Before the meeting starts. Board business game "Icebreaker"

Any group psychological training is doomed to end in complete failure if not enough attention is paid to establishing a positive attitude towards each other between the participants. Therefore, every good first training begins with special exercises, games, the purpose of which is to slightly entertain the group, set it up in a good-natured way and get to know each other.

In professional slang, such games are called " icebreakers", for obvious reasons - they allow you to split and melt the cold ice of the distance, traditionally present between strangers. Of course, icebreakers can be carried out not only during the first training with a new group, but their main purpose is, first of all, acquaintance. And here are the options for such games.

Snowball. A simple exercise that makes you immediately turn on brain and attention. This game is perhaps the most popular and simple, it is impossible not to mention it. Everyone becomes in a circle, and the curator too. The curator says his name. Then, standing next to him (to the right or left, it does not matter, but usually in a clockwise direction), repeats his name, after which he calls his own. The task of the third becomes more complicated again, he needs to name the name of the curator, the first participant, his own. The fourth one is even more difficult, and so on until the end of the circle. It's pretty simple, so it's common for this game to be complicated by gestures and adjectives.

Thus, first round includes only the repetition of names, the second requires the participants to remember the name and the "signature gesture" (each chooses which one he wants), and the third also requires the addition of an adjective to the name (Alexander the Radiant, Maria Moon-faced, and so on), which it is desirable to be funny and they can be chosen by yourself, or perhaps they are determined by the curator, if people in the group still behave constrainedly.

nuts. A simple exercise, the purpose of which is to set everyone present for positive tone. Each participant is given an ordinary one with the requirement to memorize it as best as possible in one minute. It is also advisable to give it a name. Then all the nuts are put in one basket, mixed, and you need to find your own. Once everyone has dealt with this, discussion follows, which is the main part of the game.

During the discussion, everyone should explain how exactly he remembered his nut, by what signs he found it "in the crowd". The natural conclusion from this exercise is that all people seem the same at first glance, but looking closer, you can see that each of them is unique, interesting, worthy of study. This should be voiced.

representative agent. The group is divided into pairs. Each pair is given a task - to compose each other's advertisement. Quickly come up with qualities and virtues that will then need to be presented to the whole group.
Couples come out in front of the group in turn and first one advertises the other, then vice versa.

Exhibition of hatters. In Hatter Street, an exhibition and two long-time rival guilds (maybe three, depending on the size of the group) decide to put on an exhibition that will showcase the best hat of each team of craftsmen.

Every" hatters' guilds"a set of colored paper, glue, whatman stapler, colored paper clips, scissors is issued. And in ten minutes they must create from all this, after which each guild presents its hat. One or more "barkers" talk about its merits. Someone in this time posing, with this same hat on his head.

Star. There are many ways to create a silhouette or symbol of a star with a group of people and a simple rope, but hardly anyone seriously thinks about it. But now is the time to do this, since this is the next task for the groups. Two or three groups should figure out in 4-5 minutes how to make a beautiful and believable star from a rope. At the same time, everyone must hold the star, non-participation of one of the team members is not allowed.

active politician. In this game, everyone suddenly turns into active politicians who have arrived for an important meeting. In three minutes, you need to have time to shake as many hands as possible, but at the same time, the handshake should be sincere, warm, you need to look the person in the eye and smile so that it does not seem to him that you are behaving disdainfully towards him.

After the end of time each writes down on the board your result - so many handshakes. Then everyone is given pieces of paper with a pen and you need to vote for the one whose handshake you liked the most. At the end, two winners are announced - the most "active", who shook the maximum number of hands, and the most honest, who won by voting. You can shake hands with the same person as many times as you like, but not in a row.

Mummy. In the absence of caretakers, the mummies in the tomb played cards and told jokes, but now they hear tourists approaching, and they (the mummies) are not at the parade! Standing quickly back to back, the three pairs of participants begin wrapping themselves in toilet paper. After three minutes, the "tourists" who came evaluate which pair of mummies was able to wrap up better than all the others.

Robot. You are an engineer of a scientific laboratory and you need to bring a malfunctioning robot to the repair department. But he is faulty, and does not see anything, and there are many obstacles in his way. Using a set of commands "step forward", "step back", "two steps forward/back", as well as "turn left/right N degrees", the operator must guide the blindfolded participant across the room. Tables and chairs are used as obstacles. Just make sure that no one falls in the process, it should not be any heavy and low angular objects that are easy to trip over.

