How to lose weight as a mother while breastfeeding. How to lose weight while breastfeeding: diet, lifestyle, sports. Factors inhibiting weight loss

After the birth of a child, a woman wants to quickly restore her abdominal shape; some want to get rid of excess weight. A strict diet for breastfeeding mothers to lose weight to maintain breast milk production is not acceptable. Weight loss in a healthy body occurs gradually and eliminates additional stress: it is better to focus on proper nutrition.

Possible difficulties

The process of losing weight can take 7-9 months - about the same time it took the body to gain it. Some continue to get better for the following reasons:

  1. Eating large portions of food due to a habit developed during pregnancy;
  2. Increased appetite due to constant stress. Having not recovered from a difficult ordeal - childbirth, a woman faces new difficulties: lack of sleep, fatigue, concern for the baby. A young mother wants to get back in shape, but she has neither the energy nor the time to do so. Many people begin to “seize” the problem;
  3. Abuse of strict diets. The body perceives rapid weight loss as a danger, significantly slowing down metabolism and accumulating the maximum from everything eaten. In this case, lactation may decrease. The mechanism is inherent in us by nature and is launched for self-preservation. As a result, the opposite effect occurs: the weight stays the same or increases. Returning to a normal diet after such a shake-up leads to weight gain. The body stores energy to survive possible starvation in the future;
  4. Restrictions on the menu for a nursing mother. Sometimes pediatricians recommend complete abstinence from fruits and dairy products. Inhibitions can lead to nutritional deficiencies and increased appetite. The most stringent restrictions must be observed until the baby is one month old, then different products should be gradually introduced, starting with small quantities.

The psychological aspect is important: a young mother should set aside some time for herself. You need to do simple physical exercises during the day, get yourself in order before going for a walk. The right attitude and support from family will help you get back into shape faster.

Eliminate from diet

List of foods that the postpartum diet for nursing mothers prohibits:

  • Sausages, smoked products, canned food - due to the content of carcinogens and preservatives.
  • Fast food - hamburgers, chips, rye crackers.
  • Sweets, cakes, pastries.
  • Spices, seasonings, various sauces, ketchup and mayonnaise.
  • Alcohol.
  • Carbonated drinks and juices contain large amounts of sugar and dyes.
  • Strawberries, citrus fruits, chocolate - due to high allergenicity.

You need to consume salt in moderation, limit marinades and soy. During pregnancy, you could eat a little of any desired dish. After giving birth, you need to control your whims and carefully consider your diet. This will allow you to lose excess weight and not expose your baby to harmful substances.

Products at risk

Some dishes are especially likely to cause allergies in infants; they are recommended not to be consumed during the first month of life. Afterwards, you can try in small quantities and monitor the child’s reaction. These products include:

  • Chicken meat, store-bought eggs. They contain antibiotics that can lead to allergies. Homemade products can be consumed, but eggs should be excluded from the menu in the first weeks after birth due to the high allergenicity of the protein;
  • , casein from which is not always tolerated by small children;
  • Fish, seafood;
  • Some types of vegetables - cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • Honey and nuts;
  • Products with artificial colors can cause diathesis and can have a negative impact on the development of the baby;
  • Pickles from fish and mushrooms, spicy foods are strong allergens. Can lead to colic in the baby. A child’s gastrointestinal tract gets used to digesting mushrooms only at the age of 5;
  • Wheat groats, as well as barley and millet.

Legumes and white cabbage, when consumed by a nursing woman, can cause bloating and colic in the baby. It is better to exclude them from the menu in the first 3 months after birth, and then subject them to thorough heat treatment.

Maintain lactation

Nutritionists recommend breastfeeding your baby longer, as this natural process normalizes metabolism and promotes gradual weight loss. To maintain lactation, it is important to drink enough clean water. You can drink herbal teas to improve milk production: they improve metabolic processes, normalize digestion and promote weight loss.

There is no need to eat more to increase lactation. Nutrition should be correct and complete, replenishing the deficiency of microelements and vitamins. By energy standards, milk production costs 800 kcal daily. The body takes the third part from fat reserves; in addition, approximately 500 kcal is required from food.

General rules

A diet for losing weight for a nursing mother consists of following the recommendations:

  1. In the morning after waking up, drink a glass of water, about half an hour before breakfast. It will help start digestion and speed up metabolic processes;
  2. Drink more water during the day, you can use mineral water without gas, but you should not completely switch to it because of the risk of a possible excess of microelements in the diet;
  3. Eat more often, about 5 or 6 times a day, in small portions (about 250 g). You need to chew slowly, so the stomach will give a signal of saturation when eating a small amount;
  4. Consume less fatty foods, give preference to fermented milk products. It is better to eat them after heat treatment, making casseroles, steamed cheesecakes, lazy dumplings;
  5. Include vegetable salads and fruits in the menu every day. It is worth choosing varieties characteristic of the region of residence. It is better to introduce exotic fruits into the diet after six months;
  6. Reduce the amount of regular food if you have a habit of trying a lot while cooking or finishing your children’s porridge and puree;
  7. Prefer fish dishes. For meat, it is better to choose lean veal, turkey, beef;
  8. Avoid fried foods; cook all dishes in the oven, steam or boil;
  9. Instead of sweets, eat a small amount of dried fruits and nuts;
  10. Keep a diary of the foods you eat in order to promptly identify a possible allergy in your child to certain foods and exclude them from your diet. When breastfeeding, you need to pay attention to the baby's digestion; some vegetables can have a laxative effect or cause constipation.

