How to make yeast pancakes. Classic yeast pancakes. Step-by-step recipe for pumpkin pancakes with yeast

Pancakes are considered a high-calorie dish, so serve them in the morning. Otherwise, there are no restrictions; they prefer to eat pancakes both in winter and in summer.

Yeast pancakes with milk recipe with step-by-step photos are good with or without fillings. They are fluffy, which many people like, but they take a lot of time to prepare.

No, to make the dough you will need about 10 minutes, no more. But in order for it to “ripen”, you will have to wait two, or even three hours.

After kneading the dough, know that it should rise three times. The first two you need to knead it, after the third rise you can start baking pancakes without stirring the dough.

In order for the pancakes to become soft, they should be greased with melted peasant butter.

How to properly prepare food and utensils so that pancakes are a success

The dough must be prepared from sifted flour. This rule applies not only to pancakes, but also to other confectionery products.

It is necessary to fry quick yeast pancakes with dry yeast in a cast iron frying pan; it does not allow them to burn.

Before pouring the dough, grease the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil.

You can put both dry and pressed yeast in yeast pancake dough.

Recipe for delicious pancakes with yeast

This classic recipe will definitely come in handy when you want to bake fluffy yeast pancakes.

Filling with meat will help you get a more satisfying dish that can feed a large company.

Serve sweet yeast pancakes with honey or jam. Filling with fermented milk cheese and raisins is also suitable.

You can bake thin yeast pancakes using a thinner dough with a higher liquid content.

Take: two eggs; 0.450 ml milk; 0.250 kg flour; 10 g instant yeast; salt and sugar to taste; 20 ml vegetable oil.

Recipe for making yeast dough:

  1. First make the dough. To do this, stir milk (150 ml), yeast and sugar in a bowl. Add two heaped spoons of flour. After you achieve homogeneity of the mass, cover it with a napkin and leave it in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  2. After half an hour, add the eggs, mashed with salt, flour and the remaining warm milk. This time set the yeast dough aside for 2 hours, it should rise three times. Knead the dough with a spatula each time, and only on the last, third pass there is no need to do this.
  3. Bake the yeast pancakes in a thick-walled frying pan, allowing two minutes for each side.

Lemon Yeast Pancakes Recipe

Yeast pancakes recipe with photo are very fragrant and delicate. It is believed that the smell of lemon improves your mood, so don’t miss the opportunity to please your loved ones with an exclusive dish.

For it you will need:

two eggs; 3.5 glasses of milk; a couple of glasses of premium flour; 10 g fast acting dry yeast; lemon zest; sugar and salt at your discretion. You can flavor pancakes with vanilla sugar.

Dough kneading recipe:

  1. For the dough, chop dry yeast in heated milk (120-150 ml). Add a couple of large spoons of sifted flour and half the granulated sugar.
  2. Place the mixture in a warm place for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Meanwhile, grind sugar and salt with eggs, heat the rest of the milk.
  4. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients, including flour, pour in the dough and chop the mixture so that there are no lumps left in it.
  5. The dough should now rise three times. The process will take at least two hours, so be patient.
  6. After the third rise, scoop out the batter with a ladle and fry the pancakes in a very hot frying pan. If you have an electric pancake maker, then you don’t need to grease it with vegetable oil; the pancakes won’t stick. Coat a regular frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Step-by-step recipe for pumpkin pancakes with yeast

Yeast pancakes based on pumpkin puree are distinguished by their bright orange color and original taste (see photo). By brushing milk pancakes with honey, you will add beneficial properties to them.

For serving, you can use powdered sugar mixed with a pinch of cinnamon.

When kneading the dough, you need to worry about the presence of such products as:

milk – 0.5 liters; a pair of eggs; half a kilogram of peeled and seeded pumpkin; 20 g sl. oils; 0.320 kg flour; 20 g yeast; a pinch of vanillin and cinnamon; 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. Add sugar and salt to taste.


