Vadim Potomsky is the criminal “Napoleon” of the Oryol region. Biography of the ex-governor of the Oryol region Vadim Potomsky Where does Potomsky go

Russian statesman, politician. Governor of the Oryol region (September 23, 2014 - October 5, 2017). Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Central Federal District since October 5, 2017. Member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.



In 1993 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command School



The ex-governor who erected the monument to Ivan the Terrible has found a new job

Ex-governor of the Oryol region and deputy plenipotentiary representative in the Central Federal District Vadim Potomsky will move to the plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District. Amid protests in the area over environmental issues, the Kremlin needs a specialist on this topic

Putin changed the communists at the head of the Oryol region

Vadim Potomsky, who resigned, was appointed deputy plenipotentiary representative of Putin in the Central Federal District

Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction in the Moscow City Duma, Andrei Klychkov, as acting governor of the Oryol region. At the same time, by presidential decree, Vadim Potomsky was relieved of his post as governor of the Oryol region at his own request.

Kommersant learned about the possible resignation of the governor of the Oryol region

President Vladimir Putin will soon dismiss the governor of the Oryol region, Vadim Potomsky, and the head of Komi, Sergei Gaplikov, Kommersant writes, citing sources.

The Oryol governor answered Putin’s question “Strange, right?”

Russian President Vladimir Putin scolded the governor of the Oryol region, Vadim Potomsky, for the lack of free textbooks in schools during a working meeting. The Kremlin press service reports this.

Vadim Potomsky expressed condolences over the tragedy in Irkutsk

The governor of the Oryol region sent a telegram to the head of the Angara region, Sergei Levchenko.

Vadim Potomsky: Only cowards and scum are capable of shooting at an unarmed diplomat

The governor of the Oryol region expressed condolences to the family of the deceased Andrei Karlov on his Instagram page.

“Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov was killed in Ankara. This terrorist attack is a provocation aimed at disrupting the restoration of bilateral relations between Russia and Turkey.

Vadim Potomsky forbade making himself a “symbol of the Oryol region”

Oryol Governor Vadim Potomsky will “definitely punish” those who support the “tradition of sycophancy” in the region. This is how Mr. Potomsky responded to the scandalous situation with the appearance in schools of the regional center of his portrait on stands with “symbols of the Oryol region” next to the national anthem, coat of arms and flag. The images of the governor appeared at the request of the regional education department at the end of November, and were removed after the scandal erupted. The mayor's office is not yet talking about any punishments related to this story.

In Bryansk, opposition observers were starved out

The police opened a case against the driver who hit a representative of the candidate for governor of the Bryansk region

Bryansk police have opened an administrative case against a local resident who hit a representative of the election headquarters of one of the candidates for governor of the Bryansk region with a Mercedes car, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region reported on Sunday.

Elections in the Bryansk region. will not take place if none of the candidates receives more than 50% of the votes.

10/14/2012, Moscow 22:29:55 Elections for the governor of the Bryansk region will not take place if none of the candidates receives more than 50% of the votes. Valery Kryukov, a member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, told reporters about this. “If none of the candidates gets 50%, then there will be new elections,” he said. He added that new elections will be held in March or September.

In the elections of the head of the Bryansk region. United Russia member N. Denin is in the lead.

10/15/2012, Moscow 00:44:14 During the elections for governor of the Bryansk region, 70.20% of the protocols of precinct election commissions were processed. United Russia candidate Nikolai Denin, who is also the current governor, gains 66.49%. Communist Party candidate Vadim Potomsky received 29.63%. Such data were presented by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma Commission could not find fault with deputy Vadim Potomsky

MOSCOW, October 9. The State Duma Commission of the Russian Federation for monitoring the reliability of information on income, property and property-related obligations did not find any violations in the documents provided by deputy Vadim Potomsky.

The commission meeting was convened several days ahead of schedule. Experts associated such a rush with the person of Vadim Potomsky, who is successfully competing with the current governor of the Bryansk region in the election of the head of the region.

Zyuganov: Potomsky will rid the Bryansk region of the mafia

BRYANSK, October 10. A mafia situation has developed in the Bryansk region, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov told reporters in Bryansk. In his opinion, the situation requires immediate response.

“We nominated Vadim Potomsky because today you have a mafia situation. The situation is absolutely stalemate. There are no prospects. Our party and our candidate have vast experience. Here is Romanov - Hero of Socialist Labor. He knows the military-industrial complex by heart. Cherkesov, Colonel General, is an excellent specialist in the fight against crime. Potomsky is in no way connected with local criminals, unlike Denin. Potomsky will be able to make tough decisions, including personnel decisions,” Zyuganov said at a joint press conference with the candidate for the post of governor of the region, Vadim Potomsky. Deputies of the State Duma Pyotr Romanov, Sergei Obukhov, Viktor Cherkesov, Denis Voronenkov also took part in it.

Vadim Potomsky: “Hysterics are heard only from representatives of United Russia... they will yell and calm down”

State Duma deputy from St. Petersburg Vadim Potomsky became famous after the regional court of the Bryansk region unexpectedly granted his demand on Friday and deregistered the candidate from the party in power, Nikolai Denin. The last time a sitting governor was removed from an election was in 2004. In total, there have been four such cases in the history of modern Russia. Potomsky explained in his interview with Slon what influenced the regional judge’s decision.

An investigation will be carried out against deputy Vadim Potomsky

The Duma Commission for monitoring the reliability of information about the income of deputies decided to check the data on the possible presence of a “garbage business” of communist deputy Vadim Potomsky. Experts predict with a high degree of probability that Potomsky will be deprived of his mandate. The commission also checked a number of United Russia deputies.


The other day we talked with deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region V.V. Potomsky, who heads the deputy commission on ecology.

Vadim Potomsky: “The work we are doing must be continued” | No. 19

Deputy, Chairman of the Standing Commission on Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region Vadim Potomsky oversees the Vsevolozhsk District from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. He is also a member of the faction of the same name in the Legislative Assembly. In an interview with the Koltushi newspaper, Vadim Vladimirovich spoke about his participation in solving the social problems of the region, about Koltush Lake and much more.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Potomsky attacked non-systemic communists

However, despite the peaceful nature of the Aurora rally, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region Vadim Potomsky, together with thugs who arrived in expensive SUVs, attacked the picket. First, Zyuganov’s supporters, threatening physical violence, tore up the banner “The mandates of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are for the working people, not the bourgeoisie,” and then moved on to decisive action. “Remember my face, bitch, you will die here,” - with these words, Deputy Potomsky smashed the face of “Auror” Sergei M., while he was held by people in jackets with the Communist Party logo.

The meeting of Gennady Zyuganov with residents of the Leningrad region began with a fight

“However, despite the peaceful nature of the Aurora rally, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region Vadim Potomsky, together with thugs who arrived in expensive SUVs, attacked the picket. First, Zyuganov’s supporters, threatening physical violence, tore up the banner “The mandates of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are for the working people, not the bourgeoisie,” and then moved on to decisive action. “Remember my face, bitch, you will die here,” with these words, deputy Potomsky smashed the face of “Auror” Sergei M. while he was held by people in jackets with the logo of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation,” the message of the alternative communists says.

