Workshop for teachers “It is important for everyone to know the rules of the road. Material on the topic: “I know the traffic rules myself - I’ll teach someone else.” Seminar-workshop for teachers on the prevention of traffic accidents. Welcoming children to the participants of the traffic rules seminar.

From year to year, it has become traditional to celebrate Children's Road Safety Month in September. In order to familiarize the teachers of the Aldan orphanage with statistical data on the state of children's road accidents in our area, the main forms and methods of work on the prevention of road accidents in different age groups, a training workshop was held for the teaching staff of the orphanage on traffic rules. The practical part of this seminar was presented in the form of a business game, which helped to consolidate the educators' knowledge about traffic rules and create a good mood.



Workshop for teachers

"Ensuring the safety of children on the streets and roads"

Target . Exchange of experience as teachers at the Aldan Orphanage.


Systematize teachers' knowledge about traffic rules.

Develop practical skills of teachers.

Create conditions for interaction with society to prevent road traffic injuries among students of educational institutions.

Event plan:

  • Speech by a traffic police officer "Statistical information on road accidents in the area"
  • Speech by Art. teacher “Forms and methods of work used in teaching traffic rules to students”
  • A business game for teachers in the form of KVN.
  • Excursion to groups “Viewing stands on traffic rules”.

Methodological support:

Exhibition of methodological literature on traffic rules;

Exhibition of educational games on traffic rules

  1. Speech by the senior teacher “Forms of working with children to teach traffic rules in different age groups.”

Road safety is one of the main problems of preserving the life and health of the country's citizens. Today, when a child gets acquainted with complex technology from early childhood and becomes a participant in traffic, the problem arises of teaching him the basics of safe behavior on the streets and roads, the need for him to consciously comply with the requirements of the Traffic Rules. A special role in solving this problem is given to educational institutions: kindergartens, schools, colleges and higher educational institutions. Road accidents are most often caused by children themselves. This is caused by ignorance of the elementary fundamentals of the Rules of the Road and the indifferent attitude of adults towards the behavior of children on the roadway. It is possible to avoid dangers on the streets and roads only through appropriate education and training of a child from an early age, preparing him for the lifelong “profession” of a traffic participant, a pedestrian. Although educational institutions are currently solving the problems of teaching children and adolescents the basics of safe behavior on the streets and roads, an analysis of the situation on the roads shows that the measures taken are not enough. The increase in child road traffic injuries in the country constantly forces us to look for effective ways to solve this problem. To do this, plans for educational work on traffic rules should include various forms of preventive measures to prevent child road traffic injuries: conversations with traffic police officers, watching films on traffic rules, holding competitions, quizzes, issuing wall newspapers, information leaflets, organizing holidays, creating teams young traffic inspectors (YIT), performances by propaganda teams, etc.

All these activities pursue specific goals and objectives.


educating children and adolescents about safe behavior on the road, preventing cases of child road traffic injuries;

increasing the efficiency of an educational institution in teaching traffic rules.


know and practice traffic rules;

widely promote traffic rules for all categories of road users;

improve forms and methods of working with children on road safety.

Working with children on traffic rules will be effective only if theory is closely related to practice. The most effective method of teaching children the basic rules of behavior on the road is a game in which they themselves participate. Being carried away by the game, children learn the basic requirements of the rules and understand who pedestrians, drivers, and traffic controllers are. Children have a very well developed imagination, and only bright moments leave the necessary knowledge in their memory. Any child will quickly understand and master traffic rules presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in a fairy tale, quiz, or game.

Thus, with teaching traffic rules in different age groups uses a wide variety of forms, methods and techniques. Thus, in preschool groups and in groups of primary school age, traffic rules are taught not only in specially organized classes, but also in classes on various types of activities:

  • creative activity -plot drawing based on the impressions of the lessons, modeling road situations, consolidation of the material covered;
  • fiction- use of poems, stories, riddles in the classroom (S. Ya Marshak “Uncle Styopa”;

Day and night I'm burning

I'm giving signals to everyone.

