English tongue twisters for sounds. Tongue twisters: tongue twisters in English. audio tongue twisters in english for kids

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Tongue twisters for sound [l]

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Tongue twisters for sound [m]

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English tongue twisters:

Tongue twisters are the most effective tool to develop correct English pronunciation. In addition, beautiful pronunciation in English implies not only accurate reproduction of sounds, but also a clear intonation pattern. That is why the vast majority of our English tongue twisters consist of two parts, where the 3rd and 4th lines repeat the words of the 1st and 2nd, but with interrogative intonation.
Often students ignore the correct pronunciation of English sounds that, at first glance, are similar to Russian, such as [b], [f], [g], etc. Meanwhile, the indistinguishability in foreign speech of precisely similar sounds gives a national accent. Therefore, we have compiled tongue twisters for absolutely all vowels and consonants of the English language and strongly recommend that you work out at least one for each of them.
We also strongly advise you to use our tongue twisters as a phonetic exercise in English at the beginning of each lesson, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, the tongue twister perfectly sets up the articulatory apparatus for further reproduction of English speech. Secondly, the very absurdity of the content of the English tongue twister cheers up, and therefore relaxes the muscles, which contributes to a better assimilation of the main material of the lesson.
Below are 3 methods of working out English sounds with tongue twisters, which, to the extent possible, contribute to the development of all four skills in students: listening, reading, writing, and, of course, speaking.
I method:
1. Choose one of the 5 tongue twisters we have proposed for practicing a certain English sound.If necessary,prepare it for presentation on the board.
2. In class, first introduce the students to the English vowel or consonant you plan to practice. To do this, you can use the brief description that we provide for each sound in the English language. Then say the sound yourself, then ask the students to do it in chorus, and finally, in a chain.
3. Read your chosen tongue twister in English on trainable sound at a fast pace.
4. This stage is recommended to be carried out in a playful way. To do this, ask students to prepare to write down familiar words that contain the English sound being practiced. When everyone is ready, you read the same English tongue twister to the desired sound at a slow pace. After that, the players take turns saying one word they heard. The winner of the game is the participant who heard the largest number of words, including the practiced English sound.
5. Write down or project your chosen tongue twister in English to practice the sound on the board and invite students to translate it. Since traditionally English tongue twisters contain obsolete and little-used words, to save your time, we present them here with a translation. You just have to write out the transcription of unfamiliar words.
6. Invite students to rewrite in their notebooks an English tongue twister with translation and transcription of unfamiliar words.
7. Say the first word of the tongue twister to the trained English sound. Next, invite students to repeat it after you in chorus, and then in chain. Don't forget to correct mistakes. Do the same procedure with all the words of the tongue twister containing the practiced English sound.
8. In the same way, read the first line of the tongue twister in English: first you, then in unison, then in turn.
9. Similarly, work out the second line of the English tongue twister.
10. Invite students to read two lines of the tongue twister in English together in a chain. On this, it is recommended to finish the first lesson of working with your chosen patter for practicing English sound.
11. The second lesson begins with the fact that each student in turn reads the first two lines of the same English tongue twister that you have chosen to practice this or that sound.
12. You read out the 3rd and 4th lines of the tongue twister in English. Next, invite students to repeat the English tongue twister after you in chorus, and then along the chain.
13. Each student takes turns reading the entire tongue twister to practice an English vowel or consonant sound. At all stages, you do not forget to correct mistakes.
14. In the third and subsequent lessons, students repeat the entire tongue twister in English in a chain. Here a reasonable question arises: how many times do you need to repeat an English tongue twister to practice a certain sound? The classical technique recommends working out a tongue twister in English as many times as it includes words containing a trained vowel or consonant sound.
15. In the process of repeated repetition, there will inevitably come a moment when some students have a tongue twister in English, as they say, will “bounce off their teeth”, while others still have difficulty pronouncing words. In this case, at each lesson, set a new task for successful students, for example, pronounce an English tongue twister quickly, in a singsong voice, in a whisper, shouting, with different emotional colors: sad, cheerful, surprised, confused, wary, etc.
16. In the middle of the repetition process (at about the 10th lesson), record the students on the recorder, but in a single stream. Then also let you listen to the entire recording. It is very important that everyone hears himself against the background of classmates and finds his own mistakes.
17. When the required number of repetitions has been completed, invite students to write a tongue twister to practice the English sound from memory.
18. The final stage of work with a tongue twister into English sound is also recommended to be carried out in a playful way. To do this, each student takes turns pronouncing one word of an English tongue twister as a keepsake. The mistaken participant is eliminated from the game, and the word is restored by the next one after him in a circle. Having finished reading the tongue twister in English once, students start it again, and so on until there is only one winner in the game.
II method:

2. In class, first introduce the students to the English vowel or consonant you plan to practice. To do this, you can use the short description that we cite for all English sounds. Then say the sound of the English language on your own, then ask the students to do it in chorus, and finally, in a chain.
3. Say all 5 tongue twisters to practice the sound of English at a fast pace.
4. In this method the game form of the presentation of English tongue twisters will be even more appropriate, because a larger number of words that need to be heard will make the competition more exciting. For the correct organization of the game, ask the participants to get ready to write down the words they heard, and at this time write their names on the board. After that, you read the first tongue twister in English at a slow pace and invite the players to take turns saying one word at a time. For each correctly heard word, the player receives 1 point, which you record on the board in front of his name. Then you read the second English tongue twister, and the right to be the first to name the word is given to the player who ended the previous round, and so on. In the final, the points earned are summed up and the winner of the game is determined.
5. Project English tongue twisters onto the board or hand out printouts. It is recommended that you first translate all 5 tongue twisters to practice English sounds, and only then collectively choose the one you like the most. You can vote if necessary.
6. In the case of presenting English tongue twisters on the board, ask students to copy the chosen one in a notebook with translation and transcription of unfamiliar words. If you have prepared printouts, then they remain with the students.
7. Further work with the chosen tongue twister in English is carried out similarly to paragraphs 7-18 of the II method.
III method (for mini-groups):
1. Prepare all 5 tongue twisters we have proposed for practicing English sound in the form of a presentation on the board or printouts according to the number of students.
2. In class, first introduce the students to the English vowel or consonant you plan to practice. To do this, you can use the brief description that we provide for absolutely every sound in the English language. Then say the English sound on your own, then ask the students to do it in chorus, and finally, in a chain.
3. Say all 5 tongue twisters to practice English sound at a fast pace.
4. In this method, the game form of presenting tongue twisters in English will be even more appropriate, because more words that need to be heard will make the competition more exciting. For the correct organization of the game, ask the participants to get ready to write down the words they heard, and at this time write their names on the board. After that, you read the first English tongue twister at a slow pace and invite the players to take turns saying one word at a time. For each correctly heard word, the player receives 1 point, which you record on the board in front of his name. Then you read the second tongue twister in English, and the right to be the first to name the word is given to the player who ended the previous round, and so on. In the final, the points earned are summed up and the winner of the game is determined.
5. Project all 5 tongue twisters for practicing English sound on the board or distribute printouts. Invite each student to choose one of their favorite English tongue twisters, but so that everyone gets an individual one.
6. As a homework assignment, invite students to independently translate their tongue twister into English and practice pronunciation.
7. In the second lesson, each student presents his own English tongue twister with translation. You correct mistakes.
8. In the third and subsequent lessons, each student takes turns reading his patter in English into a trained sound. Since the number of words per practiced English sound in different tongue twisters may differ, you should choose the maximum number of repetitions.
15. In the process of repeated repetition, a moment will inevitably come when for some students the English tongue twister, as they say, will "bounce off the teeth", while others still have difficulty pronouncing the words. In this case, at each lesson, set a new task for successful students, for example, pronounce a tongue twister in English quickly, in a singsong voice, in a whisper, shouting out, with a different emotional color: sad, cheerful, surprised, confused, wary, etc.
16. In the middle of the repetition process (at about the 10th lesson), record the students pronouncing the English tongue twister on the recorder, but in a single stream. Then also let you listen to the entire recording. It is very important that everyone hears himself against the background of classmates and finds his own mistakes.
17. In the final session, invite each student to write their own English tongue twister as a keepsake.

Pronunciation of consonants in English:

English consonants have the following distinctive features compared to Russian consonants:

1) "voiced-deafness" is not the main distinguishing feature of English consonants, on the contrary, in relation to the English consonant sound, it is important to know whether this sound is strong or weak, and not voiced or deaf. In Russian, voiceless consonants are usually weak, and voiced sounds are strong. In English, on the contrary, voiced sounds [b], [d], [g], [j], [l], [m], [n], [r], [v], [w], [z], [ʒ], [ð], [ŋ] and [ ʤ] - in most cases, weak, and deaf sounds [f], [h], [k], [p], [s], [t], [∫], [θ] and [ʧ] - strong;

2) strong deaf consonants [k], [p] and [t] differ from the corresponding Russian consonant sounds in that they are pronounced with strong aspiration - the gap between one of these consonants and the vowel following it is filled with a portion not from the mouth cavities, as in the case of Russian sounds [k], [p] and [t], but directly from the lungs;

3) a distinctive feature of the system of Russian consonants is the presence of palatization (softening). With the exception of always soft sounds [h] and [u] and always hard sounds [ts], [sh] and [zh] (not to be confused with the double "long" soft [zhzh], as in the word reins), the rest of the Russian consonants found in both soft and hard varieties. The consonants of the English language are completely devoid of such an articulatory feature, therefore, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the English consonants do not soften before the vowels [e], [i] and;

4) English consonants at the end of words are not deafened, like Russian sounds;

5) doubled English consonants are read as one sound.