You should not give up cereals: porridges are a source of energy, nutrients, and help improve digestion.

Sample diet

During breastfeeding, a woman who is losing weight should take care of a varied diet, while taking into account the individual characteristics and age of the baby. Products that cause allergies must be excluded.

First days

The strictest diet for a nursing mother is required for the first time after the birth of a child and is scheduled by day:

  • 1-2 – you are allowed to eat unsalted porridge with water, bread, dried fruits. You can drink clean water;
  • 3-6 – puree from stewed vegetables is added to the diet. Every day you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir; in addition to ordinary water, it is allowed;
  • 7-10 – you can include boiled potatoes, baked fish in the menu, you can stew green apples. Pasta is allowed, no more than 200 g per day.

Following a diet is necessary for the well-being of the mother and the health of the newborn. The first ten days they are just recovering from the stress they experienced.

Subsequent menu

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The following options show effectiveness in losing weight while breastfeeding.

For breakfast, to choose from:

  • Toast, a small amount of cheese;
  • Tomato with toast and cheese;
  • Boiled egg, 3 slices of bread;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of non-sweet cereal with boiled milk, banana.

Lunch options:

  • 125 g boiled beans, a couple of toasts, banana;
  • 150 g boiled potatoes, tomato, slice of cheese, cabbage salad, one fruit;
  • Bun, Edam cheese, vegetable salad;
  • A piece of ham, a couple of slices of bread with mustard sauce, a little cheese, plain yogurt;

For dinner, to choose from:

  • 100 g cod (boiled or grilled), puree with milk, tomato, broccoli, some green peas, plain yogurt;
  • Spaghetti, sauce made from tomatoes, minced meat, cheese and garlic with herbs; apple;
  • Grilled chicken meat (200 g), 150 g jacket potatoes, a little corn, stewed carrots, one fruit;
  • 100 g grilled liver, 150 g jacket potatoes, cabbage salad, apple;
  • Boiled cauliflower, vegetable salad, a little cheese, banana.

Suitable snacks for breastfeeding include:

  • Toast with jam or cheese;
  • Grapes, pie (small piece);
  • 2 tomatoes, a couple of slices of bread, 30 g of cheese.

You can develop a sample menu yourself, based on your preferences.

It is important not to consume more than 2000 kcal (1500 kcal for small women) per day, and to exclude the consumption of foods that are prohibited for nursing mothers or that cause intolerance in the baby.

Fasting days

For a nursing mother’s body, it is easier and more beneficial to carry out short-term food restrictions. You need to start no earlier than the baby is two months old. One or maximum two fasting days a week is enough. General rules:

  1. The restriction should not lead to stress; it is important to monitor your well-being; if you experience discomfort, it is better to avoid fasting days;
  2. Divide the given amount into 6 servings and eat it a day;
  3. Do not eat any other food;
  4. Drink 8-9 glasses of water per day, not counting the drinks indicated for some days;
  5. The last meal is no later than 8 pm, or, depending on the regime, two hours before bedtime.

What happens in the body during lactation

Breastfeeding is beneficial for mother and baby for a number of reasons. The first and most important is the child’s nutrition. Breast milk is a natural, natural food that is most suitable for a child.

The second important reason in favor of breastfeeding is uterine contraction. This allows you to quickly recover and return to your former shape during breastfeeding.

During lactation, the body's own fats are burned. According to doctors, the body burns 50 g of subcutaneous fat per day, spending it on milk production. On average, the lactation process takes 500 calories per day. That is, breastfeeding, and especially feeding “on demand,” in itself promotes weight loss. But this is not enough for effective and quick weight loss. During breastfeeding, a nursing mother should reconsider her lifestyle if she wants to get back into shape.

Basic mistakes or how not to lose weight

Every woman who has experienced the joy of motherhood understands perfectly what happens in the thoughts of nursing mothers. The desire to sleep and eat, fatigue, irritability, total dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance sometimes interfere with a rational approach to weight loss issues and push one to take rash actions. That is why it is easy for a nursing and losing weight mother to make the mistake of following certain rumors and speculations. This interferes with the natural process of losing weight and makes the situation worse.

