Recipes for canned apples in jars for the winter. Canned apples for the winter. Principles of preparing apples for the winter

Step 1: Prepare the apples.

To prepare canned apples, it is best to take dense fruits, perhaps even those that have barely had time to ripen. In this case, they will definitely retain their appearance.
First of all, wash your apples thoroughly and tear off the leaves. Be sure to inspect each fruit to ensure there are no wormholes or rotten spots. The fruit should look, if not perfect, then very good.
If desired, you can cut off the twig and the bottom of the apples. But if the branches are small and soft, then it is better to leave it that way.

Step 2: Canning whole apples.

The process of canning apples is extremely simple. First, place the fruits in prepared sterile, warm jars. Let the fruits lie close to each other. Now pour boiling water over the apples, close with a special nylon lid with holes and leave it like that for 30 minutes.
After half an hour, carefully drain the water from the jar of apples into the saucepan. Place on fire, add the required amount of granulated sugar and boil until it dissolves completely.
Pour the resulting syrup over the apples in the jar, immediately close them tightly with the lid and turn them upside down. Wrap your workpiece well and leave it on the lid and under the “fur coat” until it cools completely. Afterwards, you can unwrap the jar of apples in syrup, turn it back upside down and put it in the cellar, pantry or kitchen cabinet.

Step 3: Serve canned whole apples.

Whole canned apples can be served in so many different ways. You can cook original and undoubtedly delicious baked goods with them, add them to salads, desserts, and just like that, along with syrup from the same jar, they are very tasty. Cook and eat them for your health.
Bon appetit!

If desired, you can add mint, cinnamon, cloves or vanilla to the apples, then your preparation will acquire an even more interesting taste and aroma. If, like me, you like a simple apple flavor, then you don’t need to add anything.

It is best to prepare apples in large jars; small ones, as it turns out, are not very convenient.

How to prepare apples for future use at home? There are a lot of options, see our recipes for preparing apples for the winter, choose what you like and delight your family and friends all winter, and even in the spring:) Apples make excellent sweets and jams, they can be dried, pickled, soaked, prepared juices, compotes or make vinegar. In addition, apples are used in a variety of sauces - from spicy adjika to sweet and sour seasoning for meat. It’s not difficult to prepare such preparations, especially according to our detailed recipes with photos.

Canning apples - the best recipes with photos

The last notes

It's no secret that wild berries, containing many vitamins and nutrients, have simply miraculous healing properties. Knowing this, many try to stock up on them for future use or, if possible, purchase them frozen in stores. Today we will talk about lingonberries, and about ways to prepare a healthy drink from this berry - compote.

Apples are delicious, very healthy fruits that can always be bought in the store. However, those grown in your own garden are much healthier. And, if the harvest is a success, then the question inevitably arises: how to preserve apples for the winter? Of course, most of it is stored fresh in a cellar or basement. From the remaining ones, housewives usually prepare a variety of homemade preparations, cook compotes, dry, preserve and pickle. Soaked apples in jars are very tasty. You can also make jam, marmalade, or jam from apples.

In general, there are many ways to prepare apples. Let's talk today about how to prepare pickled apples; we will give recipes for the winter with and without sterilization. Such apples always turn out tasty and aromatic. In the future, they can be eaten just like that, or used as a component of desserts, salads and snacks.

At the same time, the marinating recipes are not at all complicated; even the most inexperienced housewife can do it. Let's look at some of them:

Pickled apples for the winter - recipes

How to prepare pickled apples for the winter without sterilization?

Apple slices in sweet marinade

To prepare you will need: for 2 kg of fruit – 2 liters of clean, soft water, half a kilo of sugar, 4 tbsp (6%) apple cider vinegar, half a glass of fresh mint leaves (optional).


Wash strong, dense apples thoroughly, cut them in half, remove the stems, and cut out the cores. Cut into 6 wedges if large. If small - into 4 parts. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with vinegar to prevent darkening.

Sterilize jars and lids: wash with soda, boil in a saucepan with water for 20 minutes. Moreover, place the jars in the water with their bottoms up, and throw the lids on the bottom. When the sterilization time is over, turn off the stove and leave the jars with lids in the pan.

Let's cook the marinade: Dissolve sugar in water, pour in vinegar, boil, cook for 3 minutes.

