Why do worms dream of a woman? Dream interpretation worms. Dream Interpretation: why do worms dream? Why do cat worms dream

Dreams are fantastic, boring, scary. And also disgusting. But alas, sleep is not a TV, you can’t switch to another channel. You have to watch what they show, and then guess: why did the subconscious mind suddenly decide to frighten to disgust with realistic pictures of worms? Why are they dreaming? Known interpreters will help answer this question.

What do worms mean: interpretation of famous dream books

It's a shame, but famous interpreters about the meaning of this image are not encouraging:

Many dream books associate helminths with minor but significant troubles:

  • Islamic - worms are an allegorical image of offspring, which does not even think of starting an independent life, preferring to sit on everything ready under the parental wing;
  • Freud - worms symbolize failures in love;
  • Chinese - there is a quarrel with relatives ahead, there is a great chance to turn a small quarrel into a many-day difficult confrontation;
  • collection of dream books - having a dream involving helminths, expect trouble.

However, if night dreams did not cause a sharply negative reaction, circumstances can easily turn in your favor. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, you will meet people who will subsequently bring you a lot of good. Some may even be romantically involved!

The esoteric dream book interprets this image as a symbol of Fate's benevolence. Feel free to plan new projects and, without delay, take on their implementation. Plus, it pays to have some fun from time to time. Call your friends and plan a party, you will be able to relax well!

Who dreamed of worms: a woman or a man

For a young and unmarried girl, the dream of worms is unfavorable, as it predicts disappointment in her admirer. But don't be discouraged! You have a whole series of acquaintances with the most interesting people, one of which can easily take a vacant place in your heart.

For an older lady, a dream about worms prophesies an annoying boyfriend. It will be very difficult to get rid of him! If you see in a dream how you crush worms with your heel, only the most harsh, even rude measures will be able to drive away an unwanted admirer - the gentleman simply will not understand subtle hints.

Men should focus on their careers. Successes on the love front are not yet shining for you, but things will definitely go uphill, you just have to make an effort.

  • health will return;
  • relations will improve;
  • singles will get a chance to experience a strong mutual feeling.

It is better to get rid of such fans as soon as possible.

Who got uninvited "tenants": the dreamer, his child, cats, dogs

It is unpleasant to find worms in oneself even in a dream. Get ready to fight off the attacks of competitors! Interpreters advise to take a defensive position, not succumbing to provocations. Calmly watch as the enemies will break their teeth, trying to get to you. If the worms are noticed by a person who has recently joined a new team, he runs the risk of setting his colleagues against him.

Was a relative, friend or neighbor in the stairwell infected with helminths in a dream? Him to deal with ill-wishers! Watch the hero of your nightly dreams more closely - maybe he is in desperate need of support, although he is embarrassed to ask for it?

An unpleasant dream about worms that your child has acquired has two scenarios for the development of events:

  • the baby really fell ill, and the parental heart sensed this long before the appearance of obvious symptoms of the disease;
  • your desire for hyper-custody goes beyond all reasonable bounds.

If everything is in order with the baby, or you have not yet had time to acquire offspring, some important project, your “brainchild”, born and carefully nurtured in your soul, causes great concern. Perhaps it is worth double-checking all the calculations?

Color: white, black, multicolor

Why do white live worms dream? Such an image is perceived by dream books ambiguously:

  • someone who wants to look “snow-white and clean” in your eyes is actually using you for personal gain;
  • a round dance of minor troubles is approaching, which, however, will not cause serious trouble: most likely, the difficulties will be resolved by themselves, just do not aggravate the situation with rash actions;
  • make a profit, but it will not bring joy;
  • you are too focused on earthly vanity, think more about the spiritual and eternal;
  • if the dream, contrary to expectations, did not cause disgust, expect pleasant surprises.

Black worms - focus on health, it is currently under threat. In addition, you may receive income from a source that you did not count on. A ball of bright worms resembling a multi-colored rainbow predicts great fun.

