A conspiracy to make your grandchildren love you. Wise grandmother's spells. And will return, like the rays of the sun reflecting from the glare

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For the father to be kinder to the child

When you salt your husband’s food, read the following plot:

The salt disappears and your anger melts.
Salt doesn't scream at me
And you, servant of God (name), are upon us,
Servants of God (your and your son’s names), don’t shout.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the stepfather does not offend the child

Cut off a lock of your husband's hair and throw it and three knives with wooden handles into boiling water. Then read the special spell words over the boiling water in which hair and knives are boiled:

In a dark hut,
Neither in the sun nor in the moon,
Not under a bright star,
The beds are not standing
And wooden floors.
People sleep there and don’t wake up,
They don't break their fast on Easter
Their arms and legs do not rise,
Mouths do not open in speeches.
So would it be with the servant of God (name)
Hands would not be raised
Lips did not open in swearing,
He wouldn't swing his legs,
I wouldn't scream.
Everything would be according to me, the servant of God (name),
And I missed the children, the servants of God (names).
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

(Naturally, if you have one child, then you replace the words “servants of God (names)” with the words “servant of God (name)” or “servant of God (name).”)

Then pour the water into a jar and place it in the corner of the room for three days. After the specified period has expired, take the water to the cemetery and pour it onto the ground.

To prevent your stepfather from raping your daughter

Alas, such terrible things happen. Therefore, any mother should insure herself just in case and, if she has already decided to get married a second time, protect her daughter by reading a special conspiracy. This plot is read over any drink on the third day of your life together with your second spouse. Immediately treat your husband to this charmed drink. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How Christ was born, died and rose again
And how true it is
It will be so true
That my husband is crafty
Temptation will not bribe
And my husband will not destroy my daughter.
How true it is that Jesus Christ has risen,
It is so true and true that God preserves her.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the mother does not abandon her children

If such grief happens in a family, then the Lord Himself commands you to help the unfortunate little ones. Alas, there have always been cuckoo mothers who didn’t give a damn about their own children. I have been approached more than once by grandmothers who were forced to raise young children while their mothers were having fun somewhere. Crying, they asked for help for the sake of their grandchildren to bring the runaway mother home.

Return to the wind

Come to the house where the unfortunate mother lived, and, opening the window (window), read the following plot into it:

The mare cries for her foals,
Sheep by lambs,
Everyone cries for his child.
Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary wept
According to His Son Jesus Christ.
You too, servant of God (name), cry for your children,
At your home, at your doorstep. Amen.

Refund on food or drink

As soon as the unlucky mother appears in the house, treat her with food or drink that you have pre-arranged. The spell words are as follows:

The she-wolf's lair,
The bear has a den,
A bird's nest,
Cattle barn
And you, servant of God (name),
Know your home. Amen.

How to remove hatred between brother and sister

It is very sad for parents to watch how brother and sister swear and quarrel with each other, like strangers. They can be reconciled with the help of this conspiracy:

Holy Most Pure,
Holy Mother of Sorrows,
The Mother of God descends from Heaven,
From the Heavenly side, from the ninth Heaven,
From His Throne, with great help to us
Goes into the white light
He will give birth to one soul and forgive another.
Let him also forgive the servant of God (name),
He doesn’t remember any grudges, he doesn’t think about guilt,
The door does not close from her, does not lock the bolts,
Doesn't turn his back to her,
He doesn’t frown, his eyes don’t sparkle.
How the Lord forgives us, forgives us our sins,
He blesses us with love,
So are you, servant of God (name),
Forgive the servant of God (name),
Don’t keep evil in your memory,
Remember her with kind words, love her and miss her.
The Blessed Virgin Mary holds a dish,
There's eternal love on that platter.
Come, love, to the blood of God's servants (names).

So that the son does not go against his father

This plot is read on an even day of an even month. His words are:

Lord God, most merciful,
Drive away Your servant (name) from malice,
For You yourself said in Scripture:
“Honor your Father!”
Have mercy on him from blood feud
And ban forever and ever
He has to fight against his father.
King David came to you,
Quiet and meek, and his meekness
Let it flow into Your servant. Amen.
The chicken doesn't peck the hen,
The eggs don't hit the fish.
So let the slave (name) not go against his father.
The slave (name) would speak “quietly”
I would listen to my father in silence,
I wouldn't raise my voice
I didn’t break God’s commandment.
The sheep reproaches the wolf
Firewood burns,
Let the son also submit to his father.

So that children don't fight with each other

This conspiracy is read for children who have not yet turned thirteen years old. It can be recommended to mothers whose children constantly swear and fight with each other. In one night, you need to swap the shoes of all the children in the family three times, and in the morning put all the shoes in one pile, saying:

How can these shoes stand in one place?
This is how children agree.

To prevent children from quarreling with each other

Then at the same time you need to give the children the charmed milk. The words of the conspiracy are:

How did this milk boil and how did it cool down?
So that (children's names) cool down in the quarrel.

Speak foul language

If your child learned rude words somewhere, sit him on a chair in front of the icon, stand facing him, and let him spit three times in a cup of water, and you say:

Hula from the blue mountains
From hell from the old devil,
From a small imp.
The servant of God (name) entered the mouth,
From mouth to spit, from saliva to spit.
I'll take it to whoever finds it.

Then pour this water onto the road.

