About the date and traditions of the Annunciation. When is the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated? People say “on Annunciation, a girl does not braid her hair, and a bird does not build a nest.” The legend of the cuckoo is associated with this belief. The legend mentions that this bird does not have

Annunciation in 2017, what date: date of the holiday, history, traditions and folk signs Annunciation in 2017, what date: The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the greatest holidays of the Orthodox Church, the date of which does not change. According to the old style, the holiday fell on March 25. But now the Annunciation is celebrated by the Orthodox on April 7 every year, and 2017 is no exception. Annunciation in 2017, what date: history and symbolism of the holiday On the Feast of the Annunciation, the Church remembers how the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin and announced that she would give birth to the Son of God. Mary was raised at the temple until she was 14 years old, and after coming of age she was betrothed to Joseph. In the house of her betrothed husband, she led a quiet life of prayer, maintaining her virginity, writes rsute.ru . And so she was surprised how she could give birth if she did not know her husband. The Archangel explained to her: “The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You.” Mary humbly answered: “Behold, the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.” This event gives rise to the Gospel story. The consent and readiness of the Most Pure Mother of God to accept everything prepared for her is an example for every Christian of what the relationship between man and God should be. Their meaning lies in cooperation, that is, not only accepting the Will of God, but also demonstrating one’s own good will on the path to the Lord. Annunciation in 2017, what date: celebration traditions Most often, the Annunciation is celebrated during Lent. On this holiday (if it does not fall during Holy Week), fasting is relaxed and fish is allowed. In 2017, the Feast of the Annunciation will be celebrated on the last day of the Great Pentecost, on the eve of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. It is not customary to work on the Annunciation, April 7th. Any activity related to the ground is prohibited. Even the food on this day should be simple and light, whatever is easiest to prepare. In the modern world, it is not so easy to adhere to this rule, because not all employers can appreciate your desire to observe certain traditions in celebrating this or that event. You should devote this time to repentance and prayers when you are freed from major matters. Arguments and disagreements should be avoided, because it is believed that if you quarrel with someone on this Orthodox holiday, it means you will never make peace. In the old days, the New Year was celebrated on this day, which is why even now in some villages the Annunciation is treated as the beginning of a new era - spring-summer: they light bonfires and jump through them in order to be cleansed. What not to do on Annunciation: There is a saying on this day: “A bird does not eat a nest, a girl does not braid her hair.” It is connected with the fact that you cannot work on the Annunciation - the work will be stupid and unnecessary. Maybe you've heard the legend of the cuckoo? It is connected specifically with the Annunciation. They say that on this day the cuckoo made a nest, not heeding the order not to work. Now the cuckoo does not know how to make nests and she has to throw her eggs to other birds. As stated above back in the Annunciation, “...the girl does not braid her hair.” It is believed that in addition to the ban on any work on this day, this saying is also associated with hair. They cannot be combed, cut or styled. Previously, grooms judged their health by the beauty of girls’ hair, and if they combed their hair on this day, the hair became dry and began to fall out. Thus, if a girl performs any procedures on her hair on this day, then she dooms herself to an unhappy life. On the day on which the Annunciation falls, under no circumstances should you engage in sowing or any work in the garden. They say that on the evening of the Annunciation you cannot use lighting fixtures in the house. And also do not light candles or torches. This sign is due to the fact that on this day Angels descend from heaven and visit every home. They observe people's lives and bring everything that is missing. And if you use lighting, you may not notice the light from the Angel, who at the same time will not come to bless you for a happy life. What can and should be done on the Annunciation: The Annunciation is a holiday on which you need to enjoy nature and God’s creations. It is also necessary on this day to dream and reflect on your place and purpose in the world. The day after the Annunciation, all gardeners and gardeners must start sowing. There is an opinion that this will bring an unprecedented harvest. Annunciation in 2017, what date: folk signs For the Annunciation, like other church holidays, it is necessary to pay attention to the weather. If the swallows have not yet flown to the Annunciation, spring will be late and cold. Frosts for the Annunciation - for a rich harvest. If it rained on April 7, it means the summer will be dry. Whatever the weather is like at Annunciation, it will be like that at Easter.

