Which doctor treats depression: a psychologist or a psychotherapist? Who should you go to for help with depression? Is it possible to see a neurologist with depression?

Depression ranks high among mental illnesses. According to experts, more than 7% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Unfortunately, nowadays there are much more people who suffer from depression.

Depression is not as harmless as it seems; more than half of people in a depressed state have at least once thought about taking their own life (suicide). And 10% of these people brought their thoughts into execution.

It occurs in people for various reasons: conflicts, divorces, quarrels, various diseases, drug and alcohol use - all these factors lead modern people to depression. It is generally accepted that depression is a disease of modern society with its overwhelming psycho-emotional stress. And most neurologists agree with this point of view, calling modern depression exhaustion depression. And if your bad mood develops into depression, then know: a nervous breakdown is not far off. Therefore, without much thought, contact a neurological clinic, this will help you avoid the consequences of depression.

People suffering from depression experience:

Decreased sad mood;
slowness in thinking;
motor retardation.

Sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, lack of interest in life, indecision, feelings of inferiority, thoughts of suicide. All these are constant companions of depression.

Let's look at the types of depression

Neurotic appearance. This type of depression occurs on a “nervous basis”. In a mentally healthy person, this type of depression occurs as a result of nervous shock.

Somatogenic type. Depression of this type develops as a result of somatic diseases.

Endogenous species. Depression of this kind occurs in schizophrenia, age-related and manic psychoses. Exacerbations in patients with this type of depression occur in the spring and autumn.

Hidden view. Depression manifests itself in various physical ailments: heart pain, headaches, etc.

What to do about depression

According to experts, the nature of depression in a person is not a medical problem, but a spiritual one. In the race for material wealth and the pursuit of illusory values, people have forgotten about their spirituality. They don’t raise her, they don’t attend church. A person grieves about momentary material benefits. But he is not able to overcome depression without the participation of God.

The inflated level of human needs, growing like a snowball, can never be satisfied. To overcome depression, you need to get rid of pride and unjustified illusions, turn to your soul, go to church, and find humility.

“Depression” is a word that has become frequently used lately. We attribute our bad mood, reluctance to do anything, and apathy to depression, without going into the meaning of this word, without thinking that this is actually a disease that requires the intervention of a competent specialist.

According to statistics, up to 70% of the world's population suffers from mild depressive disorders, of which 15% require treatment. A severe form of the disease can be life-threatening if you do not consult a doctor promptly.

Having noticed the first signs of the disease, less than one percent of the world’s people seek help, while the rest simply ignore them. But when more serious symptoms appear, you should never isolate yourself!

Who should you turn to for help: a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist? Which doctor treats depression? It all depends on the neglect and severity of the condition. There are three degrees of depression: mild, moderate (moderate) and severe. Having noticed the first symptoms, you should go to a specialist, because the more severe the degree of the disease, the longer the treatment.

Therapist is a general practitioner. It can help you if the disease is mild and is characterized only by a bad mood and fatigue. The doctor will prescribe you sedatives and must monitor the progression of the disease. If required, arrange a consultation with a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Attention: if the symptoms of the disease do not go away within a two-week period, be sure to consult a specialist!

A psychologist is a specialist who can help a mentally healthy person with certain psychological problems. Therefore, in the treatment of the early stages of depression, turning to it will be completely justified. The psychologist will not prescribe medications, but will provide completely different, psychological support.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who can fully treat depression, regardless of the patient’s condition. Only he can correctly determine the severity of the disease and select drug treatment.

How to determine which doctor to go to

If you are constantly in a bad mood and suspect symptoms of depression, contact a therapist. Result: most likely they will be referred to a psychiatrist, or prescribed sedatives and mild antidepressants.

Feelings of anxiety, fatigue, apathy that last less than 10 days - you can contact a psychotherapist or psychologist. His actions: he will listen, put you in a positive mood, help you understand yourself and understand the reasons for the appearance of such a state.

Manifestations of depression:

  1. Constant feeling of anxiety.
  2. Apathy and reluctance to communicate with other people.
  3. Dissatisfaction with oneself and life.
  4. Fears and aggression.

These symptoms, individually or in combination, are a good reason to seek help from a psychiatrist. What to expect from visiting a specialist? No tear-jerking conversations - only drug treatment, sometimes (in severe conditions) inpatient treatment.

Important: it is best if depression is treated by an experienced psychiatrist!

Determining the type of depression

When choosing a doctor, it is worth considering the type of depression, which is determined by the cause that caused it.


In turn, it is divided into neurotic and reactive. Neurotic occurs under the influence of prolonged stress: conflicts at work, bad environment and misunderstandings in the family, etc. Reactive occurs from one big shock, a strong stressful situation: the death of a loved one, dismissal from work. The psychogenic type of depression has positive experience in treatment by psychologists and psychotherapists.


Occurs as a consequence of a somatic disease. A striking example is the frequently occurring depression associated with thyroid disease. It is treated by a therapist, as it goes away without a trace once its cause is eliminated.


This type of depression is congenital and is characterized by a constant depressed mood, frequent changes in mental state, etc. In especially severe cases, it can be a manifestation of schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis. It is treated by a psychiatrist, and sometimes psychotherapy is used.

