Female lion cat. Leo woman born in the year of the cat. Characteristic habits and features

How much do big cats have in common with the motley cat living in your home? Susan Bass, director of public relations at the Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary, located in Tampa, Florida (USA), talks about this. Below we have some amazing videos of big cats acting just like your pets.

1. They love to roll out toilet paper rolls...

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This situation is familiar to anyone who has a kitten: you come home, go into the bathroom, and find a lot of torn toilet paper. When Big Cat Rescue placed rolls of toilet paper in the enclosures of servals, lynxes and ocelots, they discovered that even the big cats loved playing with the white paper. "They become more curious when they find something new in their immediate vicinity," Bass says. Plus, it's just fun! (Yes, it’s fun. For them. But not for the person who will then have to put away and rewind all this paper).

2. ...and hide in boxes

If you give a big cat a box, he will jump into it faster than you can say “mama.” “Big cats, like house cats, love to hide in different places,” Bass says.

“They like to think they can see you when you can't see them. Even if you can see them too.”

The cats at Big Cat Rescue also hide in bags, but they do it a little differently than house cats. “Actually, we didn’t try to give them the bag. Because I just don't know where to find a bag that size," Bass says. “However, we give them big paper bags that smell like spices or cologne. For some reason, our pets really love “Obsession” for men. When they smell it, they begin to drool and roll on the floor.” And if the big cats were given a bag big enough for them, Bass said, “they would probably just rip it apart from the inside.”

3. They chase a dot from a laser pointer

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No feline can resist this: “Sooooo, what is that red dot over there? - I’ll grab her now! “Oh, where did she go?” The appeal of laser pointer dots extends to big cats. "I think they like that the point moves very quickly," Bass says. “They have to chase the point. You can point the pointer high up on the wall, point it at different things, just like I do with my indoor cat. The dot just hypnotizes them.”

4. They do a lot of self-care.

5. They rub against things

This is how they mark their territory. According to Bass, in both big and domestic cats, “glandular scent is present everywhere, especially in the face area. So they rub their faces against all sorts of things. It could be the corner of a sofa, or a cage, or a tree. Or you".

Big cats also mark their territory, leaving scratches. All cats are solitary (with the exception of lions, who live in prides). Bass says: “Tiger cubs, for example, are with their mothers for two years and then become independent. If you are a 2-year-old male tiger, you are wandering in the wild, and suddenly you see a tree scratched at a height of 2.5 to 3 meters, then these scratches appeared there because the tiger living there stood on its hind legs paws, stretched out his front paws high, and left marks. This is like a message to every tiger who comes to this territory. It says: this is how big I am, I can scratch a tree even at this height. And if you can’t scratch a tree higher than I can, you’d better get out of here quickly.”

6. They are talking

Your domestic cat meows, purrs and growls. Big cats also have their own vocalizations, and some of them are very similar to the sounds made by a domestic cat. “There are big cats: lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars. And they roar,” says Bass. “They have a special bone in their throat that allows them to do this. And the so-called small cats (come on, we know that there is no such thing as a “small cat”), including lynxes, pumas, and red lynxes, cannot roar. It probably has to do with where they live,” Bass says. “Lions live in the vast African savannahs. And one lion must hear the roar of the other at least within a radius of 5 km. Leos should be able to do these things. But the Canada lynx, living in the snowy mountains, does not need to roar loudly to indicate its presence.”

But roaring is far from the only way big cats communicate. "They're all talking," Bass says. “And they all make a lot of different sounds.” Almost all small cats can purr, and tigers make intermittent sniffles, as if they are blowing air through closed lips.” Bass says it's a greeting. “Like my house cat, big cats talk to people. Some of them are very talkative, others do not make too many sounds. Here's one of our cougars, Raze, who really loves to talk. You approach her, and then she suddenly “bruh-ruh rukh.” You can also watch Raze play football here.”

Interesting fact: the offspring of the four “great cats” are called “cubs,” but the offspring of the “small cats” are called “kittens.”

7. They love catnip

At least some of them. The reaction of cats to catnip is genetic, but half of the world's domestic cats do not react to it at all. “The same thing happens with big cats,” Bass says. "Some people like mint more than others." In one test conducted at a sanctuary, only 18 of 25 cats showed a strong reaction to catnip.

