Seven rules for choosing red caviar and not getting into trouble. Rules for choosing red caviar in a store What is the best red caviar

Red caviar is presented in huge quantities in stores: from different manufacturers, in different packages. Not surprising - after all, this is one of the most popular delicacies. Unfortunately, as studies of caviar regularly conducted by Roskontrol show, this product is generally not only of poor quality, but also dangerous. At the same time, red caviar is not cheap at all. It’s especially offensive to pay a tidy sum of money and get serious food poisoning - and this is what threatens the consumption of red caviar, which was tested by Roskontrol and Roskachestvo.

As part of the study, Roskachestvo specialists studied 29 popular brands of Russian salmon caviar in the price range from 230 to 750 rubles per 100 grams and from 300 to 2000 rubles per package. The study included caviar from different types of salmon: sockeye salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, and chum salmon.

Experts checked the caviar according to 32 quality and safety indicators, of which: microbiological indicators - coliform bacteria, QMAFAnM, clostridia, staphylococcus, mold and yeast, mass fraction of sorbic acid, sodium benzoate, the presence of cadmium, arsenic and mercury, dyes and preservatives, mass fraction of sludge - juice, and also assessed the organoleptic characteristics of caviar: taste, smell and color, in addition - the amount of salt. According to the test results, the best caviar was produced by brands from St. Petersburg and the Sakhalin region.

“In all the caviar examined, experts did not identify mold, sulfite-reducing clostridia, or pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella. In addition, no pesticides or heavy metals were found - their source could be sea water and bottom sediments, no traces of larvae, “no excesses for antibiotics of the tetracycline group, sulfonamides and quinolones groups, as well as chloramphenicol,” the message says.
Experts also did not find any foreign impurities in any brand of caviar.
At the same time, experts emphasize that indeed, each jar contained real caviar. “Also, all brands passed the test for the presence of dyes perfectly - as tests showed, none of the manufacturers tinted the caviar with artificial dyes. Experts had no comments regarding the organoleptic indicators - taste, smell, appearance, consistency and condition - of all the red caviar examined." , - added in Roskoshestvo.

As for the substitution of caviar species, test results showed that in most caviar the declared type of fish does not differ from the actual one. “The exception was products of five brands,” notes Roskachestvo. At the same time, pink salmon was declared in the products of two of them, but in addition to pink salmon DNA, experts also found chum salmon DNA in this caviar. “As you know, chum salmon is a more expensive fish, so we are not talking about cheaper products here. Perhaps these are trace amounts of chum salmon that accidentally got into the jar during production,” the organization clarified.

In the caviar of another brand (sockeye salmon caviar 1st grade, granular salmon), in addition to the declared sockeye salmon, experts also found chum salmon: according to experts, this does not look like a deliberate reduction in the price of the product. But in the caviar of two more brands, the substitution of the type of fish is more like reducing the cost of the product: cheaper pink salmon ended up where the game of sockeye salmon and rainbow trout was announced.

In addition, a study of caviar revealed a problem with the growth of microbiological indicators in ten products, the organization added. Thus, several brands did not pass the test for the group of Escherichia coli bacteria, an increased number of microorganisms (QMAFAnM) was recorded in the caviar of six brands, and Staphylococcus aureus was found in the caviar of three brands. “These problems may be associated with temperature violations throughout the entire supply chain or sanitary conditions in production. It is important to note that the risk of purchasing a product that exceeds these indicators increases significantly if caviar is stored at temperatures above zero degrees,” Roskachestvo noted.

Roskontrol experts also conducted a study of red (salmon) caviar on the eve of the New Year. Of the seven samples tested, one turned out to be a fake, and two more were hazardous to health.

Product samples from the Meridian, Salmonica, ARO, Kamchatka Sea, Tungutun, Russian Sea and Russian Fish World brands were tested on more than 50 quality and safety parameters.

It was discovered that the “Kamchatka Sea” is not sockeye salmon caviar, as stated by the manufacturer. Rainbow trout DNA was found in the product.

Based on the fact that sockeye salmon is a wild and rare fish, while trout is a product of aquaculture, there is a desire of the manufacturer to save money and set an unreasonably high price for its product, the organization noted.