Interpretations depending on how the worms behaved and what shape they were:

Shaking worms off your clothes is craving change, but not finding the determination to start them. You worry in vain! Such a dream predicts liberation from sorrows. However, one who did not know where to go from disgust at night may suffer from slander.

Pulling worms out of feces - make a big profit and achieve your goal. To find them with a stranger is to witness a vile, ugly act. Worms stuck to shoes? You may lose your property.

Worms that crawl out of the dreamer's body are interpreted by dream books in different ways:

  • deliverance from enemies;
  • obtaining wealth, life without material problems;
  • children's wedding.

In the kingdom of Morpheus, did you happen to treat yourself to food - meat, fish or fruits - with helminths? Beware of illness. But if, after tasting a piece of a wormy treat, you immediately spit it out, the malaise will turn out to be nonsense and will quickly disappear.

See in a dream a lot of live worms

  • when you see him on the eve of the trip, be extremely careful on the way - you can get into a big mess and suffer serious financial losses;
  • be careful in communication, some friends will open themselves from an unexpected and rather nasty side;
  • it may also happen that outwardly everything will be in order, but gloomy thoughts will overcome you; do not succumb to decadent moods - they are transient.

A mass of large worms in a dream does not bode well

Dreamer's actions with helminths

Happy getting rid of unwanted "tenants" promises solid benefits:

  • money - according to Hasse's dream book, and a lot, up to the transition to a new, higher standard of living;
  • love - according to Freud; look around more carefully so as not to miss a meeting with your soulmate, fate is already planning how to bring you together;
  • good luck, according to Chinese sonic.

Have you clearly seen how you crush and destroy worms? The reason for future victories will not be an ephemeral happy occasion, but your personal talents, courage and intelligence. To a person who watched the worms crawl across the floor of the apartment, the subconscious mind either promises deliverance from enemies (since the worms left his body), or hints at the unsanitary conditions prevailing in the house. When you wake up, grab a vacuum cleaner and a mop!

Even from an unpleasant dream, something useful can be learned. For example, an occasion for introspection. Agree, if a dream excited you, it is likely that you associate it with some unresolved problem, a disturbing circumstance or a hidden phobia, and it is not safe to wear such things in yourself. Grab the worm that's gnawing at you by the tail and pull it out into the light!

A dream is an uncontrolled game of the subconscious that surprises, frightens, and disgusts. Trying to warn, a dream shows strange, bad images. For example, white, swarming helminths that do not cause positive or at least neutral emotions. Vile, disgusting, disturbing. A logical question arises: why do worms dream, are worms really bred in the body, and so the brain reports a problem? In reality, a dream rarely turns into truth, more often the subconscious speaks in images, symbols. Glitch is one of them.

Background from reality

Trying to understand why the worm dreamed, remember the events you experienced. Strong shocks, frightening incidents turn into nasty visions in dreams. A dreaming worm may be a subconscious interpretation of an extremely unpleasant event that happened in reality. Betrayal, intrigue, an unholy act of a loved one, a friend pour out such visions. The brain defends itself by making the traumatic situation look disgusting and then destroying the negativity. If the plot is inspired by the events of reality, you will see in a dream living worms that will die, or already dead worms.

During the day, the subconscious clogs up, but at night it comes forward, speaking in strange, metaphorical language. Worms are a symbol of betrayal, intrigues, ugly deeds of important people. However, in order to fully understand the meaning of the message, to interpret what you see correctly, to decipher the nuances, remember the smallest details of the plot. Often the details completely change the dream.

General value

A variety of dream books agree: if you dreamed of worms, expect a dirty trick, moreover, from the people of your inner circle. Any worm, especially living inside the human body and imperceptibly causing irreparable harm, is considered a symbol of the intrigues of ill-wishers, an impending conspiracy.

Someone secretly weaves intrigues around the name of the dreamer, perhaps successful, undermining not only reputation, but also mental health. Subconsciously, a person catches the signals of a conspiracy being prepared against him. At night, the resulting sensation results in vile dreams involving white, disgusting worms.

Other interpretations

As the popular dream book says, the worms that appeared in a dream portend a meeting with the enemy, which entails unpleasant contacts, frustration, loss of peace of mind. However, there are more positive interpretations.


