Projects on the surrounding world 3. Project on the surrounding world on the topic: “Wealth given to people” (3rd grade). New Year is a public holiday

Mini project with junior schoolchildren

To conduct a training session, you will need cards with a symbolic image of research methods. Also preparing cards with images of animals is a topic for future research.
The whole class is located around several tables arranged together, on which cards are subsequently placed.
Conducting a training session
- Hello guys!
- Today you and I will have an unusual lesson that you should remember. Today we will conduct research, almost like real scientists!
- Do you want to know how scientists feel?
- For this we need two of the smartest and bravest scientists.
- There are cards in front of you with research topics, from them you need to choose one topic.
- Our scientists chose the theme “Bears”. Good choice guys!
- Now you will need to write a short message about the bear. To draw it up, we need to think through a plan according to which you will explore. Where do you think we can start? That's right, first we need to think very carefully (put it on a card!).
- So, the first stage in the research will be “Think.” We need to remember everything we know about bears. And in order not to forget what we remembered, let’s record information about bears on paper (record or sketch)
- These animals have been familiar to people since ancient times; among the peoples of all continents they were revered as the personification of strength. People, on the one hand, worshiped the irresistible power of the bear, and on the other hand, considered it a desirable and honorable hunting trophy.
- What do you think our next stage will be? The next stage is “Ask another person” (the teacher puts a drawing of a person on the table). This means you can ask the class for clues.
- The next stage is “Learn from the book.” I give you encyclopedias where you can find the information you need.
- Next comes the “Observation and Experiment” stage, but you and I cannot observe the bear, since there is no forest nearby and it will be dangerous.
- The next stage is “Look on the computer.” We have an interactive whiteboard and a computer. You can find more information online.
- The last stage is “Summarization of materials”. Now you need to summarize the material you have collected and highlight the most important things from it. Once you have done this, you will need to define the basic concept of "Bear"
Bottom line. Well done boys! You worked very well today. Today you conducted research almost like real scientists. It was a pleasure to work with you. Thanks to all! The lesson is over.
Bear data
The bear is a family of mammals from the order Carnivora. They differ from other representatives of canids in having a stockier physique. Bears are omnivores, climb and swim well, run fast, and can stand and walk short distances on their hind legs. They have a short tail, long and thick fur, and an excellent sense of smell. They hunt in the evening or at dawn. They are usually afraid of humans, but can be dangerous in areas where they are accustomed to people, especially polar bears and grizzly bears. Immune to bee stings. In nature they have almost no natural enemies.
general description
Compared to other families of the order of carnivores, bears are distinguished by the greatest uniformity of appearance, size, and many features of the internal structure. These are the largest of modern terrestrial predatory animals. Polar bears reach a body length of 3 m and weigh up to 725 and even 890 kg; the Malayan bear is the smallest representative of the bear family: its length does not exceed 1.5 m, the height at the withers is only 50-70 cm; weight - 27-65 kg.
Males are 10-20% larger than females. In polar bears, the difference between males and females in size and weight reaches 1.5-2 times.
Fur with developed undercoat, rather coarse. The hairline is tall, sometimes shaggy; in most species it is thick, in the Malayan bear it is low and sparse. The color is uniform, from coal-black to whitish. The giant panda's color scheme is contrasting, black and white. There are light markings on the chest or around the eyes. Some species have individual and geographic variation in color. The color does not change with the seasons.