In addition, E. coli was found in caviar of the Kamchatka Sea and Salmonica brands.

Samples of the brands “Tungutun”, ARO, “Russian Sea”, “Russian Fish World” did not correspond to the declared first grade: their caviar contained minor sediment - a liquid consisting of the remains of brine and the yolk mass of the eggs.

Moreover, the Tungutun caviar also turned out to be rancid.

Based on the results of the examination, Salmonica and Kamchatka Sea samples were added to the Roskontrol blacklist as not meeting safety requirements, and the latter was also recognized as counterfeit.

Tungutun caviar is included in the list of products with comments due to its rancid smell and taste.

Samples of products from the Meridian, ARO, Russian Sea, and Russian Fish World trademarks received only minor comments from experts and were recommended for purchase.

How red caviar is faked

Police and Rospotrebnadzor officers busted a large underground workshop for the production of red caviar. New Year is just around the corner and this traditional delicacy is as mandatory on the holiday table as Olivier salad, tangerines or a bottle of champagne.

Of course, all kinds of adventurers cannot ignore easy money, and our story about one of the workshops that packaged cheap imitation caviar in iron jars, which later ended up on the shelves of hundreds of stores, including large chain stores. Fraudsters attract naive and poor fellow citizens, as well as pensioners who are always chasing shares, by the price of the goods, offering 100-140 grams of surrogate for 160-200 rubles.

A video showing the entire process of making fake caviar. A visitor, in conditions of absolute unsanitary conditions, performs shamanism, which then, spread on a crust of bread, ends up in the mouths of not only adults, but also our children.

Today, not every person can afford to buy red caviar whenever he wants. This is due to the fact that this product has become too expensive. Therefore, when choosing this product, you need to decide which red caviar is good.

Processing and preservation

Caviar, which is sold in stores, has undergone appropriate processing. “Fish eggs” are sorted by degree of maturity and previously determined quality indicators, the film is removed and washed with boiled water, after which they are salted and preserved.

Thus, proper preparation of the product is the first step in answering the question: “Which red caviar is good?”

Why is it better to buy the product in cans?

This is due to the fact that after processing and conservation, caviar is practically not affected by harmful microflora, while loose caviar is constantly attacked by it. In addition, it is impossible to accurately find out the production date from the latter, which can cause various ailments due to the use of expired goods.

The main negative factor of caviar in tin cans is that it is impossible to see the contents of these containers. Seeing buyers shaking jars of various canned foods, including caviar, one should not be surprised. This is the only way to find out how much brine the manufacturer added to a given container.

Therefore, it is better to buy this product in a glass jar, sealed, but the product in this packaging is more expensive compared to those packaged in tins.

Thus, the second step in answering the question: “Which red caviar is good?” is the choice of packaging method for this product.

Choosing a quality product

Any product must be considered from a quality standpoint before purchasing. For the products in question, this is expressed, first of all, in the application of markings on the packaging indicating the regulatory document in accordance with which the caviar was produced. According to GOST, each individual egg must be whole, not have wrinkled sides, they must fit tightly to each other. When you open the jar, the overall reddish color should catch your eye. There should be no blood, mold, films, burst eggs, or white sediment. The density should be sufficient.

Caviar is divided into several varieties. If grade 1 is indicated on the jar, this indicates that the size of the eggs is calibrated. In the second grade, the products in question from different fish may be mixed, which reduces its value. Oyster caviar is also released. It is prepared from overripe or, conversely, unripe caviar. The films cannot be separated from it, so the films can be frozen along with the product for which the purchase is made. The caviar is separated from the roost and salting after defrosting. During the latter process, a sudden change in temperature should not be allowed, which could potentially lead to bursting of the eggs. The color of this product is orange-brown after defrosting. It has worse taste compared to first grade caviar.

The manufacturer must also indicate the composition of the product on the label. The required ingredients are caviar and salt. However, caviar should not be very salty, in addition, it should not be bitter. When it enters the oral cavity and is lightly pressed with the tongue, the natural caviar bursts. To extend the shelf life of the product, preservatives are added to it. If the latter are not added to the product in question, then it is stored for no more than 60 days. When preservatives are added, the shelf life increases to 1 year, subject to the optimal storage conditions indicated on the packaging.