According to the interpreter of Morpheus, to see worms in a dream - to a successful meeting with an important person, the event will lead to positive changes in the dreamer's life, bring money, and serve as an impetus for professional or creative activity.


The esoteric dream book, interpreting feces with worms, connects the vision with fun waking meetings. According to the named source, live, moving worms symbolize noisy gatherings, friendly parties, large, warm companies.

Such a decoding concerns someone else's feces, observed from the side: an animal, another person. Does the feces belong to the dreamer? We return to the classic interpretation: betrayal, deceit, intrigue behind your back.


Opening the interpreter of Azar's dreams, we read: helminths are a warning that it is time to change the established lifestyle. The subconscious mind warns: you are behaving too viciously, you have accumulated a lot of random connections that will soon have a negative effect. Do you value your own reputation? Change your behavior.


Miller's dream book, explaining why worms dream, says: get ready to meet extremely unpleasant people. In this source, helminths symbolize enemies, ill-wishers swarming around the dreamer. In reality, insidious plans are being built that significantly harm the observer of dreams.

XXI Century

The 21st century dream book connects dreaming worms with acquaintances in real life, moreover, pleasant, promising. You will learn great news, deal with rivals, get a positive experience. Alternatively, uncover the machinations of a deceiver trying to harm.

General interpretations are contradictory, although everyone is talking about deceit, future intrigues. A detailed decoding of the plot helps to comprehend the meaning of the message more subtle, deeper. Think, remember what exactly you saw. The nuances will tell you what worms in feces can dream of.


There are many different lines in the described visions. Here are the most common developments:

Such dreams cause negative emotions: disgust, fear, disgust. Remember the first sensation after waking up. Fragility, anxiety, other unpleasant feelings warn of a negative development of events in reality. The dream has come to say: beware, the enemy is active against you!

If after waking up, despite the terrible plot, there are light, calm feelings, expect a positive turn of events in reality. The plans of ill-wishers will be upset, opening up new, bright prospects.

Detail breakdowns

If you dream of worms that are directly related to the dream observer, expect intrigues around your person. Helminths left the body completely - in reality, the intrigues will fail, the situation will be resolved in favor of the dreamer.

We observed worms in our own feces, look for an envious person in the immediate environment. Some person feels a negative emotion so strongly that he is ready to commit a crime in order to do harm.

According to the dream book, worms, worms crawling out of different parts, portend serious troubles in the near future. It will take a lot of work to sort out the problems. Another possible explanation is that you are longing for the quick changes that are about to happen.

To dream of worms climbing from the mouth or nostrils - to misunderstanding, conflicts, problems at work. You should not be afraid: troubles are easily, painlessly resolved.

The appearance of the worm

In dreams, the appearance of helminths is diverse. According to numerous interpretations, observing long worms is an acquaintance with a hypocritical person, a swindler, a deceiver. Small worms personify thoughts that depress a person, sorrows, experiences. If such helminths have left the body, in reality the dream observer will get rid of upsetting thoughts.

A huge, wriggling worm is a symbol of quick, big profits.

As the dream book says, worm eggs mean minor troubles that await the dreamer in reality. Most likely, they are not implemented.

Having found out what living worms can dream of, let's deal with inanimate ones. Dead worms - to resolve possible conflicts in favor of the one who saw the dream. Second option: be careful what you do! Wrong action will lead to negative consequences.

colorful worms

Often dreams of white worms, indistinguishable from creatures that really exist. However, sometimes dreams come with unexpected images. Seeing multi-colored helminths is a surprise. Interpreters say: such symbols are harbingers of the visit of old friends, noisy gatherings.

Destruction of helminths

A frequent plot is the extermination of evil spirits. Dream Interpretations explain why to crush worms in a dream: to cope with the machinations of ill-wishers, to get out of the situation as a winner. Some interpreters interpret the message in a different way: you will lose possible profit by making the wrong decision.

Holding helminths in your hands without destroying them is a wealth awaiting in the near future. Nuance: you can not dump worms. Worms were on the floor, the dreamer, frightened, threw them out? To the loss of occupied positions, loss, disappointment.

