Presentation on the topic Zeus. Presentation on the topic Zeus The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Philosophy"

“Ancient Greek myths about the gods” - What monster lived in the labyrinth on the island of Crete. Who is Zeus? Labors of Hercules. Sisyphus. Myths and poetry. "Odyssey". Daedalus and Icarus. To which of the three goddesses did Paris give an apple with the inscription “The Most Beautiful?” Myths of Ancient Greece. Idioms. Name the brothers of Zeus. Which god was the father of Hercules. Hercules and the Cerynean hind.

"Greek Houses" - Fruits. Lamb in sauce. Oil was poured into the round tank of the lamp. Chairs for women had a curved back. White wine (diluted with water). Made of wood. How many floors did Greek houses have? Separate living. Roasted pheasant seasoned with sauce and spices. Olives. Dessert (fruits, treats).

“Music of Ancient Greece” - Pan. Music of Ancient Greece. Lord of the Dead. Lyra. Theater competitions. Marsyas. Basic concepts. Formation of worldview. Thinkers. Monuments. History of the Pythian Games. Antique musical instruments. Orpheus. Stadium in Delphi. Musical culture. Avlos. Pythian games.

"Temple of Artemis at Ephesus" - Over the centuries, the temple suffered many times from earthquakes. A huge white marble building. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. Greece, IV century BC. e. Thank you for your attention. Where to get marble? Not only is there no trace left of the majestic temple. The restored temple existed for more than six hundred years. The Temple of Artemis stood for more than a thousand years.

“Mythology of Ancient Greece” - An indispensable judge of shepherd musical competitions. Howard David Johnson. Diana. Pan instilled an unreasonable, so-called panic fear in people. Pan. Hades. A. I. Ivanov “Selena and Endymion”, 1797. Edward Poynter “The Vision of Endymion”, 1913. Charms and virtues. Aurora. In the era of classical mythology, the role of Hermes is rethought.

"Theater of Dionysus" - Solon (594 BC). Can the Athenian state be considered exemplary? A building to which decorations were attached to the wall. Athens People's Assembly. Orchestra. Find the mistake. Functions of the People's Assembly. A metal or bone stick with a sharp end. Ancient Greek poet-playwright. A metal or bone stick with a sharp end, which students used to press out letters.

There are 31 presentations in total

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Gods of Ancient Greece

Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna History teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Mayskaya Gymnasium”, Belgorod Region

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The ancient Greeks settled their gods on the highest mountain, Olympus. Its top was always, even on the clearest day, covered with clouds and remained inaccessible to human gaze. It was there, behind the clouds, that the Greek gods lived, and from the heights of Olympus they watched over the affairs of people. From here they generously rewarded people for good deeds or severely punished them for misdeeds and sins.

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The very first deity of the ancient Greeks was the god Uranus - the boundless and huge sky. He married the goddess Gaia and they had many children: first the Titans - six huge giants, then the Cyclops (one-eyed monsters), and then three ugly monsters, each with a hundred arms and fifty heads - the Hecatoncheires. Uranus greeted the birth of each of his descendants with ever-increasing horror. Looking at them, Uranus was afraid that someday the children would rebel against him and kill him. Therefore, he began to swallow every newborn child, and threw those who were already grown into Tartarus - the dark Abyss.

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Gaia suffered. Then she forged a very strong sickle from iron, which was capable of cutting off any head, and went down with it to Tartarus, where her children languished. Gaia asked her children which of them would dare to rebel against their father, who imprisoned them in a terrible dungeon. Of all of them, only the titan Kronos (time) decided to speak. He killed Uranus and took his throne.

Goddess Gaia with children

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Typhon and Echidna

A monster with a hundred dragon heads, the product of Gaia and Tartarus.

