Kovalkov clinic official. Weight correction clinic of Dr. Kovalkov. Oils and fats

Dr. Kovalkov’s weight correction clinic has been helping people successfully lose weight for several years. However, despite the large percentage of patients who have achieved their goal and numerous positive reviews on the Internet, we are constantly asked the same question: “Will you give me a guarantee that I can lose weight?” Of course, it is possible to understand such people, because we are too often deceived. We are promised high interest rates, huge discounts, good offers, last-minute tours and much more. Alas, as a rule, all these tempting offers turn out to be far from the most successful. Therefore, we are beginning to demand at least minimal guarantees. However, let's think about it, is it possible to guarantee health?! Figuratively speaking, even a dentist can only give you a guarantee for a filling, but not that the tooth will always be in perfect condition. Therefore, no self-respecting medical specialist will give you a 100% guarantee! Only charlatans give such a guarantee! The doctors of our nutrition clinic do not make vain promises, they simply do everything possible so that the patient can effectively lose weight correctly, without harm to health, and most importantly, learn to maintain the achieved result in the future.

The successful work of Dr. Kovalkov’s weight correction clinic is based on three components:

  • Medical license. Our clinic is a licensed medical institution, equipped with all the necessary modern equipment and working strictly within the framework of modern medical science, taking into account WHO recommendations. We employ certified, experienced doctors: nutritionists, therapists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, dermato-cosmetologists.
  • Complex methodology and individual approach to each patient. The method developed by Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is based on the selection of proper nutrition and a certain level of physical activity. Our clinic’s nutritionists work with each patient purely individually. Our nutrition clinic has never and will never offer group classes. The doctor is constantly in touch with the patient. If questions, difficult situations, or doubts arise, the patient can contact his doctor either by phone or by email.
  • Numerous positive reviews that can be found on online forums, websites, and social networks. The large television project “Family Size” allowed not only the people who took part in it to successfully lose weight, but also ordinary television viewers. Quite often on the Internet you can find the phrase: “I looked at “family size”, followed Dr. Kovalkov’s recommendations and was finally able to lose weight.”

We are glad that we help people find the answer to the question “How to lose weight correctly.” The nutritionists at our clinic do everything possible to ensure that patients successfully lose weight and start a new, easier and healthier life.

Dr. Kovalkov's weight correction clinic provides the following services:

  • Optimally required diagnostics
  • Body Composition Analysis
  • Nutrigenetic test
  • Hair analysis for trace elements
  • Ultrasound diagnostics
  • Cosmetology

website http://www.diet-clinic.ru
The cost of a consultation with Kovalkov is 7,000 rubles.
In Khorosheva E.V. - 5,000 rub.
I had a consultation with E.V. Khorosheva. since I couldn’t make an appointment with Kovalkov, but I really wanted to start the method as soon as possible. Impression:
1. The doctor is late for the appointment, not much of course, about 5-10 minutes, but very unpleasant, I didn’t consider it necessary to apologize.
2. The consultation lasted no more than 40 minutes. Nothing was said about the method. Nothing at all. Recommendations for passing the first stage were printed, but I could do this at home by printing out recommendations from the forum.
Below is what should be included in the consultation (stated on the website):
* Collecting anamnesis and identifying the causes of excess weight - I TRIED SOMETHING, BUT VERY SLOWLY.
* Diagnosis of body composition, determination and optimal dynamics of weight loss - THERE WAS NOT EVEN AN ATTEMPT
* Drawing up and detailed development of an individual diet. - PRINTED TYPICAL MEAL PLAN AT THE FIRST STAGE
* Correction of eating behavior by analyzing the patient’s psychological status. - I TRIED TO FIND OUT DEPENDENCE ON “SWEET”
* Upon request, anthropometric data is taken, including a computer analysis of body composition based on bioimpedance measurements (paid separately, carried out only in the center). - I WAS EXPRESSED MY DESIRE WHEN I APPOINTED BY PHONE. WHEN I VISITED THE CENTER, I WAS NOT OFFERED THE ABOVE SERVICE (poor reception work? Why then is there a pre-registration?)
* Recommendations on fat burning technology and ways to optimize physical activity using methods of individual control over physical activity. - IT WAS TOLD ABOUT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE FORM OF WALKING AND TAKING L-CARNITINE (according to the scheme: one ampoule before a walk, a walk lasting 60 minutes, the second ampoule after a walk, do not eat for an hour, KOVALKOV’S RECOMMENDATION ON THE FORUM INDICATES 2 hours)
* Informational conversation with recommendations for safe correction of eating behavior (medicines, biological supplements, reflexology, herbal preparations). - CONDUCTED BY A DOCTOR
* Prescribing an individual nutrition program and, if necessary, medication support. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS.
3. There was a feeling that the person was “out of touch” and was simply pulled out of the house where very important things awaited him. It was very funny when the doctor was looking for sheets of paper and a pen. The feeling remained very unpleasant. For 5,000 rubles they printed out general recommendations for me, which I could print at home from the forum and for “free”.
and the METHOD is very interesting. I’m at the first stage on the second day - 2 kg. (but this is most likely water, but the feeling is very good, you can say “clean” inside.

Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is one of the most popular and most sought-after nutritionists in Russia. At one time he suffered from excess weight, but managed to lose almost 50 kilograms. Thanks to this illustrative example, Kovalkov’s diet has gained such wide popularity.

Books by Dr. Kovalkov

A doctor and at the same time a nutritionist, Kovalkov published 2 books entitled “Lose Weight Smartly” and “Victory over Weight” in 2012 and 2010, respectively. The two books are literally captivating with how informative they are. Their author explains in the most accessible and matter-of-fact way possible what happens in the human body, why people gain weight, and also talks about the mechanisms of weight loss. In his books, he continually refers to actual research and also provides scientifically proven data.

Official website of Kovalkov

The official website of the doctor, diet-clinic.ru, today actively sells the services of his clinic. The site presents already tested and therefore popular weight loss programs. The clinic's services include diagnostics, as well as weight correction and subsequent body care to maintain its external aesthetic appearance.

Stages of Kovalkov’s dietary system

Diet from Dr. Kovalkov - stages

The Kovalkov system diet is conventionally divided into 3 parts. The first of them is aimed at preparing the body, the second directly corrects weight, and the third consolidates the result. The author of this technique also insists that aerobic exercise is necessary; he calls walking the best option. During his diet, it is recommended to consume vegetables mainly raw. Meat and fish should be boiled in water or steamed. Alternatively, you can bake them. As for frying and deep-frying, these methods are prohibited. Cereals must be brewed with boiling water during cooking.

Diet from Dr. Kovalkov - menu

Stage No. 1 lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. During this time period, it is possible to reduce about 5 kilograms of excess weight. Every day you need to walk, but only at a comfortable pace, and also gradually increase the load. So, ultimately, you will need to take at least 16,000 steps every day. And during the diet you will need to completely abandon all sources of so-called “fast” carbohydrates. We are talking about those with a glycemic index of more than 60, because they cause the release of insulin. It is prohibited to eat various confectionery products, fast food and baked goods, as well as vegetables such as beets and carrots. Among other things, the consumption of meat and poultry, as well as fish, is excluded. Egg whites, which are best eaten in the evenings, as well as low-fat fermented milk products, become sources of proteins. For breakfast, you are allowed to treat yourself to a small amount of nuts. It is beneficial to eat vegetables that have a low GI. The daily intake of fat is approximately 30 grams. Every day of the entire period of the diet you are supposed to consume bran, the norm will gradually reach 100 grams per day. Alcohol is completely and completely excluded. True, you can drink dry red wine, but no more than 1 glass, and then only at dinner. The permitted sweets are honey and dried fruits. Fruits are allowed to be eaten only in the first half of the day. It is best to prefer apples. You should eat in small portions, but at least 5 times a day. The size of portions consumed is very individual, because you can’t starve, but you can’t overeat either. The rate of free liquid consumption is at least 4-5 glasses per day.

Diet from Dr. Kovalkov - diet

Stage No. 2 is considered the main one and continues until the desired result is obtained. Weight decreases systematically, but not quickly, we are talking about 100-200 grams per day. The beginning of this stage in the fairer sex must necessarily coincide with the second phase of their menstrual cycle. It is imperative to follow a diet and maintain physical activity. As in the previous stage, 5 meals are provided. The diet must include non-starchy vegetables, such as cabbage and radishes, as well as cucumbers. It is acceptable to eat pine nuts and fruits with berries. This is especially true for citrus fruits, apples, pears and lingonberries. It is useful to drink fermented milk, but low-fat drinks. The best option for breakfast would be ground buckwheat, mixed with bran and almonds, and then poured with 1 glass of low-fat kefir. To keep the amount of macro- or microelements under control, it is recommended to analyze your hair. The lunch meal should include protein foods, such as meat, fish and cottage cheese. In the evening you still need to eat egg whites. The protein intake rate is 70 g per day. When you only have 10% to reduce your weight, you will need to add strength training to walking. At the same time, you will need to add porridge to the diet menu. If the weight stops gradually decreasing, then it is recommended to increase the calorie content of food for 1 day by adding complex carbohydrates. This “shake-up” will need to be done once every 2 or 3 weeks. Once a month you are supposed to deload yourself. It is optimal to do this on watermelons or rice.