Zyuganov communists fought in the village named after. Morozova with anti-Zyuganov communists

Despite the peaceful nature of the Aurora rally, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region Vadim Potomsky, together with thugs who arrived in expensive SUVs, attacked the picket. First, Zyuganov’s supporters, threatening physical violence, tore up the banner “The mandates of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are for the working people, not the bourgeoisie,” and then moved on to decisive action. “Remember my face, bitch, you will die here,” - with these words, Deputy Potomsky smashed the face of “Auror” Sergei M. while he was held by people in jackets with the Communist Party logo.

Deputy: The military in the Leningrad region began to prepare for cold weather too late

SAINT PETERSBURG, October 18. An important problem in the Leningrad region is the preparation of closed military camps for winter. Vadim Potomsky, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, spoke about this at a press conference in Rosbalt.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has not decided to whom to give the fifth mandate of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region

Let us recall that on December 14, during the last meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region of the fourth convocation, it became known that deputy Vadim Potomsky had renounced his mandate in connection with his election as a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Vadim Potomsky: “On the issue of waste management in the Leningrad region, we will contact our colleagues in the State Duma”

The Law “On Waste Management in the Leningrad Region”, adopted by the regional Legislative Assembly on February 17 of this year, has already managed to demonstrate in practice both its advantages and its disadvantages. Work to improve this document has become an integral part of the work of the standing commission on ecology and environmental management of the regional Parliament. Its chairman, the initiator of the law Vadim Potomsky (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) shared with readers some details of this difficult legislative activity.

The opposition does not yet believe in fair elections

A minute later, the Yabloko leader finished, and the communist deputy from the Leningrad region, Vadim Potomsky, took the floor. The parliamentarian said that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation signed an agreement on fair elections proposed by the regional governor Valery Serdyukov. According to Potomsky, the communists made several amendments to the document, for example, they proposed that half of the election commission be headed by representatives of Gennady Zyuganov’s party. The governor took a break for a day and agreed. “In this case, there are all the prerequisites that this year’s elections in the region will be held fairly,” the deputy suggested with caution.

Criminal background of candidates for the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

POTOMSKY VADIM VLADIMIROVICH (1st number in the Leningrad region). Article 171 - illegal business. The criminal case was terminated on December 24, 2001.

Semyon Borzenko: the Aurora movement did not take part in the picket against Zyuganov

However, despite the peaceful nature of the Aurora rally, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region Vadim Potomsky, together with his assistants, attacked the picket. First, Zyuganov’s supporters, threatening physical violence, tore up the banner “The mandates of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are for the working people, not the bourgeoisie,” and then moved on to decisive action.

Outstanding personalities on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

In addition to the listed stars, from the bright personalities of Russian business of the most varied sizes and colors, scattered across the regional lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, one can make up a whole constellation. The alpha of this configuration can be the well-known businessman Mr. Potomsky Vadim Vadimovich, who heads the regional group of the Leningrad region, who once said in a program on one of the St. Petersburg channels: “I was in America, there is such social security that this is socialism. This is what we strive for."

How they divided the skin of an unkilled bear...

Deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly Tamara Kiseleva, who spent a long time describing the achievements of fellow party members in the region, agreed with political scientists about the prospects of her native party. Only her colleague from the Communist Party faction, Vadim Potomsky, was against it. In his opinion, the representation of the ruling party following the election results will be much more modest.

Master class for young artists

On March 19, students of the Ivangorod art school visited an exhibition dedicated to arts and crafts and collecting, held in St. Petersburg in the Manege on St. Isaac's Square. The trip was organized with the assistance of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region of the Communist Party faction, Vadim Vladimirovich Potomsky, and the assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Communist Party faction, Taras Aleksandrovich Sokolov, it was thanks to them that the necessary financial resources were found for the event.

At this point there was an article entitled “The Golden Sum dissuaded, or Why the forecast of the editors of Kompromat-Ural regarding Ziya(v)udin Magomedov is coming true.” The text of the article dated April 4, 2018 consisted of five paragraphs. Only one of them mentioned Mikhail Kiyko. Mikhail Yuryevich is now the former general director of United Grain Company JSC (UGC). Kiiko stayed in this position for barely a year and a half and was fired in November 2018. JSC "OZK" is half owned by a businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov.

The mention in the above-mentioned article about the “relationship of financial dependence” between Magomedov and Kiiko caused the latter’s displeasure. Mr. Kiyko’s application demanding the removal of the disputed article (all five paragraphs, and not just about Kiyko) was considered by a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region Elena Seliverstova. She fully satisfied the claim, which was far-fetched, in our opinion.

On 01/09/2019 the decision came into force. Following the letter of the law, the editors of Kompromat-Ural deleted the text within the established period. Nevertheless, we will continue to appeal the illegal and absurd, in our opinion, judicial act and thank all readers who assist in this.

We remind you of the feedback address:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

The May holidays turned out to be hot for the correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural portal. We have new information at our disposal to continue the anti-corruption investigation against the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Brykin. This is a former general of the tax police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a representative of the lower house of parliament in the Supreme Court (Brykin was delegated to the State Duma in 2016 on the list of United Russia from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen Region).

The scandals surrounding Brykin are caused by the fact that the Ugra entrepreneur is from the “list Titova» Konstantin Dyulgerov, forced to flee Russia due to pressure from the security forces, openly accused the retired general of organizing a custom-made criminal prosecution. Dyulgerov revealed the details of his misadventures in detail in an actual interview with Novaya Gazeta. The victim in the dubious case of Dyulgerov is Brykin’s son-in-law Sergey Kiryanov, and the hero of the scandal himself, as the editors of Kompromat-Ural found out, before being nominated to the State Duma, transferred multimillion-dollar development assets on the Black Sea coast to his daughter Valentin Kiryanov(in 2016, Breeze LLC, which was transferred to her, had assets worth almost half a billion rubles on its balance sheet!). Brykin ran for deputy as a modest representative of the “patriotic fund” (legally this was a fiction).

The other day, the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural received a response from the Assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Valeria Volkova(Valery Georgievich came from the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office for supervision over the implementation of anti-corruption legislation). We contacted Yuri Chaika on the issue of verifying the accuracy of the declaration information about the personal welfare of Mr. Brykin. Is the people's servant living within his means, who in the shortest possible time after leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a dollar millionaire, and then just as quickly got rid of his “deserved” wealth before the elections to the State Duma?

In a recent publication by our colleagues from the Tyumen publication, it was noted that according to formal declarations, Nikolai Brykin hangs out at the bottom of the deputy rating: “for 2017, his income amounted to “only” 4.8 million rubles. Less than others, but don’t rush to conclusions. He owns two huge plots of land, a couple of spacious country houses and a modest apartment of 76 square meters. His wife has a larger apartment: 116 square meters. Also registered on it are four residential country houses and two plots of land. And all their family vehicles are registered to Brykin’s wife - a Toyota Land Cruiser, a Shore Land SRV31B trailer and a Sea Ray 185S boat. How the lady managed to buy all this “herself”, earning 2.9 million a year, one can only guess.”