  1. Cut the properly prepared pumpkin into medium-sized cubes. Place the product in a saucepan and add enough water to cover the entire pumpkin. After the water boils, wait a quarter of an hour, then turn off the heat and strain the water.
  2. After cooling, use a blender to puree the pumpkin until smooth.
  3. The dough is prepared using a straight method, so you need to dilute the yeast in warm milk and pour it into a bowl that already contains a homogeneous mixture of flour, eggs, salt, sugar and milk.
  4. Leave the dough in a warm place for two hours, then pour in vegetable oil, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and let it rise one more time. After this you can bake pancakes.

Recipe for pancakes with milk and semolina

Semolina pancakes are perfect for baby food. If your kids don’t like semolina porridge, then this dish will be a lifesaver for you.

Semolina yeast pancakes do not contain lumps, they turn out tender and soft.

In order to bake pancakes, you will need:

50 g semolina; milk – 0.450 l; 2 eggs; 0.320 kg white flour; 20 g yeast; a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add seasonings such as salt, sugar to taste, and don’t forget vanilla.

Recipe for preparing delicious semolina pancakes:

  1. First of all, heat the milk and sift the flour.
  2. The next step is soaking the semolina with warm milk; for this, take a third of the entire product.
  3. The dough should be prepared from yeast, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar and pour in milk. Cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin and set aside for 20 minutes, choosing a warm place.
  4. Mash the eggs thoroughly with the rest of the sugar, add a pinch of salt.
  5. Add milk, flour, vanilla sugar, dough and swollen semolina one by one.
  6. Let the mixture rise for two hours. After the third knead, add vegetable oil and vanilla sugar to the dough and let it rise again.

Fry delicious pancakes on both sides until they are browned.

Recipe for egg-free yeast pancakes with buckwheat flour

Pancakes have a darker shade. And all because buckwheat flour in the amount of two glasses was added to the dough. In addition you will need:

30 g yeast; half-liter bottle of mineral water; 2 and a half cups finely ground wheat flour. Add salt to taste and 2 tbsp vegetable oil. spoons.

Cooking steps:

  1. Heat the water to a temperature of 45-50 degrees.
  2. In a deep, large bowl, whisk together wheat and buckwheat flour (one and a half cups each). Pour in a glass of water and rub so that there are no lumps left.
  3. Dissolve the yeast in 130 ml of water and add to the mixture in the bowl.
  4. Cover the mixture with a napkin and leave for a couple of hours to rise. After it increases in volume, stir in the rest of the flour, salt and warm water, pour in the vegetable oil.
  5. Give the dough another hour to rise, after which you can prepare the pancakes.

Recipe for pancakes mixed with dry yeast

Lacy pancakes made with instant dry yeast will definitely please your loved ones. They fit into a hole and harmonize well with various fillings and spreads.

Before frying delicious pancakes, you will need a lot of time, however, you will not regret starting this treat.

Ingredients: 2 glasses of water; 0.480 kg of premium flour; 45 ml vegetable oil; a packet of instant dry yeast; 2 eggs; milk - 2 glasses. For taste, add a teaspoon of salt and two large spoons of sugar.

Start preparing the dish by heating the milk. Then:

  1. Dissolve dry yeast in milk.
  2. Add beaten eggs, salt and sugar.
  3. Sift the flour and add it to the bowl with the liquid ingredients. Stir until smooth.
  4. Cover the dish with a towel and place it in a warm place to rise.
  5. When you notice that bubbles have appeared on the surface of the mass and it has increased in volume, add warm water and vegetable oil.

After the mixture has risen again, you can bake pancakes.

The recipe you've learned doesn't require a ton of ingredients, it's based on available ingredients. You can buy them at your nearest store, a la supermarket.

