Russian folktale

Russian folk tale

one peasant in the village needed bread. And they had a gentleman, he loved men who were quick-witted. He comes to the barin. The master asks him: "What do you need, little man?" - "To your mercy, master! There is no bread - there is nothing to eat! Will your mercy give me some bread?" The master answered him: "But what, little man! Solve me a riddle, then I will let you go and bread! Here: what is faster in the world?" The man said: "There is nothing in the world faster than thought!" - "Well, this," he says, "is true! And guess what is stronger in the world?" - "There is no stronger weather!" - "Well, yes, and this, - he says, - is true! And tell me: what is not nicer in the world?" - "There is nothing sweeter than sleep!"

The master poured him a cartload of bread. The man comes home. And they had a rich man in the village, and such an envious one! He comes to the peasant, asks: "Where did you get the bread?" - "Thanks to me, the master poured a whole cart!" - "Why did he pour you?" - "He gave me a riddle, I solved it. For this, he poured a whole cartload of bread for me."

Ogach thought: "I'll go too - and maybe I'll figure it out!" And he had three good horses. He comes to the barin. The master asks: "What do you need, little man?" - "Yes, I've come to your mercy! Would you let me have some bread?" - "I'll let you have a loaf, just solve my riddle! If you don't solve it, then your three will remain with me!" - "Perhaps," he thinks, "I'll figure it out!"

The master asks: "Well, tell me: what is faster in the world?" The rich man points to his foal: "There is nothing faster than my foal!" The master says: "No, that's not true! Tell me more: what is stronger in the world?" - "There is nothing stronger than a bear!" - "And this is not true! And what is not nicer in the world?" - "And what, master? There is nothing sweeter in the world than a wife!" Master to him: "You have a lot of your own bread - you don't even know how to guess!" Well, there is nothing to do, the man went home. And the three horses remained with the master.

They put a man with a woman new mansions. On the very first night, a peasant dreams of a bear, as if he attacked him and presses - presses. The peasant decided to unravel the dream, and went to one gentleman, about whom there was fame, that he was a magician in this matter.
Harness the filly and go. On the way, near a village, he met a boy.
- And I know, uncle, where you are going. You are going to the master's dream to guess.
- You're right, boy.
- Look, uncle, the master will demand a bear from you for this - you don’t give it back. He will begin to demand half - and do not give half, agree to a third.
The man thanked the boy and went on.

I came to the master, and he asks:
- What will you give me when I solve it?
- Yes, take what you want, just help.
- Give me the bear from the dream.
No, I can't give it away. Do you want me to empty the coffers?
- I do not need your treasury. If you don't want to give the whole, give at least half.
But the man balks. Bargained for a third.

Now let's go to your mansions, - said the master and ordered to lay the horses.
And when they arrived, he pointed out to the peasant on one floorboard.
- Pick it up and dig here.
The peasant began to dig, and took out a bear skin stuffed with gold coins. He separated a third of the master, as promised, and the master asks him who suggested that he should bargain. The man told about the boy he met.

The master returned, but he is not happy with wealth - envy gnaws.
“This boy probably knows more than me,” he thinks.

He ordered the footman to bring a basket of fruit and poison. He made gifts and went to the boy. When he arrived, he began to treat him. And the boy replies that he doesn’t want fruit, he’s not used to sweets, if only a bowl of peas. Then the master ordered to steal the child and bring it to his estate.

In the house he called the cook, ordered the boy to be slaughtered, the heart taken out, fried and served for dinner. The cook is sharpening his knife and looking at the child. Sorry for the boy.
I know why you sharpen knives. You want to kill me, take out my heart and feed the master.
The cook burst into tears at these words.
- Do not cry, I know how to avoid trouble. The master's dog whelped. Everyone knows about eight puppies, and the ninth crawled behind the bed. They don't know about him. Take it, beat it, and set your heart on fire. And when you enter the chambers, sway, as if you could not resist, your heart will fall out, and the dog will eat it. The master will tell you that a dog is a dog.

