Make an announcement about the missing mirror. How to find lost things? A spell to find a lost item. Using magic

27.04.2017 - 11:38

We all know by heart Pushkin’s lines “My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth” from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” As we remember, “the mirror had the property of being able to speak.” It would seem like a fairy-tale image, fiction, fable, but everything is not so simple - it turns out that in the past there really were real magic mirrors!

Mirror of Pan Tvardovsky

In the 20th century in Poland, an ancient mirror was found in one of the old churches. There was an inscription on it in Latin, stating that this was the mirror of Pan Tvardovsky, who “used it during his magical activities.”
Pan Twardowski is a well-known character in Poland who lived in the 16th century and was involved in spiritualism and astrology, so the find excited the public.
Scientists began to study the mirror. It turned out that on its surface there are disguised images that appear only at a certain lighting angle and can literally be projected onto the walls, and in an enlarged size. This is how Polish legends became reality. They claimed that Pan Tvardovsky could summon the devil. And on the mirror there was just an image of a creature with horns and a tail.

Mirror of Pan Tvardovsky

Similar “magic mirrors” were once created in large numbers in the East. Historians, for example, are well aware of Chinese mirrors. Back in 1086, the Chinese scientist Shen Gua mentioned in his book “Reflections on the Lake of Dreams” about ancient mirrors, the secret of making which was lost in the 8th century AD (note that in the 11th century we are talking about ancient mirrors).
Gua wrote: “There are mirrors that transmit light, on the back of which are written about twenty ancient hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered. These hieroglyphs appear on the front side and are reflected on the wall of the room where the mirror is located. All mirrors are similar to each other, all are very ancient, and all transmit light.”
It is possible that the mirror of Pan Tvardovsky was one of these ancient Chinese crafts, which was later inscribed with an inscription in Latin.
The mirror amazed scientists with the quality of the images and the subtlety of their details. The researchers said it closely resembles modern holograms. They claimed that the master who created the mirror was well acquainted with the laws of geometric optics.

(Read more in the article: "
Even if we assume that this is not an ancient Chinese mirror, but that it was created by Pan Tvardovsky himself, the question still arises: where could such knowledge come from in the 16th century?

The next mysterious story about a magic mirror is connected with two, probably, the most mysterious personalities of the past - predictors and. There are legends that the count had a huge amount of magical things. One of the most amazing among them is the mirror. Looking into it, one could see all the events of the future and find out one’s own destiny, which is what the count successfully did, gaining fame as a sorcerer.
According to legend, this mirror once belonged to Nostradamus himself, who made his famous, amazingly accurate predictions thanks to it. An entry was preserved in the diary of Catherine de Medici, who claimed that Nostradamus showed her this mysterious object. “There were pictures of some kind of celebrations, lights of fires and streams of blood - it was the night of St. Bartholomew... Then a deathbed appeared - magnificent, royal... The face of a man, but with women’s earrings and necklaces - it was Henry III. Then someone’s big shadow appeared in the mirror”...
It is unknown how the mirror got to Saint Germain, who looked into the future through it and amazed people with his predictions. It is also unclear where it went later - traces of Saint Germain's mirror are lost somewhere in the past.

Kyiv legends

It is very interesting that, according to ancient sources, such an amazing mirror was also available in Kievan Rus! In 1584, the Polish priest Martin Gruneweg visited Kyiv, about which he left notes in his diary. He visited the St. Sophia Temple, in which he saw a certain magic stone-mirror.
Here is what Groeneweg writes: “A large green stone, like a mirror, is placed above the large church doors. People have a wonderful legend about it, namely, that in this mirror you can see what was considered secret, and they tell different stories about it.”

