Top 10 crime cities in the world. "Criminal" rating: the police called the most dangerous cities in the Moscow region. crime statistics

In order to compile a list of the most criminal cities in Russia, a study was conducted in which more than 150 settlements with a population of over 100 thousand people took part. As a rule, all analytical centers use statistics provided by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rosstat.

Types of offenses

Compiling a complete picture of offenses, the following types of crimes are taken into account:

  • theft - theft, robbery and robbery;
  • harm to health, there is a mild, medium and severe stage;
  • violence against the person: rape or attempted coercion to have sexual intercourse;
  • deprivation of human life; attempt on the victim or her murder.

* When providing statistics on which is the most criminal city in Russia, all figures showing the number of crimes are calculated in the ratio of illegal acts to the population of 1: 1000, the time period is one year.

90s in Russia

The peak of the criminal history of the state fell on the 90s. At this time, a record number of different gangster groups were created. Law enforcement agencies faced a huge number of contract killings, many of which are still unsolved to this day. An interesting fact is that the representatives of the police tried to ignore the deeds of the bandits as much as possible, preferring not to spoil the statistics. This attitude was explained by the large number of unsolved cases.

Probably no one will be surprised that the most criminal city in Russia in the 90s is Surgut. This is quite natural, since during the financial crisis, many people left for the north of the country in order to earn decent money. However, if some were going to improve their well-being by working hard, then others were simply chasing the “easy ruble”, which, it is worth noting, was not always obtained legally.

Surgut - the criminal capital 1990 - 2000

The era, which includes several decades, glorified Surgut as the most criminal city in Russia. The rapid growth in the number of crimes occurred in 2000-2006. He has been number one for a long time. The city recorded the largest number of crimes related to robberies and thefts. This fact is easily explained: the high level of wages can significantly improve living conditions. And this, in turn, leads to the well-being of a larger percentage of the population. The second step in the criminal ladder is occupied by robberies and murders. It is worth noting that the last acts have become much less. In total, in Surgut, according to annual statistics, about 500 crimes are committed per 10,000 people.

Military operations in the Caucasus have become a rather tangible problem. This led to mass migration of the indigenous population. Different views on life, culture of behavior, religion began to lead to frequent brawls among people. Such fights could have had different consequences: both mild and moderate beatings, and a murder committed by a group of people. During skirmishes, cold and firearms were often used.

Rating of cities leading by the number of murders: TOP-10

  1. The city of republican significance is Kyzyl.
  2. Chita is the administrative center of the Trans-Baikal Territory, located in Siberia.
  3. The capital of the Republic of Sakha is Yakutsk.
  4. The most criminal city in Russia is Irkutsk, located near the western coast of Lake Baikal.
  5. A small town with a population of just over 230 thousand people - Bratsk, is part of the Irkutsk region.
  6. Syktyvkar is the center of the Komi Republic.
  7. The city of administrative significance of the Far Eastern Federal District is Khabarovsk.
  8. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, located in the southeast of Sakhalin Island.
  9. The capital of the Republic of Buryatia - Ulan-Ude, is located in Siberia.
  10. A small Russian city - Ussuriysk, the population barely exceeds 150 thousand people.

TOP of the most criminal cities in Russia by theft

This rating combines all thefts, robberies and robberies recorded in the territory of settlements during the annual period. Some data from different analytical centers may differ, as they combine not only the general statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also their own research.

  1. Perm is the criminal capital of the 21st century. According to the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, every year there are almost 700 crimes per 10 thousand people. Unfortunately, according to the criminogenic situation, he is the most-most.
  2. Criminal cities of Russia, according to statistics, are located mainly in the north of the state - Surgut, Tyumen.
  3. A town in the Perm Territory - Berezniki.
  4. Abakan is the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Khakassia.
  5. Khabarovsk in terms of the number of murders committed takes almost the same place, yielding only two positions.
  6. Syktyvkar confidently secured the sixth place in all ratings.
  7. Thefts in Yakutsk are much less common than murders.
  8. In Kurgan, the criminal history began in the 90s, local authorities became famous throughout the country.
  9. Birobidzhan is located on Far East Russia, the largest turnover of narcotic substances is recorded here, which is reflected in the overall picture of other crimes.
  10. The TOP-10 concludes the city of Rybinsk - the regional center of the Yaroslavl region.