Secrets that will make your pancakes a gourmet dish

  • Serve delicious yeast pancakes exclusively hot.
  • Fill milk pancakes with chopped boiled eggs mixed with green onions, red caviar or other filling that you like best.
  • Knead pancakes with yeast using white wheat flour or a mixture of wheat and buckwheat.
  • As an addition to the dish in order to improve its taste, use melted butter or thick sour cream; place them on the table in separate saucers.
  • Delicious yeast pancakes can also be made with water, but it must be bottled or purified.
  • The most convenient way to lubricate a frying pan with vegetable oil is with a silicone brush. If you haven't had time to get one yet, make another device: cut a potato in half and stick it on a fork with the flat side facing out. Now dip the potato in the oil and run it along the bottom of the pan.
  • Experienced chefs recommend baking quick and tasty yeast pancakes in medium-sized frying pans. Pancakes that are too large in the center may not cook through. The best option is a cast iron frying pan with a diameter of 23-25 ​​cm.

My video recipe

I used to think that the most delicious pancakes are made with milk, but as practice has shown, the most delicious are yeast pancakes with water. My love for yeast and water pancakes began with this recipe (be sure to try these airy, cloud-like pancakes with yeast and water with eggs and semolina).

The recipe for lean yeast pancakes is very, very diverse. Some people like thin and tender pancakes with holes, others prefer fluffy and thick pancakes, and for the Lenten table you can prepare delicious pancakes in water, even without eggs, exclusively with water and yeast. Yeast is suitable both dry and compressed. So choose a recipe for yeast pancakes to your liking and feel free to get down to business, you will certainly succeed.

Yeast pancakes on water without eggs

Pancakes cooked with yeast have a more delicate taste and airiness. You can make pancake yeast dough without adding eggs. Pancakes are suitable for a Lenten table. These pancakes can also be prepared with a variety of fillings.


For 600 ml of warm boiled water, take -300 g of wheat flour; 20 g fresh yeast, 3 tablespoons sugar or to taste, two pinches of salt, 4-5 tablespoons vegetable oil.

I use organic coconut oil to fry the pancakes and add to the pancake batter. Coconut oil is ideal for frying as it is extremely heat stable. You can’t find this oil in stores, but you can buy it through the institute.


  1. The flour must be sifted.
    Let's prepare the dough. To prepare the dough, dissolve the yeast in water (take 1/3 of the total volume of water), add one tablespoon of sugar and 1/3 of the flour. Stir with a whisk.
  2. Cover the dough with cling film and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes (there should be no drafts in the room). The dough should double in volume.
  3. Pour the remaining warm water into the dough in a thin stream. Add sugar and salt to taste.
  4. Add the remaining flour in small portions. Stir the dough, there should be no lumps in the dough. To obtain a more homogeneous dough, use a mixer.
  5. At the end, add vegetable oil and mix the dough with a whisk.
  6. Cover the finished dough again with cling film and leave in a warm place for another 35-40 minutes.
  7. The dough should increase in volume.
  8. Now you can start baking pancakes.

Bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil on both sides over medium heat.

Place the finished pancakes in a stack on a plate and cover with a lid or larger plate. Under the influence of temperature and humidity, the pancakes will become softer, and the edges will not be as dry and brittle.

Recipe for lean pancakes with dry yeast and potatoes

These are pancakes with an incomparable taste, just a godsend for people observing fasting, it will be something to diversify the Lenten table. The pancakes turn out thick and fluffy, great for stuffing.

For the recipe we need:

For 400 ml of warm boiled water, 1 tsp. dry yeast, sugar 2 tbsp, salt to taste, wheat flour 250 g, odorless vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp, raw potatoes - one medium size.


  1. In a separate container, mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Peel the potatoes and grate them on the finest grater.
  3. In a separate container, mix grated potatoes, vegetable oil and water.
  4. Combine the two mixtures of dry ingredients and the liquid part, mix the pancake dough well and place in a warm place, the volume should double.
  5. Mix the finished dough and bake the pancakes in a well-heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil.
  6. The pancake should be well browned, then you can turn it over and fry on the other side.

Thin yeast on water with holes

For this recipe, the flour must be sifted twice, then the flour will be fully enriched with oxygen, and the pancakes will turn out thin, ruddy with holes, like lace.

For the recipe you will need:

For 4 glasses of warm and boiled water, 20g. pressed yeast, 3 eggs, 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 220g. wheat flour, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, butter.