It is important to pay attention to which of these substances were used in the production of caviar. The most harmful preservative is methenamine, which has the codification E239, since it is a toxic substance. Since 2010 it has been banned for use. Manufacturers who support their brand have replaced and continue to use other preservatives instead, such as sorbic acid (E200) or pasteurization with the addition of glycerin (E422) to retain moisture.

Thus, the last step in answering the question of which red caviar is good is choosing a quality product.

Natural and artificial caviar

There is an artificial analogue of a natural product. It is made from eggs, gelatin and milk, adding appropriate flavors, food additives and dyes in order to imitate the basic organoleptic characteristics of a natural product. However, complete imitation cannot be achieved. It was already noted above that a natural product bursts on the tongue, but an artificial product does not have this property.

Thus, when answering the question “Which red caviar is better?”, you need to proceed from what product - natural or synthetically obtained - you want to consume.

What fish give red caviar?

Granular caviar is obtained from fish of the Salmon family. Its main representatives, which provide a valuable product, are: chum salmon, chinook salmon, trout, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, and salmon. Any caviar obtained from these representatives has the same energy and nutritional value, but differs in organoleptic properties, primarily taste and appearance.

This raises the question: “Which fish’s red caviar is better?” Let's look at the features of this product, obtained from various salmon fish.

Pink salmon product

Let’s begin our consideration of the question “Which fish is the best red caviar” with a description of it obtained from pink salmon.

This fish is the most typical representative of salmonids. The caviar is medium in size and orange in color. During feasts, it is the most common representative of the product in question.

Production is carried out in Sakhalin and Kamchatka, which is typical not only for this fish, but also for other salmon. This caviar is universal and is liked by most of the population.

Coho salmon

This fish is common on the Asian Pacific coast. Spawning occurs primarily in birthplaces. At one time, food products were tested in the United States, during which the so-called “utility coefficient” for people was determined. This fish was included in the top 6 best products.

The caviar of this fish is small in size and differs sharply in color from pink salmon. For the coho salmon product in question, it is a rich dark red. Beneficial properties are typical for any red caviar, but for this product in this fish they dominate over all other representatives of salmon. At the same time, the product in question in coho salmon has a bitter aftertaste.

Which red caviar is better - coho salmon or pink salmon - everyone must determine for themselves. If you are willing to spend a decent amount of money and still get a healthier product with a hint of bitterness, then your choice is coho salmon caviar; otherwise, it is better to prefer a product made from pink salmon.

Chum salmon product

Caviar obtained from this type of fish is more familiar to residents of Russia compared to a similar product from coho salmon. It has a neutral taste, bitterness is present, but it is not pronounced. The eggs are large, the shell is hard.

When comparing which red caviar is better - from chum salmon or coho salmon - you must, first of all, be guided by your preferences and where this product is intended. If for your own daily consumption you are a fan of very healthy with a bitter taste, then your choice is coho salmon. When buying caviar for a feast, it is better to choose chum salmon.

Other fish products considered

Trout caviar is the smallest with a color ranging from yellow to bright orange.

The sockeye salmon product is slightly larger compared to the previous species, but smaller compared to pink salmon. This fish was almost completely destroyed, so finding its eggs for sale may be difficult.

The largest commodity in question comes from Chinook salmon. It can reach 8 mm in diameter. At the same time, it is characterized by a bitter taste with an island tint and a bright red color. Chinook salmon is listed in the Red Book, and therefore it is quite difficult to find its caviar on the open market.

The red caviar of which fish is the best must be determined by the buyer and consumer himself. As they say, “Felt-tip pens vary in taste and color.”

Which caviar producers should you pay attention to?

As you know, the same product from different manufacturers can look and taste completely different.

Ranked by manufacturer, which red caviar is better?