They live in a wide variety of conditions - from steppes to highlands, from forests to arctic ice, and therefore differ in lifestyle and feeding methods. Most bears live in plains or mountains, less often in treeless highlands. Some species are characterized by an attachment to water - both to streams and rivers, and to sea coasts. The polar bear inhabits the Arctic, right down to the ice fields of the Arctic Ocean. The common brown bear is found in the steppes and even in the desert, in subtropical forests, taiga, tundra and on sea coasts. All species are terrestrial animals. The polar bear is semi-aquatic. The Malayan bear is an excellent climber, leading a semi-arboreal lifestyle. Bears are active mainly at night, less often during the day or around the clock. The polar bear is primarily a diurnal animal. The rest period is spent in caves and holes at the roots of trees. The Malayan bear builds a kind of nest in the trees. They stay solitary, with the exception of pairs during the courtship period and females with young animals. They also gather in temporary groups at feeding places, for example, on rivers during the salmon run.
They are omnivores by nature of nutrition, but some species prefer plant foods, others prefer animal foods. The polar bear feeds almost exclusively on the fat and meat of marine mammals. In the diet of almost all species, plant foods play an important role. Usually also eating insects and their larvae, fish and, less commonly, carrion. The diet often changes depending on the season and food availability.
Bears eat various plants, their roots, stems and fruits - berries, nuts, acorns; they catch insects and rodents, sometimes “playing around” with small ungulates; Coastal bears are excellent fishermen. To provide such a massive body with energy, and also to accumulate fat for the hibernation season, they have to eat 30-40 kilograms a day in the summer and autumn.
If a bear has managed to accumulate fat reserves, with the onset of cold weather and a reduction in food sources in its body, all metabolic processes slow down. The animal is preparing for the so-called hibernation. He becomes lethargic and apathetic and, according to instinct, begins to look for and arrange a den for himself. Where he soon falls asleep.
Bears usually wake up in April and May. The duration of hibernation depends on weather conditions, the health and age of the animal. During sleep, he sometimes loses up to 40 percent of his weight, but with sufficient nutrition he soon regains it.
Most bears practice a sedentary lifestyle, but male polar bears roam widely throughout the year, and females with young animals - part of the year. Brown bear, Himalayan and baribal spend most of the winter in a den, in a state of hibernation (hibernation). During this period they live off accumulated fat reserves. In polar bears, only pregnant females go into hibernation. Other species do not sleep in winter.
It is interesting that cubs (from one to four) are born in January-February, that is, while the she-bear is hibernating. Babies are born blind, without fur and teeth, weighing just over half a kilogram, but grow quickly on nutritious milk with 20 percent fat content from their still sleeping mother.
Within a few months of such feeding, the cubs are completely transformed; they come out of the den already shaggy and nimble. However, they are still very dependent. Mortality among cubs in the first year of life is very high. This is due to hunger and attacks from other predators. If a bear cub lags behind the she-bear, he becomes light prey for wolves, lynxes and eagles.
Cubs usually stay with their mother for two and a half years, sometimes three. Their survival depends entirely on the mother bear: her ability to hunt and fish, as well as her ability to pass on her knowledge to the cubs. And if a mother has raised her children well, they will grow up strong, healthy and smart.
At first glance, bears are quite slow and clumsy, but sometimes they are able to run quite quickly (up to 50 km/h), climb, and rise on their hind legs. Some species are excellent swimmers. (The polar bear swims especially well.) The visual acuity of some species is comparable to that of humans. The herbivorous baribal has color vision, allowing it to distinguish edible fruits and nuts by color. However, bears have the most developed sense of smell.
Life expectancy is long, 25-40 years. A brown bear can live longer than 45 years in captivity. Some species, however, have high infant and adolescent mortality rates.

