Jewish New Testament Kifa. Recovery translation of the New Testament. The Jewish New Testament appeared as a result of writing a commentary

Translation of the New Testament, reflecting its Jewish essence,


David Stern.

"For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the Word of Adonai from Jerusalem."

- Yeshayahu 2:3


78 Manahat, 96901 Jerusalem, Israel

Post Office Box 1313, Clarksville, Maryland 21029, USA

Copyright © 1989 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved

Printed from the original in English.

English original ISBN: 965-359-003-0

The rights belong to D. Stern and are protected by law.

Prepared the book for publication


Translation from English:

Andrey Dolbin

Victoria Dolbina

First edition.

Cover: Mickey Klugman

Printed in Finland

ברוך אתה יהוה אלהינו מלך העולם נותן האמת־אמת

ובשורת־ישועה לעמו ישראל ולכל העמים על־ידי בנו

ישוע המשיח אדוננו

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, Ruler of the universe, who gives the Torah of truth and the Good News of salvation to His people Israel and all nations through His son, Messiah Yeshua, our Lord.

VII. Tanakh Prophecies Fulfilled by Yeshua the Messiah (printed table)


Than given New Testament different from everyone else? The fact that the Jewish New Testament reflects its original and inalienable Jewish essence. Almost all other translations of the New Testament - and there are literally hundreds of them - present his message in a pagan-Christian linguistic, cultural and theological package 1 .

What's wrong with that? Nothing! After all, although the gospel has Jewish roots, it is intended not only for Jews, but also for Gentiles. The New Testament itself is clear about this 2 , so it is perfectly acceptable that its message be conveyed to non-Jews in a way that would carry with it a minimum of alien cultural baggage 3 . This approach became very successful: millions of Gentiles believed in the God of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov and in the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua 4 .

1-Exceptions: The Book of Life (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982) and The Living Bible: Messianic Edition (Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 1984) by Sid Roth's Messianic Jews and David Bronstein Jr. are adaptations of existing English translations. The Original New Testament (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985) is a revised and revised edition of Hugh Sconfield's earlier translation, The Authentic New Testament (1955); Sconfield accepted Yeshua as his Messiah in his youth, but later apostatized. A translation by the Messianic Jew G.W. Cassirer.


The task of changing mindsets is fulfilled partly by the Jewish New Testament and partly by this book. In fact, my original idea in 1977 was to write a commentary on the New Testament that would deal with Jewish topics. But after I made a rough draft of a commentary on several chapters of the Book of Acts, I realized that most of my work consisted of my objections to the way certain passages were translated in the English Bible that I used: “The translation says A , but in fact the Greek original means B". Instead of wasting readers' time by criticizing third parties (translators), I decided to try to translate the New Testament from Greek myself and found that the result of this attempt pleased me. This is how the Jewish New Testament appeared, the need for which matured in the process of compiling a commentary to it. Since then I have been basing my commentary on the Hebrew New Testament and looking at what I believe to be erroneous translations in different versions of the Bible, which become apparent when compared with what the New Testament actually says (i.e. what it says). speaks in my understanding).

I intended to publish my translation of the Bible and commentary in one volume, not only because they complement each other, but also because some of the disputed passages in my translation of the JNZ needed to be clarified and defended for their adequacy, which is what KENZ would do. Unfortunately, the rhythm of my life did not allow me to quickly implement this project. When the translation was essentially completed, I was still working on the commentary, and my friend advised me, “Publish the Hebrew New Testament separately. Jews and Christians need to see what the Jewish book, the New Testament, is all about. Don't worry about defending this book - God's Word will stand up for itself. And when your comment comes out, it will serve its purpose.” He convinced me and I published the first edition of the Hebrew New Testament in 1989; three more editions followed.

While the EHZ was enthusiastically received by most Messianic Jews, by many Christians, some non-Messianic Jews, and a few observers, there were, of course, criticisms. Whenever I read a negative review, in my opinion, unfair, I regretted that, along with the ENZ, there was no commentary that could confirm the correctness of the translation. Now it is, and I hope it will encourage readers to reasoned discussion of Jewish issues in the New Testament.