How to prepare thin yeast pancakes using water according to the recipe

Let's prepare the dough

  1. Place the yeast in a separate container, pour a spoonful of sugar into it and add half a glass of warm water. Stir everything well with a spatula and add one tablespoon of flour, mix again. Cover the container with a lid and place in a warm place for 20-30 minutes. The dough will be ready when a nice fluffy “cap” appears.
  2. Break the eggs into a separate deep container, add the remaining sugar and beat with a whisk for two minutes. Next, pour out the remaining water, add salt, stir with a whisk, pour out the dough and stir with a whisk again.
  3. Now add flour into the dough portionwise, stirring with a whisk. At the end, add vegetable oil and mix. The dough should turn out liquid, the more liquid the dough you get, the thinner the pancake will be.
  4. In order for our ready-made pancake dough to rise, you need to put it in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.
  5. We bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan on both sides.

Bon appetit!

How to cook pancakes with dry yeast using a simple recipe

Real Russian pancakes can be prepared using dry yeast, and even according to a simple recipe. So here is another recipe from the diverse pancake collection.


For 750 ml of warm boiled water, 6g. dry instant yeast, one egg, 2.5 tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil, two pinches of salt, one tablespoon of sugar.


  1. Dissolve the yeast in 600 ml of water.
  2. Mix all the dry ingredients and add to the dissolved yeast, break the egg there.
  3. Knead the dough with a whisk until smooth, add the remaining 150 ml of water.
  4. We bake yeast pancakes in a well-heated frying pan, first grease the pan with vegetable oil. Cook on one side, then flip and cook the other side until browned.

Recipe for yeast pancakes on water with eggs and poppy seeds

These delicious pancakes are a hit with a sweet filling. The filling is made from apples, poppy seeds, honey and vanillin. Read the recipe for how to prepare this filling for pancakes.


For 800 ml of water, 4 tbsp. sugar, 20g. pressed yeast, 5 eggs, 50g. poppy seeds, 1 teaspoon salt, 5 tbsp. vegetable oil, 600 gr. wheat flour, vanillin


  1. Pour warm boiled water into a separate container, add sugar and crushed compressed yeast, mix, leave the mixture for 20 minutes.
  2. After 20 minutes add 600g. sifted flour, knead the dough and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes.
  3. Our dough has risen. Now add a little vanilla, poppy seeds and eggs. Knead the dough well.
  4. We bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil or a piece of lard.

How to prepare the filling

Grate the apples on a coarse grater, add raisins, stir the mixture, then simmer for 5 minutes. At the end, add vanillin and honey to taste, mix. The filling is ready. Wrap the filling into pancakes. Decorate the pancakes beautifully and serve.

Bon appetit!

How to cook yeast “Tsar” pancakes

Yeast pancakes “Tsarskie” are fluffy and very tasty. You'll have to tinker a little during the cooking process, but it's worth it. Be sure to prepare these pancakes for Maslenitsa, please yourself and your guests, a wonderful result awaits you.

We will need:

For 200 ml of warm water, 25g. live yeast (if dry yeast - 8g.) 500 ml of milk, one large egg, half a kilogram of flour, one tablespoon of sugar, two tablespoons of butter, half a teaspoon of salt, plus additional butter for greasing pancakes.


Preparing the dough

  1. We dilute the yeast in warm water (the water should be 35-38 degrees). Add 250 g to the diluted yeast. sifted wheat flour. Mix with a whisk. Cover the finished dough with a towel and send it to a warm place for 45 minutes.
  2. Divide the egg into yolk and white.
  3. Add 1 tbsp to the yolk. sugar and salt, mix with a whisk, now add melted butter. Pour the resulting mixture into the dough and mix.
  4. Now add the remaining sifted flour into the dough in parts and mix. Here, for better homogeneity of the mass, mix the pancake dough with a mixer.
  5. Heat the milk until hot (about 80 degrees) and pour it into the dough, knead the dough using a mixer, there should be no lumps left.
  6. Place the dough in a warm place for 10 minutes and let it rise.
  7. When the dough has risen, add the whipped egg white. Mix in the whites carefully. Leave the dough for a little while longer until it rises.
  8. Let's start baking pancakes. When cooking the first pancake, grease the pan with oil. Fry small pancakes over low heat.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for delicious pancakes prepared with yeast and water

This is a recipe for lean pancakes made with yeast and water. The pancakes turn out fluffy, airy and super tasty!