The cook did just that, and the boy was buried for the time being, punishing that when the master returns from the king, they would look for him.

Meanwhile, the fame of the master is spreading throughout the state. The king himself wished to see the wise man, he had a strange dream the day before.

They brought the master to the royal chambers. The king tells him a dream, and he saw his favorite bowl with a bitten edge, but the master cannot figure it out. He is ashamed, he does not know where to hide from shame. He understands that royal disgrace is worse than death. He then asked to go home, allegedly for a learned book in which all dreams are recorded. The king let him go. The gentleman, having just arrived, went into his room, took a pistol and wanted to shoot himself. Luckily for him, the cook arrived, the boy had told him everything. Dissuaded, said that the boy was alive and could unravel the royal dream.

The landowner was delighted that he had not committed villainy, ordered to call the child and go to the palace.

The master brought the boy to the king, introduced him as his student, said that he himself was old and he could not solve the riddle, but the boy could solve it.

And the boy asks the king what reward he will put if he guesses it right? The king promised to fill the treasury richly, but the young sage does not agree.
“Give me your favorite lady-in-waiting to be my wife.”
- What are you, what are you? You are very young, how do you get married? And the queen will not give in to her favorite.
But the boy rested, either his beloved maid of honor in his wife, or he would not guess. Curiosity parses the king, he ordered his wife to introduce his beloved maid of honor. And the queen went on a deception - she gathered all the maids of honor, and hid her beloved, and brought her out in front of the guests.
“The one I need isn’t here,” said the boy.
There is nothing to do, I had to lead the one I asked for. And the boy says that he will guess only after the wedding. The king has a lot of supplies, the wedding was played immediately. And after the wedding, the maid of honor asks her husband:
- What are you going to do with me now?
What do husbands and wives do? What I say is what you will do. Now I order you to strip naked.

Everyone murmured and whispered. And the boy doesn't give up. The maid of honor had to undress. And as soon as she undressed, everyone saw that it was not a woman, but a man in a woman's dress. That is why the queen favored this maid of honor among others.

That's why you, father-king, dreamed and dreamed, - said the boy.

The king got angry: he sent his wife to a monastery, and ordered the maid of honor to be tonsured as a soldier. He rewarded the boy with the master generously and sent him home.


Good day, Elena!
I saw "Pskov" - well, how can I not be curious?
Read. Interesting. But my stupidity is already known to everyone:
and then what? What, you understand, are we going to do with the maid of honor?
Thanks and all the best to you! With a smile A.T.

2. What is fatter in the world?

3. There is a bump on the field, there is no way to get through.

4. Fedosya is running, her hair is disheveled.

5. The rider rides, legs behind the ears.

6. When Peter was being built, what was the first nail driven into?

7. I’ll shove it in the evening - there’s nothing to do, I hear a ringing - I’ll pull it out.

8. What is not nicer in the world?

9. I will guess a riddle, I will throw it through the garden. let my riddle go through the year, winter through the winter.

10. Three brothers were created together, two are thanked, there is no third.

1. Who rules Moscow? * The belly is insatiable.

2. What is fatter in the world? * The salary of our bureaucrats.

3. There is a bump on the field, there is no way to get through. * Lying policeman.

4. Fedosya is running, her hair is disheveled. * Broom.

5. The rider rides, legs behind the ears. * Yogi.

6. When Peter was being built, what was the first nail driven into? * Into the dirt.

7. I’ll shove it in the evening - there’s nothing to do, I hear a ringing - I’ll pull it out. * Cast iron from the oven.

8. What is not nicer in the world? * Dream. Sweeter than sleep - insomnia with a loved one.

9. I will guess a riddle, I will throw it through the garden. let my riddle outgrow the year,
overwinter the winter. * - no options.

10. Three brothers were created together, two are thanked, there is no third. * The Lord and Jesus. The third is the Holy Spirit.