Place an equal amount of mint leaves into the hot jars and place the apple slices tightly (on the shoulders). Fill with sweet marinade to the top. Immediately roll it up, turn it over, and insulate it with a blanket. When they have cooled down well, after about a day, put them in storage.

Marinated with pepper and garlic

Such apples turn out to be sharp, spicy, and very tasty. An ideal addition to hot fried or baked meat, especially chicken. The marinade can be used in the preparation of sauces and various fillings.

To prepare, take: 2 kg sweet and sour or sour hard fruits, 5 sweet red peppers, half a glass of chopped parsley, 1 small head of garlic.

For the marinade a: 400 ml of table vinegar (9%), half a liter of well or bottled water, half a glass of sugar. The recipe calls for 30 g of salt, but you can adjust the amount at your own discretion.


Wash the vegetables. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut into half rings. Cut the garlic cloves into slices. Remove cores from apples and cut into slices.

Place peppers, garlic, parsley in a large, deep saucepan. Pour in vinegar, sugar, salt, and the required amount of water.
Boil, cook for 5 minutes. Add apple slices and cook for another 5 minutes. Don't forget to stir. Carefully place the fruits in sterile hot jars, pour in the marinade, and seal immediately.

In apple juice

For 2 kg of fruit you will need: 2 liters of natural juice and half a kilo of sugar


Prepare dense, firm apples (wash, core, cut into slices).

Pour juice into a saucepan, add sugar, boil. Add chopped fruit and cook for another 5 minutes. Then place them in sterile hot jars, fill them with syrup, and roll them up.

Pickled apples in sterilized jars

Whole marinated apples

For this recipe you will need small, strong fruits with thick skin - 2 kg. You also need: 3 cloves, 4 allspice peas and 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon. For pouring: half a liter of clean, soft water, half a glass of apple cider vinegar (can be replaced with table cider vinegar), 100 ml of natural berry juice (any), one and a half glasses of sugar.


Wash the fruits well, place in a wide metal bowl, and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 1 hour, then drain the water into another bowl. Pour the amount needed for the marinade into the pan. Add spices, sugar, vinegar, berry juice. Boil, cook for 3 minutes.

Place the apples in sterile, hot jars, fill them up to the neck with filling, and cover with lids. Place in a pan of heated water and pasteurize for 15 minutes. Roll up.

In honey marinade – spicy

For 2 kg of small sweet and sour fruits you will need: 3 pods of hot pepper, 6 allspice peas, 4 cloves, 6 currant leaves, 1 bay leaf. Let's also take: a glass of natural honey, half a glass of table vinegar, 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of salt.


Wash the apples, cut them into halves, and cut out the cores.
Pour water into the pan, add salt, add honey and vinegar. Stir well, boil, continue cooking for 3 minutes.

Place currant leaves, spices, and hot peppers in sterilized, still hot jars (1 small pod per 3-liter jar). Arrange the apple halves tightly and pour the hot marinade over them. Cover the jars with boiled lids, place them in a wide, fairly deep saucepan with heated water, boil for 15 minutes. Then roll it up right away.

How do you prepare apples for the winter? Tell us about your homemade preparation methods. You can leave your recipes on this page in the comments section. Thank you in advance!

Apples are everyone’s favorite fruit that can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, or canned. Many people make pies and other baked goods with apples, but in the cold season it is difficult to get homemade fruit to make dessert. It is in such cases that canned fruits come in handy.

Apples sliced ​​or whole in sugar syrup is a very simple preparation that every housewife can make.

Why cover apples for the winter?

When summer ends, autumn comes, and the time for apples begins in all gardens. Today on store shelves there is a huge variety of fruits from other warm countries, but unlike our own - homemade and local apples - they are not as healthy and tasty.

In autumn, apples fall to the ground, trees bend from the weight of the fruits, which can be useful for twisting compotes, jams or syrups with pieces of fruit. Apples are a very healthy product; they are rich in vitamins and nutrients that are so lacking in winter and early spring. Compotes and simply closed apples in jars will be an excellent addition to the table in the form of dessert, will decorate any cold evening and are perfect for tea drinking.

