How to get pregnant after withdrawal. Pregnancy after cancellation of OK: features, possible difficulties, tips and tricks. Pregnancy after birth control pills

Today (OK) are one of the most reliable and therefore the most popular ways to protect against a possible pregnancy. However, sooner or later, almost every woman thinks about a child; for them, the site for mothers, the site will tell today about the likelihood of pregnancy after canceling OK.

It should be noted in advance that far from always this kind of contraceptives are used for their intended purpose. In some cases, doctors prescribe a 2-4-month course of taking pills to treat infertility. Read about these and other nuances of taking birth control pills below.

Possible risks and complications

Let's start with the unpleasant: what are the dangers of OK. We do not say that the listed problems threaten everyone and everyone, but there is a possibility.

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle while taking the pills. It can manifest itself in a reduction in secretions, their complete absence, or a decrease in the duration of the cycle. However, in some cases the opposite situation is observed.
  • Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. As a rule, all these troubles pass in 1-2 months.
  • Long-term use (more than 2-3 years) reduces the likelihood of pregnancy after the abolition of OK.
  • Cardiovascular diseases are an absolute contraindication to taking OCs, since their composition exacerbates the course of diseases such as angina pectoris, iatrogenic lipid metabolism disorders, pulmonary hypertension, venous or arterial thrombosis, increasing the likelihood of a heart attack.
  • Violation of carbohydrate, fat and vitamin metabolism, especially in women who smoke.

Most of these problems still apply to women whose age has exceeded 35 years, and whose health status is different from satisfactory. In any case, no one can do without consulting a specialist. It is the doctor who will be able to choose from the currently existing means the most suitable for the hormonal background.

Planning for pregnancy after the cancellation of OK

Stopping oral birth control pills, almost every woman begins to wait for the onset of pregnancy. Someone is lucky right away, but many have to wait from several months to a year and a half.

The real reason for going to the doctor arises only after 10-12 months, before that the situation is considered normal.

In addition, gynecologists themselves recommend postponing conception for at least 1 month in order to allow the reproductive system to recover and adapt to new functioning conditions. During these 4-5 weeks, it would be quite reasonable to undergo an examination, drink a course of vitamins, reconsider your lifestyle.

Thus, pregnancy after the withdrawal of OK will be a welcome event with a minimum of problems and complications.

The site site reminds that the desired scheme for taking birth control pills is as follows: once every 6-12 months, take a break for 1-3 months. In this case, the ovaries will not be constantly suppressed by the action of hormones and by the time of the alleged conception they will be able to perform their function. Such pauses are especially necessary for women 30+.

Often, pregnancy occurs immediately after the cancellation of OK, which causes expectant mothers to worry and doubt about the health of the unborn baby. This is caused by numerous "horror stories" that talk about the effect of hormones on the fetus, possible genetic abnormalities, etc.

Most of them are not supported by anything, except for stories from the forums, mainly those people who did not follow the instructions and prescribed the treatment themselves.

It is true that the body of a pregnant woman is somewhat weakened by taking pills and may be less able to absorb useful trace elements. First of all, consult a doctor with your anxieties and suspicions. He will order an ultrasound and blood and urine tests that will help clarify the situation and most likely bring you peace of mind.

Pleasant side effects of oral contraception

Let's talk about pleasant things. What is the benefit of taking hormonal pills, besides protection?

  • Multiple pregnancy after the abolition of OK occurs much more often. This is due to the fact that the ovaries are in a dormant state while taking the pills, but, freed from the influence of hormones, they begin to catch up. Do not forget that protection in this way should not be delayed longer than six months.
  • The risk of endometriosis, ovarian and uterine cancer is reduced, if these diseases were not present at the time of the start of taking the pills.
  • Possible retreat of menopause.
  • Getting rid of mild forms of infertility by alternating 2-3 months of taking OK with 1-2 months of pause, which leads to stimulation of the reproductive system and its "restart". Many happy mothers confirm that after the abolition of OK, a healthy pregnancy occurs, despite sad diagnoses and even previous ones.
  • Alignment of the hormonal background (very often OK cure acne, smooth the skin) and the establishment of the menstrual cycle, including the reduction of pain during PMS.