It has already been discussed above that, basically, fish for caviar production is caught in the Far East. But often the Moscow manufacturer is indicated on the cans. Can this actually happen? Of course it can. In Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and other places, fish are caught, but processed mainly in other places. The production capacities of processors are concentrated in different places in our country, including the capital. The quality of the final product is determined not so much by the location of the manufacturer as by the technological equipment of production.

Based on the tests conducted by Roskachestvo, it can be noted that the following goods were recognized as having violations:

  • salmon caviar “Sea Planet” produced by SRK LLC, St. Petersburg;
  • “Russian Sea” JSC of the same name, Moscow region;
  • products of Putina LLC, St. Petersburg;
  • “Merchant” produced by Sea of ​​Okhotsk LLC, Sakhalin region;
  • "RIK", "Kamchatka Sea" LLC "RIK", Rostov region;
  • LLC "Theseus", Moscow region;
  • OJSC PKP "Meridian", Moscow;
  • "Aro" LLC "North-Eastern Company LTD", Moscow;
  • Pecconi LLC, Moscow region.

The main reasons are the presence of a large number of microorganisms, including yeast, the possibility of mold formation and the presence of a large volume of inedible liquid (juice).


Which red caviar is the best should be determined by each consumer. Freshly caught fish caviar has the best taste and healthiness. You need to choose this product, paying attention not only to taste, but also to safety, which tests conducted by the Roskachestvo organization will help you navigate.

In Russian stores you can find caviar from various fish. It differs in color and size.

  • Chinook: large eggs (up to 7–9 mm in diameter) are red-orange in color with a delicate shell, with a spicy taste.
  • Chum salmon: large eggs (up to 5–7 mm in diameter) of a rich amber color with a dense shell, creamy flavor.
  • Pink salmon: medium-sized eggs (3–5 mm), bright orange in color with a soft shell, familiar taste.
  • Coho salmon: small eggs (2–3 mm) bright red with an elastic shell, bitter taste.
  • Red salmon: small eggs of a dark red color with an elastic shell, bitter taste.
  • Trout: the smallest eggs (up to 2 mm) are light orange in color with an elastic shell, bitter taste.

Traditionally, chum salmon and pink salmon caviar is considered to be the best in taste.

Who determines what quality caviar should be?

Document adopted at the federal level. This is GOST “Granular caviar of salmon fish”, approved in 2004. According to him, red caviar comes in two varieties.

First grade eggs must be the same color and size, moderately elastic, without foreign impurities, from fish of the same species, the name of which is indicated on the jar. The second grade allows a mixture of caviar from different types of fish. In this case, they don’t write on the bank which ones they came from.

Also, manufacturers can work not according to GOST, but according to TU (technical conditions). It happens that caviar prepared according to specifications turns out to be of better quality and tastier. But it is important to remember that here the manufacturer is free to create the recipe himself.

GOST sets fairly strict requirements for salt content: from 4 to 6% of the weight of caviar for the first grade and from 4 to 7% for the second grade.

The Roskachestvo standard is even stricter, the mark of compliance with which manufacturers receive voluntarily. Salt in such a product should be no more than 3.5–5% of the total mass of caviar, regardless of its type. The addition of antibiotics is strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to tell good caviar by looking at the jar?

Can. Read, shake, check:

  • The jar must indicate the manufacturer, GOST or TU, the type of fish (if the caviar is first grade), composition, expiration date (without the use of additional preservatives - from 8 months to a year). It is good if the manufacturer is located close to the place where the fish are caught.
  • The ideal composition is as laconic as possible: caviar, salt. Allowed content of vegetable oil and minimal preservatives. It is better if it is only sorbic acid. If the product does not contain preservatives, then the caviar is pasteurized, which is much healthier.
  • The marking on the lid of a tin can should be convex, not concave (the latter is a sign of a fake). Look for three rows of signs: the date of caviar production, the “CAVIAR” assortment mark and the plant number with the shift number and the fishing industry index “P”.
  • The tin should not be dented or swollen.
  • If you buy caviar in glass, you have a good opportunity to examine the eggs. The ideal is clean, uniform in color and size, with a minimal amount of juice or without it.
  • The volume of juice in a tin can can be determined by shaking it. It's bad if you feel splashes and movement of the calf inside.
  • For caviar packaged in a plastic container, the same rules apply. The packaging should contain all the necessary information.
  • Caviar in the store should be stored in the refrigerator.