The Christian Bible is the canonical description of two religions connected in a single plan: Judaism (Old Testament) and Christianity (New Testament). The Old Testament is based on the commandments of Jehovah - Moses. The New Testament is based on the commandments of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Christians who united the Old (Judaism) and New (Christian) Testaments in their canon should be called "Jewish Christians".

The Biblical Old Testament is a part of the Jewish Torah, distorted by Christians, containing the essence of the Jewish religion. The word "Torah" itself means "instruction", "guide to action" or "law". Here is what is written in the Jerusalem edition of the Torah: “The Torah is the basis of the existence of the Jewish people and expresses the essence of the Jewish way of life…” (2, p. 7). This is a kind of " Mein Kampf» Judaism. And this means that the Torah, like the Old Testament, has nothing to do with other peoples.

The Torah consists of the Written Torah (Tanakh in Hebrew), the Oral Torah (Mishnah, Talmud) and numerous commentaries on them. Not all books of the Torah are public and, nevertheless, the composition of the books of the Old Testament of the Bible quite adequately describes the essence and meaning of Judaism.

The basis and beginning of the Old Testament of the Bible is the Pentateuch of Moses (Chumash in Hebrew). These 5 books are called: Genesis (Bereshet), Exodus (Shemot), Leviticus (Vayikra), Numbers (Bamidbar), Deuteronomy (Dvarim). The Old Testament also includes the books of Joshua (Yeshua bin Nun), Judges (Shoftim), Kings (Shmul), Ecclesiastes (Koelet),

The Psalter (Tehilim), a number of prophetic and other books, again related exclusively to the Jews.
The texts of the Old Testament and the entire ideology of Judaism are permeated with Jewish racism, humiliation of the dignity of other peoples and other religions. The Old Testament contains direct calls for murder, violence, destruction of foreign peoples and their cultural and religious values.

In essence, the Old Testament and, of course, the Torah are extremist and chauvinistic literature, which is easy to see when considering its texts.

The Old Testament of the Bible (Judaism) is an ideology of racial, national and religious exclusivity and superiority of Jews over all other peoples of the world. The Jews (Jews professing Judaism) are the only peoples in the world who invented the myth of their "God's chosen people" and openly propagandize this supposedly God's chosen people and intolerance towards other peoples and religions.

It should be noted that the Jewish Lord God Jehovah (aka Jehovah, Yahweh or Sabaoth), when he introduced himself to Moses and gave his name, immediately declared that he was not a universal god, but the god of only Jews, the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac, the god Jacob, the god of Israel (Exodus 3:18, 6).

This Lord, the god of the Jews, treats other peoples with fierce hatred and contempt: “As for the other peoples that came from Adam, You said that they are nothing, but like saliva ... these peoples, recognized by You as nothing ...” (3 Ezra, 6:56-57).

The Old Testament forces the Jews to be in a state of constant war with other nations: "... do not give your daughters in marriage to their sons, and do not take their daughters for your sons, and do not seek peace with them at all times ..." (2 Ezra 8: 81-82).

“…I will give other people for you, and nations for your life” (Isaiah 43:4).

“... your God will bring you (the Jewish people) into the land that He swore ... to give you with large and good cities that you did not build, and with houses filled with all good things that you did not fill, and with wells hewn stone that you did not hew, with vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant, and you will eat and be satisfied” (Deuteronomy 6:10-11).

“You (Jews) will take possession of nations that are larger and stronger than you; every place that your foot sets foot will be yours; no one can stand against you” (Deuteronomy 11:23-25).

The real historical practice suggests that throughout their history the Jews were engaged in precisely the seizure of other people's property. The most striking recent example is the so-called privatization in Russia, when public property in Russia was plundered on an astronomical scale. The Jew Chubais led this process, and suddenly some billionaire oligarchs suddenly appeared: Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Smolensky, Abramovich, Vekselberg, Fridman, Deripaska - all representatives of the “God-chosen” people.

