What perks to put on Emil 1

Starting today, the eighth level of World of Tanks has appeared in testing (Supertest). Special features are the drum loading system for shells and amazing gun angles, which have similar features to the French AMX 50 100.

Historical facts of Emil I

In the early 50s, the Swedish army needed new developments in the field of tank building. It was decided to start the EMIL project, the main design basis was taken from the French AMX 13 tanks. In 1951, the first sketch was prepared, but due to the fact that the designers thought that the tank hull was too light for battles, lightweight chassis were produced as prototypes and a model of the tower. Thus, it was planned to create a more compact version of the French AMX-50. But unfortunately, due to the fact that most of the developments were sold to the British army under a financial agreement, the real prototype of the vehicle was never released. In the super test it looks like the AMX 50-100 (120) but is smaller in size, its main strength is powerful armor. Maximum speed: 50 km/h, acceleration is difficult. Firepower is constantly increasing with the release of updates. The UVN value is 15 degrees, which is comparable to French level 8 vehicles.

Performance characteristics of Emil I

If we compare the available characteristics of the popular TT 8 World of Tanks:

Analyzing the performance characteristics of tanks, almost all parameters coincide with the values, the main values ​​are average, and the main differences are still the gun depression angles 15 degrees, silhouette a little lower and dimensions very smaller than the AMX 50 100, which can be clearly seen in the pictures below, different angles of the Swedish heavy tank Emil and the French one. The difference is shocking, all that remains is to try to see if this is really so.

Equipment for Emil I

The Swedish drum tank has excellent gun angles, and the firepower of the tank comes first, so we select the modules as follows.

Brief summary of the Emil I tank

Really Emil The Swedish heavy tank turns out to be an ambiguous vehicle, because it can be said that there is no armor, the barn has downsized the dimensions, they have added some awkwardness with the gun depression angles, leaving the same drum, speed and maneuverability of the tank. If you look closely at the latest introduced branch of Czechoslovakian vehicles, then at level 10 the car is also the favorite of TVP extras, the Swedes can most likely expect the same thing, only from the Emil heavy tanks, but the characteristics of the tank are not final, because they can be taken and changed, we’ll keep an eye on and shares new events on the site.

Good day, dear friends and site guests, the site is here! Today we will talk about another newcomer that update 0.9.17 will bring us, here is a heavy tank of the eighth level of Sweden - this Emil I guide.

This unit is the first representative of heavy tanks in the Swedish branch and we can immediately say that the most interesting gameplay begins with it, because Emil I World of Tanks really a very strong car, like the two subsequent TTs.

TTX Emil I

The first thing every owner of this unit should know is Emil I tank has a small margin of safety by the standards of heavy equipment of the eighth level, as well as a very weak viewing range of 360 meters.

Regarding survivability, Emil I characteristics bookings are very good for their level. The strongest part of the tank is the turret in the frontal view. Nominally, the thickness of the armor here is not very large, however, thanks to the rational inclinations of the armor plates, the reduction reaches approximately 250 millimeters; for classmates, such values ​​are practically insurmountable. True, in the battles at the bottom of the list you need to play carefully; it will be much easier for levels nine and ten to break through us, especially if the enemy charges gold.

If you look at the security of the case, the situation is more complicated. Even taking into account all the slopes of the VLD at Emil I World of Tanks It is approximately 180mm thick. Of course, there is a chance to reflect and catch ricochets, but it is better to hide the body, even the seventh levels have a chance to cause damage to us when shooting at the upper armor plate and even more so at the NLD.

The side-projection armor can be called quite mediocre; everyone we meet in battle will penetrate here. However, there is a small chance that Emil I tank will contain the damage. As you can see on the side of the model, the side of the tower is made in a kind of diamond shape, where the orange edge can ricochet, but you shouldn’t really hope for it.

Another parameter that Swedish tank Emil 1 WoT can be proud of – mobility. We have at our disposal an excellent maximum speed for a heavy tank, but the amount of horsepower per ton of weight is not high enough, so the dynamics are mediocre. However, you can really find fault with the maneuverability; after all, the car turns reluctantly, especially at full speed, just keep in mind.

Emil I gun

Our heavy vehicle is not lagging behind in terms of armament, because before us is the second representative of heavy equipment at the level, which has a loading drum.

Top Emil I gun has an average alphastrike by the standards of most of its classmates, 4 projectiles fit into the magazine and all this gives us the opportunity to inflict 1280 units of damage in a fairly short period of time. You just have to remember that the cooldown between each shot is 3 seconds, and a full magazine reload takes about 37 seconds, not too bad.

