Canopy volume d 6. Parts of the parachute system

The landing parachute system D-6 series 4 operates according to a cascade scheme. The stabilizing parachute comes into action first.

The reduction on it occurs before the specified time on the PPK-U-165A-D or AD-3U-D-165 device.

After the device is triggered, the stabilizing parachute removes the camera with the main parachute from the backpack.

The design of the D-6 series 4 parachute system provides two ways to activate the main parachute canopy with a normally operating stabilizing parachute - the PPK-U-165A-D device (or the AD-3U-D-165 device) or a manual deployment link.

Rice. 4. Operation of the parachute system

1 - stabilizing parachute chamber; 2 - stabilizing parachute; 3- chamber of the main parachute; 4 - main parachute; 5 - backpack.

When separating a parachutist from an airplane (helicopter) from a chamber secured with a carabiner to the cables and bodies of the PRP located inside the An-12, An-2 2, An-26, Pl-76 aircraft and the Mi-8 helicopter or to the transition link earring (extension) in the An-2 aircraft and the Mi-6 helicopter, the stabilizing parachute is extended and put into operation (Fig. 4).

At the moment the canopy of the stabilizing parachute is inflated, the link is tensioned and pulls out a flexible pin from the PPK-U-165A-D or AD-ZU-D-165 device, which is connected to the link using a 0.36 m long halyard.

After the canopy of the stabilizing parachute is filled, a stabilized descent of the parachutist occurs. In this case, the main parachute backpack remains closed. The stabilized descent is stopped, the backpack valves are released and the main parachute is put into operation after opening the double-cone lock manually (using the manual opening link) or with the PPK-U-165A-D or AD-ZU-D-165 device, resulting in the stabilizing parachute pulls the camera with the main parachute packed into it out of the backpack.

As the parachutist descends, the main parachute chamber moves away from him and the lines of the main parachute evenly emerge from its honeycombs.

When the lines are fully tensioned, the removable rubber honeycombs of the chamber are released and the lower free part of the main parachute canopy, 0.2 m long, begins to emerge from it, not clamped by the elastic ring.

As the stabilizing parachute with the main parachute chamber moves away from the parachutist, the rest of the canopy gradually emerges from the chamber until the entire system is fully tensioned.

Inflation of the main parachute canopy begins after it leaves the chamber approximately halfway and is completed after the chamber is completely retracted from it. The actions of the parachutist from the moment of separation from the aircraft until landing or splashdown are carried out in accordance with RVDP-79.


1. When jumping from An-12, An-22, An-26 aircraft. Il-76 and Mi-8 helicopter, the camera with the stabilizing parachute packed into it is attached directly to the cable or pipe of the pilot control device in the airplane or helicopter using a carabiner.

When jumping from an An-2 airplane or a Mi-6 helicopter, the camera carabiner with a stabilizing parachute is attached to the earring of one link (extension cord 1 m long).

2. The locking of the rings of the stabilizer feathers with the rings of the stabilizing parachute chamber is carried out only with the ShKhB-20 safety cord, and:

  • when jumping from an An-2 aircraft, two safety cords 0.3 m long are used, and jumps are made at an aircraft flight speed of 140-180 km/h (38.9-50.0 m/s);
  • When jumping from An-12, An-22, An-26, Il-76 aircraft, one safety cord 0.3 m long is used.

The parachute system provides, when the parachutist descends, horizontal movement forward and backward by pulling the risers and turns in any direction due to the tension of the control lines by the parachutist.

How does it happen?
The carabiner of the stabilizing parachute must be hooked onto the cable on the plane. As soon as you step overboard the plane, a stabilizing parachute with an area of ​​​​one and a half square meters will open. His camera will remain on the plane. Thanks to the stabilizing canopy, your fall slows down a little (up to 30-35 m/s), and most importantly, you will not tumble; during the fall, your body will take a position comfortable for opening the main canopy (feet down). For reference, without a stabilizing parachute, the falling speed is 60-60 m/s - about 200 km/h. Brrrrr! After three seconds, you need to pull out the ring and initiate the opening of the main dome. Force no more than 16 kg. This is not so little, pull the ring with all your heart! But don't lose it after you pull it out during the jump. The stabilizing parachute is removed from the backpack. After opening the main one, you will descend at a vertical speed of no more than 5 meters per second (with a parachutist’s flight weight of up to 120 kg). This vertical speed will be provided to you by a dome with an area of ​​83 sq.m. The weight of the main parachute is about 12 kg.
The reserve parachute is attached to the chest. It has a smaller area (50 sq.m.) and less weight (about 5 kg). On reserve, a paratrooper with a flight weight of 120 kg will descend at a speed of 7.5 m/s. This is of course faster than the main one, but if you land correctly you will not get injured. Well, we hope that it won’t come down to the spare dome.
Both the main and reserve parachutes are equipped with parachute safety devices. The device is cocked by the parachute handler. As soon as we separated from the plane, the countdown begins. Three seconds before opening. If something happens to the parachutist (he hesitates, loses consciousness), the device will work and the parachute will open on its own, without your participation.
On the main parachute, the device is triggered by time, and on the reserve parachute, by altitude. Installation height is usually -300m.
If the main parachute opens and everything is fine, you must prevent the reserve from deploying. However, if the reserve parachute opens, nothing terrible will happen, but you will have to repack it. Both domes can work together because they have different lengths sling Nine meters for the main one, and six for the reserve one. But it’s better not to open the spare one. To do this, you must unlock the belay device by pulling out the red safety cord.
Next, you should look around, and if your colleague is too close to you, you need to take measures against proximity.
Sitting comfortably in the suspension system, you can enjoy the scenery only up to a height of 100-150m. Next, you need to prepare for landing, a very important stage of the jump. Bring your feet and knees together, bend your legs slightly. The legs and entire body must be tense and ready for contact with the ground before landing. The parachute must be deployed so as to move towards the oncoming ground (or you must turn yourself on the straps relative to the canopy). Direct your gaze forward; you cannot look down.
Immediately after landing, you need to stand up and turn off the canopy to avoid dragging on the ground. To do this you need to run from the side. If, nevertheless, you hesitate, and the parachute, filled with wind, drags you along the ground, extinguish it by pulling and winding one lower line.

