The most cunning animals (10 photos). The most cunning animal: rating, description and interesting facts The most cunning animal

We invite you to find out the ten most cunning and dodgy animals, which, under certain circumstances, can give odds even to the person himself.

1. Cuckoo. Throwing their own eggs into other people's nests, the cuckoo came up with an ingenious solution for the survival of offspring. At the same time, the cuckoo chooses such neighboring nests where its own eggs would fit both in size and color. After the birth of the cuckoo behaves quite adequately, as well as stepbrothers and sisters. And foster parents are forced to feed a foundling, even if it is ten times larger than other chicks.

2. Orangutan. Everyone knows that these animals have high rates of intelligence. They are able to create tools, use them, make complex step-by-step decisions. The main problem for zookeepers is the ability of orangutans to open even the most cunning locks. But there's a benefit to be had: now all the locks and locks in zoos are pre-tested by smart primates.

3. Virginian opossum. The main trick of the opossum is the ability to pretend to be dead. He turns it so reliably that predators try to bypass the carcass. The thing is that in a stressful situation, a small animal falls, remains motionless and begins to stink like real carrion. Such food is unlikely to interest any predator.

4. Temple langurs. These Hanuman langurs tend to live all over India near temples. Here they are sacred animals. They owe their name to the god Hanuman - brave, strong and cunning. Although the monkeys are peaceful, they are always trying to drag something away, while they get away with everything, because they are sacred!

5. Fireflies. Typically, fireflies use their "luminous" ability to attract a mate. It is this ability that some predators have adopted: they reproduce such a flicker in order to attract a potential victim to their dinner.

6. Vulture turtle. Among the turtles there are also predators, for example, like the vulture turtle. For hunting, this animal uses its pink tongue, which looks like a worm. The turtle just opens its mouth, wiggles its tongue, and waits for some stupid fish to take the bait.

7. Caterpillar. To survive in the conditions environment, nature has awarded the caterpillars with some abilities. Caterpillars often try to hide, take the form of surrounding objects, pretend to be a leaf, a twig, a stick, and even bird droppings. Others try to intimidate potential hunters with bright colors or spikes. There are even those who use the poison of the plants they eat.

8. Chameleons. This animal is famous for its amazing ability to change color. But the change of color serves not only as protection against enemies, the skin of chameleons is a kind of communication method. Chameleons thus express anger, fear, attract the opposite sex and scare away competitors.

9. Rat. They have many interesting properties. They are very smart, rats can crawl even into the most inaccessible places, their run can reach a speed of 10 km / h, they gnaw everything that comes in their way, thereby causing enormous damage. So in America, these rodents damaged wires for 19 million dollars. At the same time, their population is very large - only in New York there are more than 70 million of them.

10. Foxes. Practically in all folk tales and sayings, the fox is presented as a red-haired cunning. An example of the ingenuity of these animals can be the work of South American foxes. Their favorite food is the eggs of large birds, in particular rhea. The fox waits for the right moment until the nest is left unattended, then sneaks up and drags away the prey. So the egg is quite large and it is impossible to take it into the mouth, red cheat pushes it with its nose to the nearest stone, where the egg is broken and the contents are drunk.

I suggest you find out the ten most cunning and dodgy animals, which, under certain circumstances, can give odds even to a person.

1. Cuckoo.

Throwing their own eggs into other people's nests, the cuckoo came up with an ingenious solution for the survival of offspring. At the same time, the cuckoo chooses such neighboring nests where its own eggs would fit both in size and color. After the birth of the cuckoo behaves quite adequately, as well as stepbrothers and sisters. And foster parents are forced to feed a foundling, even if it is ten times larger than other chicks.

2. Orangutan.

Everyone knows that these animals have high rates of intelligence. They are able to create tools, use them, make complex step-by-step decisions. The main problem for zookeepers is the ability of orangutans to open even the most cunning locks. But there's a benefit to be had: now all the locks and locks in zoos are pre-tested on savvy primates.

3. Virginian opossum.

The main trick of the opossum is the ability to pretend to be dead. He turns it so reliably that predators try to bypass the carcass. The thing is that in a stressful situation, a small animal falls, remains motionless and begins to stink like real carrion. Such food is unlikely to interest any predator.

4. Temple langurs.

These Hanuman langurs tend to live all over India near temples. Here they are sacred animals. They owe their name to the god Hanuman - brave, strong and cunning. Although the monkeys are peaceful, they are always trying to drag something away, while they get away with everything, because they are sacred!

5. Fireflies.

Typically, fireflies use their "luminous" ability to attract a mate. It is this ability that some predators have adopted: they reproduce such a flicker in order to attract a potential victim to their dinner.

6. Vulture turtle.

Among the turtles there are also predators, for example, like the vulture turtle. For hunting, this animal uses its pink tongue, which looks like a worm. The turtle just opens its mouth, wiggles its tongue, and waits for some stupid fish to take the bait.

7. Caterpillar.

To survive in the environment, nature has endowed the caterpillars with some abilities. Caterpillars often try to hide, take the form of surrounding objects, pretend to be a leaf, a twig, a stick, and even bird droppings. Others try to intimidate potential hunters with bright colors or spikes. There are even those who use the poison of the plants they eat.