Here, in fact, that's all. You can also find quite a few other icebreaker games if you wish, or even come up with your own custom exercise. The main thing is not to forget to mark the end of each exercise with applause.

Icebreakers and dating games" width="65 height=10" height="10"> chocolate bar" width="65 height=10" height="10"> List" width="65 height=10" height="10"> I am the one who...
If your group has already developed a trusting relationship, then you can play this game to get to know each other better. Each member of the group is given a sheet of paper. He must mark 10 items corresponding to him. Then the sheets are collected and read aloud, and everyone guesses who filled out this questionnaire.

I'm embarrassed when I get a compliment
- I'm afraid to speak my mind
- sing in the shower
- I pepper my soup a lot
- listen to music at full volume
- I like to dance when no one is watching
- I cry during melodramas
- stop to smell the beautiful flowers
- love to sleep during the day
I'm afraid to donate blood
- ran away from the dentist office
- love bad weather
- I like to read romance novels
- talking in my sleep
- I snore
- I hate flying
- criticize others a lot
- watch series
- afraid of the dark
- snitched as a child
- go to bed early
- I write poems
- talking to animals
- tore pages out of the diary
- spying on others while praying
- I like to sleep long
- not afraid to ask stranger
- I like to travel alone
- saving money
- very afraid of getting fat
I hate all girls
- lying about my age
- I sew my own buttons
- close my eyes in scary movies
- write off
- I take great care of my skin
I often make a to-do list for myself.
- I don't have close friends
- sleep with a toy
would prefer cremation to burial
- never went to the doctor
- I say directly when another smells from the mouth
- stayed for a second year
- First I eat the cake, then the first course
- I can't listen to the interlocutor
- very touchy
- fell asleep in church
- I don't use deodorant
- I always carry sweets with me
I even wear dirty socks
- can't take criticism
- …

Liar" width="65 height=10" height="10"> Crocodile" width="65 height=10" height="10"> Acquaintance" width="65 height=10" height="10"> Remember appearance
The game is useful for a group where everyone knows little. 6-16 people play. A pair of players is chosen. Having previously studied each other's appearance, they stand back to back. Everyone else begins to each of them in turn ask questions about the appearance of a partner.

For example:

How many buttons does your partner have on his jacket?
- What color are the laces on the neighbor's shoes?
- The color of your partner's eyes, etc.

The pair with the most correct answers wins.

What do we know about Vasya?
Play 2-5 teams of 3-10 people each. One person from each team is called. We will call him conditionally Vasya. The facilitator reads the questions, and the teams must answer them as accurately as possible. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the leader (the team gives their answer, Vasya gives his answer, and the leader compares).

Questions might be:

Vasya's date of birth
- What is the name of Vasya's mother?
- Who is Vasya's best friend?
- What school did Vasya go to?
- What did Vasya eat for breakfast today? etc.

Each team answers questions about their player. For the correct answer, the team is given points. The team that scores the most points wins.

Who is this? Who is it?" Everyone has to write down their guess. At the end, you say the correct names. The one with the most correct answers wins.

secret angel
This game requires all players to be together for at least one day. The game is good for getting to know each other better. Requires a person. The names of all participants are written on separate small pieces of paper, then they are folded, mixed. Each player draws one piece of paper with someone's name on it. Each player becomes a "secret angel" to the person whose name he drew. Secret because no one knows whose angel he is, the ward of the angel himself should not know either, this is kept secret. "Angel" all the time of the game gives his ward some attention.

For example:

Sends notes with Bible verses
- small gifts (sweets, cookies, etc.),
- writes him poems and comments, suggestions, etc.

The "angel" himself also receives signs of attention, because, in turn, he is also someone's ward. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards and shares their impressions.

Variety of names
The leader calls several names, and everyone who bears the named name goes to the leader and forms into groups corresponding to their name. The result is several groups (eg: Sasha, Anya, Lena, Ira). But since the host does not know all the names of those people who are in the hall, he invites the formed groups to name themselves (in turn) so that there are more and more new groups, the process of forming these groups is accompanied by applause. When all participants are involved in this game, the facilitator invites each group to say their name in unison.
Game participants who have a unique name, that is, left without a group, receive prizes for the uniqueness of their name.

