Horse and Snake: marriage will increase the couple's compatibility and bring pleasant discoveries. Snake man and horse woman compatibility He is a horse, she is a snake compatibility

Nata Karlin

Compatibility between Horse and Snake is far from ideal, but even such different people can be happy together. This completely opposite personalities in everything, excellent in almost every aspect of worldview. It is often unclear to those around them how they are together. However, they also have every right to happiness.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom and therefore it is natural that people born under this zodiac sign are patient, calm and balanced. They simply have no equal in their determination.

Snake people can always find a common language both with one person and with a group of people

They know exactly what strings to press in order to achieve reciprocity or attention to their own opinion. In a couple, Snake people are very jealous, selfish and biased towards their partner.

People born in the year of the Horse are very gentle and cheerful in character. They like to work hard and fruitfully to see with their own eyes the results of their efforts. Their position in life seems strange and unacceptable to most, and their behavior is perplexing. Love for representatives of this sign is a change of hobbies, in friendship they are used to being leaders.

Snake and Horse are different, but can be happy together

Compatibility horoscope for Snake and Horse in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship in the Snake-Horse pair cannot be called ideal. However, partners can find many positive qualities in each other:

  • a wise and balanced Snake will help the impulsive Horse make informed decisions;
  • the horse will allow the Snake to calmly run the household, pursue a career and fully provide for the family;

However most of these unions are short-lived, and the initiator of the break is the Snake. It can also save a relationship from breaking up.

The relationship in the Snake-Horse pair cannot be called ideal

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Snake and Horse

Husband and wife (Horse-Snake) are initially very different people. Freedom-loving horse, does not tolerate outside interference in his life and affairs. It can be quite difficult to “tame” a proud representative of this zodiac sign. Because marriage is regarded as an attack on personal space.

To enter into a relationship, the Horse will have to take what has happened for granted, she needs to change her attitude towards life and not be afraid of future changes

The snake also needs to try hard before peace and prosperity can come to the family. First of all, you need to moderate your pride and curb your jealous nature. It is enough to understand that partner is not personal property, but a person with his own concepts about life and an established manner of behavior. You can simply close your eyes to some of your spouse’s shortcomings and let him frolic freely. These impulses will gradually become weaker, and soon he will begin to listen to the opinion of the wiser and more insightful Snake.

“Taming” a Horse and a Snake can be quite difficult

Friendship between Snake and Horse according to the Chinese calendar

The horoscopic Snake and Horse can certainly be friends. However, this unexpected union faces serious trials before it develops into a real, strong friendship. The main thing in a relationship is avoid mutual obligations and dependencies on each other. Complete forgiveness and detachment from judging the partner’s shortcomings guarantees a strong union.

Compatibility in work between the Snake and the Horse is quite high. This can be explained by the following personality traits:

  • People of both zodiac signs believe that building a career and success in business and business is an integral part of a decent life. The Snake and the Horse love and know how to work, achieving through perseverance and cunning the position in society that, in their opinion, they deserve. This helps them achieve their goals and turn their plans into reality.
  • A very important role is played by composure and surprising the Snake's ability to concentrate on solving the problem at hand, correctly developing a strategy and giving the Horse practical recommendations on how to straighten out the situation.

People of these zodiac constellations can achieve maximum success in general business or building a career only if they clearly distribute spheres of influence and responsibilities among themselves.

Compatibility in work between Snake and Horse is quite high

Compatibility of Snake man and Horse woman

So, he is the Snake, she is the Horse. What awaits this union? Despite the fact that astrologers consider such a couple to be quite problematic, they have prospects for building a future together. Traditionally, a woman is expected to become the keeper of the family hearth, to devote herself to the home, children and husband. However, the Horse girl is not too keen to fulfill the obligations assigned to her. She's still will prove its independence for a long time, not recognizing that the world may be limited to her by the walls of her own home.

The Snake guy will not be delighted with his wife’s too large social circle, and even more so with her excessive ambition. To maintain peace in the family, he will have to come to terms with the fact that his wife, in most cases, will put personal interests above the desires of him and his children. Eg, she will be happy to leave home on holiday to celebrate a big event with friends. And the fact that the wife has a wide circle of acquaintances will give the suspicious Snake husband rich soil for jealousy.

In this combination, there is only one thing left - the spouse either needs to accept the partner for who she is, or break off this union at the very beginning

The likelihood that a Horse woman will radically change her lifestyle is negligible.

