Table number 15 menu. Symptoms and treatment

Diet table 15 is balanced in physiological and energy composition. The calorie content of the daily diet is about 2600-3100 kcal, which corresponds to the consumption standards of a person not engaged in physical labor. The total weight of food consumed should not exceed 3 kg per day, the recommended volume of liquid is 1.5-2.0 liters per day. Diet number 15 requires taking vitamin complexes and increased consumption of vegetables and fruits. Diet number 15 is designed for practically healthy people who do not have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is often used in a hospital or sanatorium during the recovery period after an illness, or for a smooth transition in nutrition from other treatment tables to a normal diet.

Consumption of almost all food products is allowed. Only fatty meats and fish, hot seasonings (red pepper, horseradish, adjika, mustard) and pastry products are excluded. The amount of table salt is limited to 12-15 grams per day. If a person has hypertension, the amount of salt is reduced to 5-6 grams, which are added to ready-made dishes immediately before consumption.

Any cooking methods, including frying, but rarely. Diet table 15 involves 4-5 meals a day.

Calorie distribution : breakfast - 25%, 2nd breakfast - 10%, lunch - 30%, afternoon snack - 10%, dinner - 25%. The protein content is 80-100 g, fats 100 g, of which 30 g are vegetable, carbohydrates 400-500 g, of which sugar accounts for about 100 g.

Allowed foods on diet table 15

  • Any bread is allowed, baked goods, dry biscuits, crackers.
  • Meat of various heat treatments - beef, lean pork, rabbit, chicken, turkey.
  • Sausages and cooked sausages.
  • All types of cereals, pasta, legumes.
  • Meat, vegetable, mushroom soups and broths.
  • Boiled eggs, in the form of an omelet, as part of dishes.
  • Various fruits and vegetables, fresh and processed, any kind of greens.
  • Sweet butter, vegetable oil for dishes.
  • Milk and fermented milk products in whole form and in food preparation.
  • Drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa, vegetable and fruit juices, kvass, decoctions of berries and herbs, dried fruit compotes, jelly.
  • Sugar and its derivatives, jam, honey.

Sample diet menu 15 table

Option 1.
1 breakfast:

  • Oatmeal with milk,
  • boiled egg,
  • a piece of cheese,
  • butter,
  • wheat bread,
  • coffee with milk and sugar.

2 breakfast:

  • Fresh apples,
  • cookie,
  • tea with sugar.


  • Borscht with beets in chicken broth,
  • chopped schnitzel,
  • crumbly rice porridge,
  • salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with vegetable oil,
  • Rye bread,
  • dried fruits compote,
  • cookie.

Afternoon snack:

  • Cocoa,
  • orange.


  • Fish stewed in tomato sauce,
  • vegetable stew,
  • Rye bread,
  • tea with lemon and sugar,
  • biscuit.

M.I. Pevzner developed it for people suffering from acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Each of these diets is aimed at improving the patient's physical and emotional well-being. Diet 15 according to Pevzner is complete nutrition. Most often, table 15 is prescribed to convalescent and healthy people to maintain good health. It implies a gentle and balanced diet.

The menu for dietary table 15 is designed for three or six weeks. Most often, this diet helps people restore the body after long-term illnesses or operations. Sometimes doctors add vitamins or minerals or dietary supplements to the basic diet. All this is necessary to improve the functioning of the body.

Diet number 15 involves 4-5 meals a day with a total calorie content of 2750 to 2900 per day. The menu usually contains about 400 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of protein and approximately 90 g of fat.

Given the fact that the diet is not too strict, both children and pregnant women can follow it. In this case, table 15 for pregnant women has several general recommendations:

  • 35% of the energy value comes from lunch, another 15% from dinner. The remaining 50% is evenly distributed between breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack;
  • Fruits, vegetables, salads and berries must be consumed at least twice a day;
  • Eating at night or eating anything before bed is not advisable. The last meal (dinner) should be no more than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Homemade products such as cottage cheese, milk or cream are best used for cooking. The fact is that it contains more than the necessary amount of fat;
  • It is recommended not to salt foods too much. The daily salt allowance per person is no more than 15 g;
  • It is advisable to follow a drinking regime - you need it a day (in addition to all other liquids);
  • It is best to cook immediately before eating. You should not store prepared dishes for several days, they lose their beneficial properties;
  • Be careful what you eat. Expired or stale food often leads to a return of the disease or may be the cause of poor health.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of dietary table 15 is the recovery period. This can be either recovery after surgery or serious infectious diseases, or remission after neuroses or depression.

Recovery is the most important period for the body’s immune system. That is why diet table 15 includes micro- and macroelements, vitamins and antioxidants. As well as various other types of biologically active substances.

What can you eat while on a diet?

While following the diet, you can eat:

  • Vegetables, salads, herbs, berries (including frozen, dried and after heat treatment);
  • Cereals, pasta (in small quantities);
  • Bakery products, the production time of which is no more than 24 hours;
  • Meat, fish and poultry;
  • Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, low-fat cheeses, fermented milk drinks;
  • – chicken, quail, goose (no more than 2 pieces per day);
  • Sweets – jellies, mousses, marshmallows, marshmallows, honey, dark chocolate (up to 20 g per day);
  • Apple cider vinegar, creamy and mild sauces (preferably homemade and for use as salad dressings), as well as butter and vegetable oil;
  • Unroasted seeds and nuts;
  • Herbal and fruit tea, berry compotes, still mineral water, weak coffee and chicory.

What can’t people on a diet table 15?

Table 15 - . The main contraindication is that it is too sweet, too salty, smoked, spicy or rich in harmful food and flavor additives.

During the recovery period, you should also avoid grilled meats and kebabs. In addition, it is useful to exclude mayonnaise, ketchup and other salad seasonings, except natural ones. As well as margarine and its derivatives, cooking fats.

The diet involves excluding from the diet fast food, processed foods, energy drinks, chips or crackers, as well as other foods with a high content of monosodium glutamate.

How to cook?

Almost the only restriction on cooking applies to fried foods, because the amount of cholesterol and trans fats contained in them can cause serious problems with the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, any person who wants to be healthy (not necessarily dieting table number 15) is obliged, if not to exclude, then to minimize the consumption of fried foods.

There can be many ways of cooking: stewing, boiling,... Most often, it is better to use a combination of vegetables, meat and fish in stewed form. These are fairly easy to prepare recipes that are also not difficult to prepare. The diet also allows for the preparation of pancakes, cheesecakes and similar products, but you should not abuse it!

Diet table 15: menu for every day

Day of the week Eating Food
Monday Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with milk, boiled egg, oatmeal cookies with tea
Lunch Dried fruits with nuts (200 g)
Dinner Borsch, cabbage rolls with sour cream, dried fruit compote
Afternoon snack Freshly squeezed apple and carrot juice, biscuits
Dinner Cottage cheese, oatmeal, jelly
Tuesday Breakfast Rice porridge with milk, cheese sandwich, coffee with milk
Lunch Apple pudding
Dinner Mushroom soup, mashed potatoes with a piece of chicken fillet, compote
Afternoon snack Kefir, apple
Dinner Vegetable stew with steamed fish, tea
Wednesday Breakfast Oatmeal with milk, cottage cheese, herbal tea
Lunch Yogurt
Dinner Rassolnik, pasta with chicken cutlets, tomato juice
Afternoon snack Ryazhenka, 100 g Nuts with dried fruits
Dinner Vegetable salad, buckwheat with fish in sour cream sauce, compote
Thursday Breakfast Buckwheat porridge, sausage, cheese, cookies with cocoa
Lunch Baked pumpkin
Dinner , walked with parking, juice
Afternoon snack Fruit, curdled milk
Dinner Vegetable stew with stewed fish, biscuits and tea
Friday Breakfast Oatmeal with milk, cottage cheese and coffee with milk
Lunch Biscuit
Dinner Borscht with sour cream, wheat porridge with meatballs, fruit jelly
Afternoon snack Yogurt
Dinner Vegetable salad, omelette with vegetables, cookies, juice
Saturday Breakfast Rice porridge with milk, bread with cheese, chicory drink
Lunch Cottage cheese casserole
Dinner Fish soup, meat pilaf, vegetable salad, compote
Afternoon snack Apple
Dinner Carrot cutlets, boiled meat and vegetable salad
Sunday Breakfast Wheat porridge with milk, toast with cheese and butter, tea
Lunch Bifidok, crackers
Dinner Mushroom soup, chicken with mashed potatoes, compote
Afternoon snack Cookies, herbal tea
Dinner Vegetable stew with fish, tea

Dish recipes

Dietary table 15 assumes the above menu for the week. You can use the following recipes:

Milk soup


  • A liter of milk;
  • 350 g pasta;
  • Salt, sugar.

Pour the milk into the pan and bring to a boil, then dump in the pasta (or noodles), add a pinch of salt and a little sugar. Bring to a boil, cook for about 3 minutes. Then turn it off and let it brew for another 15 minutes.

Baked pumpkin


  • 600 g pumpkin;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • Salt, spices.

Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and bake in the oven for a few minutes. Break the eggs into a plate and beat them, add salt. Pour beaten eggs over the baked pumpkin, add spices and bake until the eggs are ready. Bon appetit!

Chicken cutlets


  • 500 g minced chicken;
  • Egg;
  • Bread (crumb);
  • A glass of milk;
  • Salt.

Mash the bread and pour milk, break the egg there and knead the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt. Form cutlets from the mixture (preferably medium-sized so that they steam well). Cook in a double boiler for half an hour.

Diet No. 15 is close to the principles of a balanced diet recommended for healthy people. Used in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Indications for dietary table No. 15

Diet No. 15 is used in the treatment of patients without diseases of the digestive system in cases where therapeutic nutrition is not required. Diet No. 15 is prescribed when transitioning to a normal diet during the period of recovery from diseases, as well as for diseases of the nervous system.

Dietary table goal No. 15

The purpose of diet No. 15 is to provide adequate nutrition to patients with various diseases in a hospital setting, in sanatorium-resort institutions, etc.

General characteristics of dietary table No. 15

Diet No. 15 fully satisfies a person’s physiological needs for nutrients and energy. The calorie content of the diet is normal. In terms of the composition of products and methods of preparation, diet No. 15 is closest to the rational diet of healthy people.
The diet involves limiting spicy foods and seasonings, refractory animal fats (fatty meat, lard) and cooking fats.
When prescribing a diet for patients with diseases of the nervous system, tonic and stimulating foods (coffee, strong tea, alcoholic drinks, chocolate, cocoa) are excluded.
For hypertension stages I and IIA, dishes of this diet are prepared without salt, dispensing salt into the patient’s hands in the amount of 4-6 g per day.
Food is prepared in almost any form, the temperature of the dishes is normal.
Diet No. 15 involves fractional meals 4-6 times a day.

Chemical composition and energy value of dietary table No. 15

Proteins: 85-90 g (including about 45% animal proteins).
Fats: 70-80 g (including at least 30 g of vegetable fats).
Carbohydrates: 300-350 g (including up to 100 g of simple sugars).
Daily calorie content: 2,200 - 2,400 kcal.
Free liquid: 1.5-2 l.
Salt: 8-10 g.
Vitamins: retinol (A) - 1 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 2.8 mg, thiamine (B1) - 2.4 mg, nicotinic acid (B3) - 20 mg, ascorbic acid (C) - 150 mg.
Macronutrients: sodium - 5 g, potassium - 4.3 g, calcium - 1.3 g, phosphorus - 2.2 g, magnesium - 0.6 g.
Microelements: iron - 40 mg.
Optimal food temperature: no limits.

Bread: any, various flour products.
Soups: meat, vegetable, mushroom, cereal, dairy, fruit.
Meat dishes: any, including industrially produced meat products (sausages, sausages, stew, etc.).
Fish dishes: any, including salted fish, caviar and industrial fish products.
Side dishes: any cereals, vegetables (including legumes and greens), pasta.
Dairy products: milk, any dairy products and dishes made from them; Fermented milk products are especially recommended.
Eggs: in any form.
Snacks: Any snacks are allowed except very spicy ones.
Sauces: any except for very hot ones (adjika, horseradish, mustard, chili, etc.).
Sweet dishes: any except for confectionery products with rich cream.
Beverages: tea, coffee, cocoa, fruit drinks, juices, jelly, compotes, rose hip decoction.
Fats: any, except animal fat, lard.

Excluded foods and dishes of the diet table No. 15

Hot seasonings, spices and sauces, pepper and mustard, as well as fatty meat and poultry, and cooking fats should be excluded from the diet. Smoked and fried foods should be consumed with caution. You should not drink alcoholic beverages.

Sample diet menu No. 15

First breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, corn porridge with milk, coffee.
Lunch: liver pate, carrot juice.
Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, cream of porcini mushroom soup, salmon steak with country-style potatoes, popsicles, tea.
Afternoon snack: cheesecakes with sour cream, fruit drink.
Dinner: vegetable stew with beans, boiled tongue, tea.
For the night: kefir.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330 “On measures to improve clinical nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation” dated 05.08.2003

Dietary table recipes No. 15:

  • scrambled eggs with tomatoes
  • liver pate
  • cream of porcini mushroom soup
  • salmon steak
  • cheesecakes with sour cream
  • vegetable stew with beans
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According to the accepted gradation of therapeutic diets, there are several types of nutrition with a number designation from 0 to 15. This is the so-called Pevzner diet, named after the doctor who proposed it at the beginning of the 20th century. The last, 15th table is intended for patients who do not suffer from indigestion or other pathologies of internal organs. The diet allows the consumption of almost all foods, is quite high in calories and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and contains a lot of carbohydrates.

Basic Rules

The rules of table No. 15 provide:

  • Fractional meals, with the maximum amount of food at lunchtime and the minimum amount before bed. With six meals a day, the volume of food at lunch is equal to 35% of the daily intake, all others: breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner do not exceed 20% in volume.
  • With almost no restrictions on the cooking process, a large number of fried foods is not recommended.
  • Complete absence of alcoholic beverages and limited salt intake. Typically, the amount of salt per day should not exceed 7 grams, and during the cooking process food is not salted, adding salt to already prepared dishes.
  • The calorie content of the daily diet reaches 3000 calories, the amount of carbohydrates is three times higher than the amount of proteins and fats. Almost 70% of fats should be of animal origin, 50% of proteins should be of vegetable origin.
  • The temperature of the prepared food does not matter; you can eat both cold and hot dishes.
  • The liquid is offered in volumes of up to 2 liters.

Dietary table No. 15 has an undoubted advantage over regular nutrition; it contains a lot of vegetables and fruits, is varied in composition and is fully consistent.

Permitted and prohibited products

The list of products allowed in diet No. 15 includes:

  • Red meat (veal or beef);
  • Turkey and chicken meat, game;
  • Sea and river fish;
  • Rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Fermented milk products, cream;
  • Hard and young cheeses;
  • Butter in small quantities;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Pasta;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetables (except legumes);
  • Vegetable juices;
  • Fruits in any form, fresh or in dishes, berries;
  • Green leafy vegetables, spicy herbs;
  • Sauerkraut, cucumbers, pickled apples.

All products can be consumed either as part of various dishes or independently. Diet number fifteen is an excellent basis for any diet that involves the use of most available foods. Principles, and young mothers, children's menu - all this can be included in the traditional 15th table.

Prohibited products:

  • Alcohol in any form;
  • Pork and lard;
  • Lamb;
  • Fatty goose and duck meat;
  • Pasteurized milk;
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juices in their pure form;
  • Legumes, soy products;
  • Hot spices;
  • Marinades.

Shop pasteurized milk is harmful to the adult body, since casein (the main protein of milk) is difficult to digest, and calcium and phosphorus turn into an insoluble compound when heated. The body spends its own calcium to process and digest these substances, which is why adult women who drink milk every day have increased bone fragility.

Freshly squeezed fruit juices are not recommended to be drunk on an empty stomach., undiluted, as they contain fruit acids that irritate the gastric mucosa. Fresh juice does not contain fiber, which slows down the absorption of fructose, and a glass of juice drunk on an empty stomach causes a sharp rise in insulin levels in the blood. According to statistics, Drinking fresh juice every day significantly increases the risk of diabetes.

Sample menu

The menu for every day for a person following diet No. 15 can be varied. An abundance of vegetables, fruits, protein dishes and even sweets allows you to make every meal a holiday.

Menu for the week, with an approximate diet schedule for each day.


  • The first breakfast should consist of a steamed omelet, a piece of toasted bread with butter and a cup of black tea.
  • Second breakfast is a sandwich of toast or bread with fresh tomato, lettuce and a slice of ham. A cup of rosehip decoction with a spoonful of honey will fill you with vitamins and energy.
  • Lunch consists of three courses, but the first can be prepared with chicken soup with vegetables, and the second can be served with boiled chicken with a side dish of stewed vegetables. Dessert in the hot season is ice cream, in winter it is curd cream.
  • The afternoon snack should be light, so a baked apple with berry jelly will be a great refreshment.
  • Dinner after a hard first day of work should be veal baked in foil with a side dish of potatoes and fresh lettuce. A few pieces of dark chocolate and a cup of herbal tea will put you in the mood for relaxation.
  • Before going to bed, you should drink a cup of kefir.


  • The first breakfast is oatmeal on water with pieces of fruit and honey sauce. Tea or coffee with dried bread.
  • Second breakfast - two juicy cheesecakes with a spoonful of sour cream and a cup of herbal tea will set you up for work.
  • Lunch – red beetroot soup with sour cream for the first course, boiled beef with buckwheat porridge for the second course and fruit for dessert.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of pumpkin juice goes well with a handful of nuts and dried fruits.
  • Dinner after a light afternoon snack begins with a vegetable salad with sour cream dressing, boiled potatoes with lightly salted herring. Dessert – fruit jelly.
  • Before bed - a cup of herbal tea with cranberry jam and a small piece of toast.


  • The first breakfast is a sandwich with cheese and butter, a cup of tea or coffee with sugar.
  • Second breakfast – chocolate muffin and a cup of fermented baked milk.
  • Lunch – noodle soup with chicken broth, homemade dumplings with minced beef and a glass of sweet yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole and a glass of pumpkin juice.
  • Dinner - porridge from a mixture of rice and millet cereals with raisins, baked in a pot with carrot juice and cream. Rosehip decoction with honey.
  • Before bed - a glass of unsweetened yogurt.


  • First breakfast - two boiled eggs with a spoonful of red caviar, fresh tomato and a slice of bread with butter.
  • Second breakfast – a sandwich with lightly salted salmon and a cup of vegetable juice.
  • Lunch – fish soup with puff pastry pies, baked fish stuffed with herbs with a side dish of boiled vegetables. For dessert - fruit salad with whipped cream dressing.
  • Afternoon snack – fresh soft cheese and jam, a cup of green tea.
  • Dinner – beef stroganoff with sour cream sauce, mashed potatoes and fresh salad. Fruit salad with yogurt dressing for dessert.
  • Before bed - any fermented milk drink.


  • The first breakfast is a hot sandwich with boiled sausage, tea or coffee with sugar.
  • Second breakfast – apple or orange.
  • Lunch – okroshka with kefir, steamed meatballs with a vegetable salad of baked vegetables and olive oil. Dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of vegetable juice, cottage cheese.
  • Dinner – dumplings with cottage cheese, sour cream. Rose hip decoction.
  • Before going to bed, drink kefir or fermented baked milk.


  • The first breakfast is oatmeal with grated apple, coffee or tea.
  • Second breakfast – curd cheese with yogurt.
  • Lunch – pureed pumpkin soup, potato pie with beef, a slice of fruit pie.
  • Afternoon snack – berry jelly, biscuits.
  • Dinner – rice casserole with apples and raisins, fruit mousse with a scoop of ice cream.
  • Before bed - a glass of yogurt.


  • First breakfast - omelet with ham and tomatoes, tea, coffee.
  • Second breakfast – custard cake with sour cream, green tea.
  • Lunch – steamed manti made from chopped veal, sauce made from sour cream and tomato juice with garlic. For dessert - cottage cheese pie with nuts.
  • Afternoon snack – fruit salad.
  • Dinner – chicken baked on the grill or over an open fire, salad of fresh vegetables.
  • Before bed - kefir.

The menu is exemplary; you can include in it many dishes that are traditional and loved by the family, following the rules of their preparation. 15th the table can be used as a basis for everyday meals, since this diet is perfect for children, working men and has virtually no restrictions in the choice of foods.

Diet 15 is the latest of the therapeutic nutrition programs developed by Pevzner. Diet Table 15 according to Pevzner is intended for convalescent people who are switching to normal nutrition after other diets, and therefore has few restrictions. However, there are them, but more on that below.


  • The medical diet “Table 15” is indicated for various diseases that do not require a special attitude to the diet, when there are no disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Also, dietary table 15 is a kind of transition to normal nutrition after other diets during the recovery period.

If you do not belong to the category of people for whom this diet is indicated,

Important! Diet "Table number 15" according to the standards almost completely corresponds to the nutrition of a healthy person.

  • Spicy, too fatty and difficult to digest foods are excluded
  • Dishes at table number 15 should be enriched with vitamins and beneficial microelements
  • Culinary processing – any
  • Food temperature is normal
  • Calorie content – ​​2800 Kcl
  • Meals per day – 4-5
  • Amount of salt – 15 grams

Product table

What is possible and what is not possible with the Table 15 diet?

Product table Can It is forbidden
Soups Borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, mushroom, fish, meat, fruit, milk soups -
Bread and pastries Flour products, including those made from wheat and rye flour -
Meat, poultry, fish Meat dishes of various preparations (it is not advisable to overcook them), sausages, small sausages, frankfurters Fatty meat, duck, goose, animal fats
Milk Milk, dairy and fermented milk products, cottage cheese and dishes made from it. Sour milk must be in the diet, butter Margarine
Eggs Eggs both separately and in dishes -
Cereals All cereals, pasta, legumes -
Vegetables and fruits All vegetables, herbs and fruits are allowed, both in their natural form and after processing, vegetable oils Hot pepper, mustard
Beverages Juices, decoctions, fruit drinks, tea, coffee, cocoa -

The list of restrictions is short:

  • Fat meat
  • Fat bird (duck, goose)
  • Animal fats (refractory only)
  • Mustard and pepper
  • Margarine
  • 600 grams pumpkin
  • 4 eggs
  • 50 grams butter

Cut the pumpkin into cubes and fry in butter for 3-5 minutes. Beat the eggs with salt, put the pumpkin in the mold, pour in the eggs and put in the oven until the eggs are ready.

Chicken cutlets

  • 500 grams minced chicken
  • Four slices of bread
  • Cup of milk
  • Salt to taste
  • One egg

Soak the bread in milk, add minced meat, salt, egg and knead well. Form cutlets, place in a steamer tray and cook for half an hour. Cooking time depends on the size of the cutlets.


Treatment table 15 provides complete, balanced nutrition for a recovering person.