Echidna - half-woman, half-snake, daughter of Gaia and Tartarus, sister and wife of Typhon

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Children of Typhon and Echidna

Chimera - a monster with a fire-breathing lion's mouth, a dragon's tail and a goat's body

Kerberus (Cerberus) - a three-headed dog with a tail and mane of snakes, who guarded the entrance to Hell and served Hades as the guardian of the underworld of the dead

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Kronos is a titan, the youngest son of Uranus and Gaia, the father of the Olympian gods. On the advice of his mother, he rebelled against his father Uranus and overthrew him. Since Uranus remained helpless, the entire Universe was at the feet of Kronos. He released his brothers and sisters - the titans. Having taken the goddess Rhea as his wife, Kronos reigned on Olympus. Together they gave birth to two sons - Hades and Poseidon, and three daughters - Demeter, Hera and Hestia.

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Zeus is the son of Kronos and Rhea. The most powerful of the Olympian gods.

Kronos was afraid that his children would one day, like him, rebel against him and overthrow him from Olympus. Therefore, he ordered his wife Rhea to bring him their newborn children and swallowed them. But Rhea hid her last child on the island of Crete, in a deep cave, and instead gave Kronos a stone wrapped in a swaddling cloth. Zeus was courted by the nymphs Adrastea and Idea. They fed little Zeus with the milk of the divine goat Amalthea.

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Hera is the daughter of Kronos and Rhea, the sister and wife of Zeus, the patroness of marriages, conjugal love and childbirth. For the wedding of Hera and Zeus, all the gods sent them their gifts. Mother Earth Gaia gave Hera a tree with golden apples, which were guarded by the Hesperides on Mount Atlas in Hera's garden. Hera and Zeus had children: Ares - the god of war, Hephaestus - the god of blacksmithing and the eternally young Hebe. Hera reigns on high Olympus, is an adviser and assistant to her husband. If desired, the goddess can bestow anyone with the gift of foresight. Great is the power of Hera - the Queen of the gods. All living things bow before her, the great goddess.

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God of the Underworld - Hades

Hades is the son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, ruler of the kingdom of the dead. He reigns deep underground. Not a single ray of sun penetrates there. The kingdom of Hades is also called Hades or Hades. The sacred river Styx flows there, the gods themselves swear by its waters. The souls of the dead fill its surroundings with loud lamentations. The huge dog Kerber guards the entrance. Stern old Charon, the carrier of the souls of the dead, will never take a single soul to where the sun shines and laughter is heard.

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Poseidon is the son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Olympian god, ruler of the sea kingdom and all its inhabitants. Deep in the depths of the sea stands the wonderful palace of the brother of Zeus the Thunderer, the Earth shaker Poseidon. Poseidon rules over the seas, and the waves of the sea are obedient to the slightest movement of his hand, armed with a formidable trident. In the depths of the sea, Poseidon lives with his beautiful wife Amphitrite, the daughter of the prophetic sea elder Nereus.

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Demeter is the daughter of Kronos and Rhea, sister of Zeus, goddess of fertility and agriculture. She gives fertility to the earth, and without her charitable power nothing grows in forests, meadows, or arable lands. She taught people agriculture, and at her command the grain ripens. In the month of sowing, the Greeks celebrated the festival of Thesmaphoria in honor of Demeter.

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Ares is the god of cruel and merciless war, the son of Hera and Zeus. On Olympus, Ares became the secret rival of the hardworking Hephaestus. Ares has two sons to match him: Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Horror), eternal companions of war.

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God of fire and blacksmithing Hephaestus

The son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire, the blacksmith god, with whom no one could compare in the art of forging. He was born a weak and ugly baby. In anger, Hera grabbed and threw her son from Olympus down to a distant land. Fortunately, he did not fall to the ground, but into the vast sea, where the child was picked up by the Oceanids, sea goddesses. They took pity on the little freak and took him to the bottom of the ocean. There, in the azure grotto, they raised Hephaestus. Hephaestus grew up ugly, lame, but with powerful arms and a broad chest. He was a marvelous master of blacksmithing and forged many unique gold and silver jewelry.

