What is the best way to put ships in a naval battle. The optimal algorithm for playing sea battle

A simple and addictive game that has been known since childhood - sea ​​battle. The rules of the game are not very complicated, anyone can remember them. Sea battles are liked by adults and children, you can play it anywhere.

Rules of the game Sea battle

The essence of entertainment lies in the fact that two players take turns naming certain coordinates on the opponent's map, which they do not know. The named point must hit the ship or part of it. The task of each player is to sink all enemy ships as early as possible. There are several options for such a game today:

  1. On paper. This method is considered a classic entertainment option. It allows you to play anywhere. A checkered notebook or one leaf (not even lined) is suitable for battles.
  2. Desktop. The first version of such entertainment appeared more than 80 years ago. The board game sea battle was voluminous and colorful. After a while, many variations appeared with different numbers of ships, other sizes of fields.
  3. On the computer. Modern Gadgets can easily be turned into a battlefield for ships by downloading and installing the desired application. There are options to play online. Features: the selected points are fixed automatically, there is a voice acting that adds reality to what is happening.


To understand how to play sea battle, you need to understand the basic concepts. You need to start by drawing your playing field. It is a coordinate plane, a square 10 by 10. Each of its sides has its own definitions: the horizontal is numbered from top to bottom, the vertical - with letter designations. The letters of the Russian alphabet are used from "A" to "K" or from "A to "I", if "Yo" and "Y" are omitted. Often, instead of letter designations, the words "Snegurochka" or "Republic" are used. They consist of ten letters, which corresponds to 10 squares on the playing field.

Next to the "own" field, you need to draw a "foreign" one, which has the same dimensions and coordinates. This is a site for the enemy flotilla. The field is empty, it is used to mark one's own moves and opponent's "strike". Given that there are several variants of the coordinate system, it is recommended to agree in advance which one will be used. Next, you need to arrange the ships.

Number and placement of ships

There is a certain layout of ships on the playing field. The ship consists of several decks or pipes (hence the name, for example, "two-deck" or "two-pipe"). On the playing field are:

  • 1 four-deck, ship, battleship, - a row of four cells,
  • 2 three-deck, cruisers, - rows of 3 cells;
  • 3 double-deck, destroyers, - rows of 2 cells;
  • 4 single-deck ships, torpedo boats, - 1 cell.

In the classic game, it is necessary to draw ships on the playing field according to the rules. For example, all court sides or corners cannot touch each other. There are variants of the game when the ships are placed in the letter "G", squares or zigzags, touching the corners is not prohibited. There are also battles with a different number of ships or their structure, for example, a five-deck (aircraft carrier), several four-deck. When using a larger number of ships, a different form of the field is used, 15 by 15 in size. It is necessary to decide on the choice of the game in advance.

Game progress

Playing sea battle on paper is necessary in accordance with certain rules. The instruction defines the conditions and sequence of moves:

  1. Initially, who will go first is chosen. To do this, the players cast lots.
  2. When making a "shot", the player names the coordinates, for example, B3.
  3. If there is nothing in the cell, the opponent says "by". According to the named coordinates, the ship is located, then “wounded” - if it was hit, “killed” - when completely destroyed.
  4. A cross indicates a hit on an enemy ship. With such a successful shot, according to the rules, the player moves a second time. The right to move is transferred to the second player if the blow fell on an empty field.
  5. The winner is the one who first sinks all the ships of his opponent.
  6. At the end of the game, the opponents may require each other's playing fields to check. The loser will be the one whose fields are filled incorrectly. Victory goes to the one who waged a fair fight.

There are certain restrictions in the game. The game may be ended earlier if there is a violation of the rules. The following are considered gross violations:

  1. Incorrectly drawn field - the number of vessels exceeds the required one, the dimensions of the sides or the coordinate system are incorrect.
  2. One of the players spied on the location of the ships from the other.
  3. Skipping a turn due to inattention.

