Being famous is an ugly parsnip year. Analysis “Being famous is ugly...” Pasternak. Analysis of Pasternak’s poem “It’s not beautiful to be famous”

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (January 29, 1890, Moscow - May 30, 1960, Peredelkino, Moscow region) - Russian writer, one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1958).

The creative path of Boris Pasternak was very difficult and extraordinary. Today he is rightfully considered one of the brightest Russian poets of the 20th century. However, his most famous works, including the novel Doctor Zhivago, which brought the author Nobel Prize, parsnip wrote in the era of the formation and development of the USSR. Naturally, in order to become a famous writer in a country with totalitarian regime, it was necessary to have not only a bright and original talent, but also to be able to hide one’s true feelings both in public and in works. Parsnips were never able to learn this, so they were periodically subjected to disgrace by the ruling elite. Nevertheless, he was popular, and his poems, novels and plays, which periodically disappeared from sale and were rejected by censorship, were published abroad and copied by hand. The author was really famous, but he was embarrassed to be recognized on the street and tried in every possible way to belittle his own contribution to literature. However, not all Soviet writers behaved this way. Many of them, not having even a hundredth part of Pasternak’s talent, considered themselves real geniuses and emphasized this in every possible way. Moreover, in those days it was not so much a literary gift that was valued as a loyal attitude to party politics.

Among the creative intelligentsia, Pasternak, for all his fame, had few friends. The poet himself explained this by saying that he was unable to maintain warm and trusting relationships with hypocrites and careerists. Those who were treated kindly by the authorities could afford to live in luxury, although from the pages of newspapers they called on the people for equality and brotherhood. Therefore, in 1956, Pasternak wrote his famous poem “It’s Ugly to Be Famous,” which he addressed to his colleagues in the literary workshop.
Pasternak knows that history is created by people and interpreted by them to serve their own interests. Therefore, he is convinced that everything in this world is relative, and you should not revel in your achievements, which may be perceived completely differently after many years. The author believes that a real poet should not distinguish “defeats from victories,” because time will still judge everyone in its own way. And the only value that is an absolute value for Pasternak is the opportunity to “be alive” to the end, i.e. be able to sincerely love, despise and hate, and not portray these feelings to please someone in your works.

“Being famous is ugly” Boris Pasternak

Being famous is not nice.
This is not what lifts you up.
No need to create an archive,
Shake over manuscripts.

The goal of creativity is dedication,
Not hype, not success.
Shameful, meaningless
Be the talk of everyone.

But we must live without imposture,
Live like this so that in the end
Attract the love of space to you,
Hear the call of the future.

And you have to leave spaces
In fate, and not among papers,
Places and chapters of a whole life
Crossing out in the margins.

And plunge into the unknown
And hide your steps in it,
How the area hides in the fog,
When you can't see a thing in it.

Others on the trail
They will pass your path by an inch,
But defeat comes from victory
You don't have to differentiate yourself.

And should not a single slice
Don't give up on your face
But to be alive, alive and only,
Alive and only until the end.

Don't sleep, don't sleep, artist,
Don't give in to sleep.
You are a hostage to eternity
Trapped by time.

"It's not nice to be famous..."

Being famous is not nice.
This is not what lifts you up.
No need to create an archive,
Shake over manuscripts.

The goal of creativity is dedication,
Not hype, not success.
Shameful, meaningless
Be the talk of everyone.

But we must live without imposture,
Live like this so that in the end
Attract the love of space to you,
Hear the call of the future.

And you have to leave spaces
In fate, and not among papers,
Places and chapters of a whole life
Crossing out in the margins.

And plunge into the unknown
And hide your steps in it,
How the area hides in the fog,
When you can't see a thing in it.

Others on the trail
They will pass your path by an inch,
But defeat comes from victory
You don't have to differentiate yourself.

And should not a single slice
Don't give up on your face
But to be alive, alive and only,
Alive and only until the end.

See also Boris Pasternak - poems (Pasternak B. L.):

City. Winter sky. Dark. Gate spans. Boris and Gleb have Light, and...

You have to reduce yourself to nothing in order to be accepted and recognized, you have to become indistinguishable from the herd. If you're in the herd, you're fine. You can dream, but only if you dream like everyone else.

We are often quite sure about what other people should do, how they should live, and who they should be. We have absolute vision regarding other people, but not ourselves.

Life is so short, live it nothing but happily. Falling is part of life, rising to your feet is living it. Being alive is a gift and being happy is your choice.

People will argue about religion, write books about it, fight and die for it, but not live by it.

You don't have to be attractive to be understood, you don't have to be rich and famous to be the best. You just have to give more than you ever had.

There is no need to live to envy someone.
You have to live for your own pleasure!

The main thing - do not lie to yourself. He who lies to himself and listens to his own lies reaches such a point that he no longer discerns any truth either in himself or around him, and therefore begins to disrespect both himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and in order, not having love, to occupy himself and entertain himself, he indulges in passions and coarse sweets, and reaches the point of complete bestiality in his vices, and all from continuous lies to both people and himself.

If your friend is in a verbal dispute
I could hurt you
It's bitter, but it's not grief
You can still forgive him later.

And if your friendship is strong,
Because of a stupid trifle
Don't let it break in vain.

If you and your loved one are in a quarrel,
And the longing for her is hot,
This is also not grief yet,
Don't rush, don't rush.

Let you not be the reason
That quarrel and harsh words,
Rise above the quarrel, be a man!
It's still your love!