We will need:

For 200 ml of water, take 1.5 tsp. dry yeast, 2 tbsp. sugar without a slide, 1 tsp. salt without a slide, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 cups wheat flour (cup volume 230 ml).


  1. Sift 2 cups of wheat flour into a deep bowl, add sugar, salt, dry yeast (if you only have pressed yeast, then take about 3 times more), pour in 200 ml of warm water (water temperature 38-40 degrees) and vegetable oil. The dough can be kneaded by hand, in a food processor, or using a mixer. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and send it to a warm place to rise (the dough should increase in volume by 2-3 times).
  2. When the dough has risen, dilute it with boiling water to the desired thickness (the thickness of the dough should be like pancakes). To brew the dough, we take not exactly boiling water, the water should be somewhere around 90 degrees.
  3. Mix the dough until smooth, cover it again with a towel and put it in a warm place so that the dough rises a little again. You should have a fluffy, airy dough.
  4. Let's start baking pancakes. Place the frying pan on the fire and grease it with oil. There is no need to mix the dough when baking; pour a portion of the dough using a ladle and distribute evenly throughout the pan. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Bon appetit!

A fun and delicious Maslenitsa Week has arrived! Pancakes are baked in every house - golden, round, hot, like the Sun! And it feels like the long-awaited, sunny, warm Spring is just around the corner. On Maslenitsa you need to bake lots and lots of pancakes - and eat more of them! After all, according to the Maslenitsa sign, the more pancakes you eat, the more luck you will have in all matters, especially financial ones, this year.

What kind of pancakes do you bake for Maslenitsa? There are a great many recipes: pancake dough is prepared with yeast and kefir; with milk and mineral water; from wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn flour!.. There is plenty to choose from. We will offer you a classic recipe for yeast pancakes - tender, delicate, very tasty!

  • 20 g fresh yeast;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. milk (glass = 200 g);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 2 - 2 and ¼ tbsp. flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

Method for making pancakes with yeast dough

Check the yeast for freshness and quality - the success of the pancakes depends on it. Good yeast has a pleasant, characteristic aroma; it does not smear, but crumbles in your hands. So we'll crumble them into a bowl. Add sugar and stir with a spoon until the yeast melts.

Pour in half a glass of warm milk (not hot - the optimal temperature is 36-37 ºС) and mix.

Sift half a glass of flour into a bowl and mix, trying not to leave any lumps. Place the bowl with the dough in a warm place - for example, over a larger container with warm water, and leave for 10-15 minutes.

The dough fit well, doubled in size, became fluffy, with bubbles. It's time to knead the pancake dough.

Separate the yolks from the whites, add the yolks to the dough, set the whites aside for now. Also add melted warm (again, not hot) butter to the dough and mix.

Then add flour and milk alternately in small portions, for example: 0.5 tbsp. flour, mixed; 0.5 tbsp. milk, mixed again, and so on. Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve or colander: the lumps remain in the sieve, and the flour becomes airy and enriched with oxygen, which is important for the successful functioning of the yeast.

Finally, pour in all the remaining milk and sunflower oil, mix well and again place the bowl with the dough in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to let the dough run away!

Here's how it worked out - yeast works great! But the dough is not ready yet - you need to add egg whites, whipped into a thick foam. It is better to beat the whites at room temperature, and immediately before adding them to the dough, since when whipping in advance they will separate into liquid and foam.

Place the whipped whites into the dough and mix carefully. The dough turned out perfectly: fluffy, with bubbles - which means the pancakes will be openwork, tender, thin!

