Essay on the topic: People and power in the poem The Bronze Horseman, Pushkin. Children are told about the “bloody USSR”. how the historical memory of the people is destroyed “Bloody Tyrant” Ivan the Terrible

“distinguished himself by describing in the darkest colors the most important periods of Russian history. Children are told about the “bloody USSR”. And Ivan the Terrible, according to his creators, wanted to “capture half the world, rule over all countries,” so all his life he waged “cruel wars with neighboring countries and took away their lands.”

The Bolsheviks conspired “with our enemies, received money and weapons from them and staged a revolution. Tsar Nicholas II was deprived of power, imprisoned, and then killed. The Russian army was destroyed. The best people of our country were killed or expelled from Russia. They seized power, began to rob the people, offend the weak, and destroy everything that was good in Russia.” As a result, “a terrible Bolshevik power reigned over our country - a merciless power, a bloody power.”

Thus, we see vivid manifestations of a number of black myths that were created by pro-Western, liberal circles and cause enormous damage to Russian self-awareness and historical memory. This is a real information war against the Russian superethnos and civilization. Which in the long term leads to the destruction of Russian statehood and civilization itself, since the “Russians,” who trace the history of “free Russia” only since 1991, when “the people were liberated from the bloody Bolsheviks,” become ordinary ethnographic material in the hands of the masters of the West and East.

At the same time, the information portal “is an official state information resource, formed under the control of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, designed to accumulate information about the official symbols existing in Russia, in all the diversity of forms of its modern existence and modern development " That is, we see the official position of part of the Russian elite, determined to bring de-Sovietization in the Russian Federation to its logical conclusion. We know well what this led to in Little Rus' (Ukraine) - part of the Russian world (civilization). This is the rampant Nazis, crime, oligarchy, which brought the people to poverty, extinction and civil war with the collapse of Little Rus' into pieces, and the “bright” prospect of final collapse in the interests of the “new world order”.

This was especially true for children, who are the easiest to “process” in the right direction, since adults still have a certain amount of knowledge and life experience. The consciousness of children is a “blank slate” on which you can “write” anything. We see the result in history. In the Third Reich, appropriate upbringing and education in line with the division of people into “chosen ones” and “subhumans” led to the beginning of a terrible world massacre in which the lives of tens of millions of people were burned. In the USSR, a society of service and creation was created. As a result, the USSR became a superpower, won the most terrible world war, became the leader of humanity in the most advanced spheres of existence (atom, space, military technology, etc.), the country raised entire generations of heroes, workers, teachers, creators and creators. In Little Russia, since the 1990s, they glorified the Bandera traitors, Hitler’s henchmen, and created a false history of “Great Ukraine”, which supposedly always opposed the hostile “Asian” Muscovy. The younger generations were “zombified” accordingly. The result is terrible - a war between Russians and Russians, poverty and blood, a corrupt and degenerate “elite” ready to sell the remnants of the Ukrainian SSR inheritance to the rulers of the West and East, the extinction of the once prosperous region of Great Russia (USSR). The mental breakdown of the entire core of the super-ethnos of Rus - Little Russians (southern Rus), who were raised as enemies of other Russian-Rus, servants of the local corrupt oligarchy, capital and masters from the West. We see how the information war against the Little Russians led them to a “mutation”, they became Ivans who do not remember their kinship, who fiercely hate everything Russian and Soviet (which is also Russian).

The creators of the Russian Symbols website worked in this spirit. In the section on changing the Russian coat of arms there is a separate subsection “Essay on the history of the Russian coat of arms for children”, which gives the younger generation a very emotional excursion into our history and actually repeats several fundamental black myths aimed at discrediting, spitting on and distorting the history of Russia, destroying the historical memory of the Russian people.