If a mother does not allow her son to live with anyone

Speak to the water and give this water to mother. They spell water like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Water is water, queen of the whole world.
You wash the bottom, rinse the roots,
You wash away rotten stumps from the banks.
There is a pike fish in your kingdom,
Her teeth are iron
Eyes of tin, bites of glass.
That pike has plenty of moss, sand, water grass,
Eats with iron teeth.
So it would be with the servant of God (name)
The pike fish grabbed all the arrogance, all the evil,
I swallowed all her nagging and nagging,
It didn’t bother me to live with my fiancée.
How this fish is silent in water and on land,
Doesn't groan, doesn't moan, doesn't scream,
So would my mother, servant of God (name),
She was silent, towards my betrothed
She didn't grumble or scream.
Grandfather Vodyanoy, Father Morskoy,
Give your slave (name) some water to drink
From a mute pike fish.
Word to action, from water to branch,
For a full month, for any time,
For every hour, for every holy minute.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Conspiracy to love and respect children

We all want our children to love and respect us. A special conspiracy can help with this. It is read over food or drink, which they then treat their children to. The spell words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Under the side, under the foliage,
I have three saints,
Three messengers of God, three deliverers.
Saints and patrons opened my soul,
God's helpers for me,
The servant of God (name) was asked:
- Why are you, God’s servant (name), suffering?
- Saints, deliverers, softeners of hearts,
Help me, God's servant (name),
Soften the heart of God's servant (name)
For every day, every hour, every minute.
Let him feel sorry for me, his mother,
Let his soul ache for me
Now, always, for all God's times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

From quarrels between children and parents

This plot is read when your naughty child is sleeping. His words are:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of Mary,
You are the Salvation of the world and Hope,
Be merciful and supportive to me,
Meek and merciful.
Heal my sadness
Destroy worries and send me Your help.
And how the disciples followed You,
So that my children would follow me too.
They listened to me, they looked at me,
They wanted to do what I told them to do.
They didn’t raise their voices against me,
They didn’t stare at me with evil,
They loved me, they pitied me
And, as disciples of You, they did not dare to disobey.
If only we could be humble and meek
And they are quick to obey.
How your disciples respected you,
So that the children don’t offend me either,
Lamb of God, Jesus, help
And turn all our quarrels into strong peace.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

For children's obedience

They read at the blessing of water and give this water to naughty children:

I submit to the Lord God,
I will pray to Mother Theotokos.
This day - this hour,
Early in the morning, late in the evening.
I woke up on a holy island,
I approached the mother river.
There is a pike in the river, it takes out the keys with its jaw,
And the lord of the river counts those springs:
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,
Archangel Uriel, Yegory the brave,
Razoil, Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Kuzma, Domian and Cyprian,
Justinia, Nifant, Marof.
All of you twelve saints, come
And help me in my trouble.
With the holy lips themselves,
With holy hands, pacify (names).
To God's respect, to angelic humility.
Shut their lips with blasphemy,
Calm their riot.
Holy Father Ostafie,
Holy Father Naumie,
Put everything in holy places
Live according to God, don’t do bad things.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

So that children love and feel sorry for their mother

Unfortunately, we live in a time when few people remember family values ​​and children, following the lead of their friends, quickly stop listening to and respecting their parents. So that nothing like this happens in your family and your children are kind and obedient, read the following conspiracy:

I look at the icon, crossing myself.
On the icon is the Mother of God Mary.
She presses the Christ Child to her breast,
She suffers for Him day and night with a holy soul.
So that my children love me too,
They pitied, cherished, did not scold,
The words of evil are against me,
God's servant (name) did not speak.
There is a golden city, a maiden sits above it,
She holds a golden bird in her hands.
The girl is thirty-five years old,
Among people and people purer than silver,
Purer than pure gold.
How kind people love
Pure silver and pure gold,
So let my children look at me,
I am loved and will never be forgotten.
My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.
What I said, what I didn’t say,
The Lord will take it, word will cling to word,
He will add, by His mercy He will not leave me
It's up to once, from this hour.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that children will respect you

If your child doesn’t put you in a penny, read a special spell in the morning and evening until you notice changes in his character. The spell words are:

I believe in One God,
Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Mother Theotokos stood behind the Throne,
I read the first law of the Lord God,
She honored her father and mother and did not contradict her.
Saint Ivan, Her teacher,
He taught, spoke, advised.
There are fiery words in God's Scripture,
You can’t drown those words with water,
You can’t erase it with an alatyr stone.
Said by God and punished:
“To honor your father and mother,
In short, don’t offend them with deeds.”
Whoever breaks that commandment
He will destroy his immortal soul.
I ask you, Archangel Michael,
I pray to you, Archangel Gabriel,
Read this commandment to my daughter yourself,
With your holy lips,
So that she respects me and never offends me,
Me, her mother, who gave birth to her and baptized her.
Dissolve, Lord, all evil,
Cleanse their heart and forehead -
My children, My servants (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy for the selfless and devoted love of children for their mother

Stand on the threshold of the front door, facing the apartment, and read the plot directly from the book so as not to mix up the words and make mistakes. When you read, under no circumstances should you

interrupt. In addition, there should be no animals near you at the time of the ceremony, so try to remove them from the house during this time. The spell words are:

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed,
And I will go, crossing myself.
I'll walk on mother earth,
I will be covered with the sky, I will wash myself with dew,
I'll girdle myself with stars,
I bow to four sides.
No one can cover the sky
Put out the clear dawn
And count all the frequent stars.
So none of my children can do me,
To offend your mother, to think evil,
Dashing to think, raise your hand,
Use your tongue in a dispute.
Lord, take away their longing for me,
According to their mother, according to God's servant (name).
How they screamed for my milk,
My mother's tit was missed
They grabbed me by the hem, they ran after me,
They didn’t leave my hand,
She left - they grieved,
She came and was greeted joyfully,
Everyone, as one, called me mom,
I was both food and water,
It would be so now and always,
For all eternity,
The kids would miss me
I was greeted with joy
They would call me mom
They looked into my eyes and didn’t want to leave.
Lord, King of Heaven,
You love Your Mother of God,
Don’t let my children hurt me either.
Be you, my words, strong, sculpting
For now, for centuries, for all time. Amen.

So that the daughter does not forget her mother

Everyone knows cases when an adult daughter left home and forgot about her mother. To prevent something like this from happening to you, read this conspiracy:

The river has black water, the water has yellow banks,
And there are thresholds at my house.
If only my daughter's legs could walk
To me, God's servant (name).
My daughter would honor me
I wouldn't forget my old mother,
In sorrow, in illness, she did not leave,
How I missed her,
How the mare yearns for her foal,
A sheep according to its lamb,
Blueberry on the nest,
And my daughter on her porch and on me,
God's servant (name). Amen.

If the son forgot his mother

To be honest, this happens quite often. The following conspiracy can help this grief:

I, servant of God (name), will open the window,
I call my son
I'll call him to the door.
Take away, Lord, my anxiety.
I can neither eat nor sleep,
Don’t suffer for an hour or half an hour.
I throw myself at the white walls,
I rush to the dark windows.
I don't see the moon or the sun,
Everyone would cry at the window.
Go, tears, and bring him
Whom I gave birth to and whom I nourished with milk.
I can't see the white light
Without a clear son falcon.
Lord, find him and bring him,
Take a peek, wave your hand.
Mother of God,
How you missed your Son,
I knew no peace either day or night,
Until I saw my dear son.
Give to me, God's servant (name),
To see my son
Press it to your heart.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that children grieve for their mother

Pull out a slingshot-like rod from the broom and, moving it along the threshold, read a special spell nine times in a row. The ritual is carried out for three days in a row. The spell words are:

I, servant of God (name), impose a seal of sadness
To the zealous heart of your child
For me, my mother.
Wherever you go, whoever you walk with,
And he wouldn’t lose his memory of me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Another conspiracy to make children grieve for their mother

Read the spell words over food or drink, which you should then treat the child to. The plot is like this:

How the Child Christ fell to His Mother
And how over the years He did not forget Her,
I didn’t offend with words, I didn’t betray with deeds,
So that my child does not betray me
And she didn’t forget.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy to bind children to their parents

The morning after the Nativity of Christ, before you wash your face, say these charming words:

The Mother of God has a Son,
And I have (child’s name). Amen.

Having said this, light the candle near the Nativity of Christ icon and let it burn out to the end. As soon as it burns out, you can wash your face and have breakfast.

So that no one can offend

Take your undershirt and put it under the full moon at night. In the morning, when the dew falls, take the shirt and put it on immediately. Walk until it dries from body heat. When the whole family has had dinner and leaves the table, take off your shirt and wipe the table with it, saying:

How do they hold this table?
They gather around him,
This is how my children would stay around me,
We were never offended for anything.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

If you do this, the children will not offend you. Don’t wash your shirt for forty days.

If a son hits his mother

Cast a special spell on food or drink for your son, and he will never fight again. The words of the conspiracy are:

Lord, You pray in heaven,
And we pray on earth.
Like no one can gray poppy
To rise from the black earth,
So from now on my son, slave (such and such),
He will never be able to offend me.
The dead don't raise their feet
They don't kick anyone.
The dead don't raise their hands
And they don’t beat anyone with their hands.
So that my son doesn’t wave his arms and legs,
He never beat me or offended me.
God, help me, (such and such) servant.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

To prevent children from raising their hands against their parents

If children beat their parents, you need to read a special spell over the soap, which is then quietly thrown to the cruel children. The spell words are:

As soon as this soap is washed off your face,
So soon evil will leave God's servant (name).
How soap foam does not stay on the forehead,
So let not anger rest on God’s servant (name).
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or touch the deceased and say to yourself:

Like this dead man
Hands don't rise
They don’t clench into fists,
So would it be with the servant of God (name)
On me, God's servant (name),
Hands didn't go up
They didn’t wave, they didn’t clench into fists.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If children raise their hands against their mother

A mother who is offended by her children must heat the bathhouse on the last day of the lean month. When the water in the cauldron boils, you need to throw a pebble into it, saying:

Like this pebble out of water
Won't rise to the top
So it is with the servant of God (name)
Hands on me, God's servant (name),
They will never rise.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If a daughter hits her mother, then you should say:

So the servant of God (daughter’s name) will not rise.