What about buying caviar by weight?

If you buy not from dubious market sellers, but from specialized fish departments in supermarkets, why not? But remember that sometimes substandard caviar is sold this way.

Weighed caviar spoils faster. It is not protected from external influences, including harmful bacteria.

Salmon spawning and fishing usually occur in July-August. That's why It is recommended to purchase cru by weight through November inclusive.

High-quality caviar should be crumbly. A simple test: it’s good when the eggs fall from the spoon one at a time, bad when they fall in a big lump.

How to recognize a fake?

Artificial caviar is made from eggs, milk, gelatin, and dyes. The taste and usefulness of this product cannot be compared with the original. But outwardly they can look very similar.

You can recognize a fake like this:

  • Try crushing the eggs with your finger. The real one is easy to crush, the artificial one is difficult, it is very dense.
  • The fake has a sharp fishy smell, reminiscent of.
  • If you drop the eggs into water, they will turn orange.
  • There are no embryonic eyes in the eggs.
  • The fake sticks to the teeth.
  • Low price. Even if the seller says that this is an “offer of unheard-of generosity” only in honor of the holiday, it is better not to risk it.

How to identify spoiled caviar?

As a rule, it becomes very dark and acquires an unpleasant, pungent odor.

If you can hardly bite through the eggs, they burst in your mouth with a characteristic click, which means the eggs are overripe. Often it is caught at the spawning grounds by poachers.

Spoiled (not only expired, but also prepared in violation of sanitary standards and technologies) caviar can lead to... Pathogenic bacteria develop in it, including E. coli and staphylococcus.

The traditional New Year and Christmas feast is always famous for its wide variety of delicious salads, appetizers and hot dishes. One of the most popular products that can be seen in almost every home these days is red caviar. It is obtained from fish belonging to the salmon family. The caviar of various fish differs significantly in its organoleptic characteristics, while having a similar composition. In order not to overpay extra money and not to purchase a fake, it is advisable to know how to choose a quality product at an acceptable cost.

Composition and benefits

Red caviar is considered the best nutritious product, its nutritional value is about 25 g of protein, 18 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. The calorie content of the delicacy is even higher than pork or beef: about 250–270 kcal per 100 g of product. In addition, unlike meat or poultry, caviar is much faster and easier to digest by the human body. Each egg contains almost all the substances necessary to ensure normal human life.

  • Vitamins E, A, D and almost the entire group of B vitamins.
  • Macro- and microelements: phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium and others.
  • Lecithin, which is necessary to neutralize cholesterol.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Omega – 3, Omega – 6.
  • Amino acids contained in protein.

Such a rich composition of the product gives every right to call it a real assistant in the fight against many diseases. Low immunity, atherosclerosis, heart pathologies and a tendency to thrombosis - all of these are considered direct indications for the introduction of red caviar into the diet. In addition, among the beneficial properties of this product the following can be noted.

  • Iodine, which is contained in this expensive delicacy, is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, it improves concentration, reduces stress and improves vigilance. Iron is necessary for anemia, as this element is involved in hematopoietic processes. Calcium is good for hair, nails and teeth, and phosphorus reduces the likelihood of fractures.
  • Vitamins, caviar is essential for maintaining immunity, normal functioning of the heart and other internal organs, and preventing viral diseases. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is especially useful for pregnant women, because it is responsible for the normal formation and development of the fetus. In addition, it is necessary for the functioning of the genitourinary system.

According to many reviews on various forums, a couple of spoons of caviar eaten at the beginning of the menstrual cycle helps reduce lower back pain and cramps.

  • The benefits of red caviar for children are so great that there is practically no difference in the daily intake of a child and an adult. You can start feeding your baby salted grains from the age of 3, gradually increasing their quantity. The frequency is about 1–2 times a week. The vitamins and minerals contained in the product will have a beneficial effect on the speed of growth and development of boys and girls. They will help develop the musculoskeletal system and strengthen the baby’s immunity.
  • Despite the high calorie content of the product, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight. A small amount of bright grains (1–2 teaspoons) normalize metabolic processes in the body and accelerate human metabolism. Of course, if you eat a couple of sandwiches with rich butter and a sweet loaf every day, you will not be able to lose weight. It is best to consume this product in its pure form or supplement it with rye bread, vegetables and healthy side dishes.