Erased depression

This species is difficult to diagnose due to the fact that there are no symptoms or appear in small quantities. As an example: poor appetite or sleep disturbances. Erased depression is extremely dangerous, because it is almost impossible to identify it in a timely manner, which means that very often it turns into a severe form, threatening the health and life of the patient. Only a psychiatrist can treat this type.

Postpartum depression

A fairly common phenomenon among women who have just become mothers. It manifests itself in a reluctance to approach the baby, feed him, or care for him. A pronounced passive state towards others, a constant desire to cry, etc. If the condition is prolonged (more than a month), it is recommended to see a psychotherapist.

So, by comparing the symptoms, you can determine for yourself which doctor treats depression, and which specialist should be contacted in a particular case. If anything is in doubt, it is better to immediately contact a psychiatrist. Under no circumstances should you be afraid of a specialist: he is able to accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment (not necessarily medication).

Important: if suicidal thoughts appear, it is prohibited to postpone a visit to a psychiatrist!

A psychiatrist is a highly qualified specialist who has undergone unique medical training. Therefore, he diagnoses depression easier than any doctor, knows more methods of treatment, and approaches each patient individually.

Neglecting internal health is unacceptable and causes many dangerous consequences: constant apathy (loss of interest in life), aggression, insomnia, confusion of thoughts, changes in a person’s personality, and sometimes suicide.

Fear of visiting a psychiatrist should not interfere, forcing you to put off getting out of depression and delaying the situation to worsen.

That is why, set an important and feasible task - go to the appointment and start treatment. After all, according to statistics, 99% of all patients who seek help on time return to normal life within a few weeks, enjoying every day again!

The answer to the question of which doctor treats depression is shocking in its breadth. Anyone, including proctologists and dentists. The amazing thing about this is that it's true. If a person has reactive depression, and its cause is very poor dental condition, then he needs a dentist much more than a psychotherapist. The latter can only be useful in terms of counseling and information on how to overcome your fear and begin treatment. As soon as the last tooth is cured and all the dentures are installed, the person will be truly transformed.

People often don't know which doctor to see for depression treatment

She is treated by neurologists and psychoneurologists. There is nothing surprising. In most small towns in Russia there are simply no psychotherapists. Those rare young people who have chosen this strange specialization prefer not to return home after completing their studies. We have few psychotherapists - they can successfully find jobs in large cities. There are neurologists in the provinces, so they treat depression.

Clinical psychologists

Clinical psychologists can also deal with this problem. This is the type of specialist who works with people whose mental disorders are provoked by others. For example, serious surgery.


Of course, psychiatrists also treat depression. Their difference is that they think mainly about whether the patient needs a drug regimen or not. If they see that they are not needed, they quickly lose all interest in the person.

Exploring the subtleties and intricacies of the spiritual is not their specialty. However, in the case of major depressive disorder, pills and injections are very necessary. Therefore, there is no way to do this without psychiatrists.

A psychiatrist may prescribe medication for depression


The main specialists are psychotherapists. If you are thinking about which doctor to see for depression, then go to a psychotherapist, you can’t go wrong. Although there is still one difficulty. A psychotherapist can act as a doctor. Then he is the one who heals. Conducts some kind of therapy. But he can also work with healthy people. Let us remember that depression itself can be a disorder that does not require a diagnosis. A man has lost faith in his abilities and does not know why he should live any longer. We are not talking about suicide. It’s just something like Dante’s “halfway through my earthly life, I found myself in a dark forest.” Almost all people after 35 years find themselves in such a “forest”. It's called a midlife crisis. There is no diagnosis, and psychotherapy will not hurt. The second role of this therapist is consulting, and he himself can work with both sick and healthy people.

Ordinary psychologists

And this opens another door for us. If someone has depression, a doctor is not necessary. A priest, a Buddhist lama or an ordinary non-medical psychologist can provide no less help. The latter cannot cure anyone, but depression is not a disease. Rather, only the clinical form should be considered a disease, or rather a disorder. In other cases, this is a problem, and ordinary psychologists can help in solving such problems.

A psychologist will help you deal with individual problems that have become the causes of depression.

Usually people who have never been to a session with a psychotherapist perceive what happens there exclusively as shown in the movies. In fact, there may not be any couches or shiny pendulums. The essence of the work comes down to the fact that the patient himself designates what he wants to achieve, but understands and is convinced that he cannot achieve this on his own.

The essence of therapy

Everything further depends on the school to which the psychotherapist belongs and his personality. The psychoanalyst will mainly listen and prompt the patient when he touched on something important in his speech. The same is considered to be what belongs to the unconscious. It is unknown what the Gestalt therapist will do. This is such a “hodgepodge”, and methods of many directions relate to it.

People never come with just one problem, because no one has just one problem. As a result, the session can be figuratively described as a meeting of two complexes. The patient's system of problems collides with the psychologist's system of methods.

Sometimes you can’t do without Gestalt therapy

Patients tend to:

  • not knowing what is really happening to them;
  • have no idea what they really want;
  • have a confusing hierarchy of importance.

Psychotherapists should:

  • don’t say “pull yourself together”;
  • don’t say “you let yourself down.”