8. They love to sleep

Your cat spends most of the daytime sleeping. Big cats do this too. They especially like to take naps between 16:00 and 20:00. “The reason is because there's not much hunting in the wild at this time,” Bass says. They can catch prey with one short throw, but they are not marathon runners. Therefore, they sleep to save more energy. However, they switch from sleep to wakefulness in a split second if they sense a gazelle nearby.”

9. They eat very strangely

It happens that a kitten refuses to eat when food is put in its bowl. He scoops the food out with his paw onto the floor and eats it from the floor, creating a mess. Bass says some big cats kept in captivity do the same thing. "Some of them get very aggressive at this point," Bass says. “If there is more than one cat in a cage, we separate them before giving them food.”

Another weird thing cats do is they wrap their paws around their food cup. And this also has its roots in the behavior of cats in the wild. “The fact is that in the wild, big cats can only catch and eat something once a week or so. So they won't eat all their prey at once,” Bass says. They are used to leaving and then coming back to eat again, so they will try their best to keep their prey so that others don’t find it.” Leopards, for example, drag prey up a tree where other, less talented “climbers” (for example, African lions or tigers in Asia) cannot reach it.

10. They “stomp around”

Big cats do it too! "They probably do it for the same reason that domestic cats do," Bass says. “This is a natural behavior that is left over from the times when they fed as kittens and “massaged” their mother’s nipples with their paws. Sometimes they continue to make these movements with their paws even as they get older. They also do it when they’re just happy.”

11. They open their mouths to smell better.

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Both domestic and big cats have a good sense of smell. “But if something smells really strong nearby, they open their mouths to better catch the whiffs. Opening the mouth helps the cat detect scent better than using only the nose,” says Bass.

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The combination of the signs Leo and Rabbit gives their wards charisma, charm, developed intelligence and other traits that make it easy for them to win the sympathy of others. Leo-Rabbit (Hare) is willful and ambitious, he is determined to achieve great goals, even if subconsciously.

The influence of the eastern horoscope gives cats calm and gentle character. Representatives of this sign prefer to achieve what they want through cunning and deceptive maneuvers, and they extremely rarely enter into open confrontation. But if the Rabbit’s personality is influenced by the fifth sign of the zodiac, he becomes a completely atypical representative of his “breed”.

Leos are proud and straightforward, have an authoritative character and in most cases do not consider it necessary to hide their attitude towards anything or anyone.

The contradictory influence of the eastern and zodiac horoscopes could cause dissonance, but in this particular case everything turns out exactly the opposite. Leo and Cat (Rabbit) get along well together, harmoniously complementing each other.

Representatives of this astrological combination are cunning, selfish and assertive. They love to take risks and almost always win, because luck favors them in life. Lion-Rabbits (Hares) are persistent and hardworking, which is why many of them achieve solid career heights.

At the same time, they understand that toughness is a good business quality, but in personal life it only serves as a hindrance. With household members, such a person tries to be soft and tactful, and is prone to generosity. Among his friends, he also strives to show nobility, reserving the dark sides of his nature for his work competitors.

The Rabbit is one of the most exquisite signs of the eastern horoscope. Its representatives are characterized tact and extravagance, they rarely neglect good manners. Developed intuition helps them feel well the emotions of other people, so Rabbits usually do not experience a lack of communication. The above qualities allow them to gain respect in society; others cannot help but be interested in such an extraordinary personality.

Leo and Rabbit get along well together, harmoniously complementing each other

Characteristics of Leo men born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare)

The Leo man is a brave, determined and purposeful person. These qualities can ensure his rapid ascent to heights of the career ladder. The cunning of Rabbits allows them to skillfully avoid obstacles in their path. Those obstacles that could not be bypassed are swept out of the way by the formidable king of beasts with a blow of his clawed paw.

Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare), the Leo guy is an ambitious leader with an insatiable thirst for career development. But it is difficult for others to recognize such a powerful personality in him, since in appearance such a man seems quiet and calm.

By masquerading in this way, the Leo Rabbit receives a lot of benefits: competitors underestimate his business qualities, which they later bitterly regret

An obstacle to success can be the inability to direct energy in the right direction. Rabbits do not have a balanced character and tend to commit rash acts under the influence of emotions.

Leo men love to be the center of attention, but only if they were not born in the year of the Cat. People born under the sign of the Rabbit prefer to remain in the shadows. Not out of shyness, but simply because they like it better. At the same time, Leo-Rabbits are very sociable, love communication and do not tolerate loneliness well.

