End of August Aries horoscope. Love horoscope for August: what do the stars promise? Love horoscope according to zodiac signs

In July 2016, Aries can safely play sports and give their body physical activity. Representatives of the sign are also encouraged to take long walks in the fresh air at this time. General health improvement is especially effective in July. So, Aries in July 2016 can go on vacation to the sea or river, where moderate sunbathing will charge the body with energy.

During the summer holidays, representatives of the Aries sign need to be especially careful with drinking alcoholic beverages; it is best to abstain from them. Aries in July 2016 may make an attempt to get rid of other bad habits, for example, smoking. The stars promise to accompany Aries in such endeavors.

July 2016 is also good for Aries for conducting examinations and taking tests. So, it is best to schedule long-delayed visits to specialists for this month. The horoscope for July 2016 for Aries foretells good results. That is why Aries should not worry at all before visiting a doctor.

Horoscope for August 2016 Aries

In August 2016, the stars prepared a very interesting time for Aries. Thus, thanks to the presence of the planet Mars in the sign of Sagittarius, Aries may have many new ideas starting from August 2. The main thing this month is that for harmony, Aries will need to determine a goal in the direction of which they will confidently move.

General horoscope for August 2016 Aries

Aries will also be in demand as a specialist in August 2016. Most of all, this month, representatives of the sign are engaged in spiritual mentoring and teaching. In August 2016, Aries will be listened to, ideas will be approved, and advice will be followed.

At the beginning of the month - from August 1 to August 3, a goal in work that representatives of the sign will want to achieve can be determined for Aries. The horoscope for August 2016 for Aries promises minor difficulties that occur when conquering such a height. However, Aries will be able to cope with all the difficulties and, step by step, on August 21, 24 and 30 they will finally achieve their desired goal.

August 2016 for Aries will also be a month of realizing creative potential. Especially on the days of August 13 and 16, representatives of the sign can become participants in new projects. Aries in August 2016 will be full of energy, which will allow you to fully reveal all your abilities and gain success. Its highest concentration is predicted for the period from August 12 to 16. These days, the creative potential of Aries can be revealed not only in art or work, but also in diverse communication with friends, spending interesting time with children and family.

Career and money horoscope for August 2016 Aries

Aries in August 2016 should be very attentive. The stars especially warn representatives of the sign on August 25th. On this day, Aries may have a desire to leave their job or quit. To avoid negative consequences, Aries need to monitor their thoughts, conversations, emotions, and behavior!

It is most favorable if Aries on this day is busy with some important idea that inspires him to do quality work. This may be a close emotional connection, for example with family or home. Such thoughts will help you avoid negativity at work and not break your career ladder.

In August 2016, Aries will have to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and physical exercise. This month will be especially productive for those Aries whose activities are related to sports.

The horoscope for August 2016 for Aries talks about a promising working month. So, on August 8, Aries will most likely coordinate all work issues with colleagues, managers and partners. The next day, August 9, the stars prophesy for Aries to find new ideas and apply modern techniques in their work. Already on August 22, representatives of the sign will have the feeling that everything is going well for them.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in August 2016 for Aries: August 8, 9, 22.

Love horoscope for August 2016 Aries

August 2016 promises to be productive for love relationships for Aries. The presence of the planet Venus in the sign of bright Leo until August 5 defines this time as joyful, enchanting and unforgettable. Aries and his partner enjoy such relationships.

After August 6, the planet Venus moves into the sign of Virgo, which will bring Aries many common activities with the other half. At this time, relationships may be perceived by Aries as a duty or work. Therefore, personal relationships for most of August 2016 for Aries will not be of a particularly romantic nature, but at the same time they will become effective and practical. The main thing is that Aries will understand in August 2016 that he can safely count on his other half in any difficult situation.

Aries in August 2016 will be filled with sexual energy. This will have a positive effect on the love relationships of representatives of the sign on the days of August 15 and 18.

Favorable days for love relationships in August 2016 for Aries: August 1 - 5, 15, 18.

Health horoscope for August 2016 Aries

The horoscope for August 2016 for Aries suggests active physical education, which will bring great benefits. At this time, this is the best way to stay in shape and maintain your health. In August 2016, Aries needs to correctly select the intensity of training and alternate it with rest.

