The luckiest man on earth. Who is he - the luckiest man in the world? The luckiest man in the world

03/21/2018 at 12:22 · Johnny · 3 760

Top 10 Luckiest People in the World

Everyone is familiar with the expression “born in a shirt.” The saying applies to those who managed to emerge unscathed from dangerous situations. life situations. These are the real lucky ones, a category that can also include those people who have become unexpectedly rich. As they say, “from rags to riches.” The luckiest people in the world made it to the top, for whom fate turned out to be truly favorable.

10. Lena Palson

Lena Palson opens a list of the luckiest people in the world. In 1995, during the Christmas holidays, a Swede was doing housework and decided to take off her wedding ring. After finishing her household chores, Lena did not find the ring in the place where she had put it. The engagement accessory returned to its owner almost 17 years later. The woman discovered the lost item in her garden, pulling out a carrot in the garden bed. Before this, the family had also been planting vegetables, and Lena considers the fact that the ring was discovered on cultivated land after such a period of time to be a real miracle.

9. Anders Hellstrup

Anders Hellstrup is one of the ten luckiest people on Earth. It’s very hard to believe, but this man managed to avoid a collision with a real meteorite. The skydiver jumped with a parachute, at the same time, a few meters away from him, a stone falling from the sky rushed down at enormous speed. The man did not immediately understand that the falling heavenly body nothing more than a meteorite. Nevertheless, Anders managed to film everything on camera, which is significant confirmation of this event. The skydiver was very lucky that the chosen jump course was somewhat further than the falling meteorite.

8. Harrison Okene

Harrison Okene is a real lucky guy who is very lucky in this life. The young man worked as a cook on a tugboat. As a result of the accident, the ship began to flood. At that moment the guy was in the bathroom. Sensing something was wrong and then assessing the direness of the situation, the cook rushed to the engine compartment. A small air cushion formed there, which helped save Oken. Harrison spent three days on a sunken ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The cook was pulled out by rescuers who arrived at the scene. The man admits that after several years of the incident, he is still tormented by nightmares associated with the sunken ship.

7. Nichiren

Nichiren went down in history not only as a famous religious figure, but as one of the luckiest people in the world. He was a preacher, which almost caused his death. The authorities believed that Nichiren's teachings could undermine their reputation and authority in society, so it was decided to execute the monk by beheading. During the execution, the executioner was unexpectedly killed by lightning. This fact was considered a sign, so Nichiren was left alive, but sent into exile. The monk managed to live to an old age, become a religious leader and gain followers of his teachings.

6. Maarten de Jong

Maarten de Jong is a person who is truly lucky in this life. He is from that category of lucky people who manage to avoid a dangerous situation as a result of a coincidence or their own premonition. This is one of the few people who cheated fate twice. This happened several years ago when a man was supposed to be on flight MH370, who went missing and cannot be found to this day. Some time later, he bought a ticket for another flight, but found a cheaper option and decided to exchange the ticket. The aircraft on which the man was originally supposed to fly was shot down in the skies over Ukraine.

5. Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Tsutomu Yamaguchi went down in history as one of the luckiest people. During World War II, the man was an employee of the Mitsubishi company, so he was constantly traveling almost all over the world. When Tsutomu went on a business trip (1945) to Hiroshima, the first atomic bomb was dropped. The man received various injuries, but survived. When the man was able to return to his official duties, the second reset was carried out. nuclear bomb, an explosion that Yamaguchi was also able to survive. Tsutomu can also be considered a long-livers; he died at 93 years old.

4. Joan R. Ginther

Joan R. Ginther refers to the luckiest women in the world. The American is one of the lucky few who have managed to repeatedly win large sums in the lottery. Over the course of several years, she repeatedly managed to hit the jackpot of several million dollars. The biggest win came in 2008, when a woman won an amount of 10 million US dollars. Joan still buys many tickets to this day, numbering in the hundreds. She sometimes gives part of the purchased tickets to relatives and friends.

3. Bill Morgan

Bill Morgan reveals the top three luckiest people in the world. A 37-year-old man was involved in a serious accident, receiving numerous injuries. At the hospital, Bill was given a drug that caused allergic shock. As a result, clinical death occurred, which lasted for 14 minutes. Doctors managed to restart the heart, after which the victim lay in the intensive care unit in a coma for two weeks. Doctors told the relatives that the man needed to be disconnected from the life support system, since there was a high probability that during a prolonged period of clinical death, the brain cells could die. However, to the surprise of everyone, the man soon came to his senses and quickly began to recover, and no abnormalities in the functioning of the brain were found. The miracles in Bill’s life did not end there, as he later won big prizes in the lottery twice.