"Bloody Tyrant" Ivan the Terrible

In particular, the creators of the site repeated the black myth created by the external enemies of Rus'-Russia about one of the greatest rulers of Russia - the myth of the “bloody tyrant” Ivan the Terrible (Information war against Russia: the black myth about the “bloody tyrant” Ivan the Terrible; How Ivan the Terrible destroyed the plans of the West on the dismemberment of the Russian kingdom). Children are told in the form of a clumsy fairy tale that the Russian sovereign was a cruel conqueror and tyrant: “Ivan IV received a large and strong Russia from his father and grandfather, but this was not enough for him. Ivan IV wanted to seize half the world and rule over all countries. All his life, Ivan IV waged brutal wars with neighboring countries and took away their lands. Ivan IV seized so many lands and annexed them to our country, like no other Russian sovereign either before or after him could.”

Thus, the Russian Tsar allegedly wanted to “rule over all countries.” This is a confirmation of the eternal Western myth “about the Russian threat and aggression.” And he allegedly “took” land from neighboring countries. Here we see the myth of “Russian aggressors and colonialists,” which is actively cultivated both in the West and in the former Soviet republics: in Georgia, Central Asia, Ukraine and the Baltic states. At the same time, it comes to the point that the “Russian colonialists and invaders” are regularly demanded to “compensate for losses” to the supposedly injured peoples. Although in reality, the Russian Empire and the USSR actively developed the outskirts, even to the detriment of the indigenous Russian regions, creating all the foundations of economic, social and cultural infrastructure there. At the same time, gradually liberating the outlying regions from archaism (like slavery), introducing them to the higher spiritual and material culture of the Russian people.

The site further notes that “Ivan IV was cruel, harsh and powerful. He did not tolerate disobedience to his will from anyone. And if anyone did not want to obey him, or did not follow his orders, Ivan IV executed them without mercy with terrible executions.” That is, the myth of the “bloody Russian Tsar” is repeated again, although if we compare it with what was happening in the same historical period in European countries - England, France, Spain, Holland, in Germany, etc., it turns out that that Ivan IV was one of the most humane rulers of that cruel era. During the long reign of Ivan Vasilyevich in Russia, only a few thousand people were subjected to repression. In France, only during one St. Bartholomew's Night, the massacre of the Huguenot French, which was carried out by the Catholic French, killed more people than during the entire reign of the Russian sovereign.

It is worth noting that Ivan Vasilyevich became one of the most effective managers of Russian civilization. Ivan Vasilyevich actually restored the Russian Empire, which was created by the first Rurikovichs, but then was destroyed by the efforts of the “elite” - the princes and boyars, who took Rus' into destinies and fiefdoms, and began to sell themselves to the then West. Ivan the Terrible completed the process of creating a centralized Russian state, a powerful power-empire capable of resisting both the West, the South and the East. Moscow also became the successor not only of the fallen Byzantine Empire, but of the collapsed Horde Empire (the annexation of Kazan, Astrakhan and Western Siberia), combining the imperial traditions of the West and the East. Rus' again became an independent world center of power.

And on the official state information resource they write that “Tsar Ivan the Terrible brought Russia perhaps the most troubles of all. Ivan the Terrible spent his entire life at war with neighboring countries, insatiably taking cities and lands from them. Neighboring countries endured it for a long time, but finally gave up. They all united together and as soon as Ivan the Terrible died, they attacked our country from all sides.” What a statement! It turns out that due to the fact that Russia was “insatiably” taking cities and lands from its neighbors, they united and attacked us. There is only one step to the need to “repent” for past “sins” and pay off “debts,” including “cities and lands” that the Russians allegedly “insatiably” captured.

Ivan Vasilyevich is accused of leading Russia to the Time of Troubles. He not only “offended” his neighbors by seizing their lands. But “he drove all his assistants out of his malice - some he executed, some he imprisoned, some he expelled to foreign countries.” They say that there was no one to choose from for a new tsar; Ivan IV “exhausted” them all.

"Bloody Bolsheviks"

The Soviet project, which turned Russia-USSR into the leader of humanity, a superpower, also suffered greatly. Soviet civilization, the most advanced on Earth and giving hope to humanity for an alternative brighter future than the Western project of slave civilization, was described literally in an infernal image.