Austrian diplomat Erich Lasota also visited Kyiv 10 years later. He recorded his impressions in detail in a diary, which is now kept in the city of Budyszyn in Saxony. Among other interesting notes, it contains an entry about the Hagia Sophia, “which has no equal in vastness.”
Lyasota literally writes the following: “At the top there is a gallery or choir, the railings of which from one column to another consist of solid slabs of bluish stone with transparent carvings. In one of the slabs, directly opposite the high altar, there is a round hole, about half a cubit in diameter, now filled with lime; they say that there was a mirror in it, in which, through witchcraft, you could see everything you thought of, even at a distance of several hundred miles.”
As we can see, the mirror has already disappeared somewhere over these 10 years. Lyasota also tells a legend about the magical properties of the mirror: “But it happened that one of the Kyiv princes went to war with the pagans and was absent for a long time; His wife usually looked into this mirror every day, wanting to know what he was doing and how her master was doing. But one day, seeing by the way that he was in a loving relationship with a captive pagan woman, she broke the mirror in anger; Let, however, the reliability of this story lie with the responsibility of tradition.”
This is already very reminiscent of the mirror from Pushkin’s fairy tales - who knows, maybe he also heard these legends. Note that this round hole from the mysteriously missing mirror can be seen in the St. Sophia Cathedral even now.

High technologies of the past and future

It is curious that if in the time of Pushkin magic mirrors were a fairy-tale attribute, then in our time, if you look closely, they are found everywhere. Can an ordinary tablet or phone be considered fabulous, to which you can ask any question, including by voice, and it will answer you?
In modern “magic mirrors” we see other countries, we can communicate with our friends living thousands of kilometers away, or even observe other planets.
It is curious that English scientists recently invented a modern magic mirror that allows you to see the future. At least your own. You can click a button and see what you will look like years from now.
The display is created using miniature cameras that film you in different projections. The images are then processed and a special program is used to create a hypothetical image of you in the future. However, some will see wrinkled or bloated old people in the mirror, while others will see youthful and good-looking older people.

The fact is that the magic mirror is equipped with various sensors that collect information about you and your health. And based on this data, the program adds various touches to your portrait, and you can see with your own eyes what your bad or good habits lead to in the future.
The designers of the magic mirror warn that if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, what you see may shock you, and therefore they do not recommend using their inventions for people with a delicate nervous system. But everyone else can admire (or be horrified) looking at what they will look like in a couple of decades.
Who knows what other similar inventions will appear in the future. It is quite possible that we will soon have “magic mirrors” that will tell us personally that we are “all rosy and whiter”, based on comparisons with millions of other users, and conduct quite meaningful dialogues with us.
It is quite possible that the mirror broken by the jealous Kiev queen was some kind of similar device, on which it was quite possible to watch your husband going on a long hike, or compare your appearance with other users.
Where did such devices come from in the distant past? It is possible that there were already highly developed civilizations on Earth in which some similar multimedia devices existed, which were perceived by subsequent generations as magical.
Who knows, maybe something will happen to our world, our technologies will be lost, and miraculously surviving feral people will perceive the single surviving devices of our time as divine artifacts and decorate their altars with iPhones and iPads...


There are situations when we search for an urgently needed thing for hours, or even days. Either the prankster brownie is playing a joke, or it’s just simple inattention. However, the fact remains that the missing item was not found. In such cases, a simple magical spell, the implementation of which is accompanied by a special ritual, will help to return the lost item. And in this article you can find several different spells that help return the desired product.

Conspiracies, the action of which is aimed at helping in the search for lost (missing, stolen) objects, can be read on any day according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, these magical methods are very popular and in demand.

If you put something in your house and cannot find it for a long time, use this spell. To quickly remember where the product you need is located, perform the following ritual.

To perform the ritual, take:

  • an ordinary match;
  • a glass of milk.

Stand in the center of the room. Light a match and wait until it burns halfway. Then, using the burnt edge, draw a cross on the palm of your left hand. Simultaneously repeat the magic words four times in a row:

“What is missing will return to me, everything that has gone will be found. Jesus Christ, Guardian Angel and Light forces are with me. Amen".

After half an hour, it should be washed off with milk. Next, remaining standing in the middle of the room, listen to your inner sensations. They will tell you where to look for the loss. Using this plot, you will significantly save time on your search and are guaranteed to get a positive result.

