Posts by Lena Miro. Lena Miro's rules of life. Why do beauties hide their age?

Elena Mironenko was born on June 24, 1981 in the city of Stary Oskol. As she herself says, she studied well at school, after graduating from which she entered Voronezh State University, where she received a degree in translation.

Then Lena moved to London, where she received additional education at Cambridge College, while simultaneously organizing discos for the Russian-speaking population. After returning to Russia, she worked as a simultaneous interpreter in Moscow.

Blogging and Writing

Lena Miro has said more than once that she came to LiveJournal to promote her books, which were mainly devoted to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. As a creative pseudonym, she took the nickname miss-tramell (that was the name of the main character of the film “Basic Instinct” - Catherine Tramell, a writer and “femme fatale”, brilliantly played by Sharon Stone).

At first she wrote the right things in literary Russian, but, by her own admission, no one was interested in this style, and her blog was unpopular, and then Lena once and for all chose a different presentation of her blogging materials - impudent, caustic, and sometimes boorish. Until 2015, she actively used swearing on her blog, but later abandoned it.

So, for example, in her blog it costs her nothing to call her readers “fat pigs” and “sad chickens”; Miro mainly attacks overweight people - in her opinion, these are, for example, women wearing size 44 or larger. Miro also does not like the so-called “office plankton”, some stars of Russian show business and politics, for example, Anastasia Volochkova, singer Glyukoza, Ksenia Sobchak, who regularly “get it” on her blog. Writes about the importance of choosing your own path of development and following your desires, and not the trends imposed in society. Extols the importance of fitness and a healthy lifestyle, a beautiful athletic body. Regularly posts her own selfies.

He is a member of the United Russia party and writes with respect about Vladimir Putin.

Her debut in the literary field took place in 2010: the Amphora publishing house published two books by Miro at once. Then there was the adventurous and largely autobiographical novel “Malvina and the Cattle,” after which the author gained popularity. Fans appreciated Miro's witty and easy style.

Personal life

Lena Miro does not advertise her personal life, but rumors appeared in the press about her affair with journalist Andrei Shmarov, and at the end of 2017, as some media wrote, the wedding ceremony of 36-year-old Lena Miro and her chosen one, American Richard, took place in Colorado in the USA.

In rare interviews about herself, Miro says that she is a well-mannered and educated girl, the Internet environment is not her element, but just her job. She writes what readers demand, and not what she really thinks.

I don't read this, but I read the top and sometimes I see this in the top. And what is most surprising, but this is what gives many people read. It is precisely because many people read that there must be an answer.

I have long dreamed of learning about the so-called philosophy of plastic surgery regulars, beauties and other interesting personalities. I think Miro finally managed to issue a manifesto.

“A beautiful woman understands: spiritual beauty has nothing to do with physical beauty, and a pumped-up mind is not compensation for an insufficiently pumped up ass.”

Lovely, isn't it? From the poem “What is beauty?” Zabolotsky Lenochka vomited as a child. I don’t know why such views are formed, but it seems to me that this is quite close to ordinary fascism. In essence, it is proclaimed that everyone who is ugly with a special plastic beauty is shit.

I can imagine how many millions of teenagers must now lather the rope with soap, shedding tears.

How many imperfect but happy women must feel that they are not really happy.

Overweight? Yellowish teeth? Not too shiny and thick hair?

Miro has already signed your sentence.

And everything would be fine - okay. But this woman is now in second place in the ranking. A lot of people read it.

After reading at least five of her posts, any normal person understands that if she is serious, then this is a mental disorder. And if it’s trolling, then why do people like it?

People want to listen to insults directed at themselves and others. They want to live in a world where everyone is only beautiful.

But why are they beautiful?

Silicone implants or the skill of a plastic surgeon?

These are probably people who have never felt the beauty of the soul. They are so attached to their bag of flesh that they consider it the most important, the most important. So much so that they are ready to anoint it every day. Although the day will come when the eyes of this body will close forever...

Is beauty a pumped up ass? The living are fleeing the place where they worship the pumped up abs.

“Rule three: a beautiful woman always puts herself first.”

A magnificent song to selfishness.

“A woman whose priority is someone or something other than herself loses her external attractiveness very quickly.”

Feminists will probably applaud here. Not all, but many.

We are apparently trying with all our might to lose our feminine nature, our real feminine nature is the warmth of the heart. The drive and desire to care for others. This is the nature of motherhood.

Today I was traveling on a bus with my eldest and baby in a stroller, and the women were lisping with the baby. Their looks radiated kindness and it was wonderful.