2. Virginia Fike

Virginia Fike is one of the luckiest women in the whole world. An American woman has twice won large cash prizes in the lottery. She decided in advance which ticket numbers she would buy. They should have contained the date of the anniversary and the age of her parents. Both tickets were winners, worth $1 million each.

1. Frane Selak

Frane Selak- the luckiest man in the world, who outwitted death as many as 7 times, which is very difficult to believe. For the first time encounter mortal danger the man had to in 1962, when a derailed train crashed into the river. Frane escaped with only a broken arm and several bruises. Just a year later, a man fell out of the opening door of a falling plane and landed straight into a haystack. Three years later, he fell into the river on the bus he was traveling on. The lucky man swam safely to shore, escaping with minor injuries. In 1968, Selak taught his son to shoot a weapon, as a result of which he shot off his scrotum, although everything could have ended more disastrously. A few years later, he found himself in several road accidents, surviving. Then fate again tested the man's strength; he was hit by a bus, but he avoided a collision with a truck. Frane was not only able to avoid death many times, but also became the owner of a large sum of money, winning the lottery on his 73rd birthday.

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What else to see:

A true and amazing life story, an unfortunate lucky man who almost died 7 times, and after all this won one million dollars in the lottery.

This lucky guy's name is Fran Selak, who worked as a music teacher in Croatia; Fran began his streak of failures in 1962. The train he was on went off the rails, then overturned several times, then fell into the water and began to sink; 17 people died that day; Fran Selak managed to swim to the shore with a broken arm.

Literally one year later, Fran flew on a plane, somewhere high, depressurization occurred and the side door of the plane was ripped open, our hero was sucked right overboard. Selak woke up in the hospital, where he was informed that the plane in which he was flying had crashed, and he was found in the hayloft.

A few years later, Selak had an accident while he was on a bus, 4 people died, Fran escaped with only minor bruises.

A few years later, Fran Selak's car caught fire, he tried to put it out, but the car exploded.

After 3 years, Fran’s car caught fire again, only in the cabin, due to a failure of the fuel system, most of the hair on Fran’s head was burned off.

22 years later, Selak was hit by a bus and suffered shock and minor bruises.

And again, a year later, while driving his car, Fran late noticed a truck that was driving straight at him, according to Fran’s reaction, he turned the steering wheel towards the ditch, where there was a cliff in the gorge, he managed to get out of the car, and the car flew down.

7 years later, at the age of 74, Selak bought a lottery ticket for the first time in his life and won one million dollars!

Incredible facts

These stories seem incredible and fictitious, but they are not.

Did you know the only person who survived being hit by a meteorite?

And what does it feel like to win a large sum in the lottery not once, but twice in a day?

Although some of these people faced difficult trials, luck clearly favored them.

The luckiest people

1. The woman pulled out a carrot with a long-lost ring.

While working in the garden, Lena Påhlsson pulled out a carrot from the ground with the wedding ring she lost 16 years ago.

The ring, which Lena designed herself, was lost after she placed it on the kitchen table in 1995. The ring likely fell into a bucket of fertilizer and later spread throughout the garden. If it weren't for the lucky carrot, he probably wouldn't have been found.

2. A man found his biological mother, who worked with him in the same store.

Steve Flaig had been searching for his birth mother since he was 18, but it wasn't until 2007 that he discovered he was pronouncing her name wrong. New searches ended in success. As luck would have it, Chris Tallady, a 45-year-old cashier who worked with him at the same store, turned out to be his mother.

3. Winning the lottery twice on the same day.

Virginia Fike always played the lottery with the same numbers: her wedding anniversary and her parents' ages, divided by the year they got married.

In 2012, a mix-up at the checkout led to her writing numbers on two tickets instead of one. Later, she saw on TV that two tickets had matched five of the 6 lottery numbers, and were each worth $1 million. The woman looked at her mother and said, "It would be funny if..." and then couldn't stop laughing until she got to the bank.

Stories of Survival

4. Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived two atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on business when the bomb was dropped, damaging his eardrum, causing temporary blindness and burns to his upper body.

Despite his injuries, three days later he found himself in Nagasaki for work. Yamaguchi was discussing the Hiroshima bombing with his superior when sirens sounded and another bomb was dropped. He officially became one of the few who were able to survive these two nuclear bombings.