The first misconception: You need to eat a lot to have milk. First of all, you need to drink properly, since milk consists of 80% water. During breastfeeding, a nursing mother should drink at least two liters of fluid (water, tea, milk, herbal tea) per day.

Further, lactation consultants have differing opinions. Some argue that in order for milk to have the required fat content, a nursing mother should consume up to 40-50 fats per day. At the same time, their opponents argue: the fat content of milk does not depend in any way on nutrition, but is determined by the resources of the mother’s body. This is what lactation consultant Irina Ryukhova says:

“Even if the mother is on a strict diet, then with her milk the child will receive all the fats necessary for growth. But in this case, there is a risk that the fatty acids supplied to the baby through milk will be less varied than with a full diet.”

One way or another, the opinions of lactation consultants agree on one thing: there is no need to eat more than what the body requires. The menu must include only natural foods.

Misconception two: The less I eat, the faster I’ll lose weight. Unfortunately, changing your diet to reduce the quantity or variety of food leads to weight gain. The body of a nursing mother reacts sharply to a lack of nutrients and begins to store fats “in reserve.” Therefore, weight is not lost, but gained. In view of this, any diet for weight loss during breastfeeding is undesirable.

Secondly, a poor menu affects lactation and the quality of breast milk. This is, first of all, bad for the child. The baby should receive all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements with mother's milk. If the mother does not eat properly, the body, which by nature is programmed for procreation, saves on its needs. Diet during breastfeeding can lead to such consequences for nursing mothers as: fragility, thinning hair and nails, brittle bones and deterioration of the skin.

In addition, the mother’s diet is harmful to the child, says obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Belousova:

“Any diet of a nursing mother is harmful for the child, who, as a result, does not receive enough substances necessary for him. You need to clearly understand that eating right and eating with restrictions are two different things.”

Misconception three: eating twice a day is enough. Alas, this is not true. A nursing mother's meals should be small and frequent. You need to eat at least 4 or 5 times a day, but in small portions. The diet should include both main courses and snacks. A small portion is a dessert plate or saucer. Feelings of hunger or weakness should not torment a young mother, otherwise weight loss, even with physical exercise, will be very slow. In order not to forget to eat, the mother can adapt to the child and organize snacks together with the baby’s meals.

Misconception four: full sleep is not necessary.

It is proper sleep that contributes to successful weight loss. A nursing mother is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day. For a young mother, such a number of hours of sleep seems fantastic, but if you correctly prioritize and distribute your energy, then sleeping 7 hours a day is possible.

Fifth misconception: You can't play sports. This is wrong. Physical exercise, like physical activity, is a prerequisite for losing weight. To lose weight, mom needs to devote at least 15 minutes to exercise every day. You can also use the child when he is a little older, since there are exercises for mothers that also involve small children.

You should start a set of exercises 6 weeks after birth. At first, physical activity should be moderate or light.

Dietary nutrition during breastfeeding

It should be remembered that the diet must include: meat, dairy and fermented milk products, cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits. There should be no preservatives, chemical additives or semi-finished products. All foods that are subjected to heat treatment must be baked or boiled. You should not fry them, this is harmful for the baby, especially in the first months of life.

The diet of nursing mothers should include useful and healthy foods that are recommended to be consumed every day:

  • meat or fish (at least 200 g per day);
  • vegetables (at least 600 g per day);
  • bread, wholemeal bread, whole grain bread;
  • allowed fruits (about 50 g);
  • nuts (except peanuts);
  • butter;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • fermented milk products or cheese (at least 100 g per day);
  • quail or chicken eggs (at least 1 egg per day, taking into account that the child does not have allergies).

In order to lose weight while breastfeeding, you need to balance your diet so that you consume an average of 1,800 calories per day, but not less than 1,500.

Weight loss should be at least 1,500 calories per day. Optimal weight loss is up to 500 g per week. If a nursing mother loses more than 3 kilograms per month, this can reduce lactation, which negatively affects the child’s health. This rule applies if the mother’s prenatal swelling has gone away.

The main menu for each day should contain at least 4 meals. You can use fruit or cottage cheese as a snack. A diet for a nursing mother involves a nutritious and healthy diet.

APPROXIMATE MENU FOR EVERY DAY Breakfast 180 g oatmeal and 100 g apples 180 g wheat porridge and 100 g fruit Two egg omelette, 150 g pudding 200 g vegetable soufflé Dinner 200 g vegetable soup or puree soup 180 g buckwheat porridge and 100 g vegetables 200 g stuffed sweet peppers or cabbage rolls 200 g chicken soup with homemade noodles 150 g stewed chicken or beef (can be replaced with fish) and 100 g stewed vegetables Afternoon snack 150 g cottage cheese casserole 150 g cheesecakes Dinner 150 g steamed chicken cutlets and 100 g stewed vegetables 200 g fish and potatoes, baked in a pot 200 g of salad from permitted products

Exercises to lose weight while breastfeeding

Losing weight while breastfeeding without exercise is impossible. But you shouldn’t run to the gym and perform unimaginable loads. A nursing mother can perform her first exercises 6 weeks after giving birth. These can be either basic warm-up exercises or a complex that was performed in the third trimester of pregnancy.

