Old Russian runes and their meanings. Interpretation and application of Slavic runes

Unfortunately, due to the persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Rus', Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (including date of birth) were lost. However, in 2001, Anton Platov’s book was published, in which he talks about runes and how to interpret them.

Pagan heritage: Slavic runes and their uses

He himself claims that the book is not the ultimate truth, but Platov did a lot of work on studying both the history of the Slavs and the heritage left by the pagans in the form of artifacts.

In addition, unlike the Slavic ones, the Scandinavian (North Germanic), or also known as FUTARK, runes are perfectly preserved.

They are in many ways consonant and their interpretation in some places coincides.

In total, 18 runic signs have reached us:


Belobog, or the rune of the inner Self. The World, the Tree of Peace, also has meaning.
It speaks about human essence, about what is hidden in a particular person, his inner strength.

The desire for order in everything is also important.
Used as a talisman of human protection by the light gods.
In futhark, it partially corresponds in meaning to the runes Algiz and Mannaz.


Chernobog. Denoted as an inverted previous rune. Darkness, shadow.
The desire for absolute disorder, chaos. It means the human unconscious, intuition. Can be associated with someone who stands behind the left shoulder and pushes people to do crazy things.

It means a break in patterns, the collapse of the established. Exit from any ordered closed system.
In Futhark, the Hagalaz and Perth runes partially carry the same meanings.

You should not think that the first rune means absolute good, and the second - absolute evil. These are rather two components of the necessary world balance.


Alatyr. Center of the World, mountain on Buyan Island. The place where everything starts.
Altar where sacrifices are made.

In various magical formulas, the Bel-flammable stone Alatyr appears, under which all the world’s Powers are hidden. This is the meaning of this Slavic rune.
There are no even partial analogues of this rune in the futhark. Only slightly overlaps with Yer.

Rainbow, rune of the Path

The road leading to the Alatyr stone. The path that appeared in the struggle of opposites, the mighty Belobog and Chernobog.

It means successful travel, help on the road, a generally good outcome, especially in difficult cases.
In futhark it fully corresponds to the Raido rune.

Need, or rune of Fate, Inevitability

Fire, consuming everything in its path, blocking the Path.

In a magical sense, this is a complete ban on the continuation of any actions.

There is no such rune in the Futhark, but in other Germanic runic traditions there is Naud with the same meaning.

Steal, sacrificial fire. Rune of truth.

Means desire, fulfillment of intentions.

Purification of thoughts, finding true desires.

In Futhark it is correlated with Gebo and Kano.

Treba, rune of the Warrior

N carries the meaning of fortitude and sacrifice. Find the strength to sacrifice something to achieve more. This is how you win at chess: by sacrificing a pawn, you checkmate. But the Treba rune implies the sacrifice of a part of oneself, the abandonment of the dark Self for the sake of the true goal, the victory of the conscious over the unconscious.
In Futhark this is the Teyvaz rune.

As you can see, Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (date of birth is not considered in this context) very often are a complement and continuation of each other. But the runes of the Elder Futhark are rather individual in their meaning.


The name speaks for itself.

This is the rune of Strength and Knowledge. Determining the path leading to victory.

Similar to the Soul rune.

Wind, rune of the Summit

A person’s inner strength means having a core and strong convictions. Inspiration.

Work on yourself.
It has no analogue in other runic practices.

Bereginya. Rune of Mother, Earth

Controversial rune. A symbol of giving life to accomplish something and depriving it when the time comes.

The power of earthly force.

Fertility. The true feminine principle. It means the arrival of some benefits, wealth.
It corresponds to Berkana in futhark.

Oud, rune of Love and Youth

Continuation of the family. It personifies love not only for a person, but also for life itself. The power of youth, the fire of love.

A powerful force capable of filling the void of chaos through the union of opposites, fertilization.
In Futhark this is Uruz.

Lelya, rune of living water

It is alive - streams, rivers. Running water, not noticing obstacles. Waking up from sleep.

Appeal to the power not of reason, but of intuition.

Laguz and Vunyo in futhark.

Rock, rune of the unknown

It means the presence of higher powers and the unpredictability of the situation. Development is unpredictable, because all the threads are in the hands of Fate and Rock.

Partially corresponds to Perth, Evaz, Hagalaz. But most of all the Odin rune, which is used in several runic practices as the 25th rune of the Elder Futhark.

Support, rune of the Motherland

It means finding support, some pillar in life from which strength will be drawn. May also indicate the help of the gods.

Partially coincides with Ansuz.

God willing, Dara rune

In fortune telling it means a gift from fate or the gods. The business they are asking about will end unexpectedly successfully. Wealth is not only material, but also spiritual.