The ideas of achieving racial superiority and world domination of the Jews over other peoples through money and financial credit in the Old Testament sound like this:

“…and you will lend to many nations, but you yourself will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you” (Deuteronomy 15:6).

Naturally, the desire of the Jews to dominate other peoples causes a response, which is usually called anti-Semitic, which is not true, since the Semites are not only Jews, but also, for example, Arabs, with whom the Jews are constantly at war. Therefore, we should not talk about anti-Semitism, but about anti-Zionism. And its root is in the ideology of the Old Testament.

Doesn't the quote from the Old Testament arouse hatred and contempt: “Do not eat any carrion; give it to a foreigner who happens to be in your dwellings, let him eat it, or sell it to him, for you are a holy nation with the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 14:21).

Good "holy" and "God's chosen" people and their vile god!

The doctrine of feeding poisoned "food" to foreigners is very important point for the Jews, and it concerns not only physical food, but also spiritual food. The Jews are feeding other peoples the poisoned idea of ​​internationalism in order to destroy other peoples' racial and national identity, national religion, history, culture, traditions, science, ethics, and aesthetics. Destroy everything truly human in a person and make a brainless internationalist out of him.

The Jews themselves do not use internationalism. They are tough nationalists, racists and chauvinists, which is what the Old Testament teaches them ..

Jewish racism has a multi-level nature in accordance with the levels of the Masonic pyramid of power. Above the ordinary Jews are the Levites, who represent a special privileged caste. They form the rabbinate. When the Jewish Lord God planned to make a census of the Jewish population, he clearly indicated to Moses: “Do not number the Levites along with the children of Israel ... entrust them with the tabernacle of revelation ... and if anyone comes outside, he will be put to death” (Numbers 1: 48-51). That is, ordinary Jews are one thing, Levites are quite another. For the Levites, the Jews are just an instrument of power, an obedient army, zombie slaves. But the Levites are not the highest representatives of the Zionist mafia. The Masonic pyramid of power is large enough and it is well known today (3,4,11).

The ancient Jews were not Jews. They worshiped the golden calf. Now it is presented as a worship of money and gold. Actually it is not. The worship of the golden calf is not the worship of gold, but of the calf. This is the cult of the bull. This cult existed among many peoples of the world, including the Slavs (God Veles). Spanish bullfighting is also an echo of the ancient bull cult. And gold is just a great material for making idols. Judaism was imposed on the Jews by force, murder and violence by Moses and the Levites. All rebellious Jews were slaughtered by the Levites on the orders of Moses (Exodus 32:25-28).

Judaism is not the world religion as the media tries to portray it. It is the religion of a people who make up an insignificant part of the world's population. And only Jews can be Jews! And for reading the Torah or the Talmud by foreigners in Judaism, the death penalty is prescribed. Thus, Judaism is a religion exclusively for Jews.

This religion prohibits agitation and propaganda, i.e. any missionary activity, and insurmountable barriers have been put up for the adoption of Judaism by representatives of other peoples.

The basic tenet of Judaism is sadism. Lyrics permeated with sadism old testament. The scale of the atrocities of the Jews is unparalleled in world history. This is not surprising since their Jewish Lord God Jehovah is one of the most cruel gods in the world. The Gnostics knew about the essence of the main Jewish god. They claimed that the main Jewish god Jehovah is the Devil.

Here are some of his cases:

Peoples, listen and heed, peoples... the wrath of the Lord is on all nations, and His fury is on all their host. He betrayed them to the curse, gave them to the slaughter. And their slain will be scattered, and a stench will rise from their corpses, and the mountains will become wet from their blood "(Isaiah 34:1). "I will completely destroy all the nations among whom I scattered you, but I will not destroy you" (Jeremiah 30:11) .

