Fortune telling for the near future guardian angel. Tarot fortune telling the magical power of guardian angels. Fortune telling by guardian angels online

Your Guardian angel with his messages and tips he is able to help you in all your endeavors and in all areas of life. The magical power of your Guardian Angel will allow you to communicate with the angels and receive answers and instructions from them on all questions that interest you. Fortune telling on cards by Doreen Virtue - “The magical power of your Guardian Angel” is more like an ordinary conversation between a person and his heavenly patrons. In such a conversation, the angels give advice on how to cope with difficulties and how to act correctly in a given situation. Angel cards not only lift the veil of the future, but help a person understand himself, and also teach him to notice divine messages. Your Guardian angel, is always next to you, protecting you and helping you with her advice.

Free online fortune telling "The magical power of the Guardian Angel" will help you find out what your Guardian Angel wants to tell you. By turning to Guardian Angel fortune-telling, you will receive wise advice, find out what is most important for you and what needs to be done first.

You can also get advice of the day from your Guardian Angel by using online fortune telling tarot of Angels "Tip of the day" .

To start fortune telling The magical power of the Guardian Angel


  • Fortune telling online tarot of Angels "Cross of the Way"
  • Angel Tarot Fortune Telling for free "Angel Wing"
  • Free online fortune telling by Angels "Heart"
  • Fortune telling "Three cards" on the Angels tarot cards

Each of us has a guardian angel at birth; he does not forget even the most soulless and callous people. He always strives to help people. The thirst to know your future pushes you to turn to it. Despite the fact that everyone has forgotten about him, he will not suggest anything bad and will always guide you on the right bright path. Everyone chooses for themselves how to reveal the secret of the fate ahead of them. Whether it be magic rituals.

While waiting for a person to turn to his guardian and remember him in the captivity of worldly vanity, he still does not abandon the person to the mercy of fate. It is not worth mentioning that the use of dark methods associated with sacrifice and blood does not always lead to the desired result. However, answers can be obtained in different ways; now there are quite a lot of them. Often a guardian angel is seen in a dream, usually he comes in the form of a person, most often a relative, exactly the one you think your benefactor. You can talk to him, ask him what worries you most at the moment or tell him about something.

Fortune telling by guardian angels online

If there are you want to know the answers to yours internal issues, you should turn to online fortune telling. A fortuneteller will receive answers to the questions asked for free. Having formulated your questions and clicked on the button, you will get a card on which there will be recommendations and answers from higher powers.

In the world of modern technology and the Internet, you do not need any knowledge or skills to tell fortunes. If you are sad and have some anxiety or fear in your soul, then virtual fortune telling will help you. Cards that will lift your spirits, charge you with a cheerful spirit and good mood, fill you up positive.

  • you can guess every day;
  • you receive a prediction for every day;
  • you get a hint on how to behave in a difficult life situation.

Such a system was created by a clairvoyant and parapsychologist. In the field of psychological counseling, they were leading experts. Successfully selected cards that were capable of telling true and inspiring predictions. The cards emit the softest and most positive energy, without any negative messages. One of the main concepts of the action is the desire for self-development and self-improvement.

In order to achieve a solution to a problem, you should not rely only on searching for answers in the outside world. Fortune telling advice "Guardian Angel" online will be a good guide on an amazing journey called take a look for yourself In the soul. However, you can guess every day, especially for those people who:

  • experience separation from loved ones;
  • got confused in a difficult situation;
  • trying to start a new life;
  • are at a crossroads.

Having gathered your courage and decided to seek advice from your angel, first of all you need to correctly and correctly formulate for yourself the question that you plan to ask the angel. After which you need to get comfortable in a soft chair, imagining in front of you a bright stream of light that is directed only at you and say, “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, and I am behind you." And then you can conduct online fortune telling. The main thing: you need tune in on the right wave, concentrate, forget about the bustle of the world and try not to get nervous. After which you will enter a semi-meditative state.

As practice shows, you will not be required to spend any emotional or energy expenses. A fortuneteller who believes in the existence of angels will definitely receive an answer to the question he has formulated as clearly as possible.

Most of the world is invisible, we cannot see it with our eyes. In the largest part of the world, the mind lives, it cannot be touched or felt, much less seen or heard. The universe as a whole has an energy field, just like the earth, the moon, or a community of people. Angels, spirits and other spiritual beings reside precisely in the energy sector universe. Pure light that does not cast shadows is invisible to people. But material objects that do not transmit light are perfectly visible to the human eye.