8. Chameleons.

This animal is famous for its amazing ability to change color. But the change of color serves not only as protection against enemies, the skin of chameleons is a kind of communication method. Chameleons thus express anger, fear, attract the opposite sex and scare away competitors.

9. Rat

They have many interesting properties. They are very smart, rats can crawl even into the most inaccessible places, their run can reach a speed of 10 km / h, they gnaw everything that comes in their way, thereby causing enormous damage. So in America, these rodents damaged wires for 19 million dollars. At the same time, their population is very large - there are more than 70 million of them in New York alone.

10. Foxes.

In almost all folk tales and sayings, the fox is presented as a red-haired cunning. An example of the ingenuity of these animals can be the work of South American foxes. Their favorite food is the eggs of large birds, in particular rhea. The fox waits for the right moment until the nest is left unattended, then sneaks up and drags away the prey. So the egg is quite large and it’s impossible to take it into the mouth, the red cheat pushes it with its nose to the nearest stone, where the egg breaks and the contents are drunk.

They were born with extraordinary qualities and each one is exceptional in its own way. Here are the strongest, venomous, loudest, fastest, longest and oldest representatives from the animal world.

1. The strongest animal

The strongest animal in the world is the copepod. At only one millimeter in length, the copepod is the strongest and fastest multicellular creature. Relative to its size, the copepod moves at the highest body acceleration relative to length per second. Scientists are now studying the jumping abilities of this animal, which will be used in robot technology. The copepod is said to be 10 to 30 times stronger than any machine or animal in the world.

2. The loudest animal

blue whales produce the loudest sounds in the world using low-frequency pulses whose noise has an intensity of up to 188 decibels. The calls of blue whales can be heard at a distance of 800 km. Blue whales are also the largest animals.

3. The deadliest animal

The female malarial mosquito is the deadliest creature in the world. These malaria-carrying mosquitoes kill more than a million people worldwide every year.

4. The most poisonous animal

One box jellyfish with 60 tentacles, despite the fact that each of them is 4.5 meters long, has enough poison to kill 60 adults.

5. The oldest animal

The oldest reptile is the Galapagos giant tortoise, which can live for over 175 years. However, among the oldest animals there are such representatives as the oceanic venus, a mollusk that lived to be 405 years old.

6 Fastest Aquatic Mammal

The fastest aquatic mammal is the white-winged porpoise, which can swim 56 km per hour.

7 Longest Animal Pregnancy

Asian elephants have a gestation period of 19–22 months.

8. The smartest animal

The most intelligent animal, excluding humans, is the chimpanzee, followed by the dolphin.

9. The longest migration in animals

The Arctic tern has the longest migration of all migratory birds. They cover distances of 22,400 km. Among mammals, the champions of migration are gray whales and northern elephant seals, which cover 20,900 km round trip each year.

10. The highest flying bird

Mountain geese are the highest flying birds. There is evidence that they can fly at altitudes of 10,175 meters and above.

11. The slowest animal

The garden snail is the slowest animal, moving at 48 meters per hour.

12. The tallest and longest land animal

The longest and tallest land animal is the giraffe. It can grow up to 6 meters in height, which is roughly equivalent to a two-story building.

13. The fastest animal

The fastest animal is the peregrine falcon. It can reach speeds up to 321 km per hour.

14. The smallest insect

Baby wasps, mimarids are the smallest insects, whose size is approximately 0.46 mm.

15. The longest animal

The longest animals are nemertean worms, the species Lineus longissimus. Their longest representative reaches 55 meters in length.

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Despite the fact that man is the crown of evolution, he is far from being the strongest, cunning, dexterous and fast. Some species of animals are so cunning and resourceful that, if necessary, they can give odds even to themselves. smart person. The most cunning animals photos and description TOP-10 - look!

The most cunning animals photo and description TOP-10

The most cunning animals photo and description - Foxes

The ten most cunning creatures are opened by foxes. The fox's cunning and dexterity are even spoken of in fairy tales and cartoons, so most people consider the fox to be the personification of cunning. For example, if you look at South American foxes, it is hard to argue with their extraordinary quick wit and dexterity. The main delicacy of these red creatures is the eggs of large birds, but it is quite difficult to get them. And yet, in order to get their tidbit, foxes wait a long time until the mother flies out of the nest, and then quietly sneak up and steal her eggs. The egg of a bird of prey is very heavy, so the foxes have to push it with their nose to the nearest stone, after which they break it and eat the contents.

The most cunning animals photo and description - Rats

Many will be surprised to see rats in the list of the most cunning creatures, because for everyone they are just simple rodents. In fact, these little tailed creatures should not be so underestimated, because they have various unusual abilities. For example, rats can climb even into the most inaccessible places, gnaw on unnecessary things, thereby harming people. Most surprisingly, in the United States of America, rats destroy $19 million worth of communications equipment every year. In addition, rat populations are incredibly huge, because only in New York there are about 70 million cunning rodents.


