Does tanning make you look slim? Slim body in a week! basic myths and facts about tanning

Do you think it’s impossible to lose two or three kilograms without resorting to diets and gyms? But no. There are several ways in which you can easily remove extra pounds in a couple of minutes. By the way, some of them are used by famous stars.

Our body

1. Perfect tan

It is a well-known fact that a good tan can visually make a person look slimmer than he actually is. But what to do if you simply don’t have enough time to tan properly? In this case, special artificial tanning products or auto bronzers will help you. According to some cosmetologists, the safest tan can be found in the packaging. The main thing when applying self-tanning is to strictly follow the instructions and follow a few simple rules. First, you should exfoliate your skin before applying. Particular attention should be paid to the knees, elbows and ankles. If you don't do this, your tan will appear in uneven spots. Apply the product in a circular motion, keeping your fingers together. The procedure should be repeated the next day. If you doubt yourself, then contact a specialist in a beauty salon.

2. Moisturizing modeling cream

As a rule, on dry skin all our shortcomings appear even more. Therefore, when purchasing body care products, give preference to those that contain active moisturizing ingredients. They reduce the thickness of adipose tissue and increase skin elasticity.

Our face

1. Bronzing powder

When you gain even 2 extra kilos, it is all first reflected on your face. Chubby cheeks appear, cheekbones become not as clear as before. And then bronzing powder comes to the rescue. Apply it under your cheekbones, choose a shade per tone - two darker than the color of your skin; on the upper part of your cheekbones, on the contrary, apply light powder with shimmering particles and blend everything properly.

2. Correct accents

All makeup artists will tell you that if a girl has the right makeup, then she is simply irresistible. But the right makeup is to correctly draw your strengths, putting them in an even more advantageous light while hiding your shortcomings. So, for example, if you have chubby cheeks, but at the same time very expressive eyes, then you need to emphasize your eyes first. If you have beautiful lips, then use lip glosses to give them volume and sensuality. Well, if you don’t know how to apply makeup correctly, then any specialist will tell you this.

Your hair

1. Asymmetry

Try to get torn haircuts, use long asymmetrical bangs, as all these are your faithful allies against extra pounds on your face. But at the same time, it is important that your hair is well-groomed, otherwise, instead of fighting the kilos, you will only get a dirty, sloppy and unkempt head. And the effect will be completely opposite to what you are trying to achieve.

2. Playing with color and volume

Try making the strands framing your face a little darker than they are. This will help the face to visually acquire narrower features. Lush hairstyles also visually elongate the face. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment with your hairstyle, look for the option that suits you best.

And what I would like to add finally is that if you really want

lose weight

Instead of just looking thinner, try not to forget about the gym, and about fitness, and about the pool. And then you won’t have to resort to all of the above methods. Although, there is no limit to perfection.

But May is already in full swing, and although it’s still a little cold here, the sun is shining with might and main. And therefore, today’s post will be on a topic that is very relevant at this time of year - namely the color of our wonderful human skin: D

I’m speaking as a very interested person, although I’m not on the side, as is usually presented.)

A small educational program: read on about the pros and cons, popularity and fashion, as well as personal preferences)
All pictures, as always, can be enlarged.

Both paleness and tanning have a lot of fans, so there can’t be a clear “this is good and that’s bad.” So, let’s break it down into pieces.)

To illustrate the comparison, the photographs will show faces with skin colors of varying degrees of severity - from the most tanned to the darkest and from the palest to light cream. Also the whole body, arms, legs and chest (this is important, yes))

I will also try to give an “anti-example” of each of the defendants, that is, the most advanced stage. After all, we all understand that too much is ugly in any case. :D


- the sun produces vitamins in our body and it becomes healthier

- the body looks more prominent

- skin appears smoother

- men almost always find it more attractive

- the general contrast of appearance is softened


- skin quickly becomes flabby and dryn, if overused, wrinkles may appear (at least at 20 years old)

- you can get burned

- artificial tanning is harmful to the skin

- self-tanning often looks unnatural

- a tan will forgive your appearance

First of all, I’ll say right away about the most common misconception “a tan makes you look slimmer”: being tan makes you look slimmer just as much as your whiteness is “aristocratic”.

