Cosa Nostra board game. Review of the board game "Cosa Nostra". There will be on the arrow

About the brothers - it’s always fresh, unexpected and interesting. Developers rarely spoil us with American-style thieves' romance, but they certainly do it like a carbon copy.

A crisis of gangster-themed ideas has long struck the gaming industry. Projects are assembled according to instructions, as if from a construction set. There is a city, establishments, competitors, your family, and the need for money. The direction of movement was indicated by Illusion Softworks, but in order to move at least along the track, you need to have remarkable talent. And if it is not there, there is a proven recipe, which Heksplex Entertainment used - they drew a metropolis, introduced the simplest rules of the game, and screwed up some plot. Ready.

At first it seems that The Boss very bad, because the controls, as they should be, are confusing, and the level of graphics barely corresponds to the standards of the turn of the century. Buildings and models are three-dimensional, but it’s a shame to put textures with such a resolution on the ground now even in a flight simulator. After Gangland the local city seems like a misunderstanding (and the acidic palette of the glow of thundering battles would have taken root unchanged in any jRPG).

Pure business

The grayness of the background is organically emphasized by the complete absence of any finds. There is no scrupulousness here Gangsters, no originality Gangland. Once upon a time a frosty wind blew on a rotten swamp Mafia and everything since then is just echoes.

Micromanagement looks interesting, in my opinion: we manage product purchases, set prices in bars/restaurants and the amount of winnings in casinos, regulate personnel costs and take care of security. The events, of course, are not in vain. The clientele has its own opinion about the quality of food and service, and profits directly depend on it.

You can only engage in racketeering, but this is not serious. Normal guys end up going into legal business, criminal proceeds are “laundered” and spent on vehicles and “family” salaries.

UK in your bosom

With such an organization, it makes sense that competing firms would be interested in a share of a vast pie—the entire city. Over time, it increases, and with it the volume of the tasty morsel and the list of applications for it grow.

The real lads are alien to white collar etiquette and protocols of official negotiations. Feet in a basin of cement mortar and a trusty Thompson are the most common means for solving various problems.

The authors' understanding of the preferences of American gangsters in the automotive industry was a little surprising. If anyone drove a Citroen to the United States in the 20s, they were clearly not members of criminal syndicates. The game does not pretend to be historically accurate, but aesthetics do not accept such blatant exceptions. America and gangsters without Cadillacs and Buicks? Absurd. I just want to give my feelings freedom - shed a tear, remembering the fleet of cars from Mafia.

The enemy presence on the horizon is burned out by lead heated by friction with the air. Ruthless and merciless. Only the police, who intervened in a street shootout in time, can make adjustments to the process of all-consuming lawlessness. Then, without five minutes, the heroes and legends of the underworld quickly take off.

La Cosa Nostra unusually humane for the genre. Chronic misanthropes are constantly harassed by law enforcement officers. It is unbearable for a character to live with a heavy burden on his conscience, so if necessary, it is better not to finish off crouched enemies, allowing them to leave. It's a pity that they very quickly forget the lessons of good behavior and come back again. It gradually becomes clear that there is nothing in the game except maneuvering between restraining brutal competitors and the letter of the law.

Something about the police. Specifics LCN imposes certain requirements on the activities of law enforcement agencies. Of course, all areas are located in such a way as to cause the player the most trouble. If in a shootout the cops still hesitate, choosing the culprits from the opposing sides, then only your people are always prosecuted for regular offenses. Blindness strikes crime fighters even when they see the establishments of our opponents. For some reason they try to close them as a last resort.

Pieces of meaning

A close-knit team of knights of the iron and soldering iron requires stable replenishment. The dedication is depicted differently for everyone, but Heksplex didn’t make things up. The leaders of the family personally go out into the streets, inventing their own methods of working with young people. As a rule, ordinary passers-by are lured into the orderly ranks of bandit faces and are offered a share. Some shake their heads with regret (they can be robbed), others happily agree.

New recruits do the dirtiest work: they communicate with establishment owners, collect tribute from intimidated businessmen, and play the role of extras in showdowns.

Those who are not caught by bullets gain experience in endless activities classified by the criminal codes of civilized countries as extortion. The professional level, figuratively speaking, grows, and at the same time the trust of the authorities. Sooner or later, a promotion in rank occurs - this is how characters are divided into four classes: spy, soldier, fighter and driver. When you take on an official position, you have to give up your usual occupation of drawing patterns on clients’ soft spots. Spies send encrypted messages with secret data about groups to the center and identify enemies dressed in civilian clothes; soldiers and fighters make up the boss's guard; Drivers are indispensable if you need to go to the “arrow”.