An assistant to Yuri Chaika reported to the editors of Kompromat-Ural that “the powers to conduct appropriate checks in relation to deputies of the State Duma” are vested in the Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of income information, headed by Natalia Poklonskaya(she is also deputy chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption). Therefore, according to Valery Volkov’s response, the appeal about Brykin was sent to the lower house. The editors of Kompromat-Ural will monitor the responses of the State Duma Speaker’s office Vyacheslav Volodin and the profile commission. In mid-April, Mrs. Poklonskaya confirmed to reporters that Brykin is indeed one of the five persons involved in anti-corruption checks carried out by the commission she heads. By the way, in this list Brykin is adjacent to the “pubic” deputy from the LDPR, the hero of immoral sex scandals Leonid Slutsky.

Current publications

What is happening in the Russian government, which after 20 years of “stability” seemed to have grown into a harmonious vertical in order to heroically live under the “dictatorship of the law”? Where is all this? Current employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - assistant to the plenipotentiary representative Nicholas Tsukanova, it turns out, “having received Polish citizenship, bought real estate there, was recruited by intelligence and informed NATO about Security Council meetings and family Putin" We've arrived! A few years ago, another odious ex-official got involved with Tsukanov Alexei Bagaryakov, who recently moved to Yekaterinburg to follow Tsukanov, but due to the spy scandal, never had time to “fledge.” According to the editors' interlocutors in law enforcement agencies, Bagaryakov has been “under development” from the moment he received a position in Tsukanov’s embassy. Such information reports are studied by observers of the Kompromat-Ural resource.

"Mole Hole. An entire spy network has already been found in the entourage of Plenipotentiary Representative Nikolai Tsukanov,” such headlines fill the media. “A 39-year-old assistant to the plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District, arrested on suspicion of high treason Alexander Vorobyov- Actual State Councilor of the third class. Major General, if in military terms. Spies of this caliber (if the accusation is confirmed. - Ed.) have not been caught in our country, it seems, since the 80s, or rather, since the capture of the famous Cylinder - Major General of the GRU Dmitry Polyakova. And now Vorobyov is in prison. What will happen to his boss Nikolai Tsukanov now that he is free?

Tsukanov ordered Vorobyov to be hired while he was governor of the Kaliningrad region, in 2010. They are fellow countrymen, both from the border town of Gusev. Before this, Vorobyov served in various minor positions, and in 2005 he successfully traveled to Warsaw for an internship. There, they say, he was recruited. And as soon as Vorobyov had a chance to infiltrate the governor’s inner circle, various miracles began to happen to Tsukanov. Before the rapprochement with Vorobyov, the name of the owner of the Russian exclave, if it flashed in scandals, was purely economic, mainly related to protecting the “amber mafia”. But as soon as Vorobyov became Tsukanov’s right hand, the scale of the scandalous stories changed qualitatively. At first, Tsukanov called the fascist occupiers “German soldiers who fought for their fatherland.” And then the scandalous epic began with the renaming of Kaliningrad to Königsberg. In September 2011, the Polish press trumpeted this initiative of Tsukanov - allegedly the governor had the imprudence to make such a promise to a member of the European Parliament from the German Green Party. Werner Schultz(this happened in Warsaw on the sidelines of a meeting of the Committee on Interparliamentary Cooperation between Russia and the EU). Tsukanov tried to give back: they say, I didn’t promise anything like that, but the Poles pinned him against the wall with a dictaphone recording (apparently, the conversation was recorded by the governor’s counterpart, because the conversation was conducted one-on-one. And where! In the men’s toilet!). Later it turned out (Tsukanov himself somehow let it slip) that the “good advice” to rename Kaliningrad was given by none other than his lawyer Vorobyov. They say that the renaming could have a positive impact on the growth of German investment. Tsukanov fell for it.

Media partners of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board ask our observers to cover a resonant story, which for unknown reasons remains without a proper reaction from the St. Petersburg prosecutor's office, headed by Sergei Litvinenko, and the head office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, which is headed by Novel Plugin. We are talking about the fact that “the fugitive billionaire Aghajan Avanesov, who is on the federal wanted list for transferring about nine billion rubles abroad, lives quietly in a hotel in St. Petersburg...” “Why is no one looking for a wanted billionaire?” journalists ask rhetorically, probably sadly once again becoming convinced that “everyone is equal before the law and the court” - these are beautiful and meaningless words from the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

“For a couple of years now, the former head of the board of directors of StarBank, Agadzhan Avanesov, has been on the federal wanted list. Investigative authorities in St. Petersburg are looking for him as part of a criminal case for theft on an especially large scale. We are talking about the delivery of a large batch of fish products worth 131 million rubles, which the partners of Fish Factory LLC did not receive. This company is also part of the business of banker Avanesov. A large trading company paid all the cash tranches in full, but the fish never arrived.

In September 2017, the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). As part of this case, in the fall of the same year, the property of Fish Factory LLC was arrested by court decision...

Do you know about other criminal authorities who are formally wanted, but selfishly motivated security forces do not bother them? Report to:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

“In Russia, I think the judiciary should be subject to lustration. Totally. Because what we have under the guise of justice is an insult.” “I believe that complete lustration of the judiciary would be extremely desirable. The current Russian court is a stronghold of lawlessness.” These and other bold statements were recently made in various media by a famous scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valery Nightingale.

“With high confidence,” he predicts the beginning of a serious political crisis in Russia in 2020 and calls not to have any illusions about law enforcement officers, who are unleashed and armed to the teeth, who will supposedly stand up as a monolithic wall to protect the current regime. “Even ordinary security forces are experiencing increasing pressure from the authorities - remember how much news there has been lately about the suicide of certain security forces,” notes Valery Solovey.

Observers of the Kompromat-Ural project drew attention to the interview, or rather, even an extensive conversation between Valery Dmitrievich and an Ekaterinburg journalist Evgeniy Senshin on the current topic: “Should we expect a revolution in Russia?”

During an information investigation regarding a large coal “baron” Dmitry Bosov(TIN 770400406175), interesting facts about his biography and the peculiarities of doing business were revealed. This includes connections with the arrested ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov and crime bosses, and illegal coal mining, and offshore companies, and environmental pollution, and Italian villas. However, this time he managed to win the battle with his competitors and the details that emerged did not affect his fate in any way.

At the end of March, it became known that the Krasnoyarsk department of the FSB of Russia opened a criminal case against unidentified persons from among the leaders of the Arctic Mining Company (AGK), part of the VostokCoal group, which is owned by Dmitry Bosov and Alexander Isaev(TIN 502482607042). The third co-owner of Arctic Mining Company LLC (AGRK, INN 7707255694), according to the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural, is the notorious oligarch Bokarev Andrey Removich(TIN 771312791603), partner of UMMC beneficiaries Iskandar Makhmudov And Andrey Kozitsyn.

The intelligence services were interested in the illegal mining and sale of coal, RBC writes, citing a source familiar with the investigation and an interlocutor at the Ministry of Natural Resources. An unnamed source claims that the case was initiated on the basis of illegal business activity (Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The Nezygar Telegram channel even published photographs of the decision to initiate a criminal case dated April 8, and then the protocol of interrogation of the general director of AGK Vadim Bugaev(TIN 420523793968), which took place on April 17.