Win strategy

A simple battle is not built solely on luck. To achieve victory, there is a strategy and tactics of playing a sea battle. It is as follows:

  1. A sheet with a lined field must be held so that the enemy cannot look.
  2. For convenience and accountability, it is recommended to mark enemy shots with dots.
  3. The most vulnerable ships are the battleship and the torpedo boat. The first one is very large, so it is easy to spot. Torpedo boats are small and hard to find on the field, but they sink in one hit.
  4. Beginners often aim at the corners of the game square, so drawing them there is not recommended.
  5. Experienced players are advised to immediately come up with a layout of ships on the field. Good results can be achieved if the flotilla units are arranged according to the scheme. For example, by gathering cruisers and battleships in one place, and placing boats and destroyers in a chaotic manner.
  6. Shooting techniques for a flotilla may be different. To quickly destroy the battleship, it is recommended to start searching for it diagonally. You need to shoot at the squares on 4, through 3 cells. Then you need to move in descending order: look for three-deck, two-deck and single boats.


May 26, 2013 at 08:27 pm

Optimal Algorithm sea ​​battle games

  • Algorithms

A couple of days ago I was surprised to learn that some of my friends do not know how to play sea battle. Those. Of course, they know the rules, but they play somehow haphazardly and as a result often lose. In this post, I will try to outline the main ideas that will help you level up your game.

Rules of the game

There are many options for naval combat, but we will consider the most common option with the following set of ships:

All listed ships must be placed on a 10 by 10 square field, and the ships cannot touch either corners or sides. The playing field itself is numbered from top to bottom, and the verticals are marked with Russian letters from "A" to "K" (the letters "Yo" and "Y" are skipped).

An enemy field of the same size is drawn nearby. In case of a successful shot at the enemy ship, a cross is placed on the corresponding cell of the enemy field and a second shot is fired;

Optimal Strategy

There is always an element of randomness in the game of naval combat, but it can be minimized. Before proceeding directly to the search for the optimal strategy, it is necessary to state one obvious thing: the probability of hitting an enemy ship is higher, the fewer unchecked cells are left on its field, similarly, the probability of hitting your ships is the lower, the more unchecked cells are left on your field. That. to play effectively, you need to learn two things at once: optimal shooting at the enemy and optimal placement of your ships.

In the following explanation, the following notation will be used:

Optimal Shooting
The first and most obvious rule for optimal shooting is the following rule: do not shoot at the cells directly surrounding the destroyed enemy ship.

In accordance with the notation adopted above, in the figure those cells are marked in yellow, on which unsuccessful shots have already been fired, cells on which shots ended in a hit are marked in red, and cells on which no shooting was carried out are marked in green, but it can be guaranteed that the ships there are no ships in them (ships cannot be there, because according to the rules of the game, ships cannot touch each other).

The second rule immediately follows from the first rule: if you managed to knock out an enemy ship, you must immediately finish it off in order to get a list of guaranteed free cells as soon as possible.

The third rule follows from the first two: you must first try to knock out the largest enemy ships. Perhaps this rule is not obvious to you, but if you think a little, you can easily notice that by destroying an enemy battleship, at best, we will immediately receive information about 14 guaranteed free cells, and by destroying a cruiser, only about 12.

That. the optimal firing strategy can be reduced to a targeted search and destruction of the largest enemy ships. Unfortunately, it is not enough to formulate a strategy, it is necessary to propose a way to implement it.

To begin with, let's consider a 4 by 4 cell area of ​​the playing field. If there is an enemy battleship in the area under consideration, then it is guaranteed to be knocked out in no more than 4 shots. To do this, you need to shoot in such a way that there is exactly one checked cell on each horizontal and vertical. below are all options for such shooting (excluding reflections and turns).

Among all these options, only the first two options are optimal on a field of 10 by 10 cells, guaranteeing a hit in a battleship in a maximum of 24 shots.

After the enemy battleship is destroyed, it is necessary to start searching for cruisers, and then destroyers. In this case, as you may have guessed, you can use a similar technique. Only now it is necessary to divide the field into squares with a side of 3 and 2 cells, respectively.