The Feast of the Annunciation is one of the twelve most important after Easter and is dedicated to an event that was on the border of two greatest eras in history. These are the eras of the Old and New Testaments. The beginning of the counting of new time comes from the Nativity of Christ, which happened exactly 9 months from the Annunciation. Let's find out what date the Annunciation is in 2019, what you can and cannot do on this day, as well as the traditions and requirements of the holiday.

Photo citation: syl.ru

The history of the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the main meaning

The story is simple. Saint Mary was a pupil of the temple and brought God a promise to remain a Virgin. Mary lived in Nazareth with her husband, who was a distant relative of hers. Husband's name is Joseph. They lived exactly like the named spouses, without excesses, in modesty. One day, Archangel Gabriel came to their house and brought news, beginning with the words “Rejoice, full of grace!” The news was that Mary was now a Holy Virgin and she miraculously conceived the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

Since then, the holiday of the Annunciation has appeared, the history of which dates back to the 2nd century. Officially, the celebration is designated only in the 6th century, the day is March 25 according to the old style or April 7 according to the new style, established by the Byzantine emperor Justinian. The story is known from the Evangelist Luke, who also reports that, submissive to the Will of God, the Virgin Mary accomplished the first stage of atonement for the Fall, coming from the foremother Eve, who tasted the forbidden fruit.

The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not so clear in its meaning. The news of the birth of the Almighty is only one side, the second is the triumph of the victory of the will. After all, the conception of the Miracle occurred only after Mary’s expressed consent to become a mother. She answered the Messiah: “Let it be done to me according to Your word.” And these words were doomed to flesh. The meaning of this is the possibility of man changing the world according to his will, given by the spirit of God.

What date is the Annunciation for Orthodox Christians?

According to the Gregorian calendar, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on March 25, according to the Julian calendar only on April 7, but exactly 9 months before the Nativity of Christ. Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday in 2019 on April 7.

Catholic Annunciation

According to Catholic canons, the holiday is celebrated on March 25. Catholic priests dress in all white, the clothes are designed to personify the purity and purity of the Holy Virgin Mary.

Celebrating the Annunciation in Rus' - folk customs and traditions

In Orthodox churches, priests wear blue robes and an all-night vigil is held, which begins with Great Compline. Services have features depending on the days of the week. If the date coincides with Easter, the canons are connected.

On this day, people go to prayers, give alms, and engage in charitable works. On the same holiday, April 7, Annunciation, birds are released into the wild. The history of the holiday briefly mentions a dove, but people believe that by releasing doves they are releasing their wishes. Birds will definitely fly to the angels and report on the good deeds of people during the year.

Christian believers store Annunciation salt. Each family member pours a pinch into the bag, then the housewife heats the salt in a frying pan and stores it in a secluded place. Belief in the properties of salt works wonders - it cures diseases of people and livestock, and disinfects water. If the salt is not used up during the year, it must be burned in a fire the next year.

Prosphora and water are also given special power - parishioners bring them with them from church. Another tradition is to go on pilgrimage to holy places. It is believed that on such a holiday, relics endow a person with special power, physical and spiritual strength.

And, of course, this day is not complete without making wishes. After all, the Good News, which means the Annunciation, gives joy, which means that the Lord hears all the righteous prayers of a person and will certainly help him.

The ancient Slavs preferred to light huge bonfires, speaking into the fire all their troubles and sorrows. It was believed that in this way the misfortunes would “burn out” and would no longer return to the house of the beggar.

Quoting photo: hramsamara.ru

What can you eat on Annunciation?