“I trod on the winepress alone, and no one of the nations was with me; and I trod on them in my anger and trampled them in my fury; their blood spattered on my garments, and I sullied all my garments; for the day of vengeance is in my heart and the year of my redeemed ones has come. I looked, and there was no helper; I marveled that there was no one to support; but my arm helped me, and my fury supported me: and I trampled down the nations in my anger, and crushed them in my fury and poured out their blood on the ground" (Isaiah 63:3-6)

“But in the cities of these peoples, which the Lord your God is giving you as a possession, do not leave a single soul alive, but put them under an oath: the Hittites and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, and the Gergesites, as commanded you the Lord your God. "(Deuteronomy 20:16-17).

“And so kill all the male children, and kill all the women who know a husband in a man's bed; but all the female children who have not known the male bed, keep alive for yourself” (Numbers 31:17-18).

“If you hear about any of your cities, which the Lord your God gives you to live in, that wicked people have appeared in it ... saying: “Let's go and serve other gods that you did not know”, ... then ... strike the inhabitants that city with the edge of the sword, put a curse on it and everything that is in it, and strike its cattle with the edge of the sword; Gather up all its booty in the middle of its marketplace, and burn the city with fire and all its booty as a burnt offering to the Lord your God…” (Deuteronomy 13:12-16).

“…and that prophet or that dreamer shall be put to death because he persuaded you to depart from the Lord your God…” (Deuteronomy 13:5).

Jews do not spare their relatives if they are carried away by someone else's faith:

“If your relatives call you to worship other gods… then kill them… stone them to death” (Deuteronomy 13:6-10).

“And Moses said to the judges of Israel, Kill every one of his people who cleave to Baal-peor” (Numbers 25:5).

“If there is among you ... a man or a woman who ... goes and serves other gods, and worships them, or the sun, or the moon, or all the host of heaven ... then stone them to death” (Deuteronomy 17:2-5).

But the vast majority of ancient traditional religions of all peoples of the world are based on the worship of the Sun - the divine source of light, heat, energy and life. The Old Testament condemns them all to death.
What else can be said about this murderous god? Only in the words of Jesus: “Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44).

Note in passing that of the so-called ten commandments of Moses, the 2nd commandment forbids making any "pictures of what is in heaven above" (Exodus 20:4). And this is no coincidence. This is done in order to prohibit a person from knowing about the cosmos, about the place that the earth occupies in the cosmos. Based on this commandment, "God's servants" destroyed all astrologers, astronomers, mathematicians, and scientists. Over 13 million the best representatives the human race "God's servants" were burned at the stake.

“Whoever steals a man from among the children of Israel… must put him to death” (Exodus 21:16).
Note that this rule applies only to “the sons of Israel, you can steal other people.

“Do not let the soothsayers live” (Exodus 22:18).

“Whoever sacrifices to gods except the Lord alone, let him be destroyed” (Exodus 22:20).

“Whoever does a deed on the Sabbath day shall be put to death” (Exodus 31:15).

Atrocities were organized by the Jews in the lands they captured. The Old Testament does not condemn these actions. On the contrary, the Old Testament relishes and justifies them:

“And the Lord our God delivered into our hands both Og the king of Bashan and all his people; and we smitten him, so that he has no one left alive...and we put them under an oath, as we did with Sihon king of Heshbon, putting under an oath every city with men, women, and children" (Deuteronomy 3:3-6).

“And they smote him, and his sons, and all his people, so that not one was left alive, and they took possession of his land…” (Numbers 21:35).

3:3 “And they put all the cities under the curse, men and women and children, and left no one alive” (Deuteronomy 2:34).

The pathological brutality of the Jews knows no analogues in world history. Before entering the Promised Land, Moses sent Joshua and Caleb Jefonnin to scout. When they returned, they began to encourage the Jews to conquer in such terms:

“... do not be afraid of the people of this land; for it shall be ours to eat” (Numbers 14:9).
These cannibals completely “ate” several peoples (Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Gergeses, Hebes, Jebusites, Moabites, Philistines) and nothing more remains of these peoples, except for the mention in the Bible that these Jewish stories can cause other peoples ? Only reciprocal hatred.

