest, the greatest

ASAD - lion, strong, brave like a lion

ASADULLA - lion of Allah, epithet of the uncle of the prophet Muhammad, Hamza bin Abd al-Muttalib, known for his bravery

ASAF - thoughtful, caring

ASAH - correct, healthy

ASAHETDIN - who has found the right faith

ASGHADULLA - the happiest with Allah

ASGAT - happy

ASGATJAN - happy soul

ASLAN - lion; fearless

ASLUDDIN - the basis of faith

ASIR - chosen one

ASIM - protector

ASIF - petition

ASKAR - army, army

ASKER - junior, small

ASRA (ISRA) - the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad

ASRAR - secret, unknown, wise sacraments

ASRARETDIN - unknown secrets of religion.

ASHAB(P) - friends, companions of Muhammad, people who closely communicated with him or took part in his campaigns, later this began to be called everyone who saw the Prophet Muhammad at least once, even as a child

ASKHABETDIN - those who have faith

ASHABULLAH - friends of Allah

ATABAY - senior bay, aksakal

ATAMURAT - special desire

ATANAS - immortal

ATAKHAN - main khan

AULIYAR, AVLIYAR - an excellent friend

AUHADI, AVHADI - first, only

AFZAL - the most worthy, respected, excellent

AFZALETDIN - the most worthy in religion, the most dear person

AFZALULLA - the most worthy in religion, the most dear person

AFKAR - thoughts

AFSAH - eloquent

AFTAB - sun, sunlight, beautiful like the sun

AFTAH - opener, beginning, blessing

AFTAKHETDIN - revealing the meaning of faith

AFKHAM - understanding

AFSHAN - sower

AHAB - the most beloved

AKHIYAR - well-wisher, virtue, benefactor; late, last friend

AKHIYARETDIN - virtue of faith

AHIYARULLAH - the best people of Allah

AHKAM - wise, intelligent, gifted

AKHKAMETDIN - a person who understands the basics of faith

AKHKAMZHAN - smart soul

AHKAMULLA - wise man of Allah

AKHLAF, ALYAF - friends who are together

AHLISLAM - follower of the religion of Islam

AKHLETDIN - who has found faith

AHLIULLAH - creation of Allah

AHMAD, AKHMAT – the name forming the component - glorious, laudable, praised; one of the epithets of the Prophet Muhammad, under this name he was mentioned in the Holy Scriptures preceding the Koran

AHMADI - a laudable, glorious person from the Muslim community

AFANDI - Mister

AYUB (AB) is a touching, Quranic character, one of the righteous servants of Allah, a prophet corresponding to the biblical Job, whose story the Quran mentions for the edification of unbelievers among examples of the fact that Allah ultimately helps those who rely on him and are devoted to him.

AYUBI – strong as a bear

AYATULLAH - marked by Allah

BAGAUTDIN - shine of faith

BAGHDAT - a gift from the Almighty, a gift

BAGHDASAR – brightness, light source

BADAVI - nomadic people, tribes

BADIG - very handsome, eloquent, eloquent

BADIGULLA - very beautiful belonging to Allah

BADIPPA – very beautiful

BADIPPAN - dear, very respected

BADIKHAN - first child

BADREISLAM - the birth of Islam

BADRUDDIN - living a full religious life

BADRULLAH - month of Allah

BAYTULLA - "house of Allah", the name of the Kaaba

BAYAHMAT - praised

BAYRAM - the name is given to a boy born during the holiday.

BAYSAIT – rich Sait (owner)

BARA - innocent, innocent, the name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad

BARAAT – “purification”; name of the blessed night from 14 to 15 Shaban

BARAK – bright, brilliant

BARIK – 1. “brilliance, radiance, lightning.” 2. “bright, enlightening.”

BARI - creator

BARSKHAN - khan strong like a tiger

BAHAUTDIN - the brilliance of religion

BAHA – wonderful, beautiful.

BAHIRA is a character in Muslim legends about the life of Muhammad, a Christian monk from the Syrian city of Basra, who recognized the future Prophet in the boy Muhammad.

BACHMAN – open, light

BAKHTI - happy

BAKHTIYAR – happy, friend of happiness

BASHAR (Bashaar) – conveyer of good news

BASHIR – pleasing, bringing good news

BISHR - joy

BIGI - head, leader, owner

BIKBAY - the main master

BIKBARS - leopard, leader

BIKBULAT – sharp sword

BIKZHAN – strong, healthy soul

VALIMURZA - pious Murza

VALINUR - illuminated by the light of religion

VALIRAHIM - friend of the Merciful

VALIRAKHMAN - friend of the Merciful

VALIULLA - God's man

VALIKHAI - patron khan

VALIKHUZHA - patron lord

VALIYAR - friend of Vali

VARIG - protecting from bad

VARIS - heir

VASI - helping orphans, executor of a spiritual will

VASIK - believer

VAsil - achieving the goal

VASIM - very beautiful"

VASIMZHAN - noble Soul

VASIMKHAN - noble khan

VASIT - medium

VASIF - characterizing, defining, praising

WASIFULLAH - praising Allah

VASSAF - praising.

VASFI - praising

WASFULLAH - praising Allah

VAFA - direct, performing

VAFIULLA - trusting

VAFIK - successful

VAKHIP (B) - dedicating, giving

VAKHIT(D) - only, first child

VAKHITZHAN - the only soul;

VIZHDAN - honest, decent, conscientious

VUZHUD - living, existing

HARUN - Harun

GHASAN - Hasan

GHAZALI - beautiful, strong,


GAZETDIN - fighting the path of religion

GHAZI - hero fighting for a holy cause. A person taking part in a gazavat

GAZIZ – name forming component - dear, dear, valuable, holy

GAZIZETDIN - a respected person in religion

GAZIZZHAN - Holy soul

GHAZIZISLAM - a man who strengthens Islam

GAZIZRAKHMAN - famous Rahman

GHAZIZULLAH - respected before Allah

GAZIZKHAN - respected khan

GAZIM - decisive, courageous, prudent, knowing the direction of the path

GAZIMETDIN - following the path of religion, believer

GAZIMZHAN - brave soul

GHAZIMULLA - a warrior fighting in the path of Allah;

GAZIMURAT - brave Murat

GHAZIMUHAMMAT - brave Muhammad

GAZIMKHAN - brave khan

GAZINUR - brave Hyp

GAYDAR - lion

GAYDULLA – belonging to

GAYN – name of the forming component - eye, source, best, chosen

GUYNAN - real, correct, accurate

GAYNEVALI - a true friend

GAINELGILM - source of knowledge

GAYNELISLAM - the source of Islam

GAINELMUHAMMAT - chosen Muhammad

GLYNELHAK - the source of justice, justice itself

GAINERAHIM - source of mercy; mercy itself

GAINERAHMAN - source of mercy, mercy itself

GAINIAKHMAT - genuine Akhmat

GAINIBASHIR is a real person

GAYNISLAM - authentic Islam

GAYFETDIN - healthy religious person

GAKIL - smart, sensible

GAKIF - solitary

GALAVETDIN - greatness of religion

GALALETDIN - living according to the canons of religion

GALI (ALI) - great, highly significant, dear; the name of the fourth righteous caliph, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad.

GALIAKBAR - the great Akbar

GALIAKRAM - great Akram

GALIARSLLN - great Arslan

GALIAKHMAT - the great Akhmat

GALIMZHAN - soul knowledge

GALIMKUL - knowledgeable slave

GALIMNUR - light of knowledge

GALIMULLAH - teachings of Allah

GALIMURAT - scientist Murat

GALIMURZA - scientist Murza

GALINUR - great light

GALIRASUL - great messenger

GALIRAFIC - the great satellite

GALIRAKHIM - great mercy

GALIRAKHMAN - great mercy


GALIULLA - the greatest man

GALIHAYDAR - great Haydar

GALIKHAN - great an

GALIKHUZHA - eminent gentleman

GALISH - the great Shah

GALISHAIKH - great Shaikh

GALISHIR – mighty lion

GALLAMSHA - Shah who knows religion

GALLYAM is a great scientist, omniscient, one of Allah’s epithets “knower of the unseen.”

GALLYAMETDIN - expert on religion

GALLYAMKHAN - knowledgeable khan

GAMID - rich

GARIF - knowledgeable, well-read, intelligent, knowledgeable, educated

GARIFBEK - educated bek

GARIFETDIN - one who knows religion

GARIFULLAH - Knower of Allah

GAFFAR - generous

GACHAY – brave man, warrior.

GASHKAI - happy

HASHIGULLA - Allah's favorite

GASHIK - lover

GASHIR – tenth (child), friend

GAYAZ – inspired

GAYAZETDIN - an enthusiastic supporter of religion

GAYAN - famous

GAYAR – energetic, brave

GAYAS – saving, helping.

GAYASETDIN – helping religion

GIBAD - pilgrims

GIZAM – significant

GIZAR – traveler

GIZZAT – a name forming the component dignity, respect, congeniality, strength, spiritual help, power, authority, prestige.

GIZZATBAI – worthy

GIZZATJAN - close in spirit

GIZZELGABIDIN - the greatness of the one praying

GHIZZETDIN - the greatness of religion

GIZZINUR – bright light

GILAZHENTDIN – healing by religion

GELEMZHAN – knowing soul

GILEMSHA - learned Shah

GILMAN - boy, young men,

GILMETDIN - knowledge of religion

GILMI - scientist, knowledgeable, scientific

GILMIAHMAT - scientist Akhmat

GILMIYAR - who loves science

GILMULLA - divine knowledge

GILFAN - watchman, security guard

GILFANETDIN - guardian of religion

GIMAD - support

GIMADELISLAM - the pillar of Islam

GIMADETDIN - support of religion

GINAYATULLA - mercy, care of Allah

GINIYATULLA - help, care of Allah

GIRFANETDIN – light of knowledge of religion

GISAM – support, independent

GISAMETDIN - support of religion

GISETDIN - defender of religion

GYSMAT - supporter, virtue, infallible

GISMATULLA - pious servant of Allah

GIYAS - help, rescue

GOMERZHAN - long-liver

GOSHGAR - majestic

GERGUD - fire, light

GUBAYDULLA - little slave of Allah

GUZAIR - assistant; Koranic character, a man whom the Jews declared to be the son of Allah, thereby committing, according to Muslim traditions, a sinful act against true monotheism similar to the Christian one.

GUZELZHAN - beautiful soul

GULUM - knowledge

GULYAM - boy

GUMA(E)R, UMAR – name forming component - life, way of life, existence; the name of the second righteous caliph Umar bin al-Khattab, known for his courage.

DA(E)RVISH - a person who has renounced the world, an ascetic, a poor man

DABIR – assistant, teacher, guardian

DAVISH - first child

DAGY – caller, preacher

DAIM – constant, calm character

Daesh - friend, child

DAMIR (ZAMIR) – conscientious, honest

DANISH - knowledge, science

DANIAL - gift of God

DANIAR - scientist, smart

DARBESH (DARVISH) - ascetic, mendicant leaf

DARVISHGALI - ascetic Gali

DARGEMAN - translator

DARIS - teacher, teacher

DARUN - heart, soul, congenial person

DAUD (Dawood) beloved, attracting to oneself; Quranic character, prophet and king, identical to the biblical David. The Koran mentions alone or together with his son Suleiman as a righteous man who was under the special protection of Allah, who made him his viceroy (caliph), granted him power, wisdom, knowledge; eloquence. Allah subjugated to him the mountains and the birds, which together with them glorified Allah. He was the first to process metals. Allah taught him to make chain mail.

JABIR - “restoring connections”; the name of the "founder of Arab chemistry". Abu Mussa Jabir al-Hayyan.

JAVID - magnanimous, generous

JAIZ - correct, proud

JALAL - greatness, supremacy, glory

JALALUDDIN - greatness of religion

JALIL - great, majestic

JALUT is a Koranic character, the head of troops hostile to Talut, the biblical Goliath.

JAMAL - beauty, perfection

JAMI is the name of the Persian Sufi, scientist and poet Abd ar-Rahman Jami.

JAMIL - handsome, pleasant

JASIM - respectable, important

JA'FAR - “spring, stream, small river”, the name of the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad.

JAHAN - world, universe

JIBRIL, JABRAIL - the name of the angel closest to Allah, the main mediator between him and the prophets, in particular Muhammad. In the Koran he is mentioned as the patron of Muhammad, protecting him together with Allah from unbelievers, specially sent to Muhammad with a revelation - the Koran. Biblical Gabriel.

JUMA - born on Friday

DINAKHMET - believer Akhmet

DINBAI - devout, religious

DINDAR - pious

DINDARKHAN - believing khan

DINISLAM - religion Islam

DINMUHAMMAT - religion of Muhammad - Islam

DINULLA - religion of Allah

DINSHAIH - one who knows religion

DULAT - state, wealth.

DURZAMAN – ancient pearls

DUSGALI - great friend

DUSGALIM - knowledgeable friend

DUS - friend

DUSIL - country lover, patriot

DUSMURAT - friend of Murat

DUSMUKHAMMAT - friend of Muhammad

DUSSADIK - a true friend

EDIGAR - a kind, beneficent person

EDIGIR - courageous, best man

ELDAM - fast, efficient

ELGYR - businesslike, skillful, dexterous

ENALI - broad soul

ZHAVAD - a generous person

ZHAVAN - young guy, youth

JAVAKHIR – precious stones

ZHAVID – eternal, eternity

ZHADIR - pleasant

JADIKHAN - born in the tenth month of the Iranian calendar

JAZIB – attractive, beloved

ZHAZIL - abundant

ZHAIZ – correct, acceptable.

ZHAIGIR – settled, settled

ZHAMAL – beautiful face, beauty

ZHAMGITDIN - uniting believers

ZHAMIL - beautiful

ZHAMIT – strong

ZHANSUFI - pious soul

ZHANTAYMAS – unshakable in soul

ZHANTAKH(G)IR – with a pure soul

ZHANTIMER - strong at heart

ZHANTIRAK – strong in spirit

ZHANTUGAN – strengthening kinship

ZHANTURA - soulful

ZHANURAZ – bright, happy soul

ZHANFAK - pure soul

ZHANSHAIKH - sincere person

ZHANY – sincere, dear

ZHANYSH - soulful friend

ZHASIM – hero, strong

ZHAUDAT – excellent, inexhaustible

JAKHIT – diligent

ZHIKHAN – world, universe

ZHIKHANBAI – very rich

ZHIKHANGALI – universal greatness

ZHIKHANGARAI – great desire

ZHIKHANGIZ - wandering around the world

ZHIKHANGIR – conqueror, conqueror

ZHIKHANETDIN - spreading religion around the world

ZHIKHANMUHAMMAT - praised in the world

ZABIR – strong and mighty

ZABIRULLA – Mighty Man of Allah

ZABIH - sacrificed

ZABIHULLA – sacrificed, an epithet of the prophet Ismail, whom his father prophet Ibrahim is ready to sacrifice to Allah.

ZAINULABID - the best of worshipers

ZAINULLA - decoration of Allah

ZAKARIA, ZAKARIA - a person unforgettable by Allah; Koranic character, one of the righteous, father of the prophet Yahya, evangelical Zechariah (father of John the Baptist). According to the Qur'anic story, Zakariyya was chosen as Maryam's teacher-guardian

ZAKI - clean, smart, insightful, helper

ZAKIETDIN - religious person

ZAKIZHAN - insightful soul

ZAKIR - remembering Allah

ZAKIRETDIN - religious person

ZAKIRZHAN - a believer with all his soul in Allah

ZAKIRULLA - modern rememberer of Allah

ZKIRKHAN - believer of Allah

ZARIFETDIN - religious person

ZARIFZHAN - kind soul

ZARIFULLA - a believer

ZARIFKHAN - handsome, noble

ZARMUKHAMMAT - invaluable Muhammat

ZARRAF - eloquent, fast

ZARRAFETDIN - religious preacher, speaker

ZARTDIN - the jewel of religion

ZINNUR – source of light, owner of light

ZIYATDIN - light of religion

ZIYATULLA – the light of Allah

ZINP – hospitality

ZIYAFETDIN – openness of religion

ZIYAKHAN - enlightened

ZUBAIR – strong, smart

ZUBAYDULLA – close to Allah

ZULKARIM - generosity, source of mercy

ZULKAFIL - source of faith

ZULKIRAM - source of mercy

ZULFA(I)QAR - the name of the saber of Caliph Ali, loyalty to Allah, was left there or in one of the heavens until the Day of Judgment.

ZURAB – ruby

ZUHAIR – bright, light

IBRAHIM - the name of the Prophet

IDRIS is the name of the Prophet.

ISAH - explanation, openly explain

IZAKHETDIN - openly, explaining religion

ISRAEL is the name of the angel of death, one of those closest to Allah.

IZHAR - revealing, showing

ILAMBAY - good-looking, handsome boy

ILISH - loving his country

ILMAZ - daredevil

ILKIN - first

ILBAY - master, loving his homeland

ILMUHAMMAT - just Muhammad

ILNAZ - graceful

ILNAZAR - elder of the state

ILSUR - the trumpet announcing the day of judgment

ILTABAR - who has found refuge

ILFAK - pious man of the state

ILFAR - showing the way

ILFRUZ - bringing peace to the state

ILHAMGALI - greatness of inspiration

ILHAMETDIN - inspired by faith in Allah

ILHAMSHA - inspired

ILKHAN - son of the fatherland

ILCHEBEK - a wealthy son of the country

ILCHEMUKHAMMAT - a worthy representative of the state

ILCHURA - hero


ILSHAT - a boy was born to the joy of society

ILYAR - loving his country

ILYAS is a Koranic character, one of the prophets, the biblical Elijah. In the Koran he is called a righteous man (Salih), a believing messenger (Mursal).

He called on his fellow tribesmen to believe in Allah

IMAKETDIN - promoting the strengthening of religion

IMAM is the spiritual leader present at the prayer, the head of the Muslim community. In everyday life, an imam is the name given to the leader of congregational prayer in a mosque.

IMAMGALI - great imam

IMAMETDIN - spiritual leader of the community

IMAKUL is an imam devoted to the community.

IMAN - sincere faith; The concept of iman is one of the key concepts in Islam; it appears more than forty times in the Koran.

IMANBEK - believer

IMANGALI - great believer

IMANGUL - believing servant of Allah

IMKILGAN - prosperous, desired

IMRAN - life , prosperity

INSAF - well-mannered, conscientious

INSAFETDIN - the conscience of religion

INTIZAR - born after agonizing wait

IPSHARAT - a child as strong as a pine tree

IR - husband, courageous


IRBAY - a courageous man

IRBEK - a courageous man

IRBULAT - strong Bulat

IRGAZI - courageously fighting on the righteous path

IRGALI - an outstanding man

IRGUL - a courageous man

IRDAULYAT - male dignity

ISA is a Quranic character, a particularly revered prophet, the last before Muhammad. Referred to in the Qur'an as almasih (messiah), Ibn Maryam (son of Maryam), abd Allah (slave of Allah), Rasul Allah (messenger of Allah), Salih (righteous man), kalima (word) of Allah. A revelation was sent down to him - the Injil.

ISAM - guarding, protecting

ISAAC - cheerful

ISBAKH - morning dawn, dawn

ISLAM is one of the world religions - obedience, submission, submission to Allah

ISLAMALI - great Islam


ISLAMBEK - Muslim.

ISLAMGHAZI - warrior of Islam,

ISLAMGARAI - the hope of Islam

ISLAMGIR - warrior of Islam

ISLAMGUZHA - follower of Islam

ISLAMGUL - servant of Islam

ISLAMZHAN - soul devoted to Islam

ISLAMNABI - prophet of Islam

ISLAMNUR - light of Islam

ISLAMUTDIN - religion Islam

ISLAMHAJI - Khazhi Muslim.

ISLAMHAI - follower of Islam

ISLAMKHAN - follower of Islam"

ISLAMKHUZHA - follower of Islam

ISLAMSH - a follower of Islam.