Anything can happen in life,
And if your love is strong,
Because of a stupid trifle
You shouldn't let it break.

And so as not to reproach yourself after
The fact that he hurt someone,
It's better to be kind in the world,
There is enough evil in the world as it is.

But don’t give up on one thing,
Go to break, go to separation,
Just don’t forgive meanness
And don't forgive betrayal
No one: not a loved one, not a friend!

There comes a time in your life when you step away from drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. You forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the rest. Life is so short, live it nothing but happily. Falling is part of life, rising to your feet is living it. Being alive is a gift, and being happy is your choice!

The famous Russian poet and writer Boris Pasternak, in his statement, raises the problem of the main task of creativity. This problem is relevant in modern society.

The author believed, “The goal of creativity is dedication,” so he wanted to say that the main thing in creativity is not some kind of commercial gain, but self-realization, receiving pleasure from the creative process itself. I agree with the author’s opinion, because many of us, after a hard day at work, go to music and art schools, not for profit, but for pleasure.

Creativity is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before. It is aimed at solving any problems or satisfying needs. There are three main types of creativity: scientific, technical and artistic. There are also various mechanisms of creativity, such as combination, fantasy, intuition and imagination.

Creativity is an integral part of many people.

What makes people create? Why does a tired person sit down after work and, for example, draw pictures or write poetry? The fact is that, immersed in the creative process, a person remains alone with himself, with his thoughts, he rests his soul. In the end, not everyone receives a new object that will become an object of world art, but each of us will receive peace of mind and balance, since we have created something that did not previously exist in nature. There are quite a few examples that confirm that the goal of creativity is dedication, and not money or fame. In Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” Natasha Rostova loved to sing, and she did it not for others, but for herself. Singing soothed her soul, and she put all her strength into it. Natasha’s singing made people around feel calmer and it gave them, and Andrei Bolkonsky made him think about life.

Consider such a famous person as Emily Dickinson. Ono was a shy recluse who hardly published any of her poetry during her lifetime. It was only after Emily's death that her sister Lavina discovered almost 1,800 poems and published them. A huge number of poems were written, but almost none were published by her personally. This means she wrote her poems only for herself, for her peace of mind, and not for money.

Thus, we can conclude that the main thing in creativity is dedication. With the help of creativity, a person can solve his mental problems. Those people who are engaged in creativity only for the sake of fame have never understood the peace of mind that those people who do this for themselves gain. Not each of us has any great talents, but still we draw or write poetry that helps us find harmony with ourselves.

Updated: 2018-04-26

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Damn you, my dears! Why this particular poem, why this particular damn lesson, on this disgusting Monday? Oh, burn in hell - I am with you.

Being famous is not nice.
This is not what lifts you up.
No need to create an archive,
Shake over manuscripts.

The goal of creativity is dedication,
Not hype, not success.
Shamefully meaning nothing
Be the talk of everyone.

Hear the call of the future.

And you have to leave spaces
In fate, and not among papers,
Places and chapters of a whole life
Crossing out in the margins.

And plunge into the unknown
And hide your steps in it,

Others on the trail

But defeat comes from victory
You don't have to differentiate yourself.

And should not a single slice
Don't give up on your face

Alive and only until the end.

The poem “It’s Ugly to Be Famous” was written in 1956 and is included in Boris Pasternak’s lyrical cycle “When It Goes Wild” (1956-1959). In addition, it includes another 44 poems. The basis of this cycle is reflection on time, being, truth, life and death, art and other philosophical topics. The release of the cycle of poems “When it clears up” is associated with the refusal in the USSR to publish the novel “Doctor Zhivago”.

The theme of the poem is philosophical.

We can say that this poem “Being Famous is Ugly” is instructive in nature, and Boris Pasternak himself plays the role of a mentor. He notes that “being famous is not beautiful,” explains “the goal of creativity is dedication,” and then begins to teach in verses 3, 4, 5 about how to live, what to do

But we must live without imposture,
Live like this so that in the end
Attract the love of space to you,
Hear the call of the future.

And you have to leave spaces
In fate, and not among papers,
Places and chapters of a whole life
Crossing out in the margins.

And plunge into the unknown
And hide your steps in it,
How the area hides in the fog,
When you can't see a thing in it.

And in the last 2 stanzas, explaining, gives instructions

Others on the trail
They will pass your path by an inch,
But defeat comes from victory
You don't have to differentiate yourself.

And should not a single slice
Don't give up on your face
But to be alive, alive and only,
Alive and only until the end.

The mood of the poem is sublime, solemn, aimed at success, desiring it. The poet’s creative life was difficult, so he tried to understand why everything was happening this way, what he was doing wrong, and most importantly, how long would it still continue?

Perhaps, at the same time, he noticed that there are many in Russia who write precisely for fame, height, “noise” and “success”, at the same time not at all giving importance to what to write and what to write about.

You reread the poem and learn. You learn to understand the whole essence of writing, you learn to understand your role, not to become “noise,” but to “attract the love of space to yourself.” This poem encourages, inspires, encourages

But to be alive, alive and only,
Alive and only until the end.

The rhyme of the poem is cross. There are practically no epithets, personifications, metaphors or comparisons in the text. It is filled with verbs, participial phrases, complex and complex sentences - the author tried to give movement to his instructions, to encourage movement, to life, because “there is no standing position: either you move forward or backward.” By frequent alliteration to the hard sounds “n”, “r”, “d”, “t”, “zh” Pasternak gives his instructions firmness, steadfastness, and confidence, thereby expressing his position in life.