The most cunning animals photo and description - Chameleons

Everyone knows that chameleons can change color when they need it. Perhaps many will think that they only have this ability for protection, but they also change color when communicating with each other. When their color changes, their mood also changes, that is, in this way they express fear, anger, etc. Another feature of these funny creatures is that it is impossible to look into their eyes, since each eye of a chameleon lives its own life.


The most cunning animals photo and description - Caterpillars

To escape from enemies, the caterpillars take on various forms, thereby merging with flowers, twigs, blades of grass, etc. However, among them there are those who prefer other methods of disguise. So, some scare away predators with their poisonous coloration, strange growths or frightening bristles, and some even eat poisonous plants or meat, as a result of which they cease to be appetizing for hunters.


The most cunning animals photo and description - Turtles

Everyone is used to the fact that turtles are kind, harmless, and most importantly slow creatures. As it turned out, not all types of turtles are like that. There are also predatory turtles, including the vulture turtle. She tracks down her prey for a long time, after which she attacks her and bites painfully. To capture the victim, this smart and cunning creature uses its tongue. Outwardly, it is very similar to a worm, which is a very good bait for fish.


The most cunning animals photo and description - Fireflies

Even these crumbs were in this rating. They use their glow not only for beauty, but in order to attract a partner. Many predators imitate this feature of fireflies, so they often use it, thereby luring fireflies to their dinner.

The most cunning animals photo and description - Langurs

The animals got this name in honor of a bold and very cunning god. Langurs live near the temples of India, because they are considered sacred creatures there. Despite the fact that the monkeys are very kind and peaceful, they often rob visitors, although they never get anything for it.

virginian opossums

The most cunning animals photo and description - Virginia opossums

Opossums are very cunning creatures, so they can easily deceive a predator. When a threat approaches them, they pretend to be dead, and so well that predators always bypass them. As soon as the animal begins to feel danger, it instantly pretends to be dead, in addition, it even begins to stink from it, like from a corpse.


The most cunning animals photo and description - Orangutans

Of all the animals on the planet, orangutans are among the smartest. These creatures know how to use tools, make them on their own, and even solve difficult problems. These creatures are so smart and cunning that they can easily open even the heaviest locks in zoos, so zookeepers often have a hard time. Sometimes this skill is used by people to test park constipation.

The most cunning animals photo and description - Cuckoo

These cunning birds decided to rid themselves of maternal worries, so they always scatter their eggs in the neighbor's nests. It is rather surprising that all the eggs turn out to be the right color and size, and the little cuckoo behaves very well. Not only mothers get rid of children, but stronger brothers and sisters push weaker ones out of their nest. Thus, all cuckoos grow up with foster parents who feed them even when they grow to enormous sizes.

Throwing their own eggs into other people's nests, the cuckoo came up with an ingenious solution for the survival of offspring. At the same time, the cuckoo chooses such neighboring nests where its own eggs would fit both in size and color. After the birth of the cuckoo behaves quite adequately, as well as stepbrothers and sisters. And foster parents are forced to feed a foundling, even if it is ten times larger than other chicks.

2. Orangutan.
Everyone knows that these animals have high rates of intelligence. They are able to create tools, use them, make complex step-by-step decisions. The main problem for zookeepers is the ability of orangutans to open even the most cunning locks. But there's a benefit to be had: now all the locks and locks in zoos are pre-tested on savvy primates.

3. Virginian opossum.
The main trick of the opossum is the ability to pretend to be dead. He turns it so reliably that predators try to bypass the carcass. The thing is that in a stressful situation, a small animal falls, remains motionless and begins to stink like real carrion. Such food is unlikely to interest any predator.

4. Temple langurs.
These Hanuman langurs tend to live all over India near temples. Here they are sacred animals. They owe their name to the god Hanuman - brave, strong and cunning. Although the monkeys are peaceful, they are always trying to drag something away, while they get away with everything, because they are sacred!

5. Fireflies.
Typically, fireflies use their "luminous" ability to attract a mate. It is this ability that some predators have adopted: they reproduce such a flicker in order to attract a potential victim to their dinner.

6. Vulture turtle.
Among the turtles there are also predators, for example, like the vulture turtle. For hunting, this animal uses its pink tongue, which looks like a worm. The turtle just opens its mouth, wiggles its tongue, and waits for some stupid fish to take the bait.

7. Caterpillar.
To survive in the environment, nature has endowed the caterpillars with some abilities. Caterpillars often try to hide, take the form of surrounding objects, pretend to be a leaf, a twig, a stick, and even bird droppings. Others try to intimidate potential hunters with bright colors or spikes. There are even those who use the poison of the plants they eat.

8. Chameleons.
This animal is famous for its amazing ability to change color. But the change of color serves not only as protection against enemies, the skin of chameleons is a kind of communication method. Chameleons thus express anger, fear, attract the opposite sex and scare away competitors.

9. Rat
They have many interesting properties. They are very smart, rats can crawl even into the most inaccessible places, their run can reach a speed of 10 km / h, they gnaw everything that comes in their way, thereby causing enormous damage. So in America, these rodents damaged wires for 19 million dollars. At the same time, their population is very large - there are more than 70 million of them in New York alone.