Compatibility of Snake woman and Horse man

The probability of a successful existence of an alliance in which she is a Snake and he is a Horse is much higher. It is much easier for a woman to adapt to the fact that she will have to constantly sacrifice personal interests in order to curb her freedom-loving spouse. A significant advantage in a couple where the girl is a Snake and the guy is a Horse is that neither partner will allow themselves and those around them to sour from boredom. Both energetic and strong, they will always find a suitable activity together.

Wise and insightful Snake woman will help an impulsive Horse man avoid many mistakes in life and conflict situations. However, in this tandem it is very important that both partners are at approximately the same level of intellectual and spiritual development. The mystery and aura of mystery that always surrounds the Snake woman, will attract a partner constantly. He is interested in discovering new personality traits in his partner, each time being surprised by her versatility.

A union in which she is a Snake and he is a Horse have a good chance of a happy future

Difficulties in either union can arise for a number of reasons:

  • Horse living in the moment rarely can he understand the far-sighted and insightful Snake, who foresees the situation several moves ahead. In order to make joint plans for the future, the Horse will have to tame his temper and listen to the advice of his spouse.
  • The Snake's desire to limit the Horse's personal space will also lead to collapse. Therefore, partners should develop certain tactics of behavior and simply agree among themselves to establish certain rules and boundaries in a couple.
  • Jealous Snake will never come to terms with the fact that the Horse will always be the center of attention of the opposite sex, and this will greatly hurt the spouse.

Whatever astrologers predict relationships in a couple, well-being and mutual understanding always depend only on the partners themselves. You just need to listen to each other and discuss emerging problems and controversial situations in a timely manner.

25 July 2018, 20:16

According to the eastern horoscope, the Horse and the Snake are signs that are opposite in temperament and lifestyle. Their compatibility is low, and the couple's life is full of pitfalls. But despite pessimistic forecasts, people born under the signs of these totem animals have a chance to create a happy union.

Snake Woman and Horse Man

A girl born in the year of the Snake is sensible, intelligent, persistent in achieving her goals, and patient. Character virtues fade due to manifestations of selfishness and jealousy of a partner towards other representatives of the fair sex. If the Snake is Fiery, there is a tendency towards vanity and enterprise in its character.

A guy born in the year of the Horse has a kind, flexible character. He is filled with energy that needs to be directed in the right direction. The symbol of the year is hardworking, so people born under the sign of this animal are either hard workers or skilled adventurers.

The star compatibility of the Snake and the Horse is contradictory. The man is too emotional. He loves to be the center of attention. This character trait is beyond the understanding of the Snake partner. She is jealous, so attention to her loved one from the fair sex will be a frequent cause of quarrels.

Family life

The couple will face challenges, because compatibility in marriage between a Horse man and a Snake woman is insignificant. A woman who prefers to maintain comfort and order in her home will not be able to come to terms with the stormy, often thoughtless activities of her partner.

She dreams of a quiet family life, a house full of children, and a husband who is always nearby. But her hardworking husband destroys her idea of ​​an ideal union. The feeling of broken illusions will cause mental suffering, depression, and bold decisions to break off relationships due to lack of mutual understanding.

Marriage compatibility between Horse and Snake increases if the husband opens his own business. Thanks to the wise advice of your partner, the business will bring good income and provide material wealth for the family. The union of these totem animals will become long-lasting and strong if the partners are able to compromise.


Both partners strive to get maximum satisfaction from sex. The horse prefers to show passion. But the cautious Snake initially shows coldness, misleading its partner.

The couple needs to be patient in order to fully open up sexually. They will receive special pleasure from intimacy, against the background of which everyday quarrels will seem not particularly important.

Possible difficulties in relationships

The compatibility of a Snake woman and a Horse man at the beginning of a relationship is low. The main reasons for disagreements in a couple are:

  1. Lack of mutual understanding. The guy lives in the present moment; it is difficult for him to understand his insightful partner, who is accustomed to analyzing the current situation several steps ahead.
  2. At first, the girl will want to pacify her loved one and limit his personal space. To reach a compromise, the couple needs to develop the rules of the relationship.
  3. A jealous partner will not accept a guy who is constantly in the center of girls' attention.

To avoid possible disagreements, a woman needs to trust her partner more, and a man needs to devote time to his chosen one and communicate with her.

Snake Man and Horse Woman

An example of a contrasting union is the Snake man and the Horse woman. They have different temperaments and habits. Therefore, despite the sudden outbreak of passion, people born under the signs of these totem animals will not be comfortable together.