Modern English has 24 consonants. Features of their pronunciation (articulation) are discussed below separately for each sound.

[b] - Pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [b]. ɜ

[ ʧ ] - Pronounced like a Russian sound [h], but energetically and firmly, without any softening. For the correct articulation of the English sound [ ʧ ], the second element [∫] should be pronounced as firmly as the Russian sound [sh].

[d] - Pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [d]. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and consonant [j] is not softened. Overtones should be avoided [ ə ] before combinations with the sounds [n] and [l], for which the instant pause formed between the sounds [d] and [n] should be given nasal articulation, and the instant pause between the sounds [d] and [l], respectively, lateral articulation (in place formations - between the lateral edge of the tongue and the cheek lowered to one side).

[f] - Pronounced like a Russian sound [f], but more energetic and without the participation of the upper lip. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[g] - Pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [g]. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[ ʤ ] - Pronounced the same as the [ʧ] sound, but with a voice, less energetic and always with the second soft element [ʒ].

[h] - There are no analogues to this sound in Russian. The consonant [h] is a simple exhalation without the participation of the tongue and the rounding of the lips - as when blowing on glass in order to clean it. The sound [h] is not noisy and in no case should it resemble the Russian sound [x].

[j] - Pronounced as a noticeably weakened Russian sound [y].

[ ʒ ] - Pronounced like a softened Russian sound [zh], but not as soft as in the word reins. It differs from the sound [∫] only by the use of voice when pronouncing it.

It is pronounced like the Russian sound [k], but more energetically and aspirated before vowels. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[l] - Unlike the Russian sound [l], the English sound [l] is pronounced with the tip of the tongue, which touches the tissues directly behind the upper front teeth. Before vowels, it sounds a little softer, but not like the Russian sound [l]. At the same time, in a position not before vowels, the English sound [l] never sounds as hard as the Russian sound.[l].

[m] - Pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [m]. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[n] - Unlike the Russian sound [n], which is pronounced with the tongue resting on the front upper teeth, the English sound [n] is pronounced with the tip of the tongue, which touches the tissues behind the front upper teeth, but not the teeth themselves. English sounds less energetic than the Russian sound [n]. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[ŋ] - There are no analogues to this sound in Russian. Simplified, the English sound [ŋ] is the sound [g] when pronounced through the nose with the soft palate fully down. As for the sound [g], when pronouncing the sound [ŋ], the back of the tongue closes with the soft palate, but the latter is completely omitted when the sound [ŋ] is articulated, and the air passes not through the mouth, but through the nose. When pronouncing the sound [ŋ], the tip of the tongue must be at the lower teeth, and the front and middle parts of the tongue should not touch the palate. An overtone [g] after the sound [ŋ] should be avoided and the sound [ŋ] should not be replaced by the sound [n].

It is pronounced like the Russian sound [p], but more energetically and aspirated before vowels. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[r] - A very weak consonant sound, only conditionally compared with the Russian sound [r]. It is pronounced with the position of the organs of speech, as for the Russian sound [zh], but the gap formed between the raised tip of the tongue and the front of the hard palate is somewhat wider than for the sound [zh]. The tip of the tongue is bent back and should not vibrate. When pronouncing the English sound [r], only the vocal cords vibrate. The middle and back of the tongue remain flat. In order to avoid replacing the English sound [r] with the Russian sound [r], it should be remembered that when the English sound [r] is formed, the tongue does not hit either the teeth or the upper tissues of the oral cavity, remaining motionless.

[s] - Reminiscent of the Russian sound [s], but pronounced more energetically. The tongue, in comparison with the Russian sound [s], when pronouncing the English sound [s], is raised up, and the air stream passes between the tip of the tongue and the tissues behind the front upper teeth, and not between the tongue and the teeth themselves. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[∫] - Pronounced like a softened Russian sound [sh], but not as soft as the sound [sh]. The position of the tip of the tongue, as when pronouncing the English sound [s], but the gap into which air is passed is wider, and the organs of speech are less tense.

[t] - Reminiscent of the Russian sound [t], but pronounced more energetically and aspirated before vowels. Compared to the Russian sound [t], when pronouncing the English sound [t], the tip of the tongue is raised to the tissues located behind the front teeth. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened. Overtones should be avoided [ ə ] before combinations with the sounds [n] and [l], for which the instant pause formed between the sounds [t] and [n] should be given nasal articulation, and the instant pause between the sounds [t] and [l], respectively, lateral articulation (in place formations - between the lateral edge of the tongue and the cheek lowered to one side).

[θ] - There are no analogues to this sound in Russian. When pronouncing a strong English consonant [θ], the tongue lies flat in the mouth, and its tip is between the front upper and lower teeth. Air is exhaled into the gap formed in this way between the edge of the upper teeth and the tip of the tongue. To avoid the sound [f], the teeth should be exposed so that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth. To avoid the formation of sound [s], the tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and the tongue itself should remain flat, especially its front part.

[ð] - There are no analogues to this sound in Russian. Pronounced in the same way as the sound [θ], but with a voice and less energetic. To avoid the sound [v], the teeth should be exposed so that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth. To avoid the formation of the sound [z], the tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and the tongue itself should remain flat, especially its front part.

[v] - Pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [v], but without the participation of the upper lip. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

[w] - There are no analogues to this sound in Russian. The English sound [w] is obtained by instantly passing a jet of air through a gap formed by strongly rounded and slightly protruding lips. The teeth do not touch the lower lip. The sound [w] is pronounced very briefly and weakly, the lips move, as if blowing out a candle.

[z] - Pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [z]. It differs from the Russian sound [h] in the same way that the English sound [s] differs from the Russian sound [s]. Before vowels [e], [i], , [ ɜ :] and the consonant sound [j] is not softened.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds in English:

Among the vowels of modern English, three main groups are distinguished: monophthongs (vowels consisting of one sound), diphthongs (vowels consisting of two sounds, which are pronounced within one syllable) and triphthongs (vowels consisting of three sounds pronounced within one syllable). Modern English has 12 monophthongs, 8 diphthongs and 2 triphthongs.


Historically, English monophthongs are divided into short ones (æ, e, I , ɒ, ʊ, Λ, ə) and long (a:, i:, ɜ:, ɔ:, u:). The longitude of the latter is indicated in the transcription by a colon after the symbol of the corresponding vowel sound.

[æ] - A short vowel sound, pronounced with perceptible tension. Qualitatively opposed to the sound [e]. To avoid erroneous pronunciation of the Russian sound [e] instead of the sound [æ], the tongue should be placed low in the mouth, as when pronouncing the Russian sound [a]. The lower jaw should be noticeably lowered. In this case, the bulk of the tongue should remain in front of the mouth, and its tip should be pressed against the lower teeth.

Long vowel sound, pronounced tensely. With its length, characteristic pressure of the root of the tongue in the mouth and low timbre, English resembles the sound made when showing the throat to the doctor. In order to correctly pronounce English sound, without making it look like a Russian sound [a], you should take the root of the tongue back and down as far as possible.

[e] - A short vowel sound, pronounced without tension. The English sound [e] is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian sound [e] in the words light and these, if pronounced very briefly. However, it should be remembered that consonants before the English sound [e] are not softened. When pronouncing the English sound [e], the middle part of the tongue is raised to the palate higher than when pronouncing the Russian sound [e], and the distance between the jaws is narrower.

[I] - A short vowel sound, pronounced without tension. Qualitatively (in place and method of articulation) and quantitatively (in longitude) it is opposed to a long sound. The English sound slightly resembles the unstressed Russian sound [and] in the word game and the stressed Russian sound [and] after hissing. For correct articulation of the sound, the tongue should be placed lower in the mouth than when pronouncing the Russian sound [and]. Consonants do not soften before the sound, which you need to pay special attention to. At the same time, the English sound should not be like the Russian sound [s].

Long vowel sound, pronounced tensely. Qualitatively and quantitatively it is opposed to a short sound [i]. The English sound is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian sound [and] in the word willow, if you pronounce it tensely and drawlingly. Consonants before a sound are not softened. In addition to longitude, the English sound is notable for its heterogeneous sound throughout throughout. When pronouncing a sound, the tongue moves forward and upward in the oral cavity.

[ɜ:] - Long vowel sound, pronounced tensely. The lips when pronouncing the sound [ɜ:] are stretched, the teeth are slightly bared. Consonants before the sound [ɜ:] are not softened. The English sound [ɜ:] should not resemble the Russian sounds [o] and [e]. It is the sound [ɜ:], as a rule, pronounced by native English speakers when thinking about an answer or choosing the right word.

[ɒ ] - A short vowel sound, pronounced without tension. The English sound [ɒ] is somewhat similar to the Russian sound [o] in the word horse , if you pronounce it without rounding or protruding lips. When pronouncing the sound [ɒ], it is necessary to move the tongue back as much as possible, as when pronouncing the sound, and, opening the mouth wide, try to achieve minimal rounding of the lips.