They put a black cross on the entire Soviet period of Russian history: “The Russian state stood for many centuries. For many centuries our country was ruled by kings and emperors. And for many centuries Russia proudly bore its coat of arms - the double-headed eagle. But then, almost a hundred years ago, a great disaster came to our land again. At that time, Tsar Nicholas II ruled our country. He was a good sovereign, he did not want to believe that there are evil people in the world, that they want to do mean things, that they are ready for cruelty and betrayal.” This is how Nicholas the Bloody became a “good sovereign.”

And further: “And people were like that. They were called revolutionaries or Bolsheviks. Nothing was dear to them - neither our country, nor our people. They wanted only one thing - to overthrow the king and begin to rule themselves. And so, at a time when our country was fighting a difficult war, when Tsar Nicholas II was working at the front, commanding troops, the revolutionaries conspired with our enemies, received money and weapons from them and staged a revolution. Tsar Nicholas II was deprived of power, imprisoned, and then killed. The Russian army was destroyed. The best people of our country were killed or expelled from Russia. They seized power, began to rob the people, offend the weak, and destroy everything that was good in Russia. Our people did not come to terms with the power of the Bolsheviks, they rebelled against them, and a terrible Civil War began. But the revolutionaries won. And they won because they were so cruel as no one had ever been anywhere in the world. The revolutionaries did not spare anyone, they killed children, women, and old people, they destroyed entire cities, entire regions, entire peoples. Everyone who resisted, who did not want to obey them in any way, was exterminated by the Bolsheviks, every last one. And a terrible Bolshevik power reigned over our country - a merciless power, a bloody power.”

Here we see a whole series of anti-Russian myths. And about the “good” sovereign, although it was his reign that led to the most severe crisis and revolutionary situation in the Russian Empire. And that the “great trouble” was brought to Russia by “evil people - the Bolsheviks.” Although in reality the systemic crisis in Romanov Russia took centuries to develop. They were the fault of the ruling elite, the elite of “old Russia,” which followed the path of Westernization (Europeanization) of Russia, turning Russian civilization into the cultural and economic (raw materials) periphery of Western Europe. There is also a myth that “the revolutionaries conspired with our enemies, received money and weapons from them and staged a revolution.” If there were no internal contradictions in Russia, Russia was a healthy organism, no revolutionaries or external enemies could do anything. In addition, it was the ruling “elite” of the Russian Empire - the February Westernizers - that crushed the autocracy, the imperial army and the empire. The Tsar was overthrown not by the Bolsheviks, Red Guards and the proletariat, but by the quite prosperous and prosperous liberal-bourgeois, capitalist and even aristocratic elite of the Russian Empire, which the autocracy prevented from completing the triumph of the Western matrix in Russia.

We also see myths that the Bolsheviks “killed the best people of our country or drove them out of Russia, ... began to rob the people, offend the weak, destroy everything that was good in Russia,” unleashed a Civil War and terror. At the same time, they won only thanks to extreme, infernal cruelty, exterminating “every single one” (!) who resisted. As a result, “a terrible Bolshevik power reigned over our country - a merciless power, a bloody power.” “The Bolsheviks ruled our country for a long time and tormented Russia for a long time. But our country did not perish, the Russians did not suffer. The time has come - and the power of the Bolsheviks collapsed. And Russia again became a free, honest, kind country.”

It turns out that nothing good happened during the Bolshevik rule. They only “harassed Russia.” And Russia became a “free, honest and kind country” only in 1991. The entire Soviet period is anathema, in the “best” traditions of the 1990s, when anti-Soviet, “white” and liberal ideas about Russia’s past flourished.