5. A man survived three days underwater by crouching on an air bubble after his boat capsized.

Nigerian sailor Harrison Okene was on the toilet when his boat suddenly began to sink at 5am. The ship sank almost 30 meters below cold water. Okene, wearing only his underwear, managed to survive thanks to the air bubble in the cabin. He was discovered only after he had spent 60 hours underwater.

6. A man was jumping with a parachute when a meteorite almost fell on him.

Anders Helstrup captured the meteorite's close passage with a head-mounted camera as it jumped to the ground.

He himself did not even suspect that he narrowly escaped death until he watched the filming. " I had a feeling that something happened, but I didn't notice what happened"- said the Norwegian.

Lucky people of the world

7. The only survivor of a plane crash.

In 1971, Juliane Koepcke became the only survivor of a plane crash in the Peruvian Amazon.

Koepke fell 3,200 meters while strapped into her seat belt when her plane crashed into tropical forest Amazonia. She walked through a jungle infested with crocodiles and piranhas for 10 days until she was discovered by loggers.

8. Two days inside an active volcano.

In 1992, Chris Duddy, Michael Benson and Craig Hosking spent two days inside the crater of the active Kilauea volcano after a helicopter crash.

The helicopter lost control so suddenly that pilot Craig Hosking had no time to call for help. When the helicopter fell into the hot crater floor, it narrowly missed being caught in a bubbling lava lake, and all three escaped with only minor cuts. While the men were waiting for rescue and heard the lava gurgling beneath them, they had already mentally resigned themselves to a terrible death.

9. We sailed away from the world's highest tsunami on a fishing boat.

On the night of July 9, 1958, an earthquake in Alaska led to the formation of a tsunami wave that was twice as high as the Eiffel Tower (more than 500 meters). The boat of Howard Ulrich and his 8-year-old son was swept away by a wave that was approaching the bay at a speed of 160 km per hour. Surprisingly, the ship was lifted to the top of a wave that carried them over the trees and lowered them back into the bay.

10. Only person in history, which was hit by a meteorite.

While this sounds like extreme bad luck, don't jump to conclusions until you hear the whole story.

Late morning near the city of Sulacoga in Alabama, USA, a young woman Ann Hodgeswas dozing on the couch, covered in a blanket, when a grapefruit-sized meteorite crashed through the roof of the house, bounced off the radio and struck her in the thigh, leaving a pineapple-shaped scar. If it weren't for the blanket and the radio, the meteorite could have hit her in the head.

Surely many will agree that life is a complicated thing. No matter how trivial it may sound, it is true. Luck is our faithful assistant. For some, it helps them move up the career ladder, while others are more fortunate in their personal lives. However, there is also luck, which many people consider simply a lucky coincidence, an accident. However, when a person’s life hangs by a thread, when one wrong step, one wrong movement or even a spoken word can become an early end to one’s stay in this world, absolutely everyone expects some kind of miracle, which is the above-mentioned luck. Few people manage to cheat death at least once. However, there are those who managed to fool the old woman with the scythe several times. Such people are often called “darlings of fortune.”

Frane Selak - an 88-year-old retired music teacher from Croatia, the hero of this article - belongs to such a small group of lucky people who succeeded. According to him, he managed to deceive fate 7 times, surviving several accidents and disasters, while escaping with only minor injuries. Some of the rescues were so miraculous and unimaginable that they ended up in the famous Guinness Book of Records. And in his old age, the reward for all the trials life presented to him was the large sum of money he won in the lottery. Why isn't he the luckiest person in the world?!

short biography

Frane Selak was born in 1929 in what was then Yugoslavia. The birth of the future lucky guy happened quite unexpectedly and in unusual place. The birth took place... in a boat during one of the child's father's fishing trips, which he often went on. The baby was also born at seven months old. The seaside holiday was immediately interrupted. The child's condition did not inspire optimism. The baby was born weak and was on the verge between life and death. The parents took the baby to the hospital, but they decided that the boy could not be saved. But the mother had no intention of parting with her newborn baby. She wrapped him in a shirt and took him to the church, sprinkling him with holy water. Only after this the child’s condition began to change. positive side. Thus, the hand of Lady Luck already touched the shoulder of the future unlucky lucky man. Since childhood, Frane was interested in music, so the choice future profession was, naturally, connected precisely with this sphere of art. He became a music teacher and director of a children's choir. However, fate prepared for him many deadly trials, which certainly did not allow him to call his life boring.

Case one. Train story

Frane Selak's games with death began in 1962. In January of that year, he was traveling on a train heading from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik. Due to icing on the railway tracks (it was bitterly cold), the train derailed and crashed into an ice-covered river. 17 people became victims of this disaster. Selak miraculously managed to survive; he escaped with hypothermia, bruises and a broken arm. In addition, he saved the life of one elderly passenger.