[ ɔ: ] - A long vowel sound, pronounced tensely, with the tongue pulled back and very rounded lips. The protrusion of the lips, which is characteristic of the articulation of the Russian sound [o], should be avoided, which leads to the formation of an overtone [y] unusual for the English sound [ɔ:].

[ʊ ] - A short vowel sound, pronounced without tension. Qualitatively and quantitatively it is opposed to a long sound. Its main difference from the Russian sound [y] is that when pronouncing the sound [ʊ], the lips almost do not round or protrude.

Long vowel sound, pronounced tensely. Qualitatively and quantitatively it is opposed to the short sound [ʊ]. In addition to longitude, English sound, like sound, is distinguished by heterogeneity of sound throughout. When pronouncing a sound, the tongue moves back and up in the mouth. The lips are visibly rounded at the beginning and become even more rounded as the tongue moves. To avoid replacing the English sound with the Russian sound [y], when rounding the lips, do not stick them out.

[ Λ ] - A short vowel sound, pronounced tensely. The position of the tongue in the mouth, as in silence. English sound [Λ] is similar to the Russian sound [a], pronounced in the first pre-stressed syllable after hard consonants in place of the Russian letters a and o, as, for example, in the words rock And bark . Compared to the Russian percussive sound [a], when pronouncing the English sound [Λ], the tongue is pushed back, and its back part is raised. An excessively pushed back language will lead to the formation of a sound close to the English sound [Λ], which will be a gross phonemic error, since these sounds often perform a semantic difference. function.

[ ə] - A short neutral (formed by the tongue in a neutral position) vowel sound, pronounced without tension. Like Russian, English is characterized by strong qualitative reduction (weakened pronunciation of vowels in unstressed syllables). So, a sound close to the English sound [ə] can be found in the second pre-stressed and in two stressed syllables in Russian words in place of vowelsO, Aand e after hard consonants, for example:gardener, gift, whole. An error in the articulation of the English sound [ə] occurs due to the mixing of reduction paradigms in English and Russian. The neutral vowel [ə] in English occurs mainly in the first pre-stressed and first stressed syllables. In the first and second prestressed syllables and in the second stressed syllable, native Russian speakers often pronounce vowels that are close to Russian in terms of the degree of qualitative reduction. A common mistake is pronunciation in the first prestressed syllable English words Russian sound [e] instead of sound[ ə] . To resolve this error it is necessary not to shift the tongue to the front of the mouth, keeping it in a neutral middle position.


These are special vowel sounds pronounced without a pause within one syllable. In English diphthongs, the main, percussive element is core - is always the first of its two components. The second element is glide or glide - always unstressed, pronounced without tension. Intonationally, all English diphthongs are descending, i.e. their pronunciation is accompanied by a decrease in intonation towards the final element.

A combination of a strong first element [a] and a weakened . The English sound [a] - the core of the diphthong - differs from the Russian [a] in front of the position of the tongue during its articulation. In addition, in the initial stage of sounding of English [a], the language is located lower. The diphthong glide should not be replaced by the English consonant [j] or the Russian [й].

A combination of a strong first element [a] and a weakened second [ʊ] . When pronouncing the core of the diphthong - sound [a] - the language does not move forward as much as when pronouncing the core, and the first element is in many ways similar to Russian [a]. Unlike glide [əʊ], the second element of the diphthong sounds unclear. You should keep this in mind and not turn the obscure glide [ʊ] into an independent vowel [ʊ] or, as well as Russian [y], which is pronounced with a characteristic protrusion of the lips, which is not characteristic of English vowels in general.

The combination of a strong first element [e] and a weakened second [ I ]. Avoid turning the diphthong glide [ I ] into English consonant [j] or Russian [й].

- A combination of a strong first element [e] and a weakened second [ə]. The mouth when pronouncing the core of the diphthong - the sound [e] - is much openwider than when pronouncing an independent English vowel [e], which makes the core of the diphthong look like Russian [e] in the word this one (but not these).

[Iə] - A combination of a strong first element and a weakened second [ ə]. In the open final position (at the end of a word), the glide [ə] can turn into a sound close to the English [Λ].

[ɔ I ] - The combination of the strong first element [ ɔ] and weakened second. English sound [ ɔ] - diphthong core [ɔ I] - is a cross between the English sounds [ɔ:] and [ ɒ]. The transformation of a diphthong glide into an English consonant [j] or Russian [й] is mistake.

[ʊə] - A combination of a strong first element [ʊ] and a weakened second [ə].

[əʊ] - A combination of a strong first element [ə] and a slightly weakened second [ʊ]. The core of the diphthong [əʊ] - sound [ə] - is pronounced like English [ɜ:], but with a wider mouth than for [ɜ:], and with rounded (but not protruding) lips. Diphthong [əʊ] - the only one English diphthong, the second element of which is pronounced distinctly, without a noticeable weakening of the organs of speech.


It is a combination of diphthongs and with an unstressed neutral non-syllabic vowel [ə]. Like diphthongs, English triphthongs have a core - a strong percussion element - and a glide or glide, which includes two unstressed elements.

- The combination of a diphthong and a neutral vowel [ə]. Element [ I ] should not turn into a consonant [j].

The combination of a diphthong and a neutral vowel [ə]. The element [ʊ ] must not turn into a consonant [w].

[ b]

The sound [b] is pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [b].

Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [b] is not softened.

A British builder built a building of brown bricks,

A Bulgarian builder built a building of black bricks,

A Brazilian builder built a building of blue bricks.

But which building will be a bit bad?

A brave biker booked a B&B in Brussels

With a big bath behind a blue basin in the bathroom,

With a brown wardrobe between the bath and the bed,

And a brick basement below the bedroom and the bathroom.

Brothers Bean bought for their baby brother Bob's birthday

A big box of black bees, a blue box of brown beetles,

And a big blue box of beautiful butterflies.

But which blue box is a bit bigger?

When a big boss became a bit bored with Berlin branch of a bank

He booked a break on beautiful beaches in Biscay Bay.

But why did the big boss become a bit bored

And book the break in Biscay Bay?

Bab bakes brown biscuits for her boyfriend Bob's birthdays,

Bob buys and brings Bab big beautiful bunches.

But if Bab didn't bake Bob brown biscuits,

Would Bob bring Bab big beautiful bunches?

Unlike the Russian sound [n], which is pronounced with the tongue resting against the front upper teeth, the English sound [n] is pronounced with the tip of the tongue, which touches the tissues behind the front upper teeth, but not the teeth themselves. English [n] sounds less energetic than Russian sound [n]. Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [n] is not softened.

Ned nicknamed his nag Netty,

Net nicknamed her nag Neddy.

Is Ned's nag nicknamed Netty?

Is Net's nag nicknamed Neddy?

Neither a neat knitter needs to knit

By next November nine new knittings,

No a neat needlewoman needs to needle

By next November nine new neckties.

Ninety nice nestlings nestle in nine nests,

Nine nice nestlings nestle in ninety nests.

If ninety nice nestlings didn't nestle in nine nests,

Would nine nice nestlings nestle in ninety nests?

Nat's nephew is naughtier than Nik's niece,

Nik's nephew is naughtier than Nat's niece,

If Nat's nephew wasn't naughtier than Nik's niece,

Would Nik's nephew be naughtier than Nik's niece?

Nanny Nancy never naps at nights at her nineteen,

Nanny Nelly nid-nods at nights at her ninety.

If Nanny Nancy napped at nights at her nineteen,

Would Nanny Nelly nid-nod at nights at her ninety?

[ æ ]

The short vowel sound [æ] is pronounced with perceptible tension. Qualitatively opposed to the sound [e]. To avoid erroneous pronunciation of the Russian sound [e] instead of the English sound [æ], the tongue should be placed low in the mouth, as when pronouncing the Russian sound [a]. The lower jaw should be noticeably lowered. In this case, the bulk of the tongue should remain in front of the mouth, and its tip should be pressed against the lower teeth.

Ann has a hat in her handbag,

Dan has a cap in his backpack.

If Ann didn't have the hat in her handbag,

Would Dan have the cap in his backpack?

Nat can translate from Italian to Spanish,

Pat can translate from Spanish to Italian.

Can Pat translate from Italian to Spanish?

Can Nat translate from Spanish to Italian?

Mat has accidents traveling by tram,

Sam has accidents traveling by taxi.

If Mat didn't have accidents traveling by tram,

Would Sam have accidents traveling by taxi?

Mag has a salad with ham and carrot,

Sal has a salad with lamb and cabbage.

If Mag didn't have the salad with ham and carrot,

Would Sal have the salad with lamb and cabbage?

Alice Adam chats with attractive actors,

Andy Alan chats with attractive actresses.

If Alice Adam didn't chat with attractive actors,

Would Andy Alan chat with attractive actresses?

[ ʧ ]

The sound [ʧ] is pronounced like the Russian sound [h], but energetically and firmly, without any softening. For the correct articulation of the English sound [ʧ], the second element [∫] should be pronounced as firmly as the Russian sound [sh].

A cheetah chases chancy in a chilly chine

Chinchillas, chipmucks and chaffinches.

Which chase of the cheetah in the chilly chine is chancier:

Chinchillas, chipmucks or chaffinches?

A chinaman chaffers on the Change to cheapen china,

A chandler chaffers on the Change to cheapen chandlery.