GOU TO "Barsukovskaya school named after A.M. Garanin"

around the world

"Cooking School"

Prepared by students of 3 "A" class

under the guidance of teacher Artisova N.V.

December 2015

  • Find out, while working on the project, which products are good for health;

Objective of the project

  • Learn to cook interesting dishes using healthy foods.

Project plan

  • Find out from different sources, ask parents for information
  • about healthy products.

    2.Together with adults, find in different cookbooks or come up with

    make your own recipes for all sorts of interesting dishes.

    3. Prepare the recipe with your parents.

    The main condition is that the dish must be healthy.

    4. Bring the dish to class and treat your classmates.

    5. Hold a “Cooking Competition”.

    6. Create your own cool “Healthy Eating Book.”

Proteins are substances that serve as the main “building materials” for the human body. Children especially need such “material” for growth and development. Cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, beans, and peas are rich in proteins.

Fats provide the body with energy and also serve as “building materials” for the body. Sources of fats include butter and vegetable oil, margarine, sour cream.

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of energy for our body. These include sugar and starch. Bread, cereals, potatoes, pasta, confectionery, and fruits are rich in carbohydrates.

Vitamins are necessary to maintain and improve health. There are many of them in vegetables and fruits

With food, a person receives the nutrients the body needs.


How to eat healthy

Diet salad


  • Beijing cabbage – 200 gr.
  • Chicken (breast) – 200 gr.
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 oranges
  • Sour cream – 100 gr.

Finely chop the Beijing cabbage

Boil the chicken breast, cool and chop finely,

wash the cucumbers, grate them on a coarse grater,

cut oranges.

Pour everything into a cup, add sour cream and stir.

The diet salad is ready.

Bon appetit!

Cabbage salad

What you need for a salad

1. White cabbage - 1 pc.

2. Carrots – 1 pc.

3. Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

4. Salt (to taste).

Finely chop the cabbage

grate carrots,

pour everything into a bowl, add oil and salt. Then mix everything and let it sit for a while.

The salad is ready, you can eat it - tasty and healthy.

Fruit platter


  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Pear – 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Yogurt – 200 gr.

Wash the fruits, cut into cubes,

pour into a salad bowl, top with yogurt,

Mix everything.

Puff pastry

Puff pastry with cottage cheese is a very delicate dessert.


  • Puff pastry – 500 gr.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Cottage cheese or
  • curd mass – 500 gr.

    4.Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

    5. Wheat flour


Butter or margarine - 180-200 grams

Flour - 2.5-3 cups (highest grade)

Egg - 1 piece

Yeast - 2 teaspoons

Water - 30-40 milliliters

Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Salt - 2 pinches

1. Mix yeast with sugar and add warm water, leave for a few minutes. Then put flour, butter, sugar, salt into a deep bowl and break one egg, mix thoroughly. Now we need to add the yeast when it rises and knead the dough.

2. Place the dough in a warm place for 30-40 minutes so that it rises.

3. Pour a small amount of flour onto a clean table and place the risen dough on it. Knead it with your hands for a few minutes, and then divide it into small balls and place it on a baking sheet. Another advantage of this dough is that it does not stick to your hands or to the baking sheet. Flatten the balls a little with your hands and sprinkle with sugar.

4. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 120-150 degrees for half an hour. And then we take it out and enjoy the great taste.

Butter cookies

How to make butter cookies.

Bon appetit!

How tasty, and most importantly healthy!!!

Cooking competition

Research project on the surrounding world for 3rd grade “Flying squirrel”

Minakova Ekaterina, 3rd grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution “Kobylskaya Secondary School” of the Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region.
Supervisor: Skochek Elena Vasilievna, primary school teacher of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution “Kobylskaya Secondary School” of the Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region.
Description of material: This work will be useful to primary school teachers and their students. It will help you learn more about flying squirrels.
Target: develop a caring attitude towards flying squirrels.
1. Select and study literature about the life of flying squirrels, their appearance, nutrition, and lifestyle features.
2. Find out what types of flying squirrels there are.
3. Collect information about ways to protect the flying squirrel.
4. Find out why the flying squirrel is called that? Does a flying squirrel mean it flies?

Everyone knows ordinary red squirrels; many have seen them. Including me.

But what kind of flying squirrel is it, does it look like an ordinary squirrel?
Does a flying squirrel mean it flies?
I asked these questions to the children of our school. 20 students from our school took part in my survey. 10 students said that it is a flying squirrel, 7 people said that the flying squirrel glides from branch to branch, 3 people said that the flying squirrel does not fly. I always thought that a flying squirrel flies. But after reading books, articles about flying squirrels, and looking at photographs, I changed my mind.