“El Dorado in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the Minister’s “Candle Factory” Kolokoltseva“- this is the title of an anti-corruption journalistic investigation recently published in the media. The editors of Kompromat-Ural carefully studied the resonant materials. As the authors believe, “it seems that a giant “raspberry” has grown and expanded in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: the generals of the department may be involved in possible fraudulent tricks of the “Main Center for Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.”

Apparently, the alleged fraud may be on a gigantic scale, since the editors have received shocking documents about what is going on in the labyrinths of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at 16 Zhitnaya Street. And this is a continuation of the topic that was covered in the recent investigation “Mislanded Cossack in a state corporation” Rostec". The material described the virtuoso schemes that the Federal State Institution (FKU) “Main Center for Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” uses to chop “cabbage.” And one of the “carriers” of information, a certain colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ruslan Suleymanov, who magically escaped prison, is now doing chemical work at the Rostec Group of Companies.

And although the “ulcers” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have long been opened, the “boils” have been cleaned out, but things are still there! But at PKU, bosses still change like socks. There are already criminal cases filed here. There are requests for an international search, but the office is working, billions are flowing and flowing in the “right” direction. El Dorado - a fairy-tale wonderland - blooms and smells in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And only Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, for some unknown reason, clearly does not notice what is happening?

In general, we are talking about possible “corruption schemes” in the department of General Kolokoltsev...

(1972-08-12 ) (46 years old)
Mary, Turkmen SSR, USSR The consignment: Communist Party of the Russian Federation Education: higher SPbVZRKU,

Vadim Vladimirovich Potomsky(b. August 12, 1972) - 3rd governor of the Oryol region. Member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.


Born on August 12, 1972 in the city of Mary, Turkmen SSR, in the family of a military man and a teacher.

From 1993 to 1998, he served under contract in the Leningrad Military District. He has a military rank of lieutenant colonel.

From 1998 to 2000, he worked in various positions at the Analytical Center of the State Licensing Committee of the Government of the Leningrad Region.

From 2000 to 2006, he held the position of General Director of the municipal enterprise “Ecology” in the city of Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Region.

In October 2005, he was elected to the Council of Deputies of the Vsevolozhsk Urban Settlement.

In 2006, he received a second higher education, graduating with a degree in economics. Since the same year, he has been working as director of the municipal institution “Vsevolozhsk Municipal Management Company” of the municipal organization “City of Vsevolozhsk”.

In March 2007, V.V. Potomsky was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region of the fourth convocation. He worked as chairman of the standing commission on ecology and environmental management, and was a member of the standing committee on housing and communal services and the fuel and energy complex. He worked with voters in the Vsevolozhsk, Volkhov, Kirov and Kirishi districts of the region.

In 2009, he was elected secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected to the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Joined the Housing and Communal Services Committee. He is the initiator of bills “On the creation of a system for financing capital repairs of apartment buildings.” Vadim Vladimirovich Potomsky is the first resident of the city of Vsevolozhsk to be elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, he was registered as a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the elections for governor of the Bryansk region.

On June 3 of the same year, he headed the supervisory board of the Orel football club, becoming its chairman.

On August 7, 2014, he was registered as a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the elections for governor of the Oryol region.

On September 14, 2014, he was elected governor of the Oryol region with a record number of votes (89%) and high voter turnout. According to this indicator, he surpassed Yegor Stroev in the 2001 elections, who gained 78% with a relatively low turnout.

He was professionally involved in martial arts, is an honorary president of the UKADO (karate-do) Federation, and a master of sports in judo.

Married. The family has two daughters and a son.

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An excerpt characterizing Potomsky, Vadim Vladimirovich

“However, everything suits you, my lovely,” she said.
The smile of pleasure never left Natasha's face. She felt happy and blossoming under the praises of this dear Countess Bezukhova, who had previously seemed to her such an unapproachable and important lady, and who was now so kind to her. Natasha felt cheerful and felt almost in love with this so beautiful and such a good-natured woman. Helen, for her part, sincerely admired Natasha and wanted to amuse her. Anatole asked her to set him up with Natasha, and for this she came to the Rostovs. The thought of setting up her brother with Natasha amused her.
Despite the fact that she had previously been annoyed with Natasha for having taken Boris away from her in St. Petersburg, she now did not think about it, and with all her soul, in her own way, wished Natasha well. Leaving the Rostovs, she withdrew her protegee aside.
- Yesterday my brother dined with me - we were dying of laughter - he didn’t eat anything and sighed for you, my precious. Il est fou, mais fou amoureux de vous, ma chere. [He goes crazy, but he goes crazy with love for you, my dear.]
Natasha blushed crimson hearing these words.
- How she blushes, how she blushes, ma delicieuse! [my precious!] - said Helen. - Definitely come. Si vous aimez quelqu"un, ma delicieuse, ce n"est pas une raison pour se cloitrer. Si meme vous etes promise, je suis sure que votre promis aurait desire que vous alliez dans le monde en son absence plutot que de deperir d'ennui. [Just because you love someone, my lovely, you should not live like a nun. Even if you are a bride, I am sure that your groom would prefer that you go out into society in his absence than die of boredom.]
“So she knows that I’m a bride, so she and her husband, with Pierre, with this fair Pierre,” thought Natasha, talked and laughed about it. So it’s nothing.” And again, under the influence of Helen, what had previously seemed terrible seemed simple and natural. “And she is such a grande dame, [important lady,] so sweet and obviously loves me with all her heart,” Natasha thought. And why not have fun? thought Natasha, looking at Helen with surprised, wide-open eyes.
Marya Dmitrievna returned to dinner, silent and serious, obviously defeated by the old prince. She was still too excited from the collision to be able to calmly tell the story. To the count's question, she answered that everything was fine and that she would tell him tomorrow. Having learned about Countess Bezukhova’s visit and invitation to the evening, Marya Dmitrievna said:
“I don’t like hanging out with Bezukhova and wouldn’t recommend it; Well, if you promised, go, you’ll be distracted,” she added, turning to Natasha.