Do not worry if more than 3 months have passed since you stopped taking the pills, and there are still no cherished strips on the test.

Try again, calm down and tune in to a positive wave. The experience of many pregnant women proves that pregnancy after the abolition of OK is not only possible, but almost inevitable. Your body knows exactly when the right time to conceive comes, and if you want to make sure of this, then visit your gynecologist, who, with the help of a series of tests, will help you either make sure of your own health, or tell you how to solve the problem. Believe and everything will work out!

After the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, the chances of pregnancy increase. Doctors even use this property in the treatment of infertility - a short-term prescription of the drug and its cancellation really helps some patients conceive a child. But at the same time, many women are concerned about the following questions: will the pregnancy proceed normally after birth control pills, will the previously taken hormones affect the child and are they safe for the reproductive system?

How common myths about the effect of contraceptives on pregnancy are related to reality

Without a doubt, taking hormonal drugs does not go unnoticed. But it is important to separate the truth about their impact from speculation and rumors. Consider the most common myths about the effect of birth control pills on pregnancy and women's reproductive health.

Myth one: after hormonal contraceptives, multiple pregnancies are more common

It really is. The mechanism is easy to explain. Artificial hormones entering the body suppress the reproductive function. After their cancellation, the ovaries begin to function in an enhanced mode, restoring their work.

During this period, the likelihood of the simultaneous maturation of several eggs, and hence the onset of multiple pregnancy, increases. This phenomenon is more typical for the first menstrual cycle after the abolition of birth control pills.

Myth two: after the abolition of contraceptives, you can not become pregnant for 3 months

This assertion is justified. But compliance with this condition is not always mandatory.

If the drug was prescribed to a woman for a short-term course to stimulate the ovaries, then pregnancy after birth control pills can be planned immediately after they are canceled. In the case of prolonged use of contraceptives, it is really better to refuse this undertaking, giving the body time to recover.

Myth three: long-term use of birth control pills adversely affects a woman's reproductive function

This fear is explained by facts from the past, when contraceptives were produced with rather high dosages of hormones. Such funds were more difficult to tolerate by women, they required mandatory breaks in intake so that the body remembers its immediate function.

The drugs produced today can be taken continuously. But you need to remember that long-term use requires the mandatory restoration of the menstrual cycle before planning a pregnancy.

Myth four: hormones can affect future children

It has been proven that the hormones that make up oral contraceptives do not accumulate in the body. Therefore, you should not worry about the health of the future generation.

Even if conception occurred directly while taking the drug (such a probability exists, although it is very small - about 1%), this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. In this case, contraceptives are canceled and further bearing of the child occurs without features.

The course of pregnancy after contraception

Pregnancy after birth control pills proceeds in the same way as any other - with its own risks and problems, depending on the age and health of the expectant mother. The information that artificial hormones taken earlier can cause fetal deformities is unfounded. If the pregnancy has come and is developing, taking hormonal contraceptives in the past will not affect its course in any way.

The only thing that birth control pills can affect is the conception of twins, triplets, etc. The risk of multiple pregnancy increases if a woman has used oral contraceptives for more than 6 months. This effect lasts for the first cycle after drug withdrawal.

If after hormonal contraception pregnancy does not occur for more than a year and a half, you need to consult with specialists. Most likely, the problem will be solved by hormonal therapy and ovulation stimulation, but you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. How used to be a woman begins treatment, the less time and effort it will take to achieve the desired pregnancy.

Useful video: the effect of hormonal contraceptives on conception and pregnancy

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If you have been taking birth control pills for a long time, but now the moment has come when you want to feel the joy of motherhood, then of course you have a lot of planning questions.

Let's figure out when you can plan and how quickly pregnancy will occur after contraceptives, whether they will affect the baby, whether the pregnancy will proceed normally, and what problems occur after the end of taking the pills.

How contraceptives work

Now there are many hormonal drugs that differ in cost, but the mechanism of influence on reproductive function is the same for them. Contraceptives in a woman's body cause the following changes:

  • suppress ovulation, do not allow the egg to mature, inhibit the work of the ovaries;
  • mucus thickens in the cervix, through which the sperm cannot pass;
  • change the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and the fertilized egg does not attach to it;
  • reduce the ability of sperm to move through the fallopian tube.