This rodent is very similar in appearance to the familiar squirrel, which is why it is a representative of this family. The size of this animal is quite modest. The body length is 12-23 cm, and the tail length is 11-13 cm. The weight of the rodent is up to 170 g. Life expectancy is up to 5 years. The head is round in shape, the eyes are large and black. The flying squirrel has small fingers with short but sharp claws at the ends. The animal's ears are round. They do not have tassels at the ends. The hind legs of the flying squirrel are longer than the front ones. Between the front and hind legs the animal has a wide fold of skin that serves as a parachute when jumping. This is how it differs from an ordinary squirrel. This rodent is also distinguished by large eyes.

Her tail is as fluffy as that of an ordinary squirrel. The flying squirrel uses it to balance and guide its jump. With one jump, a flying squirrel can cover up to 60 m. In fact, the flying squirrel does not fly, but glides in the air, moving from one tree to another. During flight, its forelimbs are spread wide apart, and its hind limbs are pressed to the tail, forming a triangular silhouette. To fly as far as possible, a flying squirrel usually climbs to the top of a tree, from which it plans to glide to another tree. From the side of the flying squirrel you can clearly see the folded fold that acts as a wing. The flying squirrel's fur is very beautiful and delicate, smoother and softer to the touch than squirrel fur. The upper part of the body is silvery with a brown or reddish tint, and the lower part is white. Winter fur is fluffier and warmer and comes in different shades of gray. It is very difficult to see a flying squirrel in the forest. Its color helps it blend in with the gray color of the aspen trunks.

The basis of the flying squirrel's diet is plant food (nuts, fruits), but they can eat insects and mice. It all depends on where the squirrel lives. For example, in the northeastern regions they have to feed on larch buds. In one season, a flying squirrel can collect up to 15 thousand pieces of nuts.
The habitat of these cute rodents is mixed and deciduous forests. The animal is active all year round. It is almost impossible to meet them during the day, since flying squirrels are nocturnal and crepuscular animals. But nursing females and young animals sometimes come out during the daytime. Flying squirrels are very hardworking and thrifty animals, so they devote a lot of time to searching for food and preparing for winter. The flying squirrel does not hibernate.
They prefer to make nests in tree hollows at a height of 3 to 12 m. Sometimes they can be found in rock crevices. The materials for their nest most often are moss, soft lichens and grass. Every year, a female flying squirrel gives birth to 2 to 4 cubs. An interesting fact is that at birth the cubs are blind, but by the age of 1.5 months they begin to make their first jumps and try to glide in the air.

These are very peaceful and kind animals. Due to the fact that the flying squirrel jumps very quickly from branch to branch, it prefers to spend most of its life in the trees, and descends to the ground extremely rarely and reluctantly. But, unfortunately, these funny animals are becoming fewer and fewer. Why is this harmless creature disappearing? According to one version, the flying squirrel is disappearing due to deforestation. Instead of tall trees, stumps remain, and the squirrel cannot overcome this area and remains in a limited space. In addition, squirrels live in the hollows of large aspens, and hollows are formed only in old trees. Nowadays there are fewer and fewer old trees. These animals are disappearing at a tremendous rate, so hunting them is prohibited. In captivity, the flying squirrel does not take root well, as it needs space to jump.
I wrote a poem about a flying squirrel:
The Christmas tree has a special friend
His name is flying squirrel.
Flies from branch to branch,
Collects nuts and cones in a hollow.

Project summary:
1. Present this project at a lesson about the world around you.
I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: animals M.: TKO "AST", 1996.
Dinets V. L., Rothschild E. V. Animals. Encyclopedia of Russian nature. M.: 1998.

Svetlana Borisova
Project on the surrounding world in 3rd grade “Celebrating the national holiday - January 1st”

environmental project

to the world on the topic:

“We celebrate a national holiday – January 1.”

New Year is a public holiday.

New Year is a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the accepted calendar, which occurs at the moment of transition from the last day of the year to the first day of the next year. The custom of celebrating the New Year already existed in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC.