Count Ilya Andreich took his girls to Countess Bezukhova. There were quite a lot of people at the evening. But the whole society was almost unfamiliar to Natasha. Count Ilya Andreich noted with displeasure that this entire society consisted mainly of men and women, known for their freedom of treatment. M lle Georges, surrounded by young people, stood in the corner of the living room. There were several Frenchmen, and among them Metivier, who had been her housemate since Helene's arrival. Count Ilya Andreich decided not to play cards, not to leave his daughters, and to leave as soon as the Georges performance was over.
Anatole was obviously at the door waiting for the Rostovs to enter. He immediately greeted the count, approached Natasha and followed her. As soon as Natasha saw him, just like in the theater, a feeling of vain pleasure that he liked her and fear from the absence of moral barriers between her and him overwhelmed her. Helen joyfully received Natasha and loudly admired her beauty and dress. Soon after their arrival, M lle Georges left the room to get dressed. In the living room they began to arrange chairs and sit down. Anatole pulled out a chair for Natasha and wanted to sit next to her, but the count, who had not taken his eyes off Natasha, sat down next to her. Anatole sat in the back.
M lle Georges, with bare, dimpled, thick arms, wearing a red shawl worn over one shoulder, walked out into the empty space left for her between the chairs and stopped in an unnatural pose. An enthusiastic whisper was heard. M lle Georges looked sternly and gloomily at the audience and began to speak some poems in French, which dealt with her criminal love for her son. In some places she raised her voice, in others she whispered, raising her head solemnly, in others she stopped and wheezed, rolling her eyes.
- Adorable, divin, delicieux! [Delightful, divine, wonderful!] - was heard from all sides. Natasha looked at fat Georges, but did not hear anything, did not see and did not understand anything of what was happening in front of her; she only felt again completely irrevocably in that strange, crazy world, so far from the previous one, in that world in which it was impossible to know what was good, what was bad, what was reasonable and what was crazy. Anatole was sitting behind her, and she, feeling his closeness, fearfully waited for something.
After the first monologue, the whole company stood up and surrounded m lle Georges, expressing their delight to her.
- How good she is! - Natasha said to her father, who, along with others, stood up and moved through the crowd towards the actress.
“I don’t find it, looking at you,” said Anatole, following Natasha. He said this at a time when she alone could hear him. “You are lovely... from the moment I saw you, I haven’t stopped....”
“Come on, let’s go, Natasha,” said the count, returning for his daughter. - How good!
Natasha, without saying anything, walked up to her father and looked at him with questioning, surprised eyes.
After several receptions of recitation, M lle Georges left and Countess Bezukhaya asked for company in the hall.
The Count wanted to leave, but Helen begged him not to ruin her impromptu ball. The Rostovs remained. Anatole invited Natasha to a waltz and during the waltz he, shaking her waist and hand, told her that she was ravissante [charming] and that he loved her. During the eco-session, which she again danced with Kuragin, when they were left alone, Anatole did not say anything to her and only looked at her. Natasha was in doubt whether she had seen what he said to her during the waltz in a dream. At the end of the first figure he shook her hand again. Natasha raised her frightened eyes to him, but there was such a self-confidently tender expression in his affectionate gaze and smile that she could not look at him and say what she had to say to him. She lowered her eyes.

Direct speech
“I’ll tell you, as the governor of the Oryol region, as the highest official. But governors are not born, governors become governors, some kind of path you go through in your life. Therefore, I have some experience working in other regions, richer regions, not richer, much richer regions, such as the Leningrad region, and the prosecutor of the region in which I was, today the first deputy prosecutor, first deputy chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Vasily Piskarev Ivanovich."
“Four criminal cases for one person! They are allowed to do anything! The authorities are hating! Slams the state power! This marks you too! This is a challenge for you and me! This is not my personal fight, it should be a joint fight with them!”
“I’m sure that, despite your young experience, and even though you’re already a major, you have more than enough experience... you can handle such basic things.”

[Dni.Ru, 02/10/2015, “Markin compared the governor to Napoleon”: “Some kind of Napoleon! Amused!” - wrote Markin on Twitter. This reaction from the official representative of the Investigative Committee followed after on February 9, the governor of the Oryol region, Vadim Potomsky, at a meeting of the board of the regional prosecutor’s office, called the employees his army.
“I am the person I am. If I don’t like something, I will say it. I have no one to fear. Especially when I have an army like you,” he said. The official added that he was ready to continue to openly express his opinion.
It should be noted that in January 2015, Potomsky expressed dissatisfaction with the insufficiently effective work of the regional Investigative Committee in investigating high-profile cases in the region. In particular, he focused on the proceedings with regional Duma deputy Vitaly Rybakov, who competed with Potomsky in the regional elections. - Insert]

And this is not the only case when Potomsky’s public speech creates reputational problems for him. For example, last week the Oryol governor was a guest of the “Full Contact” program on Vesti FM radio. The most striking episode of the conversation was the discussion of the issue of Vadim Potomsky’s possible affiliation with the criminal world.

In the Oryol region, as in most regions of Russia, any questions that may be asked of the governor are carefully filtered. It would seem that the broadcast of Vladimir Solovyov, who hosted “Full Contact,” did not create any risks: “Vesti FM” does not broadcast in the Oryol region, which means there was no need to expect awkward questions from local residents. But in Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Region, where Vadim Potomsky first made a business and then a political career, the federal radio station is listened to, and, as it turned out, attentively.

Here is an SMS message from a “native resident of Vsevolozhsk”, which Vladimir Solovyov read on air (hereinafter we quote the transcript of the program from the official website of the radio station. - S.I.):

“Potomsky is a bandit, like his entourage. Ask how much he stole from garbage collection, pull up police records. Potomsky's sister was married to a member Tambov group Ilya Vladimirovich Parshuk. He still has a business in Vsevolozhsk.”

Of course, anyone could send an SMS with such content, but a public politician should always be prepared to publish “compromising evidence”, even if it has nothing to do with reality. The further conversation between the presenter and the governor followed an unexpected scenario:

« Soloviev: “The person doesn’t have a signature, just in case, but he has a phone number and it’s not difficult to establish.”
Potomsky: “Just in case, out of fear, probably of some kind...”
Soloviev: “Are you a bandit?”
Potomsky: “Well, I’m a big man, I served in the army sports club, a master of sports in judo and in all my external data, and in the way I talk and, if necessary, answer any question posed, including if someone needs show your physical strength, I won’t stand at a price, and you need to talk to me within the framework that I allow.”

Potomsky gave a detailed and non-trivial description of his own personality, although in such a situation it was enough to say three words: “I’m not a bandit” or “This is complete nonsense.” It is unclear, however, why he did not stand up for his sister, whom an anonymous radio listener directly accused of having connections with crime. Moreover, Vladimir Solovyov developed an unpleasant topic for his interlocutor:

« Soloviev: “Well, is it true about the Tambov group?”
Potomsky: “Volodya, well, you understand what the Tambov group is? It's like a joke. “His daughter is a prostitute.” - “I don’t have a daughter.” - “This is none of my business, you answer, tell me.” Like in elections. Well, you can come up with anything you want.”

Apparently, the framework within which Potomsky allows us to talk about his relatives is quite wide. Moreover, neither his sister’s business in Vsevolozhsk, nor Ilya Parshuk’s active work in this region are fiction.

According to the SKRIN information base, Lyubov Potomskaya has headed the Vsevolozhsk municipal management company for some time since 2007. However, then she established five commercial enterprises, one of which - Volna LLC - began to actively work with the budget of the Leningrad region. According to the federal register of government contracts, Volna concluded 164 contracts in the period 2011-2015 for a total amount of more than 360 million rubles.

And here is the verdict of the criminal board of the St. Petersburg City Court dated September 12, 1995. The indictment states that Parshuk I.V., like a number of other active members "Malyshevskaya" organized crime group, was charged under Art. 77 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (banditry). Judging by the text of the verdict, in addition to participation in an organized crime group, he was charged with extortion. He was convicted, but released in the courtroom due to serving his sentence while in pre-trial detention.