That is, if we really have a tummy or thighs, then a tan will not make you skinny, just as with a wide nose and ruddy, plump cheeks, pallor will not turn you into an aristocratic nymph.

And here’s a clear anti-example for you - a horror movie, right?

Not only does it look like it makes you want to hang a price tag, but also these girls

desperately doesn't work.

Especially the one on the left - imagine her with a light skin color.

Facial features would become clearer, hair would be shaded, and the green tint of this “tan” would not clash so bitterly with the color of the lips.

It would have turned out nicer, huh?


- skin is more delicate than sun-exposed skin

- body silhouette looks softer

- almost always looks natural

- the contrast of appearance increases

- highlights the color of the eyes and hair, the appearance becomes more interesting


- any skin imperfection is visible

- any fullness will immediately make you plump
- this skin color is more difficult to deal withguard

- may look unhealthy
- sometimes perceived as strange

in society

This type of leather is much more difficult to “use” than the previous one. If to maintain the appearance of tanned skin you can simply go to the solarium and moisturize it regularly, then with pale skin you need to drink a lot of water so as not to look sore, apply blush correctly if necessary, use sunscreen, protect your skin from temperature changes and stress (since it’s all visible on it instantly).

It was difficult to find an anti-example, just as it was difficult to find those who are trying to be pale.

emphasizing her weight.
If she slightly darkens her skin tone and dyes her hair a lighter color, then the situation will immediately improve.

Well, now, for the most patient: my case.
I am an adherent of the light-skinned tribe.
My skin tans quickly, beautifully and evenly, without redness or burns (she loves this), although my natural skin is very light.
I know many will say: “Damn, you’re so lucky, you tan beautifully, why do you lighten up all the time? What a fool! Many people dream of being toasted like that, quickly and without sacrifice!”

And here's why - it just doesn't suit me.
For example, here is a collage - tanned on the left and pale on the right.
Don't be scared or nervous. :D
The difference is obvious, huh?

Yes, the color is pleasant to the eye, golden and not red. Yes, my tanned face is thin, but I’m just a child of the mountains! The nose immediately became aquiline, the hair color was lost (it is the same in all the photographs), the facial features (not so soft anyway) became hard and masculine, and the general appearance was as if I had just killed someone in the taiga forests. :D

In general, I think it’s clear why I hide in the shade, every sunny day I use a cream with protection of at least 40 and I’m proud that I’m finally all my natural color (the absence of traces from a swimsuit is a clear indicator). :D

The main thing is not to resist your nature! She still knows better than us how beautiful we are))

Most women want to have a beautiful and toned body, so they use all available methods to achieve the desired result. With the help of tanning you can visually lose several kilograms. The beautiful chocolate-colored body looks slim and fit. You can achieve the desired effect by tanning in the sun or in a solarium, as well as using special cosmetics with bronzers. Next, we will consider in more detail the main ways to correct your own appearance.

How to improve your figure with tanning

Does a tan make you look slim or make you look fat?

This question interests many modern fashionistas. Below we will try to answer this question in more detail.

Does a tan make you look fat or slim?

Every modern girl knows that wearing dark colors makes the figure visually slimmer, while white, on the contrary, makes her look fuller. It's the same with tanning. Beautiful chocolate or bronze-colored skin visually makes the body slim and fit. At the same time, you need to sunbathe wisely, only in the morning or evening hours using sunscreen, in order to get skin of a beautiful shade without defects.

Other ways to correct your appearance

In order to visually look beautiful and slim, a tan needs to be complemented by properly selected clothing, jewelry and cosmetics.


The tanned body is visually stretched. This way you can easily lose a few extra pounds. If you don’t have time to tan in the sun, you can always go to a solarium or use special cosmetics that paint your body the desired shade.

Perfect tan

How to make your figure so slim and attractive? You can get a beautiful tan in different ways.