Clearing your mind helps fight depression

Well, during the process, harmful myths and stereotypes, which create the maximum number of problems, are “erased.” This statement may also seem strange, like a dentist in the guise of a depression healer. Nevertheless, it quite accurately conveys the essence of therapy. This cleansing consciousness, getting rid of everything that is in memory and can cause not only mental, but also physical disorders. The psyche itself, after cleaning, quickly returns to its proper form. If we have any problems, it arises in the choice of methods of how to do this in each specific case.

At an early stage, this insidious disease is better cured than in an advanced form.

Doctor's choice

Depression is a serious illness, not just a bad mood. If a depressive state is not treated, it can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and other equally unpleasant problems. In addition, signs of depression may be symptoms of other diseases that affect a person’s emotional state. A bad mood does not appear for no reason; it can often be associated with impaired cerebral circulation, excessive fatigue and exhaustion of the body.

Therefore, it is better to seek qualified medical help for depression in a timely manner. To choose the right specialist, you need to understand what caused the serious condition of the victim of mental trauma and how far the disease has progressed.

Based on the severity of depression, it is classified into the following types:

  1. Mild - characterized by minor changes in mood. It is the initial stage of the disease and is easily treatable. Does not require drug intervention.
  2. Average (moderate) - which is a more advanced degree of the disease than a mild form. More difficult to treat. Requires a special approach. It is characterized by signs of the influence of the psycho-emotional state on physical factors: sleep disturbance, loss of appetite.
  3. Severe - being the most advanced and dangerous form of manifestation of the disorder. At this stage, obsessive thoughts may appear. Requires long-term specialized treatment.

The more severe the disease, the more serious and highly specialized treatment it requires. If the patient cannot independently decide on the choice of doctor, then he can contact his attending physician, who will advise who to choose or prescribe treatment on his own.

The therapist is a general practitioner, and therefore he is also familiar with the signs of depression. But he can only treat the disease in a mild form; more severe manifestations require highly specialized care. During the initial examination, the therapist will draw conclusions about the severity of the disease and try to identify the causes of its occurrence. Based on the conclusion, the doctor will either prescribe a course of treatment on his own or give a referral to other doctors: psychotherapist, psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, neurologist. If you wish, you can contact the required specialist yourself - a referral is not required.

Narrow specialization

To choose which doctor to turn to for help with depression, you need to know the area of ​​competence of each specialist. Each doctor has his own approach to healing and treats mental illnesses of a certain severity and caused by a certain reason.

  1. The psychologist helps patients become optimistic and overcome bad thoughts through conversations. Such a specialist treats only verbally without the use of any drugs. Cures mild forms of mental disorders. A psychologist cannot make diagnoses or prescribe medication.
  2. A psychotherapist can heal verbally, like a therapist, or may resort to medication if necessary. Often in their practice, psychotherapists use hypnosis, thanks to which the patient learns to think positively. A psychotherapist can treat moderate depression, but he does not treat acute mental illness.
  3. A psychoanalyst is a type of psychologist who is capable of performing some types of psychotherapy. But he has no right to make diagnoses or prescribe treatment.
  4. A psychiatrist is able to treat moderate and severe forms of mental disorders. He independently makes diagnoses and prescribes treatment. A psychiatrist can prescribe medications, prescribe various types of therapies, and, if necessary, may prescribe inpatient treatment.
  5. A neurologist can diagnose and treat depression associated with or caused by neurological diseases. Treatment is prescribed only with medication.

Each specific patient needs an individual approach to treatment: for some, medications help better, while for others, conversations help. Therefore, there is no exact statement about which doctor treats depression better than others. You can contact several specialists at the same time. It has been noted that the best effect in treatment can be achieved by combining medications and other types of treatment.

Treatment methods

Sometimes it happens that the choice of a doctor is influenced not by the severity and neglect of the disease, but by the cause of its occurrence. For example, if the cause of mental illness is stressful situations or great shocks, then this is the so-called psychogenic depression. Psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts treat this disease.

If a mental disorder is not an independent disease, but a consequence of other ailments, then a psychologist will not help. Here you need to contact another specialist who will prescribe the correct drug treatment. People who have disorders of the endocrine glands often experience depression. Therefore, the spiritual aspect of a person’s life will not return to normal until the body is cured. In this case, it is better to contact a therapist for help, and he will redirect you to an endocrinologist.

Neurological diseases can also be causes of depression. In this case, in addition to signs of mental disorder, symptoms of neuralgia will appear: impaired coordination of movement, slow reflexes. For treatment you need to go to a neurologist.

It happens that there are signs of depression, but the cause cannot be determined. In such incomprehensible situations, you need to go to a psychiatrist - he specializes in all types and forms of mental disorders.

Alarming symptoms

Almost 60% of our planet's population suffers from depression. It causes a lot of inconvenience to many, sometimes even leading to serious illness. Self-treatment of such a disease can lead to a severe chronic form. Therefore, if symptoms of depressive disorder last more than 3 weeks, you should immediately seek medical help.

In order to detect this psychological disease in yourself in time, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • anxiety;
  • sad, joyless thoughts;
  • pessimistic outlook on life;
  • irritability;
  • low self-esteem;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • self-isolation;
  • periodic outbursts of anger;
  • tendency to drink alcohol.