Canned apples have a special aroma that develops after several months spent in a jar with syrup. There are many ways to roll apples: whole, in pieces, in syrup with nuts, with the addition of other fruits - each of which has a unique taste. Even the smallest children will enjoy eating compote or apple slices.

Principles of preparing apples for the winter

If you follow a few simple rules, it will be much easier to prepare fruits; they will come out tastier and fresher:

Classic recipe for cinnamon apple slices

The recipe will require the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh apples;
  • 0.3 kg granulated sugar;
  • a cinnamon stick or a few pinches of ground spice to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. clean boiled water.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • All fruits need to be washed, damaged ones removed, dried on a paper towel, then the seeds removed and cut into slices.
  • Heat all the water specified in the recipe, add sugar and cook for ten minutes until the crystals dissolve and the syrup begins to thicken. Two half-liter jars will be enough to spin this amount of fruit.
  • Place a cinnamon stick or sprinkle spice powder on the bottom of the container, then add apple slices. Syrup is poured on top so that it reaches the neck of the jar and citric acid is sprinkled on top.
  • Containers of fruit are pasteurized in boiling water for ten minutes, after which they are closed with tin lids and placed upside down under a warm blanket to cool.
  • After two days, the apples will have completely cooled down and can be stored in a cool place until winter.

A simple recipe without adding spices

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 2 kg whole apples;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 2 liters of boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

The first step is to rinse the fruit and let it drain, divide each apple in half and remove the core, then cut into slices half a centimeter thick. Next, pour water into a saucepan, heat until boiling and add sugar and lemon juice. The syrup should simmer for fifteen minutes to thicken.

Then the fruit slices are dipped into the hot mixture, the contents of the pan are stirred and boiled for a couple of minutes over low heat. Then they transfer the hot apples into sterilized jars using a slotted spoon, which has previously been scalded with boiling water, after which they put the syrup back on the stove and bring to a boil.

Now fill the jars with apples with syrup so that it reaches the top of the container, and roll them up with tin lids. Each jar is inverted and cooled before being stored in a cool, dark place for many months.

Flavored apples with the addition of saffron

The recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of green apples;
  • 1/4 teaspoon saffron;
  • 0.3 kg granulated sugar;
  • 0.75 liters of boiled water.

First of all, pour water into the saucepan and boil it, then add sugar and stir so that it does not stick to the bottom of the container. Add saffron to the hot syrup, stir and bring to a boil again, after which the liquid is boiled for no more than ten minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup becomes amber in color.

From clean and selected apples, the core is cut out, the seeds are removed and the fruit is cut into slices at your discretion. Then the pieces of apples are dipped into boiling syrup and stirred carefully so as not to damage the pulp of the fruit. Boil the pieces in syrup for about fifteen minutes so that the apples do not have time to boil and turn into mush.

Next, the mass with fruit and syrup is poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids. For the first two days they are stored upside down under a blanket, then they are put away in a cellar, garage or refrigerator for further use.

Recipe for spiced apples in syrup

For one half-liter jar you need to take:

  • 0.3 kilograms of sour fruits;
  • a pea of ​​allspice and a few cloves;
  • 0.2 kilograms of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of ground cinnamon;
  • a whisper of vanillin;
  • one and a half glasses of water.

The first step is to wash the apples and cut them into slices. Place cloves and allspice at the bottom of a clean jar, then place the fruit on top. At this time, boil water and pour it into jars, cover with lids and leave for half an hour. Then pour the water from the container into the pan and bring to a boil.

Next, add sugar and vanilla with cinnamon, mix and cook the syrup for about ten minutes. Fill the container with apple slices with syrup and screw on the lids. Leave the jars to cool upside down, then put the preserves away until winter in a dark and cool place.

Apples in syrup with currants

To prepare you will need the following products:

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 liter of currant juice;
  • 0.5 kg granulated sugar.

First, clean apples are cut into slices and loaded into clean glass jars. At this time, currant juice is brought to a boil, sugar is added and simmered over low heat until all sugar crystals dissolve. When the syrup from the juice is ready, pour it over the apple slices in jars and cover with lids.

Next, you need to send the containers for sterilization in boiling water, then roll up the lids and store them upside down under a blanket to cool for a couple of days, and then into a dark and cold room until winter.