So that children obey their parents

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the sea-on the ocean there is a swordfish.
She walks fast on the water,
And behind her the whole family
Her fish is swimming.
Which way will she turn?
The whole race of fish will follow her there.
So would my children (names)
They followed me everywhere
Listened to me
And they loved me.
And where will my foot turn?
My child will go there.
I talk to my children
For twelve years
And from now on there is no hindrance in my business.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against children's hatred of mother

Take seven new, beautiful towels, such that those to whom you give them would not want to throw them away or sell them. Go to the church and give these towels to the poor, as you usually give alms, after reading the following conspiracy over them:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I will go, servant of God (name),
Yes, on a wide street,
In the clear sun, in white light.
I will be illuminated by God's light,
I'll be surrounded by a gray cloud,
I will be showered with clear stars.
And how the month in the sky cannot be stopped,
So do I, the servant of God (name),
Don't poison my children
Don't offend, don't drive away from home,
Can't call it a bad word.
Cry, their soul, suffer,
There is no peace day or night
For me, for God’s servant (name),
Now and forever and endlessly.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Take the anger out of your son

If the son looks at his parents like a beast, swears in vain and ignores all good admonitions, take a bunch of keys from different locks and put them in a pan of water. You should boil the keys at noon, eight o'clock in the evening and three o'clock in the morning and leave the pan on the stove. In the morning you need to wash your son with this water and give him something to drink; here you will have to cheat, but there is still no other way out. The ritual is performed three times in a row in a declining month (pay special attention to this, since performing the ritual in a growing month will only aggravate the situation). After that, buy your son three new clothes (one after the other, don’t delay). Things can be the cheapest - it doesn't matter. Give the new clothes to your son with your left hand and, looking into his eyes, read the following conspiracy to yourself:

Like a fish is silent
So keep quiet.
Just as the keys don’t shout at their lock,
So don’t yell at me, your mother. Amen.

Conspiracy for filial love

I will stand, crossing myself,
Blessed with the icon.
There is a lake in the middle of mother earth,
There are dumb fish, blind crayfish, and water toads.
Among them there is white fish,
Servant of God (name).
There is water around the fish.
With the white fish, the servant of God (name),
My son is always nearby.
Just as there cannot be a dead body without earth,
Just as fish cannot swim without water,
It can't be like this
My son is without a mother, a servant of God (name).
Miss me, honor me, don’t leave me in my old age.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

If your child lies all the time

Secretly from your child, read a special spell over food or drink, which you then treat him with. The ritual is performed three times in a row, and after that your child will forget about his vice. The plot is like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Two brothers and three sisters came:
Zakhary and Macarius, Daria, Marya and Natalya.
They spoke with tongues, lips, moved their cheeks,
They whispered, muttered, reprimanded,
Three times, many times they spoke
The servant of God (name) has a tongue,
They put a silence on this tongue.
And you, tongue, don’t say too much, don’t shout,
And you, little tongue, keep quiet,
So to say something good to the tongue,
And keep silent about bad language.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Grandmother's conspiracies came to us from ancient times, they are passed down from generation to generation. They are distinguished by their positive orientation. With their help, you can improve your health, improve your personal life and improve your appearance. Such rituals are very simple to perform and do not require significant energy expenditure.

For grandmother's spells to be effective, they must be read correctly. It is very important to pronounce magic words in a calm, balanced state. A few days before the ceremony, you need to establish relationships with everyone around you. You need to get rid of worries and it is strictly forbidden to quarrel with anyone or sort things out.

According to historical sources, it is necessary to give up alcoholic drinks and eat moderately for three days, and even better, fast. It should be remembered that all conspiracies must be read alone. Rituals can be performed on any day, except those on which religious holidays fall. The time of the ceremony is always indicated in the recommendations for a specific ritual and must be observed.

Grandmother's rituals for love

At all times, love has played a huge role in people's lives. Therefore, magical rituals were often used to attract love into life. Many rituals have survived unchanged to this day. All of them are of a creative nature, therefore they belong to the means of absolutely harmless white magic, and, therefore, cannot harm.

Such conspiracies are optimal in situations where love feelings have cooled slightly or one of the partners is slightly bored.

With honey water

You can restore peace in the family with the help of a ritual with honey water. You need to dilute a small amount of honey in a glass of water and drink this drink during the new moon.

Conspiracy words:

“I, the Servant of God (person’s name), close myself to any quarrels, disagreements and gossip, to any third-party blasphemy and my own insult. I close with reliable locks, I close with strong chains. No one will be able to break my plot unless that person drinks all the ocean water. Let no one hear or interfere with my speeches. Let what has been said come true. Amen".

The person on whom the spell was cast should drink at least a sip of such charmed water.

Strong rite

A powerful ritual aimed at attracting love is performed in a secluded place. As a rule, girls most often use this ritual. In a separate room, you should cover the table with a new tablecloth, place three candles and light them.

“Lord, my God, the Lord Most High, I, the Servant of God (my own name), trust in You and pray to You. Bring to me the Servant of God (name of the chosen one). Create a high wall around us, a deep hole, an insurmountable fence. Close the entrances and exits around us so that it’s just the two of us and we enjoy life. And away from me, so that he remembers me and his soul is filled with longing. Lord, close all the fences with reliable and strong locks. As long as the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) loves me, no one will open that lock. The only way. Amen".

After the first reading, you should put out one candle and say the magic words again. Similar actions should be repeated with the second and third candles. After all the candles have been extinguished and the plot has been read for the last time, the candle stubs should be tied with red thread, wrapped in a napkin and hidden in a secret place.