Depression left to its own devices can lead to suicidal thoughts or serious health problems. If you notice symptoms of depression, you should never close yourself off. You need to ask for help. Even if you have no financial means, you can always see a psychotherapist at a clinic or psychiatric dispensary completely free of charge.

And you should remember: only timely professional treatment can guarantee a complete recovery.

Who treats depression?

Before going to the doctor with depression, you should understand your condition as objectively as possible. Many people do not understand what a depressive state is and mistake it for physiological drops in mood or short-term depression.

Depression is a disease that is a serious mental disorder and, depending on the severity, can vary from ordinary sadness to serious delusional ideas of self-destruction, which, without proper treatment, end in suicide.

You should consult a doctor about depression if you experience the following symptoms:

  • significant decrease in mental and physical activity;
  • rapid and prolonged fatigue (no matter how much a person rests, the feeling of cheerfulness does not come);
  • apathy (unwillingness to do anything);
  • rapid weight loss (due to decreased appetite, a person simply “forgets” to eat);
  • sleep problems (insomnia associated with depressing thoughts, anxiety);
  • decreased self-esteem (even to the point of blaming oneself for all problems);
  • negativism (usually passive, when everything positive is denied);
  • significant decrease in memory, attention and concentration.

Females are more susceptible to depression. Often, such patients consult a doctor after their loved ones convince them that they need to be treated for depression by a specialist.

Types of depression

Despite the fact that the clinical picture of depression is approximately the same in all patients, only the severity of the symptoms differs; the disease has differences in the causes and mechanisms of development. Depending on the type of pathology, treatment will be prescribed, and this also determines which doctor treats depression in this case.

Types of depression:

For depression, the doctor first determines the type of disease, since the principles of treatment for each are radically different. Endogenous depression is treated exclusively in psychiatric hospitals, and to get rid of the drug it is enough to stop using the drug that causes it.

Who treats pathology?

Which doctor to consult for depression is a controversial question, since doctors from various specialties can help.


If a person does not know where to turn himself or where to take his loved one, then he should start with a general practitioner. This specialist can also treat symptomatic depression, since a drop in mood is directly related to the pathology of his field of activity. For treatment, he uses mild medications that have a sedative effect or antidepressants. However, local doctors often send patients for consultations with psychotherapists or psychiatrists.


A doctor of this profile is a direct specialist in the field of mild depression or those associated with psychogenic causes. The essence of his work is the use of conversational techniques. The psychologist helps the patient understand the essence of his problem, what exactly led to it and what path leads to recovery. A specialist in this profile conducts consultations, meditations, psychoanalysis and ordinary conversations, during which the patient can speak out. It is important to know that a psychologist is not a doctor in the full sense of the word, and he does not have the right to prescribe any medications.


If you are depressed, it is more advisable to consult a doctor of this profile than a psychologist. Since this condition is a full-fledged disease, and the psychotherapist is a full-fledged doctor with a medical education. Initially, the doctor tries to deal with the pathology verbally, just like a psychologist. However, he uses more serious methods of psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal and others). In addition, the psychotherapist often prescribes medication: tranquilizers and antidepressants, which are indispensable for typical clinical depression.


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Self-medication can be dangerous to your health. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Which doctor treats depression?

The answer to the question of which doctor treats depression is shocking in its breadth. Anyone, including proctologists and dentists. The amazing thing about this is that it's true. If a person has reactive depression, and its cause is very poor dental condition, then he needs a dentist much more than a psychotherapist. The latter can only be useful in terms of counseling and information on how to overcome your fear and begin treatment. As soon as the last tooth is cured and all the dentures are installed, the person will be truly transformed.


She is treated by neurologists and psychoneurologists. There is nothing surprising. In most small towns in Russia there are simply no psychotherapists. Those rare young people who have chosen this strange specialization prefer not to return home after completing their studies. We have few psychotherapists - they can successfully find jobs in large cities. There are neurologists in the provinces, so they treat depression.

Clinical psychologists

Clinical psychologists can also deal with this problem. This is the type of specialist who works with people whose mental disorders are provoked by others. For example, serious surgery.


Of course, psychiatrists also treat depression. Their difference is that they think mainly about whether the patient needs a drug regimen or not. If they see that they are not needed, they quickly lose all interest in the person.

Exploring the subtleties and intricacies of the spiritual is not their specialty. However, in the case of major depressive disorder, pills and injections are very necessary. Therefore, there is no way to do this without psychiatrists.


The main specialists are psychotherapists. If you are thinking about which doctor to see for depression, then go to a psychotherapist, you can’t go wrong. Although there is still one difficulty. A psychotherapist can act as a doctor. Then he is the one who heals. Conducts some kind of therapy. But he can also work with healthy people. Let us remember that depression itself can be a disorder that does not require a diagnosis. A man has lost faith in his abilities and does not know why he should live any longer. We are not talking about suicide. It’s just something like Dante’s “halfway through my earthly life, I found myself in a dark forest.” Almost all people after 35 years find themselves in such a “forest”. It's called a midlife crisis. There is no diagnosis, and psychotherapy will not hurt. The second role of this therapist is consulting, and he himself can work with both sick and healthy people.