Unfortunately, for all its benefits, red caviar can cause serious harm to the body if you purchase and consume it without paying attention to the quality and quantity of the product. Firstly, this delicacy is a strong allergen and can cause very severe swelling. Secondly, the daily intake of the product should not exceed 50–70 g per day, which is about 3–4 tablespoons. Thirdly, the high cost of red caviar often causes fraud. It is worth carefully reading the composition and manufacturer’s information on the packaging, purchasing a fresh product from trusted suppliers.

Another feature is that almost all goods in stores are sold in salted form. A large amount of salt is contraindicated for people with diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, and therefore they should refuse to buy any caviar.

Which one happens, in which fish?

The fish themselves, belonging to the salmon family, vary greatly in appearance. Accordingly, the caviar of each of them may differ in these parameters. The size of caviar is:

  • about 7 mm in diameter - large;
  • about 5 mm – average;
  • about 4 mm – small;
  • 2–3 mm in diameter is the smallest trout caviar.

In addition, caviar may vary in color. It can be bright red, pale red with a hint of orange, or bright orange. The product can be fresh, frozen or salted. However, most often, caviar is divided depending on what fish it was obtained from.

  • Pink salmon. Medium-sized red-orange eggs can often be found in any large supermarket. The pleasant taste without bitterness goes well with any delicate cheese or sweet loaf.

  • Trout. Small eggs, no more than 3 mm in diameter, have a relatively low cost and are sold in almost any store. It also does not have a pronounced bitterness, and therefore is suitable for any snack.
  • Coho salmon. Medium eggs up to 4 mm in diameter, raspberry-colored, are distinguished by strong bitterness. It has the largest amount of useful substances compared to other varieties of caviar, but it is quite difficult to find on sale even in large cities.
  • Red salmon. This caviar is most popular in America, as its habitats are located along the coast of this continent. In our country you can also find this delicacy, but its price is too high for the size of the eggs (4–5 mm).
  • Chum salmon. Large grains with a diameter of 6 mm with a durable shell and a small embryo inside. Such caviar has a high price and is more often used as a decoration for ready-made dishes than as an independent ingredient. The taste has a slight bitterness and strong oiliness.
  • Chinook. Not everyone can afford the largest caviar with a grain diameter of about 7 mm. Due to its high cost, it is almost impossible to buy in regular stores; most often this product is ordered directly from the supplier. The mild taste without bitterness is perfect for salads, appetizers and as a decoration for main dishes.

How to choose?

It is impossible to say unequivocally that one or another variety of red caviar is better than others. Each buyer himself chooses the parameters by which the selection will be made. Some will prefer a more nutritious and healthy product, while others will make their choice based on the size of the eggs. The main thing is to choose a delicacy of proper quality.

In tin cans

Most often, in small shopping centers and regular grocery stores you can buy caviar preserved in small tin jars. In this case, there is no way to assess the color or size of the eggs, so all attention should be paid to the integrity of the packaging and the information on it. The product on the shelf must have an appropriate shelf life, not contain a large number of chemical impurities and preservatives, and also be from a trusted manufacturer. You can study reviews of various caviar producers on the Internet before you go shopping.

A closed jar can last in the refrigerator until the end of its shelf life, and an open one can last no more than two days.

In glass

In addition to tin cans, glass containers are also used as containers for the salty delicacy. In this case, in addition to the above parameters, you need to pay attention to the color and size of the eggs themselves. A signal that the buyer is facing a fake can be a bright artificial color or too large a size of eggs. In addition, grains of natural caviar are not selected according to size, so they may differ slightly. If all the eggs in the jar are exactly the same, you should look for the product from another seller.