ISLAMSHAIH - Sheikh of Islam is a respected person in religion

ISLAMSHARIF - honorable religion of Islam

ISLAH - correction, change, relationship building

ISMAIL is a Koranic character, a prophet, the son of Ibrahim, the biblical Ismail. In the Koran he is named among those to whom divine revelation was sent down, who taught people prayer. By order of Allah, he, together with his father Ibrahim, cleaned and rebuilt the Kaaba.

ISMATULLA - protected by Allah

ISRAFIL - fighter, wrestler; one of the four angels closest to Allah. He reads divine decisions about the fate of people and the world from the divine tablet and passes them on to other angels for execution. His main attribute is the trumpet, which he never parts with and which he will blow on the Day of Resurrection of the Dead; according to its voice, people will die, and then everyone will begin to rise from their graves.

ISHAK - Koranic character, prophet, son of Ibrahim, biblical Isaac. The Koran says that Allah gave Ibrahim a son (Ishaq) in his old age as a reward for his persistent piety. Angels, disguised as ordinary travelers, who enjoyed his famous hospitality, informed him of the upcoming birth of his son.

Abu Muhammad Yusuf ibn Askat (d. After 187/802) is a prominent Sufi.

KABAY - cradle

KABIL - hospitable, welcoming; character of Muslim legends, son of Adam, biblical Cain

KABIR - great, mighty

KABUL - to receive, to meet

KAVI - strong, powerful, omnipotent

KAVIM - direct, correct, honest


KADERBEK - worthy

KADERGALI - dear Gali

KADERGUL - respected person


KADERISLAM - worthy in Islam

KADIR - strong, mighty

KADIRBEK - strong bek

KADIRGALI - strong Gali

KADIRGUL - strong man

KADIRZHAN - strong soul

KAZI, KAZI - the generally accepted name for a Muslim judge who administers justice on the basis of Sharia.

KAID - leader, military leader

KALIMULLA - God's word; with whom Allah spoke, an epithet of the prophet Musa.

KALB - heart; in the Koran this word appears 133 times; it is the organ of comprehension and understanding of religious truths, the receptacle of faith and piety.

KALYAM is a term that in medieval Muslim literature denoted any discussion on a religious and philosophical topic.

KAMAL - perfect

KAMALUTDIN - perfection of religion

KAMILZHAN – living in harmony

KAMILLAR - a true friend

KAMRAN - happy

KARAMATULLA - divine miracle

KARAMETDIN – nobility of faith

KARAMULLA - the great bounty of Allah

KARAMURZA – strong, healthy Murza

KARANAY – dark-skinned

KARANIYAZ – rich Niyaz

KARATIMER – strong, strong


KARAKHMAT – strong Akhmat

KARACHAR - dark-haired

KARI - reciter of the Koran; knows the Koran by heart

CARIBE - relative, close

KARIBETDIN - religious person

KARIBULLA - close to Allah

KARIETDIN - one who knows religion

KARIMULLA - good man of Allah

KARIMKHAN - generous khan

KARIMKHUZHA - good sir

KARIHAN – long-liver

KARUN is a Koranic character, a contemporary of Musa, a arrogant rich man, the biblical Korah. In the Koran he is named among the enemies of Musa destroyed by Allah. He was so rich that several strong men had difficulty carrying the keys to his treasuries.

KASIB - winner, breadwinner

KASID - messenger, messenger

KASIM - dividing into parts, distributing, dividing; the name of one of the sons of the prophet Muhammad.

KASIMBAI - dividing into parts, distributing, dividing

KASIMBEK - dividing into parts, distributing, separating

KASIMZHAN - dividing into parts, distributing, dividing

KASIMHAN - dividing into parts, distributing, dividing;

KAUSAR - the name of the source in the Garden of Eden, wealth

KUDRAT - power, strength, might

KUDRATULLA - the power of Allah

KUL - the name forming the component slave, man of God, friend, comrade-in-arms, warrior hero, employee, assistant.

KULAY - beautiful, comfortable

KULAHMAT - famous

KULBAI - assistant

KULBARS - hero

KULBEK - assistant

KULBIRDE - Allah has given a helper

KULGALI - God's man

KULDAULAT - state employee

KIRAM - generous, famous

KIRAMETDIN - a generous believer

KIRAMULLA - a generous man of God

KIRMAN - strong

KIYAM - rise, get well again

KIYAMETDIN - reviving faith

KIYAMNUR - reviving light (of faith)

Kiyas - similarity, example, comparison

KURBANAI - born in the month of Dhul-Hijjah, the month of celebration of Kuryan Bayram

KASHIFULLA - believer in Allah

KASHFEL - open, explain, clarify

KASHFETDIN - revealing the essence of faith

KASHFINUR - opening light

KASHFULLAH - reveals secrets to Allah

KASHSHAFETDIN - revealing the essence of faith

KAYUM - existing, unchanging, sustained

KESHMUKHAMMAT - fast, nimble Muhammat

KIEKBAY - fast, nimble, slender, graceful

KIEKHAN - fast, nimble, slender, graceful

KILBAY - a long-awaited boy, the name was given to a boy born after a long wait.

KILBARS (KILABAI) - a long-awaited boy, the name was given to a boy born after a long wait

KILBASH - firstborn

KINZHA – the name of the forming component - the youngest child

KURBANALI - Ali making a sacrifice

KURBANBAKI is a sacrifice accepted by Allah, the reward for which will continue until the Day of Judgment.

Kurbanbek - a bek who makes a sacrifice

KURBANVALI - Wali making a sacrifice

KURBANGAZI - Gazi making a sacrifice

KURBANGUL - a man of God making a sacrifice

KURBANKILDE - born close to Allah

KURBANNABI - prophet making sacrifice

KURBAT - kinship, friendship, intimacy

KURUCHBULAT - steel Damask steel

KURUCZHAN - hardened soul

KURUCHTIMER - strong as steel

KURUCHKHAN - strong, hard

LABIB - smart

LAE(I)S - lion

LAEK - worthy

LAZIM - necessary

LATIF - open, sweet, kind, gentle, beautiful, cheerful, sincere, kind

LATIFETDIN - respected person in religion

LATIFZHAN - open soul

ATIFULLAH - respected man of Allah

LACHIN - falcon

LUKMAN - looking, observing; Koranic character, ancient sage. In the Koran, 31 suras are named after him, where it is said that Allah gave Lukman wisdom, and then his instructions are quoted to his son, who is commanded not to betray his partners to Allah, to believe in Almighty Allah, to pray, to encourage good, to keep from bad, to endure the vicissitudes of fate , not to be proud and not to brag, to be modest even in gait and speech.

LUKMAN-HAKIM - far-sighted sage

LUT - Koranic character, righteous man and prophet, biblical Lot. In the Koran, he is the owner of the khukma of wisdom and knowledge, and is repeatedly mentioned among the prophets, whom their fellow tribesmen considered liars.

LUTFETDIN - respected in religion

LUTFI - open, sweet, kind, gentle, beautiful, cheerful, sincere, kind

LUTFIAKHMAT - gentle Akhmat

LUTFIRAHMAN - Allah's mercy, generosity

LUTFIHAK - God's kindness

LUTFULLA - mercy of Allah

MAALI - nobility, superiority

MABROOK - blessed

MABRUR - pious, good

MALVID - from Arabic, child, birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

MAVLANA - title of Muslim theologians, letters; "our master"

MAGDANETDIN - source of faith

MAGDANNUR - light source

MAGDUT(D) - rare, outstanding

MAGIN - source, source of clean water

MAGMUR - source of culture, civilized

MAGNAVI - significant, spiritual

MAGNADAR - significant, meaningful, spiritual
MAGRUR - proud

MAGRUF - famous, famous

MAGSUM – sinless

MAGSUMZHAN - sinless soul

MAGSUMKHAN – sinless

MAGFUR - asked

MAGSHUK - beloved; beloved
MADANI - well-mannered, Medina
MAJID - glorious, great

MAJLIS - (high) assembly

MAJIDULLA - a person who praises Allah

MAZHIT (D) – famous, glorious, illustrious, noble.

MAZHAR - a prominent person

MYSORE – lucky, prosperous

MAKSUD - desired; wish, intention, plan

MAKIN - strong, strong

MALIK - source of wealth, lord, king, sultan

MALIKH - beloved, beautiful, sweet, interesting, pretty

MALIKHULLA - God's prosperous man

MALTABAR - business man

MAMDUD - tall, tall

MAMIL - tasty, sweet

MAMLI - full, happy

MAMNUN - agreeable, satisfied, cheerful

MAHAP - deputy, assistant

MANZIL - rank, honor, degree, position

MANZUM - ordered

MANZUR - dedicated, promised

MANNAN - benefactor, generous

MANNAF - excellent, sedate, highest

MANNUR - bright, clean spring

MANSAF - well-mannered

MANSUR - victorious

MASALIM - calm

MAGUT - happy

MASUD - happy

MASNUN - calm, even

MASRUR - joyful, satisfied

MATALIB - wishes

MAULA - lord, patron, protector

MAULABAI - patron saint

MAULABIRDE - given by Allah

MAULAVETDIN - a great expert on religion

MAULAVI - scientist

MAULAKUL - servant of Allah

MAULAN - teacher, sir

MAULASHA - believer in Allah

MALVID - place, birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, holiday of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad; the name was given to children born in the birth month of the Prophet Muhammad, Rabiul-Awwal, the 3rd month of the lunar calendar.

MAULETBEK - born in the month of Rabiul-Avval

MAULETDIN - born in the month of Rabiul-Avval

MAULETKHAN - born in the month of Rabiul-Avval

MAULI - sir

MAULUD – newborn

MAUSIL – strengthening family ties

MAUSUK – endearing, inspiring confidence

MAUSUF – endowed with good qualities

MAFROUZ – the chosen one

MAHASIN – having good qualities

MAHASIP(B) – beloved

MAKHACH – a reduced form of the name Muhammad

MAKHBUB - beloved, beloved

MAHDI - guided by the right path, along the path of Allah.

MAHDUM – teacher, master, employer.

MICAL is the name of one of the main angels especially close to Allah. In the Koran it is mentioned once next to Jibril, in a threat of punishment to those who are hostile to Allah, his angels and messengers.

MILEBEK - respected

MINABETDIN - elder of the faith

MUBARIZ - warrior, fighter, wrestler

MUBARAK - happy, prosperous, prosperous, blessed

Mugtasim - firmly holding on to faith in Allah.

MUDABBIR - thrifty, thrifty, organizer, manager

MUDARRIS - senior teacher at madrasah

MUZHAKHIT (D) – making efforts, fighter for faith

MUJTAKHIT (D) MUJTAKHID is a scholar-theologian who has the right to make independent decisions on important issues of fiqh. By tradition, all the companions of Muhammad and their closest followers are considered mujtahids, through whom subsequent generations received legal knowledge.

MUZAKKIR – remembering, giving instruction, admonishing

MUZAFARULLA - warrior of Allah

MUZAFARETDIN - victorious in religion

MUSEUM – hospitable

MUZIKH - brings clarity


MUKARRAM - very kind

MUKATDIM - representing someone's interests

MUKTADIR – strong, powerful, wealthy

MUQTASIB - earning money by one's own labor

MULLA - a believer, teaching, converting, spiritual title, lord, ruler, ruler.

MULLASHAH - lord, master

MUNAZZAF – pure, purified

MUNAUVAR – light, bright, radiant

MUNAUVIR – illuminating, radiant

MUNZIR - warning

MURZA - a name forming a component - a literate person, a clerk, of noble birth, a title used after the proper names of persons from the Shah dynasty, as well as the title of any literate person, used before a proper name.

MURSHID - guide on the right path, mentor

MUSA - performer of miracles, the name of a prophet, a Quranic character, the messenger of Allah, to whom the Scripture was revealed, the biblical Moses.

MUSLIHULLA – reconciler, improver in the name of Allah.

MUSTAKIM - direct, honest, correct.

MUSTAFA - the chosen one

MUTASIM - protected by Allah

MUFTIKHAN – explaining questions of faith.

MUHAJIR, MUHAJIR - renouncing the forbidden, the first companions of the Prophet Muhammad, who, in order to preserve the faith, left their homes in Mecca and moved to Medina. The number of muhajirs in the early years was 70 people. They formed the elite of the Muslim community.

MUHAMMAT(D) MUHAMMAD, MAGOMED - praised, the name of the messenger and prophet of Allah, from the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribal group. Through him, Allah brought Islamic truths to people.


MUHAMMATHAFIZ - preserving

MUHAMMATHUSEIN - Muhammad + Hussein


MUHAMMATSHAKUR - very grateful


MUHAMMATSHARIF - respected, noble

MUHAMMATSHAH - Muhammadshah

MUHARRAM - forbidden, sacred, born in the month of Muharram - the first month of the lunar calendar

MUKHETDIN - defender of religion

MUKHIBETDIN - lover of religion

MUKHIBULLA - lover of Allah

MUKHIM - healing, necessary

MUKHIP(B) - loving

MUKHLIS - sincere, true friend, true friend

MUKHLISULLA - sincere believer in Allah

MUHSIN - helping others, benefactor; doer of good

MUKHTADI - who has taken the right path

MUKHTAR - chosen, free

MUKHTARAM - respected

MUKHTARULLA - chosen by Allah

MUKHTASAR - modest, meek

MUKHTASIP(B)-controlling; the one who stops public violation of the norms of Muslim morality and instructs on the true path. MUSHAVIR - consulting

MUSHARIF - famous

MUSHARRAF - a merciful leader

MUMIN - believer, true believer. In the Koran, the word Mumin is used five times: as an epithet of Allah and as a special term for the name of a believer, reflecting the internal, moral aspect of faith

MUYASSAR – affordable

NABI is a prophet, a person with whom Allah speaks, one who receives revelation from Allah. In the Koran - one of the main epithets of Muhammad along with Rasul. Particularly characteristic of the medical period.

NABIAHMAT (D) – prophet Akhmat; Ahmad is one of the epithets of the Prophet Muhammad.

NABIB - smart

NABIC - great talent

NABIR – grandson, descendant

NABIRAKHMAN - prophet of Allah the Gracious

NABIRETDIN - the future of faith

Nabiullah - Prophet of Allah

NABIH - (Nabil, Nabhan) - noble, noble, famous

NABIYAR - friend of the prophet

NADI – caller to the meeting

NAJIBULLA - respected man of Allah

NAZHIP (B) – noble, intelligent, noble, well-born, gifted

NAJMERAKHMAN - star of Allah

NAZHMETDIN – star of religion

NAZIL - angel; close; friend, darling of the country

NAZIM – builder, tidyer, organizer, poet

NAZIR - exhorter, harbinger

NAZIFULLAH - sinless man of Allah

NAZIH - purified

NAZRULLAH - who made a vow to Allah

NAZHAT - honest

NAIB – acting, deputy, governor

NAURUZ is a child born on the day of the Persian New Year, which coincides with the vernal equinox.

NAURUZBEK, NAURUZGALI - born on the day of the Persian New Year

NAFIGULLA - useful man of Allah

NAFIK - spending money in the path of Allah

NAFIS - beautiful

NAKHRETDIN – spring of religion

NIGMAT - happiness, wealth, prosperity, pleasure

NAGMATDIN - the wealth of religion

NUR - the name of the educational component - light, ray, torch, light - the concept of divine light as a manifestation of divine truth, religious knowledge existed in Judaism and Christianity and was further developed in Islam.

NURMUHAMMAT - light of Muhammad. The doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul of the Prophet Muhammad in the form of a dense luminous point from which all predestined souls originated

NUH - calmness, rest; the name of a prophet, a Koranic character, the Messenger of Allah, the biblical Noah, one of the most revered prophets in Islam, the predecessors of Muhammad, whom his fellow tribesmen did not believe, for which they were destroyed during the Flood.

PADISHAH - autocrat, king, ruler

PAYZUTDIN - refuge

PAHLEVAN - hero, hero, winner

PIRI - from a family of pirs, Sufi mentors

PIR - name forming component - elder, leader, sage, respected person, spiritual mentor

PIRBUDAG – branch, follower

PIRMUHAMMAT – feast + Muhammad

PIRUZ – winner

PULAT – steel, damask steel

RABBANI - a child given by Allah

RABI – spring, spring time

RAJA - hope, desire

RAJAB is the seventh month of the lunar calendar, born in the month of Rajab, one of the four sacred months, the month of the minor pilgrimage to Mecca.

RAJI - man, courageous

RAZZAK - feeding, giving sustenance

RAMADAN, RAMADAN, RAMZAN - hot, hot. The name of the ninth month according to the lunar calendar, the month of Eid (fasting) On one of the days of Ramadan, the first revelation was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad

RAMZY – exemplary, symbol

RAMZULLA - symbol of faith in Allah

RAMI - shooter

RAMIZ - symbolizing goodness

RAMIL - magical, enchanting

RASIM - who knows how to draw

RASUL - messenger

RAHIM - merciful, compassionate

RAKHIMBAY - a merciful person

RAKHMANBAY - a merciful person

RAHMANBI - merciful lord

RAKHMANZHAN - grateful soul

RUKH – spirit, soul

RUKHAN - soulful

RUKHULBAYAN - open soul

SAADI - happy, lucky

SAADUDDIN - success of religion

MABANALI – gali born during spring sowing

SABANCHI – plowman

SAGDETDIN - the happiest in faith

SAGDI, SAADI – happy, bringing happiness

SAGDULLAH - Allah bestowed happiness

SAGIDULLA - happy, from Allah

SAGIR – small, small

SAGITZHAN - happy soul

SAGITNUR – light that brings happiness

SAGITKHAN - happy khan

SADIK (SADIK) – honest, righteous

SAITBEK - ruler bek

SAITDIN - head of religion

SALAMAT - prayers, prayers of praise

SALAM – health, greeting peace

SALAMAT – health, well-being, safety

SALAH – kindness, being needed; good deed, suitable

SULEIMAN – peaceful, protected; wise, ancient king, prophet

TAAHIR – modest

TAGIR – pure, unsullied

TAKFIR – acquainting, approving

TAIR – flying, birds, winged

TIMAS – solid, standing firmly on its feet

TALMAS – tireless child

TALIBULLAH - following the path of Allah

TAMAM – perfect

TAMIZ – healthy clean

TAHIR – pure, bright, holy

Ubaydullah - servant of Allah

UBAYD – “little slave /of Allah/”

UMAR - tenacious

UMET – faith, hope, desire, dream

USMAN – not hasty; the name of the third righteous caliph. A wealthy Meccan merchant from the Umayya family, one of the first followers of Muhammad, married two of his daughters

USTAZ - mentor

USTIRAK – support for the family will grow

FAVARIS – warrior, horseman, horseman

FAZLETDIN - the dignity of faith

FAZLIAHMAT - worthy Akhmat

FAZLINUR – worthy Nur

FAZLIRAKHMAN - mercy of Allah Almighty

FALIH – happy, fortunate

FAHRELBAKI ​​- eternal pride and glory

FAHRELIMAN – pride of faith

FAKHRETDIN - pride and glory of religion

FUATBEK is a sincere, warm-hearted person

FUNUN – knowledgeable in many sciences, scientist

HABIB – name forming component – ​​beloved, friend, beloved, respected

HABIBUDDIN - favorite of religion

HABIBELKAH - favorite of the Almighty

HABIBELKHAN - favorite

HABIBJALAL - great beloved

HADIMETDIN - minister of faith

KHADIMULLAH - believer in Allah

HAKIM - sage; Hakim - judge, ruler, ruler, lord; sage, thinker

HAKIMBAI – smart

KHALIL - eternal, immortal

KHALIDULLAH - eternal slave of Allah

KHALIL - close friend, true friend, honest living, man; epithet of the prophet Ibrahim - Khalilullah - friend of Allah

KHALILBEK - close, true friend

KHALILZHAN - spiritual friend

KHALILKHAN - close friend

HAMED – eternal, constant

KHAMZAT - agile

HAMID - worthy of praise

HAMIDEHLHAK - praising the truth

KHAMIDETDIN - praising faith

HAMIDULLAH - praising Allah

HANISLAM - worshiping Islam

HANIF - true believer in one Allah

HANIFETDIN - true believer, true believer

KHANIFZHAN – a true believer soul

HIZRI - the name of the mysterious prophet of the mentor of the Prophet Moussa

KHUSNEVALI – beautiful Vali

KHUSNELISLAM - goodness of Islam

SHAMIL - who has absorbed all the best

SHAMSUR – radiant, kind, bright

SHAMSUTDIN - torch of faith

SHANGARAI - striving for greatness

SHANGUL - nice person

SHARAFUTDIN - nobility of faith

SHARGIY – legal, living according to Sharia

SHARIP - great, noble

SHARIF - compassionate

SHARIFGALI – Sharif + Gali

SHARIFZHAN - noble soul

SHAFIGULLA - protector, supporter of Allah

SHAFIK – merciful, compassionate

SHAFQAT - mercy

SHAFKATULLA - Allah's mercy

SHAKHIRETDIN - a man known for his faith

SHIRMUHAMMAT - strong Muhammad

SHAKHRISLAM - the best man in Islam

SHUKRAN – to thank, to do good

SHUKUR – to thank, to be pleased

SHUKHRAT – fame, reputation, fame

SHUHRATULLA - glorious man of Allah

EMMIN - Amin

EMIR (Amir) – head, leader

ELDAR - lord

ELMAN – a man of the people

ELMIR - leader of the people

ELCHIN - brave man

ESHAK – Ishak

EFENDI – Afandi (teacher)

EHSAN - beneficence, mercy

EHTESHAM – modesty, dignity

YUZBASH – Turkic: leader of a hundred

YUZBEK – wish for longevity

YUZZHAN - the wish to live to ancient times

YULAI – showing the way, illuminating the way

YULBULAT – wish for a worthy life

YULGIZ – long-lived, wandering

YULDASH - fellow traveler, comrade

YULTAI – long-lived

YULCHI - a life partner walking along the road

YUMA - eager to please

YUMAGALIM - the wish to be educated

YAKUT - yakhont, desired, dear child

YANBEK - a dear man was born

YANGIR - lord

YANGUL - sincere, dear, person

YANGURAZ – new happiness

JANISH - spiritual friend

YANKUAT – multiplying spiritual strength

YARMUKHAMMAT - satellite of Muhammad

YARULLA - friend of Allah, walking in the path of Allah

YARHAM - let him be merciful

YARKHAMETDIN – showing mercy in faith

YARKHAN - friend

YASIN - the name of a sura from the Koran

YASIR - easy, relaxed

JAFAS, JAFES - the name of one of the sons of the prophet Nuh

YAHYA is a Qur'anic character, a prophet and a pious man, the son of Zechariah, the Gospel John the Baptist. In the Koran he is called a righteous man on a par with Isa and Elias. He was wise even in childhood, pious, God-fearing, temperate, meek with his parents.