The guy tries to plan his life down to the smallest detail. He doesn't have any unforeseen situations. Inclined to control everyone, the Snake does not understand the Horse, who lives for today. She does not think about the future, considering this approach freedom.

Family life

In marriage, partners will face predicted difficulties and lack of mutual understanding. The wife traditionally has to fulfill the duties of the custodian of the family hearth. But the energetic, hardworking Horse perceives such responsibilities as a limitation of personal space. She needs to work, to realize herself in business.

In family relationships, a woman will put her interests above others, creating the ground for jealousy on the part of her husband. The likelihood that the spouse will change her habits is low. Therefore, the family life of representatives of these signs is short in 70% of cases.

Sexual relations

The Snake and Horse are more compatible in bed than in everyday life. In the sexual sphere, they are united by a mutual desire to receive pleasure. A woman is ready to satisfy all the sexual desires of her partner. At first he will resist the manifestation of passion. But over time, the woman will be able to melt the ice.

Each subsequent sexual contact will be more vivid and emotional. Through the skillful caresses of his wife, the partner will learn to relax and look at the world with different eyes.

A successful sex life will not save the Snake man and Horse woman from the difficulties of family life if they do not learn to compromise.

Causes of conflicts

The main causes of conflicts between partners are their natural temperament.

  1. The horse devotes little time to home, husband, and children. And the husband who prefers comfort and peace does not understand his wife’s desire to be the center of attention of other people.
  2. The wife does not understand her husband’s desire for quiet evenings in a small circle.

Astrologers claim that a Snake man and a Horse woman can create a long-lasting union if they are of the same social status.

Relationships between people born under these eastern horoscope signs are not easy. That is why both men and women have to make a lot of effort to preserve it.

If both a man and a woman can find the right approach to each other, the relationship will allow them to reveal many positive qualities in each other:

  1. The wisdom of the Snake and its ability to make informed and informed decisions will be successfully combined with the energy of the Horse
  2. While the Horse will build a career and engage in social life, the Snake will have the opportunity to provide it with a reliable and strong rear.

Such couples very often break up, and in most cases it is the Snake who initiates this step. But at the same time, it is the wisdom of a representative of this sign that can save a family and save relationships.

Compatibility in love and marriage

He was born in the year of the horse, she is the snake

Traditionally, a woman is expected that in a relationship, and especially after marriage, household chores will become a permanent part of her life. And creating family comfort and taking care of the home will become one of her highest priorities.

However, the Horse is in no hurry to live up to the expectations placed on it - freedom-loving and independent, it is unlikely to want to limit its world to the walls of an apartment.

And if at the very beginning he is captivated by her spontaneity, then this is what will create many problems for the couple:

  1. The Horse Woman’s desire to be in the spotlight all the time and surround herself with a wide circle of acquaintances may also not please the Snake Man. And the stronger the Horse’s ambitions, the more difficult it will be for them to maintain relationships and family.
  2. The horse is always attracted by new opportunities. Even if she truly and sincerely loves her husband and children, it will be extremely difficult to miss another social event or bright event.
  3. The Horse has a large number of strong and attentive acquaintances often gives the Snake a reason for jealousy.

In such a couple, a man will have to either accept his partner as she is with all her desires and needs, or break off relations with her. The likelihood that a Horse accustomed to a certain way of life will be able to sacrifice its interests is extremely low.

He was born in the year of the snake, she was born in the year of the horse

Despite the fact that this union is also quite problematic, it has much more prospects than a union in which the Woman will be born under the Eastern horoscope sign of the Horse, and his partner will be the Snake.

And this is largely due to the fact that it will be somewhat simple for a woman to sacrifice personal interests and accept a man with his inherent desire for success and the need for recognition:

  1. A significant advantage of the couple is that both he and she are energetic, strong people who will definitely not allow a boring and monotonous life. In addition, the Snake’s worldly wisdom will allow her to successfully avoid sharp corners in relationships and avoid conflicts. However, an important condition for preserving this couple is the general level of spiritual development of both.
  2. The nature of the Snake Woman will allow you to discover more and more sides in her over time. Thanks to this, he is unlikely to look at it as an “open book” that is easy to read from beginning to end.

Disadvantages of the union

What will be the main difficulties that arise in a pair of Horses and Snakes:

  1. One of the key differences between Horse and Snake is the fact that if the first lives mainly for today and rarely makes plans for the future, the second is more important than ever for stability and firm confidence.
  2. Horses are freedom-loving; they extremely negatively perceive any attempts to limit them in anything. Snakes, in turn, will never make an effort to hold them.
  3. The jealousy inherent in Snakes will also play a negative role in building relationships., which will bother the Horse, on the contrary, who is accustomed to attracting admiring glances and being the center of attention.