I have three signals.

What's my friends name?

(Traffic light)

All engines stop

And the drivers are attentive

If the signs say:

“Close to school, kindergarten” (Children)

He has a stern temper -

Long, thick, like a hog,

He lay down at the crossing,

Protecting the pedestrian.

(Speed ​​speed bump.)

  • physical education- use of outdoor games, physical education sessions;

Physical exercise “Traffic light”.

We'll play traffic light (Children clap their hands).

One two three four five.

I invite you all to stand. (Children stand up, walking in place and marching).

Red light for us “Stop!” shouts, (Children stand still).

He says to wait for green.

So the yellow one caught fire, (Jerks with hands under the chest).

It's time to get ready

Hands, feet, warm up

Let's start kids!!! (Squats).

The green light turns on (raise your hands up).

Can we go forward, (Walking in place while marching).

Be a brave pedestrian.

  • getting to know your surroundings- orientation to the area, history of transport.

In groups of middle and high school age, other forms of work with children are used. Children of this age already have a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about their surroundings. Therefore, the main direction of work is intellectual and playful activity in the form of entertaining games (“Star Hour”, “Field of Miracles”, “Own Game”, etc.), logical tasks, puzzles, crosswords, which develop intelligence, attention, and independence. Modern information and computer technologies (computer games, tests, presentations, Internet materials) can be used in teaching traffic rules. A great help in the work are materials from periodicals - the newspaper “The Good Road of Childhood”, which our library subscribes to every year.

  1. Working with teachers.

The exercise is aimed at creating a positive atmosphere in the group and raising the self-esteem of training participants. It emphasizes the value of each group member.

Each participant writes their name on a piece of paper. And then he comes up with positive adjectives about himself, starting with the letters of his name.

For example:

F - cheerful

A - active

N - new

N - unusual

A - artistic

  1. Practical part. Business game for teachers.

To systematize teachers' knowledge on the topic, offer a game.

The game is played as a competition between two teams. The teams will choose a name and emblem in the form of a new road sign.

Jury selection.

“Protection of the team emblem” the jury evaluates all competitions using a 5-point system.

"Road signs"

Each team is given 9 characters. They need to be named. The winner is the one who does it faster.


Members of each team are quickly asked questions about the rules of the road. They need to be answered quickly. The time it takes the team to answer all questions is taken into account. The team that answers the most questions in the least amount of time wins.

Questions for 1 team

Scooped up by the wind

White wing

You and I go for a ride

It was carried out to sea. (sailboat)

The heart of the car is (motor)

Main highway - (highway)

Sign indicating "No Trespassing" (brick)

Edge of the road - (side)

Changing the direction of movement - (turn)

Punishment for violating traffic rules - (Fine)

Traffic congestion on the road - (traffic jam)

Animal representing road crossing - (zebra)

The intersection of two roads - (crossroads)

Vehicle leveling the road - (skating rink)

Man holding a striped stick - (inspector)

Two-wheeled vehicle at very low speed (bicycle)

Questions for team 2

Person driving a vehicle - (driver)

Man walking along the road - (pedestrian)

Where do people wait for transport? (stop)

Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with the people here,

They are running along the streets. (Metro)

Transport incident - (accident)

Which crossing is the safest? (underground)

End of the road - (dead end)

What does the sign in the triangle with the red cross mean? (doctor)

Car with a green eye - (taxi)

A person who does not follow the rules (violator)

A device that stops the movement of people and cars - (traffic light)

Transport with a sidecar - (motorcycle)

Mustache transport - (trolleybus)

"Find the right answer"

The answers to the questions proposed to the teams are written on the board: “Arba”, “Chariot”, “Omnibus”, “Carriage”, “Car”, “Rack”.

Questions for the teams.