The most criminal city in terms of economic crimes

The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan - Kazan - was awarded the title "The most criminal city in Russia, where there is a rapid growth of the shadow economy." The main stage of development took place in 2010. Currently, there are almost 100 economic crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants.

However, the criminal situation in the city does not end there. In 2012, the case of the rape of Sergei Nazarov, aged 52, became resonant. It was accused of police officers who, according to investigators, beat the victim and had sexual intercourse with a bottle of champagne.

According to data compiled in 2010, more than 20,000 crimes were committed. Of these, the largest percentage was drugs and street hooliganism, a little less - theft, about 5% - murder.

Siberian city of Kemerovo

According to research data, Kemerovo has a very high crime rate (322*). This is mainly related to economic development. The largest percentage is occupied by street crime: robberies and robberies. Statistics 2014-2015 disappointing, every fifth crime is directed against a person.

IN Lately a certain trend began to be observed: the age of intruders has decreased significantly. Every eighteenth crime is committed by persons under the age of majority. The work of the police is not effective enough, the detection rate is less than 50%.

There are several areas in Kemerovo that are not recommended to be visited, as the largest number of incidents have been recorded there:

  • on the left bank of the Tom River - the Central District;
  • Leninsky - the southeastern part of the city;
  • Stroygorodok, located in close proximity to the prison facilities;
  • two gypsy villages have a significant impact on crime statistics in the city.

Crime in the city of Kurgan and the region

The city of Kurgan occupies a leading position in the ranking of "The most criminal cities in Russia 2015". The list is compiled by leading analytical companies. About 150 crimes per 1,000 people are committed in the region. The situation in the city is somewhat different, these figures exceed 300. In the dashing 90s, many crime bosses came from Kurgan. They were long remembered for their cruelty and bloodthirstiness. Some groups were known not only in Russia, but also in the near abroad. Already in the 21st century, legendary films about the life of "brothers" were shot.

In this city, crime has been at the same level for decades. Fifty percent of all offenses are theft. Recently, investigative actions prevented a large-scale case on the circulation of narcotic drugs. However, things are not so smooth at work. law enforcement: unfortunately, the detection of fraudulent and smuggling crimes is negligible.

City of Tyumen: data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the crime situation

Tyumen is located in the heart of the north Russian Federation. There has recently been a significant drop in the number of street crimes. However, other types have sharply increased: raider seizures, smuggling, extortion. This is due to the fact that bandit groups do not exchange for trifles, but act according to a well-thought-out plan, which takes into account all possible details. As a rule, such crimes mostly remain unsolved, which significantly spoils the statistics of the entire area.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 307 crimes* were recorded here, these figures are relevant for 2014.

Nizhny Novgorod

The problem of almost all million-plus cities is a large number of visitors. The population of Nizhny Novgorod is more than 1 million people, and these are only people permanently residing here. Thanks to the cultural development of the city, there is a large influx of tourists. It is worth noting that Nizhny Novgorod (207 *) is the most criminal city in Russia, one of the twenty most dangerous settlements in the country. According to police reports, most of the crimes are committed by visitors and people without permanent residence. Due to the fact that not all temporary residents here have official registration, detection of crimes at a low level.

Finally about Moscow and St. Petersburg

Touching on the topic “Rating of the most criminal cities in Russia” in the article, one cannot remain silent about the capitals of the state. They are the largest metropolitan areas, but their crime rates are not as high. This fact is explained by the population density.

Criminal indicators:

  • Moscow - 143*.
  • St. Petersburg - 120*.

With such figures, these cities did not even make it into the TOP-20. Therefore, the title of "Gangster Petersburg", one might say, was given to the northern capital completely undeservedly.