Inguz, Gebo and Dagaz from the Elder Futhark.

Perun, rune of power

Unexpected help. A powerful patron who can help even in a hopeless case.

Replenishment of vital energy.

Partially coincides with the Thurisaz rune.

Yes, rune of life, movement

Endless movement, because stopping is like death.

Finding the strength to continue something.

Non-stop growth.
Evaz and Berkana.

Source, rune of stagnation, ice

Peace, stopping all processes. The need to wait it out. Life arose from ice, so the break in movement does not last forever. The ice will melt and life will continue.
In Futhark this is the rune of Isa.

Due to the fact that for a long time all pagan traditions were persecuted, the Slavic runes, their meaning, description, interpretation, including in accordance with the date of birth, were lost. Therefore, choosing, for example, a talisman is not so easy. You must first figure out your palace (and there are only 16 of them in the Slavic tradition), then determine your patron from the pagan gods. And only then can you determine which runic symbol is suitable for a talisman.

Runes of the ancient Slavs (also Russian, Wendish, Vedic, Aryan, pagan runes) - according to the official version, the alleged writing of the ancient Slavs, which existed even before the advent of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet.

Who created the Slavic runes and when did they appear?

There is no single point of view on this issue. Some argue that Slavic runes are the oldest symbols in the world and their origins must be sought in Vedic culture. Officially recognized historians are inclined to the version about the European and ancient Germanic roots of runic writing. The date of origin is considered to be the 1st century AD.

Eighteen Old Slavic runes are known, each of them has its own image-meaning.

Description and meaning of runes

Photos of runes (available for download)

Each rune has a certain meaning and energy. Knowledge of the meaning of Slavic runes can be useful in a wide variety of situations.

To achieve the result you are interested in, you can apply a temporary tattoo with the image of a rune to your body or make a talisman, and then additionally charge it.

Be attentive and careful when selecting a rune: you should not rely only on its description. Try wearing it for a short time first, carefully listening to the sensations in your body.

For convenience, we have arranged the descriptions of Slavic runes in alphabetical order.

Alatyr(Az, World Mountain, Grail)
The Alatyr rune symbolizes the center of the World, the basis of the universe. This is the beginning and the end, the balance and core around which the cycle of life and the struggle of opposites develops. The world mountain, similar to the universal altar or chair, is the prototype of all earthly altars and thrones.

Bereginya(Mother Earth, Makosh, Fate)
Bereginya, among the Slavs, symbolizes feminine energy, protecting and giving life. The Mother Goddess creates favorable conditions and protects all living things. She is responsible for fate and material wealth, gives life and deprives it. The Bereginya rune should be used if there is a lack of vitality.

Wind(Strength, Veles, Top)
Rune of knowledge, magic, strength and will. Bereginya is the rune of earthly forces, and Wind represents subtle and spiritual forces. Rune of Veles - the ancient Slavic god of wisdom and material wealth. Bestows wisdom and strength.

Dazhdbog(Fertility, Gifts)
Dazhdbog is a Slavic rune of luck and wealth, symbolizing goodness and gifts. This is a symbol of spiritual and material well-being, endless abundance. Helps in improving your financial situation.

Eat(Life, Alive)
The rune symbolizes the forces responsible for the physical side of life. There is an image of the continuous movement of the flow of life: growth, development, renewal. Can be used in the treatment of diseases.

Source(First Principle, Ice, Standing)
There is a legend that our world arose from an ice seed. Water contains a huge potential for life and activity, while ice keeps it in a motionless state and is the source of future life. The Slavic rune Source denotes several meanings: on the one hand, it is the fundamental principle and source of future activity, on the other, stagnation and stupor.

Steal(Fire, Sacrifice)
The image of the Great Fire and sacrifices for it. Also, Krada - denotes activity and losses associated with its implementation. For any implementation of our plans, we always pay some sacrifice. Grants purification, accelerates and enhances the implementation of intentions.

Lelya(Water, Attraction, Love)
Rune Lelya is a symbol of life hidden in water, joy, awakening and instinctive spontaneous intuition. Increases attractiveness and intuition, eliminates unreasonable fears and complexes, helps in lucid dreams.

World(I, Belbog)
The image of the rune contains the image of the Tree of the World; it is a sign of the highest nature of man and all things. It is interesting that the modern symbol of peace is the inverted rune of Peace - the Chernobog rune. What world are we being led to? Grants the wearer protection and favor of the light gods.

Need(Inevitability, Karma, Falsehood)

The rune of Veles in the guise of the God of the dark world is Viya. The Rune Need is interpreted as an all-compelling force from which it is impossible to hide. In addition to images of death and retribution, the rune captures images of the limitations of the material world and the shackles that hold the consciousness of people. Strengthens the instinct of self-preservation, accelerates the implementation of karma.