Rules for safe tanning in the sun:

  • In order to avoid sunburn and pigmentation, you can sunbathe only before 10 a.m. or after 5 p.m.
  • In order to get an even skin tone, a few days before tanning, you can carry out a peeling procedure using homemade or store-bought scrubs.
  • You can’t sunbathe with decorative cosmetics, so a few hours before going out in the sun we take a cool shower without detergents.
  • On a dry, clean body, 20 minutes before going to the beach, you need to apply a sunscreen with a factor of 50. We apply sunscreen to the skin after each contact with water or every 1.5 hours.
  • You need to tan gradually, starting from 20 minutes a day, so that the skin gets used to intense ultraviolet radiation.
  • After tanning, apply moisturizing and restorative cosmetics to a dry body.

Rules for safe tanning in a solarium:

  • Before tanning, it is also recommended to carry out a peeling procedure to remove the top layer of dead cells. Before peeling, steam the skin in a hot bath.
  • You cannot sunbathe in a solarium with decorative cosmetics. Otherwise, you may get burns or an uneven tan.
  • We use sunscreens intended for solariums, taking into account the intensity of ultraviolet lamps and skin type.
  • We cover our chests with a swimsuit or special pads, we put a bandage or cap on our heads, we also cover moles, permanent makeup and tattoos with special pads.
  • The duration of the first procedure should not exceed 2 minutes to avoid adverse reactions in the future.
  • For a beautiful tan, it is recommended to visit the solarium twice a week with an interval of one day. To get a chocolate skin tone, 8 to 10 procedures are enough.
  • After tanning, be sure to apply cosmetics with vitamins and minerals to the skin to prevent premature aging of the skin.
  • It is recommended that no more than two solarium courses per year are given at intervals of six months, so that the skin has time to recover after intense ultraviolet exposure.
  • Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, serious diseases of internal organs and taking medications that affect hormonal levels.

There is not always enough time to tan in the sun or in a solarium. In this case, you can use special cosmetics with pigments that paint the skin in the desired shade.

Rules for applying self-tanning:

  • It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning to get beautiful chocolate-colored skin in the evening. Tanning appears on the skin only 5 hours after applying the product.
  • For an even shade, a few days before the procedure, we cleanse the skin with scrubs.
  • Before using cosmetics, you should carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer and test the product on a small area of ​​skin to exclude a possible allergic reaction.
  • We begin to apply self-tanning, moving from bottom to top. Lastly, we treat the face. An assistant is needed to apply the product to your back.
  • You need to wait until the product has completely dried on your skin and only then put on loose clothing.
  • Self-tanning on the skin can last from 3 days to 2 weeks. During this period, it is recommended to avoid peeling procedures, hot baths, swimming pools and saunas. All this speeds up the removal of the tan.

Moisturizing modeling cream

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, both natural and artificial, skin cells quickly lose moisture and begin to die. The skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear, the tan begins to peel off quickly, leaving unsightly marks. To prevent this from happening, be sure to apply creams with vitamins and minerals to dry skin twice a day, which will maintain the firmness and elasticity of the tissues. In addition, the use of moisturizing cosmetics allows you to maintain your tan for a long time, and therefore make your body visually slimmer.


It is very important to choose the right makeup to highlight all the advantages of tanned skin and hide minor imperfections. Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to properly highlight all the benefits of tanning using makeup.

Correct accents

The right color of eye shadow, lipstick and blush can make any girl irresistible. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to the selection and combination of colors to create a fantastic image.

Bronze-hued powder is perfect for tanned skin. For daytime wear, “natural” makeup is recommended. These are shades of golden, brown or pastel shades. We apply transparent gloss to the lips to make them visually plump. For an evening out, you can choose more saturated shades of shadows, for example, blue, purple, green. Plum, cherry or red lipstick goes very well with dark skin.

Bronzing powder

First of all, extra pounds appear on the face, and then are deposited on the hips. Chubby cheeks appear, the face becomes rounder. Powder with bronzer will help to visually hide imperfections. In order to lengthen the face, the powder should be applied under the cheekbones.