Lena writes simply: First my bubble bath - then diapers.

Yes, think about yourself! Enjoy everything around you! Destroy.

And someone believes that this sickly woman who bans anyone for having an opinion different from hers is happy. I just don't believe it. And she will never be able to make others happy. Those who will follow her along this thorny path.

“If your focus is on stomach cramps or your weekly report, that’s what you’ll end up with.”

I am very sorry to upset Lena and others who share her views - but external beauty, not supported by internal beauty, is a dummy.

Those who choose colic will remain with their love, which does not depend on the external state of the body. You can be broken into pieces and still love. And you can be the most beautiful, but inside your heart there will only be a stinking black hole. Oh God, it seemed to me that these were such obvious things. But it seems that we are moving towards a state of being where we will need to say this more and more often, gradually learning the material.

We get the body we deserve. It is just a collection of material elements. But tell me, what is better to clean the golden cage or feed the bird that lives inside?

With love to Lena from Lena.

August 14th, 2015 , 08:01 pm

Why do beauties hide their age?

How old would you give the woman on the left in the photo?

Would you like a few more pictures to take a closer look?

With daughter:

On the beach:

True, the girl is not always in this form. As the host of a culinary reality show, she gains 5-7 kilograms before each new season. This is what it looks like:

So how old is she?

When I see a woman who at 45 looks 30, or even less, I already, without knowing anything about her, respect her. There is a reason. To maintain youth and beauty, hard work, willpower, discipline, and intelligence are required.

Yes, yes: mind.

Being pretty and fresh at 20 doesn’t require much intelligence, but looking young at 45 without turning into a scarecrow pumped up with silicone and Botox is a task that only a sane woman can cope with.

Masha Rasputina, like many, could not.

I have a friend. She is 34, but looks 27. She tells all men the second number: “I am 27.”

I - kill! - I don’t understand why she’s lying. She is beautiful, athletic, and looks younger than her 34 years, which, in my opinion, is a big plus for her.

What's the point of looking 27 at 27? What is your contribution to this? What good can it say about you if your appearance matches your age? Never mind.

If you look younger than your age, then this speaks of your healthy lifestyle, excellent genetics, and, I repeat, your intelligence and strength of character.

The mind is very sexy. A strong character, too, no matter who it belongs to. All the talk that a woman’s strength is in her weakness is bullshit. Nobody likes the weak.

Men despise weak women, use them, wipe their feet on the scraps of their dignity. They love those in whom they feel the inner core. This is the ultimate truth, which stupid, pathetic, lazy pigs with uteruses instead of brains, looking for someone to settle down with, refuse to acknowledge.

I present all these arguments to my friend, but in response I hear one thing: “Some men, when they find out my real age, merge. They stupidly like to wear out the passport.”

I find this hard to believe. I have never encountered men who run away from truly beautiful and great looking women just because these women were born in 1980 or 1970, and not in 1990.

No, I understand: no one needs an old doughy ass. I also realize that a young, doughy ass has a competitive advantage over an equally old one.

But if a woman is an unconditional beauty, what difference does it make what year she was born?

Carmen Electra is 43 years old. Does her birth year 1972 make her unfuckable?

Do you think the year of birth can automatically add or subtract from a woman’s attractiveness? Is my friend right that, wanting to please men more, she hides her real age?

I learned about blogger Elena Miro (Mironenko in the world) relatively recently. I came across an announcement of her article on Instagram, from where I already followed the link to Lifejournal (LJ). I note that Elena uses Instagram only to advertise her main blog. Miro specializes in secular gossip, which he presents in a very aggressive and downright boorish manner. But first things first.

So, Elena Mironenko. 36 years old, unmarried, no children. Usually he presents himself as a writer or a journalist, but in fact he is neither one nor the other. Elena has been actively involved in sports for quite a number of years; she considers her figure to be the main achievement in life. As well as silicone breasts, which he very often shows off to his readers.

Mironenko is the author of several books on fitness and weight loss. Opinions about her literary abilities vary. Some people consider them to be very mediocre and based on “shock therapy”. Some people claim that Miro’s books helped them. I can’t say anything here - I haven’t read it.

Of course, Miro’s main brainchild is her scandalous LiveJournal blog. All publications in them can be divided into 3 main groups:

1. Social gossip

2. Materials about weight loss

3. About yourself and your friends.

As for the discussion of various media personalities, here Miro immediately began to act according to the principle of being as yellow and black as possible. Everyone gets it - from Olga Buzova to Anna Netrebko. She doesn’t disdain Western stars either. For example, I saw several posts from her about Monica Bellucci. Miro calls her a village woman, whom even in her youth “they didn’t really want.” Also among her “victims” are Pamella Anderson, Duchess Kate, Heidi Klum and many others.