Compatibility in bed

  1. The sexual compatibility of partners in such a pair is quite high. At the very least, the energy and magnetism of the Snake will not be able to remain unnoticed by the Horse. However, being quite cold, she can avoid intimate relationships for a long time, considering them completely alien. however, it is within the Horse’s power to ensure that it can truly open up and truly enjoy the process. And also prepare for novelty and experimentation.
  2. Snake Woman and Horse Man. The Horse in this pair is much more emotional than the Snake. And you can count on well-being in the sphere of intimate relationships only if she can liberate him, charging him with emotions.

Business compatibility

The Snake and the Horse have fairly good business compatibility, which is explained by their inherent features:

  1. Both the Horse and the Snake devote a lot of attention and time to both earning money and building a career. Moreover, often for a Horse, achieving success in one area or another may even become a priority over self-realization in the family and building a personal life. This feature, however, makes it possible for her to always achieve her goals and devote herself entirely to bringing her plans to life.
  2. An important role in business will also be played by such a quality of the Snake as the ability to get together in time and save the situation even in those moments when it is heated to the limit. In addition, representatives of this sign are not afraid of responsibility and are almost always ready to take calculated risks.

However, the business relationship between the Horse and the Snake will be successful only if they distribute responsibilities among themselves in advance and as clearly as possible and decide what exactly each of them will do.

It would be nice if the Horse, with its characteristic imagination and quick mind, had the opportunity to act as an “idea generator”, and the hardworking and intellectually developed Snake - as a hardworking performer. This could significantly improve the effectiveness of the alliance and contribute to mutual benefits.

Compatibility in d friendship

Despite the fact that the close relationship between the Horse and the Snake is quite difficult, friendly relations between them develop completely differently. Free of obligations, friendship makes them perfectly compatible and suitable for each other.

Compatibility percentage

Compatibility of Snake and Horse in love – 45%

Compatibility of Snake and Horse in marriage – 50%

Compatibility of Snake and Horse in bed 50%

  1. Perceiving marriage as an attempt to limit freedom and impose new orders, the Horse will not immediately agree to legitimize the relationship. That is why it is very advisable for the Snake to make it clear to its partner that they are ready to understand and accept him for who she is. Of course, it will not be easy for the rather conservative Snake to do this. But the future of the relationship will depend on her wisdom.
  2. The horse also needs to learn to be calm about change and understand that they are often able to bring many positive moments into life.
  3. Acceptance of each other is another indispensable condition for maintaining a marriage. The Snake needs to understand that the Horse’s high social activity in no way creates a threat to their relationship. And the Horse is to accept the Snake’s needs for family comfort and provide it with what it needs.
  4. In order to maintain relationships and prevent In order for minor quarrels to develop into serious conflicts, it is more important than ever to be honest with each other.
  5. In order to somewhat offset the lack of social life or home comfort, both the man and the woman will have to periodically refresh their life together, introducing something new into it.

The compatibility of Horses and Snakes is very doubtful, they are too different people. At first, their relationship goes well, they can fall in love with each other and experience an unforgettable romance.

But partners rarely get married; at the slightest cooling of feelings, contradictions appear between them. Only painstaking work on themselves will help them stay together, although this happens extremely rarely.

Characters of signs

What kind of characters do the Snake and Horse have? It is worth answering this question before moving on to the specifics of their relationship. So, the Chinese horoscope gives the Snake the following traits:

The Snake likes to plan out its life for years to come. She finds a goal and devotes all her time to achieving it. She is very organized and does not like clutter, either in the house or in her business. Those around her appreciate her ability to compromise and resolve conflict situations, wisdom and organization. She looks for compatibility in love not so much with her heart as with her mind and her intuition.

What does the eastern horoscope say about the Horse? Here are the character traits he attributes to her:

  • Energetic, wants to take everything from life
  • Sociable and cheerful
  • Loves to be the center of attention
  • Don't mind arguing, defending your point of view
  • Able to show empathy and come to the rescue
  • Hardworking
  • Values ​​comfort and coziness, even when traveling

The world around us is full of temptations for the Horse. She wants to be in time everywhere, find out everything, make friends with everyone. In company, the horse is always the center of attention, although sometimes it conflicts, insisting on its own, but quickly moves away. He knows how to work, sometimes even too much. But she is completely incapable of planning anything longer than a month.