Worms in a child

Let's find out what worms in children can dream of. Main meaning: projection of parental experiences, a state of constant fear for health, the fate of the child. An alarming signal: adults, showing excessive guardianship, clog the initiative of their son or daughter. Relax control, stop worrying about anything, give the little person more freedom - the secret message of such dreams.

Other interpretations of the plot are offered. Seeing children's shit with worms - pay serious attention to the health of the child. There is a high risk of respiratory diseases, colds, injuries are possible. Talk to the offspring. A dream can warn: a son or daughter is oppressed by negative thoughts, from which parental care, tenderness, correct, balanced actions will save.

Worms in animals

  1. Seeing animal shit with worms in a dream - expect an animal disease in reality. The pet is in serious danger, watch your furry friend more carefully.
  2. The second meaning: a good omen, meaning the success of the undertaking. Act, the plan is destined to come true!
  3. The third interpretation: the betrayal of a loved one, friend, relative. A terrible transgression, which the observer does not expect. Get ready for the inevitable blow of fate.

Explaining why worms dream, the dream book offers various interpretations of the image that has appeared. The sources do not give an unambiguous answer: much is determined by the characteristics of a particular situation, the nature, the sequence of events in reality, the details of objective reality. Using the information provided, interpret the vision yourself, discovering the semantic nuances, unraveling the essence of the unpleasant subconscious message.

What if a child dreams of worms?

The esoteric dream book is also sure that the baby dreams of worms for an early meeting with friends, unless the dreamer saw them in the child's feces. In this case, the dream has a negative interpretation and means that the enemies of the sleeper are preparing a trap for him. The interpreter advises the dreamer to be more careful and talk less about his affairs to strangers.

Azar's dream book warns the sleeper that if he dreamed of worms in a child or in himself, then he should be more careful, do some useful work and finally start thinking about the future, since an idle lifestyle will not lead to anything good.

What portends?

One of the most popular interpreters, Miller's dream book, believes that if you dreamed of worms in feces, then pleasant events will soon occur that will please the sleeper and, possibly, improve his financial situation. Pinworms in a child portend good news regarding the health of a loved one. Perhaps doctors will report the recovery of the disease or a serious diagnosis will not be confirmed.

A large family dream book assures that if a child had worms in a dream, then in reality the baby’s immunity is greatly weakened and he can get sick. Fortunately, nothing serious will happen to him - we are talking about a common cold or a slight ailment. It is enough for parents to transfer the child to enhanced nutrition and everything will soon pass by itself.

The summer dream book believes that the worms in the dreamer's child predict difficult situations related to the financial sphere. Perhaps for some time the overage child will be dependent on the sleeping person.

The interpretation of the image depends on how you saw them. Worms living in your body can remind you that not all people around you have a feeling of sincere friendship for you. The circle of constant communication includes those who want to use your gullibility and openness for their own personal interests. At the same time, the main thing in their intrigues will be making a profit at your expense. You need to carefully monitor your affairs after such a warning dream.

Why do worms dream of a sick person

The interpretation of dreams about worms for a person stricken with an ailment is not optimistic. This night vision portends an exacerbation of the disease. You need to take it as a warning and take up treatment with redoubled energy. A dream about worms in any interpretation portends a new round of illness.

Worms in Islamic dream book

Why dream of worms on the skin

Dream about worms and astrology

And why do worms dream of people engaged in self-improvement? This image will tell a person striving for his spiritual development that a certain problem has been overcome, on which he has been working for quite a long time. Now we have to set ourselves a different, more serious task.

It is often customary to talk about dreams, as if they are magical, sweet dreams, fabulous dreams, and in them all cherished, secret dreams come true, something happens that does not happen in reality.

If only it were always like this! But in dreams sometimes you have to see something that you don’t want at all. At the same time, we cannot manage dreams in any way, change their content, or decide what we want to see in the world of dreams, and what is better to avoid.