From Russian show business, Miro especially “loves” Olga Buzova and Ksenia Sobchak. There was one very interesting post about the latter. When Sobchak was expecting a child, Miro wrote that the father was not Ksenia’s husband Maxim Vitorgan, but some other person. Our valiant yellow media are not asleep and this information has gone viral on the Internet. According to Miro, Sobchak was seriously excited about this topic. It's funny to you? Then let's move on.

The next category is fitness and weight loss. The column, which began with seemingly advice and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, came down to one thesis: the main thing in this life is to have a size XS. Anything more for Miro is already a reason for malicious ridicule.

As an argument, she describes the life of Leonardo DiCaprio, who only dates thin models. I don’t know, maybe Miro has been preparing to meet him all these years? But I’m afraid that in addition to his figure, DiCaprio also pays attention to his age. So, his current passion is only 23 years old.

In general, the theme of fat people and the reflections on female beauty that cling to it run like a red line through all of Miro’s materials. I will even say more, it already looks like an obsession. Elena never tires of talking about her beauty and sexuality. For example, there was a funny (in my opinion) post about how two 16-year-old boys allegedly fell for her. Everyone rode in the elevator together. And when she left, she heard their admiring voices. As one subscriber wrote: people need legends.

But Miro is completely captivated by her fantasies. For some reason he thinks he looks 10 years younger. This is not true, she looks her age, maybe minus a couple of years.

Miro's contemptuous attitude towards fat women causes great resonance among readers. It is clear that the average Russian woman is by no means skinny. That’s what Miro is counting on, scandals, holivar under her posts - this is what she created her blog for. If people regularly made fun of her like I do, then the miss trammel project would not have existed for long and would hardly have made it to the top of LiveJournal. But Lena is a skilled troll and provocateur.

Miro has materials about “girlfriends”. Well, again, she will never be friends with fat people, only with thin ones. Or how her friends’ children adore her because she is always sincere. In general, there is no point in continuing. Lena's imagination is overflowing. And I don’t think she had at least one real friend in her life, because no one likes such anger and bile.

You are probably asking if there is anyone about whom Miro speaks positively. Yes, I have. This is Melania Trump. It’s clear that she’s an interesting woman, she had her breasts done, her face reshaped with plastic surgery, her husband is a billionaire, and now he’s also the president. Miro's unfulfilled dream😂

Miro periodically talks about marriage and children in his posts. But here it is clear that no one is asking our “beauty” to marry, we need to justify ourselves somehow. Therefore, she talks about how she saw a nursing home for the rich in the USA. The old women live in complete contentment, drinking champagne on the beach. This is what Miro wants someday too. I just want to say: Lena, you have no luck😈! Well, unless of course you rob a bank😃

I want to talk about Miro’s attitude towards his own subscribers. Here the whole set of “ladies” comes into play - getting personal, insults, ridicule. In short, everything she uses against famous secular characters. If she doesn't like something, she immediately blocks the reader. So, she blocked me simply for having a different opinion. Miro really doesn’t like calm, reasoned conclusions against her posts; she has nothing to answer to such ones.