Ordinary psychologists

And this opens another door for us. If someone has depression, a doctor is not necessary. A priest, a Buddhist lama or an ordinary non-medical psychologist can provide no less help. The latter cannot cure anyone, but depression is not a disease. Rather, only the clinical form should be considered a disease, or rather a disorder. In other cases, this is a problem, and ordinary psychologists can help in solving such problems.

Usually people who have never been to a session with a psychotherapist perceive what happens there exclusively as shown in the movies. In fact, there may not be any couches or shiny pendulums. The essence of the work comes down to the fact that the patient himself designates what he wants to achieve, but understands and is convinced that he cannot achieve this on his own.

The essence of therapy

Everything further depends on the school to which the psychotherapist belongs and his personality. The psychoanalyst will mainly listen and prompt the patient when he touched on something important in his speech. The same is considered to be what belongs to the unconscious. It is unknown what the Gestalt therapist will do. This is such a “hodgepodge”, and methods of many directions relate to it.

People never come with just one problem, because no one has just one problem. As a result, the session can be figuratively described as a meeting of two complexes. The patient's system of problems collides with the psychologist's system of methods.

  • not knowing what is really happening to them;
  • have no idea what they really want;
  • have a confusing hierarchy of importance.
  • don’t say “pull yourself together”;
  • don’t say “you let yourself down.”

Well, during the process, harmful myths and stereotypes, which create the maximum number of problems, are “erased.” This statement may also seem strange, like a dentist in the guise of a depression healer. Nevertheless, it quite accurately conveys the essence of therapy. This is a cleansing of consciousness, getting rid of everything that is in the memory and can cause not only mental, but also physical disorders. The psyche itself, after cleaning, quickly returns to its proper form. If we have any problems, it arises in the choice of methods of how to do this in each specific case.

Depression: which doctor to see

To alleviate your condition, you need professional help. There is a whole group of professionals who can help you with your treatment. These may include your family doctor, a psychiatrist, psychologist or psychiatric nurse.

However, some people find choosing a doctor intimidating. We offer you answers to the most common questions regarding choosing a doctor:

Psychotherapists include psychologists, social workers and counselors. And there is a bit of a catch here. For example, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses are qualified to provide psychotherapy.

However, in practice, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses usually prescribe antidepressants, and psychotherapy sessions are carried out by psychologists, social workers or counselors.

Many people are cured by taking antidepressants and simultaneously attending psychotherapy sessions. Scientists have proven that combining both of these treatments gives much better results than either treatment alone.

It is important to find a treatment that works for you. However, it is even more difficult to find a doctor whom you can trust and like. If you do not trust this doctor, then the treatment is unlikely to help.

You also have the right to contact a specialist who specializes specifically in your issue. For example, if you suffer from alcohol addiction, it would be good to see a doctor who specializes in this.

Psychotherapy can seem very difficult at first. Telling a stranger about your problems and hardships is not so easy. But, despite this, do not give up treatment, stick to it for several months. If during this time there is no relief or your doctor gives you doubts, consult another specialist.

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Sadness and depression are common emotions that occur in every person, they appear and disappear, alternate with joy and laughter. Negative feelings are usually short-lived, lasting only a couple of hours or a few days in a healthy person. If, in addition to a state of low mood, symptoms such as lack of vital energy, lack of joy, low self-esteem appear, and this state lasts for a long time, this is a manifestation of depression.

Depression can have many complex causes and different manifestations. A timely diagnosis guarantees proper treatment, after which the personal life of the sick person improves.

Epidemiological studies around the world show that 17% of the entire human population will experience depression during their lifetime. Half of sick people and those who are treated by local doctors do not even know what their diagnosis is. People between 35 and 55 years of age are most susceptible to depression. Women get sick more often.

Depression must be treated, it can be fatal. Statistics show that 15% of people with endogenous depression commit suicide. These people make up between 30% and 65% of all suicides (depending on the source of information).

Symptoms of major depressive disorder include feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, lack of self-esteem, guilt, pessimism and grief. These feelings do not leave you from morning until evening, and this continues every day. Loss of interest in work, study, difficulty enjoying communication with people and everyday activities are the following symptoms. Eating habits may change, leading to weight loss or weight gain. In a state of depression, vitality disappears, sleep is disturbed and the tendency to avoid friendly meetings increases. In extreme cases, thoughts of suicide occur.

The diagnosis must be made by a doctor (psychiatrists deal with mental health), unless, of course, he has the appropriate knowledge and experience necessary to determine this disease.

Three large groups of depressive diseases can be identified.

The first is associated with difficult life events and social status. The source may be the loss of someone very close: death, divorce, separation, material loss, career failure or job loss. In these cases we are talking about the psychogenic nature of depression.

A healthy person reacts to loss with depression. This condition goes away after a couple of weeks and the person returns to normal life. Usually, specialist help is not required; this is not a disease. But if the oppression lasts for a very long time and contributes to the disorganization of life, the help of a specialist is required.

Life events that cause psychogenic depression can cause depression of a different nature. The second category of depressive disorders in psychiatry is called affective diseases of the endogenous type (endogenous depression). These are conditions that appear for no particular reason, often run in families and can occur at the genetic level. The causes of endogenous depression are not always clear; they are explained by nervousness.