Ritual for finding an item with a candle

If you don’t want a specific item missing at home to become a cause for grief and disorder, use this plot. To find your lost item, you will need to first go to church. Wake up early in the morning and go to the temple. You must endure the entire service, after which you should purchase one candle. Go home with it, buying another one along the way. Only the second candle should be made of red wax and be larger in diameter than the first.

When you return home, take out candles and a white piece of paper. Sit down at table. Write the name of the lost item on the sheet. Place two candles on top of the paper and, lighting them, begin to pronounce the spell:

“Burn bright and burn hot, red candle. You are beautiful, but you have no strength and peace. And the holy candle, small, burns subtly, and helps everyone. So I, the servant of God (say your name), live modestly and honestly, do good, help people. Don’t leave my prayers unheard, help me find a thing (its name) so that it will continue to be this way. Amen".

You will soon find the item you need. As soon as you take it in your hands, do not forget to cross yourself three times and then say the following words:

“Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer. Amen".

Brownie help

Lengthy searches for lost property can reduce contact with the brownie. If your relationship with the brownie is good, ask him to help. Appease him first so that he can help you find the missing item.

Taking a handkerchief, tie it to the leg of the stool. After this say the words:

“Brownie, brownie, play and don’t get too carried away. Play with my thing and give it back to me.”

After these words, you can show him a sweet or other treat that will await the brownie after finding the item.

After such manipulations, the product you need will appear literally out of nowhere. Even if the item disappeared through no fault of the brownie, this plot will help to return it.

Ritual for finding a missing item in the house

This ritual also helps to find a missing specimen at home. If you need to return a lost and definitely not stolen item, do the following. Prepare a collection of dried herbs:

  • wormwood;
  • motherwort;
  • lavender.

Place a small amount of the mixture in a cast iron or copper container and set the herbs on fire. Use this smoke to fumigate the house, visiting every room. During this ritual, read the plot:

“Forces of nature, help me find the missing one. Let the smoke cover the missing thing, let it appear before my eyes. Amen".

It also doesn’t hurt to say “Our Father” and a prayer of cleansing from an evil spirit, evil spirits.

Ritual with ropes to find a lost object

If you need to find an item by tomorrow, you can perform this ritual at sunset in the evening. By morning, the lost item is guaranteed to be found if you prepare a rope in the evening and tie knots on it. At the same time, the following plot should be read:

“My loss (say the name of the object), tie it up and appear to me (your name)!”

Putting the rope with knots in the corner of the western side, go to bed. First thing in the morning, grab a rope. Untying the knots on it, say the magic words:

“My lost thing (name of thing), untie yourself and catch my eye (your name)!”

Next, place the rope in the east corner. After this, you will quickly find your lost item at home.

Returning a stolen item

It happens that something disappears from your home through no fault of yours. Often, items can be stolen, which is not immediately detected. Therefore, if you suddenly become a victim of theft, performing this ritual will help you return the stolen item.

To remove someone else’s energy from a stolen item and return it as soon as possible, stand in the place where the item last lay. Closing your eyes, try to remember the exact location and small details. It is also important to imagine the exact color of the item and its interaction with surrounding objects.

Having opened your eyes, look at the indicated place and read the magic words:

“Evil and unrighteous man, give me my thing (say its name), otherwise it will be bad for you: the heat will torment you, your bones will break and dry out. I give you a week to return the stolen item. Everything is the will of the Lord, and you still have the opportunity to fix everything. Amen".

This conspiracy not only facilitates the speedy return of an item missing due to the thief’s fault, but will also prevent a person from such actions in the future.

This is madness! - Sabrina made a noise, stomping through the mud with her grandmother, Daphne and Puck.

After recent rain, the ground in the forest was saturated with moisture and turned into a swamp. Puck walked behind Sabrina, holding a sword in his hand. He was muttering something under his breath about what he would do to Baba Yaga if they met face to face, when he suddenly remembered that he had not teased Sabrina for a long time.

I don't want to be jerky! - Daphne screamed.

No one is going to become jerky,” her grandmother reassured her. - Everything will be very good and pleasant.

That’s exactly what everyone says before they become jerky,” Park explained. - But don't worry, friends. I have old scores with this witch. She will still regret the day when she raised her hand against the king of rogues.