If the chinaman didn't chaffer on the Change to cheapen china,

Would the chandler chaffer to cheapen chandlery?

A Chilean chess-player checks to a Chinese chess-player,

The Chinese chess-player checkmates to the Chilean.

If the Chilean chess-player didn't check to the Chinese,

Would the Chinese chess-player checkmate to the Chilean?

A charwoman chars a chamber with Chippendale furniture:

A chimney, chairs, china, pictures and armchairs.

If the chimney, chairs and china wasn't in Chippendale,

Would the charwoman char the chamber with furniture?

Chanters in a church chant cheerier than chanters in a chapel,

Chanters in the chapel chant chillier than in the church.

If the chanters in the church didn't chant cheerier,

Would the chanters in the chapel chant chillier?

There are no analogues to the sound [ŋ] in Russian. Simplified, the English sound [ŋ] is the sound [g] when pronounced through the nose with the soft palate fully down. As for the sound [g], when pronouncing the sound [ŋ], the back of the tongue closes with the soft palate, but the latter is completely omitted when the sound [ŋ] is articulated, and the air passes not through the mouth, but through the nose. When pronouncing the sound [ŋ], the tip of the tongue must be at the lower teeth, and the front and middle parts of the tongue should not touch the palate. An overtone [g] after the sound [ŋ] should be avoided and the sound [ŋ] should not be replaced by the sound [n].

A single singer is walking along the bank

Singing a languishing song

And bringing pink pinks for his darling.

Is anything wrong with the single singer's song?

A young banker is thinking of giving

A thanking banquet at Thanksgiving.

Is the young banker thinking of something

For drinking at the Thanksgiving banquet?

Uncle Frank being an angry hunks

Is dingdong looking among his belongings

For a dinky bank of hanky-panky including

Rings, bangles, hangers, anklets and earrings.

An English banker is sinking clankingly

A long anchor at the brink of Hong Kong

Among concourses of alongshore plankton

Including conchs, winkles, anglers and congers.

The English king is going to conquer Hungary,

The Hungarian king is going to conquer England.

If the English king wasn't going to conquer Hungary,

Would the Hungarian king be going to conquer England?

[ a: ]

A long vowel sound is pronounced tensely. With its length, characteristic pressure of the root of the tongue in the mouth and low timbre, English resembles the sound made when showing the throat to the doctor. In order to correctly pronounce English sound, without making it look like a Russian sound [a], you should take the root of the tongue back and down as far as possible.

Mark parks his car in a car park,

Bart parks his car in a dark park.

If Mark didn't park his car in the car park,

Would Bart park his car in the dark park?

Aunty Blanche asks after Aunty Margie,

Aunty Margie asks after Aunty Blanche.

If Aunty Blanche didn't ask after Aunty Margie,

Would Aunty Margie ask after Aunty Blanche?

Mark's car's faster than Bart's car,

Bart's car's smarter than Mark's car.

If Mark's car wasn't faster than Bart's car,

Would Bart's car be smarter than Mark's car?

In March Charles starts to plant tomatoes

In a large garden at half past one in the afternoon.

Charles can't start to plant tomatoes

In a large garden at half past two in the afternoon.

Mark's father starts parties at half past five,

Bart's father starts parties at half past six.

If Mark's father didn't start parties at half past five,

Would Bart's father start parties at half past six?

The sound [d] is pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [d]. Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [d] is not softened. An overtone [ə] should be avoided before combinations of the sound [d] with the sounds [n] and [l], for which the instant pause formed between the sounds [d] and [n] should be given nasal articulation, and the instant pause between the sounds [d] and [l] respectively, lateral articulation (at the place of formation - between the lateral edge of the tongue and the cheek lowered to one side).

Dolly Dale dances with Davy Dail,

Davy Dail dates to Dolly Dale.

If Dolly Dale didn't dance with Davy Dail

Would Davy Dail date to Dolly Dale?

Daisy's Dad doesn't have a driver,

So he drives his daughter daily to downtown.

If Daisy's Dad had a driver,

Would he drive Daisy daily to downtown?

Doris Draft designed a dark dress in December,

Today Doris Draft is designing a red dress.

Does Doris Draft understand

How difficult is it to design different dresses?

Dick got ten double DVDs and two digital devices

For a dozen dollars at a department store.

Is it a good idea to get DVDs and digital devices

At a store department?

Deborah Deem described her dream to Doctor Dean,

Doctor Dean drew Deborah Deem's dream in diagrams.

If Doctor Dean described his dream to Deborah Deem,

Could Deborah Deem draw Doctor Dean's dream in diagrams?

The sound [p] is pronounced like the Russian sound [p], but more energetically and aspirated before vowels. Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [p] is not softened.

Paolo Piccolli prepared for his presentation's party

A pair of plates of pizzas with potatoes and peppers

And a pair of plates of pasta with prawns.

Which pair of plates pleased people at Paolo's party?

The police picked up a pink packet with an MP3 player

And personal details in a peaceful place of a Prague’s park.

It was a Polly's present from her parents.

The police put the packet to a post office.

Pablo Picasso put off his palette, paintbox and paintbrushes

And painted with pen a picture of a peaceful place in Paris

With a pink palace and a paled park plenty of pretty plants.

What's the possible picture's price?

A poor Polish pianist played popular plays from the past

For Portuguese prince and princess in a Paris' palace.

The prince and princess paid the pianist plenty of pounds.

The poor Polish pianist put his purse in a pocket.

The Polish president plays pool with the Portuguese president

In a peaceful place of the president's palace in Prague.

The Polish president plays pool poorly,

But which pool player is the poorer partner?

The short vowel sound [e] is pronounced without tension. The English sound [e] is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian sound [e] in words light And these if pronounced very briefly. However, it should be remembered that consonants before the English sound [e] are not softened. When pronouncing the English sound [e], the middle part of the tongue is raised to the palate higher than when pronouncing the Russian sound [e], and the distance between the jaws is narrower.

ten men men seven hedges

Seven men mend ten hedges.

If ten men didn't mend seven hedges,

Would seven men mend ten hedges?

Jen spent ten pennies on a dress,

Jem spent sevenpence on a sweater.

Can Jen spend seven pennies on a dress?

Can Jem spend ten pennies on a sweater?

fresh bread smells better than fresh eggs,

Fresh eggs smell better than fresh lemons.

If fresh bread didn't smell better than fresh eggs,

Would fresh eggs smell better than fresh lemons?

Pen never sends letters in red envelopes,

Peg never sends letters in yellow envelopes.

If Pen sent letters in red envelopes,

Would Peg send letters in yellow envelopes?

Em and Ed's friends presented them a desk,

Em and Ed's relatives presented them a bed.

Which wedding present is more expensive:

The friends' desk or the relatives' bed?

The sound [f] is pronounced like the Russian sound [f], but more energetically and without the participation of the upper lip.

Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [f] is not softened.

The first fly flies forty-four feet,

The fourth fly flies forty-five feet,

The fifth fly flies fifty-four feet.

What fly flies fifty-five feet?

The first flat is on the fifty-first floor,

The fourth flat is on the fifty-fourth floor,

The fifth flat is on the fifty-fifth floor.

Which flat is furnished finer, in fact?

A fat Finnish fisher fried for a funny feast on Friday

Forty-four fries, forty-five flukes,

Fifty-four flitches and fifty-five flatfishes

Found freshly in a far fiord.

Federico Fellini finished in February of the fifty-fifth

A film-farce far-famed in the fifties,

Featuring a famous French filmstar of the fifties,

Fixing fairly for her a fantastic fee!

Frank's father followed a fox's footprints in a forest,

Fred's father followed a ferret's footprints in a field,

Phil's father followed a frog's footprints in a fen,

Whose footprints finished by the fence?

The sound [r] is a very weak consonant, only conditionally compared with the Russian sound [r]. The sound [r] is pronounced with the position of the organs of speech, as for the Russian sound [g], but the gap formed between the raised tip of the tongue and the front of the hard palate is somewhat wider than for the sound [g]. The tip of the tongue is bent back and should not vibrate. When pronouncing the English sound [r], only the vocal cords vibrate. The middle and back of the tongue remain flat. In order to avoid replacing the English sound [r] with the Russian sound [r], it should be remembered that when the English sound [r] is formed, the tongue does not hit either the teeth or the upper tissues of the oral cavity, remaining motionless.

Ray raises rams on Roy's ranch,

Roy raises rams on Ray's ranch.

If Ray didn't raise rams on Roy's ranch,

Would Roy raise rams on Ray's ranch?

Rose Reed replants red roses,

And the red roses ramp around a rail.

If Rose Reed didn't replant the red roses recently,

Would the red roses ramp around the rail?

A rector refreshes in a refectory,

A referee refreshes in a restaurant.

If the rector didn't refresh in a refectory,

Would the referee refresh in a restaurant?

A rangy ragman in a red ragged raglan

Ranges around a rag fair with a red rag bag.

If the rangy ragman wasn't in the red ragged raglan,

Would he range around the rag fair with the red rag bag?

Rita replaces radish in a refection's receipt,

Ruth replaces rice in a delight's receipt.

If Rita didn't replace radish in the refection's receipt,

Would Ruth replace rice in the relish's receipt?