The class system comes with parameters. The content is standard, but they do not have any visible impact on success in battle. And it’s hard to call firing at each other from all available “barrels” a battle. Pure convention, and poorly staged at that. IN Gangland, for all its masquerade, it was much more fun.

On the road

What else can I tell you about this dull game... The plot? With such an engine, you won’t shine in the screenwriting genre. Dialogues? Stretch. And everything else is forced, without spark, without zest. We'll probably end here.

Name: The Boss: La Cosa Nostra
Publication type: Repack
Genre: Realtime strategy, 3D
Developer: Heksplex Entertainment
Publisher: HanbitSoft
Release date: January 16, 2004
Platform: PC
Interface language: Russian German
Voice language: Russian German
Tablet: Not required

> Operating system:
> Processor: Pentium III 550 MHz;
> RAM: 256 MB;
> Hard disk space: 500 MB;
> Sound device: DirectX 8.1 compatible;
> Video card: DirectX 8.1 compatible 3D accelerator

1. Run setup.exe;
2. Install the game;
3. Play.

It's the twenties. New York, like many other cities, is dominated by gangsters. In this world you have to become a real Godfather. Deal with your competitors, develop the abilities of your favorite gangster and make everyone bend their backs for you and your bank account!

. A unique combination of strategy, management and RPG.
. Play against police officers, civilians and not-so-civilians, and also deal with other little gangsters who imagine themselves to be big.
. Network game mode for up to 8 players via TCP/IP, LAN and Internet.

» Lossless Repack (nothing is cut out, the video is not compressed, the sound is not encoded to one or another lossy format and vice versa, the original structure of the engine).
» 3 language options to choose from:
- Full German
- German sound / Russian text
- Full Russian
» Does not require a disk

The old godfathers have sat too long in their places, it is time for young families to take their places. But be careful, the mafia fathers will do everything possible and will release all the soldiers onto the streets just to prevent you from displacing them. Therefore, players must properly prepare their “animal” fighters for battle, pumping them up and increasing their number!

The card board game “Cosa Nostra” is dedicated to these events.

"Cosa Nostra" is a game that is perfect for large companies and having fun. And the humorous illustrations in the style of “svintus” will definitely not leave you indifferent.

From two to six lucky ones will fight tooth and nail for the right to become the new mafia boss. But what kind of gangs will they lead? There are four mafia clans in the game: Cozletti, Di Trutini, Hrunizio and Pozorini. Each of them includes ordinary fighters, capos, consigliere and, of course, mafia bosses. You have to defeat this entire army of thugs in hot battles.

The gameplay definitely reminds us of Steve Jackson's most popular game, Munchkin. We, starting with a certain character, strive to achieve victory, simultaneously pumping up our hero. Fans of computer games will appreciate the unique system of game levels or locations: the further the player advances, the more resistance he will encounter from local unorganized crime. But the rewards for defeating opponents will also increase.

The battles in the game are organized simply: to defeat your opponent’s gang, you just need to have a force greater than or equal to his gang. However, a whole system of “ties and balances” awaits us, because, for example, Cozletti fearfully dislikes their eternal enemies Hrunisio and will be ready to fight them with redoubled energy. Your opponents from among the players will be able to actively interfere in your battle with various dirty tricks, but only if their character is with you in the same or neighboring locations. Each player will receive a hero, the so-called Henchman Boss, with his own bonus and combat strength. Gradually, with the help of victories, the Helper will be able to get up to four fighters into his gang in order to defeat the boss in the final battle and become the new leader of the mafia.

The illustrations for the game cards will not leave fans of funny card games and satire indifferent, because the authors of the game even dared to mock Star Wars and Harry Potter. In general, Cosa Nostra is easy to learn and is intended for a cheerful company that is not averse to healthy irony and is ready to actively play dirty tricks and interfere with each other in the gameplay.