By weight

In some large or specialized stores you can find red caviar sold by weight. In this case, the seller measures the required amount of the product and packages it himself in a disposable plastic container. If the store provides such an opportunity, then it is best to try the caviar right on the spot and only then make a purchasing decision. If this is not possible, then it is worth assessing its color, size, and most importantly, its smell. Fresh caviar should have a fishy aroma with a slight hint of bitterness. If the product smells sour, it means it has expired. Unlike canned caviar, the loose product should not be stored at home for more than 2-3 days, otherwise it may spoil.

What to use with?

The traditional way to consume red caviar is sandwiches with a loaf of bread and butter. It is also often put in salads or used to decorate them. In addition, salty caviar is often combined with pancakes or black bread. It will look great on thin vegetable chips, and placed in a heap on a piece of baked or fried fish will not only complement its taste, but also add a restaurant look to an ordinary dish.

Some argue that salted caviar goes amazingly with cold, creamy ice cream. Such combinations of salty and sweet products can be found in various desserts, for example, salted caramel or salted chocolate, so if purchasing them did not bring disappointment, you can try this unusual combination.

To learn how to properly salt red caviar at home, watch the following video.

Almost any holiday feast is complete without red caviar. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose red caviar, which caviar is better - in glass or by weight, which fish red caviar is better and even how to eat red caviar correctly. Three types of red salmon caviar are popular: chum salmon caviar - large orange eggs with red splashes and a delicate taste; pink salmon caviar – medium size, bright orange color, with a very slight bitter taste; Sockeye salmon caviar - small eggs of a dark red color with a strong odor and bitter taste. Let's figure out how to choose high-quality red salmon caviar.

Red salmon caviar

Red salmon caviar is an internationally recognized delicacy. Salmon caviar has a pleasant mild taste, it is nutritious and healthy. In addition, salmon caviar is certainly served on the most beloved Russian holidays - New Year and Maslenitsa. There are many ways to serve caviar, the main thing to remember is the basic rule - red caviar should be cold when served, even if it goes with hot pancakes! And, of course, it is important to choose the right red caviar.

Useful properties of red caviar

We can talk about the beneficial properties of red salmon caviar for a very long time. Red caviar is one of the most nutritious foods; it has great nutritional value. 100 g of black (grained or pressed) caviar contains 280 calories. And 100 g of red caviar - 270 calories. For comparison: the same amount of medium-fat meat provides only 120 calories. There are only 70 calories in 100 g of milk. The beneficial properties of red caviar also include the fact that it is easily absorbed by the body!

So, red caviar is a healthy delicacy, which affects the formation of red blood cells in humans, normalizes metabolism and blood sugar levels, and also regulates cholesterol metabolism. Rich in protein and fats that can be easily digested, this caviar contains everything that is necessary for the full development and functioning of the human body:

  • Lecithin, which neutralizes bad cholesterol
  • Vitamins E, D, groups B and A
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • A protein that provides a full spectrum of amino acids

Interestingly, the nutrients contained in red salmon caviar have an intense effect on the skin, preventing the aging process and restoring affected areas.

It should be remembered that caviar, while having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, still contains salt, and therefore people prone to edema, suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension or coronary heart disease are recommended to consume no more than 2 sandwiches per day. The general recommendation of doctors is that our body needs red caviar. Ideal if you use it 1-2 times a week.

Which red caviar is better

Often those who want to buy red caviar are interested in which fish is the best caviar. Let's try to figure it out. Salmon caviar or red caviar is prepared from raw caviar of salmon fish: chum salmon, pink salmon, masu salmon and less often from sockeye salmon, coho salmon and chinook salmon. Different salmon eggs have different sizes and colors. If you are wondering which fish red caviar is better and which caviar is better to buy, remember the following information:
  • size of red caviar eggs - which fish has the largest

egg diameter 2-3 mm - trout caviar;
the diameter of the eggs is 3-5 mm - this is most likely the caviar of pink salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon and masu salmon;
the diameter of the eggs is 5-7 mm - caviar of chum salmon and chinook salmon.
  • color of red caviar eggs - which fish is more beautiful

pink salmon caviar - orange;
chum salmon caviar is pale red with an orange tint;
Sockeye salmon caviar has a bright red color.