In 2019, the Annunciation falls during Lent, so all strictness will have to be observed. However, the Orthodox Church allows small deviations in the form of fish dishes. If the holiday falls on Good Friday, then fish is not allowed. The remaining prohibitions are not lifted, that is, meat, animal products and dairy products are not allowed on this day.

What not to do on Annunciation

On a major holiday, it is traditional to not do any household chores. As they say: “On Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a girl does not braid her hair.” Prohibited:

  1. Sewing, knitting, embroidery, all cosmetic matters with hair, you cannot comb or braid. This is due to the fact that a person’s whole life is a thread controlled by the Lord. The more work with threads, the easier it is for angels to confuse people's lives. A person can interfere with Fate and accidentally change it not only for himself, but also for his loved ones.
  2. Hard physical labor. It is recommended not to even prepare food, but to stock it up the day before.
  3. Giving and borrowing money. By giving you can “give away” health and happiness, by taking away you can “take away” all your sorrows and sorrows.
  4. Make marriages. The Church believes that this period of repentance and abstinence is in no way consistent with the fun of a wedding.
  5. Be angry and upset other people, cause quarrels and spread gossip.

You should even refuse new things. It is better to celebrate the holiday in good, clean, but not new clothes. It is also not recommended to heat food on gas or fire - “how many times you heat it, so many days a year you sit hungry,” such is the saying.

It is better not to sow or plant, not to allow anything to be taken out of the house, especially to strangers, and not to bring found finds from the street. It is very good to shelter an unfortunate animal, this is permitted and is considered a God-pleasing act. It is not a sin to give alms; there are no prohibitions here either. But you need to give food and things with a kind heart and light thoughts.

The holiday of the Annunciation is considered a rest from any business. This is a time to clear the mind of anger and filth, read prayers, confess and repent. They say that even unwitting murderers can ask for forgiveness on this day; even if they are not understood, they will try to forgive them.

Photo citation: proaist.ru

Signs and beliefs for the Annunciation

Folk signs have been tested for hundreds of years and are still relevant. Here are some basic beliefs:

  • frosts for a rich harvest;
  • the swallows have not arrived, spring will be cold;
  • a wife needs to call her husband beloved 40 times to save the marriage from any misfortune;
  • bury a piece of prosphora in the garden - there will be a rich harvest;
  • a wish made on this day from a pure soul will come true very soon;
  • what the weather is like at Annunciation, like it is at Easter;
  • if it rains, summer will be wet;
  • if there is frost or fog, expect a rich harvest;
  • a thunderstorm has struck, the summer will be sunny and the nuts will be born.

It’s very good if “the red girls call out to Spring and lead round dances.” This sign meant a lot; young girls called for spring, and it “came” faster. It is recommended to refrain from heavy feasts and libations - such holidays are not at all welcome during Lent.

If there was salt left in the house from the last Annunciation, then before the holiday it was added to bread dough and pieces of buns were given to livestock. This way there was no need to throw away (burn) expensive goods, and at the same time the animals received the necessary vitamins. Livestock owners believed that “byashki” - buns - had enormous power and literally healed sick animals. People were not given such buns.

Quoting photo: artrue.ru

Icons of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Many icons were painted in honor of the holiday. There is an amazing painting of the Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci, the Annunciation by Andrei Rublev and many other images that fill the soul with peace. There are also ancient images on frescoes in the catacombs of the 2nd century, early Christian sarcophagi. By the 5th century, the canons of icon painting were formed, which practically did not change in the masterpieces of the Russian and Byzantine schools.

Photo citation: livemaster.ru

The most famous is the Icon of the Annunciation with yarn. It complies with all the canons of iconography - a two-figure composition with the Archangel and the Virgin Mary. The icon of the Annunciation with the Child in the womb is also revered - it captures the idea of ​​the Immaculate Conception. The main masterpieces are placed in churches, where services are held. There are images in museums, not only in icon painting, but also in monumental painting, miniatures, and sculpture. Pictures of the Annunciation are famous for their fine workmanship, pastel colors and spirituality in the faces of the saints.