It is important to remember: if physical exercises involve jumping, skipping, or sudden movements, then they should be performed in a minimal amount and in a special support bra, so as not to provoke lactostasis.

You can start pumping your abs no earlier than six months after giving birth and only after consulting a doctor. The exercises should be performed every day, but after feeding.

Below is a basic set of exercises for nursing mothers.

A hula hoop, also known as a hoop, will allow you to trim your sides, belly and shape your waist.

Exercise for hips and abdomen. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place them parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms to the side and place your palms down. Keep your legs pressed against each other. Alternately place your knees on the left and right sides. You need to perform this exercise every day 3–5 times in 3 approaches.

The “bicycle” exercise is useful after childbirth, as it has a beneficial effect not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the hip joints. While performing the exercise, you should rotate imaginary pedals forward and backward. The young mother chooses the duration of the exercise herself.

Swinging your legs forward, backward and to the sides is effective. The exercise is performed at a support 3-5 times in each direction, in 3 approaches.

If all of the above conditions are met, weight loss during breastfeeding will be noticeable for the mother and will not affect the quality and quantity of milk for the baby.

How to lose weight while breastfeeding, watch the video below.

Doctors warn: losing weight after childbirth through fasting is harmful, especially for nursing mothers. Breastfeeding requires additional energy daily, about 500–700 kcal per day. The normal calorie content of the menu for a woman during this period is approximately 2500–2700 kcal. By not eating enough while breastfeeding, you are depriving your baby of many nutrients. What’s worse, toxins may appear in milk, because during fasting, the breakdown of glucose and proteins increases with the formation of ketone bodies and acetone, which have a harmful effect on the body’s cells. Also, due to fasting, the number of free radicals that damage cells increases.

A lack of protein and calcium in food can lead to a decrease in milk production, up to the complete cessation of lactation, and in the baby - to the development of various diseases, disruption of digestive processes and disruption of the immune system, which has not yet been formed. But the baby receives many protective antibodies only from mother’s milk. In addition, the child may experience a delay in physical and mental development, since the protein component is also a building material necessary for growth and development.

Hunger and sudden changes in diet can provoke the development or exacerbation of many chronic diseases of the mother - constipation, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, etc. And finally, such a strict restriction in food, as a rule, does not help to lose weight after childbirth, but ends in a breakdown and a quick return to the previous or even greater weight.

2. Follow a monocomponent diet after childbirth

Single-component diets are not the best way to lose weight after childbirth. With such dietary patterns, it is allowed to eat only one or a few foods (but in small quantities) for a long time. Among monocomponent diets, the most common are rice, kefir, cottage cheese, buckwheat, watermelon, cabbage, chocolate, etc. This also includes those based on the consumption of mainly protein products.

By following such a diet after childbirth, you can achieve fairly rapid weight loss, but then the weight (as with fasting) can return back, and even more than it was. This is due to the fact that mono-diets are mostly low-calorie, so in order to receive sufficient energy into the body, you need to eat a large amount of the same type of product. With insufficient energy supply, the metabolism slows down, and the body tries to prepare and stock up “for the upcoming famine” (this is determined at the genetic level).

After stopping the diet, the slow metabolism remains (instant changes are impossible), and when a normal or even increased amount of food is supplied with food (and after hunger, appetite increases), most of it is processed and stored as fat, since it is not possible to “burn” with a slow metabolism succeeds.

Mono-diets are not fasting days, which involve eating one product for 1-3 days. There will be no harm from such short-term fasting days, since during this short period the enzyme systems and digestive tract get the opportunity to rest, working in a lighter mode. But any long-term mono-diets are extremely unbalanced, because there is no product that would equally combine proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in the required proportions. Mono-diets after childbirth cause significant harm to both the mother and the breastfed baby. In addition, with mono-diets, the load on the systems involved in processing and excreting metabolic products of the main component of the diet from the body increases. For example, with protein diets, the load increases not only on the enzyme systems of the digestive tract that break down protein, which can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones (ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, constipation, etc.), but also on the kidneys, through which products are excreted exchange.

3. “Sit” on vegetables

With diets after childbirth that include a large amount of fiber (especially cabbage and fruit), the load on digestion increases: intestinal motility increases, the production of pancreatic and stomach juices increases, which aggravates or develops diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, pancreatitis, heartburn , the appearance of bitterness in the mouth, increased gas formation, unstable stool, etc.).