  • Angels exist and are always ready to help.
  • We don't see them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
  • They will always be able to advise and guide you on the path to get out of the crisis and come to a full, happy life;
  • We need to train ourselves to thank them for the fact that they are always with us and at any second we can turn to them with our request or problem.

To properly honor the cards of the angels of light, you need to be in a focused state and let go of the vanity of your soul. Otherwise, the answers will be inaccurate and may disappoint you. To enhance the capabilities of the cards, bless them, prayer and supplication will help the angels more easily tune in to your problems and give more good advice. To do this you may need:

  • meditate well;
  • pacify your fussy thoughts;
  • take a deep breath;
  • relax a little.

You need to listen more carefully and take a closer look at the answers you receive. The best thing to do is sit in silence and think about it some more.

Fortune telling "Card for the Guardian"

The constant presence of an angel next to a person helps him to seek help or advice at any time in difficult times. Most often, we worry about what we are about to experience at one point or another, in a segment of our lives. And more than ever at such a moment, we want to get a hint. To do this, you can perform a small ritual; in the evening we need to prepare twenty-one strips of paper of the same length and size, the following statements must be written on them:

  • work hard and then you can get great benefits;
  • you can count on the help of a kind person;
  • It’s worth taking a better look at your surroundings;
  • you will be able to have fun with your loved ones;
  • some person is gossiping behind your back;
  • take better care of your health;
  • a road or journey is expected;
  • expect good news;
  • you may be able to make unexpected profits that you need to spend wisely;
  • lonely people will get to know each other, and lovers will have a pleasant meeting;
  • New perspectives will open up before you;
  • don't let things go;
  • changes will soon occur where you don’t expect them;
  • visit your loved ones, because they need help;
  • spend an evening with close friends;
  • do not give in to temptation;
  • Luck is with you, so don’t miss your chance;
  • today you will be the center of attention;
  • the day will be tense and boring;
  • dedicate the day to your loved one;
  • the day will pass calmly.

So that you cannot distinguish them from each other, roll them into a tube. Place an opaque container near your bed, put all your straws there, and leave them overnight. In the morning, without getting out of bed, just opening your eyes, you need to immediately contact to the guardian with the words: “Does sadness await me today or is joy prepared for me?” Now, closing your eyes, you can take out one of the fortune sheets, rolled into a tube.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Fortune telling using Tarot cards is considered one of the most beautiful; the best layout is called “Angel Wing”. For the ritual you need to take a deck of cards and mix it thoroughly. Having let go of all your thoughts from your head, think while shuffling the cards only about those questions that interest you. Having laid out the cards on the table according to the indicated figures, you can proceed to the interpretation:

  • 1 - the main thing you should pay attention to;
  • 2 - useful information;
  • 3 - issues that should be resolved immediately;
  • 4 - events that affect the present;
  • 5 - changes that will happen soon;
  • 6 - future impacts;
  • 7 - existing secrets;
  • 8 - useful advice;
  • 9 - summing up;
  • 10 - possible prospects.

Just take fortune telling seriously; according to the advice of professionals, you should not unnecessarily resort to using predictions due to the fact that an Angel may simply become offended by a person and stop listening to him, and as a result, stop helping him. Try to perform the ritual with precision and with great respect relate to everything that happens. To perform the ritual correctly, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Conduct the ritual while completely alone.
  • Use only blessed church candles.
  • You can't laugh or smile, show humility.
  • Take fortune telling seriously.

Taking into account all the above points, you can be confident about the result of fortune telling and the consequences that follow after it in case of failure.

Often you need an answer to a question regarding love. There is a good fortune telling for this called “Three Questions for Lovers.” The narrowly focused specificity of this fortune-telling allows you to ask only three questions that relate to the relationship of lovers. Even in the most difficult situations, you can clarify its outcome thanks to fortune telling with three questions. Even though you have not met your soulmate, with the help of fortune telling you can find hope and turn to Higher powers to speed up the course of events.

You shouldn’t treat fortune-telling about your guardian angel online as a funny joke. Even with strong mistrust, fortune telling carries serious meaning and correctly describes the state of mind of the fortuneteller.

It is necessary to comply with the established rules and framework for conducting any of the possible rituals. This will help you carry out the ritual safely and get the most accurate result. The main hint for carrying out the ritual will be love, and you should also treat your angel with respect and trepidation, who will help you open the veil of secrecy.