Here are some images:

Photo citation: ruvera.ru
Photo citation: ruvera.ru

Annunciation churches and monasteries in Rus'

Many temples and monasteries were built in Rus'. The following are considered known:

  • Church of the Annunciation in Kyiv. Built in the 11th century by Yaroslav I;
  • Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vitebsk. Built by Princess Olga in honor of the founding of the city in 974. The place of repentance was destroyed to clear the passage of trams, but in 1993 it was restored in its 12th-century appearance.
  • Annunciation Cathedral or Temple in the Moscow Kremlin. The cathedral was built of wood back in 1397 by Grand Duke Vasily I. The vaults and walls were painted by Andrei Rublev, Theophanes the Greek, and master Prokhor. Unfortunately, in 1475 the wooden masterpiece burned down, but in 1484 the white stone Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected on the basement, which still exists today.

The most ancient monasteries are located in Nizhny Novgorod and date back to 1221. There is a monastery in Kirzhach, Vladimir region, founded in 1358 by Sergius of Radonezh himself.

Prayers of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Annunciation, they pray for relief and healing of their ailments and for liberation from imprisonment.

Akathist to the Annunciation - prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos on the holiday:

“Receive, O All-merciful, Most Pure Lady, Lady Theotokos, these honorable gifts bestowed upon You alone from us, Your unworthy servants, chosen from all generations, from all the creatures of heaven The highest appearing of the earthly and earthly. For Your sake, the Lord may be with us, and through You we have known the Son of God, and have been made worthy of His Holy Body and His Most Pure Blood. Moreover, blessed art thou in the clans of clans, blessed one of God, the brightest of the Cherubim and the most honest of the Seraphim. And now, All-Singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, so that we may be delivered from all evil advice and from all circumstances: and we may be preserved unharmed We are protected from every poisonous attack of the devil. But even to the end, with Your prayers, keep us uncondemned: for by Your intercession and help we are saved, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the One God and to the Creator of all We send, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The day of our salvation is the most important and the most important mystery since the ages: the Son of God is the Son of the Virgin, and Gabriel preaches grace. In the same way, we cry out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.

To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil, let us write thanks to Thy servants, the Mother of God, but, as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

The Archangel's voice cries out to You, Pure One: Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with You.

Photo citation: mycdn.me

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary on the holiday

To You, Most Pure Mother of God, I, the accursed one, fall down and pray: see, O Queen, how I continually sin and anger Your Son and my God. And many times when I repent, I find myself lying before God, and I repent, trembling, lest the Lord strike me, and little by little I do the same thing. Know this, my Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, why don’t you have mercy, why don’t you strengthen me, and why don’t you always grant me to do good? Weigh, O Lady, for the imam is by no means in hatred of my evil deeds and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God. But we don’t know, O Most Pure Lady, where I come from, even as I hate, I create and transgress. But do not, Most Holy One, allow my will to be fulfilled, it is unlike it is, but may the will of Your Son and my God be done in me, may He save me, and enlighten me, and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that from now on I will cease to act filthyly, and the rest will live in the commandments of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him is due all glory, honor, worship and splendor, with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Video recording of the Troparion (main prayer) of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Poems about the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Centuries have passed, but just as before,
Everywhere this day is a day of human joy -
Meets the whole world in life-giving hope,
That it brings joy and peace to the heart.

Good news to hearts, like an angel to a meek Virgin,
This day brings us in the darkness of everyday life.
To forget about enmity, about hellish malice, anger,
And then it would be easier for everyone on earth.

On the day of the Annunciation
Arms crossed
The withering flower is watered,
The windows are wide open, -
Annunciation, my holiday!

“On Annunciation, the girl does not braid her hair, the bird does not build a nest...” I remember from childhood that on this day nothing could be cut with scissors or sewed. Grandma didn't allow it! After all, if you work on such a great holiday, do the usual household chores, fuss, the family will be haunted by misfortunes - this is what the people believed.