When man in Egypt tamed horses and replaced them with slow-moving bulls, the first passenger carriage was born. What was it called? (chariot)

French physicist Pascal proposed a new type of large multi-seat crew. What were they called? (Omnibus)

In the 15th century, belts were attached to the cart. The body, like a cradle, was suspended from the curved frame of the cart, which noticeably softened the movement. What kind of transport is this? (coach)

In 1891, a strange carriage was moving along one of the streets of Odessa, puffing and rumbling, which caused general amazement and confusion. Pedestrians huddled against the walls of houses in fear. In appearance, the carriage was almost no different from an ordinary carriage. What was it? (automobile)

Musical pause

Teams of teachers are invited to perform an adaptation of a song to a familiar melody.

To the melody of the song "Smile" (for 1 team)

Never, ever forget

Pedestrians should be careful, kind,

Don't play on the roadway

And don’t push passers-by on the sidewalk

And then you probably won't get a bruise,

Even a strict guard -

Old or young -

Will become a friend for girls and boys.

To the melody of the song “Clouds are white-maned horses” (for team 2)

Past the white stripes "transition"

Past red traffic lights

An inattentive pedestrian walks

He gets into trouble very soon.

A pedestrian is a mystery to drivers.

Pedestrian, why are you rushing without looking back?

Please don't risk your life, pedestrian,

If there is a crossing nearby.

Physical exercise "Collect a sign"

Teams are asked to quickly assemble a road sign from parts.

"Dictionary of Definitions"

Teams are given words, and they need to choose their own definitions for these words.

A car is a wheeled vehicle with its own engine for transporting goods on trackless tracks.

A bicycle is a two- or three-wheeled riding machine driven by pedals.

A road is a route of communication, a strip of land intended for movement.

Movement - riding, walking in different directions.

Transport - special purpose moving vehicles.

Pedestrian is a person walking.

Hitchhiking is a sport, traveling on passing cars.

A bus is a multi-passenger vehicle for transporting passengers.

Race - fast movement, driving.

Inspector - an official engaged in inspection.

Inspect - check the correctness of someone's actions

A rod is a short stick with which a traffic controller gives instructions to vehicles and pedestrians. (explanatory dictionary of the Russian language)

The jury sums up the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading. I would like to end our workshop with words

Philosophers say that “life is measured not by the number of days, months, years lived, but by vivid, memorable events and impressions of them.” I am sure that emotional memory will preserve the atmosphere of our seminar. Thank you! Take care of yourself and your loved ones.


Elzhova N.V. "Teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations in preschool educational institutions" - Ed. 2nd - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008

Kogan M.S. “Everyone should know the rules of the road.” 4th ed., Novosibirsk: Sibirsk. Univ. Publishing house, 2008

Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. No. 6 2009

“Self-education of a teacher” - Adaptive Problem-search Innovative. Self-education. There are different options for writing individual self-education plans. Levels of self-educational activity: The purpose of teacher self-education. Content. Individual self-education plan.

“The work of a social teacher” - Educational. Group. Advisor - talks about the child's development; gives pedagogical advice on raising children. Family counseling in the work of a social teacher. When working with families, a social educator plays three main roles: Teaching. Gathering information, organizing feedback with the family.

“Traffic rules at school” - Carry out traffic regulation. We will bring knowledge about traffic rules to all boys and girls! Master's work: Nikita Belykh became the best. Competition "Traffic Rules Expert". We help you design stands according to traffic regulations. The headquarters elects a detachment commander from among its members and approves squad commanders. Conduct a lesson: Safe speed.

“Teacher culture” - Lesson No. 2 (winter holidays) 60 minutes. The image of a modern teacher. 1 group. (red). Corporate - 2-3 terms, choose the most suitable one. Work in groups (in four colors, each group has a creative task) 15 minutes. Corporativeness – (Latin corporation - community) – belonging to a certain group, community...