8 August 2011, 01:57

About philosophy Met with former classmates. There were four of them, and they all terrified me. Really. Not a single decent body: two are overweight, two are simply not in good shape. Standard faces of women who sleep less than eight hours a night. At the same time, on the surface they are not suckers: they are dressed and combed normally. Moscow has trimmed down at the level of office cattle. Their compliments to each other made me laugh: “You haven’t changed at all,” “You look so young,” etc. After listening to this nonsense, she asked: “Do you seriously think that you look younger than your age?” The girls were embarrassed, and I thought: why this deception? What makes average heifers of not the first or even second freshness, as well as pre-menopausal women who have failed in life and other evil spirits, exchange such pleasantries? Is this a ritual: you for me, I for you? Does life seem sweeter to them? Of them, only I look younger than my age, and this is logical: I train a lot (they don’t have that much time for this), eat right, sleep 10 hours a day, do what I love, the level of stress in my life is minimal. Despite all this, no one will give me twenty (which is exactly the age the girls gave each other). I won’t give it to myself either. And I won’t give you 25. 26-27-28, depending on the cycle. Given my lifestyle, the difference between the passport and “facade” ages will only increase over the years: I don’t inject anything yet, I limit myself to caring. Now my main goal is to build a body that will last until menopause without visual changes. When, closer to forty, I put a well-pierced face on it, then I will be ready to accept compliments that I look much younger than my age. In the meantime, I work in the gym, clearly seeing the goal and knowing how to achieve it, and I am very critical of myself. About fitness Communicating with people who have embarked on the path of their own transformation from a macaque into a fitness person, I noticed that most often they ask two questions: 1) “Why am I not losing weight?” 2) “Why am I working out, working out, trying to look like a chick/boy at fitness, so that there is relief, that’s all, but I look like a wineskin of shit as usual?” The answers are as banal as simple pencils and have long been known to everyone, but some citizens refuse to acknowledge them, preferring to continue dragging their bodies to the gym purely to ease their conscience, and in fact working there to heat the air. Well, a little bit for your own health. So why, if the answers are known and simple, do people not hear them? Yes, because fitness, the goal of which is not performance in the gym, but a powerful visual effect, does not tolerate sybaritism. Here you need to shrink, concentrate and become an enemy to your body. Yes, yes, the enemy. Treat your body like an animal - lazy, insidious, unprincipled and cunning. Think of it as a mongrel who is trying to break free from the chain and run away, and for a sugar bone (in relation to you - an extra piece of pizza, cake or whatever else you like) he will sell the little soul to a neighbor (in the context of “neighbor” = “ extra kilos"). Your mongrel may be blackmailing you. Let's say you eat very little throughout the day. And, in principle, you may not eat in the evening. But your mongrel begins to itch: “I haven’t eaten all day, just a salad. You can also have a snack. Still, in terms of calories, the daily norm is not enough. Otherwise I’ll get gastritis.” And then you go to the refrigerator and eat something there, although you could very well abstain. By the way, we have come to the answer to the first question. Do you know why you are not losing weight? Because you eat enough to keep you from losing weight with your lifestyle. Yes, it's that simple. The fitness god is the most demanding: you may not come to Christ’s service, and he most likely will not notice, but the fitness god does not tolerate service according to the principle: “when the time or mood was right.” For this, he will definitely punish you with a swollen bump, an extra kilogram and a vile feeling of guilt. The main idea: in fitness, success and a breakthrough are achieved by those who were able to cultivate a fitness consciousness. There are no fools among us. I’ll write a book about this and teach you to think in fitness categories, and not stupidly sit for weeks on silage and chicken breast and do a hundred squats per set. Loose thighs = Loose soul The last few days I’ve been running for three hours: one and a half in the morning, one and a half in the evening. Plus a rocking chair. Here's a photo for motivation. Below I will explain why I need all this.
Actually, because of this story, I have been running for three hours for the last few days. You can run away from everything: from the loss of a loved one, from feelings of guilt, from problems and misunderstanding of the situation. Everything will pass, but the body will remain with you. The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, no. This is all of us at school en masse :)i. The mirror of the soul is the body. In a loose body there always lives a loose soul, into which, willy-nilly, you want to spit. An elastic body protects the soul; it cannot be offended by a sidelong glance, which, even if thrown. will only make you smile. And yes: I don’t believe any woman who says: “I have a so-so body, but I don’t care, I’m happy.” I repeat: loose thighs = loose soul, which you always want to spit on. Therefore, we put on T-shirts, shorts, sneakers - and go! Nobody likes ugly people. Age aunts Once upon a time she (Larisa Guzeeva) was beautiful. Unconditionally, without the slightest exaggeration. And after some time she was still beautiful. Now she looks like this, but no, no, and :) and in her hellish program she says something like: “We, beautiful women, are allowed a little more than others.” Oh, these “eternal” beauties come from the USSR... At best, they lasted until they were 35 in a more or less fu*able appearance (and then only in clothes), then they became overfed, overweight, but continue to consider themselves irresistible. We have aged stars with such a sense of self - you can eat them with your ass. Yes, almost everything! It’s easier to name the one who stands out from this herd of premenopausal women with once beautiful, but now swollen figures and faces. Unless Valeria: She plows over her own body like hell. Well, maybe someone else, but I can’t remember right away. Look at American show business "over 40". There - the older the aunt is, the more, almost to the point of insanity, she does fitness, so as not to turn into a laughing stock. About politics In politics, Prokhorov is a completely unintelligent child. Well, where does he go with his inarticulate bleating: “the good of the people, everything is for the person,” huh? Who will believe this and ignite?! Here is my presidential program, I give it to him with minimal modifications. 