It is difficult to say what exactly influences such statistics, but it is still nice to know that the future of the country is in good hands, and our children will live in a state of law.

Recently, domestic tourism has become very popular. More and more patriots consider it necessary to look into all corners of our country. Usually, before going somewhere, the traveler gets acquainted in advance with the sights and interesting places of this place, its culture and special customs. Our country is still underdeveloped for mass tourism, many cities live by their own rules, some have remained in the "harsh 90s".

Fans of "traveling" around Russia should know where it is better not to stick out not only at night, but also be careful during the daytime and even with a large crowd of people. Almost every region is famous for a special kind of crime. The Ural boys are masters of “squeezing out mobile phones”, stern Siberian peasants may simply not like your look, and Tuva is generally famous for its arrogance and cruelty.

Be on the lookout and read the list of the most dangerous cities in Russia:


For the eighth year in a row, this glorious youth city has taken the first place of honor. And no matter how hard the local authorities tried to get rid of this cliché, it was all in vain. The city administration is actively developing the cultural and sports leisure of young people, building up Perm with new stadiums and educational centers. The main goal is to take young people away from the entrances and streets. Nevertheless, the UC indicator (the level of crime per 10 thousand people during the year) is equal to a record 889 points.


Little is said about the main city of the Republic of Tuva on federal TV channels, but local crime statistics show rather terrible figures. If Perm is a leader in thefts and petty robbery, Kyzyl is famous for serious crimes and violence. When choosing a route with a stopping point in this region, be extremely careful. UP is equal to 643 points, of which 411 are especially serious.


The city is famous for gang warfare, raider takeovers and extortion. Criminal statistics are increased by national groups from a neighboring country that are actively involved in the distribution of drugs. The police are trying to cut off all distribution channels, but for the eleventh year now Tyumen has not fallen below the top five among the criminal cities. UE - 850 points.


Large industrial city Perm Territory. One of the most influential and cruel organized crime groups existed in this city. The locals associate it with former president RF B. Yeltsin, who was born in Berezniki. Many years have passed, but the echoes of the dashing 90s make themselves felt. Constant reports of banditry and robberies actively occupy the columns of news releases. UP - 843


More recently, Surgut was close to Perm in terms of criminal indicators, but the dynamics of crime last years fell sharply. Excellent work in the aggregate of local authorities and the police in a couple of years will help the city completely get out of the rating. UP - 758 points.

If Surgut shows a decline in criminal activity, then Kurgan has recently shown a sharp jump in gang warfare, robberies, kidnappings and murders. The connection of criminal groups with the Tyumen bandits and the smuggling imported from Kazakhstan multiply the statistics of a dangerous city at times. PM for 10 thousand people is equal to 711 points.

There are no organized crime groups, gangster spheres, thieves in law in the city. This poor locality is famous for ordinary residents, high percent who like to drink, rumble, steal something. Household squabbles and petty crime are so rampant that Chita is included in the list of the most dangerous cities in Russia. UP - 738 points, of which 386 are completely on "domestic soil".

Nizhny Novgorod

A fairly large and popular city among tourists, it gets into the rating, or rather, into the statistics on crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When compared with Chita, the situation with the local population is different here. The high standard of living attracts a large number of migrants. More than 80% of all crimes committed are committed by guests from neighboring countries. UP - 601 points.

The city with a beautiful embankment, a modern air and railway station, which attracts hundreds of tourists, is also famous for its high crime rate. Some of the most high-profile and bloody showdowns of criminal gangs take place in this city. Samara gained particular fame when more than 30 missing businessmen were found at the bottom of a small river with stones tied to their feet. In principle, ordinary residents and guests of the city can feel quite calm on the streets even at night. But if you accidentally find yourself in the place of gang warfare, trouble cannot be avoided. UP - 538 points.