Brief sequence of actions:

1. After separation from the aircraft, count three seconds (501, 502, 503) and pull out the exhaust ring.
2. Inspect the dome.
3. Unlock the device on the reserve parachute.
4. Inspect the airspace to prevent convergence.
5. Sit comfortably in the harness.
6. Determine the direction of wind drift and the location of likely landing.
7. At an altitude of 100-150m, prepare for landing (feet together, turn towards the oncoming ground, look forward).
8. After landing, jump up and turn off the canopy.

After extinguishing the parachute canopy, you need to collect it in a special bag. It is placed under the chest strap of the harness when you put on the parachute. Then you can go to the collection point.

In chapter Conversion to the question How many lines are in the D-6 series 4 parachute? given by the author Agapov Vasya the best answer is 30 pieces, usually this question is asked on August 2, to comrades who prove their belonging to the Airborne Forces, and beat themselves in the chest with their heels!

Answer from Adele Rostova[guru]
1 - rubber honeycomb
2 - link
3 - stabilizing parachute in the chamber
4 - sealing tape
5 - locking unit for the link loop to the ring on the backpack
6 - ring on the backpack
7 - guide ring for halyard
8 - flexible pin halyard
9 - ribbon tie
10 - locking the flexible pin with the device
11 - device PPK-U-165A-D or AD-3UD-165

Answer from HINO[guru]
One. Soap included.

Answer from Andrey Amelin 51RUS[guru]
On the main parachute 1a 1B then in order 28a and 28b + 2 control lines for a total of 32 not counting the stabilizing system

Answer from Dimarik Pehych[newbie]
30 if no one cut it))

Answer from ALEX72[guru]
There are 30 lines on the main canopy.
From the tactical and technical data of the parachute.
The dome (main) has the shape of a circle and consists of four sectors and an overlay in the center of the dome. The base of the dome is made of nylon fabric art. 560011P, and the cover is made of nylon fabric art. 56006P. The dome is reinforced with nylon tapes: between the sectors - LTKP-15-70, and along the lower edge - LTKP-15-185.
A bridle tape made of nylon tape LTKP-26-600 is sewn onto the pole part of the dome to attach the link loop of the stabilizing system. On the basis of the canopy, between slings No. 1A and 1B, 15A and 15B, there are 1600 mm long slots, starting from the lower edge and designed to rotate the canopy during descent.
The canopy has 30 lines made of ShKP-150 nylon cord. 8 slings are attached to the free ends of the suspension system No. 1 and 3, and 7 slings are attached to the free ends No. 2 and 4. The free length of the slings from the lower edge of the canopy to the half-ring buckles is 9000 mm. To make it easier to lay the canopy slings, marks are placed on them at a distance of 200 mm from the lower edge of the canopy and 400 mm from the half-ring buckles of the free ends, indicating the beginning and end of laying.
Control lines are sewn onto slings No. 1A and 15A, 1B and 15B.
The dome area is 83 m2.
Source: ....

Answer from Ljybk kjgfnby[newbie]
28 lines +2 control lines, I recently jumped myself

2.1.1. Check that the parachute system is complete and that the tools and accessories specified in the technical description are present.

2.1.2. Inspection and stowage of the parachute system is performed by two people - the stower (responsible for stowage) and the helper.

If defects are found during inspection of the landing parachute system, then its repair and replacement of faulty parts must be carried out in accordance with Instruction 008-62 for military repair of parachute equipment.

After the defects have been eliminated, the parachute system can be cleared for use only after it has been inspected by the airborne service officer responsible for installation.

The person responsible for installation is obliged to study the technical description and operating instructions. Upon completion of the installation, the person responsible for the installation signs for the work in the passport and the card that replaces the passport.

The stages and correctness of stowing the parachute system are controlled by the unit commander and the airborne service officer.

Upon completion of the installation, the unit commander supervising the installation confirms with his signature that the parachute system is ready for use.

2.1.3. During the laying process at all stages, cut off the ends of the safety thread after tightening the knots, leaving a length of 0.015-0.025 m. The first stage of laying

Place the parachute system on a wooden laying table with a smooth surface or a camp cloth. Table dimensions: length - 15 m, width - 1 m, height - 1 m.