Disadvantages of the sign

One of the main disadvantages of representatives of the sign is selfishness. Leo-Rabbits, who follow personal growth, do not allow this trait to develop into egocentrism. But if such a man stops working on his character, then very soon he will focus on himself and forget about the problems of others.

At work, Leo-Rabbit demonstrates responsibility left and right, but at home this quality evaporates somewhere. Representatives of the sign They can’t stand it when they are given any responsibilities and try in every possible way to avoid fulfilling them.

At work, Leo-Rabbit demonstrates responsibility left and right, but at home this quality evaporates somewhere

Another disadvantage of the character of Rabbits (Cats) is their special attitude towards morality. Such people do not recognize generally accepted principles of morality and prefer to be guided only by their conscience. And it’s not at all difficult for them to drown out the weak voice of the latter if necessary.

Characteristics of Leo women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare)

The Rabbit-Leo woman, unlike men representing the same signs, loves to be the center of attention. Nothing makes her look better than the praise of others and universal admiration. Representatives of this zodiac combination like to catch the gaze of others, so almost all things in their wardrobe are bright and spectacular.

The Leo girl, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare), communicates very easily, because she knows how to liberate both herself and her interlocutor. It is not difficult for her to abandon her point of view if it is even slightly beneficial for her.

At work, representatives of the Leo and Rabbit signs show accuracy, pedantry, hard work and determination.

They do not rest until they have built a stable career and strengthened their position in society. But, having set her sights on too difficult goals, the Leo girl can waste her energy in vain, trying to jump over her head. It is important for people of this sign be able to soberly assess your abilities and make career plans in accordance with them.

Women born under the signs of Leo and Cat (Rabbit) have a self-sufficient character and do not need a serious relationship for a long time. They are started mostly in order to strengthen their status in society with a successful romance.

Disadvantages of the sign

Leo women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) pay too much attention to financial well-being to the detriment of other aspects of life. In personal relationships, they act as very demanding partners - a man must worship a girl with such a character and constantly show her signs of attention. But this is not enough for her. The Lioness-Rabbit partner should not only sing the praises of her beloved, but also, if possible, try to fulfill her every whim. Due to their innate egoism, representatives of the sign consider this state of affairs to be normal and the only possible one.

Another disadvantage of their character is inability to cope with one's own emotions. The Lioness-Rabbit is far from a weak person, but she is often unable to keep her own feelings in check.

The Rabbit-Leo woman, unlike men of the same signs, loves to be in the spotlight

Love compatibility of Leo born in the year of the Rabbit

Leo-Rabbit is an active and versatile person who always knows how to intrigue his soulmate. The relationship with this person will be anything but boring. The influence of the zodiac signs gives him increased emotionality, which he sometimes cannot cope with. Many failures in the personal life of Leo-Rabbit are directly related to this factor.

Problems in relationships may also arise due to excessive demands. The other half, according to representatives of the sign, should show complete dedication. But Leos themselves are not ready to give their best in relationships; they simply cannot focus on them.

Curiosity and varied interests push them to search for new adventures, but, having had enough of them, Lion-Rabbits will be drawn to a quiet family haven

They show extreme dissatisfaction if the spouse does not wait with open arms, but quietly enjoys his life. The petty and overly emotional Rabbit can easily cause a scandal over such an issue, and even the nobility of the royal sign will not prevent him from doing this.

Leos born in the year of the Rabbit have a special magnetism and know how to charm others, including sexual partners. They are rarely the first to be abandoned; usually the initiators of the break are the Rabbits themselves, dissatisfied with one or another aspect of the relationship. A little later they regret the hasty decision, but by that time they rarely manage to regain their partner’s favor.

Leo men and women born in the year of the Rabbit tend to exhibit different character traits, especially in personal relationships. Guys try to look independent and independent in the eyes of their beloved girl, but only until falling in love develops into more serious feelings. Having become attached to a partner, the Rabbit turns into a gentle and vulnerable person who needs care.

Lioness-Rabbit will be a faithful and loving wife, a caring mother and a wonderful housewife

For this reason Rabbit men subconsciously gravitate towards women who are affectionate and attentive, capable of creating for a loved one that very atmosphere of warmth that he so badly needs.

The Rabbit's main criterion when choosing a partner is reciprocity. He will be happy to court a girl who shows reciprocal signs of attention. If the lady of the heart does not show any sympathy, the Rabbit-Leo man will quickly lose interest in her. He is not one of those who will achieve and waste precious time. If the Rabbit does not receive sufficient reciprocity, he hastily begins to search for a more loyal girlfriend.