Heat the frying pan well. If you are baking on a pancake pan with a special coating, it is enough to grease it with sunflower oil before pouring the first portion of dough.

When baking in a regular frying pan (for example, cast iron), you need to grease its surface with fat before each pancake. It is convenient to grease the frying pan with a piece of lard (unsalted), pricked on a fork, or with gauze slightly moistened in sunflower oil. There should be little fat - the main thing is to lubricate it evenly, and, of course, before starting frying, the frying pan must be dry and clean. Then the pancakes will be easy to flip and remove.

So, scoop up the dough with a ladle and pour it into a hot frying pan. Turn it from side to side so that the dough is distributed evenly. If you find that the dough is thick and reluctant to spread, you can add a little milk. After a couple of pancakes, you will understand how much dough you need to add, taking into account the diameter of your frying pan, to get a round, even pancake of the required thickness.

I like thin pancakes - they are very beautiful, like lace! And the further you go, the more holey the pancakes turn out - in the warmth near a hot stove, the dough ferments more strongly. But don’t let it sit too long - otherwise the “fervor” of the yeast will disappear and the pancakes will turn out almost without holes.

When the pancake is browned on one side, carefully pry it off with a wide thin spatula and turn it over onto the other side. When the other side is browned, transfer to a plate. Each fresh pancake can be greased with a piece of butter: then they turn out even more tender and soft. And the most delicious thing is the crispy edges!

Yeast pancakes are delicious on their own, hot, straight from the frying pan! It will be even tastier if you top them with sour cream, jam or honey.

You can also wrap various fillings in pancakes: sweet cottage cheese with raisins and vanilla, or cottage cheese with herbs; mushrooms, and pancakes with herring are also very tasty - try it! And then write which option you liked best.

On Maslenitsa, the Slavic peoples traditionally baked pancakes with yeast.

Or as they were also called for their porosity and splendor - . Today, such pancakes with many pores and a visible openwork mesh on the surface are also called “tulle”, “openwork”. Yeast pancakes are a traditional Russian type of pancake for ritual holidays, Christmas and New Year, Epiphany and Easter.

Similar ones with yeast in their composition had a different set of ingredients. We will tell readers of Povarenka how to cook a classic in several ways. Although, we repeat, there are dozens of recipes for pancakes with yeast.

Royal wheat yeast pancakes

To prepare such truly royal yeast pancakes, you will need:

Six glasses of flour
three glasses of milk
50 grams of live yeast
six eggs
stick of butter
three hundred grams of whipped heavy cream
salt and sugar to taste

All the milk needs to be heated (slightly), add yeast and half the sifted flour. Cover with a napkin and leave to rise in a warm place. When the dough is ready, you should add to it the yolks of the eggs, which were previously ground with soft butter. Now add the remaining flour, salt, sugar. Let the dough rise in a warm place.

After forty minutes, if the dough has risen, add whipped whites and cream to it. You just need to do this carefully, stirring the dough from bottom to top with a wooden bowl. Heat a frying pan, grease it with a piece of lard placed on a fork, pour a portion of the dough onto it and fry our yeast pancakes on both sides.

Yeast pancakes “tulle”

These lacy pancakes with yeast can be prepared for Maslenitsa week. We will prepare them from buckwheat flour mixed with wheat. We will need:

Two glasses of wheat flour
one glass of buckwheat flour
30 grams of live yeast
a little more than half a liter of milk
three eggs
two tablespoons butter or vegetable oil
salt and sugar to taste

Pancakes with yeast are made this way. Dilute the yeast with half of all the milk (warmed up), add wheat flour to it, and let the dough rise. When it rises and clears up, add buckwheat flour, yolks, spices, and butter. Let's approach again. Add the remaining warm milk in a stream, add the whipped whites with a spoon, gently folding into the dough. Thin yeast pancakes are baked from the resulting dough.

They need to be stacked on a flat dish and served with sour cream or melted butter. It is also possible with other fillings, recipes for which you will find in the Maslenitsa section “Povarenka”.