Fig.23: Preparation for installation: 1 - stabilizing parachute chamber; 2 - stabilizing parachute; 3 - manual opening link; 4 - device PPK-U-165A-D; 5 - portable bag; 6 - backpack; 7 - accessories

2.2.1. Extend the parachute system to its full length(Fig. 23). Place the stabilizing parachute chamber near its top, and place the manual deployment link, carrying bag, PPK-U-165A-D or AD-3U-D-165 device at the backpack.

Place the accessories (fork with hook and weights) at the lower edge of the main canopy.

Inspect the landing parachute system in the following order:

Stabilizing parachute chamber;

Stabilizing parachute;

Main parachute chamber;

Main parachute;

Suspension system with unfastening device;

A backpack with a flexible hose, a double-cone lock and a reserve parachute mount;

Manual opening link;

Carrying bag;

Device PPK-U-165A-D or AD-3U-D-165 and earring.

2.2.2. Inspection of the stabilizing parachute chamber

Inspect the stabilizing parachute chamber, check whether the fabric of the chamber, the fuse, the carabiner are damaged, and whether the sewing lines of the ribbons with rings and the ribbons with the carabiner are damaged.

2.2.3. Inspection of the stabilizing parachute

Inspect the canopy of the stabilizing parachute, check for tears in the canopy fabric, lines, exhaust device, frame tapes, and whether the sewing lines of the lines are broken.

When inspecting the stabilizer and link, check whether there are any tears in the fabric of the stabilizer, ribbons sewn along the edges of the stabilizer and forming the link, whether the stitching on the link is broken, whether the sewing lines of ribbons with rings, loops for attaching the halyard of the flexible pin of the device are broken, whether there are any abrasions with violation of the threads of the power tapes, as well as burrs and corrosion on the buckles of the power tapes. Check the presence of fasteners on the link loop and the connection point with the bridles of the main parachute canopy and its chamber.

Parachute D-6 (developed by the Parachute Engineering Research Institute (Aviation Equipment Holding) Designed for training and combat jumps from transport aircraft. Used by Soviet airborne forces. Modified parachute D-6 series 4 along with more modern parachute The D-10 is used by airborne troops and flying clubs.

General form stowed parachute D-6.
1 - rubber honeycomb
2 - link
3 - stabilizing parachute in the chamber
4 - sealing tape
5 - locking unit for the link loop to the ring on the backpack
6 - ring on the backpack
7 - guide ring for halyard
8 - flexible pin halyard
9 - ribbon tie
10 - locking the flexible pin with the device
11 - device PPK-U -165A-D or AD-3UD -165

Tactical and technical data of the parachute

1 . With a total mass of the parachutist-parachute system of no more than 120 kg, the parachute provides:

  • assigned (technical) resource - 80 applications at altitudes from 200 to 8000 m with stabilization of 3 s or more when leaving the aircraft at flight speeds from 140 to 400 km/h according to the instrument, including 10 applications with a flight weight of 150 kg, while the main canopy must be inserted at an altitude of no more than 5000 m with a total parachutist weight of up to 140 kg and at an altitude of no more than 2000 m with a total paratrooper weight of up to 150 kg;
  • overloads arising when opening the stabilizing and main domes - no more than 10g;
  • a minimum safe altitude of 200 m when leaving a horizontally flying aircraft at a flight speed of 140 to 400 km/h according to the instrument with stabilization of 3 s, while the descent time on a fully filled canopy is at least 10 s;
  • the average horizontal speed of steady descent on the stabilizing dome at altitudes of 500 m and below in the range of 30 - 40 m/s;
  • the average vertical speed of descent on the main canopy, reduced to the standard atmosphere and the total flight weight of the parachutist 120 kg, in the area 30-35 m from the ground no more than 5 m/s;
  • if there is a cord blocking the free ends of the suspension system - neutral position of the main canopy during descent, turn in any direction 180° in 15-25 s;
  • when removing the locking cord and tightening the free ends of the suspension system: the average horizontal speed of movement on the main dome forward and backward is at least 2.6 m/s, as well as turning in any direction by 180° in 29-60 s;
  • steady decline both on the main dome and on the stabilizing one;
  • stopping the descent on the stabilizing system and putting the main canopy into action by opening the double-cone lock both by the parachutist himself using a pull ring and by the belay device;
  • reliability of operation of reserve parachutes 3-5, 3-2, Z-3 series 2M, 3-1P series 2M and 3-1P series ZM when the stabilizing canopy fails to withdraw or fails to operate, as well as at a speed of more than 8.5 m/ c in case of overlap of the main canopy with slings;
  • adjusting the harness system on parachutists with a height of 1.5-1.9 m, in winter and summer uniforms;
  • the force required to open a double-cone lock with a pull ring is no more than 16 kgf;
  • preventing the detachment of parts of the parachute system during the entire jump;
  • securing a cargo container;
  • convenient placement of the parachutist in the harness;

2 . Overall dimensions of the stowed parachute (no more), mm:

  • length: 570;
  • width: 285;
  • height: 210.

3 . The weight of the parachute without a carrying bag and a safety device does not exceed 11.5 kg.