And the total brutal destruction of the inhabitants of Jericho during the conquest of the land of Canaan by the Jews: “And they put under the curse everything that was in the city, both husbands and wives, both young and old, and oxen, and sheep, and donkeys, they destroyed everything with the sword” (Joshua 6: 20), but the pride was burned.

The same atrocity Joshua did to the city of Ai. He killed all the inhabitants, both men and women. After which: “Jesus burned Ai and turned him into eternal ruins, into a wilderness, until this day; and hung the king of Ai on a tree” (Joshua 8:24-29).

A similar fate befell the cities: Maked, Livna, Lachish, Gazer, Eglon, Hebron, Davir, Hazor. All people, including women and children, were exterminated without exception, cities were burned, all kings were hanged on a tree (Nun 10:28-38).
In the time of King David, the Jews brutally and with pathological sadism destroyed the entire population of Rava Ammonite, throwing people alive under saws, under iron threshers, under iron axes and in burning furnaces (2 Kings 12:31).

Crematoria, therefore, were created by the Jews long before Hitler. This is where the so-called Holocaust of nations comes from.

Here it is, real Jewish fascism and genocide of other peoples. And where are these so-called current human rights activists and anti-fascists? Why are they silent and not fighting Jewish fascism? Yes, because they themselves are one of these.
And after that someone asks: “Why, after all, at all times, all the peoples of the world have not loved and do not love the “poor and unfortunate” Jews?”

Jews, followed by Christians, usually accuse pagans of human sacrifice. And let's see if the Jews themselves sinned with this? An analysis of the Old Testament writings says yes, they sinned. The fact that in ancient Judea and Israel there was a practice of child sacrifice is proved by many biblical texts. So, Ezekiel writes in the words of God: “Then I gave them commandments pernicious, laws that bring destruction. I caused them to be defiled by their own offerings - to sacrifice the first fruit of every mother's womb. I did this in order to doom them to destruction - so that they would understand that I am the Lord! (Ezekiel 20:25-26).

The same is implied by the texts of Jer. 7:31; 19:5 and 32:35.

Moreover, if Ezekiel speaks of the sacrifice of the firstborn of both sexes, then Jeremiah is not limited to the firstborn. And likewise in Jer. 32:35 to describe the actual sacrifice in Ezek. 20:26 uses the verb העביר ("to lead through the fire"), that is, children were burned, as well as cattle lambs.

The same can be found in Exodus: give me the firstborn of your sons; do the same with your ox and with your sheep. Seven days let them be with their mother, and on the eighth day give them to Me (Exodus 22:29-30).
The firstborn boys are to be given to Yahweh along with the firstborn of cattle and sheep.

Another form of child sacrifice that existed among the Jews is given by the story of the daughter of Jephthah (Judges 11:29-40):

Before the battle with the Ammonites, Jephthah makes a vow: if he becomes a winner, he will give as a gift to the Lord the first thing he meets upon his return home: “And Jephthah swore an oath to the Lord and said:“ peace from the Ammonites that comes out of the gate of my house to meet me, it will be to the Lord, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.” (Judges 11:31) When Jephthah returned home victorious, the first person he met was his own daughter: He has only one, and he has not yet had a son or a daughter. (Judg. 11:34)

Two months later, the obedient daughter is sacrificed: "At the end of two months, she returned to her father, who dealt with her according to the vow he made." (Judg. 11:39) The sacrifice described in the history of Jephthah is interpreted by theologians as a single event, and not a regular rite. But who knows? Perhaps this story was the origin of the annual day of mourning performed by the women of Israel (see Judg. 11:39-40), but the story itself is evidence of child sacrifice.

And how did the Jews and their god repay the Egyptians for sheltering the Jews during the famine? By murder and theft: “At midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh to the firstborn of the prisoner who was in prison” (Exodus 12:29).