Puck's boasting was getting on Sabrina's nerves. For two thousand years Baba Yaga has been practicing black magic, and her character was even blacker! Rumors of her cannibalism and murder were often mentioned in family diaries. The last time Sabrina was in her terrible hut, the mere memory of which sent shivers down her spine, she had to literally gallop with all her might to save her life: Baba Yaga had turned the girl into a frog and was going to eat her. The last thing they needed right now was for Puck to start a quarrel with the old hag.

They walked and walked until thin dead trees appeared growing very close by. Their trunks and branches intertwined as if at the moment of death

They supported each other. There was nothing blocking the sun here, but the place was still dark and gray. Not a single blade of grass emerged from the ground. Sabrina realized that the natural sounds of the forest had also disappeared somewhere. There were no cries of birds, no noise of the wind in the branches, no crunch of branches underfoot - everything was quiet.

They continued on their way and soon found themselves on a path of whitewashed stones. Sabrina had already walked along it once and knew where it led - straight to the cannibal witch. She also knew that the stones under her feet were not at all what they seemed at first glance. It took Puck some time, but he soon figured it out.

Human skulls! - he exclaimed, pulling one out from under his feet and showing it to his companions.

Don’t be afraid, Puck,” his grandmother encouraged him.

Don't be afraid? This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! - the boy yelled. He moved the skull's jaw as if it were a toy ghost from a puppet show, and then shoved it right up Daphne's nose. - Hey baby, let's dance?

Daphne squealed and hid behind Sabrina. Grandmother Relda looked reproachfully at Puck and forced him to return the skull to its place.

Where has your determination gone, king of dirty tricks and rogues? - Sabrina asked the elf. - Maybe Baba Yaga turned into a movie star?

Just because I'm about to bring hellfire down on her head doesn't mean I can't appreciate her style," Puck replied.

Grandma, where did her guards go? - Daphne asked, looking around cautiously. Usually, all approaches to the hut were guarded by the faithful guards of the old witch: Clear Sun, Black Night and Scarlet Dawn. These half-humans, half-beasts were notorious and were Baba Yaga’s personal bodyguards. Now they were nowhere to be seen.

There's no need to worry about them so much! - said Pak. “They’re probably sitting somewhere and they’re afraid to stick out their ugly nose!” They know very well that it is better not to get in my way!

“It looks like you’ve caught a cold,” said grandma.

“Eternal residents don’t catch colds,” Puck argued.

However, when we get home, I will give you chicken broth.

They walked along the path for some time and soon saw Baba Yaga's hut. She was surrounded by a creepy fence made of human bones.

Grandma Relda pushed the gate, and the whole family entered the yard. Sabrina looked at her grandmother with delight and envy: she was so fearless! Grandma Relda walked towards the door as if she had come to visit an old friend. I wonder if Sabrina herself will ever be as brave?

Grandma knocked, and soon the door opened wide.

I feel the spirit of the young and tireless,” Baba Yaga croaked in some otherworldly voice.

In one hand she held a bowl of porridge, in the other a spoon. Apparently the company's arrival interrupted her meal.

Grandma Relda hesitated on the threshold.

Sorry, I thought the sooner we started, the better.

The witch frowned, but waved her hand, inviting them to follow her into the house. The inside of the shack was just as scary and creepy as the outside. There were dusty bags in the corner, some kind of green, sticky, stinking liquid was oozing onto the floor. There were wooden cages along the wall. In one of them, someone was desperately trying to get free. A fire was burning in the stove, the flames formed into the faces of people distorted by despair - it seemed that they were begging for help. Sabrina shuddered with disgust as she thought that she too could be one of these unfortunate souls, doomed to suffer forever in the house of Baba Yaga. But still, the feeling of disgust and despair that literally permeated the air did not frighten the girl so much. She was bothered by some strange sensation in her spine. At first she thought it was just nerves, but then she realized: what she was experiencing was more like hunger - nervous, unnatural, cutting. Every nerve, every muscle, every drop of blood and every hair of her body seemed to suddenly awaken from sleep and demand food. She looked around: magic wands, spell books, and magic rings were scattered everywhere. Baba Yaga was unworthy of these things. One had only to look at how disgracefully she treated them!