Therefore, sometimes in dreams there are completely unpleasant phenomena and things that cause unpleasant emotions. Only this does not happen just like that - and if you try to abstract, distract yourself from unpleasant sensations and evaluate what you dreamed about, you can get important information from dream books.

Indeed, even the most vile visions in dreams can serve as valuable and important symbols, and indicate something significant in reality. It is unlikely that anyone can associate worms with something pleasant or kind. If they dream, most likely, in the morning the emotions are not the most pleasant and bright, disgust and even fear remain - what if this promises something bad and terrible?

Examples of such unpleasant dreams are as follows:

There is little pleasant in such visions, but it is worth turning to the interpreter and focusing on the meaning of such a dream. It can be very important and tell you a lot.

Let's open the dream book and find out why the worms dream. And what awaits you in reality in the very near future.

See from the side

Frequent dreams show certain phenomena as if from the outside, and the dreamer himself does not actively participate in events and does nothing. If that was the case, then in this case the worms are different symbols. Which ones - the interpreter will tell.

1. As the dream book says, worms seen in a dream portend you a new acquaintance. But be careful - it is not known what this new person will be like, and therefore you should not blindly trust the very first sensation. Look at new people carefully and be objective so as not to make a mistake later.

2. Such a dream, in which the worms ended up in the feces, is far from the most pleasant, but it promises you the best - profit, the realization of inner potential, and perhaps even great wealth and nobility!

3. White worms in dreams are a beautiful symbol, oddly enough. This is always a dream to great and unexpected joy, pleasant surprises, surprise. Suddenly, you will be very happy about something!

Perhaps this dream indicates a dangerous period when the health of the child is temporarily weakened, and you should not be afraid. You just need to take care of it especially carefully, do not put it at risk, but don’t be too fanatical either.

5. If you dream that someone you know has worms, this person is probably also in danger of an illness, but nothing serious will happen.

In addition, if you dream about this, be sure that any difficulties, enemies or troubles are not terrible for you, you can easily cope with everything, without effort. So there is nothing to be afraid of.

7. To see worms sharpening a plant or tree bark in a dream is a warning that you may face losses. Try to spend money as wisely and wisely as possible.

If you got started...

It’s another matter if you didn’t just have to see worms in your dreams, but if they wound up with you, or you somehow else directly encountered them.

Such variants of dreams can be creepy, but it’s too early to get scared - find out first of all what the dream book says. Worms can, for all their disgust, promise very good things!

Show not only courage, but also wisdom - do not react to unworthy or unpleasant people, stick firmly to your line, do what you must - and you will be invulnerable.

3. A very unpleasant dream in which worms or worms ended up in your mouth warns - watch your words very carefully, avoid lies, gossip and do not participate in conversations about someone "behind your back".

This can affect you in a bad way, and not only ruin your reputation, but also affect the state of affairs, relationships with people and fate.

4. Did you hold worms or worms in your hands? Know that this dream is a clear evidence of imminent wealth, generous profits, and you have to experience it for yourself. Soon you will get so much that you won't even believe it!

5. If you crushed, killed worms or worms in your dreams, in reality you will be able to easily and simply brilliantly avoid a variety of troubles. Your mind and courage are your helpers, and you can not be afraid of anything.

You never know what can be seen in dreams - and even worms with worms do not just appear to us in dreams. It is easy to pay attention to what important information the interpreter carries in this case - accept and consider it in order to apply it to everyday life, not make mistakes, avoid difficulties and bring your luck closer!

Why do worms dream

dream interpreter

To see worms in a dream means to open our enemies.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Worms dream about in a dream?

To see worms in a dream - to a new acquaintance, joy, to see a lot of worms - means that you can reveal your secret enemies.

To see roundworms in a dream means that they will try to accuse you of slander or that you will have to communicate with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Worms - a new acquaintance.

Esoteric dream book

Worms - ahead of a favorable period.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Worms in a dream book?

According to the dream book, worms portend an interesting meeting.

If there are a huge number of them in a dream, you will be able to expose your enemies.

I dreamed that someone was suffering from them - you will live at someone else's expense.