“Creative teacher” - Features of the emotional-volitional sphere of a creative personality: Constructive, organizational, communicative, gnostic. Young specialist: creativity and quality. - The process of solving pedagogical problems in constantly changing conditions. Conditions for the development of a creative style of activity: Obstacles to the manifestation of creativity can be:

“Profession teacher” - Information manager. Psychologist. Being a teacher is both honorable and difficult. Calm character. Related professions: Patience and endurance. Love for children. Consultant. Profession. You shouldn't become a teacher if you have: An administrator. Head teacher. Personality characteristics of a teacher: Lawyer. Motives for participation in teaching work.

Goal: to increase the level of training of educators, improve the practical skills necessary when developing rules for safe behavior on the roads in preschoolers.

develop cohesion and ability to work in a team.

The participants of the workshop were educators and specialist teachers.

Head of the traffic safety center

In order to teach children the ABCs of safety and traffic rules, first of all, the teacher himself must be well informed on this issue and interested in solving such a problem as children's road traffic injuries. That is why work in this direction is carried out not only with children, but also with teachers. Today, the traffic safety center will host a workshop “I know the traffic rules myself - I’ll teach someone else.”

Event plan:

1. A word of greeting from the specialist of the Education Department - Larisa Viktorovna Apryatkina

2. Report of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Doroshenko V.V.

« Analysis and statistics on DDTT

for the summer period"

4. Introduction to the work plan

for the 2012-2013 academic year - Senior teacher Demidova E.V.

5. Dialogue - exchange of opinions.

Dear friends, now we have gathered to hold a competition: attentive, resourceful, where you traffic experts need to pass tests, we wish the teams success. May the best man win. Our jury will determine who will be stronger.
First competition "Warm-up"

Questions for the Umniki team
1) What part of the street is intended for pedestrians?
2) On which side do they pass the bus when exiting?
3) From which side should you exit the car?
4) Where to look when crossing the road
5) Name the best way to save life on the road

Questions for the Znayka team:
1) Where can you cross the street?
2) What are the colors of the traffic lights and what do they mean?
3) What types of transitions do you know?
4) On which road do cars brake better?
5) Which cars have the right to run a red light?

2 Competition game

"Silence."(each person will be given 3 cards with the numbers 1,2,3.

I will ask questions and 3 possible answers. For the desired option, you pick up the corresponding card. Can you handle it? For each question you are given 10 seconds to think about it.

1 team

1 . What part of the street is intended for pedestrians?

1. pavement

2. sidewalk

3. bike path

2. Where should a pedestrian walk if there is no sidewalk?

1. On the right side of the curb

2. on the left edge of the road

3. On the left side of the road, towards moving traffic.

3. How should a pedestrian walk?

1. sticking to the left side

2. sticking to the right side

3. sticking to the middle

2 teams

1. At what distance from the right edge of the roadway is driving allowed?

on a bicycle?

1. no more than 0.5 m.

2. no more than 1m.

3. no more than 2 m.

2. What should a pedestrian do if, while crossing an intersection, the green traffic light changed to yellow, and you did not have time to cross the road?

1. quickly cross the street

2. return to the sidewalk

3. stop on the center line

3. Is it allowed to carry a passenger on a bicycle?

2. Allowed for a child under 7 years of age on an extra seat.

3. allowed, on the frame.

3 competition

Each team assembles a poem from individual cut and mixed lines and reads it expressively. The team that completes the task first wins.

4.competition - literary. You need to answer the questions provided. Each correct answer – 2 points

1 team

What traffic light signal is missing in the poem “My merry ringing ball?” (GREEN)

What book are these lines from?

“Stepan did not reason,

I took out the traffic light with my hand,

Looked into the middle

Did you turn something somewhere...?” ("UNCLE STEPA")

In which fairy tale, which hero has a hat the same color as the traffic light? ("LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD")

Name a work in which bears rode a bicycle (“COCKROACH”)

2nd team

In which work and whose legs were cut by a tram? (“DOCTOR AIBOLIT”, TO BUNNY)

What insect the same color as the traffic light lives in the grass? (GRASSHOPPER)

Name the city in which Dunno learned to drive a car? (SOLAR)

What type of transport did Cinderella use to get to the king's ball? (GUZHEVOY)

–5 competition “Fairy Tale Situation”. You will listen to riddles about traffic order and answer the question. Score – 3 points.