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Athena is the first daughter of Zeus and the goddess Metis, a warrior goddess, defender of cities, patroness of sciences, agriculture, and crafts. This is the goddess of just war. She patronizes the heroes of Greece, gives them wise advice and helps them in times of danger. Athena guards cities, fortresses and their walls. And the girls of Greece especially honor her for her patronage in women's needlework. The goddess is wiser than all the gods of Olympus. Knowing this, Zeus sat next to her and consulted with her before doing anything. And people, wanting to improve their lives, turned to Athena for help and advice. A lot of temples were built in honor of Athena in Greece.

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Apollo is the son of Zeus and Latona (goddess of summer), god of light, archer, patron of predictions, arts, music and poetry, leader of the muses.

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Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Latona, twin sister of Apollo. Artemis is a hunter goddess, patroness of animals, and goddess of fertility. She takes care of everything that lives on earth, grows in the forest and in the field. Beautiful as a clear day, with a bow and quiver over her shoulders, Artemis happily hunts with her nymph companions. Artemis loves to relax in cool grottoes. And woe to those who disturb her peace.

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Hermes is the son of Zeus and the mountain nymph Maya. Patron of herds, trade, dexterity, deception and even theft. In the grotto of Mount Killena, the son of Zeus and the nymph Maya, a messenger of the gods, was born. With the speed of thought, he is transported from Olympus to the farthest edge of the world in his winged sandals with a staff in his hands. Hermes patronizes travelers not only during life. He leads the souls of the dead on their final journey - to the sad kingdom of Hades. With his magic wand he closes people's eyes and puts them to sleep. By patronizing trade, Hermes gives people income and sends wealth. He is the god of eloquence, and at the same time resourcefulness and deception. No one can surpass him in dexterity and cunning.

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Pan is the deity of herds, pastures, forests and fields, the son of the god Hermes and the nymph Dryope. Pan was born so ugly - with horns, a beard, goat legs and a tail - that his mother ran away from him in horror. The child was picked up by his father and taken to Olympus, where at the sight of him all the gods roared with laughter. Pan means “loved by everyone.” Pan is a shepherd of sheep and goats. Shepherds considered him their patron and brought gifts of milk and honey from wild bees. But he also patronizes hunters and fishermen, i.e. everyone who communicates with wild nature and enjoys its benefits. Pan protects the integrity of nature, its peaceful rest.

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Asclepius is the god of healing, the son of the god Apollo and the mere mortal woman Coronis. The wise centaur Chiron raised Asclepius on the slopes of Pelion. Apollo himself brought him. But people fell in love with Asclepius so much that they deified him as a healing god. People erected many sanctuaries and temples for him, among which the most famous is the temple of Asclepius in Epidaurus.

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Aphrodite was originally the goddess of fertility and then the goddess of love. She was born from sea foam and drops of the blood of the overthrown god Uranus. Aphrodite awakens love in the hearts of gods and mortals. Thanks to this, she reigns over the whole world. No one can escape her power. Since then, golden Aphrodite, forever young, the most beautiful of goddesses, has always lived among the gods of Olympus. Aphrodite gives happiness to those who serve her faithfully.

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Hymen is the god of marriage, the son of Aphrodite and Dionysus, the god of viticulture and winemaking. He hurries on his snow-white wings ahead of the wedding processions. The flame of his marriage torch burns brightly. Choirs of girls call on Hymen during the wedding, asking him to bless the marriage of the young people and send them a joyful life.

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Helios is the god of the sun (or the sun itself). Every morning he appears on a solar chariot drawn by four white, winged, fire-breathing horses (their names are Light, Shine, Thunder, Lightning), and descends into the Ocean in the west to cross a huge round boat until the morning.

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Chiron is the son of Kronos and the oceanid Philyra, the educator of many Greek heroes. Chiron was born half horse and half man. Wise, fair, benevolent, he was known as an expert in medicine and the arts, especially music. Chiron was a friend of Apollo, and an educator, teacher of such heroes as Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, Jason.

In ancient times, Greece was called Hellas. It was a beautiful country with an excellent climate, washed on three sides by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The highest mountain in Greece, Olympus, is located in the northern part of the country. Since ancient times, great gods reigned on Olympus, building palaces on the steep top of the mountain. In the main palace lived the ruler of gods and people, the thunderer Zeus.