Apple slices in vanilla syrup

Ingredients needed to seal one half liter jar:

  • five small apples of the same size;
  • 0.4 kg sugar;
  • a pinch of vanillin, salt;
  • 0.75 l of water;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • The fruits are washed, cleaned of dirt and cut into small slices, after removing the core.
  • The jars are sterilized in an oven at one hundred degrees or boiled in boiling water for an hour, after which they are cooled at room temperature. The lids are sterilized in boiling water for fifteen minutes.
  • Next, put the apple slices in jars, pour boiling water over them and leave for fifteen minutes, after which the water is poured into a saucepan, sugar and vanillin are added.
  • Citric acid is diluted in a glass with two tablespoons of hot water, then poured into hot syrup.
  • Fill jars with apple pieces with hot syrup, roll up the lids and turn over to cool further. Store pickled fruits in jars only in the cellar, refrigerator or garage, where there is no light and it is cool.

Secrets of cooking apples in syrup

In the process of canning apples, some rules are followed and secrets are taken into account:

  1. 1. Apples should not be crushed too much, because during the cooking and canning process they will lose their shape and turn into puree.
  2. 2. It is best to take slightly unripe and strong fruits so that they do not fall apart under the influence of temperature.
  3. 3. To prevent apples from darkening during cooking, they can be kept in a one percent vinegar solution for twenty minutes.
  4. 4. When pouring fruit, the temperature of the liquid should be at least seventy degrees.
  5. 5. Preservation can be stored on an insulated and closed balcony, but should only be used before the onset of warm weather.

Whole apples in sweet filling

This recipe for storing fruits in jars for the winter does not require long-term processing, which allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. It is only important to select dense, elastic and ripe apples so that they are not spoiled. To prepare whole apples in syrup, you will need the following ingredients: 1.5 kilograms of apples, one liter of water; 300 grams of sugar.

Wash the apples and sort them into clean and sterilized jars. You need to put a container of water on the fire, gradually pour sugar into it and bring to a boil, boil for ten minutes to get a thick syrup. Pour the hot liquid into jars of apples, close the lids and wait five minutes, then drain the syrup and boil a second time.

Then fill the container with the fruits again with boiling liquid, roll up the lids and store in a dark and cool room so that the apples can soak in the sugar syrup. Canning in this way allows you to preserve the fruit in its entirety.

These apples can be preserved and used in pieces or whole in sugar syrup in various dishes, desserts or sauces. Apples turn out very juicy, sweet and aromatic if you add the following spices: cinnamon, saffron, vanillin, cloves and others.

Pies, pies, soufflés, as well as a large number of other sweets can be easily prepared using home-canned fruits. They are perfect for any home tea party on a winter evening with your family. The calorie content of such a delicacy is quite low: 450 kcal per hundred grams of product. Bon appetit!

The apple season has come: in the garden the tree branches are already bending under the weight of these fruits, it’s hard for the apple trees, we take the baskets and go ahead - it’s time to collect the apples, and give them some control! These will be used for pies, these, these will just be chewed by children. And these will turn into whole canned apples for the winter, the recipe for which we will tell you.

So, it's time to make our magical fruits forever ripe and forever delicious! We will preserve them, turning them into winter rejuvenators. And the apples are playful, green-yellow-red, pouring - what a miracle preservation they will make! They will become soft instead of crispy, sweet instead of sour, and matte instead of glossy. Do with them in winter whatever your heart desires! They can be baked, decorated in every possible way, sprinkled with lightly snow-white powdered sugar and chocolate cinnamon, and they can be simply eaten or cut into appetizers. You chew a canned apple, fresh from the jar, and it is so tender, so pliable, and the sweet juice just spreads over your beard and hands: the children laugh, the adults rejoice with restraint - everyone is happy, just the perfect picture of a happy family! Oh, these apples are just pure pleasure, they charge everyone with their positivity!
So, the necessary ingredients:

- 1 kilogram of small apples,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 1/4 teaspoon citric acid,
- 0.5 liters of water

First of all, let's wash the apples. Then cut off the edges on both sides.

Place the apples in the jar as tightly as possible.

Add a glass of sugar.

Then add 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid.

Bring the water to a boil and pour the resulting boiling water over the apples.

Then we roll up the lids of the jars.

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