Support(Motherland, Pillar, Gods)
Rune of the Gods, who are the pillars of the universe. Designates the Gods located on the axis of the world and the people existing near them. Used by those in the know to attract the blessings and protection of the Gods.

Rune of the thunder god Perun - the thunder god who protects the world of people and Gods from the forces of destruction. The image contains masculine energy and vitality. Symbolizes dedication, passing through the rejection of the old and rebirth. Develops and strengthens personality, imparts physical and mental resilience.

Rainbow(Joy, Road)
The rainbow denotes the path in the direction and to our universal source, the image of which is contained in the Alatyr rune. The rune is useful when traveling and for the favorable resolution of difficult situations.

The image of the unmanifested Spirit, containing within itself the source, goal and end of all things. Used to convey a situation or thing to a higher power. It is believed that the transmitter loses the ability to control what is given.

Force(Knowledge, Integrity)
The rune contains an image of energy that allows us to move towards the source of the entire universe without leaving the path. Symbolizes the completeness and unity that we will find when we reach the end of the path. The rune gives the wearer stamina, determination and determination.

Treba(Warrior, Victim)
The word “requirement” is translated as “sacrifice.” The essence of the image is self-sacrifice to achieve a goal. The image is best revealed by the legend in which the hero feeds a bird with his own meat, which pulls him out of the kingdom of the dead.

Oud(Youth, Love)
The Slavic rune Oud denotes the sexual and creative force that changes our world. Enhances the wearer’s sexual attractiveness, helps with infertility, and gives strength for activity.

Chernobog(Shadow, Darkness, Reflection of the World Tree)
The image contains forces striving for the destruction of the world and general chaos. The meaning of the rune is opposite in meaning to the rune of Belbog (World), together they form a balance and are the basis for the existence of a dual material world. The Peace rune represents the forces of order, and the Chernobog rune represents the world-destroying spirits of Chaos. The essence of the rune is destruction - use with the utmost caution.

Should you get tattoos with runes?

All at once…

Runes applied to the body influence your destiny. Keeping this in mind, you can get a tattoo with any Slavic rune.

Are you sure that the image and energy contained in the rune will delight you throughout your life? And we’re not talking about the impact of tattoos on skin health and public opinion, everything is clear here.

Much more important is your personal desire, which for many people changes several times a day, let alone the decades that you will have to spend with a tattooed rune.

If you want to get a tattoo for some magical purpose, and not just for the sake of beauty, then it would be much wiser to make an amulet or apply a temporary tattoo.

Fortune telling with runes

The principle of fortune telling with three runes

It is believed that runes are able to predict the outcome of a situation. Using a minimal set of self-made Slavic runes (even drawn on plain paper), you can already conduct a fortune-telling session.

It is important to guess in the right frame of mind. You should be as calm as possible; nothing should distract the fortuneteller. Do everything slowly - without fuss. To create a suitable atmosphere, it is permissible to use incense, essential oils, and other attributes you like. The question you are interested in should be short and clear, so concentrate on the situation and think about simplifying the question.

For interpretation, use a reference book or book (for example, “Runes of the Eastern Slavs” - author Kreslav Rys). In the future, we will definitely make a special service for fortune telling on runes on the website.

Slavic runes are more than just symbols. The culture of every nation lies not only in fairy tales, legends and traditions.

A sign of a full-fledged culture is considered to be writing, with the help of which everything that happens to a separate group of people, nation and civilization is recorded. And the Slavic-Aryan civilization is no exception - a lot of evidence has survived to this day that our ancestors were a highly educated race that knew, perhaps even more than our generation.

Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation - this is part of the culture of the Slavs, and not only the ancients, but also the present. Slavic runic writing is a figurative writing of tribes belonging to the Slavic-Aryan race, used in pre-Christian times. Runes were known long before the appearance of the first versions of the Old Church Slavonic language based on the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet.

Some skeptics, especially from Christian circles, argue that Slavic runes did not exist, but how can we explain the strange symbols on the ancient temples located on the territory of our country. No one will argue that there are extremely few sources according to which one can assert the existence of runic ancient Slavic writing, so the question still remains open. But at the same time, it is difficult to find another logical explanation for the symbols applied to the tools, weapons and household items of the ancient Slavs.

Slavic runes amulets - they were more than just symbols with which information could be stored. This is part of culture, a system of knowledge preservation. The symbolism of Slavic runes consists of a special energy and information space in which the ancient Slavic peoples lived.