4 . When the parachutist descends, the parachute provides horizontal movement forward and backward by pulling the free ends of the suspension system and turns in any direction due to the tension of the control lines. D-6 parachute deployment diagram
1 - stabilizing parachute chamber
2 - stabilizing parachute
3 - connecting link
4 - main parachute chamber
5 - parachute canopy
6 - backpack

Tactical and technical data of parachute parts

1 . The stabilizing parachute chamber, intended for stowing the stabilizing canopy with lines and the upper part of the stabilizer, is made of nylon avisent and has the shape of a cylinder. At the top of the camera, a trailed carabiner is attached to a nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf, with which the camera is attached to a cable or adapter in the aircraft. A nylon cord-tie ShKP-150 is inserted into the hem of the upper base to tighten the upper base of the chamber. Nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 was passed into the eye of the carbine and stitched with a zigzag stitch to secure the rubber honeycomb mounted on the backpack. Folded camera length 300 mm, width 190 mm. Camera weight - 0.155 kg.

2 . The canopy stabilizing system consists of a canopy base, slings and a stabilizer with a link. The dome is made of nylon fabric, has the shape of a truncated cone with a large base area of ​​1.5 m² and consists of a base and an exhaust device sewn into the pole part of the dome. The exhaust device consists of eight pockets, the material for which is nylon calendered dyed fabric. Radial power tapes LTKP-15-185 with a strength of 185 kgf and circular belts LTKP-13-70 with a strength of 70 kgf are stitched on the dome. Along the lower edge of the dome, under the radial reinforcing tapes, the ends of 16 slings made of ShKP-200 nylon cord are threaded and stitched. The length of the outer lines on each loop in a free state from the lower edge of the canopy to the stabilizer loops is 520 mm, and the middle lines are 500 mm. The stabilizer consists of four feathers formed by two isosceles triangles made of gray colored nylon fabric. On the sides of each feather, nylon tapes with a strength of 600 kgf are sewn, forming loops in the upper part to which slings are attached, and a link in the lower part. To secure the stabilizer feathers with the camera of the stabilizing parachute, rings are sewn on the camera and stabilizer. At a distance of 450 mm from the stabilizer feathers, a loop is sewn on the link from nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 to attach the halyard of the flexible pin of the device. The link in the lower part branches and forms power strips, into the ends of which buckles of a double-cone lock are sewn. Jumpers made of nylon tape LTK-44-1600 are sewn onto the power tapes. Between the jumpers there is a loop for attaching the stabilizing system to the bridles of the main dome and its chamber. The triangle formed from the ribbons is covered on both sides with scarves of nylon avisent. Between the gussets, a guide ring is sewn onto the power bands, through which the halyard of the flexible pin of the device is passed. There are arrows sewn on the power tapes near the buckles to control the correct installation of the buckles in the double-cone lock. The base of the dome is reinforced on the inside with LTKP-15-185 tapes 120 mm long: eight tapes at the pole hole and eight tapes on the second circular belt. The mass of the stabilizing system with a dome with an area of ​​1.5 m² is 0.93 kg.

3 . The chamber of the main dome is cylindrical in shape, made of gray nylon fabric. An elastic ring made of tape 29 mm wide is inserted into the hem of the lower part of the chamber. The surface of the chamber is reinforced with two nylon tapes LTKkrP-26-600, which form a bridle in the upper part. For the convenience of placing the dome in the chamber, a scarf is sewn along the upper base of the chamber and the bridle ribbons. To tighten the camera, a ShKP-150 nylon cord is stitched into its upper base. On the side of the base of the chamber where the honeycombs are located, there are sewn reinforcements made of gray nylon fabric, eleven straight honeycombs with ribbons, a honeycomb distributor with honeycomb rubber made from a backpack cord to hold the slings in the honeycombs, a valve with two pairs of eyelets for passing removable honeycombs and with two pockets (right and left) to cover the bundles of slings. IN lower base chamber there are two more removable rubber honeycombs and an apron, which is equipped with two more removable rubber honeycombs. Bundles of slings emerging from removable rubber honeycombs are covered with pockets - right and left. For ease of laying the slings, the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 are placed on the valve near the eyelets. The length of the chamber when laid is 735 mm, width 387 mm. Camera weight 0.4 kg.

4 . The dome (main), when fully expanded in the horizontal plane of projection, takes on the shape of a square and consists of four sectors and an overlay in the center of the dome.
The base of the dome is made of nylon fabric art. 560011P, and the cover is made of nylon fabric art. 56006P. The dome is reinforced with nylon tapes: between the sectors - LTKP-15-70, and along the lower edge - LTKP-15-185. A bridle tape made of nylon tape LTKP-26-600 is sewn onto the pole part of the dome to attach the link loop of the stabilizing system. On the basis of the canopy, between slings No. 1A and 1B, 15A and 15B, there are 1600 mm long slots, starting from the lower edge and designed to rotate the canopy during descent. The canopy has 30 lines made of ShKP-150 nylon cord. 8 slings are attached to the free ends of the suspension system No. 1 and 3, and 7 slings are attached to the free ends No. 2 and 4. The free length of the slings from the lower edge of the canopy to the half-ring buckles is 9000 mm. To make it easier to lay the canopy slings, marks are placed on them at a distance of 200 mm from the lower edge of the canopy and 400 mm from the half-ring buckles of the free ends, indicating the beginning and end of laying. Control lines are sewn onto slings No. 1A and 15A, 1B and 15B. The dome area is 83 m².