General compatibility of Snake and Horse

For the Horse and Snake, the horoscope does not promise an easy life. Friendship and short-term love relationships are possible between them, but the couple rarely gets married. Their life priorities are too different. The snake always and everywhere seeks stability. It is important for her to plan her life down to the smallest detail; she often devotes all her time to achieving her goals. The horse, on the contrary, lives one day at a time. Although she is very hardworking, her energy is chaotic and disorganized. The horse absolutely does not tolerate control over itself, no matter how small it may be. The snake, on the contrary, tries to tie its partner to itself as tightly as possible.

Compatibility between Horse and Snake can only arise when a wiser and cooler partner can build it.

It is the Snake, thanks to its diplomacy, wisdom, and ability to compromise, that can improve relationships in marriage. She needs to understand that the Horse loves freedom most of all; if it is not given, it will run away into an open field. In addition, you should not expect organization and determination from your partner. The hardworking Horse is an excellent performer, but a poor strategist. The Snake will have to take on all the planning in the family. But the Horse will bring dynamics to the union; it will never turn into a stagnant swamp. If partners learn to appreciate each other, they will be able to achieve a lot, both in relationships and in joint ventures.

The Western horoscope also leaves its mark on marriage compatibility. Good compatibility of zodiac signs can level out all problems of incompatibility over the years. Excellent relationships can be built between Gemini and Aquarius, or Libra and Gemini. Air signs give the snake's character more lightness, and she begins to understand the Horse better. Representatives of the water element, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, get along well with each other. Earth makes the Horse a little more domestic and sedate, so Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo can build wonderful relationships, despite their years of birth. Fiery Leo, Aries or Sagittarius will make the Horse a little more ambitious and the Snake more active, which will also have a good effect on their union.

Relationship between a Snake man and a Horse woman

A horse woman and a snake man may like each other when they meet. The guy will be captivated by a bright, temperamental girl who is always the center of attention. She, in turn, will become interested in a mysterious and calm man who is so different from everyone she knows. But disappointment soon awaits both. The Snake man is looking for a homely woman who will be a good housewife and create comfort in the apartment. You should not expect such behavior from a Horse. Society, numerous hobbies, work and career are very important to her. She loves her family, but cannot give herself completely to her.

If you lock a woman at home, she will feel like a dog on a leash.

The Horse woman will also soon be disappointed. She suddenly begins to realize that next to her is a slightly boring, and at the same time domineering man. His desire to control the girl’s actions, to tie her more tightly to himself, will be perceived as a restriction of freedom. The horse will want to escape from these suffocating embraces. If at the time of cooling of feelings the couple is already married, she needs to try hard not to get divorced. A man should forget about his dreams of seeing his wife as the mistress of the house. She will devote as much time to her family as she wants. A woman needs to curb her temperament a little and learn to make plans for at least a few months in advance. If a husband shares his aspirations with his wife, perhaps she will share them and become an excellent assistant in achieving her goals.

Relationship between a Horse man and a Snake woman

The Horse man and the Snake woman get along better with each other than the previous couple. A girl will quickly appreciate all the good qualities of her boyfriend. She will be able to create for him a reliable rear, home comfort, while he lives his life to the fullest, shines in society and makes a career. A man born under the sign of the Horse loves comfort, so he will appreciate all his wife’s efforts. Conflicts may arise in the family, but it will be easy for a woman to resolve them. She is capable of making compromises, so she will be able to give in to her husband at the right time. For a normal relationship, it is important that both partners are of the same intellectual and social level. Only a spiritually developed man and woman can create a happy family.

Problems in marriage cannot be avoided either.

The Horse is too freedom-loving a sign to obey the measured and planned pace of life that the Snake dictates to it.

He does not tolerate restrictions at all; as soon as a metallic note appears in his wife’s voice and she tries to keep her husband at home, he immediately runs away. This can greatly upset and irritate the snake; she also does not understand the frivolity of her husband, who lives one day at a time. To smooth out all conflicts, accept your partner’s shortcomings and learn all the good things from each other. The horse will help your soul mate to relax, accept failures more easily and look at the world more easily. The snake will show her husband how to become a little more organized and set goals correctly. If a man multiplies these abilities with his hard work, he will be able to achieve considerable success in his work and make a good career.

The relationship between Horse and Snake can develop in an uncertain way. Friendship and even love are possible between them, but this is not the best option for creating a family. Too often, disagreements arise in such a couple. People with such contradictory personalities will find it very difficult to reach a compromise on anything. But if they make an effort, this union can turn out to be a pretty strong family.