It is worth immediately stipulating the following point: the very concept of “Slavic runes” cannot be considered absolute, since the Slavs are just half of the Race - Rasen and Svyatorus. The second half of the Race - Ha'Aryans and Da'Aryans - have a slightly different name - Aryans. But this point is the topic of a separate discussion and even a scientific treatise, which can serve as the basis for writing a doctoral dissertation. Therefore, Slavic runes are a fairly general definition that is worth discussing in more detail.

Runic writing was first used by the Ha'Aryans, who compiled the first alphabet of runes - the Ha'Aryan Karuna. Simply put, karuna is an inscription of a word consisting of two runes, in which the rune “ka” means connection, and “rune” is the main element of such a unique writing. It is worth noting that each Great Family had its own written language:

  • The Da'Aryans have trags,
  • The Rasens have word of mouth,
  • The Svyatorus have initial letters.

Today there are no analogues of writing symbols and letters for Slavic runes, since all systems of writing symbols are quite conventional. According to experts, Karuna was the most successful and perfect version of writing, since it was easier than other options to write and remember. An important feature of Slavic runes is that their actual number and full designation are unknown. For example, Pater Diy Svyatoslav knew about three million runic symbols.

Many people who are just beginning to be interested in Slavic culture mistakenly confuse the Slavic runes with the illiterate Vedas runes that have nothing in common with them, about which all that is known is that they were primitive and practically did not carry any logical load. The ancient Slavs used their own runes for millions of years, and our contemporaries, who honor their roots, write or even today.

Features of reading Slavic runes

It is important to understand that the standard 18 Slavic runes, which can most often be found in many sources, are just part of the runic symbols used by the ancient Slavs. Karuna had one feature that must be taken into account; the runes in it can have a variety of meanings - it can be a separate letter, a syllable, a word, or even a whole image. It is worth saying that images in Slavic writing were a priority, and one rune could have up to three meanings depending on the specifics of use (images that may be necessarily related to each other).

In order to write down the runes, slokas were used - 9 rows with 16 symbols in each. Every 16 shlokas formed larger letters - Santhias. In order for the Santias to be not just a series of symbols, but to carry an informational and energetic load, they were applied to precious metals (gold or silver) rolled into plates. Up to 4 shlokas were applied to both sides of a metal plate; such a plate was also called Santhiya. 9 Santii, collected into a single whole, were a Circle.

One of the features of writing shlokas can be considered the fact that there are not 16, but 32 runes in a row. According to this rule, each first rune is a commentary on the second, taking into account the context of the entire text. Quite often, 64 runes are used, which indicate a double translation of the previously applied text. In order to correctly read the shloka of runes, you need to read from the first line from left to right to the last line. After which the procedure is repeated in reverse order, rising from the outermost rune to the first. According to scientific research and archaeological excavations, it is possible to read the text in two ways - by letters or images. In the first, everything is simple and banal - each sound is encrypted with a symbol. When reading figuratively, a key image is initially determined, to which the remaining runes are attached, and then the reading proceeds according to the standard algorithm. The result of such writing and reading is a message that is received in letters and images. It is worth saying that quite a lot of specific narrow-profile literature is devoted to Slavic runes and their meaning, which is usually found in the closed collections of museums and central libraries not only in our country, but also in the world.

In order to understand the basic principles of reading runes, consider an example - the name of the well-known Slavic god Perun. If it is written in runes as letters, then everything is simple - you get the name “Perun”. But if you read it in images, the phrase will be much more complicated - “The path is our joy of war.” At the same time, we should not forget that there is an even more complex version of reading, but it is accessible to a greater extent to historians and researchers, although if there is a desire, an inquisitive descendant of the ancient Slavs will be able to figure it out.

How many runes are there and what can they mean?

The standard Karuna contains 144 runes, in addition to which we can highlight the runes of movement, time, and figurative ones (they are quite difficult for modern people to understand). If we consider the karunic records as a source of information, then they are not so difficult to read either by letters or by images. For example, Veles is a double rune, consisting of “ve” - the knower, and “les” - the Universe. When written with a capital letter instead of “e” in the “forest” rune, it is written as “yat”, so the image obtained is the Universe, and not green spaces. And there are several thousand such examples of words that were used by our ancestors and today, but you can read about them in more detail in special historical and philological literature or in special university courses.

Quite often you can find mention of the Ha'Aryan Karuna as a Scandinavian utharka, consisting of 24 runes. Slavic runes and Scandinavian uthark can only be used in an esoteric context, since they are just a component of the general karunic or symbolistic system. If you look at the runes from the point of view of modern times, they have somewhat lost their usefulness. They can only be used to learn the traditions and customs of our ancestors, touching lost and lost knowledge.