5 . Control lines made of red ShKPkr nylon cord (in two folds with a strength of 190 kgf) are threaded through rings sewn on the inside of the free ends of the suspension system. One end of the left control line is attached to line No. 15A at a distance of 1450 mm, the other - to line No. 1A at a distance of 1250 mm from the half-ring buckles of the suspension system. One end of the right control line is attached to line No. 15B at a distance of 1450 mm, to line No. 1B - at a distance of 1250 mm from the half-ring buckles. When the left line is pulled, the canopy turns to the left, and when the right line is pulled, it turns to the right. The mass of the main dome is 5.5 kg.

6 . The suspension system is made of nylon tape LTK-44-1600 and consists of the following main parts: the main strap with back-shoulder loops, two pairs of free ends, two leg loops and a chest jumper. The right group of risers is marked with numbers 1 and 2, the left - 3 and 4. On the risers, marked with numbers 2 and 3, there are rubber belt loops made of an elastic band, intended for threading the slack of the control lines. At the top of the free ends there are four ribbons with rings sewn through which the control lines are passed. Each pair of risers has a nylon locking cord (ShKP-150), which is used when using a parachute system “without rolling” the risers of the harness system. Control strands made of LTKR-25-200 tape with balls at the ends are attached to the curved buckles of the free ends with a noose loop. The control strands are designed to pull the balls out of the pockets at the free ends of the suspension system. The back-shoulder loops pass between the ribbons of the main strap and form triangles with a carabiner on the left side and a buckle on the right. Simultaneously with stitching the triangles, buckles are sewn into the main strap to tighten the backpack to the lower position using adjustable tapes. To prevent spontaneous movement of the back-shoulder girths through curved buckles and through buckles with teeth mounted on the backpack, LTKkrP-43-800 nylon tapes are sewn onto the girths. The lower ends of the dorso-shoulder loops, passed between the ribbons of the main strap, form leg loops. There is a carbine attached to the right leg loop, and a buckle to the left leg loop. On the main strap on the left side at chest level there is a hose and a pocket for the exhaust end made of avisent. To attach the free ends of the reserve parachute, two fastening brackets are mounted into the main strap. The bifurcated lower part of the main strap has a soft pad and rings for pulling the lower corners of the backpack to the main strap using nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600. The back-shoulder girths, which formed the chest bridge, then pass between the ribbons of the main strap and, using rectangular buckles sewn into the ends of the back-shoulder girths, form a waist girth. The weight of the suspension system is 2 kg.

7 . The kapron satchel consists of a base, an attached bottom, right and left valves. A metal stiffening frame is inserted between the base and the overhead bottom. On the right flap are sewn a pocket for a belay device with ribbon ties and a pocket for a halyard with safety valve, and in the upper part of the valve there is a rubber honeycomb for mounting the stabilizing system on the upper part of the backpack. To pull the right valve towards you when tucking the slack of the connecting link under it, a handle made of nylon tape LTKP-26-600 is sewn on the outside of the right valve. Rings are sewn into the free corners of the right and left valves of the backpack to keep the valves tightened. To secure the halyard of a flexible pin with a loop, there is a metal ring on the connecting link (in the middle of the right flap). On top of the right flap there is a loop with a button spike for the flap covering the double-cone lock. In the upper part of the backpack, under the mounting plate of the double-cone lock, there is a ring designed to pass through a rubber honeycomb that secures the stabilizing system installed on the upper part of the backpack. There is a mark on the inside of the backpack (at a distance of 260 mm from the top) to limit the placement of the free ends in the backpack. On the base of the backpack, eight fastening loops to the suspension system are sewn, a double-cone lock valve and two gussets are sewn on. A reserve parachute backpack mount is installed on the scarves. On the left scarf there is a pocket for a card replacing a passport, on the right there is a pocket for the PPK-UM-10 reserve parachute device. Above the right gusset on the backpack are sewn two ribbon ties for attaching instrument hoses. At the top of the backpack there is a second loop with a button spike for the valve covering the double-cone lock. On the left side of the backpack (in the upper part), one end of a flexible hose is secured to a buckle with teeth. On the stiffening frame in the upper part of the backpack there are two round holes and four longitudinal ones. In the two upper longitudinal holes, straps are attached to secure the backpack to the dorso-shoulder girths of the suspension system, and in the two lower longitudinal holes there are adjusting tapes. In operation, you can find stiffening frames with rectangular windows in the upper part. In the upper part of the backpack there is a double-cone lock for closing the buckles of the power tapes of the connecting link of the stabilizing parachute. The weight of the backpack is 1.7 kg.

8 . A double-cone lock, designed for closing the buckles of power bands, the cable loop of the pull ring and the earring of the belay device, consists of a mounting plate, a body with two cones, a shutter, a cover, shock absorbers, spring and adjusting washers, two buckles, a fastening plate, a cover screw, five screws and one nut.

9 . The flexible hose is designed to accommodate the pull ring cable and protect it from accidental snagging. Hose length 380 mm.