The Rabbit woman expects from her partner not so much care as praise and honest recognition of her many virtues

A man must be ready to fulfill all her whims, then the Lioness-Rabbit will show the positive qualities of her character to the maximum. This woman will be a faithful and loving wife, a caring mother and an excellent housewife. But only if she finds a person who will suit her character and will make every effort to make the girl she loves happy.

If a representative of the Leo and Rabbit signs is not satisfied with many things in her partner, she will not endure for long and will not be afraid to initiate a break in the relationship. Such women know how to enjoy solitude and can go without romance for a long time. They easily compensate for a lull on the personal front with vigorous activity at work, so they simply have no time to be bored. Approaching adulthood, the Lioness-Rabbit reconsiders her priorities and begins to devote more time to searching for a candidate to start a family.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Horse, Goat, BullDragon, Snake, PigMonkey, Rooster, Rat, Tiger
According to the Western calendar Leo, Pisces, GeminiVirgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, ScorpioLibra, Aquarius, Aries

Compatibility of Leo men and women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) according to the Western horoscope

  • Leo – Leos make loyal friends and successful business partners.
  • Virgo – average compatibility in all categories.
  • Libra is a prospect for successful business cooperation; Leo should not start a love affair with Libra.
  • Scorpio is quiet, calm and harmonious union. Passions do not boil in it, but the partners feel comfortable and cozy in each other’s company.
  • Sagittarius - a bright, but short-term romance is possible between representatives of the signs. Long-term relationships are unlikely to be successful.
  • Capricorn is a good love compatibility, but such people make terrible business partners.
  • Aquarius – low compatibility in friendship, love and business cooperation.
  • Pisces - Leo and Pisces have every chance to create happy family, because they combine perfectly in character.
  • Aries - in this pair there are two leaders, neither of whom wants to give in. A long-term relationship is unlikely.
  • Taurus - almost complete lack of mutual understanding, but sexually the partners are perfectly compatible, so something can come out of the union.
  • Gemini – very high compatibility, good prognosis in all types of relationships.
  • Cancer – love compatibility is slightly above average. Such a couple can become a family, but for this both partners will have to work hard on themselves.

Leos make loyal friends and successful business partners

Compatibility of Leo men and women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) according to the eastern calendar

  • Rabbit - people understand each other well, have similar characters. They are easy and comfortable together.
  • Dragon - this couple will have many disagreements, but the partners will be able to resolve them if they learn to come to a compromise.
  • The snake is a harmonious combination of two intellectuals. Everything will be fine in this couple if the partners agree in advance to avoid high-pitched conversations, which is common in such couples.
  • A horse is a union of open, cheerful and cheerful people who feel very good together. They are able to resolve almost any disagreement.
  • Goat is a harmonious combination of characters. Partners compensate each other for those positive qualities that they themselves lack.
  • Monkey – representatives of the signs Rabbit and Monkey it won't be easy to get along together, because their characters are completely different.
  • Rooster – very low psychological compatibility; such people will have a hard time with each other.
  • Dog - strong and harmonious union. Partners respect each other and are ready to provide support in any situation.
  • Pig is an excellent combination; such people make the most happy couples. The main danger for marriage is the Pig’s excessive temperament; over time, she will probably be pulled “to the left.”
  • Rat - completely different characters, complete incompatibility emotionally. It will be difficult for such people to be together; they literally irritate each other.
  • Ox - partners are united by the same priorities and similar attitudes towards family life. Both value the comfort and stability that each other can provide. Surely the Rabbit and the Ox will make a strong married couple.
  • The tiger is a contradictory union: such people feel good together, but something pushes them away from each other. Business compatibility is quite high: both partners love money and know well how to increase it.

It’s easy and comfortable for two rabbits to be together

Full characteristics of a Leo child born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

Children born under the signs of Leo and Rabbit know how to stand up for themselves from an early age. They fiercely defend their rights and are interesting, but they are not known as brawlers and bullies. It's raging in the little Lions colossal energy, which parents will have to guide in the right direction. Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), the Leo boy will certainly be glad if he is sent to engage in a sports section. The girl will also enjoy active leisure, but other options will suit her, for example, creative clubs.

The character of little Leo-Rabbits is very soft, so parents usually cannot get enough of them. Discipline, politeness, independence, friendliness - these qualities serve as an ideal description of the tactful nature of the baby.