ABIDA (Abidat) - the feminine form of the Arabic name Abid - “worshipper”.

AGZAMA - great

AGLA (I) – the most majestic, very kind, good, beautiful.

AZIZA - Arabic name, derived from the masculine Aziz - “great”, “dear”, “respected”

AZIZAT – mighty, mighty, strong, dear, beloved, sweet.

AIDA – visiting, returning (to good)

AIBIKA(I) – daughter of the moon

AIGUL - like the moon and a flower

AIZIFA – beautiful, slender

AYZUKHRA – moonlight, lunar flower

AYNA – Persian name, “pure, bright”, “mirror”

AYSARA – lightweight, the best.

AISHA - prosperous, the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

AKDASA - saint

ALIMA – learned, smart

ALIFA - friend, girlfriend

ALIYAH is an Arabic name which means “exalted”, majestic, grateful.

ALMAGUL is a Turkic name, “apple flower” - alma-“apple” and gul-“flower”.

ALFIA – friendly, sympathetic.

ALFIZA – valuable silver.

AMANAT - what is entrusted, what should be protected.

AMANI – desires, expectations, hope.

AMILIA - working.

AMINA - (Aminat, Eminat) - an Arabic name that means “safe, faithful, devoted, reliable, trusted, honest. This was the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad.

AMIRAH is a princess.

ANISA is an Arabic name, derived from the masculine Anis - “friend” (girlfriend).

ANNURA – light, brightness.

ANSAM – breath of life.

ANFASA - very beautiful.

ARAPAT - from the name of the valley and Mount Arafat near Mecca in Arabia, which serves as a place of pilgrimage for Muslims around the world.

ARIBA is witty.

ARUB – loving her husband.

ARIFA - knowledgeable, competent.

ASADIA is a lioness.

ASIMA – protector, supporter.

ASYYAT – ​​the Arabic name Asiya, translated means a comforting, healing woman-doctor.

ASILIA – belonging to a noble family, precious.

ASHURA - from the name of the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram. On this day, the son of Hazrat Ali, Imam Hussein, highly revered by Muslims, was killed. This is usually the name given to girls born on the day of Ashura.

BAGIRA – open, holy.

BAGDAGUL - radiant flower

BADRINUR – light of the new moon

BARIKA(I) – light

BARIRA – smart, obedient.

BARIYA - sinless

BARIYAT – ​​derived from the Persian “pari” (peri), “fairy”.

BALKIS is the name of the Queen of Sheba, who was brought to the prophet Suleiman.

BASIMA - pretty

BASIRAT – the female form of the name Basir is insightful.

BAKHIZHA – cheerful, beautiful.

BAHIRA – open, dazzling

BAHIA – very beautiful

BAKHRUZ – happy

BAKHTIGUL - flower of happiness

BAKHTINUR – light of happiness

BASHIR - bearer of good news

BAYAZA – white-faced

BAYAN - explanatory

BUNIYAT - Persian name, “striving for the high”

BURLIYAT – ​​the Turkic name goes back to the name of the diamond, of French origin, meaning “brilliant”.

VAJIBAT is the feminine form of the Arabic name Wajib, which means "necessary"

VAZHIHA – beautiful, pretty

VAZIPAT – duty, duty, mission, service, position

WAZIFAH is the feminine form of the name Wazif, which means “praising”, serving

VAKIFA - knowledgeable, intelligent, knowledgeable

VALIDA – child-descendant, girl

VALIA – saint, protector

VARIGA - devout, pious

VASAMA – beauty, charm

VASIGA - soulful

VASIKA – believer

VASIMA – very beautiful

VASIFA – praising, describing

VAFIRA - broad soul

WAHIBA - bestower

VAHIDA is the only one

VIRASAT – heritage, heritage

GABIBAT (Habibat, Gyabibat, Abiibe) - beloved, beloved, sweetheart.

GABIDA - serving the faith

GADILYA - fair

GAZALIA - beautiful, charming antelope

GAZIZA - conscientious, strong, holy, dear

GAZIL - victorious

GAZIMYA - foresighted, courageous; pompous, best wishes

GAYNA - chosen one, the best

GAYNIYAR - the best of friends

GAISHA (AISH) - living; The Messenger of Allah married Aisha. She was the daughter of Abu Bakr, the Most Truthful of the Koreish tribe. Her lineage intersects with the lineage of the Messenger of Allah in the sixth generation. He brought her into his home as his wife at the age of 14 or 16. She was among the first people to convert to Islam. Having become the spiritual mother of Muslims, she very soon felt the responsibility entrusted to her. She listened to the sayings of the Prophet and memorized them. She knew the largest number of hadiths. After the death of the Prophet, people came to her regarding questions of the sunnah. Among the wives, she was the leading woman. After the death of the Prophet, she lived for another 47 years, diligently teaching Muslims about Islamic issues.

GAKILYA - source of mind

GAKIFA - distributing; pious believer observing seclusion in the last 10 Days of Ramadan in the mosque

GALIMAT (Khalimat, G'alimat, Alimat, Alima) - “meek”. This was the name of the mother - the nurse of the Prophet Muhammad

GANIFAT (Hanifa, Hanipa, Gyanipat) - true.

GATIFA - loving

HAFIZAT (Hafizat, Gapizat, Hafsat, Gyapisat) - preserving, protecting

GAFILYA - not feeling tired or difficult

GULZHANNAT - flower of the Garden of Eden

GYULZADA - queen of beauty, like a flower

GULZAMAN - seasonal flower

GYULZAMINA - earth flower

GYULZAR - garden of flowers

GULLEAMIN - flower of faith

GULNAZAR - all-seeing

GYULNAZIRA - chubby; promised flower

GULNARA - pomegranate flower

GYULSAFA - pure flower

GULSAFARA - walking, born in the month of Safar (Arabic)


GYULSAKHRA - desert flower

GYULSILYA - a gift that looks like a flower

DAVLAT - happiness, contentment

DAGIRAT - the feminine form of the name Dagir (Tahir), translated from Arabic means “pure”, immaculate, innocent.

DAGIA - preacher

DAIRA - circle, social circle

DAYBAT - pure, pure, kind, noble deed.

DALILAH - witness showing the way

DALIA - dahlia flower

DAMINA - bringer of good

DAMIRA - strong

DANA - smart, well-read

DANIFA - rising sun

DARISA - teacher

DARIA - regal

DARUNA - heart, mood

DAHIYA - very smart, creative

DAYA - nanny, nurse

JAVAHIRA (Javaira) - precious stones, semi-precious stones

JAVGARAT - Persian name, precious stone, pearl

JAVIDA - new, fresh

JADIRA - pleasant, worthy

JALILA - great, famous

JAMILA (JAMILA) - Arabic name, beautiful, kind

JANISAT is a Persian-Arabic name, consisting of the words jan - “soul” and nisa - “woman”.

JANNAT (JENNET) is an Arabic name that means “Garden of Eden.”

JARIYAT (ZHARIYAT) - slave, slave, maid, servant, girl

JAUHAR - jewel, diamond


JUVAIRIYAT (Zhuvairiyat, Zhubarzhat, Zubairizhat, Zuvairizhat, Zubeirizhat, Zubarzhat, Zubariat) - “emerald; chrysolite". The name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

JUMANA - silver pearl

DILYA - mood, mind, heart

DILYARA (DILARA) - Persian name, means “beauty”, “beloved”.

DINA - “court”. Name of the elder sister of the prophet Yusuf, daughter of the prophet Yaqub, believer in God, religious

DINARA is the feminine form of the name Dinar, which means “gold or silver coin, dinar.”

DINIA - religious

ZHAVGARAT - see Dzhavgarat

ZHAVIDA - immortal

ZHADIRA - pleasant

JAZIBA - attracting, protecting

ZHAZILYA - rich, healthy

ZHAYRAN - antelope, symbol of beauty

ZHALILYA - big, great

ZHAMALIYA - with a beautiful face, beautiful

ZHAMILYA - beautiful

ZHANANA - heart

ZHANISAKHIBA - friend, soulmate

ZHANIA - soulful

ZHANNAT - Garden of Eden

ZHARIA - slave, concubine

JASIMA - brave

ZABIDA - chosen from the special ones

ZABIRA - strong, strong

ZAGIDAT is the feminine form of the name Zagid, which in Arabic means “ascetic”, “companion”, female ascetic.”

ZAIDA - growing, excess.

ZAIMA - leader, first

ZAIRA (Zaghirat, Zagyra, Zagyirat) - the female form of the name Zagir, translated from Arabic means “bright, blooming, beautiful”, “bright”, “blooming, beautiful”, “with a blooming face, with a shining face”, “flower” .

ZAYNA - elegant, beautiful, with a strong, healthy physique

ZAYNAB is an Arabic name. This was the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad and the eldest daughter of Muhammad and Khadija. At one time, unlike her sisters Umm Kulthum and Fatima, Zainab did not move with her father from Mecca to Medina

ZAYNEGUL - luxurious flower

ZAYNIYA - elegant

ZAYSINA - having a good figure

ZAYTUNA - olive, tree, flower

ZAKIRA - remembering

ZAKIYA - helping, merciful

ZAKIYABANU - a merciful girl
ZALINA - from the Iranian name. Zarina, which means "golden".

ZALIFA is a prudent girl.

ZAMZAM is the name of the sacred spring in Mecca, which made its way under the foot of the prophet Ismail in infancy.

ZAMILYA - close person, friend

ZAMINA - earth

ZAMIRA is the feminine form of the name Zamir (Samir), which in Arabic means “interlocutor”, “interlocutor”

ZAMIRA (DAMIRA) - heart, conscientious; girl playing the flute

ZAREMA - sweeping, similar to a sweep

ZANUFA - a woman of benefit

ZARAFAT – elegant.

ZAREMA - goes back to the Persian “zar” - which means “gold”. Translated: “golden, like gold.”

ZARIMA - flammable

ZARIRA - gold

ZARIFA (ZARIPAT) is the feminine form of the name Zarif, which in Arabic means witty, subtle, lovely, modest, beautiful, “delicate, fragile, fragile in physique.”

ZARIA - gold, golden

ZARIYAT - “scattering”. Title 51 - suras of the Holy Quran. ZAFIRA - victorious, successful, jubilant

ZAHIDAT (Zahida) - a woman leading an ascetic lifestyle

ZAHIRA - a rare, expensive thing, a relic; outstanding, outstanding

ZAHIA - brilliant, open

ZAHRA - Arabic name means “brilliant, sparkling”, “with a shining face”.

ZAINAB BINT JAHSH is the daughter of the aunt of the Messenger of Allah in the male line. The Prophet married her in the fifth year of Hijri. Among other spiritual mothers of Muslims, Zeinab bint Jakhsh enjoyed special authority.

ZEMFIRA - sapphire

ZIADA - superiority, superiority

ZIAFAT - hospitable

Zida - developing

ZILAYLA - night flower

ZILIA - merciful

ZILYA - compassionate

ZINNAT - decoration, outfit

ZINIRA - luminous

ZIFA - pretty, beautiful, slender; name educational component ZIFABANU - beautiful girl

ZIFAGUL - beautiful flower

ZIFANUR - beautiful light

ZIYADA - growing

ZUBARZHAT - emerald

ZIYARAT is the feminine form of the name Ziyar, which means “pilgrim” in Arabic.

ZUBAYDA is the feminine form of the name Zubayd, which means “gift” in Arabic.

ZUBARJAT - Arabic name, “emerald, the same as emerald.”

ZUBBENISA - the most beautiful of the girls

ZUBEIDA - the chosen one

ZUDA - agile, playful

ZULAIKHA (Zuleikha) - Arabic name, “smooth, portly.”

Zuleifa - curly

ZULEIKHA - small, youngest; Koranic character, wife of the prophet Yusuf.

ZULKADA - eleventh month of the lunar calendar

ZULNARA - fire, fiery

ZULFA - curly

ZULFARA - temperamental

ZULFIYA - owner of curly hair, pretty, pretty, attractive

ZULKHAYA - polite, courteous

ZULHAYAT - cheerful

ZULKHIJAT - an Arabic name, goes back to the name of the twelfth Muslim month, born in the month of Hajj

ZUMRUD - Persian name, means “emerald”, “precious stone”

ZUPARA - fiery

ZURAFA - elegant, beautiful

ZUHAIRA - small flower

ZUKHRA - Arabic name, means “radiance”, “whiteness”, “brilliant, radiant”, “planet Venus”.

IBADAT - service to Allah; prayers

IBRIZ - pure gold

IJLAL - glorification, honor, respect

IZHADIYA - creatively gifted

IZTIKHAR - prosperity, fragrance

IKRAMA - revered

ICTIZA - necessary

IDDARIA - leader

ILNARA (Elnara) - radiant

ILSINA - graceful

ILFARIA - lighthouse of the homeland

ILFIZA - sacrificing herself in the name of her homeland

ILFRUZA - joyful to the world

ILHAMIYA - resourceful

IMANIYAT - from the word iman: “faith in God.”

INAS - friendliness, sociability

INAM - kindness, charity

INSAFIA - well-mannered, modest, conscientious

INZHILYA - light, sowing light

IRADA - righteous prayer, strong-willed

ISLAMIA - follower of Islam

ISMAT – purity, purity

ISMEGUL – flower

IFADA - explanation, clarification

KABIRAT (Kabira) - great, big, dear.

KAVIA - strong

KAVSAR (KEVSER, KAVSARAT) - “abundant”, “abundance, wealth”, the name of a heavenly spring, the water of which heals from all diseases.

KADIMA - coming, going, adhering to traditions

QAIDA - ruler, leader

KAMAL - achiever

KAMILA – (Kamila) – female form of Kamil, translated from Arabic means perfect, impeccable

KARAMA - generous saint

CARIBA – close, friend, dear

KASIMA - acting justly

KASIRA – short, small, plentiful, generous

KAHIRA – victorious, taking over

KATIBA – writing

KUBRA - the greatest

LABIBA - smart, capable, resourceful

INCENSE - incense, incense

LAZIMA - necessary

LAIMA - immortal

LAMIGHA – spreading light

LAMIS - soft

LATIFA – the name forming component is open, beautiful, cheerful

LAUZA - almond tree, almonds

LAZIZA - sweet

LAFIFA - kind

LEILA is an Arabic name that means “night lily.”

LIKA - meeting, date

LUBAT - beauty

LUKMANIA - nurse

LUTFIYA - kind-hearted, merciful, beautiful

MAASHA - life

MABROOKA - blessed, prosperous

MABRURA - beloved, good

MAVIA - water colors, blue

MAGFIRA - forgiving

MAGFIA - forgiving

MADANIYA - cultural

MADINA (Madinat, Medina) - from the name of the holy city of Medina in Arafiya, where the burial place of the Prophet Muhammad is located

MADIHA - praiseworthy

MAJIDAT - “glorious, famous, illustrious, famous”, “powerful, noble”.

MAZIFAT is an Arabic name that means “protected.”

MAIDA (Mandate) - Persian name, meaning “small”

MAYMINAT (Maimunat) - “happy”. The name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad; spiritual mother of Muslims, she was just over 35 years old. The last wife of the Prophet Muhammad. She conveyed to Muslims traditions about the life and deeds of the prophet. Most of the hadiths transmitted by her concern issues related to women, family and home.

MAYSARAT - Arabic name meaning “wealth, abundance”

MAYSA - marching, proud

MAYSUN (Maysum) – beautiful in face and body

MAKKA (Mecca, Makkahan, Makkahanim) - in honor of the holy city of Mecca for Muslims

MAKKIYAH - named after the holy city of Mecca

MAKSUDA - aspiration, desire.

MALIKA (Mayaikat) is the feminine form of the name Malik, which translated from Arabic means “mistress, queen.”

MALIKHA - beloved, beautiful, sweet

MANZURA - outstanding, venerable

MANZURA - dedicated to Allah

MANIGA - opposing evil

MARJANAT (Marjan) - Arabic name, “corals, beads, small pearls.”

MARZHANAT - coral, similar to coral

MARZIA - happy with life

MARZIYAT (MERZIYAT MARZIYE) - “prosperous”; "pleasant, praiseworthy."

MARIYAT - derivative from Maryam

MARIFAT (Maripat) - educated, enlightened, good manners

MARIYAT (Mary) - “partridge”. One of the wives of the prophet Muhammad

MARUA, MARVA - good news; the name of the hill in Mecca around which one of the Hajj rituals is performed.

MARFUGA - excellence

MARHABA - welcome, benevolent


MARYAM (Mariyan, Mariyam, Mairam) - beautiful, dear, sublime, glorious. The Koranic character, the righteous woman (siddiqa), the mother of the prophet Isa, corresponds to the Christian Virgin Mary. In the Koran, Isa is repeatedly called the son of Maryam. One of the surahs of the Koran is named after Maryam. Muslims revere her as one of the most pious women in sacred history, the head of women in paradise.

MASNUNA - flat

MASRURA - joyful

MASTURA - chaste

MASUBA - rewarded

MATLUBA - asking, seeking, needed

MAUGAZA - preacher

MAHMUDA - commendable, honorable

MINA is the name of the valley in Mecca where part of the Hajj ritual takes place.

MUMINAT - the feminine form of the name Mumin (Mu'min), means translated from Arabic: “believer.”