These brutal murders of babies are still celebrated by the Jewish fascists as a great holiday - Easter.
How do Jews celebrate this Passover? They ritually repeat the deeds of their Jewish god Jehovah - they kill children and drink their blood. The attitude of the Jews to Aryan blood is mystical. Aryan blood is used not only by the highest Jewish Masons, but also by ordinary members of the Hasidic sect - the most orthodox followers of the Torah and the Talmud (8,9,10).

In the Old Testament, direct references to this brutal custom of the Jews are preserved: “Behold, the people rise like a lioness and rise like a lion; he will not lie down until he has eaten the prey and drunk the blood of the slain” (Numbers 23:24). How many Jews exist, so much they are engaged in this satanic atrocity. Many authors write about the endless facts of Jewish crimes related to the torture, ritual murder of Aryan children and the use of their blood. In particular, the pamphlet was written by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl himself (8,9), a great scientist whose scientific thoroughness and scrupulousness cannot cause the slightest doubt.

On Easter, the Jews catch children, brutally torment and torture, enjoying their torment. Then they pierce the entire body of the child with special ritual knives, often rip off the skin and drain his blood. After that, this blood is used for ritual purposes, and in particular, it is added to the Passover matzo (unleavened bread) (8,9,10).

After the mutilated and mutilated bodies of the murdered children are thrown away. One should not think that the facts of ritual murders of children are relics of the past. The Jews have always done this, they do it now, and they are going to do it in the future. For people with a normal psyche, the ritual brutal murders of children are so unnatural that they cannot believe that this can even happen. But you can believe, you can not believe, but this happened and is happening. These are the hard facts.

In the 19th century, the ritual murder of two boys in the city of Saratov was uncovered in Russia. The perpetrators of this savage act Yushkevicher and Shliferman were sentenced to hard labor in the mines for twenty years each. Of the recent events, it is necessary to note the ritual murder in the city of Krasnoyarsk of 5 boys in 2005 and girls in 2006 and 2007. The wounds on the children's bodies were similar to the wounds of children in the city of Saratov. The Russian Anti-Fascist Committee addressed the Prosecutor General of Russia Yu. Chaika (14) directly on this issue, but this criminal case has not yet been solved.

Most recently (in 2011) in Sevastopol, two girls became victims of the same brutal ritual of the Jews.
It was precisely because of these facts that the “poor and unfortunate” Jews were slaughtered and crushed throughout human history(8.9). It is because of these crimes that the so-called anti-Zionists and "damned fascists" hate the Jews.
It is significant that in Russia the first accusations against the Hasidim in the ritual murders of children were made by the Jews themselves, namely the Frank Jews in 1759 during a public dispute in the city of Lvov. An account of this dispute was published by former Rabbi Pikulsky.

And here is how the Jewish "god" Jehovah (Yahweh) teaches the Jews to deal with people of other faiths and shrines of traditional pagan religions of other peoples of the world:

“These are the ordinances and laws that you must do in the land that the Lord God of your fathers is giving you as a possession, all the days that you live on that land. Cut off all the places where the peoples that you take possession of served their gods, on high mountains and on hills, and under every branchy tree; And destroy their altars, and crush their pillars, and burn their groves with fire, and break the images of their gods, and cut off their name from that place” (Deuteronomy 12:2-3).

“... put them under a spell, do not enter into an alliance with them and do not spare them; ... destroy their altars, crush their pillars, cut down their groves, and burn the images of their gods with fire” (Deuteronomy 7:2-5).

“Burn the idols of their gods with fire” (Deuteronomy 7:25).

“... drive away from you all the inhabitants of the earth and destroy all their images, and destroy all their cast idols and destroy all their heights; and take possession of the land and settle in it, for I will give you this land to own” (Numbers 33:52-53).

“When My Angel goes before you and leads you to the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Gergeses, the Hivites, the Jebusites, and I will destroy them (from your presence), then do not worship their gods, and do not serve them, and do not imitate their deeds but crush them and break their pillars” (Exodus 23:23-24).

Here we see absolute intolerance, aggressive hatred and hostility of Jews to all traditional national religions of the peoples of the world and their culture.