10 . The pull ring with a cable consists of a body made of a steel rod, a cable 600 mm long, a limiter and a wire loop. The pull ring cable is covered with a polyethylene sheath at a distance of 210 mm from the limiter and 57 mm from the loop. The body is painted red. To hold the harness in the pocket, the ring body has protrusions and depressions. In operation, there may be exhaust rings with cables without a polyethylene sheath. 11. Safety parachute devices PPK-U-165A-D or AD-ZU-D-165. The PPK-U-165A-D device allows you to automatically deploy a parachute after a specified period of time after separation or at a specified altitude. The AD-ZU-D-165 device allows you to automatically open the parachute only after a specified period of time. Instrument hose length 165 mm, cable length 322 mm, loop length 19 mm, halyard length 360 mm.

12 . The earring is the connecting link between the belay device and the double-cone lock. The earring, 2.5 mm thick, made of Z0KhGSA steel, has two holes: one for the lock cone, the other for the device hinge.

13 . The safety thread is used to secure the link with the backpack, the flexible pin of the parachute belay device and the double-cone lock. For locking, the core thread of the ShHB-125 cord is used.

14 . The safety cord serves to lock the rings of the stabilizer feathers with the rings of the camera of the stabilizing system. When jumping from an An-2 aircraft, two safety cords 300 mm long are used, and when jumping from faster aircraft, one safety cord 300 mm long is used. The material for this part is cotton cord ШХБ-20.

15 . A passport is required to record information about the acceptance, transfer, operation and repair of a parachute.

see also

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Excerpt characterizing D-6 (parachute)