40 Fighter cards

8 cards each of Henchmen, Items and Set-ups

24 Upgrade cards

6 Location cards

4 Boss cards

8 Henchmen chips

And the rules

  • Article 1959
  • Weight 0 g

The Cosa Nostra family is as big as it is powerful. Many of the heads of mafia clans are ready to do anything to become the Boss of this ancient and all-powerful group. Maybe you will be the one to displace the old Boss and take the reins of power into your own hands? Are you ready to put everything on the line and risk your life for the sake of power? Then go ahead!
Cosa Nostra is a fun card game for 2-6 players aged 12 years and older. Each player will have to gather loyal and brave associates and, after going through a difficult thorny path, defeat the Boss himself! Not all battles will be easy and successful; in some of them you can lose a loyal soldier, and in some you can gain one. But every battle won brings you one step closer to your goal, making you richer, stronger and, accordingly, more powerful.
The box in which such a tempting prospect is packaged is small, the design is without any special frills, but, which in my opinion is quite important, is made of thick, strong cardboard. What's hiding inside her? Rules of the game, 8 cardboard Henchmen chips and 98 cards. Just that - you ask? But what cards! - I will answer you.
In order.
Firstly, the cards are quite durable. The images are clear, colorful and... funny. Secondly, the cards are divided into several groups, and you will not find the same names. The following groups of cards.
- 6 maps of zones where battles will be held, sometimes full of treachery, sometimes simple, and sometimes bringing bitterness of loss. Each map indicates how many opponents you need to eliminate and how many rewards you will receive for this. As well as pleasant features of the area. For example, during the battle on “Treasure Island”, if you get a capo fighter as an enemy, the battle is canceled and the turn ends. Nice? Why not! The zone maps are double-sided, so there is no reason to be afraid that the game will soon become boring.

At the beginning of the game, all locations are laid out in order, in which gangs of tough mafiosi will advance to the Boss. In the last, most difficult location, the Boss himself meets you. Strong and angry as hell before my eyes.
- 8 Henchman cards. About these wonderful creatures... oh! I'll tell you about the fearless thugs later.
- 40 Fighter cards and 8 Setup cards are combined into one group of cards - the Ambush deck. Set-ups are troubles that can happen to you during a fight. Such as the loss of a fighter or clothes, temporary disability of the Helper. Unpleasant, but fortunately temporary. The fighters are the striking force. Both yours and against you. Fighters have different statuses: fighter-soldier, fighter-brigadier and fighter-capo. All fighters have their own strength (upper left corner of the map) and, most of them, a bonus (bottom of the map). The name of each of the fighters causes at least a smile; it is immediately clear that the creators of the game tried to add humor. And they succeeded!

- 8 Item cards and 24 Upgrade cards are combined into the Rewards deck. Boosts are temporary (for battle) positive (for you, but not for enemies) effects. Clothes - permanent positive effects. Unfortunately, one Henchman can only have one Item. It’s an unfortunate fact, but it’s better than running towards the enemy with your bare hands. It’s much safer to take the “Big Gun” and immediately eliminate one member of the enemy gang at the very beginning of the battle!