At the same time, weight decreases due to the burning of muscle mass, which subsequently leads not only to excess weight gain after childbirth due to the replacement of muscles with fatty tissue, but also to problems with the spine and joints, since the main frame that supports the skeletal system is muscles . For a breastfed baby, this is also an unbalanced and/or insufficient supply of nutrients, leading to disturbances in its growth and development.

4. Lead a sedentary lifestyle

Many mothers neglect physical activity, hoping to lose weight after childbirth only through dietary restrictions. This is fundamentally wrong. Doctors recommend finding at least a little time in your busy schedule for activities that will help strengthen your muscles. This is necessary for effective fat burning (the more muscle a person has, the more fat reserves are burned during physical activity).

Sports after childbirth also affects the psychological state of the young mother - mood and sleep improve, which also leads to a decrease in appetite.

5. Exercising too intensely

In everything you should adhere to reasonable limits. Physical activity after childbirth should be enjoyable, not exhausting. Avoid shortness of breath, profuse sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness and other manifestations of discomfort. It is important that after training you feel energetic and energetic, and not the other way around. For better fat burning, a “correct pulse” is necessary: ​​a pulse that is too fast burns muscle mass rather than fat.

To calculate your optimal heart rate, you need to subtract your age from 220 and find 70% of this figure. For example, my mother is 20 years old. 220 – 20 = 200 is the maximum heart rate that should be during exercise at this age. Out of 200, we calculate 70% - 140, this is the heart rate that it is advisable to adhere to during exercise.

Immediately after physical activity you should refrain from eating. You need to wait at least a couple of hours, since during the workout the fat burning mechanism starts, which continues after the workout for about this time.

6. Walking with a stroller is trusted to relatives

Walking outside with your baby is a convenient opportunity to take care of your figure. Just one hour of intense walking burns about the same amount of calories as three hours of exercise. For the best effect, you need to walk at a fast pace, with a straight back and always wear comfortable shoes and clothes.

7. They use dietary supplements for weight loss without a doctor’s prescription.

To quickly lose weight after childbirth, many mothers buy dietary supplements. However, it is important to understand that there are no magic pills that will help you quickly lose weight after giving birth. Weight loss medications should be treated with great caution. Their use is especially dangerous if the mother is breastfeeding, because almost all substances penetrate into breast milk, and therefore into the baby’s body, leading to the most unpredictable consequences. Even the use of dietary supplements has its contraindications, although they are not drugs. Keep in mind that dietary supplements (unlike medications) do not undergo all the necessary studies to prove their safety.

8. Taking diuretics and laxatives to lose weight

Some mothers, hoping to quickly lose weight after childbirth, take diuretics and laxatives, without thinking that they are putting themselves in danger. The fact is that long-term and unreasonable use of such drugs can lead to loss of potassium, sodium, calcium, and other trace elements, and cause disruption of the heart, kidneys, and other vital systems of the body.

About what 7 eating habits will help you lose weight faster after childbirth.

The postpartum period for new mothers is often associated with anxiety about excess weight. It is difficult to remove extra pounds, and a woman’s lack of information and incorrect actions can harm the mechanisms of milk production. A natural question arises: “How to quickly lose weight while breastfeeding so as not to lose milk.”

To lose excess weight after childbirth, it is not at all necessary to wait until the end of breastfeeding. It is also not worth urgently weaning the baby from the breast and transferring it to artificial nutrition. The correct actions of a young mother, an integrated approach, and adherence to the principles of a healthy diet will help a nursing mother lose weight after childbirth without harming lactation, while maintaining adequate nutrition for the baby.

There are several ways to lose weight while breastfeeding. In the first case, after 1–1.5 years, the accomplished mother notes that the former forms return easily without additional effort. In the second case, losing weight is difficult and requires dieting, training, and the use of medications. Often the lost kilograms return again, the dynamics of improvement of the situation is imperceptible.

To prevent the milk from disappearing, the mother must competently fight the problem. It is important to understand why excess weight appeared, excess fat deposits on the sides, abdomen and thighs. Common causes of weight gain are:

  • Accumulation of nutrients during pregnancy. A woman’s body is programmed to have a certain supply of caloric components when carrying a baby, in order to ensure the safety of the fetus and create a reserve for organizing breastfeeding.
  • Decreased physical activity. Pregnancy in the last trimester, as well as the postpartum period, force a woman to slow down. An accomplished mother spends energy on household needs and caring for the baby. At the same time, doing exercises and going to workouts leaves neither the desire nor the time.
  • Genetic predisposition. Scientists have proven that the tendency to be overweight is inherited. If one of the parents is overweight, there is a 60% chance that the daughter will also face the same problem. If both parents are obese, the risk of getting unwanted deposits increases to 80%.

At the same time, nutritionists more often emphasize the role of nutritional traditions that are passed on from mother to daughter. If the calorie content and cooking methods do not meet the principles of healthy eating, the young mother is likely to use them in her own family.

