What will I become essay. Composition on the topic “My future profession. What will I be when I grow up

What do I want to be when I grow up

In elementary school, I really wanted to be a doctor. My mom is a pediatrician and that says it all. At home, there was always talk about the children whom their mother treats. She is a very responsible doctor, so leaving the children's clinic where she works, she still remembers them all the time. Parents of children constantly call her, consult, consult. Of course, being a doctor is a special profession. No one like doctors help people in their health. In some very difficult cases, doctors bring their patients back to life.

Views on life and on the choice of profession change with age. Seeing the work of my mother, I realized that I could not cope. I am not sure that I will be able to provide the necessary assistance to the patient in time, and how then to live with it?
In my family, only my mother and grandmother are doctors, but my grandfather and father are naval officers. Grandfather was once a commander on an anti-submarine ship. He served in the Pacific Fleet. Dad decided to be a hereditary sailor, like his father, and after graduation high school entered the Dzerzhinsky Higher Naval School in the then city of Leningrad. Now this city is called St. Petersburg. Much is changing in our country, but this military school is still operating. When I finish school, I will also be like my father and grandfather - a military sailor. I will definitely be a sailor, I have already firmly decided.

We talked a lot of times with both dad and grandfather, they told me about their service at sea. Dad after school served in the Northern Fleet on a nuclear submarine. We then lived in a military camp, my mother also worked in a children's clinic. We didn't see much of my dad. He left when all of us, except for mom, of course, were asleep, and he came - we were already asleep. Weekends were very rare. Mom always told my brother and me that dad is not at work, but in the service. He is very proud that he became a sailor. This is probably why I want to be like him in everything, I'm his son.

The sailors of the navy of our country always stand on the borders of our homeland, its maritime border. And we are always confident that they will be able to stand up for us if necessary. Previously, no one was allowed on boats, and last summer my dad and I went to his native Zapadnaya Litsa (now it is the city of Zaozersk in Murmansk region). He took me there specifically to show his boat, on which he served for many years, on which he went on autonomous navigation more than once. This is a rather long period - for six months we did not see him and did not receive any letters from him. When we arrived, my father's friend Uncle Seryozha took us, or rather me, on a tour of this submarine. When dad told me, I couldn’t even imagine what I saw myself. These are small but cozy cabins for each officer, a galley with frying pans and pots, because all sailors love and should eat delicious food. And when we came to the captain's bridge, the delight simply seized me from head to toe. I felt like the commander of this huge boat. It even took my breath away. Now I already know exactly what I will be when I grow up.

For as long as I can remember, I always dreamed of becoming a doctor. And today I firmly decided that I would become one. I believe that a doctor is the most necessary and noble profession, doctors are angels on earth. I am ready with great dedication to help people cope with their illnesses, ailments, and also save their lives.

I am ready to show sensitivity and humanity towards people, I will do my best to improve on the path that I have chosen.

My inspirers are world doctors who work daily for the benefit of people. And it gives me a push every day to learn and develop, never sit still, but only move forward.

Composition on the topic My future profession is a doctor

Medical care is the most necessary occupation on the planet. People from ancient times began to study medicine. The human body has remained, not fully understood. Maybe a person can live two hundred years and keep working, or maybe a gene can be introduced into him that will deprive him of absolutely any disease.

I am very interested in medicine and human body. My dream is to become a doctor and explore all the possibilities of the body. I want to help people. I want to prolong the life of my family. The difficulties of the profession do not scare me, but good grades in biology will make me the best doctor in the world.

Composition Why I want to become a doctor (reasoning)

Becoming a doctor is not just an accurate diagnosis. It is not easy to prescribe an effective drug treatment. To be a doctor is to heal by talking, to help, to make patients feel strong and recovering.

My dream is to become just such a doctor, a doctor who will not be afraid, a doctor who will help people. Any illness is difficult to endure, but it is easier when you know that the best doctor treats you.
I know that medicine requires great knowledge and a lot of time and effort. I know that I will have a lot of time to study biology, pharmaceuticals, the structure of the body, drugs. I will have to practice a lot. It will be a difficult time, but I know that I will succeed and I can become an excellent specialist.

Our life is very fleeting, the body ages and loses strength, something at a certain age becomes irrelevant. That's why I want to learn how to stop time and prolong human life. I want to invent a cure for many incurable diseases, I want to help people become happy. And people can become happy only when they are healthy.