Stage No. 3 completes the diet. It lasts from 12 to 18 months and consolidates the achieved results. Strength loads are no longer optional, but you will have to walk a lot. It is necessary to strictly control the amount of fats and fast carbohydrates, although there are no very strict restrictions as such.

The action of the Kovalkov diet is described step by step in the book “How to lose weight: a strategy for defeating weight.” Its rules are simple and understandable, so the technique has gained great popularity. Its author, Dr. Kovalkov, managed to lose 52 kg in six months. According to him, the effectiveness of the diet does not end there.

Operating principle

The diet is based on the standard axioms of classical dietetics. The technology promotes a gradual reduction of adipose tissue, promoting.

The program works on several principles:

  1. Before moving on to the process If you are losing weight, you need to cleanse your body and be sure to develop your own.
  2. Organism it is necessary to saturate it with a large amount of water, while salt is completely excluded.
  3. Vegetable fats completely replaced by animals. Cottage cheese and fermented milk drinks with low fat content are added to the diet.
  4. Includes 1 preparatory, and 3 main stages.
  5. Prohibited to use foods with a high glycemic index.
  6. Menu should include complex carbohydrates.
  7. Diet should be combined with physical training and aquatic activities.
  8. It is recommended to resort to the technique after examination by a specialist.

The official website – diet-clinic.ru, provides a list of services of the Kovalkov Clinic. The site describes various methods of losing weight. The clinic provides patients with diagnostics, body contouring, body care and pharmaceuticals.

Prohibited/allowed products

The menu can only include those products that are rich in good carbohydrates. These are legumes, lentils and fruits. They are full, so they quickly cope with the feeling of hunger.

The list of prohibited products included honey, sugar, jam, sweets, ice cream, carbonated drinks, chocolate and other sweets. They just won't do any harm. Also, it is prohibited to consume any products made from white flour, corn, potatoes and white rice. Instead, brown and wild rice are allowed.

The technique prohibits mixing products. For example, white bread, flour, sugar, potatoes with vegetable oils and meat. Therefore, you need to choose products with special care. Industrial foods such as sausages, sausages and sausages, and canned products should be avoided. The main thing is that the menu does not contain carbohydrates and proteins at the same time.


There are 4 stages, which are provided by Kovalkov’s author’s methodology:


Its duration is 14 days. During this time, those losing weight must develop the skill of regulating their diet.

The basic products of the preparatory stage are:

  • legumes;
  • grain products without preliminary industrial processing, as well as cereals;
  • walnuts, almonds and pine nuts;
  • fruits and vegetables with a glycemic level of up to 50;
  • meat and fish dishes;


The duration is no more than 4 weeks. It is developed based on the individual characteristics of the body. At the same time, the doctor constantly pays attention to the body’s reaction. During the initial stage, 5 meals a day are allowed, but in small portions.

Main products of the initial stage:

  • egg whites;
  • various cereals;
  • vegetables, fruits and berries;

The period of adaptation of the body to a new diet

The duration of the stage is about 6 months. During this time, weight loss becomes stable. You can add other products to the menu, but this must be done gradually.

These include:

  • fermented milk products with a minimum percentage of fat content;
  • sea ​​fish and other seafood;
  • chicken, veal, turkey and beef of exclusively low-fat varieties;
  • bran bread;


It has no restrictions, but is entirely based on the indications of stage 3. Those losing weight can consume a small amount of prohibited foods.

Sample menu

To make it easier to develop a menu, you should first look at approximate nutritional methods according to Dr. Kovalkov’s method for stages 1 and 2:

Stage 1 menu:

  1. Breakfast: 250 ml yogurt, oatmeal or.
  2. Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil.
  3. Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, fruits and freshly squeezed juices.

Menu 2 stages:

  1. Breakfast: a glass of low-calorie fermented milk drink, some bran and 1 slice of rye bread;
  2. Dinner: 150 gr. seafood, some vegetables, 100-150 gr. cottage cheese;
  3. Dinner: 300 g of fruit or vegetable salad with the addition of vegetable oil.

It is advisable to snack on apples. If you feel hungry before going to bed, you can eat 2 boiled egg whites.


Salad “Tenderness”

Ingredients: 100 g Chinese cabbage, 100 g lettuce leaves, 1-2 pcs. cucumber, 1 bell pepper, dill, a handful of pine nuts, salt (to taste), pepper (to taste), lemon juice. For dressing: olive, vegetable or sunflower oil.

Preparation: The ingredients are carefully chopped, after which salt and pepper are added. The salad is dressed with oil and lemon juice. The top of the mixture is decorated with dill and pine nuts.