This time will be most successful for those representatives of the sign whose life is connected with professional sports. In August, new techniques will be especially effective. In August 2016, Aries can also purchase special devices that help monitor the state of the body during training or music players that make classes more interesting.

In August 2016, Aries will also benefit from updating their sports wardrobe for the fall. A bright suit or a new accessory will add self-confidence. In addition, the stars predict new acquaintances related to sports for Aries. Aries in August 2016 can meet interesting people, both in the gym and while jogging near home.

In August 2016, Aries can benefit from trips to the sea or to the mountains no less.

Why is a love horoscope so important? You often wonder why one day your loved one behaves with you like an affectionate house cat, and the next, like a disheveled cat, but the answer lies on the surface. Look at the stars, they will always tell you how to behave in order to receive only positive emotions in a relationship. Our astrologer Natalia Kholod provided information about what to expect for different zodiac signs on the love front.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Aries

August will bring love and romance to Aries, you will make new acquaintances and fleeting hobbies. The beginning of the romance will be light and exciting. But such relationships will not turn into more serious ones; by the end of autumn they will exhaust themselves. Married people need to remember that they have already found their love; they should not get carried away with new acquaintances, they can only lead to disappointment. Aries who are in a relationship should think about getting married, because for them now is the most favorable period for creating a strong family.

Loving means looking not at each other, but together, in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Taurus

Taurus, beware of deception, you may be misled. Before starting a new romance, try to find out as much as possible about your other half, whether he (she) is already married. Such an affair will not lead to anything good, but problems will haunt you for a long time. But married couples should repeat their honeymoon, at this stage positivity and romance flow out of you like a river.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Gemini

Gemini will bathe in love, the opposite sex will envelop them in attention. But don't get carried away, beware of deception. You don't let me manage your finances. If you are single, urgently go to the sea where love awaits you; by the end of the year you have a chance to change your marital status. Family, take care of your feelings, don’t stir up quarrels out of nowhere, or know how to apologize in time.

Love runs away from those who chase it,
And those who run away throw themselves on the neck. William Shakespeare

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Cancer

Cancers, be careful. August is a month of discord for you. But, if in family relationships you take the steering wheel into your own hands, you will be able to smooth out the rough edges of the relationship. A little romance on the side will only strengthen your union, but be careful. Singles are waiting for new acquaintances. Don’t get hung up on just one acquaintance; talk to other candidates as well. If this is not your destiny, but true love is walking very close by, look around at other representatives of the opposite sex. In a relationship, you should not raise the bar of demands; your partner may not be rich, but his love is sincere and pure.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Leo

Leos will shine with their charm and sympathy, take the development of relationships into your own hands. Show your most positive sides. Wrap your soulmate in love and care. Lviv is expecting a trip around the world in August; for a good holiday, go on it yourself. Don’t let your friends know about your family problems; they may give you the wrong advice that you want to hear. The coldness in a relationship can be felt by a family Leo, but don’t hesitate to draw conclusions, control your emotions, and assess the situation soberly. Success in the second half of August awaits single Leos, new acquaintances, a whirlwind romance, but it will not last long and will have exhausted itself by mid-August.

Unrequited love does not humiliate a person, but elevates him. Alexander Pushkin

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Virgo

August will give Virgos unforgettable romance and love. Virgos will want to be closer to their partners all the time, only in this case they will show all their love. Virgos will charm the opposite sex, many new acquaintances will appear that will lead to long and strong relationships. Married Virgos will overcome all the difficulties that previously arose with their partner. Now is a very good time to finish the things you started and bring them to their logical conclusion. If your relationship is not working out, take a break and by the end of the month you will be greeted by a pleasant surprise in the form of a marriage proposal.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Libra

Libras who are still single in August will receive bright emotions. The feeling of falling in love will scare you a little, but don't protect yourself, open up. The reciprocity will not take long to respond. You should not rush to take initiative in relationships, this can lead to conflict. Libra is a horoscope sign that weighs all decisions, so now think carefully before accepting advice or, on the contrary, giving it to someone. Family Libras should take care, first of all, of their moral and physical health. You should not start an affair with a family man, such a relationship will not last long. Focus on your family, don’t throw your problems onto them, create comfortable conditions for your other half.