Twins twin". Thus, it is possible to bring together strangers or unfamiliar people.

I never...
This game will help people get to know each other better. 7-15 people participate. The game requires chips according to the number of participants. Chips can serve as large beans, matches, or other small identical items.
The first player says: "I never...". Then he names what he has never done in his life (the game of honesty).

For example:

Didn't keep cats in the house
- have not been abroad
- didn't wear boots
- did not shave, etc.

Let's say the player said "I've never eaten pineapple". All players who ate the pineapples must give him one token. Then the turn passes to another player, and he calls something that he never did. The task of each player is to name something that he has never done, but all or most of those present have done. The game ends after a certain number of rounds. The one with the most chips wins.

burning match
While the match is burning, a person should tell about himself as much as possible. At the same time, he holds a match lit in his hand. One message - one point. (For example: My name is... I live...) The one with the most points wins. It will be much easier for you if you ask to read the messages of several people.

Paper needed
This game will help to get to know all your guests. The guests sitting at the table pass the roll in a circle toilet paper. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Morning, play with me! Friends, Irina Ivaskiv is with you. Have you thought about how many single people are today? They are lonely not so much physically as spiritually. Psychologists vying with each other give a lot of advice from loneliness. One of the most natural means to crawl out of the shell is the game for psychological relief - the so-called "icebreaker games".

Icebreaker games: a few examples

These games are great for kids, teens and adults. In fact, these are ordinary games. But thanks to the part of the lesson in which they are held, in what sequence, with what rules - they defuse the atmosphere, reduce the level of anxiety, train the ability to speak or draw what you feel, take you out of a state of loneliness. Great mental release!

traveling wave

The best way to play this game is to sit in a circle. One of the participants says a short greeting to his neighbor on the right. For example: Good morning!. The neighbor on the right should get up as quickly as possible, repeat this greeting and sit down. The next person on the right must do the same. A wave of standing up will begin, running in a circle until it returns to the first participant. When 4-5 people pass the first greeting, the second participant starts up his greeting in a circle. For example: Hello! When the second greeting has passed 4-5 people, the third participant starts up his greeting in a circle. Etc. The only wish: you need to play as fast as possible.

Mood face part 1

Participants remain seated in a circle. They are given a card with a face contour and a felt-tip pen. The task is for each participant to draw on the face the mood with which he came to the lesson, then show the painted face to the whole group and explain why he painted that particular face.

Wishes from body parts

Participants, sitting in a circle, take turns taking out a picture of a body part (or a card with the name of a body part) from a hat: stomach, heart, brains, diaphragm, little finger, eyes, etc. The selected body part will need to be kept secret. It will be necessary to come up with a wish on behalf of the selected part of the body and, voicing it, depict this part of the body with gestures. Other participants in the game will have to guess who these wishes were from.

Guess the song

With the help of some counting rhyme, a driver is chosen who goes out the door. The rest of the participants choose a line from a well-known song and distribute this line to each participant one word at a time. Then the driver enters, and the participants all at the same time begin to loudly repeat each word. The driver must guess what kind of song it is, collecting it by the word.

Mood face part 2

After the game “Guess the song”, you conduct the meeting as planned. And towards the end, again distribute the cards with the image of the contour of the face and the felt-tip pen to the participants. The task is for each participant to draw on his face the mood with which the lesson ends.


Even if you are alone, remember that every morning you are greeted by a new day in which you have never been! Friends, organizing icebreaker games is not long and not difficult. In nature with a barbecue, at home during a family dinner, at a lesson with children, at a children's camp, visiting patients in a hospital, at a birthday party, on a long trip ... Crawl out of the shell - after all, this world is so beautiful!

Game options.

Ecological games for children of primary preschool age


Target: to consolidate the elementary knowledge of children about the characteristic features of the seasons of the year.

Material: a large circle with a rotating arrow, divided into four sectors (each sector has its own color, imitating a certain season of the calendar year - white (winter), green (spring), red (summer) and yellow (autumn)), pictures depicting seasonal changes in inanimate nature.

Game task: after an arbitrary stop of the arrow, select pictures corresponding to the season indicated by the arrow.