Zeus was born on the distant island of Crete on the shortest day - December 22. Zeus grew up and became a young man of powerful physique. Having overthrown his father Kronos - the god of Time - from the Olympian throne, Zeus himself became the great god of Olympus. When he was angry, he threw golden lightning arrows, which caused thunderclaps, so they called him the Thunderer.

Zeus gave each of his brothers and sisters a small throne. Poseidon became the god of the seas, Hades the god of the underworld, Demeter the goddess of fertility and agriculture, Hestia the goddess of the hearth. Finally, Zeus took his pretty sister Hera as his wife.

Zeus and Hera had two sons - Ares and Hephaestus. And two daughters - Hebe and Iletia. From early childhood, Ares became interested in bows and javelins and played war, so when he grew up, with the consent of his father, he became the god of war. Hephaestus was a craftsman and inventor, he invented wheels and built chariots, and his daughters learned to dance and sing. Hebe became the goddess of eternal youth. The children of Zeus from other goddesses and earthly women became junior gods or titans - heroes of ancient Hellas. Each of them was endowed with some kind of talent and controlled the elements or craft.

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Statue of Zeus in the Hermitage Zeus in ancient Greek mythology is the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world. The main god is the Olympians. He can foresee the future. He announces the destinies of fate with the help of dreams, as well as thunder and lightning. The entire social order was built by Zeus, he gave laws to people, established the power of kings, also protects the family and home, and monitors the observance of traditions and customs. Zeus in ancient Greek mythology is the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world. The main god is the Olympians. He can foresee the future. He announces the destinies of fate with the help of dreams, as well as thunder and lightning. The entire social order was built by Zeus, he gave laws to people, established the power of kings, also protects the family and home, and monitors the observance of traditions and customs.

Zeus's father Kronos was predicted that he was destined to be defeated by his own son, so every time he swallowed the child just born to Rhea. Zeus's father Kronos was predicted that he was destined to be defeated by his own son, so every time he swallowed the child just born to Rhea. Rhea finally decided to deceive her husband and secretly gave birth to Zeus's next child. Instead of a newborn, she gave Kronos a swaddled stone to swallow. Rhea finally decided to deceive her husband and secretly gave birth to Zeus's next child. Instead of a newborn, she gave Kronos a swaddled stone to swallow.

Zeus throwing lightning The beautiful and powerful god Zeus grew and matured. Together with Poseidon and Hades, he rebelled against his father and forced him to bring back into the world the children he had absorbed. One after another, Kron spewed out his children, the gods, beautiful and bright, from the mouth. They began to fight with Kron and the Titans for power over the world. The beautiful and powerful god Zeus grew up and matured. Together with Poseidon and Hades, he rebelled against his father and forced him to bring back into the world the children he had absorbed. One after another, Kron spewed out his children, the gods, beautiful and bright, from the mouth. They began to fight with Kron and the Titans for power over the world.

This struggle was terrible and stubborn. This struggle was terrible and stubborn. Finally, the mighty titans wavered. Their strength was broken, they were defeated. The Olympians chained them and cast them into gloomy Tartarus, into eternal darkness. Finally, the mighty titans wavered. Their strength was broken, they were defeated. The Olympians chained them and cast them into gloomy Tartarus, into eternal darkness.

The ancient Greek city of Olympia was the site of the cult of the supreme god of the ancient Greeks, Zeus, and the Olympic Games dedicated to him. It was the greatest artistic center of Ancient Greece. The architectural ensemble of Olympia mainly took shape in the 7th - 4th centuries BC. Magnificent temples of the gods, large and small, were erected here. There was also one of the seven wonders of the world - the Statue of Olympian Zeus - the famous statue of the king of gods and people by the great Greek sculptor Phidias. The ancient Greek city of Olympia was the site of the cult of the supreme god of the ancient Greeks, Zeus, and the Olympic Games dedicated to him. It was the greatest artistic center of Ancient Greece. The architectural ensemble of Olympia mainly took shape in the 7th - 4th centuries BC. Magnificent temples of the gods, large and small, were erected here. There was also one of the seven wonders of the world - the Statue of Olympian Zeus - the famous statue of the king of gods and people by the great Greek sculptor Phidias.