1 team

1. Winnie the Pooh's birthday.

Today is Winnie the Pooh's birthday. He turned 6 years old. On this day they bought him a big bicycle. And so that the whole city could see his gift, he sat on it and rode out into the street.


2. Kolobok on the road.

Kolobok was rolling along a country road, and the Wolf met him: “Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you if you don’t guess the riddle!” Today I’m driving to Lisa in a car, as expected, on the left side, I hear a policeman whistling. Why do you think he stopped me?” (VEHICLES ARE ALLOWED TO GO ON THE ROAD TO THE RIGHT SIDE)

2nd team

3. Boy and Little Red Riding Hood.

A boy rides a bicycle and sees Little Red Riding Hood and Dunno at the bus stop.

“Take me to the pharmacy,” Little Red Riding Hood asks him, “my grandmother is sick.”

No, I’m not there, sorry Dunno.

Who will go with the boy?


4. Chip and Dale.

Chip and Dale went on a trip, they walked all day and were very tired. On the side of the road, Dale saw a road sign, which he was very happy about. Soon they came to a small cozy house, where they stayed for the night.

What kind of road sign did the chipmunks see? (CAMPING)

Competition 6 “THE ABC OF ROAD SIGNS”.

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this.

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

(“Careful, children!”)

We walked home from the garden,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside a bicycle,

There is nothing else!

("Bike Lane")

Here is a circle with a red border,

But there is no drawing inside.

Maybe a beautiful girl

Should there be a portrait inside?

The circle is empty in winter and summer,

What is this sign called?

("Movement Prohibition")

There are two brothers in a triangle

Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing.

The most important sign in the world -

It's just nearby...

Pedestrian in a blue circle

He's in no hurry, he's walking.

The path is safe

He's not afraid here.


What kind of sign is that hanging?

Stop - he tells the cars...

A pedestrian! Go boldly

Along the black and white paths.


Young and old walk boldly,

Even cats and dogs...

Only this is not a sidewalk -

It's all about the road sign.


Roma's stomach hurts

He won't make it home.

In a situation like this

We need to find a sign.

(“First aid station”)

7th competition "Drawing".

“Road Vernissage” - draw a non-existent road sign.

- “liquid asphalt”;

- “wild schoolchildren”:

- “deaf old ladies”;

- “pedestrians.”

Musical pause– auto disco with “Zebra”

Summarizing. Awards

Shtolp Galina Vladimirovna

Target: Through a practical lesson, show how basic knowledge in the field of road traffic is formed. To introduce modern game forms in working with children to study traffic rules.

Form: practical lesson.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation, laptop, audio recordings.

Educator: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Our workshop today is dedicated to modern game forms in working with children to study traffic rules.

We live today in the age of speed. Everyone around is in a hurry, in a hurry... One second... Is it a lot or a little? For a pedestrian, 1 second is nothing, just a step. But for a driver, a second is a serious thing.

It is scary when children die at the hands of terrorists, but no less scary when a child dies on the road as a result of the irresponsibility of adults.

Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road? At first glance it seems easy. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules and there will be no problems.

It's actually very difficult. After all, we, adults, violate these same notorious Rules every day in front of our own children, and do not think that we are setting an impossible task for the child: what is the right way? What do they say or what do they do?

And now, I want to invite you to examine questions that have arisen from practical situations that occur on the streets and roads.

Practical situations

  1. Grandfather and I approached the roadway.

Grandfather, let's go faster, the cars are still far away, and we will have time to cross the road.

“Don’t rush, grandson, we need to take something into account,” answered the grandfather.

What is there to take into account! - I insisted.

Just think about what needs to be taken into account in such cases!

Question: what must be taken into account when crossing the roadway?