"Guess it"

Target: to develop in children the ability to recognize and name representatives of the main life forms of plants (trees, herbaceous and indoor plants) according to the distinctive features of their appearance.

Material: cards with the image of trees (birch, spruce), herbaceous plants (aster, marigolds), indoor plants(ficus, balsam, begonia).

Game task: name the plants shown on the cards.


Target: to consolidate in children elementary knowledge about the structure of plants.

Material: split pictures depicting parts of a dandelion (stem, leaf, flower).

Game task: fold dandelions from cards and name its parts.

"Recognize and name"

Target: teach children to recognize and name animals according to the distinctive features of their appearance.

Material: cards with the image of various animals: dog, cat, cow, fox, bear, fish, crow, sparrow.

Game task: name the animals on the cards.

"What do animals have?"

Target: to consolidate the elementary knowledge of children about the parts of the body of animals.

Material: cards with the image of various animals - a dog, a cat, a cow, a fox, a bear, a fish, a crow, a sparrow.

game task: show and name the body parts of the animal shown on the card.

Ecological games for children of middle preschool age

"Living - non-living"

Target: to form in children the ability to navigate the concept of "living", to consolidate knowledge about the signs of living organisms.

Material: pictures depicting objects of living (plants and animals) and inanimate nature.

Game task: select those cards that depict living objects, and explain your choice.

"Zoological Lotto"

Target: to consolidate and improve the ability of children to recognize and name representatives of the main classes of animals according to the distinctive features of their appearance.

Material: game cards depicting different animals, cards depicting representatives of the main classes of animals (fish, birds, insects, animals), cards describing external distinctive features different animals.

The essence of the game

The Icebreaker game consists of 2 parts.

In the first part of the game, icebreaker captains go to sea to show themselves from the very better side and complete your mission as quickly as possible to score the required number of points.

The second part of the game will determine which of the participants is best acquainted with each of the captains and can claim the title of Admiral.

To win this game, you need to learn:

Listen and hear
. look and see
. remember and analyze.

The game can be played by 4 to 8 players. Depending on the number of participants, a certain number of missions participate in the game.

First part of the game

Number of participants

In the first part of the Icebreaker game, each of the players strives to be the first to score the required number of points in order to get
advantage in the second part of the game.

The game can be played by 4 to 8 players.

If 4-5 people participate in the game, the first part of the game is played up to 80 points. If 6-8 people participate in the game, the first part of the game is played up to 60 points.

Each participant in the game is the captain of the Icebreaker, whose task is to go on a voyage to score points by breaking ice floes and successfully overcoming various obstacles.

Preparing for the game

Each participant in the game chooses his own ship, which he places on the Harbor field.

Each ship has its own token, with the same flag as on the ship. This is a scoring chip. All chips of the playing captains are placed in front of the number "1", next to the digital field located on the island.

Also on the field, in the appropriate places, the cards “Bonus”, “Force Majeure” and “Cabin” are placed. All other cards will be needed in the second part of the game.

Participants determine who will start the game first. To do this, you can roll the dice and see who has the most a large number of points on dice.

The first part of the game uses two dice.

"Bonus" ("B") and "Force Majeure" ("FM") cards

For a stop on the field "B" (Bonus), the ship receives one additional point.

When stopping their Icebreaker on the fields "B" (Bonus) and "FM" (Force Majeure), players will have to fulfill the conditions written in the cards with the same names. Participants will have to talk about themselves, try to guess something about other participants in the game and perform various other tasks.

If, having raised the card "Force Majeure" of the type "Guess", the captain could not fulfill the condition of the card, then he must fulfill the instruction of the card. If the condition was met, then the captain is released from the order. (This only applies to Force Majeure cards of the “Guess” type; in cards of another type, the prescription is fulfilled in any case).

There are "Bonus" and "Force Majeure" cards in the game, which the player must keep until a certain moment. Such cards are marked with the icon... These cards remain with the player until he uses them. If the card is not used until the moment when the player crosses the Harbor field, then it is returned to the deck.

The second opportunity to return a card to the deck without following its instructions is to take a card of the opposite action. That is, if a player has a Force Majeure card in his hands and on subsequent moves he receives a Bonus card, he has the right to fulfill only the conditions of both cards, but is released from fulfilling the requirements of both cards, returning them to the deck.