“At such a moment,” repeated Prince Andrei, “for them it is only such a moment in which they can dig under the enemy and get an extra cross or ribbon.” For me, for tomorrow this is this: a hundred thousand Russian and a hundred thousand French troops came together to fight, and the fact is that these two hundred thousand are fighting, and whoever fights angrier and feels less sorry for himself will win. And if you want, I’ll tell you that, no matter what it is, no matter what is confused up there, we will win the battle tomorrow. Tomorrow, no matter what, we will win the battle!
“Here, your Excellency, the truth, the true truth,” said Timokhin. - Why feel sorry for yourself now! The soldiers in my battalion, would you believe it, didn’t drink vodka: it’s not such a day, they say. - Everyone was silent.
The officers stood up. Prince Andrei went out with them outside the barn, giving the last orders to the adjutant. When the officers left, Pierre approached Prince Andrei and was just about to start a conversation when the hooves of three horses clattered along the road not far from the barn, and, looking in this direction, Prince Andrei recognized Wolzogen and Clausewitz, accompanied by a Cossack. They drove close, continuing to talk, and Pierre and Andrey involuntarily heard the following phrases:
– Der Krieg muss im Raum verlegt werden. Der Ansicht kann ich nicht genug Preis geben, [War must be transferred to space. I cannot praise this view enough (German)] - said one.
“O ja,” said another voice, “da der Zweck ist nur den Feind zu schwachen, so kann man gewiss nicht den Verlust der Privatpersonen in Achtung nehmen.” [Oh yes, since the goal is to weaken the enemy, the losses of private individuals cannot be taken into account]
“O ja, [Oh yes (German)],” confirmed the first voice.
“Yes, im Raum verlegen, [transfer into space (German)],” Prince Andrei repeated, snorting angrily through his nose, when they passed. – Im Raum then [In space (German)] I still have a father, a son, and a sister in Bald Mountains. He doesn't care. This is what I told you - these German gentlemen will not win the battle tomorrow, but will only spoil how much their strength will be, because in his German head there are only reasonings that are not worth a damn, and in his heart there is nothing that is only and what is needed for tomorrow is what is in Timokhin. They gave all of Europe to him and came to teach us - glorious teachers! – his voice squealed again.
– So you think that tomorrow’s battle will be won? - said Pierre.
“Yes, yes,” said Prince Andrei absently. “One thing I would do if I had power,” he began again, “I would not take prisoners.” What are prisoners? This is chivalry. The French have ruined my house and are going to ruin Moscow, and they have insulted and insulted me every second. They are my enemies, they are all criminals, according to my standards. And Timokhin and the entire army think the same. We must execute them. If they are my enemies, then they cannot be friends, no matter how they talk in Tilsit.
“Yes, yes,” said Pierre, looking at Prince Andrei with sparkling eyes, “I completely, completely agree with you!”
The question that had been troubling Pierre since Mozhaisk Mountain all that day now seemed to him completely clear and completely resolved. He now understood the whole meaning and significance of this war and the upcoming battle. Everything he saw that day, all the significant, stern expressions on faces that he glimpsed, were illuminated for him with a new light. He understood that hidden (latente), as they say in physics, warmth of patriotism, which was in all those people whom he saw, and which explained to him why all these people were calmly and seemingly frivolously preparing for death.
“Take no prisoners,” continued Prince Andrei. “This alone would change the whole war and make it less cruel.” Otherwise we were playing at war - that’s what’s bad, we’re being generous and the like. This is generosity and sensitivity - like the generosity and sensitivity of a lady who becomes sick when she sees a calf being killed; she is so kind that she cannot see the blood, but she eats this calf with gravy with appetite. They talk to us about the rights of war, about chivalry, about parliamentarianism, to spare the unfortunate, and so on. It's all nonsense. I saw chivalry and parliamentarianism in 1805: we were deceived, we were deceived. They rob other people's houses, pass around counterfeit banknotes, and worst of all, they kill my children, my father, and talk about the rules of war and generosity towards enemies. Don't take prisoners, but kill and go to your death! Who got to this point the way I did, through the same suffering...
Prince Andrei, who thought that he did not care whether they took Moscow or not, the way they took Smolensk, suddenly stopped in his speech from an unexpected spasm that grabbed him by the throat. He walked several times in silence, but his eyes shone feverishly, and his lip trembled when he began to speak again:
“If there were no generosity in war, then we would go only when it’s worth it to go to certain death, as now.” Then there would be no war because Pavel Ivanovich offended Mikhail Ivanovich. And if there is a war like now, then there is a war. And then the intensity of the troops would not be the same as it is now. Then all these Westphalians and Hessians, led by Napoleon, would not have followed him to Russia, and we would not have gone to fight in Austria and Prussia, without knowing why. War is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing in life, and we must understand this and not play at war. We must take this terrible necessity strictly and seriously. That's all there is to it: throw away the lies, and war is war, not a toy. Otherwise, war is the favorite pastime of idle and frivolous people... The military class is the most honorable. What is war, what is needed for success in military affairs, what are the morals of military society? The purpose of war is murder, the weapons of war are espionage, treason and its encouragement, the ruin of the inhabitants, their robbery or theft to feed the army; deception and lies, called stratagems; the morals of the military class - lack of freedom, that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery, drunkenness. And despite this, this is the highest class, respected by everyone. All kings, except the Chinese, wear a military uniform, and the one who killed the most people is given a large reward... They will come together, like tomorrow, to kill each other, kill, maim tens of thousands of people, and then they will serve thanksgiving services for having beaten there are many people (whose number is still being added), and they proclaim victory, believing that the more people are beaten, the greater the merit. How God looks and listens to them from there! – Prince Andrei shouted in a thin, squeaky voice. - Oh, my soul, Lately It became difficult for me to live. I see that I have begun to understand too much. But it is not good for a person to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil... Well, not for long! - he added. “However, you are sleeping, and I don’t care, go to Gorki,” Prince Andrei suddenly said.
- Oh no! - Pierre answered, looking at Prince Andrei with frightened, compassionate eyes.
“Go, go: you need to get some sleep before the battle,” repeated Prince Andrei. He quickly approached Pierre, hugged him and kissed him. “Goodbye, go,” he shouted. “See you, no...” and he quickly turned around and went into the barn.
It was already dark, and Pierre could not make out the expression that was on Prince Andrei’s face, whether it was angry or tender.
Pierre stood silently for some time, wondering whether to follow him or go home. “No, he doesn’t need it! “Pierre decided to himself, “and I know that this is our last date.” He sighed heavily and drove back to Gorki.
Prince Andrey, returning to the barn, lay down on the carpet, but could not sleep.
He closed his eyes. Some images were replaced by others. He stopped at one for a long time, joyfully. He vividly remembered one evening in St. Petersburg. Natasha, with a lively, excited face, told him how last summer, while out picking mushrooms, she got lost in a large forest. She incoherently described to him the wilderness of the forest, and her feelings, and conversations with the beekeeper whom she had met, and, interrupting every minute in her story, she said: “No, I can’t, I’m not telling it like that; no, you don’t understand,” despite the fact that Prince Andrei reassured her, saying that he understood, and really understood everything she wanted to say. Natasha was dissatisfied with her words - she felt that the passionately poetic feeling that she experienced that day and which she wanted to turn out did not come out. “This old man was such a charm, and it was so dark in the forest... and he was so kind... no, I don’t know how to tell,” she said, blushing and worried. Prince Andrey smiled now with the same joyful smile that he smiled then, looking into her eyes. “I understood her,” thought Prince Andrei. “Not only did I understand, but this spiritual strength, this sincerity, this spiritual openness, this soul of hers, which seemed to be connected by her body, I loved this soul in her... I loved her so much, so happily...” And suddenly he remembered about how his love ended. “He didn’t need any of this. He didn't see or understand any of this. He saw in her a pretty and fresh girl, with whom he did not deign to throw in his lot. And I? And he is still alive and cheerful.”
Prince Andrei, as if someone had burned him, jumped up and began to walk in front of the barn again.