[ I ]

The short vowel sound [I] is pronounced without tension. Qualitatively (in place and method of articulation) and quantitatively (in longitude) it is opposed to a long sound. The English sound [I] slightly resembles an unstressed Russian sound [and] in the word game and a stressed Russian sound [and] after hissing. For the correct articulation of the sound [I], the tongue should be placed lower in the mouth than when pronouncing the Russian sound [and]. Consonant sounds before the sound [I] are not softened, which needs special attention. At the same time, the English sound [I] should not be like the Russian sound [ы].

Kit babysits with Nik's sister,

Nik babysits with Kit's sister.

If Kit didn't babysit with Nik's sister,

Would Nik babysit with Kit's sister?

Mister Twister daily visits a busy city

With many office buildings.

Is it easy to live in a busy city

With many office buildings?

A pink sink is behind a big fridge,

The big fridge is in front of the pink sink.

If the pink sink wasn't behind the big fridge,

Would the big fridge be in front of the pink sink?

A single singer drinks milk in the morning,

A single artist drinks coffee for his dinner.

If the single singer didn't drink milk in the morning,

Would the single artist drink coffee for his dinner?

village builders build bridges over rivers,

City builders build cinemas on hills.

If village builders didn't build bridges over rivers,

Would city builders build cinemas on hills?

The sound [g] is pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [g].

Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [g] does not soften.

Grace Gordon got a gray garlic and green gherkins

From a greengrocer to garnish a greasy grilled goose.

Are the gray garlic and the green gherkins

A good garnish for a greasy grilled goose?

A gray gardener is going to go through a green gate

On green grass of a gorgeous garden, by a gray garage,

By garden-beds with gales to a glasshouse

To get some greenery for a glamor garden-party.

Gray goats graze on green grass growing in a gorge,

Gray geese graze on green grass growing in a garden.

Which grass is greener: growing in the gorge

Or growing in the garden where the gray geese graze?

Gregory Gael gathered his great-grandchildren

To give them a golf game on green grass of his garden.

Guess if Gregory Gael's great-grandchildren got gay

From the golf game on green grass of his garden!

A gay guide greets gladly in Greek groups of Greek guests

In Getty gallery gathering Goya, Gaugain and Van Gogh.

If Getty gallery didn't gather Goya, Gaugain and Van Gogh

Would the gay guide greet gladly in Greek groups of guests?

The sound [s] resembles the Russian sound [s], but is pronounced more energetically. The tongue, in comparison with the Russian sound [s], when pronouncing the English sound [s], is raised up, and the air stream passes between the tip of the tongue and the tissues behind the front upper teeth, and not between the tongue and the teeth themselves. Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [s] is not softened.

A single singer sings a sad song

About sixty-six sisters sitting by the sea at sunset.

If sixty-six sisters weren't sitting by the sea,

Would the single singer sing the sad song about them?

Cecil's sisters send to Cecil's sons in Seattle

Suitcases with sixty-six sweaters of “S” size.

If Cecil's sons weren't in Seattle,

Would Cecil's sisters send them sixty-six sweaters?

Some small restaurants in the center of the city

Serve six sorts of seafood soups on Sundays.

Some small restaurants in the south of the city

Serve seven sorts of seafood soups on Saturdays.

Sally's sister spent sixty-six pence on sauces,

Sarah's sister spent sixty-seven pence on sauces,

Susan's sister spent seventy-six pence on sauces.

Whose sister spent seventy-seven pennies on sauces?

Sixty-six sisters sewed sixty-six silk skirts,

Sixty-seven sisters sewed sixty-seven silk skirts,

Seventy-six sisters sewed seventy-six silk skirts.

Did seventy-seven sisters sew seventy-seven silk skirts?

[ I: ]

A long vowel sound is pronounced tensely. Qualitatively and quantitatively it is opposed to a short sound [i]. The English sound is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian sound [i] in the word willow, if you pronounce it tensely and drawlingly. Consonant sounds before the sound are not softened. In addition to longitude, the English sound is notable for its heterogeneous sound throughout. When pronouncing a sound, the tongue moves forward and upward in the oral cavity.

CD is cheaper than DVD,

DVD is cheaper than MP3,

MP3 is cheaper than TV,

Is CD cheaper than TV?

Fifteen teens eat fifteen sweets,

Sixteen teens eat sixteen sweets.

If fifteen teens didn't eat fifteen sweets,

Would sixteen teens eat sixteen sweets?

Greek teachers teach speaking Greek,

Sweden teachers teach speaking Sweden.

If Greek teachers didn't teach speaking Greek,

Would Sweden teachers teach speaking Sweden?

pete weekly green leaves field

To see the deep sea from a clean beach.

Does Pete feel sleepy on the clean beach

Seeing the deep sea each week?

Eastern people eat meals in the evening

With meat, cheese, cream, sweets and tea.

Is it easy for Eastern people to eat in the evening

Meat, cheese, cream, sweets and tea?

[ ʤ ]

The sound [ʤ] is pronounced the same as [ʧ], but with a voice, less energetically and always with the second soft element [ʒ].

Jean jellies ginger jam in June

Jess jellies ginger jam in July.

If Jean didn't jelly ginger jam in June

Could Jess jelly ginger jam in July?

Judy Jones jigs with Jim James,

Jozy James jives with Job Jones.

If Judy Jones didn't jig with Jim James,

Could Jozy James live with Job Jones?

A German jockey gentles a Gipsy gee-gee,

A Gipsy jockey gentles a German gee-gee.

If the German jockey didn't gentle the Gipsy gee-gee,

Could the Gipsy jockey gentle the German gee-gee?

John changed a jug of juice to a jar of gin,

Jane changed a jar of gin to a jug of juice.

If John didn't change the jug of juice to the jar of gin,

Could Jane change the jar of gin to the jug of juice?

Jack's job is to jewel jewel-boxes with jasper,

Jeff's job is to jewel jewel-cases with jet,

If Jack's job wasn't to jewel-boxes with jasper,

Could Jeff's job be to jewel jewel-cases with jet?

The sound [∫] is pronounced like a softened Russian sound [sh], but not as soft as the sound [u]. The position of the tip of the tongue, as when pronouncing the English sound [s], but the gap into which air is passed is wider, and the organs of speech are less tense.

Sharon washed dishes in a dishwasher

Next she washed shades in a washing machine.

Should she wash the dishes in the dishwasher

Before washing the shades in the washing machine?

A shifty shopkeeper shut the shop's shutters

To show on a shelf shabby shammy shoes.

Should the shifty shopkeeper shut the shop's shutters

To show on the shelf the shabby shammy shoes?

A shingly shore shelves to a shelly shelf,

A shelly shore shelves to a shingly shelf.

If the shingly shore didn't shelve to the shelly shelf,

Would the shelly shore shelve to the shingly shelf?

A sharp sheik and a shifty shah shared the shot

For a shindig in Sheraton with shrimps, sherbet and sherry.

Should a shilly-shally chef of Sheraton

Shirk the shindig with shrimps, sherbet and sherry?

A shoeless shoeshine showed to a shoemaker

A shabby shoebox with shoehorns, shoelaces and shoepolish.

Should the shoeless shoeshine show to the shoemaker

The shabby shoebox with shoehorns, shoelaces and shoepolish?

[ ɜ : ]

The long vowel sound [ɜ:] is pronounced tensely. The lips when pronouncing the sound [ɜ:] are stretched, the teeth are slightly bared. Consonant sounds before the sound [ɜ:] are not softened. The English sound [ɜ:] should not resemble the Russian sounds [o] and [e]. It is the sound [ɜ:], as a rule, pronounced by native English speakers when thinking about an answer or choosing the right word.

German learners learn German words,

Turkish learners learn Turkish words.

If German learners didn't learn German words,

Would Turkish learners learn Turkish words?

The first skirt is dirtier than the third shirt,

The first shirt is dirtier than the third skirt.

If the first skirt wasn't dirtier than the third shirt,

Would the first shirt be dirtier than the third skirt?

Bert's servant served for his thirty-first birthday

Thirty burgers and thirty desserts.

Is it early for Bert's servant to serve for his thirty-third birthday

Thirteen burgers and thirty desserts?

german nurses earn more than turkish nurses,

Turkish nurses earn less than German nurses.

Do German nurses deserve more than Turkish nurses?

Do Turkish nurses deserve less than German nurses?

The first expert prefers desserts to burgers,

The third expert prefers burgers to desserts.

If the first expert didn't prefer desserts to burgers,

Would the third expert prefer burgers to desserts?

[ h ]

There are no analogues to the sound [h] in Russian. The consonant [h] is a simple exhalation without the participation of the tongue and the rounding of the lips - as when blowing on glass in order to clean it. The sound [h] is not noisy and in no case should it resemble the Russian sound [x].

Hugo Hall's hobbyhorse is handball,

Harry Hill's hobbyhorse is hockey.

If Hugo Hall's hobbyhorse wasn't handball,

How could Harry Hill's hobbyhorse be hockey?

A housewife who holds her house by herself,

Has a home help who helps her.

If the housewife didn't hold her house by herself,

How could she have a home help who helps her?

A hard-headed hunter hunts with a hawk,

A hard-hearted hunter hunts with a hound.

If the hard-headed hunter didn't hunt with a hawk,

How could the hard-hearted hunter hunt with a hound?

A heedful herd herds his herd on a hill,

A heedless herd herds his herd on a heath.