Game progress: the captain, whose ship has landed on the "Bonus" or "Force Majeure" field, takes one card of the corresponding category and reads it aloud. Then he fulfills the condition of the card, the prescription of the card. The card is then returned to the bottom of its deck.

If the card has an icon... and it is written that “If you get on the points selection field (for example, “-2”), you will not lose a single point,” then the player keeps this card until he enters the points selection field. If he did not get to these fields until the moment the Harbor field passes, then when passing the Harbor, he returns the card to the deck.

Card "Cabin" ("KK")

Having stopped his ship on the field with the name "KK" (Cabin room), the captain has the opportunity to take the appropriate card and, after reading what is written in it, please the captains with a funny anecdote or surprise unusual fact written on the card.

Game progress: having stopped his ship on the field "KK" (Showroom), the captain takes one card of the corresponding category, reads it aloud and puts it back under the bottom of the deck.

Fields for adding points (for example "+2") and selection points (for example "-3")

If a ship lands on any of the scoring fields, such as "+2", then the captain of that ship receives an additional 2 points. Accordingly, if the ship of one of the captains stops on the points selection field, for example “-3”, I, then the captain of this ship loses 3 points.

Game progress: the captain, whose ship has stopped on the field for adding points (with the “+” sign), adds to himself the number of points that is indicated on this field. If the ship stopped on the points selection field (with the “-” sign), then the captain subtracts from the total number of points the amount indicated on this field.

If the total number of captain's points is less than the points that need to be taken away (this is possible at the very beginning of the game), then the number of points is reduced to zero.

Example: the captain has 3 points and his ship has stopped on the "-4" field. The number of his points becomes equal to "0".
Bomb field

When the Icebreaker of one of the captains stops on the Bomb field, this captain has the right to think up and ask his question to any of the captains.

Box labeled "Channel work"

Having stopped on this field, the captain performs the actions that are indicated on the bottom of this field (“+4”, “B”, “KK”). During the next turn, the ship starts moving from the field where it stopped on the previous turn, but, having reached the channel, it must turn into the channel and continue moving along the channel.

Game progress:

If the captain has stopped his ship on the “Work in the channel +4” field, he receives an additional 4 points and must turn into the channel during the next turn;

If the captain stopped his ship on the “Work in Canal B” field, then he takes one “Bonus” card, fulfills its condition and prescription, after which, during the next turn, he must turn into the canal;

If the captain stopped his ship on the “Work in the KK canal” field, then he takes one card “Cabin room”, reads it out and turns into the canal on the next move;

Field "Work in the channel + insurance"

Having stopped on this field, the captain automatically receives insurance for passing the channel. This means that on the next move, he starts moving along the channel, while he is insured against the action of fields with the “-” sign. If the ship stops on a field with a “-” sign, for example “-4”, then the captain does not lose points.

"Stop for 1 move" field

The captain whose icebreaker stops on this field will be forced to miss one turn.

Harbor field

From this field, all ships begin their movement at the beginning of the game. During the game, the captains receive 3 additional points each time they pass the Harbor field.

Game progress: the ship crossed the Harbor field (or stopped on it). The captain receives an additional 3 points and returns the unused Bonus and Force Majeure cards to the decks.

Fields "Ice"

Having stopped on any ice floe, the captain of this ship receives the number of points indicated on the ice floe. In the event that the cards accumulated during the round do not change the conditions for obtaining points.


Points are recorded during the game on a digital field located on the island. Each time one of the captains gains or loses points, the token corresponding to the color of his ship moves forward or backward.

Thus, during the game, any of the captains can always see the exact number of their points and the number of points of other participants.

Scoring at the end of the first part of the game

As we get closer to the end of the first part of the game, each of the captains will have enough information to draw up a "personal portrait" of each of the captains.

And who did it better than others, and who in the end will be worthy of the title of Admiral, will be determined by the second part of the game. The first part of the game ends at the moment when one of the captains scores the required number of points. After that, the points are redistributed, and the chips in the points table are moved as follows:

The captain who first scored the required number of points receives a bonus of 5 points in the second part of the game. His chip moves in the table to the number 5;

The second-placed captain receives a bonus of 4 points. His chip moves in the table to the number 4;

The captain, who takes third place, receives 3 points, his chip becomes the number 3;

The fourth-placed captain places his chip on the number 2;

The fifth-placed captain puts a chip on the number 1;

The remaining captains place their chips in front of the field with the number 1.