No, well, who else would complain about the mind))) Even 1 correct (peasantly)))) answer. About sleep.
Cab drivers rule in Moscow (peasants were much more naive)))
Fatter - land
pothole - tavern
in a hat
bread, salt, water

Once upon a time, Tsar Ivan Vasilech wanted to know who in his kingdom-state would be the most reasonable of all. He gathered his eminent people: boyars, nobles, governor, merchants and priests and asked them three riddles.

Who is the most generous in the world?

Who is the fastest?

And what is the worst thing in the world?

Eminent people began to guess the royal riddles. Guessed, guessed - could not guess. Everyone carries his own, but it's all to no avail.

At that very time, Gorshenya, a mime of the royal chambers, passed by, and shouted:

Who needs clay pots? Who's for the plates?

Tsar Ivan Vasilech heard and ordered Gorshenya to be brought. Maybe he will be smarter than the boyars and the priests? Eminent people ran out of the chambers and rushed to Gorshenya.

Hey, wait, wait.

Gorshenya stopped and asked.

Why was I needed?

Eminent people tell him.

The tsar-sovereign Ivan Vasilech wants to guess three riddles for you.

What riddles.

But such and such.

Hey, Gorshenya says. Is it a riddle?

The boyars and nobles began to question Gorshenya.

Say yes tell the riddles.

No, Gorshenya replies. The king is calling me, I will go to him myself, I will tell him the answers myself.

Then they began to bribe Gorshenya, began to promise him gold and silver. And Gorshenya stands on her own.

Better not ask. I will tell one king.

Nothing to do - they brought him into the royal chambers of white stone. Placed before Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich.

Hello, Gorshenyushka, - says the king.

Hello, great sir.

But can you guess, Gorshenyushka, my first riddle. Who is the most generous in the world? Here are my boyars, governors and priests, they say that I will be the most generous of all. What do you say?

And I will say, tsar-sovereign, that the earth is more generous than all. Whatever lives, whatever grows, it nourishes everyone.

Well done, Gorshenushka. Correctly guessed. And here is my second riddle: who is the fastest? My eminent people respond differently. Who says his horse is the fastest, who is a greyhound dog, who is a falcon, who is a hare. What will be your guess?

That is not what they say, tsar-sovereign. The fastest thought. With a thought you will fly around the whole world in an instant.

And this answer is good. And how will you guess my third riddle? What is the worst thing in the world? One boyar calls his neighbor, the other - an evil wife.

Their answers are useless, tsar-sovereign. You can get away from a bad neighbor, you can tame an evil wife. But from a bad mind you can’t go anywhere, you can’t hide anywhere. Everything will be with you. Apparently, a bad mind is the worst thing in the world.

Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich praised Gorshenya.

You are smart, you are reasonable, Gorshenyushka. Listen, you are for me, I am for you. Tell me how to reward you.

I don't need anything, sir. And if your royal favor is - make a ban on selling clay pots and plates for fifty miles. No one here would sell them but me. And I will be very pleased with it.

All right, Gorshenyushka, be your way. And I'll tell you riddles. Geese will fly to you - manage to pull out a feather.

I will, tsar-sovereign.

Eminent people listen - they can not understand anything. Gorshenya left, and the next day Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich issued an order that all boyars, all governors, merchants and priests should not have dishes - neither gold, nor silver, nor tin, nor copper, nor wooden, but only earthenware . I myself will check how my order will be executed. And the Gorshenya was sitting at home at that time, but he worked tirelessly. Know sculpts and burns pots and plates. Made a whole cart. And when he finished the work, he took his goods to the city to the marketplace. He had just arrived at the marketplace - buyers rushed to him from all sides. Not at all simple people, and all the princes and boyars, governors and priests. They push one another with elbows, give any price. Gorshenya does not have time to receive money. After all, the main boyar runs. The belly is like a barrel, the beard is like a shovel.

Is the product good, Gorshenushka?