If the heedful herd didn't herd his herd on the hill,

How could the heedless herd her herd on the heath?

A hirsute hippie hitchhikes on highways

A homeless hippie hoboes on Hollywood hills.

If the hirsute hippie didn't hitchhike on highways,

How could the homeless hippie hobo on Hollywood hills?

The sound [t] resembles the Russian sound [t], but is pronounced more energetically and aspirated before vowels. Compared to the Russian sound [t], when pronouncing the English sound [t], the tip of the tongue is raised to the tissues located behind the front teeth. Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [t] is not softened. An overtone [ə] should be avoided before combinations with the sounds [n] and [l], for which the instant pause formed between the sounds [t] and [n] should be given nasal articulation, and the instant pause between the sounds [t] and [l], respectively lateral articulation (at the place of formation - between the lateral edge of the tongue and the cheek lowered to one side).

Terry teaches Technology from two to ten,

Tilly teaches Tennis from ten to twelve.

Which teaching takes more time:

Terry's Technology or Tilly's Tennis?

Tim told Tom a true story about twenty-two tall trees

That Tim planted at a mountain top.

Is Tim's story about twenty-two tall trees

At the mountain top totally true?

Thomas takes a table in a Turkish restaurant

To taste twenty-two hot tomatoes.

If Thomas didn't take a table in the Turkish restaurant,

Could he taste twenty-two hot tomatoes?

Mister Twister put in a white suitcase

Two pairs of tweed trousers, eight white T-shirts,

Ten Turkish towels, twelve tweed coats, twenty white ties,

Twenty-two tick hats and twenty-eight white tops, too.

It takes Ted twenty minutes to travel to town by tram,

It takes Toby twelve minutes to travel to town by train,

It takes Tony ten minutes to travel to town by taxi.

What a terrible transport system!

[ ɒ ]

The short vowel [ɒ] is pronounced without tension. The English sound [ɒ] is somewhat similar to the Russian sound [o] in the word horse, if it is pronounced without rounding or protruding lips. When pronouncing the sound [ɒ], it is necessary to move the tongue back as much as possible, as when pronouncing the sound, and, opening the mouth wide, try to achieve minimal rounding of the lips.

rock concerts shock pop icons,

Pop concerts shock rock icons.

If rock concerts didn't shock pop icons,

Would pop concerts shock rock icons?

Rob often drops his wallet in shops,

Tom often drops his wallet at stops.

If Rob didn't often drop his wallet in shops,

Would Tom often drop his wallet at stops?

Dolly wants to watch novels on TV,

Polly wants to watch horrors on TV.

If Dolly didn't want to watch novels on TV,

Would Polly want to watch horrors on TV?

John locks his modern office at five o'clock,

Rolf locks his modern office at six o'clock.

If John didn't lock his modern office at five o'clock,

Would Rolf lock his modern office at six o'clock?

A box of olives costs more than a bottle of squash,

A bottle of squash costs less than a box of olives.

If a box of olives didn't cost more than a bottle of squash,

Would a bottle of squash cost less than a box of olives?

[ j ]

The sound [j] is pronounced as a noticeably weakened Russian sound [th].

US students are younger than UK junkers,

UK junkers are cuter than US students.

If US students weren't younger than UK junkers,

Could UK junkers be cuter than US students?

New Year's menu usually uses

Cookes, onion, yoghurt, Yorkshire and cucumbers.

How can New Year's menu usually use

Cookes, onion, yoghurt, Yorkshire and cucumbers?

Yankee yachtsmen's yachts yaw for one yard,

Yakut yachtsmen's yachts yaw for two yards.

If Yankee yachtsmen's yachts didn't yaw for one yard,

Could Yakut yachtsmen’s yachts yaw for two yards?

Uniformed yardmen yap with uniformed yardmasters,

Uniformed yardmasters yap with uniformed yardmen.

If uniformed yardmen didn't yap with uniformed yardmasters,

Could uniformed yardmasters yap with uniformed yardmen?

Yesterday a new newsagent introduced a newspaper

That continues to interview young popular musicians.

Why the new news agent introduced the newspaper

That continues to interview young popular musicians?

[ θ ]

There are no analogues to the sound [θ] in Russian. When pronouncing a strong English consonant [θ], the tongue lies flat in the mouth, and its tip is between the front upper and lower teeth. Air is exhaled into the gap formed in this way between the edge of the upper teeth and the tip of the tongue. To avoid the sound [f], the teeth should be exposed so that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth. To avoid the formation of sound [s], the tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and the tongue itself should remain flat, especially its front part.

Three Thievish Thieves Thieves Thirty Things,

Thirty thievish thieves thieve three things.

If three thieves didn't thieve thirty things,

Would thirty thieves thieve three things?

Three therapists threw three thermometers

In three thick thickets of thorny thistle.

Why did three therapists throw three thermometers

Three thick thickets of thorny thistle?

Thirty three thousand and thirty thinkers thought

Thirty three thousand and thirty thoughts.

Did thirty thousand and thirty-three thinkers think

Thirteen thousand and thirty-three thoughts?

Three theaters thrill thirty thousand of theatergoers

By thirty thousand thrilling thrillers on Thursdays.

Did thirty theaters thrill three thousand of theatergoers

By three thousand thrilling thrillers on Thursdays?

The theme of the thesis of theatrical theorists is theatre,

The theme of the thesis of theological theorists is theology,

If the theme of the thesis of theatrical theorists was theology,

Would the theme of the theological theorists be theatre?

[ ɔ : ]

The long vowel sound [ɔ:] is pronounced tensely, with the tongue drawn back and the lips strongly rounded. The protrusion of the lips, which is characteristic of the articulation of the Russian sound [o], should be avoided, which leads to the formation of an overtone [y] unusual for the English sound [ɔ:].

All Paul's daughters were born in Cork,

All Walt's daughters were born in York.

Why were all Paul's daughters born in Cork?

Why were all Walt's daughters born in York?

four explorers explore forty waterfalls,

Forty explorers explore four waterfalls.

If four explorers didn't explore forty waterfalls,

Would forty explorers explore four waterfalls?

Football's a more important sport than baseball

Baseball's a less important sport than football.

If football wasn't a more important sport than baseball,

Would baseball be a less important sport than football?

A poor lord always goes for a walk

With a small Walkman at quarter to four in the morning.

Is the poor lord already bored with his walks

With a small Walkman at quarter to four in the morning?

Dora's daughter is taller than Nora's daughter,

Nora's daughter is shorter than Dora's daughter.

If Dora's daughter wasn't taller than Nora's daughter,

Would Nora's daughter be shorter than Dora's daughter?

[ ʒ ]

The sound [ʒ] is pronounced like a softened Russian sound [zh], but not as soft as in the word reins. The [ʒ] sound differs from the [∫] sound only in the use of voice when pronouncing it.

Beige lingerie is more usual than azure bijou,

Azure bijou is less usual than beige lingerie.

If beige lingerie wasn't more usual than azure bijou,

Would azure bijou be less usual than beige lingerie?

Leisured gigolos are as usual as casual concierges,

Casual gigolos are as unusual as leisured concierges.

If leisured gigolos were as unusual as casual concierges,

Would casual gigolos be as usual as dedicated concierges?

Caucasian users usually measure their treasure,

Asian users occasionally measure their treasure.

If Caucasian users didn't usually measure their treasure,

Could Asian users occasionally measure their treasure?

Visual revision of a fuselage for corrosion usually

Occasions garage, camouflage and dismantage of the fuselage.

Could visual revision of a fuselage for corrosion casually

Occasion garage, camouflage and dismantling of the fuselage?

Liege bourgeois corteges are more luxurious than Bruges',

Bruges bourgeois corteges are more prestigious than Liege's.

If Liege bourgeois corteges weren't more luxurious,

Would Bruges bourgeois corteges be more prestigious?

[ ð ]

There are no analogues to the sound [ð] in Russian. The sound [ð] is pronounced in the same way as the sound [θ], but with a voice and less energetically. To avoid the sound [v], the teeth should be exposed so that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth. To avoid the formation of the sound [z], the tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and the tongue itself should remain flat, especially its front part.

These brothers bathe with those brothers,

Those brothers bathe with these brothers.

If these brothers didn't bathe with those brothers,

Would those brothers bathe with these brothers?

This leather's smoother than that leather,

That leather's smoother than this leather.

If this leather wasn't smoother than that leather,

Would that leather be smoother than this leather?

This brother's together with that brother,

That brother's together with this brother.

If this brother wasn't together with that brother,

Would that brother be together with this brother?

These clothes are rather for the southern weather,

Those clothes are rather for the northern weather.

If these clothes weren't rather for the southern weather,

Would those clothes be rather for the northern weather?

These brothers gather with their mother

Those brothers gather with their father.

If these brothers didn't gather with their mother,

Would those brothers gather with their father?

[ ʊ ]

The short vowel [ʊ] is pronounced without tension. Qualitatively and quantitatively, it is opposed to long. Its main difference from the Russian [y] is that when pronouncing [ʊ], the lips are almost not rounded and do not protrude.

A cook's bookshelf is full of cookbooks,

A bookman's bookcase is full of good books.

If the cook's bookshelf wasn't full of cookbooks,

Would the bookman's bookcase be full of good books?