Garlic salad with tomatoes

Ingredients: 400 g tomato, 100 g walnuts, 5 cloves of garlic, herbs (dill, parsley), 1 pc. onions, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Preparation: The nuts are lightly fried in a frying pan and chopped. Peeled garlic is added to them. The mixture is poured into the chopped tomatoes and seasoned with vegetable oil. Then add herbs and salt. The dish is ready.

When creating a menu, you can use your imagination and combine the permitted types of products at your discretion.

It is enough to follow only a few rules:

  1. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed exclusively raw.
  2. Cereals should be steamed with boiling water.
  3. Meat and fish It is allowed to steam, bake and boil.

Advantages and disadvantages

Kovalkov’s weight loss program stands out among others for its advantages, including:

  1. The person doesn't feel painful feeling of hunger.
  2. Subject to dosage, you are allowed to eat any food.
  3. Not necessary lead from day to day.
  4. The diet was able to enter among the ten most effective today.
  5. All products are within walking distance.
  6. Wide choice of dishes.

The only thing that can overshadow the process is one drawback, and in order to overcome it, a person will have to show up. The fact is that the first days and weeks can be difficult. A person may experience sudden changes in emotional background. However, very soon after the onset, these signs disappear completely.

A diet menu can pose a certain danger if the person losing weight has health problems, in particular, chronic ones. Before starting it, you need to be examined for their presence and consult with a doctor.


before and after the diet, timing unknown

Despite the fact that the diet has no time limits, the author’s technique has proven its effectiveness. Nutrition normalizes metabolic processes. The cells of the body are enriched with minerals and trace elements. Limiting the consumption of sweets several times reduces the risk of heart failure, diabetes and obesity.

In order not to harm your health, the author insists on following all the rules. So, losing weight will not become hard labor, but will begin to work on a beautiful figure. Practice has shown that people lose up to 7 kg within 14 days, with a daily calorie intake of 750 kcal. As already mentioned, the author himself managed to achieve a result of 52 kg. It took him only 6 months to do this.

Dr. Kovalkov’s clinic is a modern medical center that has been helping people get rid of extra pounds for many years.

The founder of the medical center is Alexey Kovalkov, a qualified specialist in the field of weight normalization. He developed his own method, with the help of which he personally managed to lose 55 kilograms. The method is based on a specific nutrition program, which has allowed a huge number of people to achieve the desired slimness.

The staff of the Kovalkov Clinic in Moscow are first-class doctors who have undergone appropriate training at the country's leading medical universities and have enormous practical experience. All of them are able to conduct the necessary examinations, promptly and comprehensively solve problems of excess weight and provide effective treatment of concomitant diseases. However, the clinic staff consists not only of professional nutritionists - there are many specialists in other fields working here: pediatricians, endocrinologists, functional diagnosticians, psychologists, laboratory assistants, etc.

The center’s doctors do everything possible so that patients can lose extra pounds without harm to their own health, and also learn to maintain the results obtained in the future.

Why should you contact Dr. Kovalkov’s weight correction clinic?

The Kovalkov Clinic has many advantages over its analogues:

· Medical staff works with patients exclusively individually. The medical institution does not conduct group classes or psychological coding. Doctors work strictly within the framework of modern medical science and relieve people of overweight and obesity by identifying and eliminating the main cause of its development.

· Patients lose 5-10 kilograms in the first 2 weeks. It is noteworthy that at the same time they do not have to starve and spend a huge amount of time on grueling training.

· The employees of Dr. Kovalkov’s weight correction clinic do not abandon their clients after the end of treatment. Nutritionists practicing in this medical institution support their patients and help them consolidate the results achieved after completing the course.

· Effective work. In just the last two years, over 4,000 patients have been able to achieve the desired physical shape, improve their overall health and change their eating habits for the better. Today this is an excellent result, which not every specialized clinic can boast of.

Services of the Kovalkov weight correction clinic

Dr. Kovalkov’s clinic offers its clients a range of weight loss programs: “Minus 40”, “Minus 25”, “Minus 15”, “Premium”, “Weight PLUS”, “PROFI”, “Support”, “Antitobacco”. Each of them has its own characteristics and allows you to achieve the goal set for the doctor and the patient.

Before starting treatment, the center’s specialists recommend undergoing a minimum examination, including urine and blood tests, as well as an ultrasound of the kidneys, abdominal cavity and thyroid gland. Fresh results of laboratory and functional studies allow doctors to avoid possible complications during treatment.

The institution also includes a cosmetology department, thanks to which everyone can achieve the desired slimness. The center offers services of general and anti-cellulite massage, shock wave therapy, stimulation of problem areas and prevention of sagging skin.

The Kovalkov Clinic in Moscow is the best assistant in normalizing weight and changing eating habits.