MUNISA - friend

MUNIFA - tall, stately

MURSALINA - messenger

MURSHIDA - assistant

MUSAVAT - equality

MUSIFAH - decorating

MUSLIM (MUSLIMAT) is the feminine form of the name. Muslim, translated from Arabic means “saved”, “surrendered to Allah”, Muslim, religious

MUHAZHIRA - refusing the forbidden; in honor of the first companions of the Prophet Muhammad, who, in order to preserve the faith, left their homes in Mecca and moved to Medina.

MUHARRAMAH - inviolable

MUHASIMA - calling

MUKHIBBA - loving, close friend

MUMINA - a Muslim woman who believed

MUFIDA - tenderness

MUSHIRA - advisor, advisor

NABAGAT - gifted, talented

NABAVIYA - prophetic

NABAT (Labat) - sweet

NABIBA - smart, quick-witted, smart

Nabilya - famous

NABITA - having talent

NABIKA - noble, famous

NAZILYA - sent down, close, guest

NAZIMA - teacher who writes poetry

NAZIRA – promised

NAZIRAT is the female form of the name Nazir. Translated from Arabic, the term “nazir” means “minister”. Here: "minister".

NAZIFA - healthy, clean

NAZIHA - purified, pure

NAZHAT - possessing mental and physical purity

NAIBA - viceroy

NAIDA - swaying

NAILA is the female form of the name Nail. Which means “successful” in translation.

NAILYA - enjoying life

NAYMA - happiness, abundance

NAIRA - illuminating

NAIRD - open, light, bright

NAYRIYAT - shining

NAKIBA - chosen lady

NAKIA - pure

NAMGIRA - received recognition, fame

NASISAT (Nafisat) - a variant of the Arabic name Nafisat, which means “graceful”

NURJAGAN is an Arabic-Turkic name that means “light of the universe.”

NURZHANNAT - light of the Garden of Eden

NURZHIDA - sensual; like the light emanating from jewels

NURZHIKHAN - universe, earth, life

NURIA – fair-faced

PATIMAT - see Fatima, translated means “pleasant”.

PERI (Bet) - “paradise maiden”; fairy “There are also compound names”: Perizade, Parisada, Gyulperi.

PIRDAVUZ (Pirdaus, Pirdvus) Persian name, translated, means “Garden of Eden.”

PIRUZA – turquoise

RABBANIA - belonging to Allah

RABIYA - garden

RABIYAT is an Arabic name, translated means “fourth”.

RAVZA (Ravzat) - garden; meadow

RAVILYA - girl, spring sun

RAVIA - storyteller, full, rich

RAGANA - beautiful, name of the flower

RAGIBA - desire, ideal

RAGIDA - rich, sufficient, calm

RAGIMAT (Ragymat, Ragmat, Iragmat) - the feminine form of the Arabic name Rahim, which means “merciful”, merciful

RADIA - satisfied

RAZHIHA - the best, most advanced

RAJIA - asking

RAZANA - calmness, self-control

RAZIYAT - pleasant, satisfied,

RAZINA - quiet

RUKIYAT – ​​rising high, magical, enchanting. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

RUZINA - necessary daily

RUZIA – happy

RUKIZHAT - see Rukiyat.

RUKHIYA - soulful

RUFINA - friend

SAADAT - happiness, bliss, prosperity

SABAH - morning, dawn

SABIDA - creator

SABIRA (SABIRAT) - feminine form of the Arabic name Sabir, means “patient”

SABIHA - morning

SABIYAT - girl; daughter

SAVILYA - direct path

SAVIA - smooth, straight

SAGADAT - happiness

SAGDIYA - happy, bringing happiness

SAGDUNA - our happiness

SAGIBAT (Sagyibat, Saibat) - friend, mistress.

SAGIDABANU - happy girl

SAGIDABIKA (I) - happy lady

SAGIRA - younger, small

SADA - simple, ordinary

SADIDA - straight, correct

SADIRA - soul, heart

SADIA - thirsty

SADRIA - warm-hearted, leader

SAZHIDA - worshiper

SAIBA - correct

SAIDA - happy

SAILYA - asking, pleading

SAIMA - holding the mood

SAIMAT - Arabic name, fasting, fasting

SAYDA is the feminine form of the name Said, from Arabic it means “happy”, successful.”

SAYDA (Saidat, Sagidat, Saydat) - happy, prosperous, prosperous, successful; “madam, madam.”

SAKINAT (Sakinet, Sekina, Sakina) – divine, calm, quiet, peaceful.

SALAMAT – Arabic name, well-being, innocence, peaceful, saving, delivering

SALAHIYA is the best

SALVI - sage flower

SALIKA – walking on the right path

SALIMA – health, spiritual purity

SALIHAT is the feminine form of the Arabic name Salih, “good, righteous,” holy, pious, useful.

SALIA - comforting

SALMA - peaceful

SALTANAT - Arabic name means “power, greatness.”

SAMIA (Sumaya) – highly significant, significant

SANA - splendor

SANIYAT is an Arabic name derived from the ordinal

SAPYAT – ​​Arabic name, pure, immaculate, chosen one

SARA - the name of the wife of the prophet Ibrahim

SARAT - pure, noble

SARVINAZ – tenderness

SARVIYA – slender, symbol of beauty

SARDARIA - leader

SARIMA – agile, firm

SARIYA – spring, cheerful song

SARRA - joy, happiness

SATIGA - shining

SAUDA - unquenchable passion, great love, the name of Muhammad's second wife

SAUDIAH - love, desire, luck in business

SAURA – born in April, excited

SAFA – cleanliness, calm

SAFANUR – pure color

SAFARGUL – flower of the month of Safar

SAFARIA – walking along the road

SAFIDA – white, light

SAFURA - angel healing the soul

SUGAR - dawn

SAKHBIYA - friend

SAHIBA - friend, companion

SAKHINA - hot, temperamental

SAHIRA - awake, vigilant

SAHIHA - healthy, lively, honest, righteous

SAKHIYA - generous

SAHLIA - light

SAKHRA - born in the steppe

SIDRET (Sidrat) is a shortened form of the Arabic name Sadrugdin, which in semantic translation means “standing in front of the fighters for the Muslim faith.”

SIDDIQA - correct, true, fair

SIMA - exceptional

SIRAZHIYA - giving light, torch

SITDIKA - correct, honest

SOGDA - very happy

SULEKBIKA(I) - slender lady

SULTANATE (Soltanate) - an Arabic female name, derived from the male Sultan, translated “Sultana”, i.e. The king's wife.

SULTANIA - Sultan's wife, queen, princess

MAD – dark-skinned

SUMUV - height, greatness

SUNMAS - long-lived

SUDA - happy

SURAB - mirage, ghost

SURIA - star Sirius

SURUR - joy, delight

SUFIYA - avoiding bad deeds

SUFFA - poor companions of Muhammad, who had no shelter in Medina and lived under the canopy of the mosque near the prophet's house, some of them served him.

TAWILYA - tall girl

TAVUS is a Turkic name, translated means “peacock”

TAGBIRA – explanatory

TAGBIA – bringing things to completion

TAGZIA – comforter, nurse

TAGMIRA – renewing, building

TAGRIF – introducing, explaining

TADBILYA - changeable

TAJDIDA – renewing

TAZHINUR – light crown

TAZHIYA - queen

TAZKIRA - memory in good health, remembrance of Allah

TAZKIYA – pure, protecting from damage

TAIRA - flying like a bird

TAIFA - devout; caring for the common good.

TAKVINA - creative

TAKIYA - like a beautiful wreath of flowers, God-fearing

TAKMILA – complementary

TAXIMA - fair

TAKFILYA - protecting

TALIBA - walking, searching, studying sciences

TALIGA - happiness, happy

WAIST - close, pleasant; good taste

TAMIZA - having good health, pure, sinless

TANVIRA – giving light

TANGYUL - like a morning flower

TANZIA – immaculate, morally pure

TANKA – pure and bright, like silver

TANSULTAN - bright, beautiful like dawn

TANURA - dawn

TARIFA - famous girl

TARUT – cheerful

TASVYAH – equalizing, fair

TASLIA - comforting

TASMIA – naming name

TASNIA – exalting

TASFYA - cleansing

TAUSIA – giving good advice

TAHIRA - sinless pure

TAKHMILYA - giving wise advice

TAHSINA – improving

TAHURA - a very pure, sinless woman

TULGANAI – beautiful as the full moon

TURGAI – like a lark

TURAYA - star

TUTIA - the pearl of which one dreams

UZLIPAT – (Uzlifat, Uzlyupat) from Arabic approaching

UMM SALAMA is the name of the spiritual mother of Muslims, by origin she was from the Quraish tribe. In the fourth year of the Hijri, the marriage of Ummah Salam to the Prophet Muhammad took place. Thanks to her, 378 hadiths have reached us.

UMM RUMMAN - the name of the wife of the first caliph Abu Bakr, the mother of "Aisha"

UMM Sinan - gentlemen

UMMUSALAMAT (Umsalamat) - “mother of the Unharmed One.” The name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

UMMUKHABIBA (Ummugabibat, Umugyaybat, Umaybat) - “mother of a pet.” The name of one of the wives of the prophet Muhammad

UMRAGIL (Umurakhil, Umura-gyil) - “mother of Rachel.” And Rachel was the wife of the prophet Yakub and the mother of the prophet Yusuf.

UMUKUSUM - “red-cheeked”, literally translated: “mother of blush.” This was the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija. She was the wife of the glorious Ashab (companion of the Prophet) and Caliph Osman.

UMMUKHAIR (Umkhayir) - mother of luck, blessings

UNAYZAT (Uneyzat, Uneysat, Unaysat, Onayzat) - an Arabic female name, from the diminutive common noun “unayzat”; means “kid” or “goat.”

UZLIPAT is an Arabic female name, translated means “approaching”.

Ubayda - little slave of Allah

FAWZIA - lucky

FAVARIA - hot, passionate

FAGILYA - hard-working, diligent

FADILYA - virtue

FAZILAT - worthy, excellent, learned, wise, enlightened

FAZILAT - beneficial, highly revered

FAZLIYA - kind, sincere, knowledgeable

FAIDA - the one that benefits

FAIZA (Faizat, Faida, Payzat, Fazu) - the female form of the Arabic male name Faiz, triumphant, victorious, “generous”.

FAIKA - superior to others

FAILYA - hard-working, diligent

FAYZIA - kind, generous

FAISALIA - making fair decisions.

FAKIRA - smart, wise, thinking.

FAQIHA - bringing good mood; scholar who knows Sharia law

FAKIA - cheerful, witty

FALAHIA - happiness, owner of a happy destiny


FALIHA - happy, in good health

FALIA - happiness

FANAVIA - passionate about science

FANDARIA - knowledgeable in science

FANDUSA - lover of science

FANZALIA - scientist

FANZILYA - passionate about science

FANSIA - comprehending the light of science

FANILYA - knowledgeable, scientist

FANISA - showing the way

FANIA - passionate about science

FANNURA - comprehending the light of science

FANSUYA - aspiring to science

FANUNA - knowledgeable in many sciences

FANUSA - illuminating the way

FARADISA - like the Garden of Eden

FARAIZA - obligatory, executive

FARANGIS - a woman liked by all people

Farahi - bringing joy

FARDIA is the only child

FARZANA - learned, well-read, smart

FARZIA - obligatory, executive.

FARIDA (Fariza, Parida) - Arabic female name, “pearl”, “rare”, diamond, incomparable, unique.

FARISA - mandatory, executive

FARIKA - who knows good and evil; moral

Farisa - horsewoman

FARIHA - being in a joyful mood

FARIYA - amazing, beautiful

FAROUZ - illuminating, pleasing

FARUHA - joyful, beautiful

FARHADA - invincible

FARHANA - happy girl

FARKHIZA - joyful

FATALIA - true

FATANAT - understanding, quick-witted

FATIMA (Patimat) is an adult, understanding. This was the name of the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija.

FATIN (Tulle) - captivating, charming

FATIHA - opening, beginning, blessing. The opening book is the title of the first sura of the Koran.

FAHIMA - intelligent, reasonable

FAKHIRA - excellent, good, praised, wonderful

FAKHRIYA, FAKHRI – the name forming components - praised, venerable, glorious, famous

FAYAZA - abundant, generous

Fida - dedicated, selfless

FIDANIA - honoring parents

FIDAYA - selfless, generous

FIRAZA - beautiful like turquoise

FIRAZIA - tall, slender

FIRAYA is a very beautiful girl

FIRDANIYA - the one and only

FIRDAUSA - like the Garden of Eden

FIRUZA - happy girl; beautiful like turquoise

FRADIA - beloved

HABIBA - Arabic name, feminine form of the name Khabib, means “beloved”, “friend”.

HABIRA - knowledgeable, delivering good news

HAVA - life-giving, love

HAVARIA - horsewoman

HAVWA, HAWAH - an Arabic name, derived from the Hebrew Eve. Means "source of life", literally "life", giving life, love; name of Adam's wife, biblical Eve

HAVYYA - independent; multi-talented

HADIDA - strict, self-confident

KHADIJA, KHIDIJA (Khadizhat, Khadujat, Khazhu) - born prematurely, in the literal meaning of the word: “premature”, “miscarriage”. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. She came from a Quraish family. She was a self-employed wealthy woman who equipped trade caravans. Muhammad was hired by her to organize and escort these caravans. A few years later she asked him to marry her. The marriage went ahead despite her father's objections. She was then 40 years old, and Muhammad was 25. She bore the Prophet several boys who died in infancy, and four daughters - Ruqaiya, Ummukulsum, Zainab and Fatima. While she was alive, Muhammad did not take other wives.

HADIMA - obedient, respectful

HADISA - significant, prominent

HADIYA - indicating a straight road; present

HAZHAR - the name of the mother of the prophet Ismail, the biblical Hagar

KHAZHIBA - respected; revered

HAJIRA - a haven for those going to Mecca; the best, most beautiful HAJIYA - who performed the Hajj

HAZIMA - tough, smart

HAYAT - life

HIAM - lover

HAIFA - slim

KHAZINA - wealth, property

KHAYRAT - best, first, highest

HAIRIYA - kindness, sincerity, charity

HAKIMA - housewife, smart, knowledgeable, fair"

HAKKIYA - devout

HALA - radiance

KHALIDA - eternal; faithful friend

KHALILYA - close friend

HALIMA - patient, soft. The name of the nurse of the prophet Muhammad

KHALISA - sincere

KHALYSAT is an Arabic female name, translated means “pure, immaculate.”

KHALIFA - heiress

HALIA - decoration, luxury

KHALUM - see Khanum.

HAMDIA - worthy of praise

HAMIDA - praiseworthy, worthy of praise

KHAMILYA - confident, skillful, diligent

KHAMIS (Khamus), Khamisat - “Thursday”.

KHAMISA - fifth daughter

HANA - happiness

HANAN - mercy

KHANBIKA (I) - daughter of the khan

HANZIFA - beautiful ruler

HANI(A) - pretty, pleasant

HANIPA (Hanifa) - translated from Arabic means “true”, “believer”.

KHANISA - charming, sweet

HANIFA - straightforward

HANIA - satisfied, happy

HANUZA - born after long waits

KHANUM is a Turkic name, derived from “khan”. It translates to “my lady.” HARIDA - innocent

HARIRA - soft as silk

HARISA - observant, protective, hardworking, generous

HARIFA - friend, craftswoman

HARRA - hot

X ASAN A - good, beautiful

HASBIKA (I) - pure girl

HASBIYAH - from a noble family

HASIBA - self-confident, respected, honorable

HASINA - peculiar

HASIA - sensitive

KHATIBA - persuasive, preacher

HATIMA - last child; perfect

HATIRA - unforgettable

KHATUN is a Turkic name, translated means “woman”, “mistress”.

HATFA - soft like velvet

HAFAZA - guardian, calm, patient

HAFIDA - granddaughter

HAFIZA - who knows the Koran by heart, protects

HAFSA is the spiritual mother of Muslims, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Born in Mecca, she was an intelligent and educated woman.

HASHIGA - polite, courteous, reverent, humble

HASHIMA - the name of a family from the Qureish tribe from which the Prophet Muhammad came

HASHIRA - collecting, uniting

HASHIYA - final, kind, courteous; modest

HAYAT – ​​name forming component - life

HIBA - gift, gift

HIDAYA - who has taken the straight path

HIMAT – diligent

KHUB – name forming component - love, affection

KHUBEIBA - the most beloved

KHUBZADA - beautiful, attractive, pretty

KHUZHAIRA - like an ornament

KHUZURIA - soulful

KHULUSA - good-natured

KHULMA - soft, good-natured

HUMAIRA - bird of happiness

KHURAMIA - Good-natured

KHURBANU - a woman with a broad soul

KHURZHIKHAN - a recognized beauty

KHURI (Huriya) - inhabitant of Paradise

HURIMA - free

PERSIMO - generous, voluptuous, tender, like a persimmon fruit

HURMAT - respect

HURRA - free woman

HURRIYA - freedom

Khurshida - bright like the sun

HUSNA is the best

HUSNIYA - beauty

KHUSHIYA - beautiful, good

CHACHAK (CHACHKA) – flower, beauty, symbol of purity

CHACHKAGUL - rose flower

CHACHKANUR - flower light

CHIBAR - beautiful

CHIYABIKA(YA) - girl; beautiful as a cherry

SHADIDA - strong, strong, energetic

SHADIYA - joy, love

SHAIRA - who knows how to compose poetry

SHAIKHA - a girl who is listened to; leader

SHAYKHIYA - respected leader

SHAKAR - sugary, sweet, generous

SHAKIRA - grateful, responsive

SHAKURA - grateful

SHAMAY - from the Turkic word “sham”, which means “candle, light”.

SHAMGINUR - light source

SHAMGIYA - light source, candle

SHAMES (SHAMSE) – name of the forming component - sun, solar, sunny

SHAMILIA - who has absorbed all the best

SHAMSEBIKA (I) – sun-faced woman

SHAMSENUR - sunlight

SHAMSERUY - sun-faced

SHAMSIGUL - sunny flower

SHAMSIRA - fair, slender; true as a saber

SHAMSIHAZHAR - wandering

SHAMSIYAT (Shamsi, Shamsia) - goes back to the Arabic “shams”, which means “sun”, sunny girl

SHAMSUNA - our sun

SHAMSURA - sun-faced

SHARAFAT - respected, noble

SHARGIYA - well-behaved; living according to Sharia law

SHARIGA - legality

SHARIPAT (Sharifat, Sharifa) - sacred, noble, holy

SHARQIA - beautiful as the sunrise; oriental beauty

SHAFA - healing

SHAFIYA - healing, healing

SHAFCIA - merciful, kind

SHAHDANA - beautiful like a pearl

SHAHZADA - daughter of the Shah, princess

SHAHIDA-witness; ready for self-sacrifice

SHAHINA - graceful, like a white falcon

SHAKHINUR - queen of light

SHAHIRA - very famous

SHAHIA - the best, greatest; sugar, honey

SHAHRAZADA - pretty, beautiful


SHAKHRIZHIKHAN - world beauty

SHAHRINUR - fair complexion

SHAHRNISA - the most beautiful among women

SHAKHSANAT - beauty of the queen

SHERIFA - the feminine form of the Arabic name Sharif means “sacred,” noble.”

SHIRIN - sweet, honey

SHAIMA - the name of the daughter of Halima, the nurse of the Prophet Muhammad

SHUAILA - a small tongue of flame

SHUKARIYA - grateful

SHUKHRAT - famous, with an impeccable reputation


Truly, our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) should give us names and point out the best and beloved names by Allah. But to our great shame and regret, today many Muslims have no idea what our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) acted after the birth of a child, and call their children Western names that have nothing to do with the Islamic heritage, moreover, without even knowing their meaning.

There are those who know, but often this sunnah, although its observance is a very important matter, which is associated not only with his further education and behavior, but it matters for his life and akhirat success.

Show gratitude (shukr) to Allah for His mercy, and His commandments and the sunnah of His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and hold fast to Islam and know that this is the most beautiful outcome. May Allah Almighty accept all your good deeds and reward you in both worlds.