Not everything is smooth with armor penetration for our gun, the same AMX 50 100 feels more comfortable in battle, so it’s better for greater self-confidence and for battles at the bottom of the list Emil 1 Swedish tank should carry more gold shells with you, but no less than 2-3 reels.

The accuracy characteristics are also not encouraging; we have a fairly large base dispersion, long aiming and weak stabilization; these parameters will need to be improved if you want to feel more comfortable in battle.

But there is another really significant advantage - UVN. Heavy tank Emil I World of Tanks capable of lowering the gun 12 degrees down.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have at our disposal an explosive mixture of advantages in the form of good armor, excellent mobility and powerful weapons. But despite this, to complete the picture, it is worth highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses Emil 1 WoT.
Strong frontal armor;
Excellent mobility;
Weighty alphastrike;
Powerful drum for 4 shells;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Small margin of safety;
Poor review;
Weak side armor;
Mediocre accuracy;
Quite a long reload time for the drum.

Equipment for Emil I

Among our Swede's weaknesses there are those that desperately need adjustment and first of all we need to do something with accuracy and visibility. Thus, for Emil 1 equipment we will select as follows:
1. is the most important module for this tank, because it will provide increased stabilization and more comfortable initial dispersion.
2. – another extremely advantageous option, which is great for increasing the viewing range on mobile equipment.
3. – well suited due to the massive increase in stats in order to maximize efficiency.

If you are ready to neglect the acceleration of drum reloading, because this parameter is the most useful of those that the module gives us in the third paragraph, you can set , with which the process of realizing damage will become more enjoyable.

Crew training

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of skills for our crew, because the tank is controlled by three tankers with dual and even triple specializations. But the priorities remain the same, we focus on the comfort of dealing damage, increasing overall performance, and don’t forget about survivability. Overall for Emil I perks learn in the following order:
Commander (radio operator, loader) – , , , .
Gunner (loader) – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for Emil I

Consumables are always needed in every battle, and in the case of our tank, they can both save you from being sent to the hangar and help preserve a precious margin of safety. True, you have to choose them pragmatically, and if you have difficulties with silver reserves, feel free to take , , . In all other cases, a more informed decision would be to buy at tank Emil I equipment in the form , , , and the last option can easily be replaced by .

Tactics for playing Emil I

Based on all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion - the unit at our disposal is very strong, because it has received an explosive combination of parameters that are very valued in our game: armor, mobility, damage.

But even taking this fact into account, Emil I tactics The conduct of combat very much depends on who you have to fight with in battle, as well as on the specifics of the weapon. Of course, we don’t feel very comfortable at the bottom of the list, however, with the right actions, here too we can show ourselves as a very strong opponent.

With weapons, the story is completely different, requiring gaming experience and prudence, because Emil 1 Swedish tank endowed with a drum loading system depends on a lot. You must have a keen sense of the game, constantly analyze everything that is happening around and clearly calculate the potential of four projectiles. Never forget that at the time of reloading, we are very vulnerable and try to spend this time usefully, mainly looking for the most successful position (good mobility to help).

By the way, when conducting combat operations it is worth using the third significant drawback, after all Emil I World of Tanks has a strong turret, and with excellent gun depression angles, this nuance appears in a completely new color. When entering close combat, try to choose a position where it will be convenient to implement the drum and at the same time play with the turret, hiding the rest of the tank in the terrain.

Otherwise, always keep an eye on the mini-map, beware of enemy artillery and remember that Swedish heavy tank Emil 1 WoT more vulnerable in battles against 10 levels, you should always act carefully.

This article is dedicated to the first heavy tank of the eighth level, the recently introduced new branch of the Swedish Emil I tanks. You can’t call it “imbo” because. it has neither speed nor dynamics as such, but you can still roll it out. Let's take a closer look.

A little history
A variant of the heavy tank being developed dfor the Swedish army within the framework of the EMIL project in the 50s. The design was influenced by the design decisions used on the French AMX 13 tank, as evidenced by the design and appearance of the turret. A draft version was prepared in 1951, but it was abandoned in favor of later versions.

General form
Our tank is on the eighth step of the Swedish line. It has significant dimensions, and finally it has at least some armor, unlike previous tanks in this branch.
The armor of the tank is represented by a more or less good turret, as for the hull, it is made of cardboard.

Hull armor: front 80, side 35 and rear 20 mm. Turret armor: front 100, side 20 and rear 30 mm. That is, if you stick your turret’s forehead towards the enemy, covering the hull, you can tank.