The custom of celebrating the New Year was associated with the spring revival of nature and was celebrated in March. From this day all major events began, it was forbidden to conduct trials and work for 12 days. It was then that the custom began to give each other all kinds of gifts and souvenirs for the New Year. In Russia, the New Year was officially approved in the 14th century by John Vasilyevich the Third, its date was September 1. The reason for this was that on this day in Rus' all duties, quitrents and other taxes existing at that time were collected. The last time the New Year was celebrated on September 1 was in 1698. And in 1699, Peter I, by his decree, set a new date for the celebration of the New Year - January 1, i.e. that very cherished number that, already on the eve of the holiday, makes our hearts beat in joyful excitement and forget about all problems and troubles.

How do you prepare for this holiday?

Before the New Year, the entire apartment needs to be thoroughly cleaned. After this, it is customary to decorate the house with tinsel, streamers and other decorations. The highlight of the New Year, of course, is the New Year tree. It is placed in the front corner of an apartment or house, decorated with bright toys and tinsel, a garland and golden snowflakes.

After the house is ready for the New Year, the guys wait for Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Santa Claus gives gifts to children and adults. And the Snow Maiden entertains the kids.

These New Year's days are days of miracles and magic.

New Year is a family holiday.

We can say with confidence that the New Year is truly a family holiday. On the festive night, it is customary for the whole family to gather at the New Year's table, which is simply replete with the richness and variety of dishes, to congratulate each other and give gifts.

But before celebrating the New Year, guests “see off” the outgoing year, remembering memorable dates and events. With the first chime of the coming year, pouring foaming champagne into glasses, and sparkling soda for children, you need to make a wish that will definitely come true in the coming year.

Well, at exactly 12.00, shout loudly, cheerfully and in unison to everyone - “Happy New Year!”

Yes, and you shouldn’t quarrel on this wonderful holiday, because, as they say, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, it should be very fun.

These days you need to have fun: dance, sing New Year's songs, play fun games.

I offer several New Year's songs and games.

New Year's songs

"New Year's toys"

One summer I dreamed of New Year:

The Snow Maiden is swimming through the green grass.

And come to me with a bouquet of daisies

Grandfather Frost showed up.

And what a magical casket he gave me!

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,

And my funny little animals turned the house upside down.

They started a merry round dance, how funny the forest people are!

And I couldn’t believe that everything would go like a fairytale dream!

Time carries everything away, the unexpected dream has disappeared,

But sometimes he comes to me again.

And one day, among forgotten things

I accidentally picked up the casket.

This means that the New Year's fairy tale is not over!

“Oh, snowflakes are flying, snowflakes are flying...”

Oh, snowflakes are flying, flying onto houses and paths

In the meadows and fields, the earth is all white.

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing

Hello holiday, New Year!

Santa Claus came out of the hut near the furry Christmas tree

He got up in a snow coat and celebrated his holiday.

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing,

Hello holiday, New Year!

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing,

Hello holiday, New Year!

New Year's games

"Hit the target with a snowball"

Snowballs are prepared in advance from cotton wool.

Participants in the game are invited to hit the bucket with a snowball. Whoever throws the most snowballs into the bucket is the winner.

"Musical Kaleidoscope"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is asked to remember New Year's songs and take turns performing them. The last team to sing the song is the winner.

New Year's riddles

1. The arrows run on their own,

Without our participation.

Happy New Year

And we wish... happiness.

2. He brings us gifts.

He has a rosy nose.

Guess what, guys?

Who is this...Santa Claus.

3. Frost feasts,

The sun is playing

Running slows down time

When on the ground, on the trees

White…snow falls.

4. The sky is blue today.

There is white…frost on the trees.

5. The stars are lined up.

They are having a holiday parade.

The sky is clear and bright,

Because...New Year.

6. It’s not kvass that foams in glasses.

The clock strikes 12 times.

We were waiting for him, and now

New Year is coming to us.

7. The New Year spun us,

Silent round dance.

Like light fluffs

White...snowflakes are curling.

8. Fun times in winter

I'm hanging on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a cannon,

My name is... cracker.

9. We are happy to overtake each other,

Look, my friend, don't fall!

We're running a race

Skates help us.