There is an opinion that you can learn how to cook delicious and beautiful thin pancakes only with age, when experience comes and your hand gets full. And if this is a recipe for yeast pancakes, then definitely not every housewife will take it, because for many, working with yeast seems like something magical. In fact, the secret to classic yeast pancakes is simply following a few rules.

Yeast dough for pancakes is kneaded with water or milk, today we will make it with milk. Yeast pancakes with milk turn out to be fattier and higher in calories than their lean “brothers”, but also tastier! As for caloric content, no one bothers you to take low-fat milk, although I prefer whole milk at least 4%.

You should immediately expect that you won’t be able to quickly bake yeast pancakes; you will need enough time: 15-20 minutes to knead the dough, at least 1 hour to proof the dough and 30 minutes to bake the pancakes.

In preparing the ingredients, there is also no need to do anything on your own at first - only fresh products are taken and only in the specified quantity.

Separately about yeast. You can also use dry, granulated and regular pressed yeast, the main thing is that they are of good quality.


  • milk with fat content more than 3% 500 ml
  • medium sized eggs 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt 1 tsp.
  • dry yeast (7-8 gr.) 2 tsp.
  • or fresh pressed yeast 20 gr.
  • premium wheat flour 300 g
  • butter 30 g
  • vegetable oil
    for greasing the pan 0.5 tbsp. l.

From this amount of products you get 20-22 pancakes, baked in a frying pan 20-24 cm in diameter.

How to cook yeast pancakes with milk

  1. In order for the yeast to start working quickly, you need to let it disperse in warm milk and sugar. Heat a glass of milk slightly to a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, add sugar and yeast to it, mix well and leave for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, yeast foam forms on the surface of the milk.

  2. Important! When preparing the dough, you should not allow the yeast to come into contact with food or utensils heated by more than 38-40 degrees, then the yeast will simply stop working and you won’t get any holey, fluffy pancakes.

  3. While the yeast is spreading, you can have time to melt the butter (so that it also has time to cool)

  4. and beat the eggs with a whisk or fork.

  5. Now you can start kneading the dough. Pour milk with yeast into a fairly large cup, add the remaining milk, add butter, salt and eggs, beat everything a little with a whisk.

  6. Sift the flour into the resulting mass on top and mix thoroughly with a whisk, the task is to ensure that there are no lumps left in the dough.

  7. Now the dough should rise, twice. To do this, he definitely needs a warm place without drafts. In real life, not everyone has a warm corner near the oven, so you can consider this simple method: pour warm water into a large-diameter bowl (remember the temperature!), place a cup of dough in it and cover the top with cling film. Periodically ensure that the water remains warm.

  8. After about half an hour, the dough will increase in volume and begin to bubble. Remove the film, mix all the dough well and again leave under the film to rise in a warm cup. The second stage will again take approximately 30-40 minutes. The finished dough for yeast pancakes looks like this. And under no circumstances do you need to stir it any more!

  9. Grease the frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil, for example, using a silicone brush and heat very well over medium heat.

  10. Everything is ready to start baking pancakes. To pour the dough into a frying pan, almost everyone uses an ordinary ladle (ladle), and for good reason, it’s hard to think of a more convenient tool. Use a ladle to grab a little dough from above and pour it onto a hot frying pan, quickly spreading the dough over it, tilting the pan in different directions. If the correct amount of batter is poured into the frying pan (usually this becomes clear on the second or third pancake), then the pancake will immediately have a huge number of holes in the pan.

  11. You shouldn’t leave the stove while cooking pancakes; they fry quickly. It is convenient to turn the pancake from one side to the other in a frying pan using a spatula.

  12. Place the pancake fried on both sides on a plate and, if desired, grease the top with butter. When baking subsequent pancakes, you need to grease the pan with oil as needed if they suddenly begin to stick to the pan.

Openwork yeast pancakes can't help but whet your appetite! You can serve them with sour cream, jam, honey, condensed milk. And on a holiday table, yeast pancakes will be appropriate if served, for example, with red fish or black or red caviar.