Please humbly. Do you have much left?

Yes, not so much. Today my pots and plates are in great demand.

Sell ​​me everything you have left in your cart.

How much do you value a pot?

Fifty rubles.

What you?! Are you in your mind? I'll buy it elsewhere, I'll pay two pennies.

Your will.

The chief boyar swore and left the marketplace. I ran, looked, and did not find clay pots anywhere. Came back.

Well, how, Gorshenya, changed your mind? What price do you charge?

One hundred rubles for a pot.

Like a hundred rubles? Apparently you've gone crazy.

Came down or not, and the price of a pot is one hundred rubles.

Ah, you are so-and-so. Stay here with your pots.

Screamed and left. Like, looked like a boyar around the market and thinks: who knows, what if the tsar-sovereign himself comes to me, but I don’t have a single clay pot. Then look and lose your head. Again returned.

Well, Gorshenya, how much does a pot cost?

And now I won't sell it for any money. Tie me on yourself - I will respect you, without paying a pot of ladies. If you're not lucky, there will be another hunter. There is a lot of demand for my product today.

The boyar sees, there is nowhere to go. It’s a pity to pay a hundred rubles for a pot, it’s scary to be left without a pot. The boyar thought and thought, but there was nothing to be done.

Okay, he says. I'll take you.

Unharness the potty horse. In place of her, he put a boyar in the shaft, harnessed it.

Nooo. Go.

The boyar puffs, puffs. And he himself is lucky and lucky Gorshenya. Gorshenya waves a whip and sings a song at the top of her voice. Carried-carried the boyar and asks.

But what places to take you?

Take at least to the royal palace.

Gorshenya sings merrily. And near the palace he sang even louder. According to his song, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich recognized him.

This can be seen my Gorshenya rides.

He looked out the window and said.

Hello Gorshenushka. Welcome.

Thank you, king.

Who are you riding?

On a bad mind.

Well, well done you, Gorshenya. Truly well done. How did the geese arrive?

Arrived, tsar-sovereign.

Managed to pull out a feather?

Sumel, tsar-sovereign. Yes, even in gold.

Well, enter the chambers, you will be a guest.

Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich planted him next to him, began to regale him. And the boyars and eminent people sit, look askance at Gorshenya, and they themselves conspire. How would the royal anger, disgrace be directed at him. And they played the game. The boyar, who was sitting at the very end of the table, slapped the other on the cheek and said.

He swung, hit his neighbor and said the same words.

And so it went from one to another and reached Gorsheni. The chief boyar hit him on the cheek and said.

Everyone rejoices, they deftly let Gorshenya down. There is nothing left for him but to hit the tsar-sovereign himself. And Gorshenya, don't be stupid, swung with all his might - BAM, the main boyar on the cheek.

Pass it back.

Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich laughed and said.

Again, you, Gorshenyushka, turned out to be the most perceptive of all. It's enough for you to knead the clay. Take off your shoes, throw off your caftan, put on your boots and the clothes of my main boyar. And you, the boyar, put on shoes in Gorshenin's bast shoes, dress in his caftan, go to sculpt pots. I just don't know if you have the brains to do it.

A man was sowing a clearing near the main road. At that time, the king was riding, stopped in front of the peasant and said:

God help, man!

Thanks, kind person!

Do you get much benefit from that clearing? the king asked.

Yes, with a good harvest, there will be eighty rubles.

Where are you going with this money?

I pay twenty rubles in tax, twenty - I pay a debt, twenty - I lend, and twenty - I throw out the window.

Explain, brother, what debt you pay, to whom you lend, and why you throw it out the window?

I pay a debt - I support my father, I give a loan - I feed my son, I throw it out the window - I feed my daughter.

Your truth! - said the sovereign, gave him a handful of silver, declared himself that he was the king, and commanded - without his face, no one should say those speeches: - No matter who asks, don’t tell anyone!

The tsar arrived in his capital and summoned the boyars and generals.