There is an old conspiracy that needs to be carried out in order to achieve the love of a particular man. Such a love spell is read in a separate room after sunset during the waxing phase of the moon.

The words of the magic spell sound as follows:

“Lord Almighty, help me, the Servant of God, (your name), bless the love of the Servant of God (the name of your loved one) and sprinkle him with blessed water. Come before me, the daughter of Herod, shake off from your curly hair the maiden fever that burns on the Servant of God (the name of your loved one). Let him shake from strong love and see no one besides me in his life next to him. Let old age flare up in his body towards me, let his soul be filled with sincere love. Both night and day, so that he thinks only about me. He didn’t eat or sleep, but only dreamed about the ambulance meeting with me. What is said will happen. Amen".

There are a huge number of simple rituals that do not require the use of special attributes. They do not lead to the zombification of a person, but force him to simply pay attention to the performer of the ritual. All you need to do is write a note in which you ask a higher power for the most secret things and put it in a certain place overnight. Most often, such a place is a windowsill, where it will be illuminated by moonlight. To fulfill a desire in the love sphere, you can charm an object that belongs to a loved one. As long as he uses this thing, you will always be together.

PRAYERS-AMULMS for children, grandchildren, relatives... Amulet for your daughter Read at midnight on your daughter’s angel day. My daughter, are you sleeping or are you standing before the Lord, looking at the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, protect my daughter in all matters, on all paths and crossroads, in the sun, in the moon, on the night road and on the day road, on strangers, on strangers. The arms and legs of her enemies would be taken away, darkness would fall over their brains, so that they would not recognize their father and mother. It would be inappropriate for them to offend someone else's daughter. No one can remove this amulets. Key lock, witch ceiling. Amen. Another amulet for her daughter. It is also read by the mother on the day of the Angel, early in the morning, while she is still sleeping, and she must stand on her feet. O Mother of Christ, O Guardian Angel, you are the intercessors of my daughter, the Servant of God (name). The servant of God is like lightning, It cannot be spoiled by an enemy or a sorceress, Nor by an evil enchantress. Protect the servant of God (name) in all matters, in all ways, in the sun and at night. God bless my daughter. I put three crosses: Jesus Christ in front, the Most Holy Theotokos behind, Guardian Angel above my head. Keep your daughter safe. Amulet for your son Read at midnight on your son’s angel day. An angel from birth for his protection, with his wings brush away enemies, scoundrels, destroy him with fire and sword, save my son. Amen. This amulet is only for the baptized. The Guardian Angel, the patron saint, also protected my son, the servant of God (name), from envious enemies, and from flammable arrows, and from drunken mash, and from an evil girl. Save him, my falcon. To the evil eye to look - not to see. Do not touch the sorcerer-crow, the lazy laziness of the servant of God (name), do not mock the body. I put three crosses: Jesus Christ in front, the Most Holy Theotokos behind, Guardian Angel above my head, Be healthy, my son. So that no one beats your son (amulet) Holy Passion-Bearer of Christ, George the Victorious, as you trampled on the infidels, do not give me, the servant of God (name), to my evil adversaries, protect me, the servant of God (name), with a mountain of stone. Amen. Amulet for grandchildren The amulet is made by one of the people closest to the child - the grandmother. Place the child on a chair, give him an icon (any icon, but best of all, a personalized one) in his hand. Stand behind him, bite the hair on his head three times and say: Dashing misfortune, alien hands, Enemies of men, evil tongues From a born slave, baptized (name), Hands become numb, enemies turn to stone, Tongues are taken away, Dashing misfortune is unknown. Amen. Amulet for a grandson or granddaughter Read on the day of the Angel, until dawn, while the grandson or granddaughter is sleeping. Lord, heavenly father, your strength and your will. Save, preserve and protect my grandchildren in all ways, in all roads, in all deeds. Their eyes are clear, their legs are playful, their souls are angelic. Save, save them from dashing troubles, from bad life. From all sorts of ailments, from water and fire, from glass and knives, from any pain. Take away, Lord, evil people. Lord, have mercy and pity. Save, preserve and defend the servant of God (name). Amen. Amulet for husband. The wife is reading. A dog sits on a chain, guarding the master's house. So that the Guardian Angels would guard and protect my husband (name), he would be preserved and protected from evil people, from forest animals, from any weapons, from water and fire, from the spells of women and the deeds of a sorcerer. My word is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amulet for pregnant women Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ Himself, Michael the Archangel and Gabriel the Evangelist, and the Baptist himself, save and preserve a born slave, not baptized in the church: from earth and destruction, Holy Deliverers. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amulet against miscarriage Read with warm milk and drink. Most Holy Theotokos, strengthen. A star in the sky, water in the river, the fruit is strong in me In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. A talisman against the loss of loved ones and relatives. They hammer a new nail into the door frame so that it does not bend, and read the talisman, listing the names of those for whom it is made. They make such a talisman for a holy holiday. A prerequisite is that there is no dog in the house. Nail, I take you, so that you can serve me and my family. And while you sleep in my door frame, you protect and guard all my relatives (list the names of all those needed). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amulet for yourself Once a year, on your birthday, just getting out of bed, say: Angel of my birth, Send me your blessing, Deliverance from trouble, grief, From my enemies nine times nine, From slander and vain blasphemy, From sudden illness and terrible, From the point in the dark, from the poison in the cup, From the beast in the thicket, From the gaze of Herod and his army, From anger and punishment, From bestial torn apart, From eternal cold and fire, From hunger and a rainy day - Save, save me. And my last hour will come, my angel, stay with me, stand at the head of the bed, make my departure easier. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