It is very important for a Leo child born in the year of the Rabbit to have your corner, furnished according to his wishes. Ideally, it would be to provide him with a separate room.

25 October 2017, 12:54

Characteristic habits and features

Positive. These are independent and proud animals. They are very good-natured towards everyone. Leo cats love to be the center of attention. They like everyone's approval and praise. A lion cat of any breed can be distinguished by the proud posture of its head.

Negative. They are very easy to offend. Even the wrong glance in his direction (in his opinion) can unbalance the lion cat for a long time. He will refuse the delicacy offered to him as reconciliation. They withdraw into themselves for a long time and can sit motionless for a long time, looking out the window.


Positive. The prudence of the lion cat will surprise anyone. You don't need to train him, you just need to ask him. They intuitively feel what is wanted from them. They have an excellent memory. Before going out into society, to show off to everyone at home, he takes a long time to take care of his personal hygiene.

Negative. The Lion Cat cannot be ignored. You need to greet him like any family member. These cats cannot tolerate familiarity and disdain for his person.


The nobility and complacency of these animals allows everyone, without exception, to play and communicate with them. When you watch him play with children, you will notice that it is not the children who play with him, but he with the children.

Tiger cat. It will go through life's journey with its claws extended.

Eastern horoscope- Cat/Rabbit

Zodiac horoscope- A lion

Sometimes deceptively calm, Leo Rabbit is potentially capable of great achievements. These people openly express their desires, they are colorful and attractive. Leo-Rabbits find it difficult to limit themselves. Their tendency towards self-centeredness and pomp is compensated by decent manners and generosity.

The combination of a Leo cat man or woman creates a wonderful personality who is highly sensitive, surprisingly calm and organized. These are people with a gentle character, but not meek. They are gentle and have great control over their character, and are not prone to confrontation.

The Leo Cat is a charismatic person, but at the same time does not like to be the center of attention. This combination creates quite ambitious people who usually succeed in life. Their serene persona is charming and friendly, not very demanding. These people like to find their own path without much effort, without fuss. They are patient and hardworking and speak in a persuasive manner and are therefore good communicators. This plethora of abilities makes them ideal workers in many fields.

In family life, they tend to be helpful, attentive, protective and even overly proud of their home. These people have intuitive sensitivity and understanding of other people's feelings, but offer their help only when asked for it. They know how to give advice very tactfully. These people are not loners, they like to have many friends around them. They love to communicate and enjoy helping others.

If you want to be loved and appreciated, these are the people you need. Throughout their lives, they are looking for friends who will admire them and a soul mate who needs to be loved and appreciated. This combination makes people who are not as trusting as other Leos, so they are quite cautious at times.

If they do not get enough time to rest, they become grumpy and irritable, and can show aggression. To minimize this weakness, they should get good sleep.

The diffusion in the combination of the lion and rabbit is amazing. Not a lion yet, but no longer a cat. Something in between, more like a lynx. Having a lot of ambitions, the lion rabbit is capable of a sudden attack even with a lack of strength. This is a very wayward cat, and if his willfulness is not burdened by moral principles, he is very cunning and can be dangerous. Fortunately, this does not always happen - the craving for natural cat laziness wins.

The lion cat is quite selfish and is not always interested in his surroundings. The Leo Rabbit man, due to the qualities listed above, turns on aggressiveness only in cases of extreme necessity. At the same time, he knows how to be popular - without extra effort he is able to win over not only individual people, but also a team and even masses of people.

In their hobbies, Lion rabbits, especially women, are very extravagant. The range here is quite wide - from strange professions and hobbies to difficulties in your personal life. In business, this cat’s ability to do a lot sometimes has no limits. He does not always consider it possible for himself to have at least some prohibitions. They make at least ideal advertising managers or image makers. But the desire for adventure is a double-edged sword. Predisposed to good luck at the beginning of life, in the second half of its life, lion cats do not avoid disappointments.

A penchant for vivid emotions requires such people to constantly change the scenery. Therefore, one should hardly expect constancy from them in personal preferences and attachments. Unless the lion rabbit is completely lazy.

Women born under the sign of Leo are proactive and energetic individuals who strive to take control of any situation. The Eastern horoscope gives the Cat lightness, serenity, and a tendency toward laziness and apathy. It would seem that these two signs, opposite in characteristics, will not be able to “get along” in one person. However, Leo and Cat are a unique tandem, in which the representative of the zodiac and eastern horoscope complement each other perfectly.