The third group of depressive disorders is depression accompanying certain somatic diseases and due to medications used in their treatment. Various disorders of change of matter (adrenal gland dysfunction, cases of hormonal disorder, heart and liver disease) In addition to metabolic disorders and the effects of drugs that can disrupt the transmission of impulses in nerve endings, the disease can be a mental problem - partly it can be psychogenic depression.

The causes of depression are: a disorder of biochemical processes, a mental and social disorder in human development.

1 Biochemical reasons:

The normal functioning of the human brain depends on the correct action of chemical substances (the correct transmission of nerve impulses from one nerve ending to another depends on them). The most important neurotransmitters are: serotonin (controls mood and states of consciousness, acts as an antidepressant), norepinephrine (coupled with adrenaline, the so-called fight and fear hormone) and dopamine (changes in its amount can cause schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease and depression).

2 Social reasons.

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, such as loneliness and isolation, chronic illness or pain, financial problems, death of a loved one, divorce, marital problems, sexual abuse (also emotional and physical), disaster experiences, accidents, wars, surgery. or childbirth, unemployment.

3 Psychological reasons.

One of the most important mental causes is the loss of a sense of self-esteem. This is due to complexes (appearance, unsatisfactory results at work or study, place in the hierarchy of a group or society).

For example, depression after childbirth can have many causes: rapid hormonal changes, the emergence of greater responsibility for the child. Some physiological factors: anemia, problems with the thyroid gland, brain cancer, etc. They lower a person’s mood, as they are associated with changes in chemical processes in the brain.

Mental health care is provided by professionals trained in diagnosing and treating mental and emotional illnesses. Among them there are psychiatrists and psychologists. Psychiatrists are doctors who have the right to prescribe medications for treatment, and psychologists are engaged in psychotherapy (treatment through conversation).

Which doctor you contact depends on the manifestations of depression. If you have thoughts of suicide, you need to see a psychiatrist. You will most likely need to take medication. In situations where mild symptoms occur and the cause of the depressive mood is known (divorce, job loss), a psychologist will usually help. Remember, every doctor will help the patient find health.

There is a risk of death; a very sick person may commit suicide. The patient leaves the house and disappears. Depression greatly impairs the quality of life and significantly limits the ability to work and study. Deterioration of relationships with others, family and friends. Depression should not be neglected as it can significantly affect your body condition. It is better to treat at the beginning stages, as over time it will become more and more difficult to do.

Treating depression can be difficult. There are several types of treatment. Let's start with psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is treatment through conversation. The patient describes his problems and experiences, and the therapist makes his comments, focuses on these problems, the patient's thoughts and emotions, helps to find solutions to problems and helps to understand himself. There is also treatment through hypnosis.

Pharmacological treatment. Only a doctor can give a prescription for a certain type of medicine depending on the patient’s condition. There are a couple of dozen drugs, depending on the chemical composition and strength of action on the body. Taking antidepressants may lead to side effects, such as dry lips, constipation, increased sweating, improved or worsened reactions, weight changes, and sexual problems.

Another type of treatment is phototherapy, which is treatment using artificial light.

Electrical treatment. Electrodes are placed on both sides of the head and a current is briefly started that passes through the patient's head. It provokes chemical changes in the cerebral cortex. This is not a very pleasant method, but it helps 90% of depressed patients. Sometimes inpatient treatment is used for severe cases of depression. I place the patient under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Depression should not be neglected. You can help yourself if you identify the symptoms of the disease at the initial stage; this requires knowledge on the topic of depression. There are affective therapies, although treatment may last several months. It is worth remembering that only a doctor’s advice, based on one’s own examination, can guarantee safe and effective treatment.

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Which doctor specializes in treating depression?

How often in everyday life, trying to hide our bad mood or failures, we hide behind the almost magic word “depression.” It is she who is to blame for outbursts of anger, inattention when drawing up reports, or a lack of desire to do any work. In fact, few people know that depression is an insidious disease that affects every fifth person on the planet. About% of humanity suffers from mild forms of the disease, which resolve without treatment. Her cunning is hidden behind a hormonal imbalance or the manifestation of the usual exhaustion of the body after an illness.

However, even among doctors there is no understanding of how serious the impact of depression is on a person’s life. What then can we say about ordinary citizens, if many do not even know which doctor treats depression?

A gastroenterologist treats the digestive system, an endocrinologist pays attention to metabolic and endocrine processes, a cardiologist treats the heart and blood vessels. The list of medical specialties also includes depression. Depending on the severity of the disease, different specialists can treat it. A regular local physician can recommend which doctor to see depending on the type of illness.

Therapists, general practitioners

At first, they may prescribe medication. However, they can only support the body with sedatives and mild antidepressants, which will only create the appearance of recovery, and then only if depression is not advanced.

  • Primary diagnosis
  • Prescription of treatment using sedatives and antidepressants.


This category of specialists works with the mental space (the client’s thoughts, his attitude towards his personality and others, emotional experiences). Psychologists heal with words, changing the general emotional background, helping the client find the path to healthy thoughts and find peace of mind. Using the tools available to them, psychologists provide support to people who have lost support in life. Their techniques are aimed at activating the client’s internal strengths.