I know that now the profession of a doctor is in great demand, but I also know that in our country, doctors are specialists who receive low wages and are required to work all day. The doctor has no days off and holidays. The doctor is always in touch and should always help his patients. I understand this and I want to help people in this way. And if I study well and become a competent doctor, then I will not have problems with the financial part of my life.

I understand the responsibility of this profession and I want to develop in this direction. I hope that everything will work out for me and my efforts will be appreciated. And the benefits of my profession will be enormous.

Composition on the topic My dream profession is a doctor

For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamed of becoming a doctor. And I am sure that over the years my dream will not fade away, but on the contrary will become a reality. Probably, such a desire to help and heal people was passed on to me from my grandmother. Tamara Ivanovna, that's the name of my grandmother, a doctor from God. All her life she worked in a children's hospital and helped children cope with illnesses. I always thought it was wonderful to be useful and needed. Therefore, definitely, the profession of my dream is a doctor.

When I finish school I want to go to medical institute. I'm interested in two areas. The first is to be a pediatrician, like a grandmother, and the second is to connect your life with surgery. It may seem that these two profiles are completely different, but on this moment they are both interesting to me. As for pediatrics, what a blessing it is to save the lives and health of children. IN modern world so many diseases that every year become more stable and more dangerous. But thanks to doctors, people manage to overcome the disease and become healthy. I know from my own experience how unpleasant it is to get sick, even if you have a common cold. Headache, sore throat, runny nose, cough. At such moments, you feel overwhelmed and helpless. However, a good doctor will quickly make the correct diagnosis and alleviate the patient's condition.

As for the second profile, namely surgery, I had thoughts quite recently. It seems to me very prestigious to work in a good clinic. But in addition to prestige, it is very responsible. Every day, surgeons perform many operations and help people get back on their feet. It seems to me that such a profession is interesting and useful.

Maybe at the end of school I will want to choose a different direction, but one thing I know for sure is that I will connect my life with medicine. I want to benefit people, help and be needed. Especially if the work gives pleasure, then its quality will be on top. I will be glad to see the happy and grateful faces of people from the fact that I cured them.

Option 5

There are a sufficient number of professions that are popular and in demand. Many are attracted by the financial benefits that a higher salary promises. In my opinion, there is no more worthy occupation for a modern person than to treat people.

At all times, the profession of a doctor allowed a person to fully realize his concern for his neighbor. In this work, not only the end result is attractive - the patient's complete recovery and deliverance from suffering. The very communication with different people, the analysis of their problems, which led to the appearance of an unpleasant pathology, will allow you to draw a lot of not only professional, but also personal experience. The ability to find mutual language with representatives of different strata of society, the application of their knowledge in practical conditions make the profession of a doctor the most interesting of all existing ones.

Doctors are always needed

During economic and political crises, intelligent medical worker will always have its rightful piece of bread, because the "golden hands" and "bright head" of the doctor will always be in demand. Cause people get sick all year round so the doctor has no prospect of being unemployed.

Continuous improvement

Activities in the field of medicine provide for continuous improvement of the level of professional qualifications. You can't "rest on your laurels" in this job. Various certifications and scientific work will allow you to maintain the flexibility of the mind until old age, adopting advanced methods of treating patients.

Notable doctors

At different times, doctors were the thinker Nicolaus Copernicus, the predictor Nostradamus, the great Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov, the singer Alexander Rosenbaum, the satirist Grigory Gorin, the TV presenter Yana Rudkovskaya and many other famous personalities. Probably, this profession has such an impact on a person that creative talent cannot remain within the narrow confines of medicine.

Give health

To give a person health is a very honorable thing. Good doctors are recognizable and respected in society. It is enough to be an ordinary doctor in a small town for several years to become part of the local elite.

It's nice when you are respected and considered irreplaceable. This is exactly how representatives of many specialties of the medical art feel, who have made breakthroughs in the areas of medicine in which they worked. Being a doctor means dedicating your whole life to finding a way to make a person happier. After all, the greatest asset of every inhabitant of the planet is good health.

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Essay on the topic: What do I want to be in the future?