What Russia will come to if such trends (and those supported from above) prevail, we see in the example of Little Rus' (Ukraine), where de-Sovietization and the destruction of the common Russian and Soviet foundation was in full swing and was not restrained. Eventually we see how the Ukraine project collapses: complete subordination of Kyiv to the West; deindustrialization and dismantling of the Soviet legacy (essentially, the destruction of all economic, social and cultural foundations), which leads to the accelerated disposal of the entire country; the onset of wild archaism in the form of cave nationalism, the criminalization of public life; large-scale theft and corruption according to the principle “after us there may be a flood”; the beginning of a war between Russians and Russians with the full support of Western “partners”; total de-Russification with denial of one’s roots, with wild hatred of those Russians who have not yet forgotten their name; socio-economic, cultural and linguistic genocide of the southern Russian people with the full support of the West (IMF and other structures), resulting in the extinction of the southern Little Russians, the mass exodus of young people to the West or to Russia, the transformation of part of the Russian superethnos into ethnographic material for the Western " melting pot" (project "Global Babylon"), etc., etc.

Thus, we see how the thousand-year information war against Russian civilization and people continues. The destruction of the historical memory of the Russian people and the “inoculation” of false values ​​(materialism - the ideology of the “golden calf”) and false ideas about their native history and country are in full swing. The Soviet Union, of which the Russian Federation is the legal successor, is anathema. Although it is in the history of the Union that we still have a common ideological foundation that unites and reconciles “red” and “white”, left and right, monarchists, nationalists and socialists. This is victory in the Great Patriotic War, the heroic feat of the Soviet (Russian) people at the front and in the rear, the creation of a great country - national economy, science and education, great achievements and victories in space. The creation of nuclear potential and armed forces, which allows us to still live without Western aggression (NATO), does not allow Western “partners” to bomb and dismember Great Russia following the example of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Syria. This is the creation of the world Yalta-Potsdam system and the Helsinki Act on security and cooperation in Europe, that is, a global political system that made it possible to avoid a new big war and so on. That is, the entire foundation on which modern Russia still rests.

What does this kind of “education” of the younger generations lead to? Look at neighboring Ukraine, a bleeding part of Russian civilization... You can also pay attention to the active participation of young people in the latest unrest in Russia. New generations of “brainwashed” Russians are entering the arena, brought up entirely on Western standards and values, which easily become a tool in the hands of experienced manipulators and political strategists.

>Essays on the work The Bronze Horseman

People and power

In his poem “The Bronze Horseman,” Alexander Pushkin, for the first time in Russian literature, contrasted the state, personified in the image of Peter I, and a person with his personal interests and experiences. It was written during the Boldino autumn, namely in 1833. This was one of the most fruitful periods in the poet’s work. At the center of the poem is the conflict between a petty official from the poor class and the “Bronze Horseman” on Senate Square, personifying Peter the Great.

Already in the introduction we are introduced to the image of a motionless, majestic statue facing the raging Neva. In the second part, the statue comes to life and pursues Eugene, distraught with grief. How did this happen? Due to a natural disaster, the poor official lost faith in life and hope for any future. The Neva destroyed one half of St. Petersburg and took with it the lives of many people. Among the victims was the hero’s beloved, with whom he connected all his dreams of a strong family.

For this natural disaster, he angrily blames Peter the Great, who ordered the construction of St. Petersburg on a swampy area. Evgeny himself lives on the outskirts of the city and considers himself to be of the poor class. Despite the fact that his ancestors once belonged to a noble family, he chose a bourgeois lifestyle. Therefore, the author notes that he himself is partly to blame for his fate. He, as an individual representative of a large state, also bears responsibility for the well-being of Russia.

Therefore, his rebellion is shown as senseless and punishable. Out of grief, it begins to seem to Eugene that the statue has come to life and is chasing him around the city with a heavy tread, and anger sparkles in the eyes of the revived Peter I. After this incident, the main character, passing by Senate Square, invariably takes off his hat and lowers his eyes guiltily. Thus, we see that in A.S. Pushkin’s poem there are two truths and both are reliable in their own way. The poet, as a representative of the people, is close to Eugene’s pain.