The main goal of their work is for the client to understand their problems and their origins. Many experts in this field believe that only awareness and acceptance of one’s imperfections is the path to recovery.

  • Conversations
  • Consulting
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Meditations.


Just like psychologists, psychotherapists rely on the great power of words. Their consultations have certain similarities with the work of a psychologist. So the goal of psychotherapy is to teach the patient to recognize thinking errors, identify painful prejudices and change a negative vision to a positive one. The result of the psychotherapist’s work is an expansion of consciousness, a change in the patient’s attitude towards himself, he stops tormenting himself. In addition, understanding your problem allows you to find strength in the cause of depression. As a result, what caused the disease becomes a reserve source that helps to overcome everyday difficulties.

Unlike psychologists, psychotherapists have the right to prescribe antidepressants and treat depression with tranquilizers.

The success of psychotherapists in the fight against depression largely depends on an integrated approach to therapy. The patient’s work of thought with his internal fears and problems is supported by medications. This symbiosis brings very good and, importantly, lasting results. Under certain circumstances, depression can return and become chronic. Psychotherapy solves this problem.

  • Hypnosis
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Drug treatment
  • Consulting
  • Meditations
  • Massage
  • Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy
  • Gestalt therapy
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy.

The methods used by psychotherapists literally “hack” the brain and subconscious, allowing the patient to develop his own correct attitude towards the disease and set himself up for a positive outcome. In addition, during therapy, the doctor teaches you to recognize the first signs of approaching depression and take timely measures, thereby preventing a relapse.

Psychotherapeutic treatment helps patients with depression adapt to life, establish interpersonal contacts, and helps strengthen their professional status. The doctor selects treatment methods and their combination with medications individually depending on the patient’s condition, severity, duration of the disease, taking into account the type of affective disorder.


Moderate and severe depression is treated by a psychiatrist. He specializes in supporting the conditions of mentally ill people. Hence the concept of treatment proposed by this specialist; it is based on the understanding of depression as a disease with global mental damage. At the same time, only a psychiatrist can help in cases of severe depression. It is worth knowing that 25% of patients become patients of psychiatrists. In addition, only a psychiatrist can diagnose some forms of depression.

Once in his “hands,” you should forget about intimate conversations and attempts to understand your internal problems. Specialists in this area take a fairly strict position; in some cases, with the permission of the patient or his relatives, they prescribe treatment in hospitals.

  • Treatment with medications (tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, nootropics, “dual action” antidepressants)
  • Electroconvulsive therapy
  • Behavioral psychotherapy
  • Suggestive psychotherapy
  • Rational psychotherapy
  • Insulin therapy.

All of the listed groups of antidepressants differ in clinical manifestations, contraindications, and mechanisms of action. Some drugs have a sedative effect, some have an activating effect, so only a doctor should choose the type of drug. So, in case of an anxious state, the patient will be prescribed medications with a sedative effect, and in a depressed state (asthenia, apathy) - with an activating effect. All drugs have serious side effects, which can be avoided if they are prescribed correctly. The treatment course lasts several months.


Specialists in this category, like therapists, can diagnose and treat depression. This usually applies to depression accompanying neurological diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, vascular dementia, post-stroke condition, etc.). Their competence includes helping patients with subsyndromal and minor depression.

  • Drug treatment with antidepressants.

Types of depression

There are several groups of depressive disorders, each of which is “under the jurisdiction” of a specific group of specialists. The most common classification is based on the causes of the disease:

Somatogenic depression

The cause of this type of depression is a somatic disease of the body, for example, thyroid disease. In such cases, depression is secondary in nature, which means that when the underlying disease is eliminated, depression also goes away. With somatogenic depression, it is important that the psychotherapist promptly sends the patient for consultation with a therapist or other doctor.


The development of this type of disease is based on a congenital, genetically determined disorder of the metabolism of biological substances in the brain, which are responsible for the level of mood and mental activity. Consequently, in the treatment of such depression, a significant role is given to biological therapy or the use of psychotropic drugs (antidepressants). To implement an integrated approach, psychotherapy is recommended. However, since this type is a manifestation of manic-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia, it is treated only by a psychiatrist. This disease has manic phases.


This type of disease can be reactive (associated with stress) and neurotic (associated with personality traits). In their occurrence, a large role is given to factors of a psychological nature. In this case, you can contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

  • Neurotic. Occurs as a result of prolonged stress. The reasons for this condition may be serious troubles at work or in the family, leaving home, etc. It is worth considering that this type of depression is typical for insecure and indecisive people. The condition is expressed by low mood, lethargy, loss of interest in life, fatigue, insomnia, weakness, headaches, etc.
  • Reactive. Occurs as a result of acute mental trauma (severe stress, loss or death of a loved one, experiences at work (downsizing, dismissal) or in the family). Affects emotional and sensitive people. Patients complain to the doctor of helplessness, a negative assessment of life, increased irritability, lethargy, and severe weakness. With this disease, it is worth turning to psychotherapy. Antidepressants may be used if necessary.