MKOU Zavolzhsky Lyceum

Ecological project

"We are for a clean city of Zavolzhsk"

Kutovaya Anastasia, Sevastyanov Yaroslav, Ryabchenkova Karina,

Fedotycheva Anastasia, Shmelev Dinila

3rd grade students

municipal treasury

educational institution Zavolzhsky Lyceum

(name of educational institution)

SupervisorSmirnova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Subject areaThe world

2017-2018 academic year year.


    Introduction. 3

    Goals and objectives. 4

    The impact of household waste on the environment. 5

    Household waste landfill. 7

    The problem of household waste in the city of Zavolzhsk 9

    Project implementation stages 11

    Analysis of the work performed, results achieved. 12

    Literature. 14


With the development of science and technology, the amount of harmful substances entering the atmosphere has increased; more of them accumulate in water bodies and in the soil, which changes the flow of the cycle of substances in nature. A striking example of pollution caused by human activity is municipal solid waste. The issues of cleaning the city territory, garbage collection, removal, waste disposal are acute today and are a significant component of the organization of life in the city.

In Russia, 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. In the lessons of the surrounding world, we consider the issue of the environmental situation in our country and throughout the world. Students in our class decided to consider this situation using the example of our city.

The purpose of this work is:

identifying the relevance of the problem of formation, collection, storage and processing of solid household waste generated in the process of human activity, searching for optimal ways to solve this problem.


Definition of the concept, composition and quantity of generated municipal solid waste, its impact on the environment and public health;

Study of possible ways of recycling solid household waste and their consequences;

Attracting public attention to this problem, instilling an environmental culture among the population.

The impact of solid household waste on the environment and public health

The impact of waste on the environment is determined, first of all, by its toxicity: the more toxic the waste, the greater the consequences of environmental pollution and the more stringent requirements for its disposal.

All waste is divided into five hazard classes based on their impact on the environment.

Types of waste by hazard class

IClass -

Extremely dangerous

Very high

The ecological system is irreversibly damaged. There is no recovery period

IIClass -

Highly dangerous


The ecological system is severely disturbed. The recovery period is at least 30 years after complete successful elimination of the source of harmful effects

IIIClass -

Moderately dangerous


The ecological system is disrupted. Recovery period of at least 10 years after reducing the harmful effects from the existing source


Low hazard


The ecological system is disrupted. The self-healing period is at least 3 years.

VClass -

Virtually harmless

Very low

The ecological system is practically undisturbed

Waste disposal refers, first of all, to operations related to burial and storage, as well as the use, processing and disposal of waste. The future impact of waste management will depend on how these factors change. Final treatment of waste today means either its disposal in a landfill or incineration. These two species have different, but in both cases, negative impacts on the environment. Also, storage and burial of waste leads to irrational use of land resources - tens of hectares of usable land are alienated for their disposal.

Unused waste is thousands of tons of irretrievably lost material resources that could be involved in the economic circulation of the city. Recycling waste allows us to use natural resources more carefully.

To prevent possible adverse effects of waste on human health and living conditions, sanitary cleaning of the territory is organized in each city, ensuring the collection, disposal and neutralization of waste.

Solid waste landfills

Currently, the most common facilities for the neutralization of municipal solid waste removed from cities are landfills, where waste is stored on the ground with the expectation of its subsequent mineralization.

Landfills are environmental structures that provide protection from pollution of the atmosphere, soil, surface and groundwater, preventing the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, located outside cities and other populated areas.

When choosing a site for constructing a solid waste landfill, climatic, geographical and soil characteristics are taken into account. Choose a flat area that excludes the possibility of precipitation washing away part of the waste and contaminating adjacent land areas, open water bodies, and soil located near populated areas.

It is allowed to allocate a plot of land for a landfill for solid household waste on the territory of ravines, starting from its upper reaches, which allows for the collection and removal of melt and storm water by constructing intercepting upland ditches that drain this water into open reservoirs.

