GK here is the tank. "World War" on the World of Tanks global map. How to earn gold

5 years and 2 months ago Comments: 0

The Global Map is a browser-based multiplayer game-application for World of Tanks. Clans land on it and fight for territory. For each territory captured, the clans receive so-called golda (gold).

How does the battle go?

It's simple, this is a regular map, just like in a standard battle, there is only one difference. This is that the GK is played by fairly experienced players who are members of the clan. The winning team either receives the territory or keeps it. For each victory, the clan is given gold, which in the future the commander or treasurer of the clan gives to all players who have proven themselves in the main group.

How to get to the GC?

Well, everything is simple here. You need to fight a certain number of battles that the clan requires (Each clan has different requirements). After you see the recruitment or ask to join the clan and that’s it, it’s all in the bag, basically all clans land on the GK (there are exceptions). Of course, the number of battles is not necessary, you can simply find the so-called “Nubo-clans” that recruit people simply and not participate in the landings.

How to earn gold?

It's not that simple here. You need to find a clan that lands and has enough good composition. To do this, you must have excellent statistics, from 1000+ efficiency (), 50%+ victories and about 10 thousand battles, and of course 1-2 tops (Tanks of the 10th level), because They can only land on main battle tanks using level 10 vehicles. Next, you need to win the battle and only after that the commander will pay you golda (gold). It’s not so easy to get into top clans, because... There are high requirements and almost all of them are recruited. That's probably all. You can read it here

In the World of Tanks project, in addition to the usual tank battles in random mode or in company compositions, there is a wonderful opportunity to try to take over the whole world. We are talking about “World War” - a browser application for the main game client. In a nutshell - there is a map globe, divided into many provinces. Any clan can try to capture one or more of them. In addition to the aesthetic component of owning a virtual piece of territory, there is also a very real income - each province brings a certain amount of gold, which goes to the clan treasury and is then distributed by the treasurers. Let's look at the "World War" process in World of Tanks in more detail.

The main window will be the Global Map - it is on it that you will see the provinces that belong to you, your allies and opponents. At the top and bottom there are information panels that provide all the necessary data for conducting strategic actions. For the convenience of the game, the Global Map (hereinafter referred to as the GC) is divided geographically into 8 regions containing a different number of provinces. There are several types of provinces - regular (average income), starting (where invasions and landings on the Civil Code begin) and key (higher income). In order for the province to generate income it is necessary:

Have a mobile capital in one of the provinces - Headquarters;

All other provinces must be geographically accessible from the capital.

The process of playing World War WoT is step-by-step - every day is divided into 24 turns, respectively, 1 turn lasts 60 minutes. In addition, for each of the provinces there is a so-called “Prime Time” - at the moment of its onset, a series of battles begin, and the territory itself is “frozen” for almost all actions.

So, your clan has decided to land on the Main Command - only starting provinces (located on the coast) and rebellious provinces are suitable for landing. To apply for a landing, you must have at least 15 players who have played at least one battle on a vehicle higher than level 5. Such a player gives the clan 1 chip - accordingly, 15 chips are needed for landing. Total number clan chips can be seen under the main ledger in the operational reserve information panel. Thus:

Select a province;

Select landing (the corresponding button);

Let's submit an application.

15 units from your operational reserve will change color from green to yellow - this means that personnel have been moved to fight for its territory. However, there are many people who want to land on the GC, and the province usually already has an owner. So upon disembarkation, a tournament begins - Olympic system battles (the loser is eliminated, in case of a draw both teams are eliminated), which will determine the winner of the disembarkation. The maximum number of teams in the tournament is 64; those who did not manage to get in sign up for the next landing. There is an interval of 30 minutes between each round of the tournament. If your team wins the tournament, then in the future it will fight with the troops of the owner of the province - if you win, you will become its new owner, and if you lose, all chips will be moved back to the operational reserve and will be unavailable for 24 hours. In addition, the victory of the owners of the province in which the rebellion was taking place automatically means its suppression.

So, your clan has become the happy owner of its own territory - you can develop expansion and capture new provinces belonging to other clans. An attack on an enemy province can be launched by a clan leader, his deputy, or a company commander. There are two types of possible battles: a counter battle (battle on the provincial border) or a battle for territory. If there are several people wishing to attack the same province, then the winner is determined in the same way as during the landing - by a knockout tournament.

Equipment destroyed as a result of battles for provinces is blocked on the main battery for a certain time - it depends on the outcome of the battle, the level and type of equipment. So, for an attacking clan, if the territory is successfully captured, a destroyed level 2 light tank will be unavailable for 30 minutes, and a level 10 artillery self-propelled gun will be unavailable for 24 hours. For the losers, the conditions are much worse - the same self-propelled gun will be unavailable for 120 hours.

What can you do in the province? First of all, place your mobile capital - Stavka. You can move it once a day and only to provinces belonging to your clan. The headquarters allows you to receive income from the provinces, withdraw troops from the operational reserve, and also hire agents to conduct special operations (intelligence and counterintelligence). You can also move troops from the province to other territories - moving chips takes 24 turns (hours). Any movement of troops can be canceled by clicking on the corresponding arrow. And the province can be plundered! Looting is understood as a special operation, after which the province will generate income once for three days, and then for 5 days it will not generate income at all, EVEN IF THE OWNER CHANGES! The scorched earth and hit-and-run tactics are at their most vivid.

Since we started talking about special operations, then you cannot mention Intelligence and Counterintelligence. Recruiting and introducing a scout into the territory of a potential enemy allows you to find out:

Disposition and number of troops;

Location of the Headquarters;

Chance of rebellion in the province.