You need to learn how to combine light and dark to hide extra pounds on your face.

So, apply light powder to the upper part of the cheekbones, and two shades darker than the natural skin tone to the lower part. Ultimately, the face will visually look oval.


The rules for combining hair and skin colors allow you to create a stunning appearance. For example, chocolate-colored skin is not suitable for blondes. In this case, a light golden tan is acceptable. All shades of chocolate and bronze tan are suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women.

In order to visually lengthen a full face, you need to choose voluminous hairstyles or a “ladder” haircut. Hair highlights, shading or balayage techniques also look impressive on tanned skin.


In order to visually hide extra pounds on the face, it is recommended to choose asymmetrical haircuts. In this case, the hair should be clean and well-groomed. Today, oblique bangs, torn hairstyles or haircuts with separate strands are fashionable. Stylish hairstyles allow you to divert attention from your full face.

Combination of colors in clothes

In order to hide extra pounds, you need to take a responsible approach to creating a wardrobe for women.

In order to highlight a beautiful tanned body, choose clothes in white, pastel, yellow, mint, pink, purple or lilac shades. People with white skin and extra pounds need to choose a dark, rich color in clothing, such as blue, green, black or cherry.

Summer has already been around for a long time, but you still haven’t managed to achieve an ideal figure. Your exercises did not quickly bring the promised results, and you don’t really want to train in such heat. I want something completely different - to relax, swim and enjoy life, and, of course, to be slim and beautiful. I understand you perfectly and can even help with practical advice. Just promise that you will finish what you started and will not give up on your exciting activities and training.

So, our miracle remedy. Can fake tan really make you look slimmer or is it just an illusion...?

Highlight your advantages: Whether you're using waterproof lotion or tanning cream, "playing the right shadows and highlights can help you highlight the spots you want," says Jamie Kern Lima, founder of It Cosmetics. The key is to keep your trick looking natural and natural - which is why Jamie prefers a light setting lotion applied over the self-tanner. She also recommends using a mattifying powder that is 2-3 shades darker than your own skin color. It is necessary to apply the product to areas of the body that you would like to visually emphasize, or where the muscles are not as prominent and toned as you would like. Thus, with the help of tanning cream and various cosmetics, you can correct the areas you don’t like less, for example, unwanted folds in the armpits, and draw attention to your favorite parts of the body - collarbones, shoulders, arm muscles.

For maximum visual effect, you can use special tanning products from a series of professional cosmetics. A skillfully applied self-tanner involves using lotion and a sponge to create precise contours. Makeup artist Melanie Mills recommends starting by applying a thin layer of self-tanner all over your body, then moving on to specific areas and reapplying to the muscles you want to visually highlight, such as the triceps line from elbow to shoulder. If you happen to overdo it, you can always use a dry puff to blend out the resulting streaks after the self-tanner has dried, and then take a light shower.

Tummy tummy effect: If you want to make your baby bump look more attractive in a bikini, use tanning lotion or cream to create a vertical contour on either side of your belly button. Your task when using cosmetics is to visually improve and advantageously emphasize the muscles you have, and not to draw muscles that you do not have. Professionals advise applying a matte cream on the sides of the waist to visually narrow the exposed part of the abdomen. Waterproof powder usually lasts about 6 hours.

Skin-tightening cosmetics are an additional way to combat fat folds and flabby muscles in the waist area. Regular massages and wraps will help reduce the visible signs of cellulite by stimulating blood circulation and ensuring good lymph flow. As a rule, experts advise undergoing a monthly massage cycle 3 times a week if you really want to achieve tangible results before the start of the beach season. You can also perform various procedures and use special products at home. Creams with a tightening effect contain peptides and viniferine (extract from grapevine stems), which temporarily smooth the skin, providing a lifting effect in problem areas (abdomen and thighs). However, be careful when using these products. The simultaneous use of an anti-cellulite corrective product and tanning lotion/cream may cause uneven distribution of the latter, i.e. the cream may come out in streaks. Thus, it is not recommended to use self-tanning immediately before going to the beach; it is advisable to apply the product at night and check the effect obtained.