The exposed parts of the statue's body were lined with ivory plates, the robes were cast in gold, and the base of the sculpture was wooden. The exposed parts of the statue's body were lined with ivory plates, the robes were cast in gold, and the base of the sculpture was wooden. The statue was huge - the height of the statue reached approx. 17 m. The base of the statue was 6 meters wide and 1 meter high. The statue was huge - the height of the statue reached approx. 17 m. The base of the statue was 6 meters wide and 1 meter high.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia The richest throne of Zeus was made of gold and ivory. The back, armrests and foot were decorated with ivory reliefs, golden images of the gods and goddesses of Olympus, and near each leg of the throne - images of dancing Nikas. The richest throne of Zeus was made of gold and ivory. The back, armrests and foot were decorated with ivory reliefs, golden images of the gods and goddesses of Olympus, and near each leg of the throne - images of dancing Nikas.

Engraving "Zeus at Olympia"

Traditionally, Zeus is depicted as a man of mature age with noble features, framed by thick curls. Traditionally, Zeus is depicted as a man of mature age with noble features, framed by thick curls. In the works of later artists, especially the modern masters, he is a character in love stories, deceiving women and taking on many guises. In the works of later artists, especially the modern masters, he is a character in love stories, deceiving women and taking on many guises.

“Danae” painting by Rembrandt from the Hermitage collection The classic plot of the painting is the appearance of Zeus in the form of a golden shower to a woman in prison. Such famous artists as Titian, Corredo, Gossaert, Klimt turned to this subject. The classic plot of the painting is the appearance of Zeus in the form of golden rain to a woman in custody. Such famous artists as Titian, Corredo, Gossaert, Klimt turned to this subject.

According to legend, Zeus appeared to Europe, who was playing with her friends on the seashore, in the form of a white bull and kidnapped her, taking her on his back to the island of Crete. According to legend, Zeus appeared to Europe, who was playing with her friends on the seashore, in the form of a white bull and kidnapped her, taking her on his back to the island of Crete.

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Zeus (Diy) is the supreme god of the Greeks, king and father of gods and people. Zeus is considered the son of Rhea and Cronus, which is why he is often called Kronid. Mount Olympus is considered the permanent residence of Zeus. According to the beliefs of the Greeks, Zeus controls all celestial phenomena and, above all, thunder and lightning. As the god of the sky, Zeus throws lightning, gives birth to thunder, gathers and disperses clouds.

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When Zeus shakes his aegis, storms and rains come, but he also sends a fair wind and grants clear days. Zeus controls everything that happens in nature; he is in charge of the correct change of seasons. In addition, he distributes good and evil on earth, sometimes he is identified with fate, sometimes he himself acts as a being subject to Moira - fate. The future is open to him. He announces the destinies of fate through dreams, lightning and thunder, with the help of the flight of birds and the rustling of leaves of sacred trees.

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The entire social order was established by Zeus, he gave people laws, established royal power, patronized public assemblies and councils, protected family and home, and monitored the implementation of ancient customs and religious rites.

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The attributes of Zeus were the aegis, scepter, needle and hammer. As the giver of victory in war and competitions, Zeus carried the goddess Nike in his hand. According to the main version of the myth, Zeus was saved by his mother from Cronus, who swallowed his children, and was hidden by her in a safe shelter. When Zeus grew up and matured, he rebelled against his father and overthrew the rule of Cronus and the Titans. Zeus forced Cronus to vomit his swallowed brothers and sisters. Having overthrown his father into Tartarus, Zeus shared dominion over the world with his brothers, Poseidon and Hades. As the conqueror of Cronus, Zeus received supreme power over the other gods.