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99 The beautiful names of Allah occupy an important place in the Muslim faith, as they clearly describe the main qualities of Allah. In Muslim literature there are a large number of treatises interpreting the names of Allah. The list of 99 names is traced back to the hadith of Abu Hurayrah, in which the prophet names the number 99 and predicts Paradise for those who repeat the names of Allah in prayers.

    Allah (Allah) is the One God.

    الله This is the greatest name of Allah, indicating His divine essence. This name embraces all 99 beautiful names of Allah and is a special name of the highest essence of the Almighty. No one else is called this name.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2697 times: (1:1) (2:7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28) (3:18) (5:109) (20: 14) (59:18, 19, 22, 23, 24), etc.
    The benefits of repeated remembering: All types of doubts and uncertainty will be removed from the heart of one who repeats this Name 1000 times daily, and in return certainty and faith will be firmly established. It is also very effective for healing incurable diseases if, after reading this Name, you read the dua many times. Attention: Theological scholars of Islam have conveyed that it is important to pronounce the Name of our Lord correctly. The last letter in the word “Allah” is pronounced in accordance with the phonetics of the Arabic language: the Arabic “ه” [ha] is close in pronunciation to the English or Tatar “h” and the Ukrainian “g”.

    ar-Rahman - The All-Merciful.

    الرحمن Possessing the broadest mercy and blessings, Merciful in this world to all His creatures. He who gives blessings and success to all things without making any distinction. And to those who are worthy of mercy and to those who are not worthy of it, that is, to believers and non-believers, Muslims and non-Muslims. No one else is given this name either.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 56 times and most often in the 19th sura: (1:3; 2:163; 6:133, 147; 13:30; 17:110; 18:58; 19:18, 19, 26, 44, 45, 58, 61, 69, 75, 78, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 96; 20:5, 90, 108, 109; 21:26, 36, 42, 112; 25: 26, 59, 60; 26:5; 59:22; etc.)
    Benefits of repeated remembrance: This beautiful Name of Allah is very effective for improving memory and for getting rid of cruelty in the heart and inattention in religious matters, if this name is recited 100 times after each prayer.

    ar-Rahiim - The Merciful.

    الرحيمAlways showing mercy, Possessing endless mercy. He who gives blessings and success, especially to those who use these gifts as Allah has said. Showing mercy in the next world only to believing, obedient slaves. This name indicates the special mercy of the Lord towards believers. He showed them great mercy: first, when He created them; secondly, when he guided him on the straight path and bestowed faith; thirdly, when he will make them happy in the last life; fourthly, when He grants them the grace to behold His noble face.
    A person who knows Allah through these two names (ar-Rahmaan and ar-Rahiim) makes his efforts on the path of delivering the lost and sinners from the wrath of Allah and His punishment, leading them to His forgiveness and mercy, and on the path of satisfying the needs of people, providing help them and pray to Allah for them. Allah is the Most Merciful, and His mercy embraces every thing and outstrips His wrath.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 114 times in relation to Allah. Often found together with the name Al-Rahman (1:1, 3; 2:37, 54, 128, 160, 163; 3:31; 4:100; 5:3; 5:98; 9:104, 118; 10 :107; 11:41; 12:53, 64, 98; 15:49; 19:61; 20:108; 21:83, 112; 26:9, 104, 122, 140, 159, 17, 191, 217 ; 27:30; 78:38; etc.)
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever reads this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times after each prayer will be freed from all troubles.

    al-Malik - King, Ruler of all things, Lord of the Day of Judgment.

    الملك Allah has absolutely no need for any of His creations, while they all need Him and are in His power. He who is the absolute ruler of the universe. Allah is the absolute Lord, Who has no partner, and no one dares to give Him instructions. He doesn't look to anyone for help. He bestows from His possessions whoever He wants and with what He wants. He does what he wants, creates what he wants, bestows on whom he wants, and withholds from whom he wants. Here it means the king of kings, the absolute ruler who carefully leads his followers. Can serve as the basis for the formation of a name, for example Abdulmalik (slave of the king). Sahihi Al-Bukhari and Muslim quote the words of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that the name Al-Malik most accurately describes Allah as the highest king. The corresponding words in Arabic have different semantic connotations, meaning the person whose orders are carried out, the one who owns, and the one who can prohibit something from others. In the case of 99 names, the semantic difference is erased, and each of the forms in a specific verse gives emphasis to its content. In fact, they are related to each other in the same way as the names Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim.
    Mentioned in the Qur'an: This name appears in the Qur'an in three linguistic forms: al-Malik (occurs five times), al-Maalik (occurs twice, see Malik Al-Mulk) and al-Maliik (occurs once). (20:114) (23:116) (59:23) (62:1) (114:2)
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: A person who knows this name of Allah Almighty takes control of his soul and body and does not allow passions, anger or whims to take over them, but subordinates his tongue, his gaze and his whole body to the pleasure of their true Master. A person will become financially independent if he begins to read this beautiful Name of Allah many times after Zawwal (noon).

    al-Quddus - Sacred, Holy - Purest.

    القدوس He is Allah, Pure from shortcomings, from guilt, from everything unworthy. He who is free from delusion, free from helplessness and any vice.
    Inaccessible to the intellect of creatures and Pure from what man can imagine; Far from all qualities that can be comprehended by human feelings or represented in our imagination and our thoughts, and even more so, Far from all vices and shortcomings.
    He is greater than having others like Himself, equal to Himself, or similar to Himself. The benefit that a slave receives by knowing this name is expressed in the fact that he cleanses his mind from false ideas, his heart from doubts and illnesses, anger and hatred, envy and arrogance, showing off, associating partners with Allah, greed and stinginess - that is, everything that relates to the shortcomings of the human soul.
    Mentioned in the Qur'an: al-Baqarah 2:255, Fatir 35:41, al-Hashr 59:23, al-Jumua
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will save the one who often repeats this beautiful Name of Allah from all mental illnesses. And to get rid of anxiety, it is advisable to read this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times daily.

    al-Salam - Peacemaker, endowing peace and prosperity to His creations.

    السلام He who frees his servants from any dangers and obstacles. He, whose essence is not characterized by shortcomings, temporaryness, disappearance; One whose essence is devoid of all vices, attributes - all shortcomings, and deeds - all evil. All the welfare that the slave and the rest of creation receives comes from Him.
    A person who has come to know this name of Allah Almighty rids his heart of everything that offends the dignity of Allah, faith in Him and His Sharia.
    Mentioned in the Quran: al-Nakhl 16:96,97, al-Furqan 25:75, Qaf 50:31-35, al-Hashr 59:23.
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will protect from all disasters the one who reads this beautiful Name of Allah many times. And if you read this Name 115 (or 160) times and blow on a sick person, then Allah will restore his health, insha-Allah.

    al-Mu'min - Protector, Giver of Security, Giver of Faith, Guide of Faith, Guarantee of Protection.

    المؤمن He who instills faith in the hearts of His servants, supporting those who seek salvation in Him. He gives them peace of mind, faithful to the agreement with His slaves, saving His faithful slaves (auliya) from torment. The One from Whom safety and tranquility come through His indicating the means of achieving them and His blocking the paths of fear and harm. Only He gives security, and peace comes only by His grace.
    He gave us sense organs, which are means for our well-being, showed us the way to our salvation, gave us medicines for our healing, food and drink for our existence.
    And we believed in Him also by His mercy, for only He preserves the safety of all creation, and they all hope for His help and protection.
    Mentioned in the Quran: at-Tawba 9:25-27, 40, al-Hijr 15:45-48, al-Ahkaf 46:26, al-Hashr 59:23.
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever pronounces this beautiful Name of Allah 630 times while in a state of fear, Allah will protect him from all troubles. It is also advisable to repeat this Name for protection.

    al-Muhayumin (al-Mughaymin) - Guardian, Savior, Protector, Trustee.

    المهيمن Carrying out the affairs and benefits of creatures, Setting deadlines for them, Undertaking to protect and support them.
    He who guards and protects all things. The One who protects, owns, controls and oversees the actions, life and food of each of His creatures - small and large, great and insignificant.
    Mentioned in the Quran: al-Hashr 59:23
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: A person who knows this name of Allah reveres Him, does not resist His will and in no case disobeys Him. Whoever, after performing ghusl (full ablution), performs 2 rakats of prayer and then reads this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times with sincerity and reverence, Allah will give him spiritual and physical cleansing. And the one who repeats this Name 115 times, Allah will introduce the unprecedented.

    al-Aziz - Mighty, Powerful, Invincible, Indestructible.

    العزيز He who has special greatness, Invincible, Strongest, Victorious over all. Greatest; an existence similar to his is absolutely impossible.
    Allah Almighty is One, He has no partners, and the need of His creations for Him is enormous; none of us can do without Him.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:209, 220, 228, 240; 3:4, 6, 18, 62, 126; 4:56, 158, 165; 5:38, 118; 6:96; 9:40, 71; 11:66; 14:47; 16:60; 22:40, 74; 26:9, 104, 122, 140, 159, 175, 191; 27:78; 29:26, 42; 38:9, 66; 39:5; 48:7; 54:42; 57:1; 58:21; 59:1, 23-24;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will reward with honor and independence the one who reads this beautiful Name of Allah 40 times for 40 consecutive days. He who repeats this Name 40 times daily after morning prayer will not lack or need anyone or anything.

    al-Jabbar - Submissive, Mighty.

    الجبار He is the One to Whose will absolutely all creations are subject, Who can force,
    He who restores all that is corrupt, who completes all that is unfinished, and who has the power to make people do whatever He desires.
    Traditionally, the translation of this name from Arabic is associated with the aspect of strength, the ability to subjugate. English translations tend to use the term The Despot to emphasize the idea that no one can control God, but rather that Allah has the power of coercion, specifically the compulsion to follow a particular path. Since following Allah is the best choice, the benefit for man associated with this quality of God is emphasized. The second interpretation is related to the word jabbarah, which is usually translated as "too high to be reached." From this it is concluded that Allah is higher than anyone else.
    Mentioned in the Quran: Al-Hashr 59:23, Al-Kalam 68:19,20, Ash-Shuara 26:33.
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah in the morning and evening 226 times will be protected from oppression by tyrants and despots, insha-Allah. One who often reads this beautiful Name of Allah will not have to do anything against his will, and he will be protected from cruelty and difficulties.

    al-Mutakabbir - Majestic, Superior.

    المتكبر He is the Most High, Surpassing all creation; The only Possessor of True Greatness, Who shows His greatness in every thing and in all cases. Surpassing all creation; He whose qualities are higher than the qualities of creations is pure from the qualities of creations; the only possessor of true greatness; He who finds all his creations insignificant in comparison with his essence, for no one is worthy of pride except Him. His pride is manifested in the fact that he does not allow anyone to claim creation and challenge his commands, authority and will. He crushes everyone who is arrogant towards him and his creatures. A person who knows this name of Allah does not show cruelty and arrogance towards the creatures of Allah, for cruelty is violence and injustice, and arrogance is self-aggrandizement, contempt for others and encroachment on their rights. Cruelty is not one of the qualities of the righteous servants of Allah. They are obliged to obey and submit to their ruler.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:260; 7:143; 59:23;
    Benefits of repeated remembrance: Those who constantly repeat this beautiful Name of Allah will be rewarded with honor and dignity. If you read this Name many times before the task at hand, then it will be solved, insha-Allah. And if you read this Name before conception, then a pious child will be born.

    al-Khaliq - the Creator. Creator.

    الخالق He is the One Who creates without example or prototype and determines the fate of creatures, He created all things with the knowledge of what will happen to him. The one who creates for real, without example or prototype, and determines the fate of creatures; the one who creates what he wants out of nothing; the one who created the masters and their skills, qualifications; the one who predetermined the measure of all creatures even before their existence and endowed them with the qualities necessary for existence.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 6:101-102; 13:16; 24:45; 39:62; 40:62; 41:21; 59:24.
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful name of Allah for 7 consecutive days every day 100 times, Allah will protect him from all misfortunes. And whoever forms the habit of prolonged repetition of this beautiful name of Allah at night, then Allah will create an angel with the purpose of worshiping Allah in favor of this person.

    al-Bari - Developer, Improver.

    البارئ He who creates all things in proportion. He who, by His Power, created all things; For this he does not need to make any effort; He says to something: “Be!” and it arises. He is the creator who created everything from nothingness according to his predestination.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 59:24
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: He who knows this name of the Almighty does not worship anyone except his creator, turns only to him, seeks help only from him and asks for what he needs only from him. If a barren woman fasts for 7 days, and every day after iftar (breaking her fast) reads “Al-Khaliq, al-Baari, al-Musawvir” 21 times, then blows into a vessel with water and begins breaking her fast with this water, then Allah will reward her with a child, insha-Allah.

    al-Musawwir - The Creator.

    المصور He who gave form to everything that exists. The one who gave each creation its own unique form, appearance, different from other similar creations (like the Name “Al-Baariu”).
    Mentioned in the Quran: 20:50; 25:2; 59:24; 64:3.
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: If a barren woman fasts for 7 days, and every day after iftar (breaking the fast) reads “Al-Khaliq, al-Baari, al-Musawvir” 21 times, blows into a vessel with water and then begins breaking the fast with this water, then Allah will reward her with a child, insha-Allah.

    al-Ghaffar - Forgiving.

    الغفار He who forgives everything and is the only Forgiver. He promised to forgive the sins of those who turn to Him, sincerely repenting of what they have done. He who conceals the sins of creatures, forgives both in this and the next world; One who brings out the beautiful traits of his slaves and covers up their shortcomings. He hides them in this worldly life and refrains from retribution for sins in the hereafter. He hid from a person, behind his beautiful appearance, that which is condemned by the gaze, He promised those who turn to him, sincerely repenting of what they had done, to replace their sins with good deeds. A person who has come to know this name of Allah hides everything that is vicious and nasty in himself and covers up the vices of other creations, turning to them with forgiveness and condescension.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 20:82; 38:66; 39:5; 40:42; 71:10;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times after Juma (Friday) prayer can soon expect Allah’s forgiveness. It is also recommended to read this beautiful Name of Allah many times for forgiveness. And whoever, after the Asr prayer, says every day “Ya Gaffaaru igfirli” - “O Forgiving One, forgive me,” Allah will include him among the forgiven.

    al-Qahhar - The Conqueror.

    القهار He who is victorious and dominant, since He can do whatever He wants. Dominant, to whose greatness creations are submissive, destroying on a huge scale. He who, with his highness and power, tames creations; one who forces people to do what they want, regardless of whether the creation wants it or not; the one to whose greatness creations are submissive.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 6:18; 12:39; 13:16; 14:48; 38:65; 39:4; 40:16
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Let those who have a predisposition to materialism read this beautiful Name of Allah many times. Then love for Allah will take root firmly in the heart. It will also provide protection from committing sins.

    al-Wahhab - The Giver, the Coverer.

    الوهاب He who bestows all blessings on his creatures. He who has good things in abundance. The one who gives unselfishly, who bestows benefits on his slaves; the one who, without waiting for a request, gives what is necessary; one who has goods in abundance; one who gives constantly; one who bestows gifts on all his creatures, without wanting compensation and without pursuing selfish goals. No one has such a quality except Allah Almighty. A person who knows this name of Allah devotes himself entirely to serving his Lord, without striving for anything other than his pleasure. He performs all his deeds only for his sake and selflessly gives gifts to those in need, without expecting either reward or gratitude from them.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 3:8; 38:9, 35
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: A person suffering from poverty needs to repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times or repeat it 40 times in the last sajdah (prostration) in the spirit prayer. And this person will be amazed at how Allah will remove poverty from him, insha-Allah. And in order for any dua (request) to be fulfilled, it is proposed to repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 7 times after the dua, or perform sajda 3 times in the courtyard of a house or mosque, after which, raising your hands as in dua, pronounce this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times. Insha Allah, this dua will be accepted.
    A person in need, or in captivity, or one who is unable to provide for himself, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah for 3 or 7 nights 100 times after 2 rak'ahs of additional prayer at midnight. Then Allar will bless him and provide for his needs or free him from captivity, insha-Allah.

    ar-Razzaq - Provider.

    الرزاق He who provides the benefit of all things to his creatures. Creator of blessings and endowing them with His creations. God is the giver of livelihood; the one who created the means of subsistence and endowed his creatures with them. He endowed them with gifts both tangible and such as reason, knowledge and faith in the heart. The one who preserves the life of living creatures and improves it. The benefit that a person who knows this name of Allah receives is the knowledge that no one except Allah is able to bestow provision, and he trusts only in him and strives to become the reason for sending down food to other creatures. He does not seek to receive Allah's portion in what he has forbidden, but endures, calls on the Lord and works to obtain a portion in what is permitted.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 10:31; 24:38; 32:17; 35:3; 51:58; 67:21
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever blows into all 4 corners of the house after pronouncing this Name 10 times in each corner before Fajr (morning) prayer, Allah will open all the doors of rizq (well-being) to him. And whoever reads this beautiful Name of Allah many times will have plenty, insha-Allah.

    al-Fattah - Opening, Clarifying.

    الفتاح He who reveals the solution to all problems. He who reveals the hidden, eases difficulties, takes them away; He opens the hearts of believers to know Him and love Him, and opens the gates for those in need to meet their needs. A person who knows this name of Allah helps the creatures of Allah to ward off harm and remove evil and strives to become a reason for opening the gates of heavenly blessings and faith to them.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 7:96; 23:77; 34:26; 35:2; 48:1; 96:1-6.
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: The heart will be illuminated with the light of iman for the one who, placing his hands on his chest, repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 70 times after the Fajr prayer. And to those who repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times, enlightenment and victory will come.

    al-Alim - All-Knowing.

    العليم He who knows everything. The one who knows everything about everything. The One who knows even the smallest deeds, and hidden thoughts, and intentions, and dreams; He does not need additional information; on the contrary, all knowledge comes from Him. Not the slightest particle is hidden from Him. He knows about everything that happened and everything that will happen, and knows about the impossible. Those who have attained this name strive for knowledge.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:29, 95, 115, 158; 3:73, 92; 4: 12, 17, 24, 26, 35, 147; 6:59; 8:17; 11:5; 12:83; 15:86; 22:59; 24:58, 59; 24:41; 33:40; 35:38; 57:6; 64:18;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah many times, Allah will open the doors of knowledge and wisdom and fill his heart with nur, insha-Allah. It is especially recommended to repeat this beautiful Name of Allah in the evenings.

    al-Kabid - The Compressor. Reducing, Limiting.

    القابض The One Who, according to His just order, narrows (reduces) the benefits to whom He wants. He who holds souls in his power, subjecting them to death, owns the benefits of his sincere slaves and accepts their services, holds the hearts of sinners and deprives them of the opportunity to know him because of their rebellion and arrogance. A person who knows this name of Allah keeps his heart, his body and those around him from sins, evil, bad deeds and violence, admonishing, warning and intimidating them.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:245; 64:16-17;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever writes (with a saffron or just a finger) this beautiful Name of Allah on 4 pieces of bread on each of 4 consecutive days and eats it, will become protected from hunger, thirst, pain, etc.

    al-Basit – Expanding, Developing, Increasing.

    الباسط He who develops, He who sends down generous sustenance. He who gives life to creatures by endowing their bodies with souls, and provides a generous provision for both the weak and the rich. The benefit of knowing this name of Allah is that a person turns his heart and body to good and calls other people to this through preaching and seduction.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:245; 4:100; 17:30
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever raises his hands in dua every day after prayer-spirit and repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 10 times, then runs his hands over his face after dua, Allah will reward him with independence and protect him from loneliness.

    al-Hafed - Humiliating.

    الخافض He who weakens. Humiliating all those who are wicked, who rebelled against the truth.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:171; 3:191-192; 56:1-3; 95:5
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 500 times, Allah will fulfill his dua and remove difficulties. And whoever fasts for three days, and on the fourth repeats this Name of Allah 70 times, while sitting in solitude, will defeat the enemy (do not forget that one’s own ego is the greatest enemy.)

    ar-Rafi - Exalting.