Nizhny Tagil

Closes the top ten is another Ural city. An industrial center with many enterprises and factories, it is also known for a large number of colonies. A number of former prisoners remain to live in this city upon release. For ordinary residents of Nizhny Tagil, this does not pose a particular danger, but from time to time, individuals arrange pogroms and robberies. The most vulnerable category is business. Racketeering, raider capture and kidnappings continue to this day. UP - 511 points.

After reviewing this list, perhaps many will be surprised - but where is Moscow, Rostov - dad, finally, Makhachkala? Despite the densely populated capital of our Motherland and a large number of visitors from neighboring countries, Moscow is in 112th place in terms of crime. Rostov-on-Don is even further away. Speaking of Caucasian cities, they top the rating of the safest settlements Russia. The first place belongs to the city of Grozny, the second to the city of Khasavyurt.

If we compare the crime rate with Europe, then almost all of our cities will be in the lead. The fault of such an anti-rating of the most dangerous cities in Russia lies not only with law enforcement officers, but also with the entire security and power structure, saturated with corruption.


Travel companies can describe any place as heaven on earth, only to sell a tour to a client. However, there are places where tourists should be very careful not to get into trouble.

1 place. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is located on the border with the United States, which had a great impact on the number of crimes committed here. Everything is explained by the fact that large consignments of drugs are transported through Mexico to America, and the city of Ciudad Juarez is a transit point and habitat for many warring groups of drug traffickers, between whom bloody conflicts constantly flare up. The number of murders per 100,000 people is 191 per year. In recent years, the number of massacres of civilians has increased. So, recently, 49 people were killed in a club in just one night.

2nd place. Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela competes with Mexico for first place, since according to official figures, the number of murders per year in Caracas is 130, and according to unofficial data - 160-190 per 100 thousand of the population. The patrimony of Chavez is not very hospitable to tourists, so it is better not to walk around the city unnecessarily, even in the daytime.

3rd place. San Pedro Sula, Honduras

One of the most popular tourist countries Central America opens from the other, dark side. There are 119 murders per 100,000 people in San Pedro Sula. Therefore, tourists are strongly advised not to walk around the city alone, especially at night.

4th place. San Salvador, El Salvador

95 murders per 100 thousand people is a rather big figure. Human rights activists argue that crime in the city, and indeed throughout the country, is flourishing, because the authorities pay insufficient attention and funds to combat crime. Most of the crimes are committed by members of the large Mara gang, the most violent in the country. Their slogan is "Kill, rape, subjugate."

5th place. Guatemala, Guatemala

In the capital of Guatemala, 41% of the total number of murders in the country occurs, which is 90 people per 100,000 population. The city is divided into 22 zones, and tourist guides call some zones safe. However, even in safe areas, there is a considerable risk of running into a pickpocket, scammer or robber.

6th place. Cali, Colombia

The high crime rate (72 murders per 100,000 people) is explained by the fact that Colombia is a major exporter of cocaine. In Cali and other large cities, drug cartels form a "state within a state", controlling all areas of life, and the authorities can do nothing about it.

7th place. New Orleans. USA

New Orleans has always been a dysfunctional city due to a low standard of living, an imperfect education system and a large number prisoners. After the devastating hurricane Katrina, which destroyed the city, the crime rate increased several times. Now New Orleans is considered the most dangerous city in America (67 murders per 100 thousand people).

8th place. Cape Town, South Africa

Despite the fact that Cape Town is a stronghold of Europe in Africa, this city breaks records for the number of crimes - 62 murders per 100 thousand people. Basically, the killings take place in the suburbs of Cape Town, where the slums are located, in stark contrast to the beautiful business center of the city. During the World Cup in 2010, the whole world learned about the problems of South Africa in the field of security.

9th place. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby - the capital of Papua New Guinea, is located on a hill, and due to lack of rain, it suffers from lack of water and difficulties in agriculture. More than half of the city's residents live in slums and live below the poverty line. This leads to a high crime rate - 54 murders per 100,000 population.