Despite the fact that in modern preparations the amount of hormones is very small, nevertheless they have a strong effect on the reproductive system and not always for the better.

Attention! It is forbidden to choose OK for yourself, the use of improperly selected hormones will lead to serious problems with health, up to a stroke.

It is forbidden to take OK during the period of feeding the baby, in the presence of blood clots and diabetes, with diseases of the liver and stones in the gallbladder.

Planning for pregnancy after the end of the OK

When planning a pregnancy after taking OK, you should know some points:

  1. If you have been taking contraceptives for several months, then pregnancy may occur as early as the next menstrual cycle after the end of the intake (see article: Favorable days for conceiving a child >>>);
  2. Having ceased to receive hormones, “sleeping” ovaries begin to work in an enhanced mode, so there is a possibility of multiple pregnancy.

Know! However, conception, after prolonged use of contraceptives, may not occur immediately. This is due to the fact that OK for a long time inhibited the function of the ovaries and now they need time, about two to three months, to recover.

The time for complete recovery of the ovaries depends on a number of factors:

  • how long have you been taking the drugs;
  • Your age;
  • smoking;
  • correct daily routine;
  • health of the reproductive system.

A contraceptive is a hormonal drug that changes the entire reproductive function and there are situations when the ovaries do not recover on their own.

General planning rules after OK cancellation

To plan a pregnancy, you need to consider what features of the cycle you had before taking the drugs. The chance of pregnancy after birth control increases if you are completely healthy and have no gynecological problems.

When planning a conception, in order to quickly become pregnant, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. a few months before planning, stop drinking contraceptives;
  2. finish the course of tablets to the end, so as not to harm the body;
  3. wait until the menstrual cycle is fully restored;
  4. necessarily during the planning of conception for three months you need to drink folic acid, since against the background of taking OK, a shortage of this substance is formed.

Folic acid affects the formation of the baby's neural tube.

Also, taking contraceptives changes the mineral-vitamin balance in the body, so it is necessary to replenish the body with vitamins C and E, group B, magnesium, iodine and selenium are needed from minerals.

Important! With a lack of iodine, polycystic disease may appear, and with the onset of pregnancy, this lack can cause congenital malformations of the baby.

Before planning, it is better to undergo a standard examination:

  • smear for infections and microflora;
  • ultrasound of the uterus and appendages;
  • examination by a gynecologist.

Problems that may arise when planning

After the end of taking hormones, the following troubles may occur:

  1. The menstrual cycle is disturbed, it can both lengthen and become short;
  2. Problems with conception, especially if you have been taking OK for a long time;
  3. Varicose veins and angina pectoris, pulmonary hypertension may appear;
  4. Carbohydrate-lipid metabolism will be disturbed, especially if you smoke.

Important! After taking OK, menstruation may completely disappear. According to statistics, 2% of women who take birth control pills experience this problem.

How does pregnancy proceed after taking OK

According to medical statistics, women who took funds from unwanted pregnancy carry the baby safely.

Oral contraceptives do not have any effect on the development of the fetus. Even if you have been taking drugs for a long time, this does not have any effect on the bearing of the baby and the process of childbirth.

The most famous rumors about the effect of birth control on pregnancy

Of course, taking hormones for the body does not pass without a trace. And from this there are many rumors and myths that these drugs affect pregnancy.

I would like to dispel these rumors and explain where they come from. The most common myths:

  • Happens after taking birth control multiple pregnancy. This myth can be explained by the fact that during the intake of OK, the ovaries rest, and after you stop drinking them, many eggs mature;
  • After contraceptives, you can not become pregnant for three months. If you took OK for a short time, then you can immediately become pregnant, but if you took it for a long time, it would be better if your reproductive system is fully restored.

Now you know when you can get pregnant after taking birth control, what rules you need to follow in order to get pregnant faster. Plan the future baby correctly, listen to the advice and you will become the healthiest and happiest mother.