The anonymous person who sent an SMS to Vladimir Solovyov on air and embarrassed Vadim Potomsky obviously knows how to search for information not only in Yandex. The databases of law enforcement agencies consulted by Novaya Gazeta contain other interesting stories (see reference). Specialists in the criminal history of St. Petersburg may note that the “Tambov” and “Malyshev” groups are not the same thing (rather, we are talking about “mother” and “daughter” structures). But all these nuances become important only if the head of the region, empowered by the president and then winning the elections, can directly answer the uncomfortable question: “Are you a bandit?” Help "New"

According to report No. 01197-97, received by the RUOP in March 1997, a certain Vladimir Vikentievich Potomsky (born 07/29/1949) was being checked by law enforcement agencies of the Leningrad region, who together with Andrei Alexandrovich Kutuzov (born 12/15/1964) .), Igor Nikolaevich Andreev (born 03/02/1958) and Vadim Yuryevich Vyakhirov (born 05/11/1963) “allegedly in 1996 he fraudulently took possession of documents and accounts of the security company “Opekun” and is currently engaged in fraud and extortion against commercial structures in St. Petersburg.”

Taking into account the above, DPOP 0467-97 was opened against these individuals.

The archival databases of the St. Petersburg RUOP contain information about a certain Ilya Parshuk, a native of the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region, who was a prominent member of the Malyshevskaya organized crime group and bore the nickname Al-Capone. I quote the operational information from a RUOP employee: “Parshuk I.V. (born May 28, 1955) and Parshuk N.V. (04/28/51) have been developed since 10/16/1992. Parshuk was charged with Art. 218, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the framework of criminal case No. 534530, namely, “threat of physical harm and destruction of property, extortion of money from O.A. Belikov, general director of JSC Helios, administration of the trading company Vsevolozhskaya” during 1992-1993. "

In addition, on 03/05/1997, the 6th MRO RUOP from the GUOP received information about Ilya Vladimirovich Parshuk, born in 1955, a native of the Gatchina district, the city. Vsevolozhsk, st. Sovetskaya, 141, - that he is a member of the “Malyshevskaya” organized crime group, “is engaged in the sale of a chemically pure drug, ephedrine, and is looking for wholesale distribution and acquisition channels.”

On 10/13/1997, the 6th MRO RUOP “received the results of the primary signal information: Ilya Vladimirovich Parshuk, born 05/28/55, passport VIII-VO 607028, issued by the Vsevolozhsk Department of Internal Affairs, registered: Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk, st. Plotkina, 5/244. As a result of the check, information about the composition of the crimes provided for in Art. 228 (illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, production and processing of narcotic drugs) and 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organization of a criminal community). Based on the received signal, a decision was made to establish OND No. 026-97. The date of the decision on the signal was 05/08/1997. The information was sent by A-044503, 6th MRO RUOP.” Original of this material
© "Top Secret", 02/03/2015, Photo: via "Novaya Gazeta"

Gentleman failure

The dubious horizons of Governor Vadim Potomsky

Arseny Nesterov
Vadim Potomsky (center)
I recently read an issue of Orlovskaya Pravda, the official mouthpiece of the administration of the region of the same name. It seemed like something painfully familiar, something I had already read in the media, with similar court names and intonations. It seems that in the individual Oryol region a well-fed, cheerful and relaxed life of citizens still reigns, about whom (and only about them!) their communist governor Vadim Potomsky worries day and night. I have a slightly different opinion on this matter, which I think many Oryol residents will agree with, and here’s why.

The biography of the communist Vadim Vladimirovich Potomsky, who has been pulling the levers of gubernatorial power in the Oryol region for a year now, is varied and funny, like pictures in a primitive children's kaleidoscope.

Back in 2001, criminal case No. 367353 was initiated against this person on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal entrepreneurship”.

Paradise marked "personal"

These (and not only) details from the past working days of Vadim Vladimirovich were told to Russians in 2012 by the famous television journalist Andrei Karaulov in his film “The Truth about the Elections and Potomsky”. The broadcast had a resonance: in any case, in the gubernatorial elections in the Bryansk region, Vadim Potomsky, who already at that time, as they said in certain circles, had the honorary pseudonym “garbage oligarch,” flew safely.

As an analysis of the biography of our hero shows, Vadim Potomsky has always been distinguished by a craving for two simple everyday trifles: money and power. In Russian realities, this is more than reasonable: the presence of one, as a rule, immediately ensures the appearance of the other. But sometimes annoying problems still happen. And again legal.

After a meticulous investigation in 2003, the Arbitration Court for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in case No. 56–9673/2003 made a decision “... to reclaim municipal property from the illegal possession of IP Vadim Potomsky and to collect from him a debt of 482,000 rubles.” For a person who dreams of wealth and fame, the decision is not at all rosy, but he was already attracted by other horizons...

"Family contract"

In 2008, the Vsevolozhsk Court of the Leningrad Region accepted for consideration a criminal case against the head of the municipal formation “Rakhinskoe urban settlement” Sergei Kuznetsov, as well as his deputy Vladimir Potomsky. The managers were charged with “exceeding official authority” and “forgery.” What added piquancy to the situation was the fact that the defendant Potomsky Vladimir was the father of a local businessman and deputy of the Leningrad Regional Council from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Potomsky Vadim, in whose interests, quite possibly, he sometimes “slightly” violated the current Criminal Code.

According to investigators, as a result of the efforts of my father and his accomplice-boss, a tasty plot of land worth almost 40 million dollars (!) went to only particularly close businessmen for commercial development.

Including, apparently, his son-deputy Vadim. And again - a bummer: the press made a fuss. Law enforcement officers creaked their muscles... Scandal! Criminal case! The deal, naturally, did not take place. But if a person has a goal in life, such annoying little things cannot stop him, and in 2012, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vadim Potomsky decided to be elected governor of the Bryansk region!

Balanda about a soldier

A few days before the anxious counting of votes at the Bryansk election commission, the already named film by Andrei Karaulov “The Truth about the Elections and Potomsky” was released. In addition to the mentioned biographical symbols from the life of Vadim Potomsky, the famous television journalist told everyone about the special attitude of the then candidate for governor and a real communist to such an honorable and respected military service in our country.

Having received lieutenant's shoulder straps and a graduate diploma from the St. Petersburg Anti-Aircraft Missile School in 1993 (where his father Vladimir Potomsky also taught), Vadim Vladimirovich was clearly bored. The path to the general's stripes was long, thorny and unrealistic. This is probably why in 1998 Potomsky Jr. left the army. But even here, due to some apparently genetic inclusions, the situation became overgrown with an incomprehensible mysticism.

As Andrei Karaulov said, he not only could not get Potomsky to personally, but he himself could not understand how, more than ten (!) years after his demobilization, in 2009, he was able, according to documents, to first become a major, and a few months later he became a lieutenant colonel!

Everything that could be violated was violated, Karaulov is sure.

“Real material for initiating a criminal case about all these – my opinion – frauds... I hope the military prosecutors will hear us,” the famous television journalist summed up his doubts.

However, Vadim Potomsky was clearly lucky then: military prosecutors from the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of Karaulov may have heard, but since at that time Mr. Serdyukov and his morals reigned in the Ministry of Defense, which crushed both the charters and laws, they did not make a fuss .

Maybe the time has finally come to count all the steps at least in the military career ladder of Mr. Vadim Vladimirovich Potomsky? As they say, for the “edification of posterity”: or so that the new Minister of War Sergei Shoigu has a clear understanding of whom, in extreme cases, he can count on under his banners, and from whom, as they say, he should stay away...

Let's get stronger in the fight!