You need to spend a bright holiday calmly, easily, and, if possible, completely carefree. What should we, working people, do if a special day falls on working days? Why is it so important for a woman to observe all the canons of the Feast of the Annunciation?

Signs for the Annunciation

April 7 is Annunciation, one of the 12 most important church holidays. In exactly 9 months there will be Christmas, but for now they are celebrating the first spring celebration. Good news! Archangel Gabriel descended from heaven and announced to the Virgin Mary her real destiny: that she should give birth to the son of God.

An ordinary woman would have been afraid, but the Mother of God completely trusted the Lord and relied on his will in everything. The Virgin Mary fulfilled her great mission thanks to her strongest and unshakable faith.

© DepositPhotos

It is important for every woman to be calm and peaceful on this day. It is recommended to visit church, confess and receive communion. It is believed that on the Annunciation, even in hell, grace comes for a moment! Such a strong day...

You can’t work hard, you even need to cook the simplest food. Under no circumstances should you sew, clean, make repairs, do laundry or ironing. All worldly affairs need to be put aside for the next day and focus on improving your spiritual world!

© DepositPhotos

If you want to ask someone for forgiveness for something, ask them on this day. You can pray for people who have done you harm, against whom you hold a grudge. Harmony with oneself is very important for a woman; lack of harmony leads to constant anxiety and failures in life.

© DepositPhotos

On this day the whole earth rests, even birds and animals rest. People should not start new businesses or make deals: all this can wait a little. Under no circumstances allow any quarrels, insults, or conflicts. Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary gives hope for the best to everyone who is ready to trust in the Lord, as the Mother of God did, who is ready to spend the holiday lightly and joyfully.

© DepositPhotos

Be sure to read a prayer on this day if you can’t go to the temple. The Most Holy Theotokos will protect you and your family from troubles, give you good health and support your faith.

Congratulate your friends on the Annunciation by showing them our article!

The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Annunciation is one of the most revered holidays by Christians, belonging to the twelve non-transitionable, that is, its date is stable, both among Catholics and Orthodox.

In order to find out what date the Annunciation will be in 2017, you need to understand what kind of holiday it is and what the date of its celebration depends on.

Historical excursion

Based on historical sources, the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary was officially designated by a state decree of Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. According to other sources, St. Cyril of Jerusalem established the holiday already in the 4th century.

However, scenes from the Annunciation dating back to the 2nd century found on the walls of Roman catacombs indicate a more ancient veneration of this holiday. It is known that he was one of the three main ones that were dedicated to the Mother of God during the time of Pontiff Sergius I (650-September 701).

If not many sources have been preserved about the significance of the Annunciation in the 4th-5th centuries, then starting from the 8th century all Byzantine monuments indicate that the holiday was one of the most important divine services performed on a specific day.

Today's name for the holiday of the Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary was not originally this way. In ancient treatises before the 7th century there are such names as “Greetings to Mary”, “Day of Greetings”, “Conception of Christ”, “Beginning of Redemption” and others.

Annunciation in 2017

The appearance of the Annunciation was described in the Gospel of Luke, which says that the Archangel Gabriel was sent to the city of Nazareth to the Virgin Mary with the good news that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ - the Savior of man, the son of the Most High Lord. And this happened in the 6th month after the conception of Saint John the Baptist. Gabriel told Mary “Hail, full of grace” - this is the first good news for humanity after its fall. This is how these events are described by Saint Luke.

Mary was the daughter of the Galilians Joachim and Anna, who gave birth to her in old age. Rejoicing at the birth of the child, they vowed to give their daughter to the service of God. Thus, from the age of three, Mary was raised by clergy and grew up as a pious and humble virgin.

According to Jewish laws, from the age of 14 a girl was supposed to get married, but Mary wanted to serve only the Lord and took a vow of celibacy. Then the priests decided to hand her over to the elderly Joseph so that he could take care of her, preserving her virginity. Mary began to live with the carpenter Joseph, spending days and nights in prayer, righteous labors and studying holy books.