The meaning of the runes of the Slavic peoples

Slavic runes and their meaning are one of the main issues that interest modern Slavs. Their meanings can be obtained even without special knowledge, it is enough just to know the gods and the names of the runes. The standard 18 basic runes are considered the most magical and are widely used in a variety of occult rituals. Runes are applied to any objects and surfaces, from weapons to tattoos on the body. The decoding of Slavic runic amulets is closely related to specific Slavic deities, since each rune symbolizes one god. The simplest interpretation is:

  • Wind - Veles;
  • Bereginya - Mokosh;
  • Ud - Yarilo;
  • Need - King Navi Viy;
  • Peace and Family - Belobog;
  • Yes - Alive.

An inquisitive descendant of the Slavs, who knows all the features of each god and their graphic interpretation, can make a talisman on his own that partially fulfills its purpose. The runes of the Slavs are part of the knowledge hidden from the average person; they have a hidden meaning that allows you to use the traditions of paganism in order to improve interpersonal relationships, wealth, and get a promotion. Charms and amulets make it possible to get the desired result, and to some extent remind you that you need to make decisions on your own in order to realize your plans. The popularity of Slavic symbols in the last few years is explained by the fact that more and more people dream of understanding the secrets of the Aryan Slavs, learning more about their traditions, beliefs and rituals. Therefore, today it is not a problem to buy a Slavic obreg, which will bring good luck and improve relationships. The most popular amulets are made of silver, since this metal has always been considered magical from the beginning.

Slavic alphabets based on runes

In order to correctly understand and use the runes of the Slavs, it is important to know that there are not many basic runic alphabets, each of which has its own characteristics of use and application:

  1. Wendish (Vendish) runes are an alphabet used by the Slavs who lived in the southern Baltic between the Elbe and Vistula until the middle of the first millennium AD;
  2. Boyan's runes - they were used to write the Boyan's Hymn (one of the most famous ancient Slavic epics) in the fourth century. These runes are similar to the symbols of the peoples of Greece, Asia Minor and the Black Sea coast;
  3. Veles runes were used in the cultural and social relations of the Eastern Slavs. With their help, chronicles were kept in Rus' until the 9th century. They wrote the “Book of Veles” - one of the main collections of rituals, legends and tales of the Slavs.
  4. Runitsa - according to some scientists, this alphabet has existed since Paleolithic times, on the basis of which the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet were compiled. At the same time, there is a theory that such a “rune” is the basis for the writing of Ancient Egypt and China.

It is worth remembering that Slavic runes are not just beautiful symbols, the application of which has become popular, they are part of our history. The question of studying runic writing is a complex issue, requiring not just basic knowledge of mythology, but also a fundamental study of cultural and social relations throughout the history of all civilizations that have contributed to the development and formation of humanity.

18 Slavic Runes used in modern times

Anyone - Scandinavians, Indians, Germans, Egyptians and many other peoples, but not the Slavs, not the Russians. Very often, ancient Slavic runes and their significance are belittled by traditional historians - their value for the history of world civilizations has not been proven, they believe.

However, thanks to the latest research by Professor V.A. Chudinov, it has been proven that the ancient Slavic runes were the first and most ancient. The oldest Russian runes were written on stones 24–30 thousand years ago. All other runes and hieroglyphs are based on ancient Slavic ones or directly copy them.

About the settlement of the Slavs around the world and the fact that they came from the north from the ancient Daaria (Hyperborea) - a continent that was located in the area of ​​the modern North Pole (according to V.A. Chudinov, it was Greenland). Moving from north to south, all over the world the Slavs carried with them runic culture and writing. Mavro Orbini, forgotten by official historians, wrote about this back in the Middle Ages in his work “The Slavic Kingdom.”

The most striking fact of runic writing is the Etruscan inscriptions, which can only be read if you use Russian syllabic runes. Even the ancient Romans said: “Etruscan is unreadable.”

Old Russian runes and their significance in the history of the development of writing

Runes were known and used for writing, with rare exceptions, by all the Slavs and the peoples around them. Runic writing (runitsa) is syllabic, not very convenient for use in everyday life. In addition to syllabic writing, the Slavic Russians used alphabetic writing. After the displacement of Vedism by Christianity and the destruction of the layer of Magi, syllabic runes were used for some time by artisans and merchants in combination with alphabetic writing.

Cyril and Methodius added purely Greek letters to the Russian runic alphabet to denote Greek words and sounds, while removing those letters and sounds that were not perceived by Greek ears and language. The Greek alphabet has only 24 letters and they are completely insufficient to convey all Russian sounds. Therefore, the Russian runic letter, in which some researchers count up to 144 main runes alone, cannot in any way be derived from the Greek alphabet.