You should always think about your future. To do this, you need to study well, because it is during study that they come right thoughts about who you want to be. Without hard work, dreams will never come true, so you need to learn something new every day and gain knowledge. My parents help me in this difficult task, they always say that work should bring pleasure, and benefit people. The main thing to do right choice and the path of a lifetime.

There are so many interesting professions in the world, it is very difficult to choose your own. I have not yet decided exactly who I will become in the future, but now I really like the work of a doctor or a veterinarian. Perhaps I will become one of them and will save seriously ill people or animals. I also want to be a traveler, in order to explore the most intimate corners of the world. Now I am only a student of the fifth grade, but I know for sure that all the knowledge that I will receive at school will be necessary for me in choosing a profession for the benefit of society.

A year ago, on my birthday, my dream came true - I was given a puppy. He became my best friend, I called him Jack. Once there was a disaster, my pet fell ill and no one could help him. He asked me for help, whined plaintively, I did not understand what was happening to him, and this made my heart break. Of course, we turned to the doctor for help, he helped the dog and wrote out recommendations for treatment, which I followed for almost a month. My friend survived, and I got great pleasure in caring for him and for the result.

After this incident, I realized that perhaps this is my calling - to treat our smaller brothers, because I adore and appreciate all animals. Now I am often interested in the animal world, especially dog ​​breeds. All neighbors and acquaintances already know this and often come to me for help. They ask me what to feed their pets, what vitamins they should be given, how to care for the sick, and so on. Therefore, I am sure that saving health and life is mine, I hope in the future my views will not change.

Firstly, the choice of a profession depends on whether you like what you do. Secondly, it should bring money, because you have to somehow earn a living. Also important issue in our time, there are jobs available, because having learned, you can not get a job in your specialty.

I believe that in order to become a doctor, in addition to knowledge, I also need to be kind, polite, benevolent, honest, responsible, attentive to people, because this is such a noble profession. I will do my best to learn and instill in myself such traits of character.

What do I want to be in the future essay


1.Mine future profession

2. Why I liked this profession

3. My first steps towards a future profession.

What do I want to be in the future grade 4

In the future, I see myself as a pilot, or rather a pilot. My dream is to learn how to fly an airplane and a helicopter. I want to conquer the sky and take great heights.

Pilots are very courageous and courageous people, which especially attracts me to this profession. The work of a pilot requires a lot of knowledge, perseverance and fortitude. The profession of a pilot is a very noble and romantic profession.

To become a pilot, I will need to enter the university of civil aviation. To do this, I try to study well and play sports. I also often read books about famous pilots, about their heroism and courage.

What do I want to be in the future grade 6

I want to become a doctor in the future. I want to help people restore their health, treat diseases, save them from dangerous diseases. Doctors are needed at any time, their help may be needed at any time of the day.

This is a very respected profession. Despite the fact that the work of a doctor is very time-consuming and very responsible, it brings a lot of joy, namely from the result of the work. After all, curing a person from a serious illness, saving him from certain death, sometimes doctors rejoice more than even the patient himself.

To become a good doctor, you need to study a lot and expand your horizons, as well as healthy lifestyle life. How can a doctor talk about health when he himself is unhealthy. Therefore, I do gymnastics and swimming, pay special attention to biology, and also read interesting articles about genetics.

What do I want to be in the future Grade 7

I dream of being a theater actor. After all, it is very interesting to be embodied in a variety of images: today you play the role goodie, which causes admiration in everyone, tomorrow - quite the opposite, one day you are a comedic hero, and the next - an ordinary wanderer of life.

The profession of an actor at first glance seems easy. But that's not the case at all. The work of an actor requires knowledge of psychology, good diction, grace. For any, even a minor, role, you need to give all your best, you need to completely surrender to the image. To play this or that hero, you need to constantly carry it in your thoughts, soul and heart. You need a clear understanding of who exactly you are playing, work on the image, listen to the mentor.

At the moment I'm in a drama club. I really enjoy playing different people. My last role is Cinderella. The audience was delighted with the performance. I also love to read poetry before large audience great poets.

It's been two years since I decided on my future profession. Now I am fifteen and I know for sure that I want to become a tattoo artist. This is a profession that is currently fashionable, which makes it possible to show one's imagination and make people beautiful and happy. Since I am a creative person by nature and at the same time I like to communicate with different people, my choice is to work as a tattoo artist.