    الرافع He who exalts. Exalting the believers who are engaged in worship; holding the sky and clouds high.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 6:83-86; 19:56-57; 56:1-3
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times in the middle of the 14th night of each lunar month, Allah will give him independence and independence.

    al-Muizz - Strengthening, Exalting.

    المعز He is the Giver of strength and victory. He who makes us glorious and gives us dignity.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 3:26; 8:26; 28:5
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 40 times after Maghrib prayer (performed immediately after sunset) on Sundays and Thursdays, Allah will reward him with respect.

    al-Muzill - Weakening, Overthrowing.

    المذل He who destroys, throws into dishonor and degradation. Humiliating the one he wants, depriving him of strength, power and victory.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 3:26; 9:2, 14-15; 8:18; 10:27; 27:37; 39:25-26; 46:20
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever makes a dua for protection after repeating this beautiful Name of Allah 75 times, Allah will protect him from the evil of enemies, oppressors and envious people.

    as-Sami - All-Hearing.

    السميع He who hears everything. The one who hears the most hidden, the quietest; one for whom the invisible does not exist among the visible; one who embraces even the smallest things with his vision.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:127, 137, 186, 224, 227, 256; 3:34-35, 38; 4:58, 134, 148; 5:76; 6:13, 115; 8:17; 10:65; 12:34; 14:39; 21:4; 26:220; 40:20, 56; 41:36; 49:1;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 500 times (or 50 times on Thursday) after the spirit prayer, Allah will reward the fulfillment of the request (there should be no talking while repeating this Name of Allah). Allah will send special mercy to the one who repeats this Name of Allah 100 times on Thursday between the sunnah and the fard of the Fajr prayer. Allah will fulfill the request of the one who sincerely reads this Name of Allah on Thursdays after Zuhr (day) prayer.

    al-Basir - All-seeing.

    البصير He who sees everything. The one who sees the open and the hidden, the obvious and the secret; one for whom the invisible does not exist among the visible; one who embraces even the smallest things with his vision.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:110; 3:15, 163; 4:58, 134; 10:61; 17:1, 17, 30, 96; 22:61, 75; 31:28; 40:20; 41:40; 42:11, 27; 57:4; 58:1; 67:19;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will improve vision and give nur to the person reading this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times after the Juma prayer. And Allah will give respect in society to those who repeat this Name of Allah after the sunnah prayer, but before the jumah prayer.

    al-Hakam - Judge, Decider, Right.

    الحكم He who judges and ensures what is to happen. The one whose decisions are completely fair and always valid, separating the good from the bad. The Messenger of Allah says: “Truly Allah is al-Hakam (the judge), and to him belongs the judgment (or the decision is his)” (Abu Dawud, Nasai, Bayhaki, Imam Albani said an authentic hadith in “Irwa al-Galil” 8/237)
    Mentioned in the Koran: 6:62, 114; 10:109; 11:45; 22:69; 95:8;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: To the one who repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 99 times in a state of ablution in the last part of the night, Allah will fill the heart with nur and make him aware of the unseen. It is especially good to repeat this Name many times and with inspiration on the night from Thursday to Friday.

    al-Adl - Righteous, Most Just, Just.

    العدل He who is righteous. The one who has order, decisions, and deeds are fair; one who himself does not show injustice and forbids it to others; one who is clean from injustice in his deeds and decisions; giving to each what he deserves; the one who is the source of the highest justice. He treats his enemies fairly, and he treats his righteous slaves with mercy and mercy. A person who knows this name of Allah acts justly in all his actions, even if he encounters enemies. He does not oppress or oppress anyone and does not sow corruption on earth, for he does not resist the decree of Allah. The one who himself does not show injustice and forbids it to others.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 5:8, 42; 6:92, 115; 17:71; 34:26; 60:8
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever writes (with a saffron or just a finger) this beautiful Name of Allah on 20 pieces of bread on the night from Thursday to Friday or on Friday and eats it, then all the creatures of Allah will help this person. And if this Name is repeated 20 times on Friday night, it will help increase the sincerity and loyalty of friends.

    al-Latif - Insightful, Understanding, Good, Soft, Gentle.

    اللطيف He who knows the smallest aspects of any thing - He who creates things that are not understandable to people in the best possible way. Kind to his slaves, merciful to them, making their life easier, supporting them, having mercy on them.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 3:164; 6:103; 12:100; 22:63; 28:4-5; 31:16; 33:34; 42:19; 52:26-28; 64:14; 67:14
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will reward with unlimited rizq the one who repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 133 times, and all the plans of this person will be carried out without complications.
    To get rid of poverty, illness, loneliness or greed, it is advisable to perform ablution in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), perform 2 rakats of nafl (additional) prayer, and then repeat this Name of Allah 100 times.

    al-Khabir - Comprehending, Knowledgeable, Understanding.

    الخبير He who knows the most secret things in all things and their inner essence. Knowing the secret as well as the obvious, knowing both the external manifestation and the internal content; one for whom there is no secret; the one from whose knowledge nothing escapes, does not move away; the one who knows what has been and what will be. Knowledgeable, Knower of the secret and the obvious; The One who knows what has been and what will be. A person who knows this name of Allah is submissive to his creator, since he knows better than anyone about all our deeds, both obvious and hidden.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 3:180; 6:18, 103; 17:30; 22:63; 25:58-59; 31:34; 34:1; 35:14; 49:13; 59:18; 63:11
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever with sincerity repeats this beautiful Name of Allah many times over the course of four days, Allah will allow him to comprehend the unseen. And repeated repetition is effective for getting rid of insatiable desires and bad habits.

    al-Halim - Enduring, Calm, Forgiving, Meek.

    الحليم He who graciously endures everything. The one who frees those who have shown disobedience from torment; the one who gives benefits to both those who show obedience and those who disobey; the one who sees the disobedience of his commands, but anger does not overcome him, and he does not rush with retribution, despite all his power. A person who knows this name of Allah is gentle and meek in communication, does not get angry and does not act frivolously.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 2:225, 235, 263; 3:155; 4:12; 5:101; 17:44; 22:59; 33:51; 35:41; 64:17
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever writes this beautiful Name of Allah on paper, wets it in water and sprinkles this water on something, then blessing and protection will be on this thing. And if, when sowing, this Name of Allah is written on paper and placed in the sown area, then the harvest will be saved from harm, insha-Allah.

    al-Azym - Great, Greatest, Magnificent.

    العظيم He who is great. The greatness of which has no beginning and no end; the height of which has no limits; one to which there is no like; one whose true essence and greatness, which are above every thing, no one can comprehend, for this is beyond the capabilities of the mind of creatures. A person who knows this name of Allah exalts him, humiliates himself before him and does not exalt himself either in his own eyes or in front of any of the creatures of the Most High.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 2:105, 255; 42:4; 56:96
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah will be rewarded with respect and honor, insha-Allah.

    al-Ghafur - All-forgiving, Merciful, Much-forgiving, Confessor of sins.

    الغفور He who forgives everything. The one who forgives the sins of his slaves. if they repent. He who is grateful and rewards for deeds done for Him.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 22:173, 182, 192, 218, 225-226, 235; 3:31, 89, 129, 155; 4:25; 6:145; 8:69; 16:110, 119; 35:28; 40:3; 41:32; 42:23; 57:28; 60:7
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever often repeats this beautiful Name of Allah will be cured of headaches and colds, and his sorrows and sorrows will go away, insha-Allah. Moreover, Allah will bless him with wealth and children. And Allah will forgive the sins of those who sincerely say, “Ya Rabbi igfirli.”

    ash-Shakur - Grateful, Rewarding.

    الشكور He who is grateful and rewards for deeds done for Him. He who gives great reward to his slaves for their small acts of worship, who brings weak deeds to perfection, who forgives them. A person who knows Allah through this name thanks his creator for his blessings in worldly life and uses them to achieve his contentment, but in no case disobeys him, and also thanks those creatures of the Lord who were virtuous to him.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 4:40; 14:7; 35:30, 34; 42:23; 64:17
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will remove financial, physical, spiritual and other difficulties for those who repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 41 times daily. And when your heart is heavy, it is recommended to repeat this Name 41 times over the water you need to wash with after that. Then Allah will ease the situation, and the one who reads this Name will be able to control himself.

    al-'Aliy - Exalted, Highest, Highly Honored.

    العلى He who is above all. One whose highness is inestimably high; one who has no equal, no rivals, no comrades; the one who is above all this, the one whose essence, power and strength are the highest.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:255; 4:34; 22:62; 31:30; 34:23; 40:12; 41:12; 42:4, 51; 48:7; 57:25; 58:21; 87:1
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah daily and, having written it, keeps it with him, then Allah will elevate the reader, increase his wealth and fulfill his lawful desires. And for those who read this Name repeatedly and regularly, Allah will strengthen iman and make it easier to achieve their cherished goal.

    al-Kabir - The Greatest.

    الكبير He who is the greatest. The One Whom no one and nothing can weaken; The one with whom there are no similarities. One who has true greatness in his qualities and deeds; not needing anything;
    Mentioned in the Quran: 4:34; 13:9; 22:62; 31:30; 34:23; 40:12
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Anyone who has been fired from work, let him fast for 7 days, repeating this beautiful Name of Allah 1000 times on each day. Then, insha-Allah, this person will be returned to work with honor. And for respect, read 100 times daily.

    al-Hafiz - Guardian.

    الحفيظ He who protects all things in small things and at times from misfortune and troubles.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 11:57; 12:55; 34:21; 42:6
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah often and daily, Allah will protect him from loss, harm and risk. And the one who reads this Name of Allah 16 times daily will be protected from disasters.

    al-Mukit - Enduring, Steadfast.

    المقيت He who maintains calm.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 4:85
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: A person’s wishes will be fulfilled if he drinks water that he blows on after repeating this beautiful Name of Allah 7 times. And whoever has a disobedient child, let him repeat this Name of Allah many times over the water, which he then gives to this child to drink. Then he will change for the better, insha-Allah.

    al-Khasib - Knowing, Noble.

    الحسيب He who knows all the deeds of people down to the smallest detail, what they have done in their lives.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 4:6, 86; 6:62; 33:39
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever is afraid of someone or something, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah for 7 days, starting from Thursday, 70 times in the morning and evening, saying the following for the 71st time: “Hasbiyallahul-Hasib.” And the reader will be protected from this evil, insha-Allah.

    al-Jalil - Majestic, Glorious.

    الجليل He who has holiness and power.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 7:143; 39:14; 55:27
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will reward with honor the one who writes this beautiful Name of Allah on paper or fabric and keeps it.

    al-Karim - Generous, Generous.

    الكريم He who is kind and generous.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 23:116; 27:40; 76:3; 82:6-8; 96:1-8
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever wants to be respected by pious people, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah before going to bed until he falls asleep.

    ar-Raqib - Standing guard.

    الرقيب He who surveys all creatures and every action under His control.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 4:1; 5:117; 33:52
    Benefits of repeated remembrance: In order for the family and fortune to be protected from harm, it is recommended to repeat this beautiful name of Allah 7 times, blowing on them. And repeat this Name for your own protection.

    al-Mujib - The Executor.

    المجيب He who responds to every need.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:186; 7:194; 11:61
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: The duas of believers, insha-Allah, will be accepted if this beautiful Name of Allah is read constantly.

    al-Wase - Comprehensive.

    الواسع He who has limitless possibilities.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:115, 247, 261, 268; 3:73; 4:130; 5:54; 24:32; 63:7
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Let those who strive for spiritual growth and material independence repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times. And those who have difficulty earning money, let them often read this Name of Allah, and they will have income, insha-Allah.

    al-Hakim - The Wise.

    الحكيم He who has wisdom in all cases and in all deeds.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:32, 129, 209, 220, 228, 240, 260; 3:62, 126; 4:17, 24, 26, 130, 165, 170; 5:38, 118; 9:71; 15:25; 31:27; 46:2; 51:30; 57:1; 59:22-24; 61:1; 62:1, 3; 66:2
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will open the doors of wisdom and knowledge to those who repeat this beautiful Name many times. To fulfill your desire, it is recommended to repeat this Name of Allah many times. And also, the one who reads this Name will not have difficulties in his work.

    al-Wadud - The Most Glorious.

    الودود He who is the most glorious.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 11:90; 85:14;
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 1000 times and blows on the food that he and his wife eat, the differences between them will come to an end, and in return love and affection will arise, insha-Allah. And to reconcile two people, you need to set the table and, looking at the food, say this Name of Allah 1001 times.

    al-Majid - Loving.

    المجيد He who loves those who do good and bestows upon them his generosity.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 11:73; 72:3
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever becomes seriously ill, let him fast on the 13th, 14th and 15th days of the lunar month, and after breaking the fast, repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times, blowing on water, and then drink it. Insha-Allah, he will get better soon. And one who often reads this Name of Allah will be respected by others.

    al-Bais - The Resurrectionist.

    الباعث He who gives life to all living beings on the Day of Judgment.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:28; 22:7; 30:50; 79:10-11
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever, before going to bed, with his hand on his chest, repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 100 or 101 times, his heart will be filled with wisdom and wisdom. It is also recommended to chant this Name to increase piety.

    ash-Shahid - Witnessing.

    الشهيد He who is present everywhere and surveys all things.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 4:33, 79, 166; 5:117; 6:19; 10:46, 61; 13:43; 17:96; 22:17; 29:52; 33:55; 34:47; 41:53; 46:8; 48:28; 58:6-7; 85:9
    Benefits of repeated remembrance: The character of a disobedient spouse (children) will improve if you place your hand on her (their) forehead, repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 21 times and then blow on her (them).

    al-Haqq - The Supreme Truth.

    الحق He, without whom existence cannot change.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 6:62; 18:44; 20:114; 22:6, 62; 23:116; 24:25; 31:30
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever has lost or hidden one of his relatives, or someone has been kidnapped, let him write this beautiful Name of Allah in all four corners of a square sheet of paper and, before the start of the morning prayer, put this sheet on his palms and read the dua . Insha-Allah, the missing person will soon return (or the stolen item will be returned).

    al-Wakil - Manager, Authorized.

    الوكيل He who does everything to solve all problems in the best possible way.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 3:173; 4:81; 4:171; 6:102; 9:51; 17:65; 28:28; 31:22; 33:3, 48; 39:62; 73:9
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever is afraid of impending misfortune, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times, and he will be protected, insha-Allah. And the one who is afraid of drowning in water, burning in a fire, etc. let him repeat this Name and he will be protected, insha-Allah.

    al-Qawi - The Strongest.

    القوى He who is the strongest.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:165; 8:52; 11:66; 22:40, 74; 33:25; 40:22; 42:19; 57:25; 58:21
    Benefits of Repeated Remembrance: Whoever is truly persecuted or oppressed, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times with the intention of resisting the oppressor, and the situation will change for the better. But this can only be done under justifiable circumstances.

    al-Matin - Steadfast, Firm.

    Mentioned in the Quran: 22:74; 39:67; 51:58; 69:13-16
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: A woman whose breasts do not produce milk, let her drink water in which the paper with this beautiful Name of Allah is soaked. And her breasts will fill with milk. Also, by the will of Allah, troubles will disappear for the one who often repeats this Name.

    al-Wali - Supportive friend, Knowledgeable friend.

    الولي He who is the friend of his true servants.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:107, 257; 3:68, 122; 4:45; 7:155, 196; 12:101; 42:9, 28; 45:19
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Those who often repeat this beautiful Name of Allah will increase their spirituality. And for one whose wife has a bad character, he must repeat this Name many times in her presence. And she will change for the better.

    al-Hamid - Worth glorifying.

    الحميد He who is the only one precious and glorified, and thanked by all living.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 4:131; 14:1, 8; 17:44; 11:73; 22:64; 31:12, 26; 34:6; 35:15; 41:42 42:28; 57:24; 60:6; 64:6; 85:8
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Bad habits will change to good for the one who reads this beautiful Name of Allah in solitude 93 times for 45 consecutive days. He who often repeats this Name of Allah will be loved and respected.

    al-Muhsy - Knowing, Knowing.

    المحصى He who knows the number of all things and is in charge of each of them.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 19:94; 58:6; 67:14
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this Name 20 times daily and at the same time blows on 20 pieces of bread, everyone will help him, insha-Allah.

    al-Mubdi - the Creator.

    المبدئ He who created all beings out of nothing and without image or likeness.

    The benefits of repeated remembrance: To prevent your wife from having a miscarriage or premature birth, you need to put your hand on her stomach during Suhoor (i.e. before the time of morning prayer) and sincerely repeat this Name 99 times.

    al-Muid - Renewer.

    المعيد He who restores all things.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 10:4, 34; 27:64; 29:19; 85:13
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: If someone is missing, you must sincerely repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 70 times in every corner of the house when everyone is sleeping. Insha-Allah, the missing person will return within 7 days or his whereabouts will become known.

    al-Mukhyi - Giver of life.

    المحيي He who gives life and health.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:28; 3:156; 7:158; 10:56; 15:23; 23:80; 30:50; 36:78-79; 41:39; 57:2
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: If you sincerely repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times and blow on a sick person (you can blow on yourself), then Allah will bless you with healing the disease. And to improve your character, it is advisable to read this Name into your hands and run them over your body.

    al-Mumit - The Killer (The Sleeper).

    Mentioned in the Quran: 3:156; 7:158; 15:23; 57:2
    Benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever cannot control himself, let him put his hand on his chest and repeat this beautiful Name of Allah until he falls asleep. And he will be given the power to control himself. And to protect against sorrows in Akhira, it is recommended to read this name many times.

    al-Hayy - Living.

    الحي He who knows everything and His power is sufficient for anything.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:255; 3:2; 20:58, 111; 25:58; 40:65
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever desires good health, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 3000 times daily. And to heal any disease, you need to write this Name with musk and rose water on paper and soak it in water, which you offer to drink to the sick person.

    al-Qayyum - Eternal.

    القيوم He who exists eternally.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 2:255; 3:2; 20:111; 35:41
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Allah will reward with honor, respect and wealth and save from trouble the one who repeats this beautiful Name of Allah many times and sincerely. And the prolonged repetition of “Ya Hayyuyu Yya Qayyuyumu” after Fajr prayer until sunrise will remove laziness, apathy and lethargy.

    al-Wajid - The Finder.

    He is the one who finds whatever he wants.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 38:44
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah constantly while eating, then such food will become a source of strength and nur. And to calm the soul and improve your mood, pronounce this Name many times.

    al-Majid - Glorious, Noble.

    الماجد He whose exaltation is great, who is beneficent and whose capabilities are vast.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 11:73; 85:15
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah in solitude many times in such a way that he experiences an unusual spiritually elevated state, the light of faith will become obvious to him, insha-Allah.

    al-Wahid al-Ahad - One, Unique, One.

    الواحد الاحد He who is alone in his affairs. He has no equal. Unique in His essence; He who has no equals, no partners.
    Mentioned in the Koran: 2:133, 163, 258; 4:171; 5:73; 6:19; 9:31; 12:39; 13:16; 14:48; 18:110; 22:73; 37:4; 38:65; 39:4; 40:16; 41:6
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 1000 times daily, his love and fear of earthly life will go away, insha-Allah. And if the Name “Ya-Ahadu” is pronounced 1000 times a day, while alone, then the angels will convey to Allah the request of the reader. To the one who repeats this Name of Allah 1000 times, the hidden will be revealed. It will also give Allah’s blessing, peace and tranquility.

    as-Samad - Eternal.

    الصمد He who is the only thing that exists. Who needs it He will direct thoughts if someone has a need and needs to get rid of it.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 6:64; 27:62; 112:1-2
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 115 times in the position of sajdah before the start of fajr (morning) prayer, will acquire honesty and truthfulness. And if, while in a state of ablution, you repeat this Name of Allah many times, this will help you gain independence from everything earthly.

    al-Qadir - Skillful, Capable.

    القادر He who is able to create whatever He wants and how He wants.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 6:65; 17:99; 35:44; 36:81; 41:39; 46:33; 70:40-41; 75:40; 86:8
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times after performing 2 rakats of additional prayer will win victory over his enemies. If you repeat this Name 41 times before starting a difficult task, then it will be easily accomplished. And frequent sincere reading of this Name contributes to the fulfillment of desire.

    al-Muqtadir - The Mighty.