"Masked" depression

In the practice of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, there are many variants of “masked” (erased or hidden) depression. Their peculiarity lies in their insidiousness and complex diagnostics. The patient may not be bothered by a decrease in mood, a slowdown in the pace of thinking, a decrease in motor activity, and only one symptom may appear - sleep disturbance or loss of appetite. The presence of one symptom makes diagnosing the condition very difficult. In some cases, such a latent course lasts quite a long time and “results” in the most severe forms of mental disorder. This type of depression is treated by a psychiatrist, and only he is able to make the correct diagnosis and assess the seriousness of the situation.

Regardless of the type of depression, patients with suicidal thoughts, psychotic disorders, in cases of resistance to adequate treatment and bipolar depressive disorder are referred to a psychiatrist.

Thus, depression can have different symptoms and a different course. Depending on these factors, the choice of specialist is made. In cases where there is no clear understanding of which doctor you should contact, you need to know that universal specialists are a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist. Despite the general prejudice towards these groups of doctors, no one wants to look like a “crazy person”, it is worth thinking about the simple truth: when you have a toothache, you go to the dentist, not to the hairdresser. In addition, do not forget that any disease is easier and faster to treat in the initial stages.

Depression is a pathological mental state characterized by the presence in the patient of the so-called “depressive triad”:

  • loss of mood and ability to enjoy current events;
  • thinking disorders accompanied by a pessimistic, negative outlook on what is happening in life;
  • motor retardation.

Outwardly, the state of depression looks like complete apathy to what is happening. At the same time, the patient himself resembles a “human robot”, without proper self-esteem, unable to think positively and automatically performing habitual actions. Often, a person susceptible to depression may become addicted to alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substance abuse.

Today, depression is recognized as the most common pathological mental condition. According to WHO, it affects 5% of children and adolescents, every 10 adult patients and every third elderly person over the age of 65 years.

Types of depression and reasons for their development

The appearance of various types of depression can be triggered by the influence of external or internal factors.

  • Reactive depression - the cause of development can be a person’s previous very strong dramatic experiences, for example, the death of a loved one, a break in a relationship with a partner, divorce, loss of a job, bankruptcy, violent acts against a patient, etc. In this case, the pathology of the mental state arises as a person’s reaction to the shock he has suffered.
  • Neurotic depression - a condition that can be triggered by frequent stress, psycho-emotional stress caused by overwork at work or an unfavorable family environment.
  • Somatogenic depression - the causes of pathology can be previous serious illnesses, chronic illnesses and pathologies of the body. For example, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease, diseases of the thyroid gland, female reproductive organs, arthritis, bronchial asthma, etc.
  • Endogenous depression is a consequence of the innate characteristics of the human psyche, which are characterized by frequent, causeless changes in mood.
  • Pharmacogenic depression – occurs due to long-term use of medications, such as corticosteroids, levodopa or corticosteroids.

Often, a depressed state of mind is preceded by a long period of heavy drinking, dependence on sedatives, sleeping pills or psychostimulants.

Signs of Depression

According to the ICD (International Classification of Diseases), all symptoms of pathology can be divided into main and additional signs of depression.
The main signs of depression include the following conditions.

  • The patient's bad mood, which does not go away for 2 or more weeks.
  • Loss of interest in life and events occurring in it.
  • Stable loss of strength.

Additional symptoms of depression include the following:

  • Sleep disorders.
  • Pessimistic attitude of the patient.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Unreasonable feelings of fear, anxiety or guilt.
  • Decreased attention.
  • Decreased ability to make quick or responsible decisions.
  • Sudden fluctuations in weight.
  • Lack of appetite or, on the contrary, excessive unreasonable hunger.
  • Unreasonable appearance of a sweet taste in the mouth.
  • Obsessive thoughts about suicide or death in general.

If we are talking about the development of depression in a child, then parents should pay attention to the presence of the following signs.

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Presence of nightmares.
  • Negative changes in the child’s character traits, for example, the appearance of aggressiveness, isolation.
  • Lack of interest in studying or going to school.

Moreover, to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient, both an adult and a child, must have two or all three main signs and at least three additional symptoms. And the degree of their severity indicates the severity of the pathological state of the psyche.

Professionals who treat depression

It is possible to provide the necessary assistance to the patient only after the main cause of depression, its type and the severity of the pathological process have been clarified. In each specific case, an individual patient treatment program will be developed.

  • For reactive depression, a visit to a psychotherapist or psychologist will be recommended.
  • For neurotic symptoms, visit a psychotherapist and psychologist.
  • In case of somatogenic depression, it is necessary to visit a therapist, a specialized specialist who treats the disease that led to depression, and a course of psychotherapy.
  • Endogenous pathology - treatment by a psychiatrist and a course of psychotherapy are provided.
  • Pharmacogenic pathology can go away on its own after discontinuation of the medications that caused the depressed state of mind.

If the patient has been identified as dependent on sedatives, sleeping pills, psychostimulants or alcohol, then he will be recommended to be examined by a therapist, treated by a narcologist and a course of psychotherapy.

Treatment of pathology cannot be carried out independently using antidepressants. Prescription and dosage of medications should only be carried out by specialized specialists. Otherwise, uncontrolled medication use can cause a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition, increase signs of depression and the degree of suicidal manifestations.