Our shelves mainly offer red salmon caviar of three types:

  1. chum salmon caviar– large orange eggs with red speckles and a delicate taste;
  2. pink salmon caviar– medium size, bright orange color, with a very slight bitter taste;
  3. sockeye salmon caviar– small eggs of dark red color with a strong smell and bitter taste.
Which caviar is better- a controversial issue, everyone has different tastes, but most are sure that the best red caviar is pink salmon and chum salmon caviar, having a pleasant taste and orange color with shine. The caviar of other salmon has a redder color and an increased bitter taste.

How to choose red caviar

Red salmon caviar is, unfortunately, of poor quality. To choose high-quality caviar, you should follow some rules:

  • How to choose caviar in a tin can

Never buy red caviar in tin packaging. Tin is a 100% guarantee that there is a lot of liquid inside and the eggs are crushed. Caviar in a tin is second-class at best; at worst, it is either rotten caviar or caviar with too many preservatives.
You should not buy red caviar not from the refrigerator.
If red caviar is kept in an open refrigerator, the temperature in it should not be higher than –5. If it's higher, don't buy!
You have the right to ask the seller for a veterinary certificate for loose caviar; if the issuance period is more than a week, it is better not to buy such red caviar.
  • How to choose loose caviar

It’s easier to choose loose caviar if you ask the seller to try it. Look at the caviar, smell it and try it!
The caviar grain should be clean, not cloudy when exposed to light, with a small dot of a slightly darker color.
The smell of red caviar is the smell of delicious fish; if the caviar has no smell at all, it is frozen; if the caviar smells strongly, it is rotten or sour.
Red caviar should not taste too salty, now red caviar can be slightly sweet (from the new preservative - Varex).
If you feel a sour taste, the red caviar has become sour. It is better not to buy such red caviar. You can also determine the quality of red caviar by the container in which the caviar is stored - if a white coating is visible along the top edge, then the caviar has gone sour.
Remember that pink salmon caviar is slightly bitter, and coho salmon caviar, even when fresh, will most likely seem too bitter to most.
  • How to choose caviar in a glass jar

It is worth considering that when buying caviar in a jar, you overpay for the container (glass jar, jar with a lock) and pretentious names.
If you want to buy red caviar in a jar, pay attention to the production and packaging dates - there should be no more than 6 months between them.
Salmon go to spawn from July to September. This means that high-quality caviar should be prepared no later than the beginning of October.
When the jar is turned over, high-quality red caviar should not immediately begin to crawl along the walls; at most, only one or two eggs will fall onto the lid.
If the red caviar immediately crawls when you turn it over, it is too liquid; there is a lot of juice in it.
Look at the jar of red caviar up to the light - there should be no burst eggs or foreign objects in the caviar.
Red caviar grain should not be cloudy, with one dark dot.

Most believe that It’s better to buy red caviar in glass, since granular salmon caviar, packaged in jars, retains its quality longer and is more convenient for retail trade than barrel red caviar. Granular salmon caviar is divided into grades 1 and 2 taking into account the condition of the grain, taste, smell of caviar and salt content in it:

  • 1st grade caviar should have intact elastic grains and should not contain films or blood. The salt content in caviar of 1st grade is from 4 to 6%, 2nd grade - from 4 to 8%.
    • Characteristic features: caviar of one type of fish; uniform color; strong grain; pleasant aroma and taste without foreign tastes; lightly salted, salt 4-6%; no sludge or burst eggs. Sockeye salmon and coho salmon caviar may have uneven color and a bitter taste.

How to eat red caviar

If you already know how to choose red caviar, then all that remains is to enjoy it. The soft and delicate, moderately salty taste of caviar will bring pleasure both in its pure form and in dishes. And you can eat red caviar in different ways.

Red caviar is good in the best Russian traditions with pancakes, potato pancakes, or as an amazing appetizer with vodka.

You can serve regular sandwiches with butter and caviar, or serve stuffed eggs with caviar.

Or you can eat caviar the way they do it in Europe, use it in pasta, as a side dish, in sauces, light salads and gourmet hot dishes, or decorate canapés with sour cream with it, or serve simply with cream.