Accordingly, there is also the possibility of counterintelligence. The recruited agent will prevent information leaks and interrupt intelligence operations of enemy clans. Both of these operations are paid (gold is required), the preparation of each agent lasts 24 hours, if the intelligence officer is revealed, the next one can be sent only after a day, but the counterintelligence agent exists for 24 hours under any conditions.

Wide possibilities for diplomacy and the creation of various alliances make World War an exciting game in World of Tanks, where the ability to communicate with people and find allies is no less important than the ability to drive a tank. In addition, game events occasionally take place on the Main Complex - for example, last year an entire continent surfaced in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Participants in the battles for it received not only unique stripes, but also a convenient springboard for landing on US territory. And just recently, a global restart of the Civil Code took place and battles for the provinces took place using vehicles of a strictly defined level - including the first!

The Global Map mode in World of Tanks is one of the most long-suffering. The other day, Wargaming made another attempt to force the community to become more active in joining clans. Already in the second half of September, the release of the anniversary 10th season of the Civil Code is expected. The most interesting innovation will be the ability to create hierarchical alliances.

Explaining the innovations, the official forum of the game for some reason refers players to Medieval Europe. Thus, the vassal will have to share with his overlord part of the funds earned on the Global Card. Allies will have to give up some of their blood money, since a weaker clan will be able to delegate its battles to a stronger one. Everything is as in criminal world the beginning of the 90s, when the “roof”, for a certain share, took upon itself the obligation to protect the person being covered from attacks from third parties.

But if you look at the situation from the perspective of modern realities, you can see Wargaming’s desire to create some kind of financial pyramid in World of Tanks. That is, for the clan players themselves to agitate and bring young clans and new gamers to the Global Map, promising them patronage, even to the point of “we will do everything for you ourselves.”

By the way, “vassal” and “suzerain” are exclusively Western concepts that came from the French language. In Russia, these terms are used mainly by historians in the context of describing the feudal period. It would be stupid to find fault with the wording, and no one is asking developers to use the original Russian “master” and “muzhik”. But the game is about “tanks”, and the hierarchy of the military is clear and lies at the core of the basics. Why not play it up?

Many players from the CIS found this mentality of the new season unpleasant. As Lenya Golubkov said, “I’m not a freeloader, I’m a partner.” In any enterprise, a Russian gamer wants to be on an equal footing, at least in words. And not to pay labor or corvee, but to make deductions or contributions.

And the solution is most likely banal. The game is primarily aimed at the Western market, as it is more solvent, and the CIS region, which gave the project popularity, is now operating on a residual basis. Wargaming supports the Russian language, and that’s already good. There is no need to talk about deeper localization of the Belarusian product. But this is, of course, speculation.

Most likely, you shouldn’t expect a massive influx of players to the GK after such innovations. main reason The problem is that the mode is quite intimate and is not designed for everyone at once. At the end of the current season, only 1,117 clans were included in the Walk of Fame. That's all you need to know about the scale of the movement. The creation of conditions under which playing in clans will be profitable is also unlikely to be expected.

The initiative may result in the creation of a new type of farms by strong clans. With twinks, inactive players and so on. In fake clans that will become loyal vassals. And everything will end as always. The developers will receive an imaginary increase in the number of players involved in the mode, top clans will receive another loophole for abuse, and ordinary players will not notice the changes.

Another interesting point that the community drew attention to: along with the mechanism for transferring interest for the “roof,” the game will have a more or less legal way of selling in-game currency. However, the amounts listed there will probably be insignificant, just like the clans’ earnings from the global map. Therefore, such an initiative is rather in the category of “a trifle, but nice.” At the same time, the developers immediately provided for the “robbery of caravans” mode, which makes the financial operation risky. And this may raise a logical question: why protect someone if the profit may not come? This is such a vicious circle.

The World of Tanks game has several interesting modes. And one of them is the “Global Map”. On it, clans fight for territories. In addition to sporting interest, this type of game attracts players with the opportunity to earn gold.

For example, by owning a particular province, a clan can receive from ten to several thousand in-game currency.

The global map for World of Tanks clans itself is a world map

It is divided into several parts:

Africa (West, East, South);
Ural and Trans-Urals;
Northern Europe;
Far East;

As you already understand, only clans can take part in this mode; it is impossible to meet single players there. But the developers have plans to introduce such players onto the global map as mercenaries. Well, let's wait and see.

Global map for World of Tanks clans and battles

Here the process is divided into 2 types:


On the global map, clans represent chips where commanders move them, carry out attacks and defenses of provinces, carry out reconnaissance, robberies and much more. As soon as the chips go into combat, a battle will take place between the clans at a certain time.

The time is set by the province itself and it is different for each; the battle will take place in the game client, namely in the “ Special fight" The battles are no different from ordinary company battles. There is only one “but”, the clans will not be able to see each other’s squads until the equipment is discovered during the battle.

What's on this moment occurs at the main building

Today all provinces belong to the most the best TOP clans, and it is practically impossible to dislodge them from there. Since these are very strong and experienced players, you need to train a lot to fight them.

In addition, if you decide to create a clan and try to attack to capture a province, then you will not succeed.

Because you need to spend a huge number of hours training clans, selecting the necessary compositions of equipment for certain maps of the area, and also watch videos of battles of the TOP clans, only then will you have a small chance of winning. For beginner and intermediate-level clans, there is only one opportunity to fight on the “Global Map” - this is only to gain experience in such battles.

Create clans, train, gain experience and who knows, maybe over time you will join the list of TOP clans. Good luck on the battlefield!