Movement. When installing an SFA 8 cyl boxer engine, we will be able to reach a maximum speed of 50/16, but if we compare it with its peer AMX 50 100, then we will look like a turtle against its background.
Our tank has a 360m view. As for accuracy, there is a small problem, because... large dispersion, long mixing and very weak stabilization, because playing poorly, you will have to improve these characteristics.
The gun on the tank is good and is one of its main advantages. It is drum-based, which is a rarity among its peers, has 4 projectiles and a 3-second reload time between them. The tank has 320 alpha units, so by discharging the drum on a target we can inflict up to 1280 units of damage in a short time. Also a very good UVN that allows you to play from the map textures.

● Commander - light bulb, military brotherhood repair, jack of all trades;
● Gunner – repair, brotherhood, smooth rotation of the turret
● Mechanic - driver - repair, military brotherhood, king of off-road;

For a more convenient game, the commander should use the first perk to pump out the “sixth sense”, which will indicate to us when we are caught in the light; the rest need to pump out repairs, because We will often be put on the harp, or other parts will be knocked out of order. Then you need to pump out combat fraternity to the entire crew to improve the characteristics of the tank.

● Good armor penetration of the “top” gun;
● Vertical aiming angles;
● Good turret forehead armor;

Weak sides
● Small ammunition load;
● Weak hull armor;
● Long mixing;
● Low rate of fire for top weapons.

Bottom line
In principle, a good tank for bending. If we get to the top, then we can calmly rush into battle on the front line, we can tank the enemy if we hide our corps and play from the tower, and inflict good damage, but if we are at the bottom of the list, then for effectiveness it won’t hurt to charge a couple “ gold" drums.
So, this is where the review of the Swedish tier 8 heavy tank comes to an end.

Good day, dear friends and site guests, the site is here! Today we will talk about another newcomer that update 0.9.17 will bring us, here is a heavy tank of the eighth level of Sweden - this Emil I guide.

This unit is the first representative of heavy tanks in the Swedish branch and we can immediately say that the most interesting gameplay begins with it, because Emil I World of Tanks really a very strong car, like the two subsequent TTs.

TTX Emil I

The first thing every owner of this unit should know is Emil I tank has a small margin of safety by the standards of heavy equipment of the eighth level, as well as a very weak viewing range of 360 meters.

Regarding survivability, Emil I characteristics bookings are very good for their level. The strongest part of the tank is the turret in the frontal view. Nominally, the thickness of the armor here is not very large, however, thanks to the rational inclinations of the armor plates, the reduction reaches approximately 250 millimeters; for classmates, such values ​​are practically insurmountable. True, in the battles at the bottom of the list you need to play carefully; it will be much easier for levels nine and ten to break through us, especially if the enemy charges gold.

If you look at the security of the case, the situation is more complicated. Even taking into account all the slopes of the VLD at Emil I World of Tanks It is approximately 180mm thick. Of course, there is a chance to reflect and catch ricochets, but it is better to hide the body, even the seventh levels have a chance to cause damage to us when shooting at the upper armor plate and even more so at the NLD.

The side-projection armor can be called quite mediocre; everyone we meet in battle will penetrate here. However, there is a small chance that Emil I tank will contain the damage. As you can see on the side of the model, the side of the tower is made in a kind of diamond shape, where the orange edge can ricochet, but you shouldn’t really hope for it.

Another parameter that Swedish tank Emil 1 WoT can be proud of – mobility. We have at our disposal an excellent maximum speed for a heavy tank, but the amount of horsepower per ton of weight is not high enough, so the dynamics are mediocre. However, you can really find fault with the maneuverability; after all, the car turns reluctantly, especially at full speed, just keep in mind.

Emil I gun

Our heavy vehicle is not lagging behind in terms of armament, because before us is the second representative of heavy equipment at the level, which has a loading drum.

Top Emil I gun has an average alphastrike by the standards of most of its classmates, 4 projectiles fit into the magazine and all this gives us the opportunity to inflict 1280 units of damage in a fairly short period of time. You just have to remember that the cooldown between each shot is 3 seconds, and a full magazine reload takes about 37 seconds, not too bad.

Not everything is smooth with armor penetration for our gun, the same AMX 50 100 feels more comfortable in battle, so it’s better for greater self-confidence and for battles at the bottom of the list Emil 1 Swedish tank should carry more gold shells with you, but no less than 2-3 reels.