Throwing around the administrative platforms of Russia has finally brought Potomsky, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the long-awaited primitive calm: for a year now he has been ruling the Oryol region. But how? To answer this question, sacred to all administrators, it is best to leaf through the local press, with a quote from which we began this material. For example. Even the official local communist (!) newspaper “Orlovskaya Iskra” does not make a secret of this: “Since January, there has been an increase in average retail prices for beef, pasta, sugar, bread, potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, apples,” the press service reported government of the Oryol region." If we take into account the fact that, in addition to the gubernatorial troubles, Vadim Vladimirovich complicated his life with the position of chairman of this very government, then we must admit that it is precisely these two posts that he is apparently least suitable for today.

A similar idea is confirmed by the regional analytical weekly “Krasnaya Stroka” in the article “Take someone else’s for a while, give your own forever”: “The Oryol region continues to rapidly fall into a debt hole, the region’s public debt, amounting to more than nine billion rubles, is about to increase almost one and a half times! We can only remain sadly silent with all the residents of the Oryol region.


The editorial office has a cassette recording of Governor Potomsky’s speech to prosecutors and investigators of the Oryol region. I admit, the author has never encountered such undisguised pressure (I’m tempted to say “assault”) on people in uniform over many years of working as both a lawyer and a journalist. The governor spoke about those cases that, due to objective legal reasons (the lack of examinations required by law, for example) and, apparently, in defiance of his overt desire to quickly see them (or rather their “persons involved”) in court, were not brought to court. However, I will cite some unbiased statements from Mr. Potomsky himself. They are very eloquent and easy to decipher.

“I will tell you as the governor of the Oryol region, as the highest official: governors are not born, they become governors (very often, alas, wrongly. - A.N.). That is, you go through some kind of path in your life, that is, some experience of working in other regions, richer ones... Such as the Leningrad region (this is exactly what we talked about above. - A.N.). The prosecutor of the district where I was, today the first deputy chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, is Vasily Ivanovich Piskarev (read, my friend, or what? - A.N.). I understand that examinations are needed, I understand everything perfectly. But of the four cases, two of them do not require expert examination at all! (This, sorry, is decided only by the investigator, but not by the governor! - A.N.) If everyone needs money for the examination... we will give this money! Experts don’t care whose money it is: it came from you or from some other source! Do you need expert opinions? You will receive it!... We are ready to pay... We will do it! If they don’t suit someone, let’s make third-party ones! Show it where you want! And we will pay for it, we are ready!”… etc.

I admit honestly, if I didn’t know that the person in the frame is the “highest official of the region”, and the people to whom he is so passionately and specifically appealing are security forces, I would have thought that this was operational filming with some “specific » meetings. Well, you can hear the synchronized voiceover: “Do you need money? What's the problem: let's give it! Do you need my connections? I named them! We'll sort it out! We’ll pay for everything!”

In this speech to the silent and dumbfounded investigators (who, by the way, and this follows precisely from the speech of the governor himself, work precisely in the legal field!) promises to “give money,” “provide financial assistance,” “pay,” etc. etc. are repeated almost every other paragraph!

Perhaps, in the era of sweeping reforms in the separate Oryol region, Mr. Potomsky found his own new, exclusively “commercial” way of working with representatives of justice? I don’t know... However, he still outlined some precise targeting of his speech to the security forces.

Quote: “They wrote that I allegedly met with Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin (Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - A.N.). I have not met yet, we will have a meeting in February, and on a number of matters I want to talk to him so that he, apparently, can help you! (I hope not financial? – A.N.)” As they say, no comments!

If during this meeting the governor himself finds the strength to honestly tell his interlocutor everything that we have only partially voiced, then this meeting can safely be considered a “confession” by Vadim Vladimirovich himself.

Well, just like in the famous film comedy: “Go, go, Vasya...”

Over the past few years, the name of the governor of the Oryol region, Vadim Potomsky, has come up in some criminal context. Either on air he evasively answers the direct question of TV and radio presenter Vladimir Solovyov: “Are you a bandit?”, then he appears in the company of individuals with a criminal past, then he invites citizens to work with him, who are then sent to prison.

Gennady Zyuganov’s ally is actually very afraid of going to prison. Knows the details. The fact is that his friends knowledgeably introduced him to the peculiarities of life and life behind bars, which Vadim Potomsky at one time personally told a correspondent of the Rosbalt agency. This is what a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation said about the stories of his friends and about places not so remote:

“I have not been to places of detention. But, as they say, don’t swear off money or prison. I am 40 years old, and I won’t say that many, but I have friends who have been in prison. What they say is horror.” The governor said absolutely right about the bag and prison...

Friends are criminals

Now Vadim Potomsky is almost 45, but he still does not want to go to prison, although he does not forget his criminal friends. Having just appeared in Orel, he takes a photo in front of the regional administration building with Sergei Antoshin, his close Bryansk ally. Here’s what one of the federal publications wrote about him in 2003: “34-year-old Antoshin worked for the FSB for a long time, then became the personal security guard of Governor Yuri Lodkin.

In January 2000, the governor appointed Antoshin head of the information and analytical department of the regional administration. A criminal case was opened against an official of the FSB Directorate of the Bryansk Region in November 2001.” Chekist Antoshin, leaving the office of his friend, the “alcohol king” Oleg Rozanov, noticed an FSB outdoor sign at the gate. And he immediately turned his colleagues over to the businessman. And then the friends quarreled, Rozanov wrote a statement against Antoshin to law enforcement agencies, and FSB officers presented to the court wiretapping recordings of two former comrades, where the fact of disclosure of state secrets and betrayal was recorded. And Antoshin received four years in prison. True, he served only 13 months and is now a communist and deputy of the Bryansk Regional Council.

Unlike United Russia, for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation a criminal past is not an obstacle to nomination as a deputy. The current governor of the Oryol region, Vadim Potomsky, considers him one of the citizens “whose names and surnames I can name with honor and dignity.” As for criminality, it’s a trifle... “This is Sergei Sergeevich Antoshin,” Potomsky told reporters, “the man who was next to me during this Bryansk campaign. A man of honor, not a coward. Yes, there were all kinds of stories, but that’s life.” For Vadim Potomsky, who likes to talk about officer’s honor, is betrayal of fellow officers a normal part of life?

About Ruff again

Other “all kinds of stories” unexpectedly came to the surface when Vadim Potomsky invited Andrei Ersh, his fellow student at the anti-aircraft missile school and, as it later turned out, the leader, to work as the head of the state-owned institution of the Oryol region “Orelgoszakazchik”. This institution is one of the most corruption-intensive in the region.

Only according to the line “Road Fund” planned to “master” 3 billion rubles. It was not possible - in the fall of 2014, operatives detained him right in his office and transferred him to the North. By the verdict of the Arkhangelsk Regional Court announced at the end of January 2017, Andrei Yorsh, who led an organized criminal group of current and former employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Arkhangelsk Region, was found guilty of “protection protection” for underground gaming clubs and mediation in bribery. The former police lieutenant colonel received a serious sentence - 9.5 years of strict regime.