It was on the basis of runic writing that almost all alphabets in the world arose - from the Latin alphabet to Chinese and Japanese characters.

The sacred meaning of ancient Russian runes

It is believed that the runes are a gift from the god Veles and were created at the moment of the creation of the Universe. These are not just letters, these are images that convey information.

The sacred figurative meaning was accessible only to the Magi and was passed on by them from generation to generation. To understand the true meaning of runes, it is not enough to know the meaning of a single rune - a lot in the interpretation depends on the order of their arrangement.

It was with the help of runes that the ancient Russians maintained contact with the gods. Old Russian runes and their importance in everyday life are difficult to overestimate. With their help, the Magi created protective amulets and amulets, carried out spells, fortune telling and other magical rituals. It required casting the necessary spell. Most often, 18 magic runes were used for sacred purposes:

  • The rune “Is” is the feminine principle on the entire planet.
  • The rune "Oud" is masculine energy and strength.
  • The rune "Dazhdbog" symbolizes the fertilization of the Earth and the harvest.
  • Rune "Chernobog" - reveals the hidden, secret powers of a person.
  • The "Rainbow" rune is a bridge between the worlds of Reveal and Navi, and can reveal hidden abilities.
  • The rune "Krada" is the need for spiritual development.
  • Rune "Rock" is the power of divine, natural order.
  • Rune “Need” – submission to personal law-order, use of knowledge for one’s own benefit.
  • The “Source” rune is the accumulation of internal power and strength.
  • Rune "Strength" - change of fate, unity of opposites. Rule becomes one when Reality and Nav are united.
  • The “Support” rune is the unification of consciousness with disparate parts of one’s own “I” and the Universe, protects internal strengths and emotions.
  • Rune "Perun" - endless power, control, absolute masculine strength.
  • The Treba rune is a sacrifice to the gods, designed to cleanse oneself of everything unnecessary - wealth, knowledge, talent, career.
  • Rune "Bereginya" - protects the Slavs, women in labor and young mothers from representatives of another world.
  • Rune "Wind" is the divine pleasure of battle, death is a stage of battle.
  • Rune "Belbog" - the desire to achieve a higher goal.
  • The rune "Lelya" is the birth of a new thing, the power and strength of the Family tree.
  • Rune "Alatyr" - absolute peace, making the only right decisions.

To use the power of runes to your advantage, you need to clearly understand their purpose. Knowledge of the symbolism and mythology of the Slavic peoples is required. Without such knowledge, attempts to create a talisman or amulet can only cause harm or, at best, fail to produce results. We must not forget that the Slavic Russians did not have good and evil gods - all the gods were versatile and, depending on the circumstances, could bring benefit or harm.

When doing fortune telling, runes can only be interpreted in combination. Alone, they cannot say anything even to an experienced user.

Currently, ancient Slavic runes and their meaning are easy to study via the Internet - they are described on many sites. However, when choosing information to study, it is necessary to have basic knowledge about the life of the ancient Slavs, because there is a lot of contradictory information on the Internet that requires a critical attitude from the user.

Such an incomprehensible and completely unknown magical world of runes, uniting a separate sphere of the universe in several dozen symbols, interests many modern people. And not only scientists are interested in deciphering signs and runic magic. Ordinary people also want to know what is behind certain symbols, because, according to the ancient legends of our ancestors, they can radically change their lives. Many people study Slavic runes and their meanings with constant interest, learning knowledge that constitutes only part of the great heritage of our ancestors. And in this article you can find answers to the most pressing questions about ancient symbols that have come to us since pagan times.

Runic records and the magic of symbols, which are a kind of historical reminder of primitive humanity, have become the main topic of discussion for many writers and famous cultural figures. Based on historical information and all kinds of tips, some of them were able to publish quite interesting publications, which later became the basis for a course on the sacred traditions of the ancient Slavs.

Such publications include one of Iggvolod’s books (A.V. Platov, a well-known writer in certain circles and an activist of the pagan movement “Renaissance”) - “Runic Magic”, published in 1994, it contains reliable data about many runic signs and their meaning. Starting from the basics of the sacred teachings of the ancient Slavic nation and ending with documented information (rock paintings, photos, videos), it allows you to understand the deeper meaning of the heritage. In the future, this helps a person interested in mastering runic magic to more accurately use rune symbols in achieving their goals.