- 4 Boss cards, third deck. Don't look at how few there are. But they are very, very evil and dangerous. You shouldn’t show up to them bare-handed without first gathering a larger squad.
The game begins with the choice of the Henchman - the image of the one whom millions will follow! In the future, of course. In total, four types of clans take part in the game (this does not prevent two “leaders” from appearing in each clan). Each of them (clans) has its own designation. So, Cozletti - horns and a blue background, Pozorini - glasses and a red background, Di Trutini - a leaf and a green background, Hrunizion - a snout and a yellow background.
It is noteworthy that, for example, Di Trutini has a special dislike for Pozorini (and completely mutually), and Cosletti for Hrunizio. But this applies to ordinary soldiers. Those who are older, wise with worldly experience, fiercely hate everyone. This hatred gives additional strength in battle with the accursed enemy.
But you will encounter this later. Before rushing into battle, you still need to choose a leader. The choice is wide and original. There are Grunts, Marksman Yabl, Kozyakula, and even Bunny to choose from. There are only two representatives from each type of clan. Let me draw your attention to the fact that each of the Henchmen has a “bun” when discarding two cards from his hand: cancel the battle, receive a bonus to strength, or rent a useful Item from an opponent. But not every Henchman has two “buns”. In addition to what has already been indicated, he receives a bonus to strength against representatives of a particularly unloved clan. Therefore, be careful when choosing your Henchman.
Have you chosen? Now place your chip on the very first location and place the card with the image of the Henchman in front of you. In the future, you will place Fighters who have joined him next to the Henchman. Agree on who will go first. Healthy competition is certainly good, but it is better to do without violence in this matter.
Do not forget about the specifics of the location and carefully follow the requirements.
Like any other game, Cosa Nostra consists of moves. At the beginning of your turn, you move your henchman token to the next space. You can stay where you are or take a step back. True, in the first Location there is emptiness behind you, so the last option is not suitable.
As soon as you decide on the direction of movement, you are attacked by an enemy gang. According to the requirements of the zone card, draw the indicated number of cards from the Ambush deck. The setups work immediately. If you have something to defend yourself with, then good, but if not, then you will have to take the blow with your chest.
Please note that some enemy fighters “bring” with them several more from the discard pile or lure your squad to their side. When everyone is assembled and has taken positions opposite each other, the battle begins.
The mechanics of the battle itself are quite simple. Add up the strength of each fighter of the enemy squad with all their bonuses and “goodies” and the strength of your squad, not forgetting about the Henchman and the Items. Whoever is stronger wins.
If your squad turns out to be weaker, perhaps Boosting will help (not from the deck, but if you have it in your hands). Leveling up is played in any battle and for any fighter, if he does not have “invulnerability”.
Also, if you find yourself in the same Location with another Henchman, you can use Upgrade on him or his enemy. Do not forget that only one can become the Boss and there is no room for sentimentality in this matter.
If Leveling couldn’t save you from defeat, go back one Location. The disappointment is compounded by the loss of one of the Fighters. Take the lowest status Fighter and put it in the discard pile. If there are two or more of them, choose any one.
But if you still managed to snatch victory from the enemy’s raking paws, then the lost nerve cells will pay off handsomely! First, take one of the lowest status Fighters from the enemy squad and add it to your gang. Don't forget that only four Fighters can follow you. If you already have 4 Fighters, and there is an opportunity to take a stronger associate from the defeated gang, dismiss the weakling and take his place with a more worthy one. Secondly, if you win, you receive a Reward! The number of Rewards depends on the Location in which the battle took place.
That's it, fight after fight, you will soon get close to the Boss. Having set foot on this Location, in accordance with the requirements of the Location, in addition to the usual Fighters, you take out a Boss card (one or two). All Bosses are strong (value 8!) and treacherous. For example, Cardinal Cozletty destroys the enemy Fighter with the greatest strength at the beginning of the battle. Are you scared? Right! But don't despair! Any Boss can be defeated. All it takes is a good team and a little luck. After all, you are more worthy to be called Boss!
Regarding the rules, I would also like to add that there cannot be more than four cards in your hands (your Upgrades). As soon as there are more of them, you need to throw the extra ones into the discard.
Personally, the game "Cosa Nostra" reminded me of the well-known "Munchkin". The game is moderately simple, usually accompanied by humor. All in all, a wonderful way to spend time with friends! Well, realize your ambitions ;-)

Written for the store

You are a simple henchman of a mafia don. But if you put together your own gang, deceive a bunch of ambushes, score a dozen arrows, put down enemy fighters and their leaders, you yourself will become a big boss. Well, let's start breaking off the horns?

This is not Don Corleone

It's all about the cards. Gangs are created from fighter cards - both yours and competing ones - and then each of them moves across six location cards, running into ambushes, that is, cards of other fighters and setups, and collecting upgrade cards and gear cards. In general, he is moving towards a bright criminal future.

How the card will fall

To begin, throw a chip at the first location and wait for your turn - then you can move forward. Here a local gang will come against you (cards from the deck, the number of which is indicated on the location card), but, if you’re lucky, your boys will kill everyone, and you can move on. If you sense that your gang is rather weak, you can lure away a fighter from the defeated ones, the main thing is not to accidentally kill everyone. If you lose yourself, get rid of every little thing that is causing you to sit in the library for three turns. It is, of course, understandable, whoever gets the benefit of the doubt, but you, too, are a man with a mind! The main thing is that your fighters have more points in total than those who are attacking you. Points, if anything, are indicated right on the cards.

Unhealthy competition

In short, go forward to the sixth location, here the boss of one of the clans will meet you. It must be put down, and then you yourself will become a big mafia shot. Just remember - you’re not the only henchman here who wants to be the queen - other boys are also rustling on the sly, so you make sure that they don’t get too wild.

According to the concepts of Cosa Nostra, you can:

  • With the help of your upgrades, strengthen your ganza or foreign fighters attacking a rival gang
  • Sit out in an occupied location until the wind changes, or even retreat to the previous one
  • Gather fighters from different clans in one Hansa - for example, the Shameful Assassin from the Pozorini clan and the pet Kozya-Bozyu from the Kozletti clan.
  • Remove the main boss, his fighters, capos and consigliere, and having won, to celebrate, give beer to all other participants in the game. And arrange the cards for a new batch!

The arrow will show:

  • 40 Fighter cards
  • 8 cards each of Henchmen, Items and Set-ups
  • 24 Upgrade cards
  • 6 Location cards
  • 4 Boss cards
  • 8 Henchmen chips
  • And the rules