Case two: airplane

Another unpleasant incident in the life of a Croatian music teacher was an incident on an airplane in 1963. What happened then? A Douglas DC 8 jet airliner was flying from Zagreb to Rijeka. Frane, not indifferent to the fair sex, decided to have an affair with the flight attendant, unfastening his seat belt. Suddenly the cabin depressurized and the plane door flew open. It turned out that due to dense fog, the Douglas DC 8 accidentally touched a mountain ledge, which is why the cabin door opened. Some of the passengers were sucked out, including the flight attendant with whom the music teacher wanted to get to know each other better. Lovelace Selak also fell out of the plane. 19 people became victims of this tragic incident. Frana was miraculously lucky enough to fall on a large haystack and escaped with fright and abrasions. The flight attendant was also lucky: she fell onto the leafy part of the tree. True, it was not possible to get to know the girl better. But he remained safe and sound. This amazing incident was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Case three. No luck with buses either

The next “adventure” of the Croatian music teacher occurred in 1966. This time the trip on the bus, which was heading to the city of Split, was unsuccessful. The driver lost control and the bus crashed into the river. Four people became victims of this tragedy. Frana Selak managed to get out of the bus and reach the shore. And again he escaped with shock, bruises and abrasions.

Case four. Is a car safer?

After 3 previous unpleasant incidents, Frane Selak decided not to take any more risks and started driving his own Skoda car, believing that driving on his own would be safer. Do you think it worked this time? Not at all. In 1970, traveling by car turned into another unpleasant incident. On the highway, his car suddenly began to smoke and then completely caught fire. Frane, without hesitation, immediately rushed out of the car. Seconds later, he watched his car's gas tank explode. And once again I managed to escape with a few abrasions and a slight shock. Frane’s surprised friend, who learned about this incident, could not stay away and uttered a rather memorable phrase: “You are either the unluckiest or the luckiest person in the world!”

Case five. And again I got off easy

The next incident in the life of the unlucky lucky guy happened because of his own mistake. In 1973 there was unsuccessful attempt repair the car, as a result of which the fuel pump failed, and Selak was doused with a small portion of fuel, which instantly caught fire. Frane did not receive any severe burns, except for his burnt hair. Got off easy, as they say.

Case six. The troubles continue

The next episode in the fate of “fortune’s favorite” is one that happens every day in the life of almost every ordinary citizen of our planet. The year was 1995. More than 20 years have passed since the last incident, and Frane Selak considered that the dark streak of incidents in his life had ended. But it was not there. This time in Zagreb he was accidentally hit by a bus. Fortunately for the 66-year-old Croatian, he again escaped with only abrasions and fear.

Case seven. Oh, this Skoda...

The last unpleasant incident in the life of the luckiest man in the world occurred in 1996. And again behind the wheel of the ill-fated Skoda car. This time Frane made a trip through the mountains, through a narrow gorge. Suddenly, after turning, he saw with horror that a truck was rushing towards him at high speed. peacekeeping forces UN. Selak turned sharply to the side and crashed through the fence with his car. The car hung on the edge of a cliff. Horvath jumped out of the car just seconds before his car crashed to the bottom of the gorge, where it exploded. And this time it ended with fear and scratches. Frane Selaka's life was saved by the fact that the seat belt was not fastened.

Further fate

Today, the luckiest man in the world is 88 years old. He is a retired music teacher and lives in the town of Petrinja, south of Zagreb. Life presented him with many unpleasant surprises. However, at the end of this path of “luck”, real luck awaited him. In 2003, Frane Selak decided to try his luck in the lottery. As a result, he hit the jackpot, winning an amount equal to $1 million. An unheard of reward for long trials by fate. Some would immediately run to put such money in the bank, while others would start spending it.

Frane Selak, who was 74 years old at that time, decided that he was too old to put money aside. In addition, the old Croatian was literally up to his neck in debt. And no one has canceled the passion for travel. Having paid off his debts, he spent most of the money on a new house, car and boat, and also got married for the fifth time.

In 2010, tired of traveling, Frane returned to Petrinja, sold what he had purchased earlier, and had surgery to replace hip joint, and gave the remaining amount to charity. Today, the 88-year-old pensioner is again drowning in debt. However, the luckiest man in the world does not at all regret the money he wasted left and right. He considers that lucky win a kind of gift for the trials that he had to endure. Including for saving the life of an old woman when a train derailed in 1962.