You need to have something in common to understand each other, and be different in some way to love each other. Paul Geraldi

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Scorpios

Scorpios who are looking for love will be more confident in themselves in August than ever before and will be able to charm the person they like. With his charm and attractiveness, Scorpio will blow you away. But you shouldn’t take hasty steps, let everything take its course. Only in this way will Scorpio feel all the feelings and experiences that can develop into a long and strong relationship. Scorpios who are already married will experience a storm of emotions, which will help renew stagnant feelings. Just don’t cross the line of understanding, so as not to harm your marriage. The stars advise single Scorpios to go on a trip that will help them find a soul mate.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Sagittarius

Sagittarius will experience a surge of new emotions that will bring them out of a state of stagnation. The love horoscope for singles predicts a new relationship if they themselves are active in the search. Don’t get hung up on work, go on a trip, where a fateful meeting awaits you. Family August will believe in the strength of relationships. Conflicts and misunderstandings will arise in the family, but by the end of the month the storm will subside. You should not test your partner for loyalty; this can lead to a breakup.

One day I met a beggar in love on the street. He was wearing an old hat, his coat was frayed at the elbows, his shoes were leaking, and the stars were shining in his soul. Victor Hugo

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Capricorns

Capricorns urgently go on vacation, the stars promise a meeting with their soulmate far from home. If this is a business trip, don’t be disappointed, an office romance is guaranteed. When building a serious relationship, first of all, listen to reason. Family relationships will move into a phase of mutual understanding and love. Previous conflicts will subside. For Capricorns, the most favorable month is marriage.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Aquarius

August will bring Aquarius a series of acquaintances and casual flirting. Plunge into the romance of summer. Consider a serious relationship. Don’t waste your strength and energy on one-day relationships, because of them you may miss a fateful meeting. It may happen that previously broken relationships will flare up again with renewed vigor. By rethinking your mistakes, you will enter a new phase. But single people will have to be patient and wait. Spend time on yourself, attend events, maybe you will meet your love there.

Just one great love in a lifetime justifies the causeless attacks of despair to which we are subject. Albert Camus

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Pisces

Pisces is entering its most favorable period. The love horoscope promises promising relationships. By showing initiative, Pisces will show their seriousness. Don’t be afraid of changes, because feelings will flare up unexpectedly, and by the end of the month you will need each other.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other. Cyrille Connolly

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It’s curious, but the zodiac sign Aries in August 2016 will turn out to be almost the only representative of the celestial ribbon to whom the stars promise special “bonuses” not at all in the work area. Yes, yes, that’s right, now Venus, which is traditionally responsible for the “expulsion” of the sign of Aries, will change its anger to mercy, becoming your main ally (despite its planetary position). Along with the Sun, of course, since the primordial luminary has traditionally performed the functions of an exaltant planet for you. Unfortunately, Saturn, responsible for the “fall” of Aries, will also receive certain energy “buns.” Yes, such that even Mars, the ruling planet of your sign, will not be able to completely block its negative impact. However, we are not talking about those situations that should be called insurmountable, because the general energy background of the planet plays into your hands, so even in the most difficult situation you can definitely count not only on yourself. So pull yourself together and don’t get upset if something doesn’t work out the first time. Although now this is actually unlikely, so focus on total success. But at the same time, act thoughtfully, as they say, trust in the stars, but yourself... don’t be “stupid”!

The work direction in August 2016 may not seem as dynamic to Aries as it would like. But this is only an appearance, an illusion, behind which lies a stable, harmonious, well-functioning process or a whole range of processes that guarantee you absolute victory in any clash. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that any “collisions” will take place. Now your work pace will please both you and your management (if you have one), and minor shortcomings that somewhat blur the overall picture will not make the right impression. So move in the given rhythm, no matter what. There is a possibility that someone from your work environment (probably a colleague whom you have known for a long time) will decide to “annoy” you a little, most likely unpurposefully. What to do about this is a rather complicated question. And answering it will be many times more difficult than identifying the source of the problems. However, it is necessary to deal with the situation before the end of the second decade, otherwise in the future you will simply lose the initiative and will no longer be able to take a dominant position. If you work for yourself, think about expanding. This is a favorable time not only for planning, but also for implementing the most risky ideas.