Everything is fine? - Daphne asked, tightly squeezing her sister's hand.

Sabrina took a deep breath and nodded.

We need to leave here as quickly as possible.

Where are your guards? - Grandmother Relda asked the witch.

“They all let me down,” the sorceress snapped.

Yes, that's not what I'm asking. The witch screamed in rage:

And don't ask! I created them for one purpose: to protect my property! They failed! They failed me! There's nothing more you need to know!

Sabrina easily guessed what they were talking about. Baba Yaga's bodyguards were dead. Their bones were probably now part of the fence.

Puck was not at all interested in the ongoing conversation. He selflessly scoured the room, opening cabinets, pulling out dresser drawers, as if he were the owner here.

It looks like this book is made of human skin! - the elf exclaimed, picking up the disheveled volume from the floor.

The book's leather cover was covered in hair.

This is true! - Baba Yaga giggled.

Puck seemed about to kiss the old hag.

This is for me! It's like Disneyland here! - he exclaimed.

Hey,” Sabrina stopped him, “what about hellfire?”

Puck grimaced and put the book back on the floor.

Tell me what you know about the disappearance of your magic wand? - Grandma asked Baba Yaga, taking out a pen and notepad.

Only that she was here and then disappeared,” the witch said, casting a meaningful glance at Sabrina.

“Show us where you kept it,” the grandmother asked.

The old hag hobbled into the next room. The floor in this room was covered with dust and what looked like human teeth. In the middle of the room there was a high-backed chair, opposite it on a swinging shelf - a TV. On the TV lay the jaw of some wild animal, with an old wire hanger wrapped in foil sticking out of it. “Yes... Quite a peculiar, but probably very unreliable antenna,” Sabrina thought.

“This is where I kept my magic wand,” the witch explained, looking around the room with her hand.

Wonderful. “Girls,” the grandmother addressed them, “the time has come to put into practice the knowledge you have acquired and show what you have learned. Carefully inspect the crime scene and remember to pay attention to anything that seems strange.

For the past two months, Grandma Relda has been teaching the girls to see, or, to be more precise, to observe. She believed that true detectives used all their senses to create a more accurate picture of a crime. According to this technique, it was necessary to sniff everything to determine the presence of strange odors; listen carefully to see if there are any strange sounds. Not to mention the fact that you had to look into all the darkest and dustiest corners. Sabrina had her own point of view on this matter. She believed that in order to find the criminal, you just need to try to think like him. In this case, all that was required of her was to imagine what she would do if she had to run away from here with a stolen item. Combining her own method with her grandmother's allowed her to notice things that others missed.

She slowly looked around the room, wondering what her grandmother meant by "weird." Antique wallpaper hung from the walls in clumps - this was not surprising. The old woman was certainly not Martha Stewart. A huge stain spread on the floor. Sabrina really hoped it wasn't blood. In the far corner there was a table completely covered with bubbles and small glass jars with some kind of green liquid. All sorts of disgusting things were floating in it.

Sabrina,” Daphne called. - What do you see?

Sabrina looked at the table again carefully. In her opinion, there was nothing unusual here, of course, if we consider dead chameleons, tufts of mouse tails and other nonsense normal. However, her grandmother taught her to be meticulous, so she looked under the table. Sabrina discovered a large hole in the floorboard. Daphne joined her and pointed to the greasy footprints of someone's small paws: the witch had mice.

No matter how collected and organized you are, there comes a time when the necessary thing or money is lost. Sometimes it is very important to find the loss. How to do it? To find a lost item or money, you can read the plot.

Magic will help you find your lost item

Without magic

You shouldn’t use magic all the time; nevertheless, you are turning to forces that should not be disturbed again. You just have to focus and act deliberately. If these methods do not help you find the lost item, then resort to magic.

Calm down and find

A woman always knows where her things are. But if you can’t find something, remember where you last saw this thing. First, calm down, don’t be nervous, and then go around all the places where she could be. Often we don't find something because... nervous and excited.