The accuracy characteristics are also not encouraging; we have a fairly large base dispersion, long aiming and weak stabilization; these parameters will need to be improved if you want to feel more comfortable in battle.

But there is another really significant advantage - UVN. Heavy tank Emil I World of Tanks capable of lowering the gun 12 degrees down.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have at our disposal an explosive mixture of advantages in the form of good armor, excellent mobility and powerful weapons. But despite this, to complete the picture, it is worth highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses Emil 1 WoT.
Strong frontal armor;
Excellent mobility;
Weighty alphastrike;
Powerful drum for 4 shells;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Small margin of safety;
Poor review;
Weak side armor;
Mediocre accuracy;
Quite a long reload time for the drum.

Equipment for Emil I

Among our Swede's weaknesses there are those that desperately need adjustment and first of all we need to do something with accuracy and visibility. Thus, for Emil 1 equipment we will select as follows:
1. is the most important module for this tank, because it will provide increased stabilization and more comfortable initial dispersion.
2. – another extremely advantageous option, which is great for increasing the viewing range on mobile equipment.
3. – well suited due to the massive increase in stats in order to maximize efficiency.

If you are ready to neglect the acceleration of drum reloading, because this parameter is the most useful of those that the module gives us in the third paragraph, you can set , with which the process of realizing damage will become more enjoyable.

Crew training

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of skills for our crew, because the tank is controlled by three tankers with dual and even triple specializations. But the priorities remain the same, we focus on the comfort of dealing damage, increasing overall performance, and don’t forget about survivability. Overall for Emil I perks learn in the following order:
Commander (radio operator, loader) – , , , .
Gunner (loader) – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for Emil I

Consumables are always needed in every battle, and in the case of our tank, they can both save you from being sent to the hangar and help preserve a precious margin of safety. True, you have to choose them pragmatically, and if you have difficulties with silver reserves, feel free to take , , . In all other cases, a more informed decision would be to buy at tank Emil I equipment in the form , , , and the last option can easily be replaced by .

Tactics for playing Emil I

Based on all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion - the unit at our disposal is very strong, because it has received an explosive combination of parameters that are very valued in our game: armor, mobility, damage.

But even taking this fact into account, Emil I tactics The conduct of combat very much depends on who you have to fight with in battle, as well as on the specifics of the weapon. Of course, we don’t feel very comfortable at the bottom of the list, however, with the right actions, here too we can show ourselves as a very strong opponent.

With weapons, the story is completely different, requiring gaming experience and prudence, because Emil 1 Swedish tank endowed with a drum loading system depends on a lot. You must have a keen sense of the game, constantly analyze everything that is happening around and clearly calculate the potential of four projectiles. Never forget that at the time of reloading, we are very vulnerable and try to spend this time usefully, mainly looking for the most successful position (good mobility to help).

By the way, when conducting combat operations it is worth using the third significant drawback, after all Emil I World of Tanks has a strong turret, and with excellent gun depression angles, this nuance appears in a completely new color. When entering close combat, try to choose a position where it will be convenient to implement the drum and at the same time play with the turret, hiding the rest of the tank in the terrain.

Otherwise, always keep an eye on the mini-map, beware of enemy artillery and remember that Swedish heavy tank Emil 1 WoT more vulnerable in battles against 10 levels, you should always act carefully.

At first glance, from the characteristics, and from the feeling, we have some kind of wrong tank here. It seems like there is a drum, but in comparison with the AMX 50-100 we don’t take anyone away from the drum (320 * 4 = 1280 HP), and besides, you have to wait an endless 3 seconds between shots. We have neither accuracy nor dynamics, armor is below average.

However, when the opportunity to climb the hill arises, everything changes. It turns out that we have a wonderful tower that will cause a lot of trouble even for some 10's. Comfort is added by a simply fabulous 12 degrees down at the barrel. Well, the lack of accuracy disappears - the distance is not so great. As a last resort, we are even allowed to change flanks.

Again, not every battle will be easy, especially against the Japanese and heavy Germans, whom we sometimes won’t penetrate into the side, although I didn’t suffer much from poor penetration... Arta... as always, interferes with everyone... But it feels like Emil is leading behaved the way the American T-29 behaved before. Another plus is that the tank is quite narrow, although tall. And only 3 crew members (I’m hinting at a female crew), although this is also a controversial statement.

I installed the following equipment for Emilka: mixing, stabilizer and ventilation.

Result: About once every three battles, Emilka is able to bring real pleasure from the game, but the remaining 2 will be, if not a nightmare, then an ordeal for sure.