First of all, it is worth noting that runes are a kind of writing, hieroglyphs, denoting magical amulet paraphernalia. As the representatives of the ancient Slavic nation themselves claimed, the runes were presented to them as a gift by the supreme god Veles. The use of these unique “patterns” allowed a person to protect himself from troubles, misfortunes, the evil eye and other evils. Ancient runes could be both individual amulets and magical universal tools for protecting a home, family, or an entire clan. Therefore, they were applied in ancient times to almost any surface. The most common were Slavic runic inscriptions on clothes, warriors' ammunition, clothes and medallions, pendants. Often, to protect the house, women applied runes and symbols of Slavic ancestors to household objects and the walls of the house.

But ancient signs in the form of runes carry not only protective meaning. Some time ago, various fortune telling using runes was very popular. They were distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Central Europe, which towards the end of the 8th century. settled by the Slavs. This could be explained by the reliability of the results obtained during prediction using rune combinations.

Few people know, but runes are also considered to be the writings of our ancestors. A.V. also mentions this. Platov in his publication, as about the pre-Christian alphabet of the ancient Slavs. Used to preserve messages, runes became the basis for alphabets that appeared much later.

Surprisingly, entire sentences could fit in just a few characters. Evidence of this is the inscriptions on stones carved by representatives of ancient nations.

The elder runes, the meaning of which lies more in the preservation of acquired knowledge, are a classic example of this. The use of symbols even then made it possible to use runes to document historical events, as well as for magical purposes.

In the modern world, runic inscriptions are called a specific sign system. Those who have not previously encountered this topic at all feel the mystery and a kind of sacred mysticism of ancient hieroglyphs. And it is not surprising, because the meaning of Slavic runic inscriptions is deeper than other signs of ancient humanity known today. So, for example, the basis for the interpretation of runes was the reflection of the trinity of divine power, which appeared in the worldview of representatives of the Slavic people in the form of opposites:

  • Life and death;
  • Order and Chaos;
  • Man and Warrior.

What do the designations mean?

Depending on which rune is used by a person, one can understand how much he believes in the deities, or what goal he is pursuing. In addition, the translation of some runic writings could indicate his belonging to a relatively specific family.

Protective symbols, as previously mentioned, could be transferred by the Slavs to a wide variety of things:

  • Houseware;
  • decorations (decor or accessories);
  • towels;
  • belts;
  • iconic elements and much more.

In mantika (ancient fortune-telling technique), runes were used as the main tool that gave an interpretation of possible events in the future based on the combinations that fell out during the course. In this case, the symbols are applied to special dies. The ancient Slavs usually made them from wood or carved them on stones. For such fortune-telling, a certain system of interaction of signs is provided.

The author's layout during fortune telling on the runes made it possible to judge possible events in the near future. When starting divination rituals, the Slavs usually established an invisible energetic connection with the gods. Such an introduction helped to receive a more reliable hint from unearthly forces and increase the meaning of some runic signs:

  • Strength of the Family;
  • happy Share;

What exactly each of them means, as well as other runic symbols, you can find out by reading the article further.

Runic images with their decoding

As a memory of the Slavic family, the runes of Maly Furtak are still closer to many of us “in spirit.” The system, consisting of ancient signs, contains 18 runes, each of which carries an individual meaning. Exactly what meaning they are endowed with, and how exactly they are read and depicted, is demonstrated in the photo.

    • The first rune, shown in the photo above, reads Peace. She personifies the Universe as the Slavs saw it. This symbol also conveys the essence of the World Tree. In some other interpretations, this sign is an image of the inner “I” of every person, eager to overcome Chaos and directing a person to Order in the World. In general, this meaning of the World rune can be considered correct. They are both considered a reliable translation of the ancient hieroglyph, which A.V. Platov mentioned in his book. In the world of magic, where such symbolic designs are increasingly used to predict the future, the Peace rune represents protection. The one who gets a die with her image will be under the protection of the Gods.

  • The second picture shows the Chernobog rune. She, as the opposite of the first symbol, personifies the forces that strive for disorder, Chaos. In prophecies, this sign indicates rupture, destruction, completion, etc. Depending on the combination in which a die with such an outline appears, a person can expect either the destruction of unnecessary connections, or a long-awaited exit from the “vicious circle.”
  • The next rune in the photo is Alatyr, meaning the center of the entire Universe. Its essence is all that exists from the beginning to the end of the Universe. This is the center around which there is always movement. It is he who is mentioned as a stone that lies at the base of the World and around which the forces of Chaos and Order constantly revolve, being in constant struggle. The sacred meaning of this sign is an altar that serves as a place for sacrifice. In other sources, Alatyr is the personification of the law of balance.
  • Rainbow, the fourth rune in the image above, signifies the road. However, this is not the road that can arise in human understanding. Rainbow is a special path, which is determined by the struggle and simultaneous unity of opposites (Chaos and Order, Fire and Water, etc.). The runic road-rainbow on a block is not even a person’s movement, but his purpose, a state unlike any other. Representing balance, which gives a person a beginning and has a specific outcome, in magic this rune means stabilization, a favorable completion of affairs, and assistance to travelers.
  • In the photo the next rune is read as Need. This symbol is related to the god Navi, whom the Slavs attributed to the Lower World. Need (or rune Viya) means fate, a set of events intended for a person. In a literal sense, this mark is the final result that no one can avoid (death). In magic and fortune telling, it is considered a warning. Seeing a sign with such a sign, a person needs to think about making a specific decision that will radically change his life.