You have to pull yourself together, and everything will work out. Count to one hundred, sit down and concentrate. Things don't have legs; they couldn't run away. Maybe you threw something on top: a magazine, a book, or a cat lay down next to the lost item, covering it with its tail, or the thing fell from a sofa or table and lies there between it and the wall. Often we simply do not notice the object, but it is under our nose. We don't see it because... We’re in a hurry, or we’re thinking about something and automatically putting the thing in our pocket or putting money on the shelf.

Searching Through Prayer

Prayer is not a conspiracy, but an appeal to God for help. If He deems it necessary, He will fulfill your request. Another advantage of prayers is that they give peace and tranquility. You will stop being nervous, concentrate, and will be able to quickly find what you need, things or money. Read the Lord's Prayer. Or another prayer, “I Believe,” which will show that you have come to terms with the situation. When you stop worrying, your thoughts come into order, you may have an epiphany, and you will immediately find what you were looking for. Or pray to the guardian angel if you have his icon and you know the prayer.

Prayer is not a conspiracy, but an appeal to God for help

After you have calmed down, go to the place where you last saw the lost item. Then say these words:

“Lord, help me find (name of object)! Remove the veil from your eyes, brought on by the devil! Word to the point, jokes away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

The loss will be found immediately or after some time.

Using magic

Did the methods described above not help? Then, to find the missing item, you will have to resort to magic.

Appeal to the brownie

When something suddenly disappears, many suspect that the brownie is to blame. This home owner loves to joke with people and hides their things. Anger will not help, these creatures cannot tolerate aggression. It is better to perform simple magical rituals that will help return the loss.

Ritual with wool thread. Take a wool thread and tie it to a table leg. Then say:

“Brownie-brownie, stop joking! Give back what you took (name)!

Tie a scarf to a chair leg or stool and say:

“Brownie-brownie! Play and give it back!”

You can promise him candy if he helps. If he took this thing, he will return it immediately. If not, he will help you find it.

Clap your hands and ask the brownie to return this item.

Turn the cup or glass over and place it on the table. After that, you will immediately find what you need. The brownie himself will help you do this.

When something suddenly disappears, many suspect that the brownie is to blame for everything

Place a saucer in the corner and pour milk into it. Place 7 yellow coins around it. Then say:

“Brownie-brownie, he took my thing for me. If you play with it, give it to the owner, and he will welcome you!”

Then leave the house for 30 minutes and take a walk.

This ritual is an appeal not to the brownie, but to another owner of the home - the spider. He is the custodian of the family wealth. You can ask him for help if you and your relatives did not kill the spider in the house, but only swept away its web. Find a cobweb in the house, blow on it and say 3 times:

“Owner (keeper) of the house, help, find the missing thing (you can specify which one)!”

After that, you will be drawn to the very place where this thing lies.

Magic rituals

You can perform simple magical rituals that will help you find the missing item.

  • With a purple candle. Buy a purple candle, light it, stand in the middle of the room and watch the flame. At this time, imagine the thing that is lost. At this point you will see a picture that will show where this thing is. If you couldn't imagine anything, look at the wax. Where it flows, that’s where you need to go. If there is a wall on that side, then you can look in the next room.
  • Thread with knots. Take the thread and fold it 7 times to make 7 layers of thread. Tie 7 knots on it. In the evening, place this thread at your head. When you wake up in the morning, you will know where to look. If you didn’t see the answer in your dream, then start untying these knots.
  • Pendulum. Take a string up to 50 cm long and tie a ring to it. First check if it works. Ask him a simple question and see if he answers or not. You've made sure it works. To find your missing item, walk around the house with this pendulum. If he gives positive answers, then the loss is somewhere close.
  • Herbs. Take lavender, motherwort and wormwood and place in a cast iron skillet or copper bowl. Add some alcohol and set the herbs on fire. Envelop the room in smoke. If the item was not stolen and it is in the house, you will find it.