In accordance with the Biblical tradition, they destroyed the oldest libraries - proto-Sumerian in Babylon, Alexandria in Egypt, Etruscan in Rome, papyrus in Thebes and Memphis, a huge library in Constantinople. They stole the libraries of Yaroslav the Wise and Ivan the Terrible, burned the temple-temple in Athens, etc. All this was done with one goal - to destroy key historical information. At the suggestion of the Protestants, Peter I cut the Russian calendar by 5508 years and began the reckoning from the birth of Christ. After that, he destroyed historical documents and planted three Jews from Europe to rewrite and falsify the history of Russia. The Jews deliberately destroyed or "corrected" all the manuscripts and monuments of Russian history.

The world is well aware of the actual criminal acts of the "philanthropic" Judeo-Christian church. More than 13 million people were burned at the stake by the church. And they burned the best of the best. They burned astronomers, mathematicians, alchemists, magicians, any other scientists, just free-thinking people. The Church severely persecuted science, freethinking, culture, and art. The Church unleashed several bloody wars and crusades. For 15 centuries in Europe, the church forbade people to wash, destroying all the baths (hotbeds of pagan debauchery). The Church has committed many serious crimes against humanity. Recently, the Pope made a formal apology about this. But does this change the texts and meaning of the Old Testament? Not at all. Has the church condemned the ideology of the Old Testament or thrown it out of its canon? No.

The Old Testament programs an aggressive religion aimed at seizing power, including world power. Judaism is a nationalist religion and even, moreover, racist and chauvinistic. There is no internationalism in Judaism. Jews feed internationalism to others in order to hide the fact of the ongoing struggle of the Jews for world domination, the struggle waged by the Jews always, everywhere, under any circumstances, daily and every minute with never weakening energy. They don't call them "rat people" for nothing.

There is constant talk in the Jewish media about so-called anti-Semitism and fascism. But after all, the Jewish Lord God himself calls the Jewish people the people of "Sodom and Gomorrah" (Isaiah 1:10), a depraved, stupid and senseless people (Deuteronomy 32:5-6).

Here is what he says about his chosen people:

“This is because my people are stupid…they are smart for evil, but they don’t know how to do good” (Jeremiah 4:22).

“You steal, you kill, you commit adultery, and you swear in lies…” (Jeremiah 7:9).

“A sinful people, a people burdened with iniquity, a nation of wicked people, sons of perdition!…your hands are full of blood” (Isaiah 1:4,15).

“Your princes are lawbreakers and accomplices of thieves; they all love gifts and seek rewards” (Isaiah 1:23).

“From the small to the big, each of them is devoted to self-interest, and from the prophet to the priest, all act deceitfully. … Are they ashamed when they do abominations? Nay, they are not at all ashamed, nor do they blush” (Jeremiah 6:13-15).

“A marvelous and terrible thing is happening in this land: The prophets prophesy lies, and the priests rule through them, and my people love it” (Jeremiah 5:30-31).

“For thus says the Lord of hosts: cut down trees and make a mound against Jerusalem: this city must be punished: in it is all oppression. As a spring spouts water, so it spouts evil” (Jeremiah 6:6-7).

"They hold fast to deceit...they do not tell the truth, no one repents of his wickedness..." (Jeremiah 8:5-6).

“They are all adulterers, a bunch of perfidious people. Like a bow, they strain their tongue for lies, they are strengthened on the earth by unrighteousness; for they pass from one evil to another... Everyone deceives his friend, and they do not speak the truth; have accustomed their tongue to speak lies... Shall I not punish them for this? Says the Lord ... And I will make Jerusalem a heap of stones, a dwelling place for jackals, and I will make the cities of Judah a desert, without inhabitants ... and I will scatter them among the nations that neither they nor their fathers knew, and I will send a sword after them until I destroy them ”(Jeremiah 9:2-3,5, 9,11,16).

“And these nations shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years” (Jeremiah 25:11).
Subsequently, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar (Nebuchadnezzar) defeated the Jews and destroyed Jerusalem (Jeremiah 39).