At the same time, he admires the great deeds of the reformer king, who transformed the country and made it a powerful power. Therefore, it is fair to say that there is true depth, humanity and hard truth in this poem.

The official state Internet portal "" distinguished itself by describing the most important periods of Russia in the darkest colors. Children are told about the “bloody USSR”. And Ivan the Terrible, according to his creators, wanted to “capture half the world, rule over all countries,” so all his life he waged “cruel wars with neighboring countries and took away their lands.”

The Bolsheviks conspired “with our enemies, received money from them and staged a revolution. Tsar Nicholas II was deprived of power, imprisoned, and then killed. The Russian army was destroyed. The best people of our country were killed or expelled from Russia. They seized power, began to rob the people, offend the weak, and destroy everything that was good in Russia.” As a result, “a terrible Bolshevik power reigned over our country - a merciless power, a bloody power.”

Thus, we see vivid manifestations of a number of black myths that were created by pro-Western, liberal circles and cause enormous damage to Russian self-awareness and historical memory. This is a real information war against the Russian superethnos and civilization. Which in the long term leads to the destruction of Russian statehood and civilization itself, since the “Russians,” who trace the history of “free Russia” only since 1991, when “the people were liberated from the bloody Bolsheviks,” become ordinary ethnographic material in the hands of the masters of the West and East.

At the same time, the information portal “is an official state information resource, formed under the control of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, designed to accumulate information about the official symbols existing in Russia, in all the diversity of forms of its modern existence and modern development " That is, we see the official position of part of the Russian elite, determined to bring de-Sovietization in the Russian Federation to its logical conclusion. We know well what this led to in Little Rus' (Ukraine) - part of the Russian world (civilization). This is the rampant Nazis, crime, oligarchy, which brought the people to poverty, extinction and civil war with the collapse of Little Rus' into pieces, and the “bright” prospect of final collapse in the interests of the “new world order”.

This was especially true for children, who are the easiest to “process” in the right direction, since adults still have a certain amount of knowledge and life experience. The consciousness of children is a “blank slate” on which you can “write” anything. We see the result in history. In the Third Reich, appropriate upbringing and education in line with the division of people into “chosen ones” and “subhumans” led to the beginning of a terrible world massacre in which the lives of tens of millions of people were burned. In the USSR, a society of service and creation was created. As a result, the USSR became a superpower, won the most terrible world war, became the leader of humanity in the most advanced spheres of existence (atom, space, military technology, etc.), the country raised entire generations of heroes, workers, teachers, creators and creators. In Little Russia, since the 1990s, they glorified the Bandera traitors, Hitler’s henchmen, and created a false history of “Great Ukraine”, which supposedly always opposed the hostile “Asian” Muscovy. The younger generations were “zombified” accordingly. The result is terrible - a war between Russians and Russians, poverty and blood, a corrupt and degenerate “elite” ready to sell the remnants of the Ukrainian SSR inheritance to the rulers of the West and East, the extinction of the once prosperous region of Great Russia (USSR). The mental breakdown of the entire core of the super-ethnos of Rus - Little Russians (southern Rus), who were raised as enemies of other Russian-Rus, servants of the local corrupt oligarchy, capital and masters from the West. We see how the information war against the Little Russians led them to a “mutation”, they became Ivans who do not remember their kinship, who fiercely hate everything Russian and Soviet (which is also Russian).

The creators of the Russian Symbols website worked in this spirit. In the section on changing the Russian coat of arms there is a separate subsection “Essay on the history of the Russian coat of arms for children”, which gives the younger generation a very emotional excursion into our history and actually repeats several fundamental black myths aimed at discrediting, spitting on and distorting the history of Russia, destroying the historical memory of the Russian people.