  • Disturbances in the organization of nutrition. Even if a woman followed a healthy diet before giving birth, after giving birth there is not always time for regular nutrition.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Failure of the endocrine system leads to obesity. Diabetes and the use of hormonal contraceptives can cause problems.
  • Stress and depression often cause excessive eating. Childbirth is a burden on the body. A woman needs time to adapt to a new rhythm of life after the birth of a child. Periods of surges in hormone levels during the postpartum period are also important. The adaptation time for such disorders varies individually.

Such problems with the emotional state are accompanied by increased appetite. In addition, sweets, confectionery, and chocolate increase the level of serotonin, the “happiness hormone,” which helps cope with depression and bad mood. At the same time, the factor that the described products are classified as “dangerous for the figure” is relegated to the background.

During pregnancy, a woman normally gains from 10 to 25 kg. This value includes the mass of amniotic fluid, an increase in blood volume, and the weight of the fetus itself.

Natural weight loss and breastfeeding

Often, in order to lose a couple of kilos after childbirth, a young nursing mother does not require additional loads. The only condition is to continue breastfeeding the little one. In this case, weight normalization will occur naturally. By the end of the baby's first year of life, most women return to their original shape while breastfeeding.

At the same time, the desire of a nursing woman to influence the quality and quantity of milk through increased caloric nutrition often becomes the cause of excess weight. The fat content of milk does not increase due to the consumption of fatty and nutritious foods. Its composition is formed during pregnancy and, regardless of the mother’s wishes, changes to take into account the needs of the baby.

The mother's diet is based on protein nutrition. The best solution would be lean meat (veal, rabbit), poultry (chicken, turkey), low-fat dairy products. The fractional rule won't hurt either. Following it, you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, observing intervals between meals.

Natural weight loss during breastfeeding does not always work. If a woman violates the principles of proper nutrition, abuses simple carbohydrates (regularly eats sweets, flour, baked goods), and consumes excessive amounts of fat. This will slow down or stop your weight loss dynamics.

Read more about prohibited foods during lactation.

Provided that the young mother feeds the baby exclusively with breast milk, its production requires 500 calories daily. According to research, moderate activity of a nursing mother requires 2000–2200 calories per day, plus another 500 to produce nutritional fluid for the baby. Consequently, when introducing complementary foods or transferring the baby to artificial or mixed feeding, the amount of milk and the body’s energy costs for its production are reduced.

A complex approach

Various weight loss products are today presented among pharmacy products, in health food departments, and specialized stores. Miracle teas, coffee, tablets (nutraceuticals, fat burners, etc.), herbal remedies promise dizzying results in suspiciously short periods of time “without grueling workouts and diets.”

However, the effectiveness and safety of such methods are often criticized. Women should use such products especially carefully during breastfeeding.

Today, nutritionists emphasize the importance of a diverse approach to methods in the fight against excess weight. On the one hand - normalization of nutrition and drinking regime. On the other hand, physical activity, which is selected individually with a professional trainer or consultant.

They also talk about the importance of a powerful stimulus or motivation, which is necessary to trigger volitional qualities.
The mistake is to separate the regime of the child and the mother. As a result, the woman devotes herself to caring for the baby, and in the evening she pounces on food. Try to get food at the same time as your baby. This is an excellent option for switching to fractional meals, which refers to the principles of popular weight loss programs.

Just like cortisol is a stress hormone, lack of sleep slows down the rate of weight loss. The release of hormones is often associated with human biological rhythms. These substances affect metabolism, including the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. In case of lack of sleep, the established cycle changes - the balance of the supply of necessary hormones is disrupted.

Special programs for weight loss have been developed, the important principles of which are good nutrition and good sleep. Such methods include the “Lose weight in your sleep” system, “Sleep and lose weight” by the German nutritionist Dr. Detlef Pape. That’s why it’s so important for a young mother to get enough sleep to stay in good shape.

In an effort to lose a few kilos, it is important to adhere to the “golden mean” rule. Strict diets will put the body under stress. As a rule, this kind of weight loss is followed by a rapid weight gain with a “margin”. In this way, the body protects itself from future shocks. Uncontrolled consumption of food will also not bring benefits. To achieve a lasting effect, you should set yourself up for a long-term and gradual loss of body weight.

Nutrition and diet

An accomplished mother is recommended to eat freshly prepared healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals. The variety of methods today differs in principles, amount of food consumed, and composition. A nursing woman needs to adjust her diet so that it remains rich, but does not affect her figure. To do this, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • It's helpful to start with Barbara Endelstein's formula for calculating your daily caloric needs. For this, height + weight (kg) × 9.556 + age × 4.7. This value does not take into account the activity of your lifestyle and is indicated for women with low physical activity.
  • No more than 60 g of fat per day. This takes into account both plant and animal species. Products with 10 g of fat per 100 g of product are excluded from the diet.
  • We limit the intake of simple carbohydrates.
  • We enrich the menu with proteins.
  • Eliminate from the menu foods that can provoke an allergic reaction: honey, nuts, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits.
  • Limit the intake of products with dyes, preservatives, and flavors. Give preference to seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • The emphasis in the diet of a nursing woman is on the quality of food, and not on its volume.