When I informed my mother about my desire and plans for future employment, she took what she heard with hostility. Mom is a typical Soviet person with conservative views, therefore, everything informal that does not correspond to her traditional stereotypes of thinking is considered hostile and harmful. In her understanding, tattoos are associated with the criminal world, which is why they cause extreme rejection. I explained to my mother that I plan not only to get tattoos, but also to apply permanent makeup to women's eyes, lips, and eyebrows. But she still said that I didn't live up to her expectations. In my mother's view, I should become a doctor, lawyer or accountant ... I tried to convince the person closest to me that the profession of a tattoo artist, like a doctor, is designed to help people. In addition, she brings beauty to the world and gives a feeling of harmony with her body. This job will allow me to reveal my creative potential and provide me with a decent income. It is not necessary to work in salons, I will be able to receive clients at my home.

When I had exhausted all my arguments, I simply told my mother that this was my life and it was up to me to decide how to manage it. If I decided to become a tattoo artist, then so be it. Mom asked me to wait until the end of the eleventh grade and then make a choice. My aunt, my mother's sister, intervened in our dialogue. She said that I would be able to complete the tattoo course during the summer holidays, after reaching the age of sixteen. I agreed. Mom and aunt hope that my hobby is not serious, and by then I will change my mind. But they are wrong - I am firmly confident in my choice of future profession.

I am fourteen years old. Unlike many peers, I have not yet decided on my future profession. I have always been an enthusiastic person with diverse interests. Apparently, that is why it is difficult for me to choose one specialty.

Mom taught me to sew, and even in primary school I enjoyed making clothes for my dolls. Love for sewing has survived to this day, but in Lately I tend to knit more.

A year ago, I learned how to make various haircuts - men's and women's, everyday and festive. Who taught me? I looked on the Internet for training workshops and adopted the skills necessary for work. Now our family members and relatives do not have to spend money on visiting a hairdresser - I cut everyone's hair. I recently got my neighbor's hair done for prom and she was very pleased. Her sister said that in beauty salons they would not do better, and they would have to pay a lot. In addition, I can apply make-up (casual, business, evening), as well as do manicures and pedicures. So, we can say that I have mastered the profession of a makeup artist-hairdresser. Unless there is no document - diploma or certificate.

I also love to cook. It seems to me that the ability to cook is inherent in a woman on an intuitive level, and it manifests itself even in childhood. I have never specifically studied this, but I can cook almost any dish in such a way that, as they say, you will lick your fingers. Thanks to the Internet, the secrets of the chef's profession are revealed, because all the culinary subtleties are described in detail on specialized sites and forums. The key to success in this business (and in any other) is practice and the desire for continuous improvement.

When I was in elementary school, I wanted to become a teacher in the future. Now I understand that this is a very stressful job, which, moreover, is unfairly low paid. Later I thought about becoming a doctor. But one day I witnessed a terrible incident: a young man was hit by a tram. He survived, but was seriously injured and became an invalid. I saw how the doctors who arrived gave the unfortunate first aid, after which they loaded him onto a stretcher and took him to the hospital. This sight was a very strong shock for me. My hands were trembling, I could not look at what was happening and realized that the medical profession was not for me.

Now I'm in eighth grade. So far, I've been able to maintain high academic performance. I hope I will be able to finish school with a gold medal and go to university. But I still don’t know in which one ... Thinking about this topic, I composed a poem, which I called “Who to be?”:

I decided to write poetry
Be a poet in the future
And after school to enter
In the institution it is.

Not many years have passed since then
But my answer has changed.

Then I dreamed of being a seamstress,
Suits to sew and troikas.
Then I wanted to be a nurse
Sit next to the bed.

I dreamed that I was a circus performer
I toss the ball.
I dreamed of becoming a journalist
To issue newspapers…

From early childhood until now
I have not resolved this dispute.
I still don't know who to be
While there is time - I dream.

I hope that soon I will decide on my future profession. The main thing is that this choice is final and correct, so that later there will be no disappointments and regrets.

A person's profession largely determines his entire future life. The realization of the abilities inherent in nature and the degree of satisfaction with life in the future depend on it. Psychologists have proven that people who do what they love are much more likely to feel happy. Therefore, choosing a profession is a very important and responsible, if not fatal, step. Eh, don't be mistaken...