"Bloody Tyrant" Ivan the Terrible

In particular, the creators of the site repeated the black myth created by the external enemies of Rus'-Russia about one of the greatest rulers of Russia - the myth of the “bloody tyrant” Ivan the Terrible (;). Children are told in the form of a clumsy fairy tale that the Russian sovereign was a cruel conqueror and: “From his father and grandfather, Ivan IV received a large and strong Russia, but this was not enough for him. Ivan IV wanted to seize half the world and rule over all countries. All his life, Ivan IV waged brutal wars with neighboring countries and took away their lands. Ivan IV seized so many lands and annexed them to our country, like no other Russian sovereign either before or after him could.”

Thus, the Russian Tsar allegedly wanted to “rule over all countries.” This is a confirmation of the eternal Western myth “about the Russian threat and aggression.” And he allegedly “took” land from neighboring countries. Here we see the myth of “Russian aggressors and colonialists,” which is actively cultivated both in the West and in the former Soviet republics: in Georgia, Central Asia, Ukraine and the Baltic states. At the same time, it comes to the point that the “Russian colonialists and invaders” are regularly demanded to “compensate for losses” to the supposedly injured peoples. Although in reality, the Russian Empire and the USSR actively developed the outskirts, even to the detriment of the indigenous Russian regions, creating all the foundations of economic, social and cultural infrastructure there. At the same time, gradually liberating the outlying regions from archaism (like slavery), introducing them to the higher spiritual and material culture of the Russian people.

The site further notes that “Ivan IV was cruel, harsh and powerful. He did not tolerate disobedience to his will from anyone. And if anyone did not want to obey him, or did not follow his orders, Ivan IV executed them without mercy with terrible executions.” That is, the myth of the “bloody Russian Tsar” is repeated again, although if we compare it with what was happening in the same historical period in European countries - England, France, Spain, Holland, in Germany, etc., it turns out that that Ivan IV was one of the most humane rulers of that cruel era. During the long reign of Ivan Vasilyevich in Russia, only a few thousand people were subjected to repression. In France, only during one St. Bartholomew's Night, the massacre of the Huguenot French, which was carried out by the Catholic French, killed more people than during the entire reign of the Russian sovereign.

It is worth noting that Ivan Vasilyevich became one of the most effective managers of Russian civilization. Ivan Vasilyevich actually restored the Russian Empire, which was created by the first Rurikovichs, but then was destroyed by the efforts of the “elite” - the princes and boyars, who took Rus' into destinies and fiefdoms, and began to sell themselves to the then West. Ivan the Terrible completed the process of creating a centralized Russian state, a powerful power-empire capable of resisting both the West, the South and the East. Moscow also became the successor not only of the fallen Byzantine Empire, but of the collapsed Horde Empire (the annexation of Kazan, Astrakhan and Western Siberia), combining the imperial traditions of the West and the East. Rus' again became an independent world center of power.

And on the official state information resource they write that “Tsar Ivan the Terrible brought Russia perhaps the most troubles of all. Ivan the Terrible spent his entire life at war with neighboring countries, insatiably taking cities and lands from them. Neighboring countries endured it for a long time, but finally gave up. They all united together and as soon as Ivan the Terrible died, they attacked our country from all sides.” What a statement! It turns out that due to the fact that Russia was “insatiably” taking cities and lands from its neighbors, they united and attacked us. There is only one step to the need to “repent” for past “sins” and pay off “debts,” including “cities and lands” that the Russians allegedly “insatiably” captured.

Ivan Vasilyevich is accused of leading Russia to the Time of Troubles. He not only “offended” his neighbors by seizing their lands. But “he drove all his assistants out of his malice - some he executed, some he imprisoned, some he expelled to foreign countries.” They say that there was no one to choose from for a new tsar; Ivan IV “exhausted” them all.

"Bloody Bolsheviks"

The Soviet project, which turned Russia-USSR into the leader of humanity, a superpower, also suffered greatly. Soviet civilization, the most advanced on Earth and giving hope to humanity for an alternative brighter future than the Western project of slave civilization, was described literally in.