You can perform the ritual with a purple candle

Reading conspiracies

If all these methods did not help to find the lost item, you can read the plot. There are many ritual options. Choose the one that is closest to you. But before you read the plot, follow a number of rules.

  • Good mood. At the moment when you pronounce the words of the conspiracy, you should be in a good mood. If you are filled with anger or envy, you are sad, you are sad - you cannot cast a spell. Then you will not only not find this thing, but you will also damage yourself and constantly forget something.
  • The ritual must be performed at home. A conspiracy requires a lot of strength, so it is better to carry it out at home.
  • No one should be around. It is better to carry out the ceremony alone so that the mood of other people does not spoil your search for things.
  • No noise. The house should be quiet, i.e. no TV or running washing machine, you must concentrate on the ritual.

Ritual with a match

You should not spend it where there is negative energy. If you live in an apartment, it is also better to refuse it, because... this energy can come from neighbors. Light the match and wait until it burns halfway. Run the resulting coal over your right palm. You must draw a cross. Then wait another half hour, sitting quietly the whole time. You can't do anything or think about something. Then wash off this cross with milk and say:

"Everything I've lost is close to me

God sees everything

Let nothing get away from me

Even (name of thing)

Everything will be found soon

And I will be happy again!”

And another plot to find the missing item. Take a bowl of water and matches. Light these matches one at a time and throw them into the water, repeating the spell:

“The demon (devil) jokes, brings darkness, plays (jokes), he is a great master. Stop (stop), turn over, return the loss (return). Let it be so!".

The ritual with a match should not be performed where there is negative energy.

Ritual with a ball

You will need a ball of sheep's wool, preferably red. Stand on the threshold of the room where the item disappeared. Take the ball in your left hand and wrap its end around the finger of your right hand (index). Imagine the lost thing and throw the ball in front of you, saying the following spell:

“You tell me the little ball, or better yet, tell me where my thing is hidden (say the name of the thing you want to find), all the credit will be yours.”

Use your right hand to support the ball. Wherever he stops, that's where the thing lies.

Money gone missing

It’s especially sad when it’s not things that disappear, but money. There is a conspiracy that will help bring it back. But you need to know whether they were stolen or whether you lost them. If you are sure that the money was stolen, the ritual will be different. To find lost money, read this plot:

“Thief, stop joking,

Let me (list what is missing) find it

Case after case, word for word

Come true everything you said;

God grant me to find what I have lost.

If you have lost money, you can read this plot. Then you will either find it missing, or money will come to you from somewhere instead of what you lost. For the plot to work, go to a road where people constantly walk. As soon as you step onto the path, count your steps. When their number is 21, go out onto the road and say these words (you need to learn them):

“I’m walking, and money is coming my way. They are waiting for me, they come to me joyfully. How many people walk here every day, that’s how much money will come to me. Amen".

Repeat them not once, but many times, the more the better, but not less than 21 times. Then start counting your steps again. When you count 21, you can go home or wherever you need to go. Try to forget about the ritual so that the money comes faster.

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when at the most inopportune moment a very necessary thing is lost. You are late for work, but there are no keys to the house, the sun is shining brightly on the street, and your glasses have disappeared somewhere, and very important documents have suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Absolutely anything can get lost. “Like a cow licked it with its tongue,” and it seems that nothing can be done. But conspiracies come to the rescue to find a lost item, capable of returning the lost item back in a short time.

The simplest conspiracies

When puzzling over how to find a lost item at home, it is not at all necessary to immediately resort to strong magical rituals. First, you should start with simple but quite effective conspiracies:

For milk and matches

You need to purchase a new box of matches and some fresh high-fat milk from the store. At home, you should sit in the middle of the largest room, light a match and try to fully concentrate on the image of the lost object.

When the match burns out, use its burnt end to draw a cross on your left palm. Next, you need to sit on the floor and sit in complete silence.

During this time, you need to once again list in your head all the places where the loss may be located. After half an hour, take a glass of milk and use it to wash the cross from your palm, saying: “My loss will be found, it will soon return to my hands!” Amen!"

You need to repeat the words 4 times, then wipe your palm with a piece of clean cloth made from natural fibers. After a short period of time, the necessary thing will definitely be found.