  • The next symbol is the Krada rune, symbolizing sacrificial Fire. She is also a prototype of the desire, embodiment and implementation of plans. At the same time, this sign carries the meaning of discovery, exposure. This is due to the fact that what is planned, in the process of its implementation, becomes clear and visible to the World. In the world of magic, the Steal die is a purification.
  • The seventh rune in the photo is Treba, this is the sign of the Warrior of the Spirit. It carries the meaning of sacrifice for the fulfillment of intentions. If we consider that everything in the World is interconnected, then we can assume that in order to fulfill his intention, a person on the Road needs to sacrifice something in order to get what he wants. And this is not a sacrifice that needs to be made to the gods to appease. It is rather a symbol of self-sacrifice, the ability to deny oneself something in order to achieve one’s goals. The same meaning of the rune is transferred to the world of magic and fortune telling.
  • The Strength rune is the Warrior's Attribute. It means change, and not only in the World, but also in oneself in relation to the World. This is a symbol as confirmation of the results intended for a person walking along the Road, and the strength that he will receive if he sacrifices himself for the sake of liberation from the shackles of consciousness. For prophecy, a die with the outline of the Force will mean clarification of an unresolved situation.
  • The Rune of the Spirit is Wind, the next sign in the photo. It symbolizes the Road of ascent to the top. Associated with the element of Air, this die is a prototype of the spiritualized Will, Strength. Decoding it in prophecies is inspiration, a breakthrough in creativity.

  • Bereginya is the rune of the Feminine principle, the image of the Mother and the symbol of motherhood, which is also associated with protection. The Slavs refer to her as the Goddess Mother Bereginya, who is in charge of the fate of all living creatures in the World, fertility, and well-being. Since it concerns the life of beings on earth, this rune is considered to be a symbol of Life, Death and Fate.
  • Another runic symbol is Oud, which is a traditional designation of masculinity. Overall, it is a sign of fertility, love and passion. The Slavs perceived such a symbol as a Force capable of fertilizing the Emptiness of the Universe and giving birth to life.
  • Lelya is a representative of the Water element, a rune associated with Living Water. The ancient Slavs believed that it was this water that flowed in all natural sources. By magic, such a symbol is perceived as intuition, higher knowledge, joy, and also a kind of awakening.
  • The following hieroglyph can be called the rune of the unmanifested Spirit - Rock. This is the exact definition of the beginning of all things and its end. A mysterious symbol in the magical world is perceived as a dedication to the Unknowable.
  • The following rune is also related to the foundations of the Universe - Support. Carrying a clear connection with the Gods, it represents the Tree (support), which connects heaven and earth and opens the way for the sorcerer to receive answers to questions of interest.

  • The Dazhdbog rune, which is a direct symbol of the Good, the gifts of the Gods. A die with this pattern carries the meaning of well-being in any area (wealth, love, happiness, luck). A prophecy for a person with the Dazhdbog rune will mean a successful acquisition, an increase in something or an addition, new connections, etc.
  • Perun, sign of the Thunder God. This rune protects people from Chaos, the world of the Gods - from Dark Forces. At the same time, it symbolizes Life Force and power. Endowed with protective properties, in prophecies it will mean the protection of the Gods.
  • The Rune Is is a symbol of Life, Being with its changeable variables. This is a sign of constant movement, renewal, change, growth. It is the factor that makes all living things grow, improve, and live.
  • The Ice Rune is the last symbol in the photo - Source. Considering that Ice is a special state of Force and movement at rest, the Source will mean stagnation in those matters that are rapidly developing. The potential power inherent in this sign and symbolized by the Source rune will result in movement.

The deep meaning of sacred existence, contained in the ancient Slavic runic inscriptions, allows us to lift the veil of the mysterious heritage of the great nation, about which many documentary videos have been made. Awareness of the possible meanings of each rune and the ability to correctly interpret it in making predictions will allow you to see the picture of the near future more clearly. This once again confirms the explanation why the use of runes is so popular and very versatile.