  • Fortune telling should only be done alone.
  • You need to be serious during the entire session.
  • You need to concentrate on the questions being asked.
  • It is advisable that there are no other people at home at this moment.
  • You should not leave the room or interrupt the ceremony.

You should not laugh at the fortune telling process and take everything not seriously, because higher powers do not like this and may even punish you for such behavior. Use lit church candles to illuminate the room and attributes for the ritual. But other types of lighting in the room should be turned off so as not to violate the integrity.

Angels in our lives

Your guardian is ready to help at any moment of your destiny and give advice in difficult times. Possessing magical powers, he is able to communicate with you at any time when you need it. You may get the impression that you are talking with an ordinary person, through whom the angel can give you messages and give advice on how to cope in difficult times. Thinking that you are communicating with a friend, you convey your requests and desires through him to your guardian.

Watching his charge, the angel does this extremely unnoticed. Every minute it takes you away from all kinds of temptations, giving you various opportunities and chances, unknown twists of fate. It concerns everyone whether they should believe in it, but one way or another, they hint to us about their existence. Correct reading of signs helps us in life. Whether it's a broken heel or losing something, getting splashed with mud. More than once it happened that at an important moment, for example, when signing an important and fateful document for us, a pen fell, none of us even thought about whether this was a sign. You just have to believe in it and everything will be as it should be.

Over the long period of his existence on this earth, man found a way to ask questions to his guardian and receive answers to them. For example:

  • Fortune telling on cards.
  • Prayers and amulets.
  • Calling an Angel.
  • Online fortune telling.

Under no circumstances should you fall into despair if you do not receive the desired answer or advice to the question you ask, because everything is done according to the will of a higher power. This is just fortune telling and prediction, and the mirror of your destiny is you for yourself. You shouldn’t rub the cards again, lay them out, asking your questions again and again; apparently, this is necessary so that you do not receive answers to them at the moment.

Attention, TODAY only!

Fortune telling “Guardian Angel”: what is it?

Believing or not in guardian angels is a personal matter and concerns exclusively everyone. But if you want to know what your inner voice advises you to do, turn to the Guardian Angel online fortune telling. Thus, the fortuneteller will receive free advice for any occasion. Every person who wants to receive advice from higher powers can guess. The online version is simple: you just need to formulate a question and click on a button. You will receive a card with an interpretation - these are recommendations from higher powers.

What will the online fortune telling “Guardian Angel” tell you?

Today, with the advent of the Internet, it is not necessary to know how to read cards in order to receive magical advice. Virtual fortune telling “Guardian Angel” will help you if your soul is heavy and sad, if you are worried about anxiety and fear. Fortune telling cards are filled with positivity, they will charge you with a good mood and give you peace of mind.

The work of fortune telling is that you can get a hint on how to behave in a difficult life situation. You will also receive a prediction for every day. Note that you can guess every day, there are no restrictions. Fortune telling “Guardian Angel” will help you get advice for the coming day, so it’s better to tell fortunes in the morning, when going on business.

The system itself was created by a clairvoyant and a parapsychologist, who are leading experts in the field of psychological counseling. The cards they selected emit only positive and soft energy; there are no negative messages here, because guardian angels are messengers of light and goodness. In this way, you can communicate with your angel and receive the most truthful, inspiring predictions. The main concept of the action is your desire for self-improvement and self-development. Remember that you will not achieve a solution to a problem if you look only in the world around you for the answer. Look into your soul, and the Guardian Angel fortune-telling will become an excellent guide on this amazing journey.

How is “Guardian Angel” fortune-telling carried out?

So, you decided to turn to your angel for advice. To do this, you need to get comfortable in a chair, imagine a stream of light that is directed at you, formulate a question, asking for help, and say: “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, I am behind you." Then you can do online fortune telling. It is very important to concentrate, tune in to the desired wavelength, relax and not be nervous. In other words, you need to enter a semi-meditative state. This fortune telling will not require any emotional or energy expenditure from you. You just need to believe that you will receive an answer, and formulate as clearly as possible the question to which the guardian angel must answer. Well, of course, the fortuneteller must believe in the existence of angels! You can guess every day, it is especially useful for those people who:

  • are at a crossroads;
  • got confused in a difficult situation;
  • experience separation from loved ones;
  • trying to start a new life.

This fortune telling will help you emerge victorious from any situation.