A good-looking woman cooks cookies

With sugar and gooseberry from a good cookbook.

If the cookbook wasn't good,

Could the good-looking woman cook good cookies?

good fullers are good at fulling wool,

good cooks are good at cooking cookies,

Good bookmen are good at footnoting books.

Could good booksellers be good at booking books?

In July good-looking footballers full time footle

To good-looking booking-clerks at a booking-office.

Could the good-looking footballers full time footle

To the good-looking booking-clerks in a buffet?

Cooks look for cookbooks on bookstalls,

Bookmen look for good books in bookshops.

Could cooks look for cookbooks in bookshops?

Could bookmen look for good books on bookstalls?

The sound [k] is pronounced like the Russian sound [k], but more energetically and aspirated before vowels. Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [k] is not softened.

Kate can calculate calories in a cup of coffee,

Carol can calculate calories in a cup of cacao.

Can Kate calculate calories in a cup of cacao?

Can Carol calculate calories in a cup of coffee?

The café close to the chemist closes at one o'clock,

The café close to the castle closes at two o'clock,

The café close to the cathedral closes at three o'clock.

Can the café close to the cloister close at four o'clock?

A cool captain in a cap and a cape cons calmly

Crafts with cargo keeping course to Calcutta.

If the cool captain wasn't in the cap and the cape

Could he con calmly crafts with cargo to Calcutta?

A clever cook cleans a cooker in a cozy kitchen

To cook crisp cookies on a clean cooker.

If the clever cook didn't clean the cooker in the cozy kitchen

Can she cook crisp cookies on the clean cooker?

A Canadian cannery can can carrots in cool cans,

A Columbian cannery can can cucumbers in cool cans,

Can the Canadian cannery can cucumbers in cool cans,

And can the Columbian cannery can carrots in cool cans?

[ v]

The sound [v] is pronounced like a weakened Russian sound [v], but without the participation of the upper lip. Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [v] is not softened.

A very versed valuer valued the value

Of the vanished Venetian vase in Vatican.

Why did the very versed valuer value the value

Of the Venetian vase vanished from the Vatican?

A village vet visits villagers in the vicinity

To vaccinate village calves from a virulent virus.

If the village vet didn't visit villagers in the vicinity,

Could he vaccinate the village calves from the virulent virus?

Vincent Voice vanquished Vivienne Vogue

With very vivid verses in a velvet valentine.

If did Vincent Voice versify his velleity in the velvet valentine,

To vanquish Vivienne Vogue?

A very virtuous violinist vanned in a van to Vancouver

A viatic valise with a viol, a viola and a violin.

Was a venture for the very virtuous violinist to van in the van

The viatic valise with the viol, the viola and the violin?

A very venal vinedresser views a vast valley

With vineries and vineyards to value the vintage.

If the very venal vinedresser didn't view the vast valley,

Could he value the vintage of the vineries and vineyards?

[ u: ]

A long vowel sound is pronounced tensely. Qualitatively and quantitatively it is opposed to the short sound [ʊ]. In addition to longitude, English sound, like sound, is distinguished by heterogeneity of sound throughout. When pronouncing a sound, the tongue moves back and up in the mouth. The lips are visibly rounded at the beginning and become even more rounded as the tongue moves. To avoid replacing the English sound with the Russian sound [y], when rounding the lips, do not stick them out.

Ruth views ruined Pluto's statues,

Luke views ruined Neptune's statues.

If Ruth didn't view ruined Pluto's statues,

Would Luke view ruined Neptune's statues?

A school's menu usually includes

Seafood soup, noodles and stewed fruit.

A university's menu usually includes

Goose, cucumbers, mushrooms and fruit juice.

There are two blue suits in Lew's suitcase,

There are two blue shoes in Sue's suitcase.

If there weren't two blue suits in Lew's suitcase,

Would there be two blue shoes in Sue's suitcase?

A cute beauty salon usually uses

Perfume, shampoo and toothpaste produced in the US.

Is it usual for a cute beauty saloon to use

Perfume, shampoo and toothpaste produced in the US?

Judy's room has a beautiful view of a pool,

Lucy's room has a beautiful view of the ruins.

If Judy's room didn't have a beautiful view of the pool,

Would Lucy's room have a beautiful view of the ruins?

[ l ]

Unlike the Russian sound [l], the English sound [l] is pronounced with the tip of the tongue touching the tissues just behind the upper front teeth. Before vowels, it sounds a little softer, but not like the Russian sound [l]. At the same time, in a position not before vowels, the English sound [l] never sounds as hard as the Russian sound [l].

A lass lays lacy lingerie up in lime,

A laundress lays lawny lingerie up in lily,

A lady-help lays linen lingerie up in lilac.

What lingerie does a landlady lay up in lavender?

A loyal lackey in a laky livery lights

Lamps in a lobby later than lamps in a library.

If the loyal lackey wasn't in the laky livery,

Would he light lamps in the lobby later than in the library?

A limber lady-help laid lately in a little larder

Lots of lard, lamb, leek, liver, leaven, lentil,

Lettuce, limes, lemons, loaves and lobsters.

Does the lady-help like a lack of livelihood?

A large lorry is a lot longer than a little lorry,

A little lorry is a lot lighter than a large lorry.

If the large lorry wasn't longer than the little lorry,

Would the little lorry be lighter than the large lorry?

A law lecturer labors in a little lab,

A letters lectuter labors in a large library.

If the law lecturer doesn't labor in the little lab,

Would the letters lectuter labor in the large library?

There are no analogues to the sound [w] in Russian. The English sound [w] is obtained by instantly passing a jet of air through a gap formed by strongly rounded and slightly protruding lips. The teeth do not touch the lower lip. The sound [w] is pronounced very briefly and weakly, the lips move, as if blowing out a candle.

A washwoman warms water on Wednesdays

To wash woolen wear from a wooden wardrobe.

Why does the washwoman warm water on Wednesdays

To wash the woolen wear from the wooden wardrobe?

We wear woolen wear in winter,

While we wear waterproofs in wet weather.

Why do we wear woolen wear in winter,

While we wear waterproofs in wet weather?

A wide-awake warden walks weekly

Along the westward wall of a wax works.

Why does the wide-awake warden walks weekly

Along the westward wall of the wax works?

A white wizard works wonders with a wand,

While a wicked witch works wonders with words.

Why does the white wizard work wonders with the wand,

While the wicked witch works wonders with the words?

Whales want to wallow in warm waves,

While walruses want to wallow in white waves.

Why do the whales want to wallow in warm waves,

While the walruses want to wallow in white waves?

[ Λ ]

The short vowel sound [Λ] is pronounced tensely. The position of the tongue in the mouth, as in silence. The English sound [Λ] is similar to the Russian sound [a], pronounced in the first pre-stressed syllable after hard consonants in place of the Russian letters a and o, as, for example, in the words rock and bark. Compared to the Russian percussive sound [a], when pronouncing the English sound [Λ], the tongue is pushed back, and its back part is raised. An excessively pushed back language will lead to the formation of a sound close to the English sound [Λ], which will be a gross phonemic error, since these sounds often perform a semantic function.

Sometimes for a Monday lunch

Someone cuts one onion and some cucumbers.

Sometimes for a Sunday lunch

Someone cuts one onion and some mushrooms.

A funny puppy runs in front of a pub,

A fluffy puppy runs in front of a club.

If the funny puppy didn't run in front of the pub,

Would the fluffy puppy run in front of the club?

Uncle Douglas comes in pubs on Mondays,

Uncle Humphry comes in clubs on Sundays.

If Uncle Douglas didn't come in pubs on Mondays,

Would Uncle Humphry come in clubs on Sundays?

Sometimes in the summer months lucky hunters

Hurry up to hunt monkeys in a sunny jungle.

But if the jungle wasn't sunny,

Would the lucky hunters hurry up to hunt monkeys?

Douglas' son is younger than Humphry's brother,

Humphry's son is younger than Douglas' brother.

If Douglas' son wasn't younger than Humphry's brother,

Would Humphry's son be younger than Douglas' brother?

The sound [m] is pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [m].

Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [m] is not softened.

A mad maid mixed for a morning meal

Maize, milk, meat, mint, mash, merry,

Melon, mango, marrow, mutton and mustard.

May the mad maid's mister get a malady?

A marine map-maker must mark on maps

Much more moles, mulls and marinas.

A martial map-maker must mark on maps

Much more marshes, meadows and massives.

A merry miller mills millet at midday,

A morose miller mills millet at midnight.

If the merry miller didn't mill millet at midday,

Would the morose miller mill millet at midnight?

Mag's mum may make marmalade of mango,

Mat's mum may make marmalade of melon.

If Mag's mum may not make marmalade of mango,

May Mat's mum make marmalade of melon?

A mighty mayor may miss a Monday meeting

To meet most of the Military Ministry's members.

If the mayor doesn't meet the Military Ministry's members,

May he miss the Monday morning meeting?

The sound [z] is pronounced as a weakened Russian sound [z].

It differs from the Russian sound [h] in the same way that the English sound [s] differs from the Russian sound [s].

Before the vowels [e], [i], , [ɜ:] and the consonant [j], the sound [z] does not soften.

A zealous musician visits Museum of Music

To examine an exhibit of the Beatles' possessions.

If the exhibit didn't possess the Beatles' possessions,

Would his examinations be so pleasant?