They put a black cross on the entire Soviet period of Russian history: “The Russian state stood for many centuries. For many centuries our country was ruled by kings and emperors. And for many centuries Russia proudly bore its coat of arms - the double-headed eagle. But then, almost a hundred years ago, a great disaster came to our land again. At that time, Tsar Nicholas II ruled our country. He was a good sovereign, he did not want to believe that there are evil people in the world, that they want to do mean things, that they are ready for cruelty and betrayal.” This is how Nicholas the Bloody became a “good sovereign.”

And further: “And people were like that. They were called revolutionaries or Bolsheviks. Nothing was dear to them - neither our country, nor our people. They wanted only one thing - to overthrow the king and begin to rule themselves. And so, at a time when our country was fighting a difficult war, when Tsar Nicholas II was working at the front, commanding troops, the revolutionaries conspired with our enemies, received money and weapons from them and staged a revolution. Tsar Nicholas II was deprived of power, imprisoned, and then killed. The Russian army was destroyed. The best people of our country were killed or expelled from Russia. They seized power, began to rob the people, offend the weak, and destroy everything that was good in Russia. Our people did not come to terms with the power of the Bolsheviks, they rebelled against them, and a terrible Civil War began. But the revolutionaries won. And they won because they were so cruel as no one had ever been anywhere in the world. The revolutionaries did not spare anyone, they killed children, women, and old people, they destroyed entire cities, entire regions, entire peoples. Everyone who resisted, who did not want to obey them in any way, was exterminated by the Bolsheviks, every last one. And a terrible Bolshevik power reigned over our country - a merciless power, a bloody power.”

Here we see a whole series of anti-Russian myths. And about the “good” sovereign, although it was his reign that led to the most severe crisis and revolutionary situation in the Russian Empire. And that the “great trouble” was brought to Russia by “evil people - the Bolsheviks.” Although in reality the systemic crisis in Romanov Russia took centuries to develop. They were the fault of the ruling elite, the elite of “old Russia,” which followed the path of Westernization (Europeanization) of Russia, turning Russian civilization into the cultural and economic (raw materials) periphery of Western Europe. There is also a myth that “the revolutionaries conspired with our enemies, received money and weapons from them and staged a revolution.” If there were no internal contradictions in Russia, Russia was a healthy organism, no revolutionaries or external enemies could do anything. In addition, it was the ruling “elite” of the Russian Empire - the February Westernizers - that crushed the autocracy, the imperial army and the empire. The Tsar was overthrown not by the Bolsheviks, Red Guards and the proletariat, but by the quite prosperous and prosperous liberal-bourgeois, capitalist and even aristocratic elite of the Russian Empire, which the autocracy prevented from completing the triumph of the Western matrix in Russia.

We also see myths that the Bolsheviks “killed the best people of our country or drove them out of Russia, ... began to rob the people, offend the weak, destroy everything that was good in Russia,” unleashed a Civil War and terror. At the same time, they won only thanks to extreme, infernal cruelty, exterminating “every single one” (!) who resisted. As a result, “a terrible Bolshevik power reigned over our country - a merciless power, a bloody power.” “The Bolsheviks ruled our country for a long time and tormented Russia for a long time. But our country did not perish, the Russians did not suffer. The time has come - and the power of the Bolsheviks collapsed. And Russia again became a free, honest, kind country.”

It turns out that nothing good happened during the Bolshevik rule. They only “harassed Russia.” And Russia became a “free, honest and kind country” only in 1991. The entire Soviet period is anathema, in the “best” traditions of the 1990s, when anti-Soviet, “white” and liberal ideas about Russia’s past flourished.