The Leo-Cat (Rabbit) woman is the darling of society. She wins the sympathy and attention of others thanks to her natural charisma and charm. The developed sixth sense of the representative of the Leo-Cat union helps her to feel well the mood and emotions of people, which is why she is never deprived of communication or attention.

The Leo girl, born in the year of the Rabbit, is an interesting and bright personality who is unlikely to agree to the role of a “gray mouse” in society. She is used to being the center of attention. This is a very sociable person. Such a person will be able to find an approach to any individual.

The Leo-Cat woman has the following character qualities:

  • neatness;
  • pedantry;
  • perseverance and determination;
  • pride;
  • straightforwardness;
  • hard work.

The Leo-Rabbit girl is the “darling” of fortune. She is often lucky in life, because luck is always nearby. People belonging to this tandem often win lotteries, cards or other gambling games. They love to take risks and fortune often favors them.

The Leo-Rabbit woman is tactful and extravagant. However, in some situations it is extremely difficult for her to suppress negative emotions, which is why she is rude to others.

Because of this, she may have misunderstandings with her significant other.

Relationships and family

The Leo woman, born in the year of the Rabbit, is a narcissistic heartbreaker. A girl is able to quickly make a positive impression on the stronger sex. Originality, a bright image, extravagant and deep thinking - these are all the things that men first of all pay attention to.

The Leo-Rabbit girl knows how to interest her interlocutor and evoke pleasant emotions in him. This person flirts constantly. It is important for her to appear irresistible so that men will admire her. Lev-Cat is an intriguer. Often several guys fight for her heart at once, and she gives everyone a chance, openly enjoying her position.

If the Leo-Rabbit falls in love, she will remain faithful to her chosen one until a certain time. If a partner stops admiring a woman’s appearance and intelligence, she will, without much regret, switch to someone else - someone who will appreciate her intelligence and external data. Leo-Rabbits need constant attention and praise. If the chosen one stops “idolizing” this girl, her feelings will quickly fade away.

In family life, the Leo-Cat woman is friendly and gentle. Next to her husband, she knows how to remain calm in any situation. Such a woman will compromise and infringe on her interests for the sake of maintaining good “weather” in the house.

In marriage, Leo-Rabbit will continue to flirt with the stronger sex. But this behavior is by no means her desire to have an affair “on the side.” Signs of attention shown by men fuel this woman and give her a charge of vigor and vitality. Despite the flirting, Leo-Cat will never stoop to betrayal in marriage.

She will not trade a stable family life for a fleeting attraction.

Career and money

Leo is a zodiac sign for which career is important. A woman belonging to the Leo-Cat union often achieves success in her work thanks to diligence and hard work. For representatives of this tandem, the financial side is the most important in life. For the sake of a career, they may sacrifice family or other aspects of life.

The Leo-Cat woman may seem quiet and balanced at first glance, but later many are surprised by her power, determination and developed willpower. All these qualities allow a girl to easily make her way to the top of her career.

As a rule, Leo-Rabbit always strives to jump above his head, so non-prestigious professions are not for him. Such people calculate every step and think in advance about their place in life. They usually make excellent actors, musicians or singers. They will be able to achieve recognition where artistic talent is important.

Leo-Cat loves to live luxuriously and relax on a grand scale. He does not seek to save, which becomes the reason for his constant search for additional sources of income. Leo-Rabbit is a terrible spender. Such a person is not used to counting money, since it comes to her on its own. A cat born under the sign of Leo often earns money through someone else's hands. These women can organize profitable projects or profit from speculation.

As much as they love to spend, many of them do not know what poverty is.


A man born in the year of the Pig, Goat or Dog has many chances to build a reliable and strong union with a Leo-Cat woman. This will be a beneficial relationship for both partners. In such a union, a man and a woman will take care of each other, respect the interests of the chosen one and make compromises. Together they can achieve a lot, both spiritually and materially.

Less profitable alliances are obtained with the Rat or Monkey. They have many problems that partners rarely manage to cope with. These couples do not survive the first family crisis due to differences in outlook on life. Also, astrologers do not recommend Leo-Cat women to connect their lives with a Horse, Rooster or Tiger man. Different temperaments, tastes and worldviews will not allow such couples to live in peace and harmony.

You will learn more about the Leo woman from the following video.