Jesus Christ generally calls the Jews children of the devil (John 8:44). There is no doubt about these words of Christ, he knows better, because he himself is a Jew.

How is this translation of the New Testament different from others?

The Jewish New Testament conveys the original Jewish essence of the New Testament, which plays a huge role in its understanding.

The New Testament is a Jewish book written by Jews, mainly about Jews and for Jews, but also for non-Jews. His main character, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), was and remains a Jew. The ideas of the atoning sacrifice, salvation, immersion (baptism), the new covenant, and the very concept of the Messiah are Jewish. In other words, the New Testament builds on and complements the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Jewish New Testament conveys the Jewish essence in three ways;
Cosmetically - using stylistically neutral terms and names in Naivre: "execution stand" instead of "cross", "Kefa" instead of "Peter".
In cultural and religious aspects - emphasizing Jewish cultural and religious features; "Hanukkah" instead of "feast of renewal", "tzitzit" instead of "edge of clothing".
Theologically - breaking down stereotypes created by mistranslations dictated by anti-Jewish theological prejudice: for example, in Romans 10:4 "the goal towards which Topha is directed is the Messiah" and not "Christ is the end of the law" (as in Synodal translation).

The Jewish New Testament encourages Jews to see Yeshua as a close friend, to look to the New Testament as a Jewish book containing truths worth accepting and putting into practice. At the same time, affirming the equality of Gentiles and Jews in the Messianic Community, he calls on Christians to recognize the Jewish essence of their faith and their unity by the Jewish people.

Initially, David Stern uses Hebraized language, which is logical. It has “Kefa” instead of “Peter” and, of course, “Messiah Yeshua” instead of “Jesus Christ”, etc.

However, it is not easy for a Russian-speaking Christian to read such a text, therefore, a “translation” is made in our text, i.e. “Kefa” becomes “Peter” again, and “Yeshua” becomes “Jesus”, but when hovering over words marked with *, hints are shown - Jewish variants. In addition, those who wish to read the Hebraized version can use the Hebrew New Testament Commentaries. The text is in the original.

The Jewish New Testament appeared as a result of writing a commentary

In fact, my original idea in 1977 was to write a commentary on the New Testament that would deal with Jewish topics. But after I made a rough draft of a commentary on several chapters of the Book of Acts, I realized that most of my work consisted of my objections to the way certain passages were translated in the English Bible that I used: “The translation says A , but in fact the Greek original means B". Instead of wasting readers' time by criticizing third parties (translators), I decided to try to translate the New Testament from Greek myself and found that the result of this attempt pleased me.

This is how the Jewish New Testament appeared, the need for which matured in the process of compiling a commentary to it. Since then I have been basing my commentary on the Hebrew New Testament and looking at what I believe to be erroneous translations in different versions of the Bible, which become apparent when compared with what the New Testament actually says (i.e. what it says). speaks in my understanding).

Jewish New Testament

Since KERNZ is based on ENZ, I think it would be appropriate to say a few words about it. The Jewish New Testament reflects the inherent Jewish essence of the New Testament in three ways, which I call cosmetic (or external), cultural-religious, and theological.

  • Cosmetic elements, such as the use of the words "execution stand" instead of "cross". "Kefa" instead of "Peter" and, of course, "Messiah Yeshua" instead of "Jesus Christ" are the most noticeable, and the frequency of their use will create an overall effect.
  • Cultural-religious elements immerse the gospel in a Jewish setting; two examples can be given here: the use of the word tzitzit instead of the expression "hem of the garment" in Matityahu (Matthew) 9:20 when describing what the woman who was suffering from bleeding touched, and the word Hanukkah instead of the expression "feast of renewal" in the Gospel of Yohanan (John ).
  • One example of theological elements is the translation in Messianic Hebrews (Hebrews) showing that the New Testament was not just "established" but "given as Torah", and also the translation in Romans 10:4: "The purpose, for which the Torah points out is the Messiah,” but not “Christ is the end of the law.”