If you used the second strategy when searching for a battleship, then to search for cruisers and destroyers you need to shoot at the following fields (green indicates the fields that you have already fired at when searching for a battleship):

There is no optimal strategy for finding boats, so at the end of the game you have to rely mainly on luck.

Optimal ship placement
The optimal strategy for placing ships is in some sense the reverse of the optimal strategy for firing. When shooting, we tried to find the largest ships in order to reduce the number of cells that need to be checked at the expense of guaranteed free cells. This means that when placing ships, they must be placed in such a way that, in case of their loss, the number of guaranteed free cells is minimized. As you remember, the battleship in the center of the field opens 14 fields for the enemy at once, but the battleship standing in the corner opens only 6 fields for the enemy:

Similarly, a cruiser standing in a corner opens only 6 fields instead of 12. Thus, by placing large ships along the field boundary, you leave more room for boats. Because there is no strategy for finding boats, the enemy will have to shoot at random, and the more free fields you have left by the time you catch the boats, the harder it will be for the enemy to win.

Below are three ways to place capital ships that leave a lot of room for boats (marked in blue):

Each of the above arrangements leaves exactly 60 free cells for boats, which means that the probability of accidentally hitting a boat is 0.066. For comparison, it is worth giving a random arrangement of ships:

With this arrangement, only 21 cells remain for boats, which means that the probability of hitting a boat is already 0.19, i.e. almost 3 times higher.

In conclusion, I want to say that you should not spend too much time playing sea battle. I especially want to warn you against playing in lectures. When I was sitting in Wabi Sabi and playing sea battle with my girlfriend, a waitress walked by and said that she plays quite well, because. I practiced a lot in pairs. Who knows what she would have worked for if she had listened to lectures at one time?

P.S. The comments absolutely correctly indicate that there were already similar publications on Habré, it would be wrong not to put links to them.

Did you think that aviation is involved in this battle? No, but there is a ship of a very bizarre shape. In total, 9 ships take part in the battle, which are shown in the figure. The rest of the rules of the game are the same as usual.

Naval battle with mines

In addition to ships, 3 mines are placed on the field (they are indicated by circles). Moreover, the mines may well be located next to the ships. If a player hits a mine with a shot, it means that his ship was literally blown up by a mine and it is necessary to inform the enemy of the coordinates of one of his ships, considering it sunk. The player himself chooses which ship to "sacrifice", you can give away not only unharmed, but also already wounded ships.

The rest of the rules are the same as usual. However, if you play with aircraft carriers, then when a ship is wounded, it is necessary to inform the enemy which ship is wounded. For example: "Double-deck wounded."

Advice. If you play a sea battle with mines, when you miss, it’s better to say not “past”, but “water”, since the words “past” and “mine” are very consonant.

"Shoot! Pali!"

This "Sea Battle" is much more difficult than the previous ones. In one turn, the player makes 3 shots at once. In response, "under fire" names the ships that came under fire (if any), but does not report the exact coordinates. For example: "One hit in a four-deck and one in a two-deck, the third shot missed." The exact coordinates are reported only when the ship is completely destroyed, while the wounded ships must be searched for on their own.

Trying to find and sink the wounded three-deck ships, one should not forget that you can accidentally find another three-deck - that is, it is important not to mislead yourself by interpreting the accuracy of your volleys. For example, in the figure above, a three-deck ship was wounded by the first salvo (black dots). The next volley (red dots) - the three-deck one was again wounded, and now all six cells should be "under suspicion", and not just those two that are nearby.

Players shoot strictly in turn, even if all three shots were successful.

"Shoot! Pali!" – 2

In this variant of "Naval battle" in one turn, the player makes as many shots as he has ships afloat. To equalize the chances of opponents, first each player makes a volley, then the results are summed up with the message of the coordinates of the hits.

How to win at Sea Battle

How best to arrange the ships

As you know, large ships are most quickly detected by the enemy, and submarines, or single-deck boats, usually remain “for a snack”. Therefore, it makes no sense to "hide" large ships, but it is worth making it difficult for the enemy to search submarines. You can do this by placing your “naval forces” very compactly (see Figure 1): there are more than half of the field left for four submarines (60 cells highlighted in blue)! If the ships are arranged arbitrarily, the submarines have much less room “for maneuvers”: for example, in Figure 2, the submarines have only 29 cells left.