    المقتدر He who is more powerful.
    Mentioned in the Quran: 18:45-46; 28:38-40; 29:39-40; 43:42, 51; 54:42, 55
    The benefits of repeated remembering: The task at hand will be completed without difficulty if, when you wake up, you repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 20 times or more. And frequent repetition of this beautiful Name of Allah will help to recognize the truth.

    al-Muqaddim - Provider, Giver.

    Mentioned in the Quran: 16:61; 17:34; 50:28
    The benefits of repeated remembrance: Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah constantly, Allah will give him courage, courage and protection from the enemy (do not forget that one’s own ego is man’s worst enemy). And whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah often will become obedient and humble.

In contact with

According to the Koran:

“Allah has beautiful names; call Him after them and leave those who schismatic about His names. They will be rewarded for what they do!”

General information

The number of names of Allah (which can also be understood as aspects of God) combined into a single list is determined by the words of the prophet Muhammad:

“Verily, Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred minus one. everyone who remembers them will enter heaven.”

The Koran prescribes their use in prayer:

“Allah has the most beautiful names. Therefore call upon Him through them, and leave those who deny His names.”

Al-Araf 7:180 (Kuliyev)

In academic works, names are often arranged according to the order in which they appear in the Qur'an.

At the same time, there is a tradition of ordering them according to the Arabic alphabet.

The name "Allah" is usually not included in the list and, being characterized as the highest (al-sim al-"azam), is often called the hundredth. Since the Qur'an does not give an unambiguous list of names, in different traditions it may differ in one or two names.

In lists, the names of Allah are usually given with the Arabic definite article al-. But if the name of Allah in a prayer is mentioned not as part of a phrase, but by itself, then instead of al- it is pronounced ya- (“Ya-Salam” - “O Peacemaker!”).


All 99 names can be divided into two or three groups according to their characteristics.

Firstly, they distinguish between the names of the essence of God (adh-dhāt) and the names of His qualities (aṣ-ṣifāt), and secondly, they distinguish between the origin of the name: traditional names and names that follow directly from the Koran or indirectly from it.

In the theology of Islam, there are more detailed classifications, in particular, among the names of qualities, the names of mercy and severity, beauty and greatness, and others can be distinguished.

The concepts of tanzīh and tashbīh reflect the problem of anthropomorphism in Islam.

Tanzih means that it is impossible to compare God with man. On the other hand, a person perceives the divine through the prism of his life concepts and capabilities, therefore, he describes God with such names as Independent, Illustrious, etc., corresponding to the tanziha tradition. Tashbikh is the opposite of tanzikh, implying the similarity of something to something.

As a religious concept, it means the ability to describe the divine through qualities created by God.

Tashbikh includes the names Merciful, Loving, Forgiving, etc.

According to the Qur'an, no one and nothing can equal or be like Allah.

On the other hand, the Quran describes Allah using the attributes of man or human life - hands, throne. As a result, questions arise: is God different from His creation and how legitimate is it to describe Him by comparison with the creations of Allah.

The answers are the subject of debate in classical Islamic theology.

Currently, the more common concept is that of the early 10th century theologian and philosopher al-Ashari.

According to this concept, the description of Allah given in the Quran and Hadith should be perceived as truth. At the same time

“God has unique differences from His creations, but their essence is unknown.”


If the names of Allah come from derived verbs, then the laws of Sharia flow from such names.

For example, if robbers repent of their crime, then the established punishment is not applied to them.

And they rely on the following statement from the Koran:

“This does not apply to those who repented before you prevailed over them. Let it be known to you that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful!”

The mention of these two names indicates that Allah forgives such people and shows compassion towards them, saving them from the established punishment.