On a scarf

Buy a handkerchief at the store. It is necessary that it be large enough and with good, smooth edges. When you arrive home, you should sit down on the sofa or bed, close your eyes and try to mentally imagine the lost item, holding the purchased scarf tightly in your left hand.

When the image becomes especially clear and bright, you need to open your eyes and tie a small knot on any corner of the scarf. In this case, you need to say the name of the loss out loud. When you find the right thing, you should definitely untie the knot on the scarf.

On a thread

It often happens that you lost an important thing quite a long time ago, but you still really want to find it. In such situations, you can perform a fairly simple ritual with threads. You will need a spool of thread, preferably red. Before going to bed, you need to measure a thread, the length of which will completely coincide with the height of the owner of the lost item.

Having cut the thread, you should fold it in three, mentally imagining your loss.

Then you need to fold the thread 7 more times and carefully tie a couple of knots on it. The resulting skein of thread should be hidden under the pillow and go to bed. It is in a dream that you can see the place where the necessary thing lies. If this does not happen, you need to take the thread out from under the pillow and try to untie the knots. And then the loss will definitely be found.

The presented conspiracies describe in detail how to return a stolen item, but you should not rely on their help alone. You must try to look for the loss yourself and thoroughly check all corners of the house. And when the loss is found, it is necessary to say words of gratitude for the help provided.

We ask the brownie for help

If you cannot find an item for a long time, it makes sense to turn to the brownie for help. But when turning to the small owner of the house, it is very important to believe in his existence, otherwise the conspiracy will not be heard, and the request will be useless. You can contact the brownie in different ways.

The ritual with a wool thread is in great demand. You need to purchase a red woolen thread, cut a small piece and tie it to any of the table legs in the house.

Then you need to whisper:

“Grandfather Brownie, don’t joke with me. Return the lost thing (name), and take a treat in return!” You need to repeat the words 4 times, at each corner of the room, turning to face it.

If the item was stolen

    I stayed with a friend at her dacha for 3 days. And on the 4th day I was supposed to go back home to Moscow. When I arrived at her place, I immediately changed my clothes. She put her jeans and raincoat on the sofa. Nobody came into our house. Her neighbors only came into the veranda. I felt comfortable on the veranda. But there was no soul in the house. The house pressed me, I could only sleep, and then I slept with the light on. Thank God there were warm days. On the day of departure we ordered a taxi. And I get dressed, but there are no jeans anywhere. We went through everything, all the closets, behind the sofas. They dug through it several times. And my jeans are nowhere to be found. So she left without finding her. I don't know what to think. The brownie hid this, there is no one else. The village is almost empty, and everyone is old. And now I'm scared. This is probably not good.

    Please tell me what conspiracy can help. At work, a certain amount of money was missing from the cash register. I can't figure out where I made a mistake. There is a suspicion that she passed it on to the boss, since in the evening he, out of the blue, asked if everything was okay with the cash register. But I was afraid to admit it. Maybe it’s not him after all, so you have to figure it out yourself. What conspiracy will help so that either the director confesses or I understand where I made a mistake?

    I lost my wallet with all the money, bank and discount cards and a gold chain with a cross...Will I find it...maybe some kind of conspiracy will help..?

    People, the match method worked 100%!!!
    I lost a gold set with diamonds, my mother’s gifts and a very expensive one. I was desperate.
    I couldn’t find it for a long time, I searched the whole house. I already thought that it was the housekeeper who stole it... Because for the past 4 years things and jewelry have been disappearing from my house. I still haven’t found a single one... I didn’t know what to do, whether to tell her or not, my conscience wouldn’t allow it, because if you’re not caught, you’re not a thief...
    And then I read about the match and decided to try it. You won’t believe it, I found it in 5 minutes! And along with it there were other jewelry, which I forgot about, that they were put together in one package. Now all that remains is to make a wish for other missing items, which are very dear to me and which I have also been trying to find in vain for several years now.
    Maybe it will work. Hope!!! So, go for it!
    And good luck to you all in your search!