Rice. 1 Rice. 2

While the enemy is scouring for your small ships (you have to be lucky to destroy them in less than 30 shots), you will surely smash his fleet.

Shooting tactics

Since with each sunken ship the search area for the rest narrows noticeably, you should first of all focus on destroying large ships, which are always easier to find. Therefore, first we fire at the enemy’s field diagonally with a distance of 3 cells (red cells in the figure) - a four-deck ship will not hide from such “mortar bursts”. Along the way, smaller boats will probably come across.

As soon as the four-deck is sunk, you can move on to more frequent fire (yellow cells in the figure), literally sweeping the remaining two-deck and three-deck ships from the enemy field. After such heavy fire, all that remains is to "probe" the cells on which the surviving submarines can hide.

For all its qualities, it is a little confusing, and this confusion is complicated by the fact that the game itself has a rather stingy training system that very quickly sends the player into free swimming, and everyone who finds himself in the open spaces of the seven seas without proper theoretical training has a hard time. Therefore, if you find yourself, or are going to find yourself in the position of being thrown into free swimming by everyone, this material will come in handy for you.

So, if you liked the game, and you firmly decided to achieve some success in it, try to set things up in such a way that you go into it every day. Even if there is no time, still try to turn on the computer and go into the game for a minute. This is done in order not to miss daily gifts. If you enter without passes, the quality of gifts will improve. Well, if you decide to play for a few minutes, then also try not to miss other, free of charge opportunities to improve the ship, study astrology, etc.

One of the main mistakes of beginners lies in the fact that they try to upgrade the transport ship in their homestead as quickly as possible. It's not exactly the right tactic. After all, the steeper the ship, the stronger the boss will be. And when you reach a certain level of your transport, you will no longer be able to cope with the boss on your own, so you will have to ask friends and acquaintances for help, but it’s better not to bring it to that.

As soon as you start building ships, don't forget to activate them by going to the tab at the bottom, which shows the captain. This will significantly increase your military presence at sea.

If you decide to sit in the game for a long time, or just have the opportunity to enter it every hour, then click on the circle icon at the top. This is a tavern. There you can use your free opportunity to rotate captains. Due to this, you will not only receive points for hiring these characters, but also be able to recruit captains of the “blue” rank, which is at an early stage game development will be extremely helpful to you. To explore the capabilities of a particular captain, go to the Reference tab, which is located at the top of the screen.

If vanity scratches you, then Sea Battle is not the game where you should implement it. Therefore, do not try to create your own guild. From its creation, you will not get anything worthwhile, except that a couple of children will join your ranks, from whom there will be no benefit, so step over your pride and join an already existing, authoritative guild. Choose the most advanced technological plan guilds that have a fortress.

PvP battles in the game Sea Battle.

Pay attention to the icon at the top right of the screen, which shows the eyes, and select the second icon from the left, where the crossed-out eye is drawn. So you will get the opportunity to fight the World Boss, for which you will be showered with various, random gifts. Don't miss this opportunity.

Also try not to miss the Great Battle. This is an even more valuable event than the battle with the World Boss. Even if you lose in the Great Battle, you will still be very well rewarded, and you can spend the points earned in this battle on books with tricks and other interesting items.
Save bonus experience scrolls that you will receive in battles. You should not spend them right there as soon as you get them, anyway, you will not be able to use them to improve ships or equipment beyond measure. You can't sell them either. Therefore, hold them until better times, and when the accrual of bonus experience stops, then you can get the scrolls from the closet.

From 12:30 to 13:30 server time is the time to get wood. Do it just after completion great battle. If you do so, you will receive an additional prize in the form of a chest, which will contain either gold or other valuable items.

But from 18:00 to 19:00 it is best to do escort. During this time, you will be able to receive a 150% bonus on freight charges.
Constantly go into the battle arena, use every opportunity to fight properly. The more actively you fight, the higher the rank your captains will receive. In addition, do not forget about such banal things as earning gold and honor points.