Worms in a child - you are overprotective of your child, excessive anxiety reflects badly not only on him, but also on your well-being.

I dreamed of seeing white worms - a serious conversation is ahead, it is possible that you will have to push your feelings into the background.

Worms, worms - be more serious and thorough in business. A superficial attitude to serious issues is unlikely to lead to positive results.

Worms in feces - traps and intrigues await you ahead. Your willpower and perseverance will help you get around all the troubles and achieve your desired goal.

Dream Interpretation: Worms why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Worms

To see worms in a dream is the obstacles and obstacles that have littered your path. Still, this is not so bad - you will overcome them without much effort; moreover, if you approach them wisely, you can build a good future out of them.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about worms mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see worms in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Worms dreaming? Tell me your dream!

Dream Interpretation Worms in feces

Why dream of Worms in feces in a dream from a dream book?

The dreamed worms in the feces, according to the dream book, symbolize a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. Your reality is marked with a sign of well-being, and this cannot but be envied.

Take a closer look at those whom you consider friends - a traitor has wound up among them. Watch out for the ill-wisher, stop any attempts to spoil your mood.

Dream Interpretation Worms

Worms, Maggots, Larvae, Worms, Roundworms

If Worms, Maggots, Worms or Roundworms took place in your dream, Dream Interpretations warn - it means that in reality the people around you are far from showing sincere friendship and love towards you. If you did not see Worms in a dream, but their Larvae attracted your attention, Dream Interpretations advise you to be as attentive as possible to what is happening around you.

Seeing worms in a dream- ill-wishers; otherwise, your own negative thoughts and desires.

Such an unpleasant image, Like Worms, could appear in your dream as a result of your own negative behavior or the negative emotions and feelings you have accumulated. "Worms" are your unkind thoughts, Which took away the rest of the night. And only by clearing your mind and heart in reality, you can expect that such images will leave your dreams forever.

To dream of maggots, worms or roundworms- hangers-on, People living at your expense.

Seeing worm larvae in a dream- to bad news; beware of dishonest people.

Larvae are not Worms yet, But already an extremely dangerous signal for you! Something near you is subjected to extraneous and clearly negative interference. Probably, Someone is trying to ingratiate himself with your trust, To then live calmly and successfully at your expense. Treat the dream with a high degree of responsibility - think about who exactly these "larvae" are for you personally. By getting rid of them in time in real life, you will save yourself from a lot of problems.

Why do worms dream


Alexey Popov (Ocean)

This dream means that soon you will have to fight with your enemies. in which you will win. This is how the famous Bulgarian soothsayer and healer Vanga always interpreted such a dream. In general, a good dream crawls away from you, your illnesses, hardships and sorrows



Esoteric dream book
Favorable period ahead.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
new acquaintance.

Personal Account Deleted

to worms!) wash your hands before eating!))


Probably something bad...


If you dreamed that you had worms, then you should be wary of the intrigues of enemies. If you manage to get the worms out, then you will have great luck. However, do not relax, as a white stripe may be followed by a black one. A dream in which worms appeared in others means that your friends are threatened by illness and trouble.

Worms in shit

Dream Interpretation Worms in shit dreamed of why in a dream Worms in shit? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Worms in shit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shit and toilets

Everyone should dream and often) I mean shit and toilets. Despite the fact that shit is not even pleasant to look at, this dream is one of the good harbingers.

Why dream shit? It's very simple .. Shit dreams for profit, for money! If you dream of toilets, but there is no shit in them, for example, then profit is also inevitable, but not today, but let's say in 2-3 days.

It happens that you are looking for toilets in a dream to relieve yourself, then this is a different case: you just want to go to the toilet during sleep, but you are sleeping and this is dictated to you by a dream about a toilet.

Moreover, it often happens that you kind of went into the booth and you can’t urinate, so your “alarm clock” just hasn’t rung yet.

Strictly speaking, a dream about shit and toilets is entirely subject to the principle of inversion in interpretation.

Roughly speaking, what is disgusting in a dream is pleasant in real life, such a mess) and of course, the more shit you see in a dream, the more profit awaits you in real life!