The “love front” in August 2016 will go exactly to Aries’ most painful points. But this, oddly enough, will have only the most positive consequences. You will unexpectedly discover in the world around you (meaning your immediate environment - family, friends) something so new that it will fundamentally change your worldview. Although here again it is worth making allowances for personal, individual traits. After all, we are all different, and therefore the same event can affect us, albeit in the same way, but to a radically different extent. Do not be afraid of your own experiences, perceive this as a kind of spiritual evolution. Try to explain everything to your soulmate, and she will definitely help you, in her you will find support, and your relationship will flare up with renewed vigor. If you are alone, then there will definitely be fewer impressions, although they will turn out to be no less vivid and amazing. Don’t be shy to tell your friends and family about what you “discovered” and what you “reached.” Spiritual experience is not only the most important, but also the most unpredictable, but here, in principle, we cannot talk about any kind of negative.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for August 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aries. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Aries sign: Personal horoscopes for the Aries sign:

The last month of summer portends a pleasant and calm time for Aries. Until August 23, 2016 The Sun illuminates your house of love, and the favorable influences of Saturn and Uranus help create an atmosphere of harmony in love relationships.

During this period, Aries will notice the connection between love and work, because the planet of love, Venus, is located in your house of work. Personal life and work responsibilities will complement each other. A romantic meeting is possible on a business trip or at a work-related event. One of your colleagues may attract your interest; an office romance is possible. If this happens, try not to let passionate feelings interfere with your work responsibilities. If you and your lover have common professional interests, mutual understanding will improve significantly.

The New Moon on August 2, 2016 occurs in the house of love of Aries, it forms a harmonious aspect with Saturn, which has a stabilizing effect on the relationships of lovers. Expect love trends to be for the better. The Full Moon on August 18, 2016 connects your houses of love and friendship. Perhaps friends will take part in your amorous affairs or become intermediaries.

In general, the time promises to be calm. Maybe even too calm for dynamic Aries. But this is only a lull, foreshadowing an imminent revival. Starting next month, when the planet of luck Jupiter enters your partner's house, expect more variety and interesting events in your personal life.

Aries career and financial horoscope for August 2016

A month of great effort, but a rewarding one. In the house of work of Aries there is a concentration of planetary energies; Mercury, Venus, Jupiter are located here, and from August 23, 2016 the Sun joins them. Moreover, all these planets form positive aspects to Pluto in the house of Aries's career. This is a unique situation, so take advantage of your opportunities! The chances of success are high, but to bring the desired results closer, you need to take the initiative.

The influence of Venus will help to make a good impression on colleagues and management, and create harmony in relations with business partners. You may be assigned additional responsibilities at work, and you will cope with them perfectly. With the support of Mercury, negotiations, interviews, presentations, and speeches will be successful. Communications will intensify and you will be able to find new business partners. The influence of Jupiter can be expressed in the appearance of a high-ranking patron.

In the middle of the month there is a possibility of misunderstandings or some obstacles, but everything will be resolved by the end of August. In the last days of the month, a rare planetary configuration takes shape - Mercury, Venus and Jupiter meet. This is a good sign, foretelling significant achievements in work and monetary profit for Aries.

As for finances, the stars advise you to be more careful in the second ten days of August 2016. During this period, the energy of Neptune, the planet of illusions, is active. There is a possibility of deception, losses, or unclear circumstances in financial matters. Otherwise, the month promises to be generous. Your work will be adequately paid, and additional income is possible.


Mars is in a good position for Aries and will stabilize your energy levels, so no health problems are expected. The cluster of planets in the health sector stimulates interest in a healthy lifestyle. A good month for contacts with the medical world, for starting a course of treatment, diagnostics, recovery, etc. Carrying out cosmetic procedures will bring good results.