1. Economy We work little, rest and eat a lot. What good is it that the whole country, including lazy men, celebrates Women's Day on March 8th?! Therefore: - for 6 years (the first term) a moratorium on salary increases, - the abolition of half of the holidays and weekends (for example, November and the first of May). - I support a 60-hour work week, that’s what I do myself. 2. “Black redistribution” The land is not worthless to the degenerating peasantry, but to the entire people. Yes, free! New voucher privatization - land. Now!!! The person in charge is Chubais. (...) 6. Domestic policy - appointment of incorruptible foreigners (see paragraph 3), - restoration of classes - nobility, merchants, philistines, peasants, creative unions, minorities (including: aces), - electoral qualifications - choose and only taxpayers with higher education are elected, - class representation in the State Duma, - total local self-government according to the Solzhenitsyn system (“How can we develop Russia”) 7. Foreign policy - the main friend is China, - the main threat is China, - * you, not Kuril Islands! - * to you, not the base in Sevastopol! - an impenetrable cordon on the borders of drugs 8. Morality - no to Petrosyan - no to fat churchmen - yes to Solzhenitsyn, Weller and Zhvanetsky - no to same-sex marriage About fat teenagers On an evening walk I saw a plump girl of about 14. The latest iPhone, an LV bag, Jusiki pants, Chanel glasses covering her eyes, a vomiting dog, all that. In his hands is a bag of French fries. Next to her is a 40-year-old mother: sleek, thin, all on Botox and silicone. And so I look at this lady and think: what a soulless bitch you have to be to allow your child to stoop to this. She probably eats silage in the evening (if she eats it at all), but she bought some potatoes for her daughter. Does he really want to go out in contrast? Like not a mother, but a sister. The youngest, *. If I had a daughter and she started to “crawl,” I would explain to her popularly what it means to be a pig. If I hadn’t understood, I would have chained her to a wall somewhere in the garage, placed a bucket nearby to relieve herself of natural needs and fed me on a schedule, because the Chelsea Clinton phenomenon always drove me into a stupor. Well, her crowning post is about politics and roads, etc. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a vile old woman with bags on wheels rushes under my wheels. Almost knocked over the pin. She exhaled. I thought: in principle, it was possible to move over the pad* (the world would only benefit from this), but dooming yourself to serious hemorrhoids because of an old p* is somehow stupid. In this regard, I would like to support the cheerful guy from the dreary Sobyanin crowd, who proposed making parking in the center of Moscow paid: 500 rubles per hour. Moreover, I would go further. Here's what I propose: 1) Make entry into the center of Moscow paid. And let it cost not just some fucking 500 rubles, but 200 bucks. Then beautiful people in beautiful cars will drive there, and not collective farmers on f*cking wrecks and not office hogs on wretched Passats. And in general: let office workers go to their cabinets of curiosities by metro, or even better, move further away. Somewhere in Kolyma. Let them wash the gold. So at least some benefit will come from their meaningless existence. 2) Make entrance to the center of Moscow paid. Place the machines: put down the token - go through. This way we will rid the center of the most disgusting old women and other evil spirits in the form of honest but proud people without double standards, for whom there is the most beautiful Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya station. Surely, there are also shops, restaurants and entertainment spots there.
Elena Mironenko is known to some as 1) writer Lena Miro, 2) blogger Miss Tramell 3) cocaine addict from United Russia. The fiery Mironenko had her 15 minutes of fame. Will the blogger-translator-provocateur be able to convert the scandal into something attractive? Who knows. No one bothers that the brilliant Otar Kushanashvili began his ascent to the Olympus of sensations and received a cup of coffee in the face at the House of Cinema from the gentle hands of Vera Glagoleva. Then no one will really remember whether your coat was stolen or you stole it. That is why the same people who defended Yeltsin in the White House 20 years ago, a couple of years later (in 1993), with the same enthusiasm defended the same White House from the same EBN. This is the nature of the electorate. Most likely, Lena Mironenko ended as a project without really beginning. However, it cannot be ruled out, knowing the human material, that those who are now savagely attacking the blogger who chose “Beautiful people read me” as the slogan of her diary, in a few years will crave the autograph of the one who advocates for clearing Belokamennaya of poor pensioners and so indiscriminately scammed the mayor . Especially in the context of the fact that many in their souls secretly share the theses voiced by Lena, who is striving for shocking. Many of those whom the reader/viewer sees on TV screens. From those whom the reader/viewer chooses.