And Governor Potomsky only complained: “Unfortunately, I will tell you objectively and honestly: I did not know about this story. If I had known about this story, Andrei would not have worked here... This is my cadet, he and I studied together from the first year, when we were 16 years old, I was a battery sergeant major, he was a cadet of the second platoon... He came to me. I invited him to work, no one forced him on me... Everyone who works for me in the government of the Oryol region was personally invited by me. Especially at the deputy level. Andrey worked in the police, in police structures, in the Department of Economic Crimes. In economic areas.

For reasons that the organization in which he worked, Orelgoszakazchik, a colossal amount of budget money passes through it, I invited him as a specialist so that these various left-wing options would not go anywhere. A story came to light that... He didn't tell me. If he had called her to me, he said: “Foreman, that’s what they called me, Vadim, there’s such a story, such a skeleton in the closet, I wouldn’t hire him.”

In fact, Vadim Potomsky’s argument in this case is designed for very gullible people. After all, this is far from the only personnel miscalculation of the governor of the Oryol region.

Mikhail Sokolovsky

Well, the most notable criminal employee of Vadim Potomsky, the person whom he publicly repeatedly called “his friend,” with whom he traveled to the Patriarch of Serbia and filmed for TV at the Russian-Slovenian business forum, was Mikhail Ivanovich Sokolovsky. This is the same citizen who, at a meeting of the Oryol City Council, spoke about the monument to Ivan the Terrible, which costs 25 million rubles to erect. Let us remind you that they collected money “for the monument”, but, according to Vadim Potomsky, it cost several times less. Where did the difference of 20 million go? Sokolovsky, a man with three convictions, including for...

It all started in 2005, when Mikhail Ivanovich was the vice-governor of Koryakia. Then the court of the Tigilsky district of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug sentenced him to one and a half years in prison for disrupting the heating season with abuse of authority and the disappearance of money paid to a certain company for fuel. In May 2005, it turned out that Sokolovsky had previously worked for the recipient company. On July 21, 2005, the court sentenced him to three years in prison. And then came a third conviction: in 2005, by the Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow, Mikhail Sokolovsky, Potomsky’s future friend, was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison in a maximum security colony for fraud on an especially large scale.

Why does the communist Potomsky have such a craving for criminal figures? There was also a certain Vladimir Makarchuk, whom Governor Potomsky invited in 2014 to head the region’s state property department. But then it turned out that he was a fraudster with a fresh criminal record and a fine of half a million rubles. Then, after a scandal with the sealing of his office, Vice-Governor Mikhail Babkin, who was responsible for the economic bloc, quickly fled from the region.

“Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are,” says popular wisdom. At the very beginning of the article, we noted that Gennady Zyuganov’s protege, Potomsky, really doesn’t want to go to prison. And he also does not want to forcibly leave the governor’s seat. And he even protested against the fact that the question of trust or mistrust was raised by the president, and not by the abstract “people.”

In an interview posted on the website of the Leningrad regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, he asked: “What should a governor do to lose trust? And if he was elected by the people, then why does the president make the decision to lose trust?” That’s why he accepts, Citizen Potomsky.

And the latest news from Orel is completely amazing: the person involved in a high-profile criminal case, the general director of the Oryol Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML), 97.4% of whose shares are the property of the region, Sergei Kochergin, was also hired with a criminal record. The defendant openly stated that he came to this position at the invitation of the governor of the Oryol region himself.

In order not to be unfounded, we will cite a specific passage from the ruling of the Oryol Regional Court dated November 9, 2016: “By the verdict of the court Kochergin S.A. was found guilty of committing a crime under paragraph “c” of Part 2 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Misappropriation or embezzlement, that is, theft of someone else’s property entrusted to the perpetrator, committed using one’s official position”), with a sentence of imprisonment for a term of 3 years suspended with a probationary period of 3 years.”

As it turned out later, Mr. Kochergin was also previously convicted in Oryol and the regional governor simply could not have known about it. We note this in case the official again insists that “I am not me and the house is not mine.” After all, all sorts of negative information about the governor pops up every week. And you don’t need to conduct a journalistic investigation to find out about all the pitfalls of the governor of the Oryol region. Only, after all, someone appointed Sergei Kochergin as director. In addition, all companies that were ever associated with the “director” won all tenders and received the most delicious pieces. Is it because, as it turned out later, Kochergin, who had previously been convicted of embezzlement, liked Potomsky because of his ability to correctly distribute financial flows?

But if Sergei Kochergin was previously convicted under Article 160 Part 2, now he, as they say, has been upgraded and is now charged with at least Parts 3 and 4 of the same article. It turns out that the personnel selected by the governor do not stop there. And in general, the Oryol region is a whole organism in which budget funds are distributed daily. Money is transferred to regional leaders, according to the interrogation protocol of the director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Ritual and Ritual Services of the city of Orel, Ekaterina Strelets, in bundles or bags of alcohol.

But with the arrival of the team called by Mr. Potomsky, more modern technologies began to be introduced. The same Mrs. Strelets noted in her testimony: “Sometimes we transferred the funds received from entrepreneurs to O.V. Mukhanov. (governor's authorized representative) by non-cash method. As far as I remember, part of the funds was transferred... to the card of O.V. Mukhanov’s wife. - Svetlana."

But Sergei Kochergin apparently became very angry with his “leader” and at the same court hearing told reporters that those who ordered the criminal prosecution against him were Vadim Potomsky and the head of the Department of State Property and Land Relations Andrei Sinyagov. In addition, the defendant said that he presented the investigators with a number of evidence about the criminal activities of the government of the Oryol region. The strange thing is that there was no response from Vadim Potomsky. Perhaps the governor does not want to once again confirm his attitude to this criminal case.

But in fact, that same evidence began to slowly spread throughout the region. We are talking about printouts of withdrawals from a certain Sberbank VisaClassic card; as it turned out later, representatives of the investigation actually have this documentation. The editor-in-chief of the Oryol newspaper Krasnaya Stroka, Yuri Lebedkin, notes: “As far as I heard,” said Yuri Viktorovich, “these printouts are actually at the disposal of law enforcement agencies. The plastic card was issued to Sergei Kochergin’s business partner, Mikhail Timakov. When Kochergin headed AHML in Orel, Timakov became the general director of a well-known company - a twin of ASK Engineering. How the card issued to him got (and whether it got?) to the governor’s trusted people, I cannot say: finding out is a matter for the investigation. And I also don’t know who personally paid by card, for example, at National in Moscow. But they say that the investigation already has a photo of one character..."

Let us only add that the first one and a half million rubles were transferred to the Timakov account, a copy of which is at the disposal of the editors, in August 2015. Coincidentally, it was at that time that Sergei Kochergin began to “settle in” at AHML. The next three million were enrolled in October and November. They withdrew money on different days and in different amounts from 100 to 147,479 rubles. In my opinion, this is usually done by those who received amounts “unfairly”, thinking that they are covering their tracks...

There is nothing to hide here, each subordinate of Vadim Potomsky has his own function, to monitor one or another cash flow and accordingly increase income. There was a lot of money in AHML; Sergei Kochergin was given the opportunity to attract “friendly” structures to carry out profitable contracts. If the now defendant had used the resources correctly, the regional administration would have become significantly richer, and Vadim Potomsky naturally understood this. For example, the governor invited members of the Izborsk Club to the region. Bringing them, perhaps paying a daily allowance, housing them, watering them and feeding them is not cheap at all.