When you get into the arena, try to choose your opponent according to your level, and not be tempted to defeat a more pumped player. If you do not jump over players, you will be able to win more often, and as a result, earn more points of honor, gold, etc.

When you complete the Camp tasks, try to take on the ones marked in orange or purple first. Completing these tasks will speed up the acquisition of titles. Also, do not refuse to fight the Camp Boss, because no matter the outcome of the battle, you will still receive a reward.
Don't be reclusive, add new friends to your list, and offer to add yourself. The more friends you have, the more gold you will earn when you collect ingredients from your friends' homesteads.

Do not forget to collect daily prizes for active participation in the game, and also work on completing daily tasks. Firstly, it will diversify the gameplay, and secondly, it will simply speed up the pumping. If you get free chances, then spend them on updating the list of tasks. Thanks to this, you will get more souls of the traveler, and more gold coins, which will allow you to upgrade your ships faster.

If you decide to have a pet, then it is better to let it be a pet, orange color. Its usefulness is calculated by intelligence, equipment, as well as an assortment of tricks. When you get to the Isle of Monsters, be sure to use your two free chances. As for the equipment of your pet, but do not rush to throw something away or sell it. Much of what you sell may be very much needed later. Well, you should not tame more than one pet, otherwise sooner or later you will break them or simply confuse them.

If you decide to replace the captain, but the one who served you earlier, send it to the tavern as unnecessary. If the old captain once learned techniques through books, then the same books will come to you in the package, and you can use them on the new captain.

As soon as the opportunity to take part in the World League draw appears, do not miss this chance. Bet the Winner's Medals you win, and if you're lucky, you can exchange your winnings in the store.

If you got to carry trade cargo, then you need to unload them at the station, which is represented as a ship that will glow when you hover over it. It's called Legion Station. You can deliver the goods within seven days. Prizes for cargoes are issued only on Sundays.

Now a little about earnings.

The most effective and popular ways to earn money are cargo delivery and robbery. To take a cargo contract, you need to click on the icon called Convoy. After that, you will have to go to the area where the goods are distributed. The easiest way to do this is to auto-search, or use the Scroll of Winds by clicking on the small whirlpool icon at the bottom right. The more valuable the cargo, the more they will give for its delivery. If you have diamonds, then for 1 diamond you can upgrade the type of cargo. Perhaps something more valuable will fall out. For ten diamonds, you can transport the Diamonds yourself. For the delivery of these give record fees.

You can hand over cargo at any time, but for each type of cargo there are bonus hours when you get +150% to the usual amount.
If you are tired of carrying goods, you can do robbery. It is better to rob ships from the camp with which your guild is at enmity. As soon as you go on a sea voyage with cargo, you will see that the ship has switched to combat mode. The battle mode icon is located at the top left. Now, as soon as you leave the peaceful zone, you can be attacked and you can attack. It is best to attack from 19:00 to 20:00, but you will also be attacked in this time period more often, since everyone wants to get a big reward.

In total, you have 10 chances per day to carry out a robbery. Additional chances cannot be bought even for donations. Successfully robbed? Get reputation points, gold, title bonus and other rewards. But remember that you can go from hunter to prey very quickly. To avoid this sad fate, either loitering near the safe zone, or wait one hour since the last attack, because it is after this time that you can change the combat mode to peaceful.

Children are so fascinated by various gadgets that they often don’t want to not only read, but even play outside of the virtual world. This worries both professionals and parents. In one of the series of the cartoon "Barboskiny" Grandfather just offers a way to return children to the real world by playing the whole family in the usual "Battleship" on paper.

To do this, he turns off the electricity in the house, and the grandchildren are forced to master the game, which does not require any special conditions. He showed that it is possible to have an interesting time without any Internet, armed only with a pen and your own mind.

Although this board game Sea battle today also exists in a computer version, but the traditional version of destroying ships on a piece of paper in a box has one undoubted advantage over a virtual one.