Online fortune telling with numbers
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Many people sincerely believe that they have their own guardian angel who helps in difficult situations. Online fortune telling “Guardian Angel” will help you understand a difficult situation, and you will receive an answer to an important question from your angel.
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Online fortune telling “Burn, my heart”
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Fortune telling by wish
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Online fortune telling on the situation
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Online fortune telling using the “Book of Changes”
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Online fortune telling for your betrothed
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The existence of some higher power that protects a person and helps him in difficult times is recognized by almost everyone, regardless of religion and denomination. These mysterious forces invisibly protect us and support us on the path of life.

Fortune telling Guardian Angel: a faithful assistant in a difficult situation

Most often, we call intangible substances that help us in various situations Guardian Angels. There are many versions as to what its influence on human life is. Only one thing is certain: he cannot influence a person’s fate, but he can, with the help of peculiar hints, warn of danger and protect him from wrong actions. The question is, will we be able to discern in time the signs that our guardian angel sends us, interpret them correctly and draw the appropriate conclusions? In order to see and unravel a sign sent from above, it is necessary, first of all, to listen to our own intuition, because our inner voice is the voice of an angel who protects us. In addition, you can use fortune telling, which allows you to directly seek advice on an issue that interests you in your personal life or work from your protector.

Guardian Angel: now fortune telling can be done online

There are two types of Guardian Angel fortune telling. Each of them comes from a different idea of ​​these invisible entities. According to the first version, the same guardian angel accompanies a person throughout his entire life path in this and the next world. There is another interpretation of the role of angels in our lives. According to her, guardian angels can change depending on our actions and life situations. Accordingly, the first type of fortune telling allows you to lift the veil behind which the future is hidden. An extended version of fortune telling, the Guardian Angel will reveal to you the secret of the future. Note! Fortune telling requires extreme concentration and calmness, detachment from all external events. It is best to guess alone, in a calm and quiet environment. Only once a day you can ask one question to your invisible protector, since each subsequent question turns fortune telling into entertainment. This can lead to the fact that the angel will be offended by you and will no longer give hints and correct predictions.

Free fortune telling Guardian Angel

Fortune telling is the receipt of some kind of advice that the defender gives to his ward. It can take the form of a hint or a warning; also, if you are unable to influence the situation, the Guardian Angel can predict your future. Don't expect the angel's advice to contain direct guidance for action. You will only receive the door key. Finding the door, as well as deciding whether to open it or pass by, is up to you. For help in interpreting the results of fortune telling, you can turn to qualified psychologists, but only you yourself can give the most correct interpretation by listening to your own inner voice, since this is how the connection is established between your soul and the one to whom it is entrusted for protection. Any intermediary in this matter can, through incorrect interpretation, have a negative impact on your destiny. In order to perform virtual fortune-telling for free, you need to concentrate, silently turn to your guardian angel with the words: “My angel, come with me: you are ahead, I am behind you.” After this, you just need to press a button - and the result of online fortune telling will appear on the monitor to the fortuneteller. In addition, there is Guardian Angel fortune telling on cards. However, it can only be carried out by an appropriate specialist with the necessary competence.

This online fortune telling will help you find out what your Guardian Angel wants to tell you exactly TODAY.

In almost all predictions, it is not recommended to guess for fun or several times a day, but this applies especially to this ritual!

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

The layout of Lenormand cards “Two” is one of the most popular when divining love and relationships between a woman and a man. This fortune telling shows the conscious and unconscious relationship between two close people, what thoughts and feelings they have for each other, what actions they take and what their relationship will be in the future.

The layout of the cards on the Simbolon oracle “Step by step” is necessary for predicting the development of the situation, the state of things in the future. With the help of this layout, you can find out how events will develop, what interferes and what will help you, and how the matter will end. Focus and ask your question to the cards.

Layout of Lenormand cards “Separation” Suitable for those who are at odds with their partner or are on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what your partner’s attitude is towards breaking up, how your life will change if you decide to break up or maintain the relationship, and most importantly, whether your relationship has a chance. Concentrate and imagine the situation, ask a question to the cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on Tarot cards “Venus in Scorpio” gives an understanding of how partners relate to each other, what feelings they experience, hidden influence, as well as what important events in relationships should be expected in the near future. This alignment is valid for about 3 months, if you change your behavior tactics, we advise you to carry out this alignment again, since predicting the future is always based on maintaining the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that the cards give you will help you in your matter (preserving or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the area of ​​feelings. Concentrate and ask your question to the cards.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.