Answer: pedestrian crossing; traffic light signal; at what speed are the cars moving; Are there any special purpose vehicles (ambulances, etc.)

  1. It was pouring rain all day. I didn’t want to go out, but towards the end of the day I decided to go to the library. Approaching the road, I looked both ways. It seemed to me that there were no cars nearby. Covering myself with an umbrella, I walked along the roadway - and suddenly there was a piercing squeal of brakes!!! The car skidded so that it began to move in the opposite direction. Frightened, I instantly found myself on the sidewalk. Here a man turned to me: “Do you understand why this happened?”

Question: why did this happen, what mistake did the pedestrian make?

Answer: It is better to use a pedestrian crossing or follow the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign. When crossing the road, you must not block your view with an umbrella, hood, etc.

Educator: While playing, children take exams like adults, and now I suggest you take exams on your knowledge of traffic rules.

KVN “I know the traffic rules myself - I’ll tell someone else”

The phonogram “We are starting KVN” plays.

We are starting KVN, where there will be no winners or losers. We will simply test our knowledge and share our experience in preparing children for the lifelong “profession” of a traffic participant.

1. What part of the street is intended for pedestrians?
2. On which side do they pass the bus when exiting?
3. From which side should you exit the car?
4. Where should you look when crossing the road?
5. Name the best way to save life on the road.

6. Where can you cross the street?
7. What are the colors of the traffic lights and what do they mean?
8. What types of transitions do you know?
9. On which road do cars brake better?
10. Which cars are allowed to run a red light?

Crossroads of Mysteries

1. For this horse - gasoline, oil, and water.

He does not graze in the meadow, he rushes along the roads. Automobile.

2. On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

There are legs and two wheels running along the road.

The riddle has an answer, it's mine... Bike.

Bicycle signs

  1. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road? From the age of 14.
  2. What should you check first on your bike before riding? Brakes.

The smartest

  1. Which of the following road signs is redundant?
  • Other hazards;
  • Sharp turn;
  • Men at work;
  • Overtaking is prohibited.
  1. Which of the following terms is redundant?
  • Mateshaya vysmatika (higher mathematics);
  • Gamer's Regulators;
  • Znarozhny dock;
  • I'm sorry.

Musical pause

We will sing an excerpt from a song using road signs.

Let them run clumsily (“Children”)

pedestrians through puddles, (“Pedestrian crossing”)

and the water runs like a river on the asphalt (“Drinking water”)

And it is unclear to passers-by (“Movement to the right or left”)

bad weather on this day, (“Car Wash”)

why am I so cheerful? ("Other Hazards")

And I play the harmonica (“Sound signals are prohibited”)

in plain sight of passers-by (“Pedestrian crossing”)

Unfortunately, it’s a birthday (“Food Station”)

only once a year... ("Dead End")

Talking signs

1. If you are in a hurry to cross the street on your way,

Go there, where all the people are, where the sign is... Footpath.

2. All motors stop

And the drivers are attentive,

If the signs say:

“School is close! Kindergarten!" Children.

A vtomulti

  1. What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin? Bike.
  2. Who traveled in the cartoon “Chunga-Changa?” Ship.

Educator: Well, our game is over. You have all successfully passed the exam on your knowledge of traffic rules.

Traffic police inspector:

Well done! You answered everything correctly!

And now that you have learned the ABCs of movement

I'm starting my dedication to pedestrians!

Pedestrian Initiation

Be very careful on the street - I promise! (everything - I promise)

Don't worry car drivers and don't run across red lights - I promise! (everything - I promise)


And now I will summarize.

Everyone needs to know the rules

No matter who you are, old or young,

Knowing the rules is a valuable treasure!

Educator: I would like to end our master class with words. Philosophers say that “life is measured not by the number of days, months, years lived, but by vivid, memorable events and impressions from them.” I am sure that emotional memory will preserve the atmosphere of our seminar. Thank you! Take care of yourself and your loved ones.