Playing with a live person is more interesting than with a computer, the battle is much more fun and exciting. Yes, and more useful, because in this case, the child develops not only logic and strategic thinking, but also intuition, the ability to "calculate" and read the emotions of another person.

Another plus and reason for the long popularity of the game is the simplicity of its organization. In order to lead ships into battle, you do not need the Internet, electricity, a large room, or some special entourage. Enough paper, pen and know the sea battle on paper for two.

Learning to play sea battle

The rules for a sea battle for two people are quite simple. On paper, each player must draw a square of 10x10 cells, which are denoted on one side by letters from A to K (without Y and Y), on the other by numbers from 1 to 10. In this field you need to arrange your ships.

A second similar square is drawn next to it with a similar designation of fields. On it, during the battle, the player fixes his shots.

  • When making a “shot”, the player names the coordinates of the target, for example, B8.
  • The opponent answers "by" if there is nothing in the cell; "wounded" if his ship was hit; "killed" when a ship is destroyed.
  • Hitting a foreign ship is indicated by a cross. In this case, the rules give the right to the next shot.
  • On a miss, the right to shoot passes to the second player. The winner is the one who first destroys all enemy ships.
  • At the end of the game, the participant may require the opponent to present his playing field and check the records of moves.

The rules of the Sea Battle game stipulate not only how many and what size ships are involved in the battle, but also their location.

  1. Composition of ships: 4 submarines of one cell, 3 destroyers, consisting of two cells, 2 cruisers of three cells and one four-cell battleship.
  2. It is necessary to draw ships in such a way that they in no case touch each other. There must be a distance of at least one cell between them.
  3. You can place ships horizontally, vertically, and at the edge of the playing field.

What Not to Do

Set rules and certain restrictions.

  1. You cannot change the composition of ships.
  2. Some rules say that one ship can only have a linear shape, in some cases the shape of the letter L is allowed. This point must be specified in advance. But in all variants it is impossible to draw and place the ships diagonally.
  3. You cannot change the field size.
  4. You can not distort the coordinates and hide the hit.


Not only simple rules and the conditions of the organization of the game explain the popularity of the game Sea Battle, but also the fact that winning in it is determined not only by luck, but also by the right strategy and tactics. This is a game of two people, which means that emotions and tricks join logic. Therefore, a winning strategy involves:

  • Under no circumstances should your opponent be able to see your playing field.
  • Consider the skill and the way your opponent plays. For example, if your opponent is a novice player, then you should not place your ships in the corners of the field. Inexperienced players often start with them, especially with the move A1. If an experienced and long-time opponent will play with you, who already knows that there can’t be in the corners of your ships, then it’s worth breaking the pattern and hiding a couple there.
  • Consider the location of your ships. One of the winning strategies is the location of large ships compactly in one place, and scattered single-celled ones away from each other. Then the player, having quickly found large ships, will spend a lot of time searching for small submarines. This will give you time and a chance to recoup.

Winning tactics

The correct tactics of the game include a few simple tricks.

Be sure to record the opponent's moves on your field, and all your moves on the second playing field. Not only hits are indicated, but also misses. Someone does it with dots, someone with crosses. This will avoid repeated shelling of empty squares and conflicts, in case of any errors.

If the opponent's ship is "killed" in a sea battle, then we mark the cells surrounding it as empty immediately. After all, we know that the rules prohibit the placement of ships in them. This saves you time. In this case, the most profitable shot at the battleship. Its destruction immediately opens eighteen cells, almost a fifth of the field.

The shooting tactics of the players can also be different. You can shoot by making diagonal moves. So there are more chances to hook large ships. You can, in search of a profitable battleship, shoot through three cells to the fourth. After the first hits, you determine the choice of moves based on what begins to peep through on the enemy playing field.

A tactic to combat popular fraud, when the opponent sets up the last single-deck ship already in the process of playing in the last free cell. To make such deception impossible, the field and the ships are drawn in one color, and the shots are marked with a different pen or pencil.

Today, the Sea Battle game exists both as a desktop factory set and as a computer game, but playing on a simple checkered piece of paper is still exciting.

Let's play Sea Battle