When the Archangel Gabriel appeared with the news that Mary was “blessed among women” and would conceive the Son of God in her womb, she could not understand how this would happen, since she had vowed to remain a virgin. The Archangel explained that the Holy Spirit would descend on her and “overshadow You.” It is believed that after the significant words of Mary: “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; “Let it be done to me according to your word,” and conception took place.

To find out what date the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be in 2017, you need to understand that it is inextricably linked with the other main holiday of all Christians - the Nativity of Christ. As you know, before giving birth, a woman carries a child for 9 months; the feast of the birth of the Almighty is celebrated on January 25 for Catholics and January 7 for Orthodox Christians. You can accurately calculate the date of the Annunciation 9 months before Christmas using the Julian or Gregorian calculus.

The church calendar clearly indicates what date the Annunciation will be not only in 2017, but also in all previous and subsequent years. This date has not changed since 560 and is celebrated according to the Julian calendar on March 25 or according to the new style (Gregorian calendar) on April 7.

Usually the holiday falls either during Lent or Easter celebrations, and sometimes coincides with Easter. This combination of two great holidays is called “Kyriopascha” and is celebrated more solemnly. During the service, Easter chants are joined by Annunciation chants.

This is interesting: rarely, but sometimes there are exceptions to the date of the celebration of the Annunciation. For example, in 2016, the Catholic Annunciation coincided with Good Friday and was moved to Monday, two Sundays after Easter.

When the Annunciation falls on days of fasting, a relaxation in the strictness of its observance is possible: on this day it is allowed to eat fish and drink red wine.

The main meaning of the holiday

The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary has a multifaceted meaning. On the one hand, this is the wonderful news of the birth of the Almighty, who will become the Savior of mankind. The second thought that this day brings is the triumph of free will.

The miraculous conception of the Virgin Mary occurred only after her free consent to become the mother of the Messiah. “Let it be done to me according to Your word” - these words were doomed to become flesh. Thus, the second meaning of the holiday is that a person is able to change the world according to his own will, given to him by the spirit of the Lord.

Folk signs and beliefs

On this day you are supposed not to work: “A bird doesn’t build a nest, a girl doesn’t braid her hair.” Time should be spent in prayer and humility. Of course, a modern person cannot completely give up work, as difficulties may arise at work. But after all urgent matters are completed, it is necessary to devote the rest of the day to repentance and prayers.

Since this day falls in spring, in the old days it was inextricably linked with the new period of renewal of nature. On the Annunciation they called for spring for the last time, lit bonfires to burn away winter, and also released pigeons and other birds from their cages.

It is believed that a quarrel on this day can lead to a long break, perhaps forever. Borrowing money for the Annunciation is a bad omen, but repaying the debt, on the contrary, is a good omen. It is forbidden to sew, knit, or work with threads in general, so as not to confuse the threads of life. You need to be careful with fire; even hot dishes are best prepared in advance.

The following folk signs are known: if it rains on this day, then spring will be short, sunny weather means a dry summer, and a cloudy day means a bad harvest.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most important and bright Orthodox holidays. So it was on this day that news came to St. Mary about her immaculate conception; the Annunciation is celebrated 9 months before the Nativity of Jesus Christ. If you don’t yet know what date this holiday is, then we answer – April 7, Annunciation in 2017 will be the same date, because it is not transitory and is celebrated every year on the same day. Among Catholics there is a different date; they celebrate it according to the Gregorian calendar - March 25.

Lent continues throughout the week, but on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary it is allowed to eat fish dishes and drink red wine; on this day all work is prohibited, especially in the garden and fields. It is on this holiday that winter finally gives up its position and gives way to the reign of spring. People rejoice at the upcoming warming, congratulate each other and give holiday cards.