Enjoy life, relax more. Be more confident in yourself and be kinder to others!

Astrologers have prepared a love horoscope for August 2016. The last month of summer promises a stormy personal life for almost all zodiac signs. Some will gain a new admirer, some will be able to strengthen past relationships, and some will simply spend time with loved ones. However, the stars agree on one thing - you have to be brave.


Aries in August only needs peace and peace of mind. True, the other half of Aries will not strive for this. It’s worth trying to explain your desires and find a compromise.

August will be a difficult month for the personal life of Aries - quarrels for no reason, resentment and misunderstandings with the chosen one are likely. The love horoscope for August 2016 advises Aries to lay the foundation for a completely new relationship with their soul mate - then strong, tender relationships will await them in the future.


If a person born under the sign of Taurus is still alone, then in August the love horoscope promises him an acquaintance with a very interesting person. This acquaintance has every chance of developing into a bright, dizzying romance.

For Taurus, who have already found their love, the stars advise surrounding their loved ones with care and warmth, because they need it so much now.


The stars are confident that in August circumstances will push Gemini to the realization that any relationship requires changes and work on them. Depending on how Gemini can change, their relationship will continue.

Geminis who are actively looking for a mate should get out into nature more often. It is there that they can meet a person who may later become their chosen one.


Usually modest and quiet, Cancers will be unusually sociable in August. Their charm and cheerfulness will conquer anyone. Thanks to such popularity, single Cancers can easily find someone who will brighten up the last month of summer.

For Cancers who are already in a relationship, the love horoscope for August 2016 promises an unusual surge of tenderness and romance. Your soul mate will invite you on a date and will make you happy all month.

a lion

August 2016 promises big changes for Leos. Whether they will be for better or worse depends only on the Leos themselves. If they can show persistence and are not afraid of obstacles, they will be able to get the strongest relationships.

Relationship-free Leos will have the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside and understand their shortcomings. Only by correcting them will they be able to meet a worthy person.


Virgos will remember August 2016 as the best month in terms of love for many years to come. Those Virgos who have already found their soul mate, but have doubts, will be able to meet a truly worthwhile person or will understand that a loved one is their true love.

Single Virgos will bask in the attention of the opposite sex all month long. However, the stars advise being careful and choosing one person with whom they will spend their best August.


The love horoscope promises August changes in Libra's personal life. Lonely Libras will be able to meet a person who will delight, support and understand throughout their lives.

Libras who have already found their chosen one can easily change everything that does not suit them in the relationship. At the same time, the other half of Libra will take this easily and with understanding.


Scorpios will be the luckiest in relationships in August. The chosen one of Scorpio will delight you with some incredible surprise and show the fullness of his feelings.

The love horoscope advises lonely Scorpios to go on a trip. You are unlikely to meet your soul mate there for the rest of your life, but you are guaranteed a lot of attention, flirting and just good impressions.


For Sagittarius, the stars in August 2016 promise good luck and changes on all fronts, except love. It is better for Sagittarius to take care of work, themselves, and travel, but not try to change anything in their personal lives.

Sagittarians who are already in a relationship don’t have to worry - a normal, calm month awaits them. Single Sagittarius should be wary of new acquaintances - they will only bring disappointment.


Capricorns who want to find their soulmate should go on a trip in August. It will bring not only a sea of ​​pleasant impressions, emotions and memories, but also new acquaintances.

The love horoscope advises Capricorns who are already in a relationship to prepare a romantic surprise for their partner, because she deserves it.


Aquarians in August will surprise everyone with their sincerity. They will be able to show all their best qualities and please their soulmate with a sea of ​​romance.

Free Aquarians will be able to have a pleasant time in the company of their family and friends. You should not try to meet someone, because this acquaintance is unlikely to bring any joy. It's better to focus on other areas of life.


Pisces have long been famous for their luck in love affairs, and August will be no exception. Pisces will be surrounded by a swarm of admirers, regardless of whether they are single or in a relationship. The main thing is not to get carried away and not make mistakes.

To make the month as pleasant as possible, the love horoscope for August 2016 advises Pisces to relax, cast aside all doubts and simply enjoy every warm summer day.