Ideal legs: To make your legs look slimmer and more toned, apply a mattifying cream or self-tanner to the area just below your calf muscles, along the quadriceps and sacrospinalis muscles, and under each buttock for a sexier, perkier look. It is not recommended to apply lotions with a shimmering effect to problem areas. Shimmery lotions look great on 90% of your body, but you shouldn't use them in areas prone to cellulite, as this will have the unwanted effect of attracting attention from others. Tanning cream also works on dark skin, correcting uneven pigmentation.

Regardless of how and how much you want to visually reduce or smooth out the flaws of your own body, do not lose your judgment when choosing a tanning cream. For tanned skin, use creams with natural ingredients, since some chemical components can neutralize or have a destructive effect on the components of another product. If you want to appear as slender as possible, use powder or spray, which, unlike lotion, does not have a shiny, attention-grabbing effect, which is not always desirable, especially when it comes to problem areas of the body (cellulite).
If only it were possible to lose those last 3-5 kg ​​as easily!!!

Do I need to lose 10 kg? No. This is harmful and ugly (sagging skin and stretch marks are the result of such rapid weight loss). But, if you urgently need to become the owner of a beautiful figure in the shortest possible time, then there are a lot of tricks thanks to which you can disguise those extra pounds.

Step 1. Salt-water

Overweight- these are not only rich fat deposits, but also excess fluid, i.e. swelling. Swelling is most often seen on the face, arms and legs. Getting rid of swelling makes the body contours more pleasant. The appearance is noticeably improved.
Salt retains water. In order to eliminate swelling, you need to follow a salt-free diet (eat food without salt) and increase natural sweating. Phyto-barrels or infrared cabins will help with the latter.
If there are contraindications, then it is worth considering the option of herbal medicine. Regular tea can be replaced with herbal tea: Kuril or mint. Standard course of herbal medicine is 10 days. Herbal medicine is an effective way to get rid of edema, the results are visible from the first days of use.

Excess water must be disposed of with caution. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Eliminate tea and coffee from your diet (they retain salts). It makes sense to take vitamins during weight loss. Fresh fruits and vegetables will improve your diet results.

Step 2. Become

It’s not for nothing that a person with correct posture is called stately. Correct posture dramatically changes your appearance. Thanks to it, the stomach and buttocks look more toned, and people are attracted to their appearance. The problem is that an untrained person will not maintain correct posture for more than five minutes.
The solution to the problem is simple. Over the course of a week, you can perform ten-minute complexes to correct your posture. YouTube trainers such as Olga Sagay or Katerina Buida will help with this.

Correct posture not only visually decorates the appearance, but also burns calories.

Step 3. Back

Sometimes even correct posture will not change the horrific appearance of the folds on your back. The only way to quickly reduce them is a massage course. An experienced massage therapist will solve this problem in several sessions. Self-massage is less effective, but it still has benefits.
Self-massage of the back can be performed using two methods: pinching the back or rubbing it with a hard mitten. The latter, by the way, is a good way to get rid of cellulite.

Massage Contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension.

Step 4. Volumes

To make your clothes look more attractive, you can buy corrective shapewear. Slimming dresses, pantaloons, shorts, bodysuits or tops - these things advantageously hide volumes, smoothing out unsightly areas of the body.

Shapewear impairs blood circulation , it is not recommended to wear it constantly.

Step 5. Children of the sun

Everyone knows that dark makes you look slim. Skin color is no exception.
A beautiful, even tan is one of the best tricks to disguise kilograms. You can get it in a variety of ways. Solarium or special cream - it doesn’t matter. The results with the right approach will be mind-blowing.

For every skin tone welcome different shades of tan . Don't overdo it. And beware of burns!

You can become slimmer in a week! Slenderness is undoubtedly an attribute of beauty. But still not its only component. The main thing is what's inside.