Now let's talk a little about the origins of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, its ancient traditions, various signs, as well as how you can congratulate your family and friends, we will conduct a small master class on creating a postcard for this holiday.

History of the celebration

Probably everyone knows that the good news that the Archangel Gabriel brought to the Virgin Mary is the imminent birth of the Son of God, and it is she who will become the Mother of Christ. Mary was promised to God long ago, so from an early age she was raised by clergy, and until the age of 16 she lived in the temple.

When the girl grew up, she was married to an elderly carpenter named Joseph, the man was God-fearing and honest, he already had children. Even after the wedding, Maria retained her innocence, because... was given to the Lord. The girl's whole life was filled with love and prayers to God.

There has long been a prophecy in the world that the Savior of mankind will be born from a pure virgin; Mary was even ready to serve her, but the girl herself was destined to become the Mother of God. When she heard Gabriel's prophecy, the virgin cast aside all fears and gave birth to the world's Savior.

The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary has a deep meaning: the Son of God was born only as a result of the fusion of God's grace and the will of man. After all, only on the day of his consent, the Lord gave Mary a son; if she had refused the destiny prepared for her, the Holy Spirit could not have descended to her, and the Savior would not have been born.

Rituals and traditions

All the hopes of Christians for the entire current year were connected with the Day of the Annunciation, because from the beginning of this holiday spring came into its own. There are several traditions that go back to the era of pagan Rus':

  • It is on this day that the Lord gives his blessing to cultivate the land. On the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, the peasants illuminated the seeds for sowing; for this they put them in a barrel along with the icon and read prayers.
  • Over the past year, the housewife collected bread, and on the holiday she gave it to her family to taste; not even the crumbs were thrown away, they were fed to livestock.
  • And early on the holiday morning, people released a pair of white doves into the sky, which were supposed to convey to the Lord the news of the good deeds done by man.
  • When the eve of the Annunciation arrived, the villagers lit a big fire and threw all their unnecessary things into it, so from the next week they began a new period of their lives, in which they did not take anything old.

Now, of course, Christians are moving away from these ancient traditions, and are increasingly limiting themselves to going to church for worship and congratulating family and friends with a holiday card or SMS.

What signs existed on this day?

If there is heavy rain on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then there will be a rich harvest of rye, and if a thunderstorm strikes, then expect an abundance of nuts in the forest.

Bad weather (fog, frost, strong wind) foreshadowed a bountiful harvest.

If swallows have not yet appeared by this day, then the summer will be cold.

There were also various everyday signs, for example, on this holiday it was forbidden to wear new clothes; it was believed that they would quickly lose their appearance. On the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, unmarried girls did not comb their hair or braid their hair, so as not to confuse their future fate.

According to popular belief, on this holiday it was necessary to pay off all debts, but lending is prohibited, so a person can give away his well-being.

Master Class

Your family and friends will be pleased to receive congratulations on the Annunciation 2017 in the form of a beautiful holiday card made by yourself. This postcard is made in origami style in the form of a white dove, which symbolizes the good news; it is very easy and quick to fold.

  1. Take a white rectangular sheet of A4 paper, cut it into 3 parts, for the dove you will only need one part.
  2. Fold the upper left corner.
  3. Next, you need to bend the resulting corner to the top so that it reaches 1/3 of the sidewall.
  4. You need to bend it back.
  5. Turn the card over.
  6. Next, you need to bend the layer of paper up to the right so that it protrudes beyond the edges. The protruding corner will be the head of the future pigeon.
  7. Then you need to make a fold over the diagonal of the valve.
  8. Sharply lift the resulting angle up.
  9. Next, you need to turn the sheet inside out so that all the flaps appear on the outside of the card.
  10. Then you need to bend the valve to the point indicated in the figure.
  11. All corners must be folded at the back, the bird's head bent inward.
  12. The remaining part needs to be folded behind the pigeon. The craft is ready!

Now you know what date to celebrate the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We introduced you to some signs, rituals and traditions of this bright Christian holiday.