Solve, - he says, - a riddle for me. I saw a peasant on the way - he was sowing a clearing. I asked him: how much benefit does he get and where does the money go? The peasant answered me: with the harvest I get eighty rubles. Twenty - I pay in tribute, twenty - I pay a debt, twenty - I give a loan, and twenty - I throw it out the window. Who among you will solve this riddle, I will bestow great awards, great honors.

Boyars and generals thought and thought, could not figure it out. So one boyar took it into his head and went to the peasant with whom the tsar was talking. He poured him a whole pile of silver rubles and asked:

Explain, explain the royal riddle!

The man coveted the money, took it and announced everything to the boyar. And the boyar returned to the king and now explained his riddle.

The king sees that the peasant did not keep the commandment, ordered to bring him to him. The peasant came to the tsar and from the very first confessed that he had told the boyar.

Well, brother, blame yourself, for such a fault I will order you to be executed by death!

Your Majesty! I am not guilty of anything, therefore I told the boyar in front of your royal face.

Here the peasant took out a silver ruble with the royal person from his pocket and showed it to the sovereign.

Your truth! - said the sovereign. - This is my person. He generously rewarded the peasant and let him go home.

Alternative text:

Riddles - Russian folk tale in the processing of Afanasyev A.N.

Nevertheless, it is pleasant to read the fairy tale "Riddles 2" even for adults, childhood is immediately remembered, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. Main character always wins not by deceit and cunning, but by kindness, gentleness and love - this top quality children's characters. Of course, the idea of ​​the superiority of good over evil is not new, of course, many books have been written about it, but every time it is still pleasant to be convinced of this. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels the incredible love with which the images are described. environment. A small amount of details of the surrounding world makes the depicted world more saturated and believable. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy are produced by pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. Once again, rereading this composition, you will certainly discover something new, useful and instructive, and essentially important. The fairy tale "Riddles 2" is certainly useful to read online for free, it will bring up only good and useful qualities and concepts.

A peasant was sowing a clearing near the main road. At that time, the king was riding, stopped in front of the peasant and said:

God help, man!

Thanks, kind person!

Do you get much benefit from that clearing? the king asked.

Yes, with a good harvest, there will be eighty rubles.

Where are you going with this money?

I pay twenty rubles in tax, twenty - I pay a debt, twenty - I lend, and twenty - I throw out the window.

Explain, brother, what debt you pay, to whom you lend, and why you throw it out the window?

I pay a debt - I support my father, I give a loan - I feed my son, I throw it out the window - I feed my daughter.

Your truth! - said the sovereign, gave him a handful of silver, declared himself that he was the king, and commanded - without his face, no one should say those speeches: - No matter who asks, don’t tell anyone!

The tsar arrived in his capital and summoned the boyars and generals.

Solve, - he says, - a riddle for me. I saw a peasant on the way - he was sowing a clearing. I asked him: how much benefit does he get and where does the money go? The peasant answered me: with the harvest I get eighty rubles. Twenty - I pay in tribute, twenty - I pay a debt, twenty - I give a loan, and twenty - I throw it out the window. Who among you will solve this riddle, I will bestow great awards, great honors.

Boyars and generals thought and thought, could not figure it out. So one boyar took it into his head and went to the peasant with whom the tsar was talking. He poured him a whole pile of silver rubles and asked:

Explain, explain the royal riddle!

The man coveted the money, took it and announced everything to the boyar. And the boyar returned to the king and now explained his riddle.

The king sees that the peasant did not keep the commandment, ordered to bring him to him. The peasant came to the tsar and from the very first confessed that he had told the boyar.

Well, brother, blame yourself, for such a fault I will order you to be executed by death!

Your Majesty! I am not guilty of anything, therefore I told the boyar in front of your royal face.

Here the peasant took out a silver ruble with the royal person from his pocket and showed it to the sovereign.

Your truth! - said the sovereign. - This is my person. He generously rewarded the peasant and let him go home.