The area of ​​the site allocated for the landfill is selected based on its operation for 15-20 years. In the compacted layer of solid household waste at landfills, slow processes of decomposition, mineralization of organic substances and their neutralization occur. Due to the penetration of atmospheric air, the processes of aerobic and anaerobic decomposition are more intense in a layer of solid waste 1-2 m thick. Due to the aerobic biothermal process, the temperature of solid waste rises to 30 0 C, over the course of 3-5 years, moisture is intensively removed from the surface. Part of the atmospheric precipitation, seeping through the thickness of crushed waste, can enter groundwater. It is possible that intestinal infectious diseases (typhoid fever, paratyphoid, dysentery), as well as tuberculosis, tetanus, gas gangrene, anthrax, can be carried out with the filtrate of bacteria. In this regard, sites for landfills are selected on a natural waterproof layer.

Observations have shown that clover and various weeds grow in solid waste landfills with an insulating layer of 15 cm, which contribute to soil-forming processes. Most cultivated plants planted in conditions of insufficient solid waste insulation die.

The problem of household waste in the city of Zavolzhsk

A person throwing out garbage does not think about the consequences of his actions. But this garbage contains a whole bunch of substances that are toxic to humans. Together with meltwater, streams of garbage, and along with it toxic substances, fall into rivers, causing colossal damage to all living things. Groundwater is also polluted with toxic waste. If we do not take drastic measures to recycle and dispose of waste, then in the near future we will face a huge landfill.

There are many trash cans in the city that are emptied regularly. Containers for collecting household waste have been updated. Garbage is removed regularly, but there are still unauthorized dumps within the city. A garbage dump outside the city periodically catches fire, and the choking smoke is blown toward the city by the wind. The city administration tries to respond to citizens' complaints, but this is not enough.

Residents of private households, unable to use waste removal services, are forced to look for illegal ways to get rid of their waste - burning it or dumping it in the nearest ravine.

This is how numerous spontaneous landfills appear on the outskirts of cities and villages, in the surrounding forests and ravines. Expanding the coverage of private sector residents with waste management services will significantly reduce the number of spontaneous landfills.

The younger generation, work collectives, and the local population actively joined in restoring order on the city streets. Schoolchildren go out on cleanup days. The guys from the sports and labor group under the administration of the Zavolzhsky urban settlement successfully combine socially useful work with sports.

Well done guys! Just imagine: with the help of teenagers, the city park, embankment and some city streets will be transformed over the summer season.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Stage task:

analysis of the situation; determination of its main goals: the formation of environmental consciousness, ecological culture, kindness and mercy.

Stage 2 – organizational: planning and forecasting of upcoming work.

Objectives of the stage: creating an ecological environment in the group, involving them in the upcoming creative work; development of plans for working with children and parents on the formation of environmental education through lessons about the surrounding world, conducting environmental events, selection of literature and information on the project.

Stage 3 – practical activities

Objectives of the stage: the formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas of children and parents, as well as the beginning, the foundations of environmental education through environmental action.

Stage 4 – final

Objectives of the stage: generalization of experience and determination of the result of practical activities

Forms of work for project implementation:

Observations and ecological excursions;

Creating a presentation;

Educational reading;

Drawing competition, selection of the best ones to create a leaflet

Creating a leaflet. spreading

Forms and methods of working with parents:

Parents' participation in the cleanup.

Conducting joint environmental excursions.

Analysis of the work performed, results achieved.

During the distribution of leaflets, city residents became interested in our appeal. And we will see the final result of the project after the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Dear city residents!

One of the problems of Russian ecology is the widespread pollution of cities by household waste. Don't like litter on the streets of your city? Take an active position and don’t miss the opportunity to make your native corner more cultural! With your personal example, show the townspeople how important it is to live in a beautiful, well-groomed city with clean streets. On the eve of big holidays, we, students of the Moscow Municipal Educational Institution of the Zavolzhsky Lyceum, callyou keep the city clean and tidy! We believe that someday garbage will completely disappear from the streets of our city!


Trans-Volga socio-political newspaper “Avangard”:

Textbook “The world around us” by A.A. Vakhrushev, D.D. Danilov, O.V. Bursky, A.S. Rautian "Inhabitants of the Earth"

Photos of students.

Presentation template:
