Why did the dove touch its shoulder with its wing? What are the signs about pigeons? The dove left a feather on the windowsill

The dove is the bird of peace and happiness. Folk signs associated with this animal can both warn of danger and bring happiness. Everything will depend on many circumstances.

The dove touched with its wing

It is believed that if a person is touched by a wing, it means failure and trouble await. But this sign does not apply to pigeons. These birds bring goodness and happiness, and the person touched is surrounded by good and pure energy.

A dove touched its face with its wing - this sign carries only positive meaning. This is a symbol of chosenness. In this way, the Higher powers send blessings to a person. This is especially true when touched by a wild pigeon. This promises material benefits, winnings, and a large inheritance.

In the Middle East, these birds were considered the souls of kind and bright people. And another sign is connected with this. If a dove not only touches its face with its wing, but also marks it, this sign symbolizes a new addition to the family.

The symbol of peace and happiness will not even come close to a bad person. And if a dove touches its head with its wing, it means you are a good and bright person. God loves you and in the near future expect success and good luck in all your affairs.

This sign seems to show a “green light”. A person will soon have a streak of luck. Plans and dreams will soon come true. And if there are none, then quickly make a wish before the bird flies far away.

Meeting details

It turns out that when interpreting folk signs, you need to pay attention to details. Remember what you were thinking about at that moment, what thoughts were bothering you. So, if you thought:

  • about money - profit awaits,
  • about your soulmate - she loves you or you will meet her soon,
  • about work - your career will go uphill,
  • about the family - peace and love will reign.

In rare cases, a dove brushing a person with its wing brings bad news. This applies to cases where the bird is negative, aggressive, or behaved strangely and incomprehensibly. Rather, in this way, she wanted to warn of danger.

Why do pigeons sit on the head, shoulders, arms and other parts of the body?

Of course, domestic birds happily fly to their owners, and there is no mysticism in this. It’s another matter if a wild pigeon suddenly lands on your head, shoulder or arm. And if he walks around a person, it means he definitely wants to communicate something. This behavior of the bird indicates that the time has come for decisive action.

So, if he sits down:

  • good news on hand,
  • on the shoulder - promotion,
  • on the chest - good luck in love.

Wherever the “bird of peace” lands, it promises a person happiness and joy. And in general, it all depends on what the person lacks. For example, for an unmarried girl, the sign promises a quick wedding or a fateful acquaintance. If you are walking with your partner in the park, and a dove circles around and touches its wings, it means that you are suitable for each other and you have a bright future.

Sometimes, a bird flies by and carries a twig or feather in its beak. This is another sign that symbolizes financial well-being. Moreover, the profit will flow into your hands, without any effort.

To summarize, we can say that if a dove touches its face or other part of the body with its wing, this is an excellent omen. And remember that superstition only works if you don’t do anything specifically for it.

Signs about pigeons are varied and numerous. They can promise happiness, misfortune or be ambiguous. Most of the signs and superstitions should be considered not separately, but in the context of factors associated with them: the behavior of the pigeon, its appearance, accompanying circumstances, as well as the emotions that the bird evokes.

The sign of a dove itself is always based on the symbolism of a given bird, which means that the issue of symbolism should also be understood. Let's look at the signs about pigeons in more detail: their symbolic meaning, positive and negative meaning.

Signs and superstitions about the dove are always based on its symbolic meanings. The main symbolism of this bird is positive: it signifies love and purity, peace and eternal life. Love can have a carnal or spiritual meaning, depending on the context. Since these birds usually choose a mate for life, they can signify fidelity and a strong marriage. A dove, especially a white one, denotes purity of thoughts, innocence, meekness and humility - a person with a similar character is said to have a “dove-like disposition.”

This bird often symbolizes news, and happy news (take, for example, Noah’s Ark and a dove with an olive branch), although, depending on behavior or appearance, it can be read the other way around. So, for example, a black or dead pigeon is sometimes a bad sign. Harming a bird also has a negative meaning: running over or killing a pigeon with a car is always interpreted as an unlucky omen. In addition, this bird symbolizes the soul and the connection between the earthly and the divine, and therefore can foreshadow death as the transition of the soul to another world when it flies away to God.

To profit

One of the most famous folk superstitions about pigeons is of a comic nature: it is considered a good sign if a given bird craps on a person. In any case, this unpleasant incident promises profit, but, depending on where the “gift” ended up, one can judge what kind of happiness awaits a person. If a dove flew by and pooped on its head, you can expect easy profit: a bonus, a win, a cash gift or an unexpected inheritance. If a bird poops on your uniform, work or office clothes, expect a promotion with all the ensuing benefits.

If you “marked” your left hand, this means you will receive money, and your right hand means that you will discover some kind of ability. Even if you simply dreamed that your foot fell into pigeon droppings, this is also a happy omen: success awaits the person, and most often monetary. If a bird flies to the window and poops on the glass (on the windowsill or on the balcony), you can expect guests. However, if pigeons are regular guests on the balcony or windowsill, you don’t need to attach any importance to this sign.

To love

It is believed that it is a good omen for an unmarried girl to see white doves flying around her house. One dove on a branch means that someone loves her from afar, and a couple promises mutual feelings and a quick wedding. It is considered a good sign of love to see a pair of doves kissing and hear them cooing. If a bird flies into the kitchen, this promises a strong marriage and a cozy family hearth. If a dove flies into the room of an unmarried girl, she may soon receive a marriage proposal.

When a couple of pigeons sit on your windowsill, be sure to note their behavior. If they sit quietly and calmly, everything will be peaceful in your love or family life. If the lovebirds coo, a romantic period awaits you (for a girl - beautiful courtship). If the birds quarrel and fight, then perhaps conflicts will arise in the relationship. The unexpected appearance of white doves at a wedding is considered a good omen: these birds promise a happy family life for the newlyweds.

On the windowsill

Seeing a dove sitting on the windowsill outside the window (on the cornice) is a good omen, promising good luck, happy news and events. If a white dove has flown to the windowsill, the person will have good luck in love or a meeting with a loved one. In addition, a dove on a windowsill with a blade of grass or a twig in its beak is considered a very good omen; it means that soon the life of the household will change for the better.

If the dove is “facing” the window, as if looking into a house or apartment, someone is bored, which means that dear guests or news from loved ones may soon arrive. If a pigeon sits with its side or back to the window, most likely there is a trip or journey ahead.

If a bird flies to the window and knocks on the glass with its beak, very important news awaits the person. The news heard soon after this cannot be ignored: it will play a significant role in life. Sometimes a bird not only knocks, but persistently and for quite a long time beats against the glass: this indicates disturbing news and warns of possible troubles. It is not recommended to let pigeons that make a loud knocking sound and hit the window. When a pigeon hits the window and flies away, you should prepare for unplanned financial expenses.

On the balcony

The sign when a dove flew onto the balcony has a similar meaning: you can expect good news and positive events. If the birds do not land, just flying and circling over the balcony, this indicates news and news. If the pigeon not only flew in, but brought a friend and together they built a nest on the balcony (or next to it), rejoice! Your home is not threatened by any disasters; on the contrary, a period of peace and prosperity awaits you. If the birds have laid eggs in the nest and are hatching them, this is a good sign, promising good luck, but if for some reason they leave the clutch, expect trouble.

The same can be said if pigeons live on the roof: while they live there, the house is not in danger. Birds intuitively sense approaching disasters (be it a fire, a gas leak, or even a dangerous disease), and if they do not fly away from their habitual place, then nothing bad is expected.

However, it is considered a bad omen to find a dead dove on your balcony: this indicates impending illness and disappointment. If a pigeon has fallen onto the balcony (or has been wounded on the threshold), but is still alive, it is worth trying to get it out: in this way it is possible to prevent misfortunes.

In room

If a pigeon has flown into a house, the sign speaks of upcoming guests (whether welcome or not depends on the type and behavior of the pigeon). A white bird definitely brings joy, but a black one can warn of troubles (gray, brown or purple have no negative meaning). If the dove not only flew into the room, but hit the furniture, wall or mirror, difficulties await the household. The situation is especially dangerous if the pigeon crashed into something inside the house and fell dead. If he knocked, but did not harm himself and immediately flew out, the troubles will be temporary, they can be solved without any special consequences.

If a bird flew home through a wide open window, the importance of news or events will be somewhat less important than if it got inside through the window. If a pigeon simply entered the room through the balcony door and walks calmly, the changes will be positive, but smooth and slow. If a pigeon flew into the entrance, changes may affect all residents of the entrance or any of them (more often - the one who sees the bird). If possible, the bird should be carefully caught and released so that it does not harm itself by hitting the walls. The effort and time spent will help prevent possible troubles.

On a person

It is considered a lucky omen if a dove lands on a person: on the head, shoulder, arm or other parts of the body. Apart from domestic birds, which often fly in and perch on their owners, pigeons rarely come close to people. If this happens, know: you are a very harmonious person with good thoughts and positive energy. The blissful atmosphere around you will definitely attract good luck, happy events and gifts of fate.

It is believed that if a dove flies and sits on one’s head, wealth awaits a person, and if it lands on one’s hand, success in work. Even if the dove barely touched or lightly touched with its wing, the person will still experience prosperity and successful coincidences of circumstances. Even if he flew up and tried to peck, the sign does not lose its positive meaning. In this way, the bird wanted to express sympathy and announced the upcoming lucky streak of life.

On holidays and weather

There are signs about doves associated with religious holidays, for example, the Annunciation. So, it is believed that if a dove flew up to the window that day and knocked on the glass, then you can expect an addition to the family. If a bird flies to the window on the Feast of the Savior, expect God's gifts and a good harvest. And if a dove comes on Palm Sunday, it promises wealth and excellent health for the whole year.

If you hear doves cooing on the street, you need to keep in mind that the weather will soon change: a sunny day will become cloudy and vice versa. If birds bathe in a puddle, the weather will be hot and dry, and there will be no rain for a long time. By the spring behavior of pigeons in puddles, one can judge what kind of weather is expected in the summer: if they swim a lot, then the summer will be sultry and without rain. And if the doves avoid the puddles or run out with their paws slightly wet, you can expect precipitation in the near future.

Other signs

It is considered a bad omen to do something to the detriment of birds. Under no circumstances should you kill them, throw pebbles at them, or destroy their nests. On the contrary, to attract good luck and wealth, pigeons need to be fed.

  1. Finding a white dove's feather is considered a lucky sign. According to a long-standing custom, such a feather was taken home as a talisman - it protected the family and home from misfortunes.
  2. It is believed that finding a dead dove in front of the threshold is a bad sign, promising a serious illness. But if you see a dead bird not in your yard, but somewhere on the road, the omen will not have the same meaning.
  3. To hit a pigeon with a car means to begin to prepare for obstacles and serious obstacles in business, as well as for possible troubles on the trip. You should be extremely careful, or even better, postpone the trip, reconsider your plans and motivation.
  4. A dream in which pigeons built a nest tells single people that they will soon start a family. For family people, pigeons making a nest can mean buying a new home, making a change, or furnishing an apartment.
  5. If you recognize a bad omen in the appearance and behavior of a dove, read the “Our Father” prayer three times and mentally say “Thank you, bird of God, for the warning. I ask the higher powers to take the trouble away from me and let nothing threaten my loved ones.”

The dove touched its head with its wing - a sign that can be deciphered in different ways. If a bird sits on the top of its head or touches its face or shoulder with its wing, this can warn of both good and bad events.

The bird touched with its wing, crashed - why

The Slavs believed that if birds stroke someone with their wings, he was destined to fulfill an important mission.

What happened can also promise the fulfillment of a cherished desire. The bird hit you - expect important news, but by phone or in a letter.

The sign also has a negative interpretation. A pigeon crashed in mid-flight or - a warning about problems on the road. This especially applies to air travel.

Mystics say that pigeons move along special routes and will not fly where negative energy reigns. Therefore, a collision with a bird indicates a path filled with positive energy.

A dove sat on its head and other signs

Beliefs about pigeons advise paying attention to details. Where did you meet the bird - on the street or on the territory of the house, as well as her behavior, aggressive or friendly.

  • A dove on the street lands on its head - indicates that a person is chosen. Higher powers marked him.
  • You have made or are about to make the right decision, and you are at a crossroads. One of the options seems more correct - don’t be afraid, choose it.
  • Perhaps a long-awaited promotion, receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery.
  • Often, a dove, appearing next to you and sitting on your head, warns of good news.
  • He flew over his head, touched his wing and made a mess - there will be a replenishment. You can also find out with the help of folk signs.
  • The bird holds something in its beak, sits on you and begins to walk, say, on your leg - for good luck, good luck. The time has come to decide to do what you have long wanted, luck will accompany you.

Such signs will not be relevant with tamed pigeons. After all, they are literally ready to pounce on a person with food and surround them from all sides.

Any encounter with pigeons can be deciphered using ancient folk beliefs. They have long been sure that they will help us find out what fate has in store. But to believe in such signs or not, it’s up to you to decide.

Kira Stoletova

Signs about pigeons help us unravel the behavior of these birds and understand what it brings to us. In most cases, beliefs say that pigeons promise happiness. For many peoples, these are divine birds that bring messages from heaven. Their feather is considered a talisman. Even if the bird craps its pants, folk superstitions about pigeons will say that the person will be lucky. There are also negative signs that warn of danger. You can read about all this in this article.

A dove flies into the window

We can see pigeons every day on the streets of our city. But you are not at all bothered by these birds as long as they do not invade the house. That’s when all the well-known signs and superstitions about the dove come to mind. What does it mean if this bird flies into the house or a pigeon flies onto the balcony? Here are some signs about domestic pigeons and explanations:

  • A dove flew into the house through the window. If it is white, wait for the arrival of guests. They will be pleasant and bring you a lot of joy. A white one flies in, luckily. If the dove is black, beware, it is not good. Perhaps unpleasant news awaits you. A colored bird means news or a letter.
  • Birds flew to the window, but did not land, which means the news is not too important
  • Flew into the kitchen of an apartment through the window - you will have a long and happy family life.
  • If a pigeon entered the kitchen through the door as if entering its home, expect replenishment.
  • A dove sat on the windowsill outside the window and is carefully watching you. Most likely, she warns of troubles. Pay close attention to everything you do in the house.
  • A white dove flew to the windowsill - for an unmarried girl this is a signal of an imminent wedding.
  • A dove flew to the window with a twig in its beak - it means it brought happiness and good luck. This sign is considered especially good on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. These days, the holy spirit himself descends to earth in the form of a dove.
  • A bird hitting its head on the glass is a bad omen. Failures and misfortunes await you. If the dove fell dead after this, it means that the family is in for a real disaster or someone’s death.
  • A pigeon hit the window and flew away, wanted to pass and there was glass nearby - the troubles would be serious, but solvable.
  • A dove has flown onto the windowsill and is knocking on the window - a good omen, expect news soon. If someone died in the house before this, then his soul flies in to communicate with loved ones. When the bird is calm, there is nothing to fear, but if at the same time the dove beats its wings, knocks insistently, a deceased relative warns of misfortune.
  • He sat down on the windowsill of the room where the patient was lying; he would get worse or even die. If he also knocks on the window, then things are really bad.

As you can see, if a dove flies into a house, the omen can be either good or bad. It is important to read the message correctly. Attention to detail can prevent trouble. The sign of a dove on the windowsill will help you recognize secret signals in time, both successful and not so successful.

Pigeon on the balcony

Birds can fly not only into a window or into a room, but also sit on the windowsill. Often in a city apartment they visit the balcony. What does it mean, what are the folk signs about pigeons when it flew onto the balcony? Here are some explanations:

  • The dove flew onto the balcony and immediately flew away. If he is white, it means you will soon receive good news or meet an old friend, but for a very short time. If the dove is brown, the news will be neutral and the meeting will be fleeting. A black bird means trouble or illness, but not too severe.
  • Constantly flies to the balcony or window, trying to fly into the room - a warning of serious illness or death.
  • A pair of doves settled on the balcony and built a nest for the girl - great happiness awaits you, all sorrows will bypass the house.
  • If you saw kissing white doves who settled on the balcony, this is a sign of a wedding.
  • The couple calmly hatches the eggs and does not fly away - you have peace and harmony in the family.
  • The birds are cooing, they are sitting anxiously, something is wrong in your house, perhaps you had a fight or are offended by someone.
  • When birds that have built a nest suddenly fly away and do not return, be on guard. The energy in the house has changed, you have disrupted the harmony, leaving may mean impending problems.
  • If the birds built a nest, laid eggs, but did not hatch the chicks, then the house is in danger. To prevent it, you need to carefully take the nest out into the garden and ask the lovebirds for forgiveness, perhaps you have offended them in some way. It’s also good to read a short prayer.
  • A lonely and sick pigeon knocked on your window - try to answer the knock and cure it, don’t leave it on the doorstep and then the signs about alien pigeons will be good. If this succeeds, then luck will not leave the person for three whole years. When he dies, bury him so that trouble does not come to the house.

When pigeons live on your balcony, they are a force to be reckoned with. Try not to scare the birds with your fuss and noise. Even if a pigeon pooped on the windowsill, do not be angry with it. You need to carefully wash everything and say a kind word about the birds in your mind or out loud. You can sprinkle food on the pigeons from time to time, then luck will definitely never leave your home.

Pigeons on the street

You can often see a pigeon on the street. Many people don't even pay attention to them. But the behavior of yard birds can also say a lot. Let's talk about this. Here are some signs about pigeons on the street:

  • You saw pigeons that took off and disappeared from view in sunny weather - expect rain and bad weather.
  • Pigeons are nowhere to be seen, even though the sun is shining? So it will rain tomorrow.
  • Birds happily swim in a puddle after the rain - tomorrow it will be sunny.
  • Seeing a pair of doves making a nest is a sign of pleasant troubles.
  • They say that at the moment when the birds build a nest, you can make any wish, it will definitely come true.
  • A dove walks around the yard, does not fly away and coos - people are gossiping about you.
  • A feathered flyer touches a person with its wing - warns of illness.
  • Flew over your head and touched your hair - it means you have received a blessing
  • It flew in front of my face - soon I would have to find a solution to a complex problem, which in fact was obvious.
  • Suddenly he flew out and almost knocked him off his feet - it’s worth waiting for surprises, but it’s not clear what kind, pleasant or not.
  • Coos on a branch in the yard, from time to time flies up to the window - he wants to get to know you, but he doesn’t dare, he’s a good person.
  • Dove pecked you on the shoulder or hand - reconsider your relationships with loved ones, friends and colleagues at work. Perhaps someone is talking badly about you or is offended.
  • Birds fight among themselves - a difficult showdown awaits you. If they fight near the house, it means there will be a quarrel in the family.
  • A dead dove fell at your feet - you will become seriously ill or injured.
  • A dead dove lies on the road - it’s better to turn to the side so that trouble also bypasses you.

As you can see, folk superstitions about wild pigeons can tell a lot. So don't ignore birds when you walk. Take a closer look at their behavior and habits. Perhaps it will say a lot about you, your problems, victories and defeats. A bird can not only foretell events, but also change their course.

Pigeon droppings

There are a lot of signs and superstitions about pigeons. To believe or not to believe in them is everyone’s personal choice. Some beliefs are associated with the habits of birds, others with their arrival in our home. But there are also quite strange ones that explain why a bird shits on a person.

Nobody wants someone to crap on them. But pigeon droppings bring happiness to people. I even know the story of how students went to the attic before exams to get a “lucky mark” and do well in the session. Surprisingly, it helped. So, the sign of a dove and droppings, how are they related? Here are some examples:

  • Glubok shitting on his head is a good sign, you will be lucky in business.
  • Marked clothes, flying past - to a new thing
  • If you poop on your shoulder or arm, it means that creative success will soon await you or you will simply finish a homework that you have been working on for a long time.
  • If you sit down and take a shit on your car, the person will have money.
  • Covered in pigeon shit - expect a pleasant surprise or an expensive gift.
  • The little dove not only spoiled, but also flew into you - you will be able to catch incredible luck.

Surprisingly, all the signs about pigeons and droppings are positive. Perhaps our ancestors wanted to brighten up an unpleasant situation in this way? Check it out for yourself, according to my observations, everything fits. In any case, the muck must be thoroughly washed off, or even better, everything must be disinfected after that. After all, birds, in addition to good or bad luck, can also carry diseases.

  • The feathered bird flew into the windshield to its death - be careful on the road, you may get into an accident.
  • The pigeon crashed, hit, but did not crash - this means the situation will be an emergency, but in the end everything will work out.
  • Running over a pigeon with a car means bringing disaster on yourself and the whole family.
  • Killing a bird on the roof means never rising from filth and poverty to wealth and success.
  • Tied pigeons fell into their hands and were killed - a tangle of problems that will not go away for the rest of their lives.
  • A dove crashed nearby and was killed - the curse will fall not only on you, but on all your offspring.
  • Throwing pebbles at a pigeon means daring luck away from you.
  • Putting snares on pigeons means inviting prison on yourself.

Killing birds can only be justified if a person is in danger of dying from starvation. But even in this case, you should ask for forgiveness for your sin. When the danger has passed, you need to feed the birds all the time. You can tell that they have forgiven you by the fact that they begin to fly up to the window and sit on the windowsill. It’s even better for them to sit on a cornice or balcony and build a nest there.

Customs and superstitions may vary from country to country. Some peoples raise domestic pigeons for meat and eat it with pleasure. And the eggs of these birds are considered a real delicacy in some places. Who knows what kind of aura they have after that? If a person looks into the future, he will try to disturb harmony as little as possible and listen to ancient wisdom. So don't eat pigeons, no matter who tries to tempt you into doing so.

There is another sign - when a person saves a bird, many sins will be forgiven. In addition, such a dove will bring a lot of goodness, good luck and happiness in its beak. So don’t ignore sick birds that have fallen into the entrance or nailed to the window. Perhaps this is your chance to change your destiny. If the dove and the sign about it are happy, then all wishes will come true.

The dove is a special bird; in almost all countries it is perceived as a “messenger of the gods,” a symbol of peace and purity. Snow-white birds have special power. Sorcerers and demons cannot turn into pigeons. These birds live close to people, there are many of them in cities. Therefore, there are many legends, beliefs, and legends about these beautiful birds. There is a well-known folk sign: if a dove sits on its head, this is a sign from above that a person has been chosen and important changes are approaching in his life.

What's in store for you in the near future?

To correctly interpret the sign, pay attention to the details of the event:

  • At the moment of meeting the bird, a person was experiencing difficulties in life - a dove sitting on his head portends a speedy resolution of problems. A close friend will help or help will come from an unexpected source;
  • Flying over the woman, the dove touched its head with its wing - an omen of the lady's imminent pregnancy. If a feathered bird touches a man’s forehead with its wing, this is a warning against a huge mistake: you need to reconsider the decisions made the day before, perhaps they will not lead to anything good;
  • But if a pigeon crashed into a person, and then landed on his head, and is not going to fly away, this is a good omen at the time of making a difficult decision. The bird suggests that the right measures have been taken and there is not long to wait for the result;
  • A dove perched on its head is a sign of getting easy money soon. The lucky one may win the lottery or other similar game. A person does not have to spend many years of labor to accumulate material values;
  • If you sit down on your head, this sign can be perceived as an invitation to a wedding; a wedding of close friends or relatives is expected. In addition, pigeon droppings may indicate that a new addition to the family of relatives of the “marked” person is expected soon;
  • A dove sitting on a person’s head has something in its key (a twig, a feather, etc.) - this sign speaks of material well-being and good luck. You can safely ask for a salary increase or start any business - success is guaranteed;
  • The dove chose any place on a person to “land” (it sat on the head, arms, shoulders) - an omen of good news or life changes for the better.

People believe that if birds land on a person, these events may be an attempt by deceased relatives to establish contact with living descendants. It’s worth thinking about, perhaps someone’s soul sees ill-wishers or enemies in a circle of friends and is trying to warn about it.

Dove on shoulder or hand

Representatives of many nations believed that a dove that touched you or lands on your hand is a sign to other people about the exclusivity of the chosen one, his great destiny. It is as if man was chosen by heaven for great achievements. But at the same time they took into account where, exactly how the bird landed and how it behaved.

If a pigeon lands on your shoulder, you need to draw conclusions depending on which exact place the bird touched.

Left shoulder

This is an unkind sign - a warning about a possible health problem with the “chosen one” or his relatives. Pay attention to the condition of the gastrointestinal tract or liver. In any case, after the pigeon “visits” your left shoulder, you should cancel your planned meetings.

Right shoulder

The danger of betrayal, which lurks on the part of a loved one or close friend, is close. You need to reconsider your social circle.


A dove in the palm of your hand is a good omen of comprehensive happiness or a call for reconciliation with your “ego” for a successful existence in the world around you.

Birds often not only land on a person, but also “shit” on him - this is a harbinger of money:

  1. Litter on the head - the news of the arrival of money can be upsetting (receiving an inheritance as a result of the death of a beloved relative, or other unpleasant accompanying events);
  2. Litter on the back - ill-wishers envy wealth;
  3. A dove or crow sat down next to you and pooped - money will be obtained through hard work or great trouble, and perhaps it will “float by”;
  4. Litter on the hood of the car - it is better to refrain from traveling, or you should be extra vigilant while driving.

Signs do not work with tamed pigeons, because “trained” birds always try to sit on a person, begging for a treat.