You can start purposefully losing weight only after your baby reaches 3 months of age. At the same time, they observe the behavior of the baby. You should not start transforming the usual diet when the child is ill.

The appearance of a child in a family entails a lack of time. Make a menu for the week in advance, including products and dishes indicated for breastfeeding. Don't resort to mono-diets. If necessary, use synthetic ones.

Fluid intake into the body

During pregnancy, women limit themselves to water, as excess fluid causes edema, causing gestosis in the later stages. After the birth of a child, the water balance is replenished in a timely manner, because now water is also needed for milk production.

The daily fluid intake for a young mother is 2.5 liters. It is recommended to drink purified water, teas, and herbal infusions. They will help remove waste and toxins and cleanse the body of useless deposits. Drinks containing excess simple carbohydrates, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc. are prohibited.

Physical exercise

Dr. Komarovsky notes that you should not train intensively in the gym. In addition, it is difficult for an accomplished mother to find time for classes. However, it is recommended to devote 15 minutes to exercise or other moderate physical activity using a hoop, fitball, or dumbbells with low weights.

Household chores, playing with the baby, hours of walking with a stroller in the fresh air, babywearing and other natural activities associated with motherhood take a lot of energy.

Increase the intensity of your workout gradually. Do not overdo it. If you put a lot of stress on the body, stress can lead to the end of lactation.

Exercises begin 6–7 weeks after birth. The specified time is optimal for the woman’s body to recover and respond normally to physical activity. After a caesarean section, doctors recommend starting exercises after 3–4 months.

Women face difficulties in losing weight while breastfeeding not because of laziness or lack of self-control and discipline, but as a result of misconceptions about their physiology.

Some mothers believe that it is impossible to stay with extra pounds while breastfeeding, because the body spends more than 800 calories per day on this process. Other women, on the contrary, believe that motherhood and a slim figure are incompatible. They put off going to the gym and adjusting the diet until the child grows up and can be switched to a regular diet.

The truth lies somewhere in between these two opinions. It will be interesting to know for women who dream of losing weight after childbirth while breastfeeding and who are obsessed with regaining their confidence and irresistibility. We will discuss below what steps you need to take for healthy and safe weight loss.

Why is it difficult to lose weight?

The answer to the question of why a breastfeeding mother has trouble losing fat mass must be answered before a comprehensive weight loss plan can be developed. Perhaps she is exhausted by sleepless nights and hard days, and the woman makes up for the lack of energy with fast carbohydrates.

It is likely that what makes losing weight difficult is the lack of proper physical activity, because with a baby in your arms, you can only dream of active multi-kilometer runs or individual classes in a fitness center with a trainer. We should not exclude from attention the fact that hormonal levels affect physiology, which in women during lactation changes greatly.

Having identified one or more reasons that prevent you from achieving results, a woman can begin to fight for a slim figure. To maximize the chances of success, it must be carried out on all fronts:

  • diet correction,
  • refusal of low-quality food products,
  • learning the basics of proper dietary nutrition,
  • developing new habits,
  • increasing the level of physical activity,
  • personal care,
  • studying your psychology and working on complexes.

First step: psychological self-help

One of the most common mistakes that a nursing woman makes is having excessive demands on herself. As a result, dissatisfaction, disappointment, and new complexes appear. Neither strict diets nor exhausting sports will help with such psychological stress. The first thing professional psychologists advise you to do is to work on yourself.

Ladies need to forgive themselves for the fact that immediately after being discharged from the hospital they cannot fasten their favorite jeans at the waist. Their body weight increased over nine months.

This is how nature intended - a woman’s body changes - the volume of the chest, hips grows, and the ratio of fat mass increases. All this happens so that a strong, healthy baby is born.


After giving birth to a child, a woman should not panic and enter questions into her computer’s search engine about how to lose weight while breastfeeding in a week. You need to lose weight evenly, and for the first time switch your worries from your own figure to the child.

It’s worth giving yourself some rest, at least for a few weeks after giving birth, before declaring war on your newly developed sides and bloated hips.

How to lose weight after breastfeeding: diet correction

The foods a woman eats largely determine the quality of her body, weight, mood and well-being. Therefore, an important part of adjusting your lifestyle after childbirth in order to lose weight should be creating a healthy, nutritious diet.

Nutrition needs to be structured in such a way as not to feel hungry, get enough lean protein, and saturate the body with useful microelements and minerals.

At the same time, there are also foods whose consumption should be limited to the maximum. These are useless carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which do not bring any benefit to the body, but are only deposited in fat depots and form unsightly folds on the body. The “black list” should contain trans fats, genetically modified foods, and refined foods.