On August 25, on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, the prefect of the palace of the French Emperor, M r de Beausset, and Colonel Fabvier arrived, the first from Paris, the second from Madrid, to Emperor Napoleon in his camp near Valuev.
Having changed into a court uniform, M r de Beausset ordered the parcel he had brought to the emperor to be carried in front of him and entered the first compartment of Napoleon's tent, where, talking with Napoleon's adjutants who surrounded him, he began to uncork the box.
Fabvier, without entering the tent, stopped, talking with familiar generals, at the entrance to it.
Emperor Napoleon had not yet left his bedroom and was finishing his toilet. He, snorting and grunting, turned first with his thick back, then with his overgrown fat chest under the brush with which the valet rubbed his body. Another valet, holding the bottle with his finger, sprinkled cologne on the emperor’s well-groomed body with an expression that said that he alone could know how much and where to spray the cologne. Napoleon's short hair was wet and tangled over his forehead. But his face, although swollen and yellow, expressed physical pleasure: “Allez ferme, allez toujours...” [Well, even stronger...] - he said, shrugging and grunting, to the valet who was rubbing him. The adjutant, who entered the bedroom in order to report to the emperor about how many prisoners were taken in yesterday's case, having handed over what was needed, stood at the door, waiting for permission to leave. Napoleon, wincing, glanced from under his brows at the adjutant.
“Point de prisonniers,” he repeated the adjutant’s words. – Il se font demolir. Tant pis pour l "armee russe,” he said. “Allez toujours, allez ferme, [There are no prisoners. They force themselves to be exterminated. So much the worse for the Russian army. Well, even stronger...],” he said, hunching his back and exposing his fat shoulders.
“C"est bien! Faites entrer monsieur de Beausset, ainsi que Fabvier, [Okay! Let de Beausset come in, and Fabvier too.] - he said to the adjutant, nodding his head.
- Oui, Sire, [I'm listening, sir.] - and the adjutant disappeared through the door of the tent. Two valets quickly dressed His Majesty, and he, in a blue guards uniform, walked out into the reception room with firm, quick steps.
At this time, Bosse was hurrying with his hands, placing the gift he had brought from the Empress on two chairs, right in front of the Emperor’s entrance. But the emperor got dressed and went out so unexpectedly quickly that he did not have time to fully prepare the surprise.
Napoleon immediately noticed what they were doing and guessed that they were not yet ready. He didn't want to deprive them of the pleasure of surprising him. He pretended not to see Monsieur Bosset and called Fabvier over to him. Napoleon listened, with a stern frown and in silence, to what Fabvier told him about the courage and devotion of his troops, who fought at Salamanca on the other side of Europe and had only one thought - to be worthy of their emperor, and one fear - not to please him. The result of the battle was sad. Napoleon made ironic remarks during Fabvier's story, as if he did not imagine that things could go differently in his absence.
“I must correct this in Moscow,” said Napoleon. “A tantot, [Goodbye.],” he added and called de Bosset, who at that time had already managed to prepare a surprise by placing something on the chairs and covering something with a blanket.
De Bosset bowed low with that French court bow, which only the old servants of the Bourbons knew how to bow, and approached, handing over an envelope.
Napoleon turned to him cheerfully and pulled him by the ear.
– You were in a hurry, I’m very glad. Well, what does Paris say? - he said, suddenly changing his previously stern expression to the most affectionate.
– Sire, tout Paris regrette votre absence, [Sire, all of Paris regrets your absence.] – as it should, answered de Bosset. But although Napoleon knew that Bosset had to say this or the like, although he knew in his clear moments that it was not true, he was pleased to hear it from de Bosset. He again deigned to touch him behind the ear.
“Je suis fache, de vous avoir fait faire tant de chemin,” he said.
- Sire! Je ne m"attendais pas a moins qu"a vous trouver aux portes de Moscou, [I expected no less than to find you, sir, at the gates of Moscow.] - said Bosse.
Napoleon smiled and, absentmindedly raising his head, looked around to the right. The adjutant approached with a floating step with a golden snuff-box and offered it to her. Napoleon took it.
“Yes, it happened well for you,” he said, putting the open snuffbox to his nose, “you love to travel, in three days you will see Moscow.” You probably didn't expect to see the Asian capital. You will make a pleasant trip.
Bosse bowed with gratitude for this attentiveness to his (until now unknown to him) inclination to travel.
- A! what's this? - said Napoleon, noticing that all the courtiers were looking at something covered with a veil. Bosse, with courtly dexterity, without showing his back, took a half-turn two steps back and at the same time pulled off the coverlet and said:
- A gift to Your Majesty from the Empress.
It was a portrait painted by Gerard in bright colors of a boy born from Napoleon and the daughter of the Austrian emperor, whom for some reason everyone called the King of Rome.
A very handsome curly-haired boy, with a look similar to that of Christ in the Sistine Madonna, was depicted playing in a billbok. The ball represented the globe, and the wand in the other hand represented the scepter.
Although it was not entirely clear what exactly the painter wanted to express by representing the so-called King of Rome piercing the globe with a stick, this allegory, like everyone who saw the picture in Paris, and Napoleon, obviously seemed clear and liked it very much.
“Roi de Rome, [Roman King.],” he said, pointing to the portrait with a graceful gesture of his hand. – Admirable! [Wonderful!] – With the Italian ability to change his facial expression at will, he approached the portrait and pretended to be thoughtfully tender. He felt that what he would say and do now was history. And it seemed to him that the best thing he could do now was that he, with his greatness, as a result of which his son played in the billbok the globe so that he shows, in contrast to this greatness, the simplest fatherly tenderness. His eyes became misty, he moved, looked back at the chair (the chair jumped under him) and sat down on it opposite the portrait. One gesture from him - and everyone tiptoed out, leaving the great man to himself and his feelings.
After sitting for some time and touching, without knowing why, his hand to the roughness of the glare of the portrait, he stood up and again called Bosse and the duty officer. He ordered the portrait to be taken out in front of the tent, so as not to deprive the old guard, who stood near his tent, of the happiness of seeing the Roman king, the son and heir of their beloved sovereign.