10th place. Detroit, USA

Detroit today is the most destroyed city in the United States. This happened because most of the "white" population was forced out by the "black". At the moment, African Americans make up 89% of all residents of the city. They introduced the tradition of "Devil's Night" - burning and destroying buildings before Halloween. Vandalism, looting and murder have become the norm in a city supported largely by government subsidies. There are 46 homicides per 100,000 people in Detroit.

The holiday season is coming, which means you need to decide where to go on vacation, and where you definitely shouldn’t go if you are not an inveterate extreme sportsman who does not value life and wallet. And just in time, Numbeo - the largest website on consumer prices, crime rates, the quality of medical care and other statistics about various cities and countries - released its Crime Index. It's an annual rating of the most criminal cities in the world.

The rating includes 378 cities, which are ranked according to the crime index. Cities with a crime index below 20 are considered very safe, while cities with a crime rate between 60 and 80 are considered very criminogenic. It turned out that the safest city in the world is Abu Dhabi (crime index - 15.51), followed by Munich and Taipei.

Top 10 most criminal cities in the world

10. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (crime index - 77.87)

In the fun city of carnivals, you can run into criminals not only in marginal areas. The most frequent crimes are street robbery and theft. Therefore, if you are determined to go there, take a few simple rules. They will come in handy when visiting other cities from this list.

  • Do not walk alone down the street after 10 pm. This doesn't mean you shouldn't go to restaurants or bars in the evenings, or enjoy Rio at night, but unless it's carnival week, it's best to stay inside the building (or outside, but with a crowd of people).
  • The iPhone is easy money in Brazil. Considering locally absurd luxury mark-ups, the iPhone starts at $1,000 in Brazil. This means that if you are talking on your iPhone while you are outside, you are more likely to lose it. Buy a cheap phone for the trip, or stash your iPhone in your pocket when you're out and about.
  • Do not take anything to the beach except a swimsuit and a towel. Many criminals, acting in groups, literally comb Brazilian beaches in search of things that careless tourists leave on sunbeds when they go swimming.
  • If possible, move around the city only by taxi, metro or bus. It is cheap, fast, with a breeze, that is, air conditioning, as well as signs in English.

9. Pretoria, South Africa (77.99)

Although Pretoria is inferior to Johannesburg in the number of violent crimes, it is definitely not worth going there on vacation with your family or alone. It is very easy to identify a tourist in Pretoria in a crowd of passers-by, and since most of the locals are poor, a rich European is a welcome prey for them. The most common crime in Pretoria is pickpocketing.

8. Recife, Brazil (78.00)

This seaside town is famous for both frequent shark attacks (18 people have died since 1992) and murders. Usually the violence is limited to the poorer areas of the city, but are you willing to test it for yourself?

7. Johannesburg, South Africa (78.49)

Petty pickpocketing, break-ins and car thefts are the most common tourist attractions in beautiful but dangerous Johannesburg. There have been incidents involving foreigners traveling from Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg to their destination by car. They were robbed, often at gunpoint.

6. Durban, South Africa (78.58)

The central and "tourist" areas of Durban are quite safe and violent crimes are rarely committed there. But outside these areas, robberies are commonplace. If you come to this city for work or pleasure, take a taxi.

5. Selangor, Malaysia (78.90)

The Malaysian metropolis opens the top 5 most dangerous cities in the world, where pickpocketing is very common. However, compared to the third number on the list, Selangor is heaven on Earth, because there murders and kidnappings with subsequent ransom demands do not happen often.

4. Fortaleza, Brazil (83.90)

In the most dangerous city in Brazil, you must always be on the alert and do not put your phone and valuables in your pockets. Is it only in the inner, and even in the pocket of the underpants. And it's not a joke. They know how to steal in Fortaleza. And the number of murders in the city is 60% per hundred thousand of the population. In addition, kidnappings for ransom are not uncommon.

3. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (84.23)

The main criminal element is concentrated in local slums (townships) and getting into them is highly discouraged even during the day. Murders, robberies and violence are not uncommon there. And white tourists are at particular risk. In Pietermaritzburg there is serious problem school crime and the police conduct entire raids, confiscating weapons from black high school students. However, all tourist areas (restaurants, shopping centers, shops, attractions) are under protection and you can feel relatively safe there.

2. San Pedro Sula, Honduras (85.59)

In the second largest city in Honduras, drug trafficking, murders and police brutality flourish, who often brutally crack down not only on gang members, but also on those who pass by. There are 169 homicides per 100,000 people in San Pedro Sula.

1. Caracas, Venezuela (86.61)

The capital of Venezuela heads the selection of the most dangerous cities in the world, where the city center (still relatively prosperous in terms of crime) is taken into the ring of poor areas, where the careless traveler will be robbed, tried to sell drugs or beaten (or all together) with great pleasure and skill. Do not rely on the help of the police, she does not look into dangerous areas. Yes, and near a fashionable hotel, criminals can lie in wait for tourists, but not loners, but representatives of gangs. In general, you should not choose Caracas as a city for a relaxing holiday.

There are a huge number of different kinds of city ratings. They compete in terms of comfort and beauty, attractions, hotels, beaches and so on. But there is an equally interesting measure - crime. We will talk about such cities that have earned themselves the title of the most criminal in the world. So, if you are going to visit this town, think well if you are ready to become an action hero, because they do not always have a good ending.

Let's start with a city in Mexico. Ciudad Juarez is located on the border with the United States, it is inhabited mainly by those who deal in drugs, because huge shipments are transported through the city to the States. Having become a transit point for all drug dealers, the city has earned itself a disgusting reputation and has become literally gangster. Today there are 191 murders per 100,000 people a year, how do you like this figure? There was a case when 49 people were killed in just one night in a club.

You have probably already heard about the second city on our list, we are talking about Caracas, Venezuela. 130 people per 100,000 of the population are killed here annually, these are the official figures, the unofficial ones are even worse - 160-190 people. So, tourists are not particularly liked and favored here, so think a hundred times before going to Caracas, and you should also think about your luggage, do not bring anything valuable to Venezuela.

The third city on our dark list is located in Honduras, we are talking about San Pedro Sula. This city has such disappointing statistics: 119 murders per 100 thousand people. Tourists are asked not to go out unaccompanied, on foot, alone. This is a very dangerous place, but people still come to see the culture they are unfamiliar with.

Now let's fast forward to El Salvador, here our attention is hooked on the city of San Salvador, it is here that there are 95 murders per 100 thousand people, crime is rampant throughout the country in El Salvador, everyone is well aware of this, even the local population is afraid. A large gang called Mara operates in the country, it is the most violent in El Salvador.

Next on the list is Guatemala in Guatemala, no matter how strange it may sound. So, here the figure is 90 murders per hundred thousand of the population, which is a lot. The city is divided into 22 zones, among them there are calm and safe, as the guides say, who accompany tourists in all directions.

No less dangerous is life and recreation in the city of Cali, Colombia. We are talking about 72 murders per 100 thousand of the population, this figure is also not small, for sure. Here, the drug cartels keep everyone in fear, they have created their own state within the country and are not going to give power to anyone.

The American city also made it to our rating, we are talking about New Orleans, there are a huge number of former prisoners, so the crime rates are quite high. We should also take into account Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed everything in its path and New Orleans became ruins. Today it is the most dangerous city in the United States, 67 murders per hundred thousand of the population, such is the figure.

In South Africa there is a city called Cape Town, someone calls it a piece of Europe in Africa, here the number of murders reaches 62 per 100 thousand people. Continuous slums and immediately beautiful new buildings, here it is - the contrast of the city, everything here is very confusing and incomprehensible. By the way, before the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the world did not know what problems South Africa had with ensuring the country's security.

It is worth saying a few words about the city of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. It has a very dry climate and agriculture there are some problems, more than half of the city's population live below the poverty line, 54 murders per 100 thousand of the population, such an indicator in the town.