For every mother, the life and health of children is the most important. And how a mother’s heart hurts when she is away from her child! The reality around us can hardly be called calm, everywhere there are forces far from goodness and light: we are in danger on the roads, on vacation, in society, from the forces of nature, its cataclysms: thunder, rain, earthquake, wave, we are hurt by negative forces. That is why it is so important to make a talisman for your children in order to strengthen the protection of your child’s guardian angel in difficult life circumstances.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the protection of children

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your roof my child (name), all youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants. Mother of God, bring me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood, heal the mental and physical wounds of my child (name), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Another prayer for the protection of children to the Virgin Mary:

Mother of God, take your son Jesus Christ by the right hand, and my son/daughter (name) by the left, and lead me from beginning to end, protected, preserved and unharmed among all misfortunes, fire, water, the snares of the devil, from death on the way, your move away with your hand. Cover it with your canopy, your holy amulet. Save and preserve the slave (name) Amen. Mother Theotokos and Christ are with me.

Charms for children

A lucky charm for a newborn baby

You need to buy a new shirt (if in the maternity hospital, just a film or sheet and wrap the newly born baby in it. If you can’t do this, then do it in the ward and take this diaper with you.

Next Easter, before sunrise, read the plot over this shirt or sheet

“Whoever meets the servant of God (name), everyone will greet him with joy, seat him at an expensive table, feed him, give him something to drink, and the Lord Himself (name) will bless him. Happiness, joy, wrap yourself in a ring, cling to the servant of God (name). He doesn’t have to worry about living and making a fortune in gold and silver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After reading the words, tie it in a knot and hide it away from prying eyes. As long as this shirt is intact, your child will be happy and lucky.

Important: this shirt should never be washed, only aired and dried.

If your child is already an adult and walks on the street himself, you can make such a conspiracy

Spell for a grown child

The following words should be said every time you let your child walk alone in the yard, or on errands, even to school. The words of the prayer - amulets are simple, they are easy to learn and say when crossing your son or daughter, or any child:

Go for a walk, child, and don’t lose yourself. May the Lord save you and bring you back to me. Ashe go away, my God. Amen.

Another charm charm. Place the child on a chair, give him an icon, any icon, maybe his name, stand behind him, bite his hair 3 times and read:

Great misfortune, strange hands, human enemies, evil tongues from a born baptized slave (child’s name). Your hands will go numb, your enemies will turn to stone, your tongue will be lost, you won’t know any trouble. Amen.

Amulet for grandchildren

They are read by grandparents on Angel's Day or the birthday of a grandson or granddaughter until dawn, while the grandchildren are sleeping. You can read it to your mother, the words are good and will always be effective.

Lord, heavenly father, your strength and your will. Save, preserve and protect in all ways, in all roads, in all matters my granddaughter/grandson of God's servant (name, name). Their eyes are clear, their legs are playful, their souls are angelic. Save, save them from dashing troubles, from bad life. From all sorts of ailments, from water and fire, from glass and knives, from any pain. Take away, Lord, evil people. Lord, have mercy and pity. Save, preserve and defend the servant of God (name). Amen.

Prayer “Angel of my child”, protecting a child on the street and at school

If your child complains that he is bullied at school, bullied in the yard by his peers, he does not find a common language in society - it’s time to figure out why this is happening. Where are the roots of this phenomenon? Maybe you didn’t pay attention to his physical training, because they usually don’t like the weak. Maybe he is conflictual by nature, does not respect people himself, treats other children poorly. Then you need to try to correct the situation by changing your child’s behavior.

However, there are often cases when the surrounding reality is such that sometimes bad companies do not accept calm and kind children, realizing that such children are better in development - they strive to take revenge on them, spreading rot and humiliating them in every possible way. It will be more difficult here... Think for yourself how you can influence the situation.

A prayer to your child’s guardian angel to help you:

My baby's angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you, protect him, hProtect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter and send him success!

Write the words of the spell on a piece of paper, read it yourself, and put the piece of paper in your child’s clothes or another secluded place so that he always carries it with him. This plot will protect your teenager from troubles with peers.

In general, you need to turn to your angel more often, thank him for his vigilant eye, for his love and eternal service to us.

Be healthy and may these simple prayers and conspiracies help you!

Read how to help your child study well,

Detailed description from several sources: “amulet prayer for a grandson” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Amulet for grandchildren

They read it on the day of the Angel, until dawn, while the grandson is sleeping.

“Lord, heavenly father, your strength and your will. Save, preserve and protect my grandchildren in all ways, in all roads, in all deeds. Their eyes are clear, their legs are playful, their souls are angelic. Save, save them from dashing troubles, from bad life. From all sorts of ailments, from water and fire, from glass and knives, from any pain. Take away, Lord, evil people. Lord, have mercy and pity. Save, preserve and defend the servant of God (name). Amen".