For this part of the game, you need to prepare a blank piece of paper and a pen for each participant in advance. After the points are redistributed and the chips on the scoreboard are rearranged, it's time for "Feedback". Each of the captains takes a piece of paper, writes in a column the names of the participants in the game (except his own name) and opposite each name he writes the facts that he remembered about this participant during the first part of the game.

In this part of the game, it is important that the participants complete this task on their own without prompting each other. This task must be completed within 3-5 minutes.

After all participants have completed this task, each participant demonstrates to the others what he wrote and reads aloud.

ATTENTION! After the reading of the recorded facts aloud has begun, it is no longer possible to fill out the sheets.

When all the captains have read the facts that were written on the sheets, a vote is taken. Each of the participants names the names of three captains, who, in his opinion, took the first, second and third places in the feedback. This means that these people memorized and read the most facts about the rest of the participants.

After that, an open vote is held, who, according to the majority, took the first, second, and third places in the feedback. As a result, feedback winners also receive additional points in the following order:

The captain who, according to the results of the voting, took the first place, receives 5 bonus points and moves his chip in the points table forward by 5 points;

The captain who, according to the results of voting, took the second place, receives 4 additional points and accordingly moves his chip forward 4 points;

The captain who, according to the results of the voting, took the third place, receives 3 additional points accordingly.

Second part of the game

The second part of the game is associative. Now, each of the participants has some idea of ​​what the other participants are capable of, what they like to do, and what they would do in this or that situation. Also, maybe mostly subconsciously, but each participant has some associations in relation to other captains.

To become an Admiral, it is not enough to know the maritime business well, one must also know one's crew, one's captains well.

If 4-5 people participate in the game, the second part of the game is played up to 50 points.

If 6-8 people participate in the game, the second part of the game is played up to 40 points.

Preparing for the second part of the game

The second part of the game takes place on a special field with flags located on the island. Each of the captains has his own flag. On one of the flags a "Sailor" chip (white) is placed. Each participant is given cards with numbers from 1 to 5. Cards "Imagine that ..." are laid out in the appropriate place (in the center of the field with flags). The second part of the game is played with one die.

Note: if less than 8 people participate in the game, then you can name free flags by the name of one of the public people who are well known to all participants, or by the name of your mutual friend. Your associations with this person can also play into the game.
Game progress:
The captain leading the game rolls the die. The "sailor" moves in a circle for the number of fields (flags) that fell on the die and stops at one of the flags. The captain who owns this flag is now in the spotlight. The one who rolled the die draws out the card “Imagine that ...” And reads what is written on the card, inserting the name of the captain in question instead of three dots.

For example:

Soon ... (Alexander) has a birthday. What do you think tickets for which event ... (Alexander) would be happy to accept (a) as a gift:

1) In the cinema;

2) To the opera;

3) To the theater;

4) To a jazz concert;

5) Bowling.

Then all participants (the one who is being discussed is also participating) choose from cards with numbers from 1 to 5, a card with a number that, in their opinion, indicates the correct answer. This must be done in such a way that none of the captains knows which answer the other captain has chosen.

According to the general command, everyone together shows each other their answers.

The winners in this round are the participants, most of whom showed the same answer.

For example: 8 people participate in the game, of which two showed the number 2, one showed the number 1, five showed the number 4. The participants who showed the number 4 win this round, since they turned out to be the majority. They all get one point. If the captain who was discussed is among the winners of this round, then all five winners of the round receive not one, but 2 points each.

Note: if the chip lands on a flag that is assigned to a public figure or to a common acquaintance of the participants, then the round is played exactly according to the same rules as the rest.

After the scoring tokens have been moved, the player next clockwise rolls the die and moves the Sailor.

The captain who first reaches the required number of points is proclaimed Admiral!

If several participants have reached victory points at the same time, then a few additional rounds are played so that a clear winner can be identified and proclaimed Admiral.

The game "Icebreaker" can be played many times even with the same people, this does not reduce the interest and excitement in the game.

If you want new sensations while playing this game, then just invite new people to the gaming table, and you will survive.
a storm of emotions that can only be compared with the real sea!

Good luck!!!