The Brazilian president always uses his position

To puzzle his wise opposition by refusing

Hesitating pauses as easy as praising phrases

And surprising examples in his presentations.

An exacting blizzard in Wales on Tuesday

Caused freezing dozens thousand amazing roses.

Was rising prices on roses in Wales

A result of the exacting blizzard on Tuesday?

The season of tourism in zones of Amazon in Brazil

Is always closed with hazes, breezes and drizzles.

Was a disaster for the season of tourism

In the zones of Amazon a blizzard on Tuesday?

A Zulu zoologist visited Zurich zoo on Tuesday

To examine dozens noisy zebras, dozens lazy lizards

And dozens of crazy chimpanzees from a desert on Zanzibar.

Was the Zulu zoologist exhausted as a result?

[ ə ]

The short neutral (formed by the tongue in a neutral position) vowel [ə] is pronounced without tension. Like Russian, English is characterized by strong qualitative reduction (weakened pronunciation of vowels in unstressed syllables). So, a sound close to English [ə] can be found in the second pre-stressed and in two stressed syllables in Russian words in place of the vowels o, a and e after solid consonants, for example: gardener, for nothing, entirely. An error in the articulation of English [ə] occurs due to the mixing of reduction paradigms in English and Russian. The neutral vowel [ə] in English occurs mainly in the first pre-stressed and first stressed syllables. In the first and second prestressed syllables and in the second stressed syllable, native Russian speakers often pronounce vowels that are close to Russian in terms of the degree of qualitative reduction. A common mistake is to pronounce [e] instead of [ə] in the first pre-stressed syllable of Russian words. To eliminate this error, it is necessary not to move the tongue to the front of the mouth, keeping it in a neutral middle position.

canada is colder than korea,

Korea is hotter than Canada.

If Canada wasn't colder than Korea,

Would Korea be hotter than Canada?

Amazon is longer than Volga,

Volga is shorter than Amazon.

If Amazon wasn't longer than Volga,

Would Volga be shorter than Amazon?

Everest is higher than Olympus,

Olympus is lower than Everest.

If Everest wasn't higher than Olympus,

Would Olympus be lower than Everest?

Debora's family is her father and mother,

Helena's family is her sister and brother.

If Debora's family wasn't her father and mother,

Would Helena's family be her sister and brother?

Jonathan addresses his letters to Nicholas,

Nicholas addresses his letters to Jonathan.

If Jonathan didn't address his letters to Nicholas,

Would Nicholas address his letters to Jonathan?

A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.

Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter"s bitter! But a bit
of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better
butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so "twas
better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter! - sent in by Nick ( warwickschool)

Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?

A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.

If you understand, say "understand".
If you don't understand, say "don't understand".
But if you understand and say "don't understand".
How do I understand that you understand? understand!

I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.



I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

if a sledering snail went down a slippery slide would a snail sleder or slide down the slide-By S.Walton

bubble bobble, bubble bobble, bubble bobble

These thousand tricky tongue twisters trip thrillingly off the tongue.

Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.

Lala Gope Gappungam Das. sent by Vishal Jain..(Mumbai)

You curse, I curse, we all curse, for asparagus!

Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya.

Sanjeev's sixth sheep is sick sent by S.Raju ...(Cochin)

Double bubble gum, bubbles double.

Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought butter better to make the bitter butter better.

A sailor went to sea And all he could see Was sea, sea, sea.

A box of mixed biscuits, a mixed biscuit box.

Upper roller lower roller Upper roller lower roller..... sent by Poonam Damani ..(Guwahati)

Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People

If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? ...sent by Richard Walsh.


Which watch did which witch wear and which witch wore which watch? ..sent by Uncle Philly (USA)

Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.

I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow, Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?"

How much wood could a wood chuck; chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood..........sent by Kiran Grewal - USA

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Paresh P Patel plans to peel potatoes in Pune

An Ape hates grape cakes.

She sells sea shells on the sea shore she sells sea shells no more - By Sethna Hilla

I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. And on a slitted sheet I sit. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. The sheet I slit, that sheet was it.

Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.


A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thought the skunk stunk. the skunk thought the stump stunk. What stunk the skunk or the stump?

The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn.

If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo......

My Bhaiya buys black Bananas by the bunch.

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors.

Do tongue twisters twist your tongue? by Sneha. A (New Delhi)

Friendly Fleas and Fire Flies

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. by Saachi Khatri (Mumbai)

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, FuzzyWuzzy wasn't very fuzzy... was he???

How many cans can a canner can, if a canner can can cans?
A canner can can as many cans as a canner can, if a canner can can cans.

How much wood could a wood chopper chop, if a wood chopper could chop wood?

If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color blood does a blue bug bleed?

If Freaky Fred Found Fifty Feet of Fruit and Fed Forty Feet to his Friend Frank how many Feet of Fruit did Freaky Fred Find?

Penny's pretty pink piggy bank

"When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor"s the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor"s way"

A tutor who tooted the flute, tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Black bug's blood.

Crisp crusts crackle and crunch.

It "s not the cough that carries you off, it" s the coffin they carry you off in!

Tie a knot, tie a knot.
Tie a tight, tight knot.
Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.

Freshly fried fat flying fish

Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Jolly juggling jesters jauntily juggled jingling jacks.

Kindly kittens knitting mittens keep kazooing in the king's kitchen.

Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit,

did Billy Button buy a buttered biscuit?

If Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit,

The sixth sick sheik "s sixth sheep"s sick.

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk,
but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

Hello my dear readers.

We all know perfectly well that the sounds of English speech sometimes differ from Russian and do not always find analogues. And the problem of pronunciation of some sounds is faced not only by small children, for whom this is almost normal, but also by many adults who.

In connection with such an urgent problem, I have prepared a special lesson for you: tongue twisters in English. You are waiting for tongue twisters for practicing sounds - with pronunciation and translation into Russian. At the end, I added another interesting video on the topic).


I have no doubt that the most problematic sound for both children and adults is interdental sound. "th" . I have prepared for you some tongue twisters for interdental sounds with audio.

These brothers bathe with those brothers,
Those brothers bathe with these brothers.
If these brothers didn't bathe with those brothers,
Would those brothers bathe with these brothers?

These brothers swim with those brothers
Those brothers bathe with these brothers.
If these brothers didn't swim with those brothers,
Would those brothers swim with these brothers?
I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. I thought thought. But the thought I was thinking was not the thought I think I was thinking.
Thirty thousand thirsty thieves thundered through the thicket. Thirty thousand thirsty thieves thundered through the thicket.

The second most popular group of sounds are whistling sounds. "s" . But I won't leave you here either. Here are simple and short phrases for you.

It is equally important to use the right sound "sh" . Catch tongue twisters that are easy to learn.

Quite problematic sounds sometimes become "f" And w . But don't worry, I took care of them too.

Four furious friends fought for the phone.Four furious friends fought over the phone.
Fat frogs flying past fast
Fat frogs quickly flew by.
Five fat friars frying flat fish.Five fat monks were frying flat fish.
There was a young fisher named Fisher who fished for a fish in a fissure. There was a young fisher named Fisher who fished in the hole.
If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? If sorceresses looked at two clocks, which sorceress would look at which clock?

And last but not least the sound "j". It would seem that problems with it should not arise, but still it happens. So here are some short and easy suggestions for you.

Jean jellies ginger jam in June

Jess jellies ginger jam in July.

If Jean didn't jelly ginger jam in June

Could Jess jelly ginger jam in July?

Jean gels ginger jam in June

Jess gels ginger jam in July.

If Jean hadn't gelled the gingerbread in June,

Would Jess have ginger jam in July?

Judy Jones jigs with Jim James,

Jozy James jives with Job Jones.

If Judy Jones didn't jig with Jim James,

Could Jozy James live with Job Jones?

Judy Jones dancing a jig with Jim James

Josie James jives with Job Jones.

If Judy Jones hadn't danced a jig with Jim James

Would Josie James jive with Job Jones?

Tongue twisters for children in video

Tongue twisters for adults and children in the video:

How to develop speech with tongue twisters

And now I want to tell you how best to work with English tongue twisters in order to achieve the effect in the shortest possible time.

  • Divide tongue twisters into sounds.

It sounds strange, of course, but it's true. Do not try to cover something that causes a complex of problems at once. Go in order. If you have problems with sound th, then start with tongue twisters for this sound. Then, having mastered one, move on to the next group.

  • Read the short sentence carefully.

You should not immediately try to "shoot" everything that is like a meteor. Will not work.

  • Analyze each word: its meaning and sound.

This is not the most necessary part of preparation, but if you are already learning, why not memorize new vocabulary as well?

  • And only now try to slowly read the whole tongue twister aloud.

Slowly and confidently read the tongue twister until you read it without a single mistake.

  • Gradually increase the pace of your speech.

And only now, when you have gone through all the stages, you can try to increase the pace of speech and each time pronounce it as quickly as possible. But the important point here is precisely gradually.

Well, my dears, have you already tasted every tongue twister?)

And now more tongue twisters and live English speech from the lips of two cheerful young people in this video:

I am sure that you are obedient students. If you want to receive even more information that will help you improve your English quickly and effectively, then subscribe to my blog newsletter. Before you know it, your English will completely change in a couple of months.

Until then, I say goodbye.

See you again, my dears.

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