Prayer to protect a child from troubles and misfortunes

For every mother, the life and health of children is the most important. And how a mother’s heart hurts when she is far from her child! The reality around us can hardly be called calm, everywhere there are forces far from goodness and light: we are in danger on the roads, on vacation, in society, from the forces of nature, its cataclysms: thunder, rain, earthquake, wave, we are wounded by negative forces-moments. That is why it is so important to make a talisman for your children, so that a guardian angel will take care of your child if you are not around.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the protection of children

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your roof my child (name), all youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants. Mother of God, bring me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood, heal the mental and physical wounds of my child (name), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Another prayer for the protection of children to the Virgin Mary:

Mother of God, take your son Jesus Christ by the right hand, and my son (name) by the left and lead her from beginning to end, protected, preserved and unharmed among all troubles, fire, water, the machinations of the devil, from death on the way, with your hand take her away . Cover it with your canopy, your holy amulet. Save and preserve the slave (name) Amen. Mother Theotokos and Christ are with me.

Charms for children

A lucky charm for a newborn baby

You need to buy a new shirt (if in the maternity hospital, just a film or sheet and wrap the newly born baby in it. If you can’t do this, then do it in the ward and take this diaper with you.

Next Easter, before sunrise, read the plot over this shirt or sheet

“Whoever meets the servant of God (name), everyone will greet him with joy, seat him at an expensive table, feed him, give him something to drink, and the Lord Himself (name) will bless him. Happiness, joy, wrap yourself in a ring, cling to the servant of God (name). He doesn’t have to worry about living and making a fortune in gold and silver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After reading the words, tie it in a knot and hide it away from prying eyes. As long as this shirt is intact, your child will be happy and lucky.

Important: this shirt should never be washed, only aired and dried.

If your child is already an adult and walks on the street himself, you can make such a conspiracy

Conspiracy for a grown child

The following words should be said every time you let your child walk alone in the yard, or on errands, even to school. The words of the amulets prayer are simple, easy to learn and say when crossing your son or daughter, or any child:

Go for a walk, child, and don’t lose yourself. May the Lord save you and bring you back to me. Ashe go away, my God. Amen.

Another charm charm. Place the child on a chair, give him an icon, any icon, maybe his name, stand behind him, bite his hair 3 times and read:

Great misfortune, strange hands, human enemies, evil tongues from a born baptized slave (child’s name). Your hands will go numb, your enemies will turn to stone, your tongue will be lost, you won’t know any trouble. Amen.

Amulet for grandchildren

Prayer “Angel of my child”, protecting a child on the street and at school

If your child complains that he is bullied at school, bullied in the yard by his peers, he does not find a common language in society - it’s time to figure out why this is happening. Where are the roots of this phenomenon? Maybe you didn’t pay attention to his physical training, because they usually don’t like the weak. Maybe he is conflictual by nature, does not respect people himself, treats other children poorly. Then you need to try to correct the situation by changing your child’s behavior.

However, there are often cases when the surrounding reality is such that sometimes bad companies do not accept calm and kind children, realizing that such children are better in development - they strive to take revenge on them, spreading rot and humiliating them in every possible way. It will be more difficult here. Think for yourself how you can influence the situation.

A prayer to your child’s guardian angel to help you:

My baby's angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you, protect him, hProtect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter and send him success!

Write the words of the spell on a piece of paper, read it yourself, and put the piece of paper in your child’s clothes or another secluded place so that he always carries it with him. This plot will protect your teenager from troubles with peers.

In general, you need to turn to your angel more often, thank him for his vigilant eye, for his love and eternal service to us.

Be healthy and may these simple prayers and conspiracies help you!

Read how to help your child study well, prayers for successful studies.

Amulet spell for grandchildren

Thy power and Thy will.

Save, preserve and protect

In all ways, in all roads,

In all my affairs my grandchildren:

Their eyes are clear, their legs are playful,

Their souls are angelic.

Save, save them from evil, dashing,

Life is bad.

From all sorts of ailments,

From glass and knife,

Take away, Lord, evil people.

Lord, have mercy and pity.

Save, preserve and defend

Servant of God (name). Amen.

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Amulets for the whole family

Since ancient times, amulets and amulets have helped people protect themselves from negativity and attract love and prosperity into life. You can make them with your own hands, and sometimes the words of a prayer or spell become a strong amulet.

Everyone wants to protect their family and loved ones. For these purposes, people use many different objects, rituals and conspiracies. Prayer amulets for children, husbands and wives have been especially valued at all times. The word of a loved one who sincerely wants to protect loved ones has enormous power, which can create a protective cocoon through which no evil can break through.

Amulet for daughter

A prayer protecting a dear child is read by the mother on Angel’s Day. Protective words are spoken over a sleeping child.

“I protect my sleeping daughter. I turn with prayer to the Almighty Lord, to the Mother of God Protector. Protect my child both in dreams and in reality. Any day, in any weather, at home or on the road. Whether at a crossroads or on a straight path, do not let evil enter her soul. Avert the gaze of wicked people, protect from meeting dishonest people. The mother's word is castle. God's grace is the key. Amen".

At midnight on her daughter’s birthday or Angel Day, the mother, standing at the feet of her sleeping daughter with a lit candle, pronounces the words of amulets:

“Protector Angel, follow my child relentlessly. Accompany her day and night, take care of my heart, my blood, my love. My daughter, flesh of flesh, blood of blood, I give you all my protection, I pray to your Angel and the Mother of God for protection. Don’t back down, don’t overlook it, take care of my little blood. Amen".