However, there is no need to go on a starvation diet. It is important to understand that the nutritional value of milk depends on the quality of food, so daily nutrition should be complete. It must contain healthy fats, protein, and nutritious foods that will provide the body with energy.

Choose foods high in nutrients

By choosing foods rich in iron, protein and calcium as an alternative to empty calorie foods that are high in fat or sugar, a woman takes a significant step towards being thin.

It is also important to ensure that your daily diet contains sufficient protein. Protein in food satisfies well and ensures stable blood sugar levels.

It is not difficult to follow these recommendations. It is enough to make sure that there are always healthy products on the refrigerator shelf. So, the following items must be present on the purchase list at a grocery supermarket:

  • whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits, which are good sources of iron;
  • organic eggs and dairy products, meat, soy products and meat substitutes, legumes, lentils, nuts, chia seeds serving as a source of protein;
  • calcium-rich yoghurts, tofu, soy milk;


White bread, buns, cakes, other baked goods, as well as French fries, processed rice, refined from fiber, sweet soda - these are goods that should not be included in the shopping cart if the buyer is trying to lose weight after childbirth.

Proper snacks

It is not always possible to prepare full meals with a child in your arms. Therefore, the right snacks should always be available, the presence of which will protect a woman from deciding to satisfy her appetite with a piece of cake, pizza or chocolate candy.

  • whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice);
  • steamed, fiber-rich vegetables;
  • fresh fruits;
  • baked potato;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits.

These products have a pleasant, balanced taste, cope well with hunger and do not affect insulin spikes, allowing you to keep it at a stable level.

Fractional meals: appetite control

Distributing your daily caloric intake into several divided meals is an excellent solution for women who want to control their appetite and prevent strong feelings of hunger.

When choosing fractional meals, they must ensure that each meal is balanced and complete. Ideally, it should consist of whole, healthy foods that are minimally processed.

Exercise and weight loss

Excess weight gained during pregnancy and negatively affecting the mother’s well-being, mood and confidence can be helped by moderate physical activity.

No one expects that immediately after giving birth, a woman will purchase an unlimited membership to a nearby sports club or be able to fit full-fledged home workouts into her schedule. However, everyone can devote a few minutes a day to using simple and uncomplicated basic exercises to tighten weakened abdominal muscles and tone the body.


You can start working on sculpting your body while breastfeeding. To do this, you need to think about how to increase energy consumption in accessible ways.

Perhaps the mother will be able to walk longer with the baby in the stroller in the fresh air, devote time to training at home, instructions for which can be easily found online in the blogs of fitness instructors, etc.

As you can see, small changes in the usual rhythm of life and the physical activity that comes along with them will help you remove extra pounds. In this case, the woman will not have to sacrifice her daily needs and interests of the child she is raising.

How to lose weight safely

By playing sports, you can gradually build muscle mass. This will increase your body's basal metabolism and help you lose weight more effectively. However, it is worth remembering the recommendations of doctors that sudden changes in body weight are contraindicated for nursing mothers. This is fraught with negative consequences, including hormonal imbalances and loss of milk.

The optimal weight loss schedule should be designed in such a way that up to 500 grams of weight are lost per week. This can be achieved by creating a small caloric deficit in the diet while increasing physical activity.

Positive attitude

When asking experts a question about how to lose weight for a nursing mother, you can often hear an opinion about the importance and necessity of her having a positive attitude.

Excellent motivation, focus on results, self-confidence - the combination of these factors only plays into the hands of a losing weight lady. She will be able to achieve impressive results and surprise everyone around her with how slim and beautiful her mother can be.

Will the weight come off after stopping breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a complex physiological process. When a woman is lactation, her body retains weight. Therefore, after stopping feeding, a few extra pounds will quietly go away and not say goodbye.

However, this does not mean that you can relax and start eating sweets and starchy foods. A slim figure requires constant control over the contents of the plate and the daily schedule, so women should always be attentive to themselves and avoid mistakes that will result in a swollen silhouette, folds on the sides and plump hips.

How to avoid mistakes

There are many mistakes that mothers who are losing weight can avoid, protecting themselves from problems in the future. These include the following mistakes:

  • severe dietary restriction
  • grueling physical activity,
  • extreme body cleansing systems,
  • belief in the promises of marketers to lose weight quickly and the use of dubious drugs offered by them.


All these actions will only harm your psyche and health, so you should abandon them once and for all.

Other misconceptions include the expectation of quick results, the desire to lose more than 0.5 kg of weight per week, refusal of proper nutrition, etc.

Losing weight while breastfeeding is not an easy task. Its decision should be approached with caution and care. However, every mom can increase her chances of success by eating the right foods, exercising, and taking care of herself.

She will be able to comfortably lose fat, maintain her health and achieve the body of her dreams with minimal stress and worry.