Personal life

As mentioned above, Frane Selak was never indifferent to the fairer sex. Just look at the incident on the plane, which only miraculously ended well for him. Not counting his numerous affairs, he was married four times, but all marriages ended in divorce after some time. The last, 5th marriage was concluded in old age, some time after that largest cash winnings, and the man is still happy. His chosen one's name is Katarina. She is 20 years younger than Frane. The Croatian pensioner himself considers his wife the greatest success in his life.

How to determine who is lucky and who is not? This is not an easy question. There is a horoscope of luck, you can trust its conclusions. Sociologists have identified lucky names. And the happiest person in the world lives in Croatia.

The luckiest zodiac sign

According to the so-called zodiac luck, the most lucky sign called Aries. Whether a person’s luck generally depends on his zodiac sign or not - there are different opinions. Some argue that only a person himself can make himself lucky, but there are those who believe that a person is born unlucky or lucky.

It has been found that Aries most often wins in various draws. Also, people of this sign are often very successful in their careers; they manage to cope with almost any given task. They are accustomed to perceive life itself as an interesting game.

The luck horoscope states that Aries' success in games and practical jokes is related to their perception of the game process. They are interested in the process itself, the feeling of excitement and the adrenaline received, and not the winnings.

Aries is patronized by the planet Mars; as you know, Mars is the invincible god of war. It is possible that this also affects the fact that Aries are very lucky people. Another area of ​​Aries luck is financial. Financial issues that are considered difficult to resolve for many are resolved without any difficulties. Having added up all the listed factors, the luck horoscope came to the conclusion that Aries is the one who has the most luck in life.

The luckiest woman in the world

When planning to find out which of the women is the happiest and luckiest, the contenders should not be looked for in aristocratic society or among those involved in show business. The luckiest person in the world is a simple Englishwoman who remains unemployed for a long time. In the past, she is a bank employee. Due to health problems, she had to leave her job. Her last name is Liz Denail.

When the woman had a lot of free time, she began to participate in various lotteries and competitions. To her surprise, prizes literally rained down on her. Liz always won without difficulty.

Her whole apartment is full of prizes. According to the “lucky girl”, thanks to the sale of unnecessary prizes, she lives comfortably. She managed to win a home theater, an LCD TV, a variety of household appliances, gaming consoles. Once she even went on a trip, thanks to a five-day tourist package to Kenya received as a prize.

The lucky woman said that there are very strange prizes. She considers life-size cartoon characters made from cardboard to be such. Liz said that participating in competitions and quizzes and winning often makes her life more interesting and fun. The existence of people like Liz Denile inspires confidence that there are still very lucky people in the world.

The luckiest names

Scientists and sociologists decided to find out which names are the most lucky. They studied separately male and female names. The happiest and luckiest woman is considered to be the one whose name is Elena. Even in Russian folklore, everyone knows Helen the Wise. Most often, it is Elena who becomes the leader; women named Elena usually have large savings.

Elena always confidently moves up the career ladder. According to research by sociologists, fortune favors the same Helens. If we consider luck from the point of view of quickly achieving material well-being, then the leaders here are women named male names, these are Evgenia, Valentina and Alexandra.

A study of male names yielded interesting results. Alexander and Boris are recognized as the most successful names, because their names are translated as “protector” and “glorious in struggle.” The greatest success for Boris and Alexander is ensured in business; they often have a prominent position in society. For these men, work comes first.

The names Dmitry and Sergey also bring good luck to their owners. They know how to find compromises, build dialogues, and always move confidently towards the goal. It turns out that when naming your child at birth, you need to approach this issue seriously. After all, everyone wants their child to become the luckiest and happiest in the world.

The luckiest man in the world

There is a person who has been lucky throughout his life. This is a music teacher from Croatia. His last name is Frayn Selak. The whole world learned about him in 2003, when he bought a lottery and won a million dollars. This lottery ticket was the first that Frain had purchased in forty years. Since then they started talking about him as the luckiest man on earth.

As it turned out, luck “has followed” him all his life. He was in seven disasters where there were casualties, but always remained unharmed. He fell along with a derailed train into icy water, fell from the opening door of a flying airplane, and was a passenger in a bus that flew off the road into a river. He also got out of a burning car shortly before the explosion, was hit by a city bus and jumped out of the car, which then fell off a cliff. It's amazing that all this happened to one person. He goes by the nickname "Lucky".

The proverb “fools are lucky” often proves true. And the smartest people in the world have to work hard to achieve success. According to the site, Englishman Daniel Tammet learned to divide and multiply multi-digit numbers at the age of four after an attack of epilepsy.
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