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Dream Interpretation - Shit

Shit in a dream is a sign of failure, betrayal, loss, disappointment, divorce, trouble and intrigues of enemies. Seeing shit in your house can sometimes mean a change of residence due to some kind of trouble. Emptying in a public place is a sign of failure and loss due to the fact that some secrets become known. See interpretation: latrine, manure.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Worms - A favorable period lies ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms in a dream is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms in a dream - to unhealthy sensations for three days.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

To a new acquaintance, joy.

To see a lot of worms - they will try to accuse you of slander or that you will have to communicate with unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation - Shit

Shit - To troubles and abominations.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

New acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing them in a dream portends a meeting with unpleasant people or trouble. See interpretation: worms, stomach, disease, shit.



It was winter. In a strange way, I came to visit my own uncle and his family. After a while, after talking with them, I went out to them on the porch and squatted down, it turned out that I took out a p.. worm, it seems to me he looked like a field. then I sort of started to ... and in the feces I found small white live worms. what happened to me was completely unexpected. that someone will discover it. I was terribly ashamed!


I dreamed that my feces consisted entirely of worms - long, 30 centimeters each, wide, with corrugated edges. They were alive and writhing. And it was nice that I felt that the cleansing of the body had begun - it means that the terrible is behind.


at first I dreamed of my beloved grandmother, who died a long time ago, I screamed at her a lot. I often dream that I am screaming at my dead grandmother. I don’t know why I’m screaming, I just scream and scold her. then I dreamed of worms in my stool.


Hello, I dreamed of white worms in my excrement. Moreover, when I saw them, I was very scared, it was unpleasant for me and I tried to see them.


the late mother was dreaming, she seemed to be saying something, but I didn’t see her specifically, but I know that it was her, and I can’t remember what she said. Today is 2 years after her death. Then another dream began and I went to the toilet for the most part, the toilet was public. and after all the cases I found white worms in my stool. I became disgusted and went to treat, for some reason with red wine.


Hello! My name is Michael. In a dream, I saw clearly medium-sized worms, they licked out of the feces. I didn't smell it. The dream was colorful.


I just saw some kind of larva in the feces of my little daughter. And that's it, no horror, just a statement of fact. In my dream I knew it was a dream


I had a dream, I don’t remember day or night, I put the child on the potty, everything is as usual, she gets up, I go to the toilet to wash the pot and habitually look to see if everything is in order, and there are huge white larvae and wake up


Hello, I saw small worms in a dream and one was huge. The son of a friend pooped in his pants and there are these worms. I'm telling my friend because you don't wash your child's hands. Everyone fled, but the big one hid)))


As if in the morning I saw feces (dark, brown, unpleasant) in the toilet bowl and worms and worms swarmed in it. There was a lot of feces. I immediately flushed it with water. I saw the toilet bowl clean, white. I won’t say, but rather I will be treated and I will fly him for prevention purposes. I was also scared for the cat, if my husband finds out, he will throw my pet away. That’s it.


Small pieces of feces were scattered on the floor. And these small pieces turned out to be thick but not long worms smeared in feces. Cal is definitely not mine. I don't remember exactly, but it seems to be my son.


I'm in the toilet, first menstrual blood dripped (menstruation a week later), and then large long dark flatworms came out. They floated in the toilet, and the child took them with his hands like fish ...


I was at home and went to the toilet, I get up from the toilet and I see balls of ascaris in my feces and I think to myself that's why I have problems.


I dreamed that my son went to the toilet in a diaper, and there was yellow-orange feces with small and white worms. Then I called the doctor and cried and the doctor scheduled tests for tomorrow. Then I woke up.


hello, today I saw my feces and there are small and small round worms in it, as if on paper, I wrapped it all together with paper in some kind of cloth and picked it up


i dreamed that I went to the toilet for the most part, and there were small white worms in the feces, I was surprised but not scared. Because I knew how to get rid of them


today I had a dream that my husband recovered and Z looked at his feces, and there she saw not even worms, but similar to lizards. One is small and the other is bigger. What is it for?