List of names

ArabicPractical transcriptionTransliterationMeaningMentions in the KoranComments
الله Allah (inf.)AllahAllah, God, One GodSee Comments columnThe name “Allah” is mentioned 2697 times in the Quran. In translations it is often used as a synonym for the word “God”, but for Muslims “Al Lah” at the same time means “the oneness of God”. The etymology of the Arabic word “Allah” is not fully understood. It can appear in a person’s name only in a form like Abd-Allah (servant of God).
1 الرحمن Ar-Raḥmān (inf.)Ar-RahmanGracious, All-Beneficent, Merciful, CompassionateWith the exception of the beginnings of the suras, the name ar-Rahman is mentioned 56 times in the Qur'an and most often in the 19th sura. It can be used exclusively to address Allah. It has many meanings related to the concept of mercy. Some Islamic theologians, based on the words of Muhammad, deduce the origin of the names ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim from the Arabic word ar-Raḥman, meaning mercy. According to Aramaist Jonah Greenfeld. Jonas C. Greenfield), ar-Rahman, unlike the word ar-rahim, is borrowed, which determines its complex structure of meanings. In Islamic theology, the name al-Rahim is considered to include all types of God's compassion (having mercy), while al-Rahman means action towards believers (showing mercy).
2 الرحيم Ar-Raḥīm (inf.)Ar-RahimMercifulIn the verses and beginning of every sura, except one.Mentioned in the Qur'an 114 times in relation to Allah. Often found together with the name al-Rahman. It is believed to be derived from the word ar-Raḥman meaning mercy. In Islamic theology, the name ar-Rahman is considered to include all types of compassion of God, while ar-Rahim means action towards believers and it can be used as a characteristic of a person.
3 الملك Al-Malik (inf.)Al-MalikTsarTa Ha 20:114, Al-Muminun 23:116, Al-Hashr 59:23, Al-Jumua 62:1, An-Nas 114:2Here it means the king of kings, the absolute ruler who carefully leads his followers. It can serve as the basis for the formation of a name, for example Abdulmalik (slave of the king). Sahihi Al-Bukhari and Muslim quote the words of the Prophet Muhammad that the name al-Malik is the most accurately describing Allah as the highest king. This name is found in the Koran in three linguistic forms: al-Malik (occurs five times), al-Mālik (occurs twice, see Malik al-Mulk) and al-Malīk (occurs once). The corresponding words in Arabic have different semantic connotations, meaning the person whose orders are carried out, the one who owns, and the one who can prohibit something from others. In the case of 99 names, the semantic difference is erased, and each of the forms in a specific verse gives emphasis to its content. In fact, they are related to each other in the same way as the names ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim.
4 القدوس Al-Quddūs (inf.)Al-QuddusSaintAl-Hashr 59:23, Al-Jumua 62:1The name is based on the word Quadusa, meaning to be pure, holy. This name is also translated as the Most Pure, to signify that Allah is free from vices, shortcomings and human sins.
5 السلام As-Salām (inf.)As-SalamMost Pure, Giver of Peace and Prosperity, Peacemaker, ExceptionalAl-Hashr 59:23Allah protects believers from all dangers. Being the source of peace and harmony, he grants peace and protection of Paradise to believers.
6 المؤمن Al-Mu'mim (inf.)Al-MuminProtector, Giver of Security, Giver of Faith, Guide of Faith, Guarantee of ProtectionAl-Hashr 59:23The name al-Mumin considers two aspects: God as a source of stability and security on the one hand, and as a source of faith in the human heart on the other. It is explained that faith is the highest gift of Allah and it protects from any harm. This name comes from the verb “to believe”, like the Arabic name for a believer - mumin.
7 المهيمن Al-Muhaymin (inf.)Al-MuheyminGuardian, Trustee, Guide, SaviorAl-Hashr 59:23It is explicitly mentioned once in the Quran, but the corresponding descriptions of Allah appear more than once. The word "muhaymin" has several meanings and in this case it is interpreted as the name of one who provides peace and protection. Its theological meaning lies in the description of Allah as the one who protects the interests of believers. Another meaning of it describes Allah as a witness to all words and actions of a person, protecting their results. Also, the meaning of the name is interpreted as a reminder that all good and bad deeds of a person are known to Allah and they are all written down in the Preserved Tablet.
8 العزيز Al-Azīz (inf.)Al AzizMighty, Almighty, WinnerAl-Imran 3:6, An-Nisa 4:158, Tawbah 9:40, Tawbah 9:71, Al-Fath 48:7, Al-Hashr 59:23, As-Saaf 61:1It is indicated that there is no one more powerful than Allah. As manifestations of the power of Allah in Islamic theology, God's creation of people, their actions, help to the righteous, and the creation of natural phenomena are listed.
9 الجبار Al-Jabbār (inf.)Al-JabbarMighty, Subjugating, Bogatyr (Correcting by Force), IrresistibleAl-Hashr 59:23Traditionally, the translation of this name from Arabic is associated with the aspect of strength, the ability to subjugate. English translations tend to use the term The Despot to emphasize the idea that no one can control God, but rather that Allah has the power of compulsion, specifically the force to follow one path or another. Since following Allah is the best choice, the benefit for man associated with this quality of God is emphasized. The second interpretation is related to the word jabbarah, which is usually translated as "too high to be reached". From this it follows that Allah is placed higher than anyone else.
In Arabic Transliteration Translation Meaning in the Quran
11 المتكبر Al-MutakabbirSuperior2:260; 7:143; 59:23;
Surpassing all creation; He whose qualities are higher than the qualities of creations is pure from the qualities of creations; The only Possessor of True Greatness; He who finds all His creatures insignificant in comparison with His essence, for no one is worthy of pride except Him. His pride is manifested in the fact that He does not allow anyone to claim creation and challenge His commands, authority and will. He crushes all those who are arrogant towards Him and His creatures. A person who knows this name of Allah does not show cruelty and arrogance towards the creatures of Allah, for cruelty is violence and injustice, and arrogance is self-aggrandizement, contempt for others and encroachment on their rights. Cruelty is not one of the qualities of the righteous servants of Allah. They are obliged to obey and submit to their Master. (abjadiya 693)
12 الخالق Al-KhaliqSizing (Architect)6:101-102; 13:16; 24:45; 39:62; 40:62; 41:21; 59:24;
He who truly creates, without example or prototype, and determines the fate of creatures; The one who creates what he wants out of nothing; The one who created the masters and their skills, qualifications; The one who predetermined the measure of all creatures even before their existence and endowed them with the qualities necessary for existence. (abjadiya 762)
13 البارئ Al BariCreator (Builder)59:24
He who, by His power, created all things; He is the Creator, Who created everything from nothingness according to His predestination. For this He does not have to make any effort; He says to something: “Be!” and it comes true. He who knows this name of the Most High does not worship anyone except his Creator, turns only to Him, seeks help only from Him and asks for what he needs only from Him. (abjadiya 244)
14 المصور Al-MusawwirFormative (Sculptor)20:50; 25:2; 59:24; 64:3;
Logos, Mind, Sophia - the source of meanings and forms; He who gives forms and images to creations; The One who gave each creation His unique form and pattern, different from other similar creations. (abjadiya 367)
15 الغفار Al GhaffarCondescending (Concealer of sins)20:82; 38:66; 39:5; 40:42; 71:10;
He who is the only one who forgives and conceals the sins of creation, who forgives both in this world and in the next; He who makes visible the beautiful features of His slaves and covers their shortcomings. He hides them in this worldly life and refrains from retribution for sins in the hereafter. He hid from man, behind his beautiful appearance, what is condemned by the gaze, He promised those who turn to Him, sincerely repenting of what they had done, to replace their sins with good deeds. A person who has come to know this name of Allah hides everything that is vicious and nasty in himself and covers up the vices of other creations, turning to them with forgiveness and condescension. (abjadiya 312)
16 القهار Al-KahharDominant6:18; 12:39; 13:16; 14:48; 38:65; 39:4; 40:16;
He who, by His highness and power, tames creation; He who forces one to do what he wants, regardless of whether the creation desires it or does not desire it; He to whose greatness creations are submissive. (abjadiya 337)
17 الوهاب Al-WahhabDonor (Giver of alms)3:8; 38:9, 35;
He who gives unselfishly, who bestows blessings on His servants; The One who, without waiting for a request, gives what is necessary; He who has good things in abundance; He who gives constantly; The One who bestows gifts on all His creatures, without wanting compensation and without pursuing selfish goals. No one has such a quality except Allah Almighty. A person who knows this name of Allah devotes himself entirely to serving his Lord, without striving for anything other than His pleasure. He performs all his deeds only for His sake and selflessly gives gifts to those in need, without expecting either reward or gratitude from them. (abjadiya 45)
18 الرزاق Ar-RazzaqEmpowering10:31; 24:38; 32:17; 35:3; 51:58; 67:21;
God is the giver of livelihood; He who created the means of subsistence and endowed them with His creatures. He endowed them with gifts both tangible and such as reason, knowledge and faith in the heart. The One who preserves the life of living creatures and improves it. The benefit that a person who knows this name of Allah receives is the knowledge that no one except Allah is able to bestow provision, and he trusts only in Him and strives to become the reason for sending down food to other creatures. He does not seek to receive Allah's portion in what He has forbidden, but endures, calls upon the Lord and works to obtain a portion in what is permitted. (abjadiya 339)
19 الفتاح Al FattahOpening (Explaining)7:96; 23:77; 34:26; 35:2; 48:1; 96:1-6;
He who reveals the hidden, eases difficulties, takes them away; The one who holds the keys to secret knowledge and heavenly blessings. He opens the hearts of believers to know Him and love Him, and opens the gates for those in need to meet their needs. A person who knows this name of Allah helps the creatures of Allah to ward off harm and remove evil and strives to become a reason for opening the gates of heavenly blessings and faith to them. (abjadia 520)
20 العليم Al-AlimOmniscient2:29, 95, 115, 158; 3:73, 92; 4: 12, 17, 24, 26, 35, 147; 6:59; 8:17; 11:5; 12:83; 15:86; 22:59; 24:58, 59; 24:41; 33:40; 35:38; 57:6; 64:18;
The One who knows everything about everything, Those who have realized this name strive for knowledge. (abjadiya 181)
21 القابض Al-KabidReducing (Limiting)2:245; 64:16-17;
He who, according to His just order, narrows (reduces) the benefits to whom He wants; He who holds souls in His power, subjecting them to death, owns the benefits of His sincere slaves and accepts their services, holds the hearts of sinners and deprives them of the opportunity to know Him because of their rebellion and arrogance. A person who knows this name of Allah holds his heart , your body and those around you from sins, evil, bad deeds and violence, admonishing, warning and intimidating them. (abjadiya 934)
22 الباسط Al-BaasitMagnifying (Distributing)2:245; 4:100; 17:30;
He who gives life to creatures by endowing their bodies with souls, and provides a generous provision for both the weak and the rich. The benefit of knowing this name of Allah is that a person turns his heart and body to goodness and calls other people to this through preaching and deception. (abjadiya 104)
23 الخافض Al-HafidBelittling2:171; 3:191-192; 56:1-3; 95:5;
Humiliating all those who are wicked, who rebelled against the truth. (abjadiya 1512)
24 الرافع Ar-RafiUplifting6:83-86; 19:56-57; 56:1-3;
Exalting the believers who are engaged in worship; Holding the sky and clouds high. (abjadiya 382)
25 المعز Al-MuizzStrengthening (Magnifying)3:26; 8:26; 28:5;
Giving strength, power, victory to those who want, elevating him. (abjadiya 148)
26 المذل Al-MuzillWeakening (Overthrowing)3:26; 9:2, 14-15; 8:18; 10:27; 27:37; 39:25-26; 46:20;
Humiliating the one he wants, depriving him of strength, power and victory. (abjadiya 801)
27 السميع As-SamiuAll-Hearing2:127, 137, 186, 224, 227, 256; 3:34-35, 38; 4:58, 134, 148; 5:76; 6:13, 115; 8:17; 10:65; 12:34; 14:39; 21:4; 26:220; 40:20, 56; 41:36; 49:1;
He who hears even the most hidden, the quietest; He for whom the invisible does not exist among the visible; The One who embraces even the smallest things with His vision. (abjadiya 211)
28 البصير Al-BasirAll-seeing2:110; 3:15, 163; 4:58, 134; 10:61; 17:1, 17, 30, 96; 22:61, 75; 31:28; 40:20; 41:40; 42:11, 27; 57:4; 58:1; 67:19;
He who sees the open and the hidden, the manifest and the secret; He for whom the invisible does not exist among the visible; The One who embraces even the smallest things with His vision. (abjadiya 333)
29 الحكم Al-HakamJudge (Decider)6:62, 114; 10:109; 11:45; 22:69; 95:8;
al-Hakam (The Decider or Judge). The Messenger of Allah says: “Truly Allah al-Hakam (the judge) and to Him belongs the judgment (or the decision is for Him)” (Abu Dawud, Nasai, Bayhaki, Imam Albani said an authentic hadith in “Irwa al-Galil” 8/237) (abjadiyya 99)
30 العدل Al-AdlMost Just (Just)5:8, 42; 6:92, 115; 17:71; 34:26; 60:8;
He who has order, decisions, and deeds are fair; The One who Himself does not show injustice and forbade it to others; He who is pure from injustice in His deeds and decisions; Giving to everyone what they deserve; He who is the source of the highest justice. He treats His enemies fairly, and He is merciful and merciful towards His righteous servants. A person who knows this name of Allah acts fairly in all his actions, even if he encounters enemies. He does not oppress or oppress anyone and does not sow corruption on earth, for he does not oppose the decree of Allah. (abjadiya 135)
31 اللطيف Al LatifInsightful (Understanding)3:164; 6:103; 12:100; 22:63; 28:4-5; 31:16; 33:34; 42:19; 52:26-28; 64:14; 67:14;
Kind to his slaves, Merciful to them, Making life easier for them, Supporting them, Having mercy on them. (abjadiya 160)
32 الخبير Al-KhabirKnowledgeable (Competent)3:180; 6:18, 103; 17:30; 22:63; 25:58-59; 31:34; 34:1; 35:14; 49:13; 59:18; 63:11;
Knowing the secret as well as the obvious, knowing both the external manifestation and the internal content; He for whom there is no secret; He, from Whose knowledge nothing escapes, does not move away; He who knows what was and what will be. A person who knows this name of Allah is submissive to his Creator, since He knows better than anyone about all our deeds, both obvious and hidden. We should entrust all our affairs to Him, for He knows better than anyone what is best. This can only be achieved by following His commands and sincerely calling on Him. (abjadiya 843)
33 الحليم Al-HalimCalm (Meek)2:225, 235, 263; 3:155; 4:12; 5:101; 17:44; 22:59; 33:51; 35:41; 64:17;
The one who frees those who have shown disobedience from torment; He who gives benefits to both those who obey and those who disobey; The One who sees the disobedience of His commands, however, He is not overcome by anger, and He does not rush with retribution, despite all His power. A person who knows this name of Allah is gentle and meek in communication, does not get angry and does not act frivolously. (abjadiya 119)
34 العظيم Al AzimFabulous2:105, 255; 42:4; 56:96;
Of whose greatness there is no beginning and no end; whose height has no boundaries; He to Whom there is no like; He Whose true essence and greatness, which are above every thing, no one can comprehend, for this is beyond the capabilities of the mind of creation. A person who knows this name of Allah exalts Him, humiliates himself before Him and does not exalt himself either in his own eyes or in front of any of God's creatures. (abjadiya 1051)
35 الغفور Al GhafoorMerciful (Confessor of sins)22:173, 182, 192, 218, 225-226, 235; 3:31, 89, 129, 155; 4:25; 6:145; 8:69; 16:110, 119; 35:28; 40:3; 41:32; 42:23; 57:28; 60:7;
The One who forgives the sins of His servants. if they repent. (abjadiya 1317)
36 الشكور Ash-ShakurGrateful (Rewarding)4:40; 14:7; 35:30, 34; 42:23; 64:17;
Giving a great reward to His servants for their small acts of worship, Bringing weak deeds to perfection, Forgiving them. A person who knows Allah through this name thanks his Creator for His blessings in worldly life and uses them to achieve His pleasure, but in no case in disobedience to Him, and also thanks those creatures of the Lord who were virtuous to him. (abjadiya 557)
37 العلي Al AliyAlmighty2:255; 4:34; 22:62; 31:30; 34:23; 40:12; 41:12; 42:4, 51; 48:7; 57:25; 58:21; 87:1;
He whose highness is inestimably high; He Who has no equals, no rivals, no companions or comrades; The One who is above all this, the One whose essence, power and strength are the highest. (abjadiya 141)
38 الكبير Al-KabirGreat4:34; 13:9; 22:62; 31:30; 34:23; 40:12;
He who has true greatness in his qualities and deeds; Not needing anything; The One Whom no one and nothing can weaken; The one with whom there are no similarities. Wed. Akbar - The Greatest. (abjadiya 263)
39 الحفيظ Al-HafizThe keeper11:57; 12:55; 34:21; 42:6;
Protecting all things, every being, including the smallest substances; He whose protection is endless, endless; The One who protects and maintains all things. (abjadiya 1029)
40 المقيت Al-MukitSupporting (Providing)4:85;
Disposing of everything necessary for life support; Bringing it to His creatures, Determining its quantity; Giver of help; Powerful. (abjadiya 581)
41 الحسيب Al-KhasibSufficient (Calculator)4:6, 86; 6:62; 33:39;
Sufficient for his servants; Sufficient for everyone who trusts in him. He satisfies His servants according to His mercy and takes them away from trouble. He is sufficient to rely only on Him to achieve benefits and food, and there is no need for anyone else. All His creatures need Him, for His sufficiency is eternal and perfect. Such awareness of the sufficiency of the Almighty is achieved through causes, the Creator of which is Allah Almighty Himself. He installed them and pointed them out to us, explaining how to use them to achieve what we wanted. One who knows this name of the Lord asks Him for His sufficiency and makes do with it only, after which he is not overcome by worry, fear or anxiety. (abjadiya 111)
42 الجليل Al JalilMajestic7:143; 39:14; 55:27;
He Who has true greatness and all perfect qualities; Clean from any imperfections. (abjadiya 104)
43 الكريم Al-KarimGenerous (Magnanimous)23:116; 27:40; 76:3; 82:6-8; 96:1-8;
He whose benefits do not diminish, no matter how much he gives; Most valuable, Encompassing everything valuable; The One whose every deed is worthy of the highest praise; He who fulfills His promises and bestows not only in full, but also adds from His mercy even when all the desires of creatures are exhausted. He is not bothered by who and what He has bestowed, and He does not destroy those who have taken refuge with Him, for the generosity of Allah is absolute and perfect. He who knows the Almighty through this name hopes and trusts only in Allah, who bestows upon all who He asks, but His treasury never runs dry because of it. The greatest benefit of Allah towards us is that He has given us the opportunity to know Him through His names and wonderful qualities. He sent His messengers to us, promised us paradise gardens in which there is no noise and no fatigue, and in which His righteous servants will dwell forever. (abjadiya 301)
44 الرقيب Ar-RaqibCaretaker (Overseer)4:1; 5:117; 33:52;
Monitoring the state of his creatures, Knowing all their actions, Recording all their actions; The one from whose control no one and nothing escapes. (abjadiya 343)
45 المجيب Al-MujibResponsive2:186; 7:194; 11:61;
Responding to prayers and requests. He benefits His servant even before he turns to Him, answers his prayer even before need befalls him. He who knows the Almighty through this name answers his loved ones when they call him, helps those who ask for help by to the best of his ability. He calls for help from his Creator and knows that wherever help comes from, it is from Him, and even if he assumes that help from his Lord is late, truly his prayer will not be forgotten by Allah. Therefore, he must call people to the One who answers the prayer - to the Near One, the Hearer. (abjadiya 86)
46 الواسع Al-WaasiAll-encompassing (Omnipresent)2:115, 247, 261, 268; 3:73; 4:130; 5:54; 24:32; 63:7;
He whose benefits are wide for creatures; He whose mercy is great for all things. (abjadiya 168)
47 الحكيم Al-Hakimwisest2:32, 129, 209, 220, 228, 240, 260; 3:62, 126; 4:17, 24, 26, 130, 165, 170; 5:38, 118; 9:71; 15:25; 31:27; 46:2; 51:30; 57:1; 59:22-24; 61:1; 62:1, 3; 66:2;
He who does everything wisely; The One whose deeds are right; The One who knows the essence, the inner content of all matters; One who knows well the wise decision predetermined by Himself; The One who has all affairs, all decisions, fair and wise. (abjadiya 109)
48 الودود Al-WadudLoving11:90; 85:14;
He who loves his slaves and is beloved to the hearts of “aulia” (“aulia” is the plural of “vali” - a righteous, devoted servant). (abjadiya 51)
49 المجيد Al-MajiiduGlorious11:73; 72:3;
The highest in greatness; The one who has a lot of good, who gives generously, from whom there is great benefit. (abjadiya 88)
50 الباعث Al-BaisResurrecting (Awakening)2:28; 22:7; 30:50; 79:10-11;
Resurrecting creatures on the Day of Judgment; He who sends prophets to people sends help to His servants. (abjadiya 604)
51 الشهيد Ash-ShahidWitness (Witness)4:33, 79, 166; 5:117; 6:19; 10:46, 61; 13:43; 17:96; 22:17; 29:52; 33:55; 34:47; 41:53; 46:8; 48:28; 58:6-7; 85:9;
Vigilantly and vigilantly watching the world. The word “shahid” is related to the concept of “shahadah” - testimony. He is a witness of what is happening, from which not a single event can be hidden, no matter how small and insignificant it may be. To testify means not to be what you testify to. (abjadia 350)
52 الحق Al-HaqqTruth (Real)6:62; 18:44; 20:114; 22:6, 62; 23:116; 24:25; 31:30;
Establishing the truth of the true through His words (Kalima); He who establishes the truth of His friends. (abjadiya 139)
53 الوكيل Al-WakilFiduciary3:173; 4:81; 4:171; 6:102; 9:51; 17:65; 28:28; 31:22; 33:3, 48; 39:62; 73:9;
One to rely on; Sufficient for those who rely on Him alone; Who gives joy to those who hope and rely on Him alone. (abjadiya 97)
54 القوى Al-QawiyOmnipotent2:165; 8:52; 11:66; 22:40, 74; 33:25; 40:22; 42:19; 57:25; 58:21;
The Possessor of complete, perfect power, the Victorious, the One Who does not lose; He who has power above every other power. (abjadiya 147)
55 المتين Al-MateenUnshakable22:74; 39:67; 51:58; 69:13-16;
Not in need of means to carry out His decisions; Not in need of help; The one who does not need an assistant, a companion. (abjadiya 531)
56 الولى Al-WaliyFriend (Companion)2:107, 257; 3:68, 122; 4:45; 7:155, 196; 12:101; 42:9, 28; 45:19;
He who favors those who submit, Helps those who love them; Taming enemies; Voucher for the deeds of creatures; Protecting the created. (abjadiya 77)
57 الحميد Al-HamidPraiseworthy4:131; 14:1, 8; 17:44; 11:73; 22:64; 31:12, 26; 34:6; 35:15; 41:42 42:28; 57:24; 60:6; 64:6; 85:8;
Worthy of all praise because of his perfection; Possessor of eternal glory. (abjadiya 93)
58 المحصى Al-MuhsiAccountant (Accounting)19:94; 58:6; 67:14;
He Who, with His knowledge, defines the boundaries for all things; The one from whom nothing escapes. (abjadiya 179)
59 المبدئ Al MubdiFounder (Innovator)
He who from the very beginning, without example or prototype, created all things. (abjadiya 87)
60 المعيد Al-MuyidReturner (Restorer)10:4, 34; 27:64; 29:19; 85:13;
Repeater, giving stability to the Universe, Returner; The One who returns all living things to a dead state, and then in the next world revives them, returning them to life. (abjadiya 155)
61 المحيى Al-MukhyiReviving (Life-Giving)2:28; 3:156; 7:158; 10:56; 15:23; 23:80; 30:50; 36:78-79; 41:39; 57:2;
He who creates life; He who gives life to any thing he wants; He who created creations out of nothing; The One who will give life even after death. (abjadiya 89)
62 المميت Al-MoumitKilling (Soporific)3:156; 7:158; 15:23; 57:2;
He who ordained death for all mortals; He besides whom there is no one who kills; He who tames His servants by death whenever He wants and how He wants. (abjadiya 521)
63 الحي Al-HayyLiving (Awake)2:255; 3:2; 20:58, 111; 25:58; 40:65;
Forever alive; He whose life has no beginning and no end; He who has always been alive and will remain forever alive; Alive, Not Dying. (abjadiya 49)
64 القيوم Al-QayumSelf-sufficient (Independent)2:255; 3:2; 20:111; 35:41;
Independent of anyone and nothing, Not needing anyone or anything; The One who takes care of everything; through whom all things exist; He who created creatures and maintains them; The One who has knowledge of everything. (abjadiya 187)
65 الواجد Al-WajidRich (Located)38:44;
He who has everything that exists, for whom there is no concept of “missing”, “insufficiency”; He who preserves all his deeds loses nothing; The One who understands everything. (abjadiya 45)
66 الماجد Al MajidMost Glorious11:73; 85:15;
The One with complete perfection; He Who has wonderful Majesty; He whose qualities and deeds are great and perfect; Showing generosity and mercy towards His servants. (abjadiya 79)
67 الواحد الاحد Al-Wahid ul-AhadOne and only (One)2:133, 163, 258; 4:171; 5:73; 6:19; 9:31; 12:39; 13:16; 14:48; 18:110; 22:73; 37:4; 38:65; 39:4; 40:16; 41:6; 112:1;
There is no one besides Him and no one equal to Him. (abjadia 19)
68 الصمد As-SamadPermanent (Unchanging)6:64; 27:62; 112:1-2;
Symbolizes the eternity and independence of Allah. He is the One to whom all obey; The One without Whose knowledge nothing happens; The One in whom everyone needs everything, but He Himself does not need anyone or anything. (abjadiya 165)
69 القادر Al-QadirMighty6:65; 17:99; 35:44; 36:81; 41:39; 46:33; 70:40-41; 75:40; 86:8;
He who can create from nothing and can destroy existing things; The One who can create being from non-existence and can transform into non-being; Doing everything wisely. (abjadiya 336)
70 المقتدر Al-MuqtadirOmnipotent18:45-46; 28:38-40; 29:39-40; 43:42, 51; 54:42, 55;
The One who arranges things for creatures in the best possible way, since no one can do this. (abjadiya 775)
71 المقدم Al-MuqaddimApproaching (Advancing)16:61; 17:34; 50:28;
Pushing forward everything that should be ahead; Who brings forth His worthy servants. (abjadiya 215)
72 المؤخر Al-MuahhirMoving away (Moving away)7:34; 11:8; 14:42; 16:61; 71:4;
Pushing back everything that should be behind; The One who pushes back, according to His understanding and according to His will, the infidels, the wicked and all those who should be pushed back. (abjadiya 877)
73 الأول Al-AwwalBeginning (First)57:3
Alpha - First, Beginningless and Eternal. The One Who Predated the Universe. (abjadiya 68)
74 الأخر Al-AkhirCompletion (Last)39:68; 55:26-27; 57:3;
Omega - Last; He who will remain after the destruction of all creation; He Who has no end, remains forever; The One who destroys everything; The one after whom there will be nothing but himself, the eternal immortal omnipotent God, the Creator of all times, peoples and worlds. (abjadiya 832)
75 الظاهر Az-ZahyrExplicit (Understandable)3:191; 6:95-97; 50:6-11; 57:3; 67:19;
Immanent. Manifested in many facts testifying to His existence. (abjadiya 1137)
76 الباطن Al-BaatynIntimate (Secret)6:103; 57:3;
The One who knows both the obvious and the hidden about everything; He Whose signs are clear, but He Himself is Invisible in this world. (abjadiya 93)
77 الوالي Al-WaaliRuler (Patron)13:11; 42:9;
Ruler over all things; The One who accomplishes everything according to His desire and wisdom; The One Whose decisions are carried out everywhere and always. (abjadiya 78)
78 المتعالي Al-MutaliExalted (Transcendent)7:190; 13:9; 20:114; 22:73-74; 27:63; 30:40; 54:49-53;
He is above slanderous fabrications, above the doubts that arise among the created. (abjadiya 582)
79 البر Al-BarruVirtuous (Good)16:4-18; 52:28;
He who does good to His servants is Merciful to them; Giver to those who ask, showing mercy to them; True to the treaty, the promise to the created. (abjadiya 233)
80 التواب At-TawwabReceiving (Repentant)2:37, 54, 128, 160; 4: 17-18, 64; 9:104, 118; 10:90-91; 24:10; 39:53; 40:3; 49:12; 110:3;
From the Arabic "taub" - repentance. Accepting the repentance of servants, Favoring them in repentance, Leading them to repentance, Capable of conscience, inducing them to repentance. Answerer of prayers; Forgiving the sins of those who repent. (abjadiya 440)
81 المنتقم Al-MuntaqimPunishing (Avenging)32:22; 43:41, 55; 40:10; 44:16; 75:34-36;
Breaking the backbone of those who disobey; Tormenting the wicked, but only after notification and warning, if they have not come to their senses. (abjadiya 661)
82 العفو Al-AfuwForgiving (Delivering from sins)4:17, 43, 99, 149; 16:61; 22:60; 58:2;
The One who forgives for sins; Removes from sin; Purifies bad deeds; He whose mercy is wide; He who does good to the disobedient, without rushing to punish. (abjadiya 187)
83 الرؤوف Ar-RaufCompassionate2:143, 207; 3:30; 9:117; 16:7, 47; 22:65; 24:20; 57:9; 59:10;
Devoid of rudeness, Accepting the repentance of sinners and endowing them with His mercy and benefits after their repentance, Hiding their guilt, Forgiving. (abjadiya 323)
84 مالك الملك Malik ul-MulkKing of the Kingdom14:8; 3:26;
King of kingdoms; Almighty King of the Realm Realm; The one who does what he wants; there is no one who can ignore, avert His decisions; there is no one who could disapprove, criticize, question His decision. (abjadiya 212)
85 ذو الجلال والإكرام Dhul-Jalali wal-IkramPossessor of Greatness and Cordiality33:34-35; 55:27, 78; 76:13-22;
Possessor of special greatness and generosity; Possessor of perfection; All greatness belongs to him, and all bounties come from him. (abjadiya 1097)
86 المقسط Al-MuqsitFair3:18; 7:29;
The One whose decisions are all wise and fair; Avenging the oppressors for the oppressed; Establishing perfect order, making the oppressor happy after he has made the oppressed happy and he has forgiven. (abjadiya 240)
87 الجامع Al-JamiUniting (Gathering)2:148; 3:9; 4:140;
He who has collected all the perfections of essence, qualities and deeds; He who gathers all creation; The One who collects in the next world in the area of ​​Arasat. (abjadiya 145)
88 الغني Al-GhaniySelf-sufficient (Secured with wealth)2:263; 3:97; 4:131; 6:133; 10:68; 14:8; 22:64; 27:40; 29:6; 31:12, 26; 35:15, 44; 39:7; 47:38; 57:24; 60:6; 64:6;
Rich and needing nothing; The one everyone needs. (abjadiya 1091)
89 المغني Al-MughniEnriching9:28; 23:55-56; 53:48; 76:11-22;
Giver of blessings to servants; He who enriches whomever he wants; Sufficient for the created. (abjadiya 1131)
90 المانع Al-ManiFencing (Preventing)67:21; 28:35; 33:9;
The One who does not give to someone to whom he does not want to give in order to test him or to keep him, to protect him from bad things. (abjadia 202)
91 الضار Ad-DarrDestroyer (Capable of sending disaster)6:17; 36:23; 39:38;
Wiping out kingdoms and peoples from the face of the Earth, sending epidemics and natural disasters to sinners, testing creation. (abjadiya 1032)
92 النافع An-NafiPhilanthropist30:37;
Bringing benefit to whomever he wants, based on his own decisions; He, without Whose knowledge no one is able to do any good. (abjadiya 232)
93 النور An-NurEnlightening (Light)2:257; 5:15-16; 6:122; 24:35-36, 40; 33:43, 45-46; 39:22, 69; 57:9, 12-13, 19, 28;
He who is the light of heaven and earth; He who illuminates the True Path for creation; Shows the light of the True Path. (abjadiya 287)
94 الهادي Al-HadiLeader (Director)2:4-7; 20:50; 25:31, 52; 28:56; 87;3;
Leading the Right Path; The One who, with true statements, instructs those created on the True Path; The One who notifies the created about the True Path; He who leads hearts to knowledge of Himself; He who brings the bodies of the created to worship. Wed. Mahdi is a follower. (abjadiya 51)
95 البديع Al BadiCreator (Inventor)2:117; 6:101; 7:29
He for whom there are no equals, to whom there are no equals either in essence, or in qualities, or in commands, or in decisions; The One who creates everything without example or prototype. (abjadiya 117)
96 الباقي Al-BaakiEternal (Absolute Being)6:101; 55:26-28; 28:60, 88;
Remaining forever; He is the only one who remains forever; One whose existence is eternal; He who does not disappear; The One who remains endlessly, forever. (abjadiya 144)
97 الوارث Al WarisHeir15:23; 21:89; 28:58;
Heir of all things; He who remains forever, to whom remains the inheritance of all His creations; The One who retains all power after the disappearance of His creations; The One who inherits the world and everything in it. (abjadiya 738)
98 الرشيد Ar-RashidCorrect (Reasonable)2:256; 11:87;
Guide to the Right Path; The one who gives happiness to whomever he wants, directing him to the True Path; The One who alienates the one He wants, according to the order established by Him. Wed. Murshid is a mentor. (abjadiya 545)
99 الصبور As-SaburPatient2:153, 3:200, 103:3; 8:46;
He who has great meekness and patience; He who is in no hurry to take revenge on those who disobey; One who delays punishment; One who does nothing ahead of schedule; The One who does everything in due time. (abjadiya 329)

Common name Ar-Rabb(Ar-Rabb, Arabic: الرب ‎‎) is translated as Lord or Master, the One who has the power to rule.

It applies only in relation to Allah, for people the construction is used Rabb Ad-Dar. Ibn Arabi names three main names of God: Allah, ar-Rahman and ar-Rabb. Ar-Rabb is used in the phrase "Allah, Lord of the Worlds" ( Rabb al-"Ālamīn), where alam (pl. alamin) means everything except Allah.

Among other names of Allah not included in the traditional list, the Quran mentions al-Mawlā (al-Mawlā, Arabic: المولى ‎‎, Patron), an-Nasir (an-Nāṣir, Arabic: الناصر ‎‎, Helper), al- Ghalib (al-Ghālib, Arabic: الغالب ‎‎ Conqueror), al-Fāṭir (Arabic: الفاطر ‎‎, Creator), al-Qarib (Arabic: القریب ‎‎, Nearest ) and others.

Cultural aspects

All suras of the Koran except the ninth begin with a phrase called bismillah - “in the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.” These words are often said in prayers and precede all official documents.

The names of Allah should not be used in oaths, as warned in Hadith al-Qudsi and the Quran.

As a negative example, a story is given about a man who swore by Allah that God would not forgive a certain sin, and thereby cast doubt on the forgiveness of the Almighty and crossed out his good deeds. Superlatives in Hadith are sometimes expressed through the mention of attributes such as the glory of God, but not names, in figurative oaths.

The names of Allah are used in dhikr - a prayer consisting of repeated repetition of an appeal to God. Zikr is considered key in Sufi practice.

It is allowed to accompany the prayer repetition with singing and accompaniment on musical instruments.

Prayers that consist of repeating the 99 names of Allah are called wazifa.

The number of repetitions in them can reach tens of thousands. Wazifa is performed both individually and collectively.

To facilitate counting during silent prayer to God, subha (rosary beads) are sometimes used. They consist of 99 or 33 beads, each of which corresponds to one of the 99 names of Allah.

During the prayer for them, the phrases “praise be to Allah” (subhana Alahi), “glory to Allah” (al-hamdu li Alahi) and “Allah is great” (Allahu Akbar) are said 33 times.