Amulet for son

This prayer is read by the mother or father on the child’s name day.

“Since birth, an Angel has been over my child, protecting him from grief and misfortune with his wings. Protects from any evil. It leads you along the path of light and does not allow you to turn into darkness. I pray to you, protector of my son. Keep him healthy, bring some sense to the foolish child. I give my own protection, parental protection; there is no stronger general protection. Amen".

“Angel, my son’s guardian, his bright soul’s guardian. Protect my child (name) from any evil, from offenders and evil slander, from damage and the evil eye. So be it, no evil will come to my son. Water is off a duck's back, thinness is on a son's back. Amen".

Charms for grandchildren

“I am the guardian of the family, the ancestor of my grandson. With my will and strength, my indestructible faith, I call upon the Guardian Angel, our patron child. Save (name’s) priceless blood, carry his life through the crowd of infidels. Fill his vessel with true faith, show him the true path. Carry my word to Heaven, tell all the Higher powers for our child. Amen".

“Heavenly forces, direct your gaze upon us sinners, give us the strength to raise our children in love and protection. Protect my grandchildren from evil and godlessness, ward off the devil’s machinations. With the light of newborn strength, my senile experience and knowledge, with my weary hands, I bless my grandson for a rich and sweet life, without grief and disappointment, without shame and tears. So that my grandson grows up only in love and affection. Amen".

Amulet for husband

“Guardian angels, God's helpers. Follow my God-given betrothed. Guard him, my husband. From evil people, from evil animals, from death, disaster, infidelity and lies. Give reason to my beloved, and male strength to protect people. I, my wife, pray and repent, I repent of my sins. I give my word and will to protect the strong. May any evil against my husband (name) be powerless. Amen".

Amulet for pregnant women

“Most Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Guardian Angel, I appeal to you, I ask for protection. Protect the child inside the mother's womb from human malice, from disease and misfortune. Protect his mother and promise him an easy birth. Let God introduce the newborn child. He who was born on the cross, may he be baptized, will not forget his faith in God. Amen".

Amulet protecting the health of loved ones

Take a nail, sprinkle holy water on it, hammer it into the jamb and at the same time say protective words:

“I’ll take a nail and hammer it into the jamb. The iron sits firmly in the tree and will not jump out or fly out. So my relatives will be strong and strong. Angels protect them and do not allow them to stray from the right path. I pray to all the saints for their health, for their bright souls and immeasurable happiness. Until the nail bends and jumps out of its nest, all troubles will be avoided (names of relatives).”

Amulet for yourself

“My life is bright and righteous, like Christ’s in his bosom. The angel protects me and gives me protection. Doesn't let me turn off the path, no matter where my feet take me. He drives away evil in daylight and dark at night. Save, Lord, the sinful servant (name), who praises You, prays and proclaims Your glory. Amen".

Take a church candle, stand in front of the holy image and focus on inner prayer. Then imagine how a transparent cocoon covers you. Its power is the stronger, the stronger your faith in the protection given from the Higher powers. Wait until the candle burns out, cross yourself three times and bow to the icon. When leaving, do not turn your back on her.

Warding prayers or simply protective words can be said at any time. The main thing is the desire and belief that this will help loved ones and relatives. We wish you peace in your family, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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Words-amulets: powerful protection against negativity

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been looking for methods of protection from negativity and bad influences. Their knowledge, accumulated over centuries, has reached ours.

Prayer-amulet “Seven Crosses” to protect family and home

“Seven Crosses” is one of the famous amulets prayers. With its help, you can protect yourself and loved ones from negative energy, as well as from ill-wishers.

The “Three Angels” prayer is the most powerful amulet against problems and troubles

Any word has unique power and can change the world, especially if it is addressed to God. Prayer is one.

Strong prayers-amulets against the evil eye, damage and evil

While achieving success and winning victories in life, you can become a victim of envious people. Protect and rid yourself of negativity.

Prayer for money from Natalia Pravdina

Natalya Pravdina advises reading this prayer for good luck in money for those who urgently need money. .

Amulet for grandchildren.

Grandmother is one of the closest people to the baby. It is to the help of grandmothers that young parents resort, actively involving them in raising their grandchildren. It is not surprising that many strong amulets for children are read not only by the mother, but also by the grandmother. Any grandmother can read the amulet for grandchildren: both the mother of the wife and the mother of the husband. The main thing is that the grandmother is motivated by love for her grandson and a sincere desire to protect and put up an impenetrable amulet. All babies are very beautiful in childhood and attract a lot of attention from strangers. This is fraught with various evil eyes that must be removed. The amulet placed by the grandmother for her grandson will help protect the baby from the evil eye.

If a grandmother decides to make a protective amulet for her grandson, then she will need any icon, but preferably a personalized one. Place your grandson on a chair and give him an icon. Stand behind your baby, bite the hair on his head 3 times and say the words of the amulet.

So, the grandmother’s amulet for her grandson.

"Trouble goes away, strangers' hands go away,

Unkind eyes, evil tongues,

From a born, baptized slave (name).

The hands of strangers become numb, the enemies turn to stone,

You don't have to deal with bad trouble.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

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