What Russia will come to if such trends (and those supported from above) prevail, we see in the example of Little Rus' (Ukraine), where de-Sovietization and the destruction of the common Russian and Soviet foundation was in full swing and was not restrained. Eventually we see how the Ukraine project collapses: complete subordination of Kyiv to the West; deindustrialization and dismantling of the Soviet legacy (essentially, the destruction of all economic, social and cultural foundations), which leads to the accelerated disposal of the entire country; the onset of wild archaism in the form of cave nationalism, the criminalization of public life; large-scale theft and corruption according to the principle “after us there may be a flood”; the beginning of a war between Russians and Russians with the full support of Western “partners”; total de-Russification with denial of one’s roots, with wild hatred of those Russians who have not yet forgotten their name; socio-economic, cultural and linguistic genocide of the southern Russian people with the full support of the West (IMF and other structures), resulting in the extinction of the southern Little Russians, the mass exodus of young people to the West or to Russia, the transformation of part of the Russian superethnos into ethnographic material for the Western " melting pot" (project "Global Babylon"), etc., etc.

Thus, we see how the thousand-year information war against Russian civilization and people continues. The destruction of the historical memory of the Russian people and the “inoculation” of false values ​​(materialism - the ideology of the “golden calf”) and false ideas about their native history and country are in full swing. The Soviet Union, of which the Russian Federation is the legal successor, is anathema. Although it is in the history of the Union that we still have a common ideological foundation that unites and reconciles “red” and “white”, left and right, monarchists, nationalists and socialists. This is victory in the Great Patriotic War, the heroic feat of the Soviet (Russian) people at the front and in the rear, the creation of a great country - national economy, science and education, great achievements and victories in space. The creation of nuclear potential and armed forces, which allows us to still live without Western aggression (NATO), does not allow Western “partners” to bomb and dismember Great Russia following the example of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Syria. This is the creation of the world Yalta-Potsdam system and the Helsinki Act on security and cooperation in Europe, that is, a global political system that made it possible to avoid a new big war and so on. That is, the entire foundation on which modern Russia still rests.

What does this kind of “education” of the younger generations lead to? Look at neighboring Ukraine, a bleeding part of Russian civilization... You can also pay attention to the active participation of young people in the latest unrest in Russia. New generations of “brainwashed” Russians are entering the arena, brought up entirely on Western standards and values, which easily become a tool in the hands of experienced manipulators and political strategists.

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Thus, in the Mongolian army of the 13th century we see the implementation of the principles of “armed people” and “territorial” organization of troops, which in Europe received universal recognition no earlier than the 19th century. And it must be said that, perhaps, never have these two principles been so successfully applied to the actual situation as in the nomadic power of Genghis Khan, which lived a patriarchal, tribal way of life. Subsequently, with the conquest of peoples of a different culture, these principles could not be universally applied, so that in the last years of the reign of Genghis Khan, and equally, and especially, under his successors, we see in the Mongol army auxiliary contingents organized on different principles - for example , by forced collection or supply by local authorities of a certain number of physically fit recruits from conquered peoples, and of course, without respecting territorial or tribal principles. But the core of the army, made up of nomads, continued to preserve the basic principles of its structure, thanks to this being an excellent weapon of war in the hands of Genghis Khan himself and that galaxy of talented commanders whom he managed to create during his lifetime and pass on to his successors on the Mongol throne.

The essence of agrarian reform
Stolypin agrarian reform, bourgeois reform of peasant allotment land ownership in Russia. It began by decree on November 9, 1906, and ended by decree of the Provisional Government on June 28 (July 11), 1917. Named after the Chairman of the Council of Ministers P. A. Stolypin, the initiator and leader of the reform. Socio-economic essence...

Shop regulation
The members of the workshop were interested in ensuring that their products received unhindered sales. Therefore, the workshop, through specially elected officials, strictly regulated production: it made sure that each master produced products of a certain type and quality. The workshop prescribed, for example, what width and color the fabric produced should be, how...

The second period of the Manchu conquests. Step Resistance
Thus ended the first period of the Manchu invasion of China. During 1644-1647. The Qing armies managed to suppress resistance in Northern and Central China, as well as in the main regions of Southern China. However, the patriotic struggle still continued. In 1648, armed uprisings broke out again in most provinces. There are...