1 Characteristics of the zodiac signs

Horse and Snake are opposites of each other. These are people with completely different views on life and everyday life. But despite this, such an alliance is possible.

According to the eastern horoscope, people born under the sign of the Snake have the following qualities:

  • incredibly smart, wise and reasonable;
  • their patience and perseverance allow them to achieve their goals;
  • they can find an approach to any person, skillfully pull the right thread to achieve their goal;
  • in love relationships they are terrible owners, and with friends they can easily behave like real egoists.

Those born in the year of the Metal Snake according to the eastern horoscope are quite reserved. Such people come out of any situation as winners. Water Snakes may have talents in a certain area, Wood Snakes are smart and charming. Fire brothers are ambitious and enterprising, Earth brothers are very pleasant to talk to.

Unlike the Snake, the Horse can be:

  • cheerful and soft;
  • energetic;
  • impulsive and hot-tempered;
  • free and independent.

She likes noisy company and fun.

These are adventurers whose life views seem unacceptable to others, and whose actions often put them in awkward situations. In friendship, Horses want to be leaders and play leading roles; in love, they are easily addicted natures. Enormous vital energy keeps the Horse in constant motion.

Her character traits are also different depending on the patronizing element. Metal Horses hit you head-on with their straightforwardness. Mermen are friendly and have a wonderful sense of humor. Wooden ones easily establish contacts and connections. Fire Horses have authority among others. In the year of the Earth Horse, wise and sensible people are born, often successful entrepreneurs.

2 Sign compatibility

The compatibility of Snake and Horse is in most cases questionable. On the one hand, these are contradictory zodiac signs. On the other hand, partners are in a harmonious couple that complement each other. A friendship between these two signs can be ideal. But the union will remain harmonious as long as these relationships are free, without any obligations. To create a strong family, both signs must make a lot of effort and even partially change their worldview.

The snake needs to constantly feel its importance, necessity and usefulness. The Horse needs reliable support in difficult situations, which the Snake can easily provide. Both signs must turn their qualities in the right direction:

  • The Snake needs to give the Horse the necessary freedom, allow him to do some stupid things and pranks;
  • The Horse will have to allow himself to be curbed a little and understand that the Snake is doing this for the good of their union.

The success of the relationship and the possibility of a happy marriage will depend on the efforts of the wise Snake. It is she, with her diplomacy and ability to give in, who will be able to establish and maintain love relationships in the family.

3 Marriage of a Snake man and a Horse woman

It is difficult to answer the question about the compatibility of such a couple unambiguously. Having met a Horse woman, the Snake man will easily be carried away by such a bright personality, and she will pay attention to the mysterious and reserved man who stands out so much from the people around her in everyday life.

In a love relationship, it will be quite difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding. A spontaneous and cheerful horse will not become a housewife for her man, creating comfort in the house and completely devoting herself to the family. She enjoys a variety of hobbies, entertainment and building a successful career.

The Snake man is conservative and slow. Dynamism is not his strong point. He is unlikely to decide on hasty and rash actions, which are so common for his woman to commit. In the end, with all his power, such a man will simply bore the Horse woman. In this couple, the husband simply cannot keep up with his energetic wife.

Only the willingness of both partners to compromise will help preserve the relationship. A man must come to terms with the fact that his woman will not devote herself entirely to the home; restriction of freedom is unacceptable for her. She must learn to be more organized and moderate her ardor a little.

Sexual relationships in this couple are going well. If a liberated and passionate Horse puts his partner in the right mood, he will amaze her. To some extent, excellent sexual compatibility can help in the struggle to create a happy family.

4 Marriage of a Horse man and a Snake woman

In this combination, the couple looks more promising than in the previous one. The wise Snake woman will be a reliable support for the successful careerist Horse. According to her horoscope, she is quite patient, which will allow her to more easily accept the shortcomings of her partner. The Horse man loves comfort and coziness, he will appreciate his wife’s efforts.

In such a pair, the Snake will become more relaxed, it will be easier to look at many situations. She will be able to organize her husband a little. With her help and thanks to his hard work, he will achieve great success in his career.

Conflicts in this couple cannot be avoided, but the woman is able to compromise and easily smooth them out.

In any combination of these zodiac signs, a man and woman will have a bright and dynamic life. The success of the union will depend on the desire of both to compromise, develop intellectually and spiritually, catching up with their soul mate.